tv [untitled] April 13, 2012 8:00pm-8:30pm EDT
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tonight on our t.v. all good things must come to an end even western dominance over the global economy but it may not be a question of who will rise to dominance next but if the first city is the key a lot of questions about the future. and you know the saying if you use snooze you lose well the u.s. may miss out on love needed oil of washington doesn't make up its mind about the keystone pipeline fast because while american politicians debate environmental standards other countries are ready to make america's dreams their own i'll tell you all about canada's crude intention.
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to. stay out of the. scoring points for ron paul one video game creator is making out to make libertarianism cool again and you can help ron paul two in his class take on the fed and g.o.p. rivals all from the comfort of your couch. it's friday april thirteenth eight pm here in washington d.c. i'm liz wall and you're watching our team. well it's no question that the world is changing socially politically and economically and with the u.s. and the u.s. economy is not as robust as they once more and emerging economies such as brazil russia india and china rapidly growing geopolitics will like the look of notch much
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different than it does today but what exactly will this new world look like when you predict it will be a world where the west no longer dominates but one author takes it a step further with his focus on a future of diversity rather than dominance and early i was asked earlier is actually joined by that author charles tufton he wrote the book no one's world and he told me about this coming global turn and he gave me his predictions for the direction the world is headed in take a listen. why i think three or four hundred years ago the globe turned in the sense that the it center of gravity moved from the mesopotamian valley in asia and north and west to europe and north america that pendulum has started to swing again but i don't think it swinging to china or asia it's not going to be a chinese century i think it's swinging everywhere and therefore nowhere and so for the first time in history we will be living in
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a world that is interdependent globalized interconnected but no longer dominated by the west and that's why i think it will be no one's world we don't know when that moment will come on when there is no longer a material and ideological gemini of the west but we know what's coming we better prepare for it and so are you talking kind of like the near future or a decade from now or any idea that you don't know exactly when but any scale of that time for i think we're at the beginning of the end of a two hundred year period of western hegemony that opened in fifteen fifteen the end of the napoleonic wars and we'll begin to to to move to the new era over the next decade or two and that's because you look at the numbers china will surpass the united states in global g.d.p. sometime in the next decade soon we will have a three currency world the chinese renminbi the euro and the dollar the brics countries brazil russia india china will roughly equal the industrialized world in
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about fifteen years so we're starting into that period of change we will be deeply into it within about a decade now you say that there won't be any centralized power given to any one country but today we can look at a country like china which clearly is riding a radically and economically we see a better economy x. exploding and growing so rapidly so why wouldn't you coin to perhaps the shift heading towards a country like that but i think that the debate here in washington. and recognizes that the power is changing where i think we are just beginning the conversation is on the ideology what does that mean and we've been living in a world where i think people thought there was one road in history the western road and everyone would end up looking the same and now i think we're starting to see different paths a chinese russian path more state capitalist political islam
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a path in the middle east a populist path in latin america and i think the chinese will do very well but they will not globalize their world in part because they have assets others don't and talk apart because they're not democratic and so they won't catch on so that reason that i think no one will dominate it will be a a world without a global guardian now it's pretty clear that we are seeing this economic shat but i know that you argue that that you're not going to win that lesser and ideals of democracy and secularism and capitalism you don't think that those ideas are those ideals will necessarily spread either well i think of the rest rose in a unique way it was very much about the rise of the middle class it was about the reformation that pushed the church out of state and it was about a secular brand of nationalism and when i look around the world i see countries taking different paths their own path so if the west was born by its middle class
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china's middle class is being integrated into the state it is not the vanguard of democracy in the middle east there hasn't been a reformation probably won't be a reformation that means that mosque and state are deeply intertwined and it's those kinds of deep cultural and historical factors that lead me to believe that the twenty first century will be over centuries of not to fold with their earnings not everyone converging toward the western way right now the west will let this happen because let's say for example. we see what's happening with the rise of the power of china and now the u.s. is responding to that by shifting their military strategy with the bases kind of opening up surrounding china so i didn't let's let this happen i think it's important that the rest understand it's happening because if the view remains that the chinese the turks the indians the brazilians the russians are all going to dock
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at our harbor that is to say play the western game i think we will end up in a very difficult and competitive world if the west realizes that it needs to compete respectfully in the marketplace of ideas with others but i think we may well see a twenty first century that's much more cooperative so the key is recognizing that we're at the beginning of this big change in history big change in the world and figuring out how to rebuild consensus and compromise with rising powers so now you say that this world is going to be one that is more diversified there won't be really one clear world power so with this in mind should the u.s. then stop demonizing countries like china as kind of this evil communist power. and just accept it as you know a country that is different politically and we should just respect that their friends because as you say our ideals of democracy and capitalism not necessarily
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spread to the rest the world but i think the united states has always been a country that tries to broadcast its ideals and it should and will continue to do that but it needs to do it in a different way it needs to stand by human rights and stand by democracy but nonetheless to to grant that there are other versions of responsible governments and responsible government governments and in that respect i think we should speak out about political repression speak out about violations of human rights. but not treat as illegitimate countries that do not practice our kinds of politics that more pluralistic and tolerant statecraft and not mind will lead to a much safer world. no i'm hearing all this and it does make sense to us there and that but just speaking from my own experience doing some traveling to other countries third world countries you can still clearly see the emperor when the us
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culture i'll just take something like the philippines for example you see mcdonald's you know everywhere you see a little kid singing justin bieber and you know things like that pop culture but still kind of that dry to be like america so it's clear that separation isn't there at this point so what's your response you know i think it's important to distinguish between the appeal of american culture america's soft power and the readiness of other countries to follow the american model in the american way and when i travel to countries around the world whether it's in south asia or east asia or russia or latin america i see countries that aspire to certain aspects of american culture but are also interested in and desiring of following their own paths of building their own kind of maternity and i also think it's important that the united states today along with its partners in europe and in japan are are are
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in a rough patch our economies are in neutral our political institutions are struggling and that means that when emerging countries look out of the world and say whose model works the answer sometimes is the american model but sometimes there are alternatives out there that are doing well and that i think is going to add to the diversity in pluralism that i see coming around the corner so we may see different cultures where i guess more of a mixing pot or whatever works for a particular country. but instead of a end of history which is what people were pronouncing fifteen years ago i think history is getting more interesting history is getting more diverse and that's not necessarily bad as long as we recognize it and go with it and see diversity and pluralism not as a threat to the western way but there's something to be capitalized and even celebrated and to build a new cooperative ethic amid that
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a realisation of power and ideology all right charles very interesting thank you for very much for coming on the show that was a charles cup jen author of the blog of no one's of our own. and while the question over which way the world will turn in the years ahead lingers there is no doubt that one thing nations will always need is energy now whether that energy comes in the form of crude oil or wind turbines is yet to be determined however in recent years the obama administration has expressed when these are cut america's foreign energy dependence namely. the oil from the troubled middle east's one of these plans is the keystone pipeline which has been in and out of the media spotlight in recent years but while the first part of the pipeline was built relatively quickly plans to extend it are going nowhere fast and canada is becoming impatient so let's take a look at the current deal the u.s. has with china. well right now the keystone pipeline stems from the city of hard to
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see in alberta through steel city and then splits in half taking oil to kushan oklahoma as well as petaca india indiana excuse me and in recent years there have been plans a lot of plans to extend that line to pump more oil into the u.s. and here is the proposed plan for extensions to the pipeline this seven billion dollars seven billion dollars project is currently on hiatus since the us state department ordered a review of possible alternative routes to avoid the environmentally sensitive sand hills region of nebraska so instead of candor morgan pipeline company is now planning to spend five billion dollars to nearly triple the capacity of its transmission and pipeline that carries crude oil from the alberta oil sands to tankers and vancouver so all of that much sought after all be flowing in our direction after all and this fact has republicans land asking president obama over his energy policy is all of this is making for an energetic debate leading up to
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the two thousand and twelve elections and all of this is proof that the u.s. isn't willing to commit then there are plenty of other countries ready to take its place so why is canada able to pull it off but the u.s. is starts to discuss this and more i was joined by ronald bailey author of the book liberation biology here says take. what happened as you pointed out is that the united states decided to delay the building of the keystone pipeline down from canada from alberta to the gulf coast united states against when basically it will find we need a market for oil sands and oil and we're going to go find that market and if you don't want it the rest of the world will so we will now build a pipeline to vancouver to british columbia and start exporting oil sands oil abroad and if you americans don't want it china will want to india will want it the rest of the world want it so that's kind of their way of saying hey we don't really need you we can take our business elsewhere correction so but the reason why the
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pipeline here in the us was kind of stalled these environments are concerns. they have all to the projects from that link they're having do you think it's possible that there is too much power for environmental lobby us well basically what's happened is that a number of things one is yes there is too much power for india drama administration for environmental lobby is basically a president had to decide which particular constituency he was going to make angry at the environmental lobbyist because he's coming into an election this year or he's going to make the union some people who have constructed the pipeline angry and he decided he would get more votes by satisfied by the lobby that's normal politics that's what he decided to do the problem is that his decision was based on very bad science and very bad economics he justified it on the basis that might harm the oglala aquifer in the center of the country if it should burst and so forth and yet there's very little evidence that a great deal of harm would happen should the pipeline have
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a malfunction at some point. the other problem is the environmental lobby basically wants to try to isolate the oil sands spafford all there's the resources enormous that's one point seven trillion barrels there which using current technology you should be able to get out one hundred seventy million to one hundred so i hundred seventy billion barrels just second only to. the radio is a reserve and they were trying to isolate because they don't want this world to be burned because of their concerns about global warming that's they said we will stop the pipeline in the in the case was canceled anybody and now we see that that's not true kidneys are going well we don't have to sell it to america before and somebody else so you mentioned earlier how president obama kind of decided to cater to a certain constituency that constituency being the environmentalist. but now what we're seeing is gas prices going up. and it's election season.
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prices at the pump make their i'm happy americans unhappy voters so not a good formula for the president is there more pressure on him now to take action with regard to the keystone pipeline. that needs to be done in terms of bringing those oil prices i think that at that point he would then lose the environmental lobby he's just going to have to take what's going on but the truth of the matter is that the pipeline would not have been built in time to lower current prices of gasoline united states anyway so in a certain sense that doesn't matter of course in the politics you know states people will. try to draw that connection but i think it's not a real one never was it is a strong symbolic connection because it does indicate that the president doesn't seem to be terribly worried about what's going to happen with fuel prices and united states ok so talk a little bit more about you said it wouldn't happen in time for us to see measurable prices right now at the pump anyway it's talk
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a little bit about what about oil pipeline and the us what do for fuel prices maybe in the long run bad in the long run building it would probably created about twenty five thousand permanent jobs would have boosted our supplies by least a million barrels a day of supply united states we're already importing to two million barrels a day from canada and eventually the idea is that twenty twenty five we would. importing from the oil sands area about three point five million essentially that would be link us from any oil from any need to import oil from the middle east or places like nigeria going to sway the canadian as they put it and we want to buy conflict oil that is oil from the middle east and we want to buy a ticket with oil that is oil from canada and i think the answer is we should have all the oil from canada now the rest of the world would be buying it now canada they are moving ahead with a very ambitious plan to expand. the u.s. can't really pull it off. so why is it that we see such this vast difference in
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terms of. you know being able to get these big projects lumps. well again and part of that part of it is what's wonderful is if you go if you can and i've been to canada and i've been to the oil thank you very and i reported from there and seen with going on it's an amazingly. complicated yet clean environment and we sound operation canadian can think of it this way canadians would produce oil in a much cleaner better way than places like saudi arabia or going to sway there or nigeria or anger or india you need the other places we might get oil so if you're really worried about the state of the environment where oil is being produced you would really differentially want to be produced in canada. secondly i think that our regulatory regime here is being very complicated now with regards to using fossil fuels our environmental protection agency is moving regulations which are designed to reduce our consumption of carbon dioxide our consumption of basically
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carbon fuels. dramatically and so they are complicating the permitting process and sort of with getting these projects done so that's part of what's stopping this so i know if canada does take their business elsewhere which i looks like us are looking to jail i mean what does that mean for us that we band lose out on you know canada out that's where we get most of our oil. well we'll have to bid for it the rest way the rest of the world did we it would have been a smidge more secure relationship between our two countries have we just been able to have that bilateral relationship but no if it puts canadian oil into the more ball overall net if you will global boil market in a way that would otherwise not have been and we miss out on the jobs that we would have gotten because of the exit well being refined and moved to this country as well and there are these are all the issues that kind of have to have a part of contributed to the controversy surrounding this pipeline the pros and cons around it some people saying this is what we need for our country out there
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saying you know this is going to be devastating environmentally do you think here in the u.s. issues like these are too politicized. i agree that they are way too politicized part of what's happened the united states is there we know that our issues could be designed to be resolved through science and it basically what people. because we no longer believe much in our foreign missions we don't believe much churchmen we don't believe in our business but basically we still believe in our scientists what happens in these issues if we do politicize the science in this particular case the environmental community made all kinds of claims with regard to the harmful environmental harm that would result from using this sort of thing and that is simply not scientifically backed up but they had to make them in order to scare if you will certain parts of the population into opposing the well that is politics as play as we often see ronald thank you very much for coming on the show coming here
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to our studio that was ronald bailey author of the book liberation theology. and still ahead on our team game on and i'm not talking about the republican primaries i'm talking about a video games are able. travels through different levels to make libertarianism sexy months and get creative that's. what drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions to break through that sort of thinking and made who can you trust no one who is human deal with the global mission that we see where we had a state controlled capitalism it's called sessions when nobody dares to ask we do our tea question more.
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we just put a picture of me when i was like nine years old and just tell the truth. i am a total get over and said i love rap and hip hop is a killer and. he was kind of a yesterday. i'm very proud of the world that she has played. well a group of ron paul supporters say they're dedicated to making liberty sexy and they plan to do this through a video game featuring the libertarian presidential candidate here's a sneak peek. it's not just to be able. to see. well in the game ron pollack versus fifty states with
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a mission of collecting sound money and delegates in hopes of winning the presidency and taking down the federal reserve that's called the road to revolution dana william co-founder of ron paul slags out as the mastermind behind the game he joined me earlier to tell us more and more about it here's a steak oh you basically just clear on what you said in the run across the city state school if you. look you believe it's only a reserve and. why did you decide to come up with a video game. trying to just isn't it you should exist so. why should i listen this is why it says a ron paul video game i want to exist. let's invite you to create sacred. right i'm always looking for new ways to introduce you to younger
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generations in my own generation. mind so it just kind of came to me. really to educate people just. i guess living. as much as possible so so that is your goal that so it is that we're trying to achieve with this video games a kind of spread the ideals of ron paul and what he stands for you know this is really really i just want to decrease. those that. and so i hope so when you are a do you identify with being a libertarian. i would cease. to salute me ok and what's interesting about this whole ron paul revolution as it's called is that protagonist who is in this video game he's seventy six years old but your
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audience i'm assuming is young gamers so this kind of goes along with the whole phenomenon the high end older candidate winning over young voters can you talk to me a little bit about that. just as you see me in a series. how. can you be you want to be you in your own video game. now i don't think it's really the issue. that you speak he speaks very least. i think anybody who takes the time to see what he says to see. should hear mountains. all right yeah i mean he's an older guy but he has a lot of fresh ideas as a lot of his supporters say talk about those ideas and what you find so appealing
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about ron paul so much to the point that inspired you to create a video game about it. other that well i'd say honestly i was kind of right there with him before i ever even heard about ron paul's ideals and principles i was always for limited government i didn't really want to take a part of politics or you know really agree with taxes or you know the safina currencies or anything like that so when i heard about ron paul i got very excited that there is actually some been championing other things that i'd already agreed with. so as a personal hero of mine it just became sort of easy transition to represent and to secure and you mean missiles ok and so how far how far are here on this and never. got a hold of a bus ride properly. and some about a quarter of the way through most of the main functionality were not just at the
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design sea levels and do some artwork you can see music put in there. it will be free and available online i'll be releasing a link. and that was daniel williams co-founder of ron paul swag dot com that's going to do it for the news for tonight but be sure to tune in next week we've got a whole new lineup for you a little earlier in the show a year to talk about the great energy debate and america's constant quest for energy independence well the answer to that problem might not be below our feet but in some of the smallest elements on earth i'm speaking of of course and to try to fuels are what scientists new jersey are boasting could one day be the cheapest cleanest in safest energy ever invented and a limited source of energy researchers are closer than ever before to discovering the secrets of plasma physics and they say that this is the way of the future and
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successful completion of this project will rival all other forms of energy is just one big problem big oil companies next week will show you the battle of america's energy future plus it's no secret that the u.s. has used some questionable tactics to attract information from suspects in the past but now a new secret memo is shining a light on how far those tactics have gone as well as the people who have spoken up against it according to a mello obtained by wired magazine in two thousand and six state department counselor philip zelikow warned the white house that controversial interrogation techniques are illegal even if these are the state even if the status certs compelling need to use it next week will shine will shine a light on america's troubled past. and finally election season in the u.s. is heating up once again and candidates are traveling around the country getting
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their usual talking points and a look at us as out and a separation between church and state faith always seems to get dragged into a political discussion but a new poll says americans believe there is too much talk from politicians religious talk that is so is it time to take a step back from all this religious talk and get back to the good old politics will question more next week. and those are just a few of the stories we have in store for you along with more news and ended in-depth interviews so keep it tuned in right here to our t.v. and if you missed part of this or any part of the show today don't worry we post all of our interviews online and full just head on over to youtube dot com slash r t america or check out our web site that address is r t dot com slash usa and of course we always want to hear from you so don't forget to leave a comment story ideas.
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