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tv   [untitled]    April 13, 2012 4:00pm-4:30pm EDT

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today on r t if there is one fact that's true about world history it's that no single country has been able to retain global dominance for long and more it's looking like the age of western power is waning but instead of focusing on dominance should we shift our attention to diversity and can a multilateral economy be sustainable. experts have already warned if the same type of rocket could one day carry a nuclear warhead to the united states the mainstream media and they promise to end they would have failed north korean rocket launch out of proportion and they aren't the only ones well question of the u.s.
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is hitting the panic button and quickly. making libertarianism cool as only a ron paul supporter can at the next stage of the ron paul revolution this one takes you through these states and thirteen branches of the federal reserve so that you too can help ron paul with his engaged. it's friday april thirteenth four pm here in washington d.c. i'm liz wahl and you're watching artsy well it's no question that the world is changing socially politically and economically and with the u.s. and the u.s. economy is not as robust as they once were and emerging economies such as brazil
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russia india and china rapidly growing geopolitics will likely look much much different than it does today but what exactly will the new world look like many predict it will be a world where the west no longer dominates but one author takes it a step further author charles cup can predict a future very different than anything you've heard before well that's focused more on diversity than dominance and he tells it in his new book you see on your screen there no one's world and he joins us now to talk about it welcome to the show charles so you talk about this coming up global turn look direction is the world headed. well i think three or four hundred years ago the globe turned in a sense that its center of gravity moved from the mesopotamian valley and asia north and west to europe and north america that pendulum has started to swing again but i don't think it's swinging to china or asia it's not going to be a chinese century i think it's swinging everywhere and therefore nowhere and so for
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the first time in history we will be living in a world that is interdependent globalized interconnected but no longer dominated by the west and that's why i think it will be no one's world we don't know when that moment will come when there is no longer a material and ideological gemini of the west but we know what's coming we better prepare for it and so are you talking kind of like the near future or decades from now or any idea and say you don't know exactly when but any sale of that time for i think we're at the beginning of the and over two hundred year period of western germany that opened in eight hundred fifteen the end of the napoleonic wars and we'll begin to move to the new era over the next decade or two and that's because you look at the numbers china will surpass the united states in global g.d.p. sometime in the next decade soon we will have
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a three currency world the chinese renminbi the euro and the dollar the brics countries brazil russia india china will roughly equal the industrialized world in about fifteen years so we're starting into that period of change we will be deeply into it within about a decade now you say that there won't be any centralized power given to any one country but today we can look at a country like china which clearly is rising politically and economically will see that our economy expects floating and growing so rapidly so why wouldn't you point to perhaps the shift heading towards a country like that but i think that the debate here in washington. recognizes that the power is changing where i think we are just beginning the conversation is on the ideology what does that mean and we've been living in a world where i think people thought there was one road in history the western road and everyone would end up looking the same and now i think we're starting to see
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different paths a chinese russian path more state capitalist a political islam path in the middle east a populist path in latin america and i think the chinese will do very well but they will not globalize their world in part because they have assets others don't and talk apart because they're not democratic and so they won't catch on and it's for that reason that i think no one will dominate it will be a a world without a global guardian so it's pretty clear that we are seeing this economic shift but i know that you argue that you're not convinced that western ideals of democracy and secularism and capitalism you don't think that those ideas are those ideals will necessarily spread either so i think that the west rose in a unique way it was very much about the rise of the middle class it was about the reformation that pushed the church out of state it was about
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a secular brand of nationalism and when i look around the world i see countries taking different paths their own path so if the west was born by its middle class china's middle class is being integrated into the state it is not the vanguard of democracy in the middle east there hasn't been a reformation probably won't be a reformation that means that mosque and state are deeply intertwined and it's those kinds of deep cultural and historical factors that lead me to believe that the twenty first century will be a century of most of told with their energies not everyone converging towards the western way. no these the left will let this happen because the rest they for example. we see what's happening with the rise of the power of china and now the u.s. is responding to that by their military strategy we see more bases kind of opening up surrounding china so even the less well that does happen i think it's important that the west understand it's happening because if the view remains that the
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chinese the turks the indians the brazilians the russians are all going to dock at our harbor that is to say play the western game i think we will end up in a very difficult and competitive world if the west realizes that it needs to compete respectfully in the marketplace of ideas with others but i think we may well see a twenty first century that's much more cooperative so the key is recognizing that we're at the beginning of this big change in history big change in the world and figuring out how to rebuild consensus and compromise with rising powers so now you say that this world is going to be one that is more diversified there won't be really one clear world power so with this in mind should the u.s. then stop demonizing countries like china as kind of this evil communist power. and just accept it as you know
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a country that is different politically and we should just respect that difference because as you say our ideals of democracy and capitalism won't necessarily spread to the rest of the world so i think the united states has always been a country that tries to broadcast its ideals and it should and will continue to do that but it needs to do it in a different way it needs to stand by human rights and stand by democracy but nonetheless to grant that there are other versions of responsible governance and responsible government governments and in that respect i think we should speak out about political repression and speak out about violations of human rights but. not treat as illegitimate countries that do not practice our kinds of politics that more pluralistic and tolerant state craft of my mind will lead to a much safer world. so i'm hearing all this that it does make sense to a certain extent but just speaking from my own experience doing some traveling to
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other countries third world countries you can still clearly see the end for when u.s. culture i'll just take something like the philippines for example you see mcdonald's you know everywhere you see a little kid singing justin bieber you know things like this pop culture but still kind of that drive to be like america so it's clear that that separation isn't there at this point so what's your response to that you know i think it's important to distinguish between the appeal of american culture america's soft power and the readiness of other countries to fall of the american model and the american way and when i travel to countries around the world whether it's in south asia or east asia or russia or latin america i see countries that aspire to certain aspects of american culture but are also interested in and desiring of following their own
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paths building their own kind of modernity and i also pick gets important that the united states today along with its partners in europe and in japan are are are in a rough patch our economies are in neutral our political institutions are stumbling and that means that when emerging countries look out of the world and say whose model works the answer sometimes is the american model but sometimes there are alternatives out there that are doing well and that i think is is going to have the diversity and pluralism that i see coming around the corner so we may see different cultures what i guess more of a mixing pot or whatever works for a particular country yes. instead of a end of history which was what people were pronouncing fifteen years ago i think history is getting more interesting history is getting more diverse and that's not necessarily bad as long as we recognize it and go with it and see diversity and pluralism not as a threat to the western way but as something to be capitalized on even celebrated
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and to build a new cooperative i think a myriad of that pluralization of power and ideology charles very interesting thank you very very much for coming on the show that was charles culture and arthur of the book no one's our olds. well failure to launch an embarrassing moment for north korea after their rocket breaks into pieces shortly after take after take off and even making making it outside of the earth's atmosphere and now a lot of fear mongering is underway of course that nuclear armed nation claims it simply trying to put a weather satellite into orbit but today the experts have already ward the same type of rocket could one day carry a nuclear warhead to the united states has a rocket that carry thankfully even a nuclear weapon we're trying out technology which could ultimately deliver a warhead that america's western doorstep but the bigger picture all of this john
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is what happens next because in the past the north koreans have folded at these kind of rocket launches with nuclear tests. meanwhile the white house has condemned north korea for violating international law calling it a product provocative action and now washington says it will stop giving food aid to the country and who violates u.n. security council resolutions eight locking the country from developing nuclear weapons the council holding a meeting today to figure out what to do about all of the best but with all the hype surrounding the country launching the rocket is it being blown out of proportion but we here at r.t. want to take the time to ask questions that are really being brought up in the aftermath of the failed launch generation gaythorne and i'm telling us and the chairman of the north american do. ideas group and he joins me now for a more. welcome there days then so a lot of the hype nonstop coverage about this rocket but is it possible that the
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fears are exaggerated of course they are i mean this was just. something that the u.s. government does all the time europeans do russians to shelly's japanese so was it every other country can do this but not the d.p. r. k. . and why not i mean for example several other countries have logged similar rockets and no one really cares why is the perpetrator of the end of the world when north korea launches what exactly it's all because the governments and the the other potential issues that are under the financial dominance of the us seals the deal because it is a jew chose socialist who's very stormy consistence is. the american authorities as to their economic system. so really for any progress and added we
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can all progress go ahead and apologize and any progress through makes is seen as threatening to. it's true the american regime because ultimately the regime fears that it's more american people finds out about the d.p. our clothes progress the land the same systems the p.r. for the house to be in for most of this country. and then can we also look at this as a north korea trying to gain respect for launching our iraq air gives them a sense of national pride. who of course having a satellite program gives any closure a national pride birds i don't think really needs any more respect from the rest of the world it's a country doesn't need to be treated good by the us through a lot of illegitimacy the only thing that needs to be legitimacy is the respect of its own people. but don't you think that they would want respect at least you know
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as a show that they. are all these other countries can have these rockets why can't we of course they do of course as they're going through it what would you say that age should be their great national rates or have a weather satellite like so many other states do the united states has hundreds of satellites. in the wake and i'm trying to be a double standard exactly exactly there is a double standard as free country has the right to do what it needs to do to improve itself here with the d.p. out why shouldn't why should you be doing differently from any other country. ok i said another thing the backlash of this is now the u.s. has to has declared that they are going to start giving food aid to north korea
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this is food that feeds a lot of hungry people and so do you think that that is it a wise decision to politicize this. when the consequences will lead to in other words politicize something out and will it be added take booting away over over a weather satellite polish two things to consider number one the whole food situation sharkey's over there is no fun in the in the d p r k p person after the last course they would like to have more food you don't was sorry you don't like them very influential you don't think that there is any famine there is that what you just said you know there is no sound in north korea and there is not enough to eat and jason how do you how do you know that paula i mean from
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unification with people who are clear every day and they inform you have through the actual realities of life in the culture there are speak to people there all the time they tell me that everyone has enough to eat it's obvious i mean go there yourself to go to north korea i think it's pretty difficult to go to north korea. especially as a journalist it's very difficult to report on what's going on there. well and there are difficulties to the fact that the government is a afraid of spies infiltrating the country bert's if you were to honestly go there to report the situation you would see that people there have a very high standard of living there. jason other think. there's definitely a lot of secrecy surrounding what goes on there and i think a lot of the problem is that no one really knows what's going on inside the borders of that north korea but still going back to the work where you would you asked me before about whether or not it was worth the chance of satellite the front the why
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the key thing says. independence. is the highest goal of all is the. well as the country's in existence so yes it's. the soul of the world though it can tell a lot to do. right. very very different point of view from what we traditionally hear thank you very much for joining us that was jason adam telling us the chairman for the north american jewish showing in ideas study very. well still ahead in our game on and i'm not talking about the republican primaries i'm talking about a video game. and fighting machine travels there of different levels to make libertarianism sexy once again the creator next.
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what drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions. who can you trust no one who will be soon be you would be able to read see where we had a state controlled capitalism school fashions when nobody dares to ask you r t question more. r t is the state english speaking russian channel it's kind of like. russia today has an extremely confrontational stance when it comes to us.
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a group of ron paul supporters say they are dedicated to making liberty liberty sexy and they plan to do this through a video game featuring the libertarian presidential candidate here's a sneak peek. it's not enough just to be you know. it's easy to be. well in the game ron paul traverses fifty states with the mission of collecting sound money and delegates and hopes of winning the presidency and taking down the federal reserve that's called the rot of the road to revolution and the mastermind behind the game is here to tell us more about it daniel william downer of ron paul swag that com joins us now welcome to the show danielle so tell us more about the concept behind this video game i know you basically just clear on what you said and you run across the city state school if you can somebody like you
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believe it's. the federal reserve and why did you decide to come up with a video game. it trying you just came to me isn't i. should exist so you actually are why should i listen this is why it's a ron paul video game going to exist. let's invite you to chris to create i guess is my question. i'm always looking for new ways to introduce you to younger generations and my own generation recently. games that you. mine so it just kind of came to me. really like to educate people just. i guess letting them know they're being educated as much as possible so so that is your goal that so what is that what you're trying to achieve with this video game to kind of spread the ideals of ron paul and what he stands for you
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that's certainly part of it really i just want to decrease and. those that mean. and so whole so you are a zero zero do you identify with being a libertarian. yeah i mean. she said let me ok. what's interesting about this whole ron paul revolution as it's called is the protagonist who in this video game he's seventy six years old but your audience i'm assuming is young gamers so this kind of goes along with the whole phenomenon the high end older candidate winning over young voters can you talk to me a little bit about that. just a disease you can't you stupid beat me in a series. how. stupid can you be you can even you
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in your own video game. i don't think it's really should. not you speaks he speaks to cleese assumptions. i think anybody takes this and you see what he says to see. shut your mouth. all right yes i mean he's an older guy but he has a lot of fresh ideas as a lot of his supporters say talk about those ideas and what you find so appealing about ron paul so much to the point that inspired you to create a video game about it. well i'd say honestly i was kind of right there with him before i ever even heard about ron paul's ideals and principles i was always for limited government i didn't really want to take any part of politics or even really agree with taxes. so feel currencies or anything like that so
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when i heard about ron paul i got very excited that there is actually some to championing all the things that i've already agreed with. so as a personal hero of mine he just became sort of easy transitions represents and security missiles ok and so how far how far along are you in this endeavor and how can one get ahold of this ron paul revolution. exhibit a quarter of the way through. the mean time chanology reminders that the designs and you see artwork you can see music put in there. it will be free and available online i'll be releasing only. pretty soon to the web site we're going to be you also due to play the game. on safari and how soon will it be available which i'm hoping for july launch ok so not too far away i want to ask you as a very clear ron paul supporter at this point it lets pretty certain that mitt
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romney will win the nomination. it would take a miracle for another planet it's a pull it off at this point by you as a ron paul supporter what do you do now. oh the same thing that always done. i feel that wrong is going on as much as he says it is education so i think it's important to perpetually the principles that he's speaking about and so war and so violence. you know it's a federal reserve essentially just you know kind of goes hand in hand so i just don't want him doing and so this kind of goes along danielle about ron paul are sometimes a he has said or his supporters have said that it's not necessarily about winning it's about spreading his ideas and satin is that what you plan to do. despite the
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fact i think might not win that nomination absolutely i mean listen there's there's the right thing and there's the popular thing and they don't always sort of do it in hand. and as ron has proven his principles throughout his career and dedicated his life to spare you heard your liberties or feel inspired to do business in sleeping around and what do you think will be playing your video game daniel everybody everybody. you know if you don't have to be a video game expert you hope into it that the playing level of it i do body that wants to learn about liberty well i mean i'm teaching theory i'm trying to be very careful about making to accessible to everybody but also challenging. let's be honest needs and a little so difficult that even i had trouble getting them perfectly respond so i just like to create a challenge so that you know people get excited about actually eating wow ok well.
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then you know congratulations on her create a seminar that was daniel williams co-founder of the ron paul swag. thank you. well the capital account is up next on our it's he let's check in with lauren lister to see what's on today is agenda laura and what can we look forward to while liz i don't know if you look at your calendar today it is friday the thirteenth so this is a great day to talk about the nightmare that things could become if we see a two thousand and eight style crisis now before you go calling me crazy or saying i'm overreacting we're going to bring up the evidence ok we're going to look at the sovereign debt crisis in europe as it compares to the subprime crisis of two thousand and eight we're going to talk about the risky practices that are continuing unabated apparently since two thousand and eight liz it'll be a good story to want to miss it great that is coming up next on the capital account
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with our listener but that's going to do it now for the news for more of the stories we covered you can head over to youtube dot com slash artsy america or check out our web site that is r t m slash usa you can also twitter atlas wall back a half hour. or so the similar to. the more serious you read the least for now additional would be one soldier peace plan for syria has gone mixed reviews wouldn't. today once again split up. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. showing the fortunes around.
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you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so for you think you understand it and then he lives something else and you hear sees some other part of it and realize everything you thought you knew you don't i'm tom harkin welcome to the big picture. down the official cation show on the phone called touch from the choose out still.


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