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tv   [untitled]    April 14, 2012 2:30pm-3:00pm EDT

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r t. t tonight at ten thirty pm moscow time your headline update the u.n. security council passed a resolution on syria which outlines the next observer mission in the country reports of serious fragile cease fire has been disrupted by the deadly clashes. after more than a year of silence some suspicion world powers hold nuclear talks with the brand in turkey to run insists its atomic program is peaceful. and the people of new delhi is set to vote in regional elections but it could end up being
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a choice between alleged murderers and fraudsters a fifth of the candidates is stunning for office despite a dubious. use of full and often i now go to washington d.c. again in part to the loan to show. now it's time for tonight's top time award and tonight we're giving it to a state lawmaker but the idea i with kate's out of their shelter and it introduced an amendment to the senate budget bill twenty three thirty six it is amendment does not much to do with the state budget and in fact children's proposal targets are worth families and more importantly child support recipients who most likely are women now the men would allow the pay or the child support to require the parent who is receiving the support to submit for drug tests up to every six months so just let that sink in and a divorced parent out there paying on child support could stick it to their acts by
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making them pay into a cup twice a year well guess who put the idea in sjogren's head proposed this ridiculous plan a constituent who is sick of paying child support this is the job of the legislature to listen to constituents to work on their behalf when a constituent calls up and says i have an issue of like you have some have it looked at dealt with it's our job to consider those as the legitimate concerns of that citizen now it's also lawmakers job to use common sense determine if a voter's idea is just downright crazy but it's really fantastic to know that one constituent can influence a lawmaker so much that he just takes his or her policy proposals based directly on personal experience and then send them straight out over to the legislature big guy some lawmakers during a discussion of this amendment explain how absurd this would be if you don't know it in your opening statement you said acknowledge you don't know if this is really
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a problem other than maybe the first their trucks you this is not the public policy we want to proceed with when we know that it will be you. the far right lee against one of the parents usually against the woman and it would cause the damage not only to the woman but also to the family and to the children. yes this proposal would for the most part target women who are receiving money from their exparel says that the court ruled they were entitled to and how shall we want to treat them like they're some sort of criminals but when you look closer turns out that sheldon is one of those republicans is all about drug testing everybody that he sees being on the government's all or here i guess an ex husband or wife still in fact he has another proposal in the works would require welfare recipients to submit to random drug testing and we've seen legislation like that brought up in states like florida indiana and now possibly iowa and as we've spoken about many
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times on the show florida actually passed that law that drug tests of their welfare recipients and guess what it backfired in that state it turns out that only two percent of those who submitted to the drug tests actually came back positive ninety six percent of those on welfare came back clean and there was this other two percent they couldn't get results for the link between drug use and welfare was shattered and a whole lot more state money aka taxpayer money was spent on doing all the drug testing and yet now we have this man there which is just another attempt by republican lawmakers to try to criminalize people that they see as taking someone else's money even if it's a mother getting the government mandated child support to take care of her kids i think believe boyce's of sanity and reason laughter sjogren's proposal for divorced parents forcing the states and there to kill an amendment but you have a question for what is accepting money make you a criminal think about it people on welfare are been automatically labeled as druggies even though there is overwhelming well prince for florida for example to prove that stereotype isn't true there is not
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a shred of evidence that women receiving child support decided on by courts are druggies so why do laws like this one i will keep popping up when you approach to some conservatives seems to be that if you're receiving money from the government from an ex-pat house your untrustworthy therefore you must be on drugs or you must be treated like some sort of criminal too bad they don't treat those on corporate welfare the same way so for trying to stigmatize those receiving money in any form as drug. there's i was state some of them are children to a time where. now we often talk about what's becoming or what becoming part of the largest known prison population in the world has done to millions of people in this country who are second class citizens for whom finding work amongst other things like housing education loans not to mention voting becomes nearly impossible but some x. cons of learn to use their experience behind bars to help others and in some cases to make money so called prison consultants help people facing jail time prepare for what lies ahead that includes prison etiquette how to deal with medical issues even
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learning the paperwork can make prison transfer and sentence reduction a possibility now this industry has been around for a while but according to recent reports industry which is unregulated is growing and if you read a recent new york times feature the competition has led to rising tempers and flying accusations when it comes to credibility so let's speak to somebody who actually does it joining me to discuss is william will hall and owner of the real prison consultant and author of prison etiquette the real guide in secret codes to living and surviving in prison we have thanks so much for joining us tonight and i guess for starters you know tell us a little bit about yourself in terms of how much time you had to serve what kind of facility you were it what gives you the the credibility because you do label yourself as the number one prison consultant in the u.s. absolutely i have thirty years in the criminal justice system and i gradually searched more than one years in sark persons from. high
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security systems and i believe that is needed credentials to bars and farms on preparing for this i'm going to prison and not earth based on the record some of these. remarks. are going to miss who are still going to be going to prison but overall do you think that you're better equipped to prepare someone for going behind bars than say an attorney would be. absolutely there is some government officials and other acts trying to get into this president and so on and i believe that they're going to miss advise clients and they're going to get them for their input and advise them on the wrong things on how to approach an altercation in prison. you know anything any small thing like i said is out walking on the let's learn the new york times article doesn't that are getting killed it's the wrestler belongs to prison or at the time it's not in it so it's no one just
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a rocker on the wall and not in any trouble it's really it's really simple but it's not the simple things in that comes from doing so i'm. he gave us other examples when where or. when we go walk across a wet floor and someone's not paying is wine but what are the really the big think kielland maybe the most important advice that you give to somebody is the key advice is is this be yourself don't try to do your hard work convert just be a regular guy and just do your time you know like a lot of guys that go to college they absolutely do great in person because they don't get involved in the hours since they don't get involved in the drama drinking and doing already the stuff they do not use those who don't american as step elite unit drama and that will be a chair in the me it will get your her son after what i understand you also do this you're doing it for free they're still on supervisory relate and so you just can't charge people yes what i'm trying to do in
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a sign is i'm sign to build up my potentials and show people that i know what i'm talking about that been through this my book that i wrote was written on the inside i went to a lot of gangs a lot of groups i mean big names and big neighborhoods and i went to them and we took all the topics and we put them down in the book there used to be a long time ago in terre haute there was a program put on by the prisoners and we used to do an orientation to teach people how to stay out of drama not get injured not to kill this time now in this era the prison doesn't allow those type orientations and that basically their orientation is what's in my book. i mean considering how large our present population is becoming in this country it sounds like really important work that you're doing because we know that prisons are a dangerous place but so the way that this feature in the new york times made it seem as if there's a lot of. a lot of tension between you and some of your competition out there some
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people not like that you are doing is for free are other people really trying to make big bucks absolutely i've got a lot of people that are upset that i'm offering this information for free but i believe there's information that you can charge for yourself and your base and everything that you know want but you'll keep websites state websites i'm not trying to extort an experiment i want to show those families that i am an honest person and i can show them he's someone i know is how to operate and how to you know get transferred not charge to six hundred if that's them for free my thing is is to just watch any anxiety and fears that a person has before they're going to not i don't want to get involved in a part where the lawyer is taking over i don't want to get involved in any other part except the parking but getting ready for prayers and doing your time anything else is free service from our web site. now you know so you're saying that it's a free service but overall once let's say once you're off of your supervisor
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release and you could technically begin charging for this you said you're building up in your experience in this sense if you like you would be able to get a different job you know i is this easier for you than having to go fill out a resume somewhere and mark off on that application the jail time you serve no merit this is basically for me i guess it's not my dream job i actually run our. state where my wife we honor our big. i mean business we guard our kennels and that's what i do what i do because as a part time because i'm really. what's. passionate about this and i remember when i was a young guy growing up my parents had to learn all the ropes never going to get through there so i went off but after three people and i want to offer just certain clients that want to have those private moments. to have the opportunity to buy my book and not in the rescue group. it's something that i'm going this national about
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and so i guess that's laughing i want to find out you know have you noticed and uptake is this business booming or do you for the most part serve a certain clientele maybe people that actually have a little more time a little more money so that they can properly prepare. right as my business is and starts the next year or so i really don't know the statistics or the other person consultants. i run a facebook site where answer questions for free and figure out are a lot of mostly female is that i answer questions for get really stressed out about their husbands didn't sign but i wouldn't really notice that it's not just mom i will have to check back in with him to see how it's going and when you start the business when thanks much for joining us tonight thank you for the iraq survey show . taking a quick break when we come back fireside friday and i will have a heavy dose of happy hour here holding hands in lethal fact and one woman's weapon of choice at a bar is her designers all the right. wealthy
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british style sun. sometimes. on. market why not. come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with my next concert there are no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into cars report. some.
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of. the words. this is true still keeps its secrets but now it's time to feel. the soviet files on c. some. say was the plant that was responsible for causing the world's worst industrial disaster and now it had been abandoned in a condition where it had become a source of pollution and the most recent study that was done shows that this water pollution and spreading. will continue to be in the more than hundred thousand
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people. walking in the. city ten times more likely to be one left effects and children and innocent. people in the sea as little as five hundred dollars long injuries and. unpunished.
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to tonight's fireside. this week ago yet another painful reminder for the priorities of our government why now we spoke about it on yesterday's show a report by the inspector general's office for the troubled asset relief program it revealed a program called the hardest hit fund that's the most part on and use of more than seven billion dollars put into this initiative can provide relief for troubled homeowners in the states hit the hardest by the housing crisis hit the hardest by unemployment only three percent of those funds had been used by the end of two thousand and eleven that's more than two years since the program's inception and now all the treasury department trying to defend itself blamed it all the slow pace of government bureaucracy the hypocrisy here is just too much to bear there wasn't too much bureaucracy to immediately have all the funds available to provide hundreds of billions of dollars to bail out the banks now with taxpayer money and
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yet when it's the taxpayers themselves that need the help the bureaucratic process suddenly comes to a halt again priorities and the truth is that it's just one small example and it's become an entire culture of putting wall street and corporate interests just thinking out of bates' or shape here in washington the president has consistently been attacked by wall street as not being business friendly specifically to their business now this is despite the fact there haven't been any criminal prosecutions on wall street for bringing down the economy despite the fact the new overburdensome regulations and the banks whine about are just a drop in the bucket when it comes to. repairing our system and just by the fact of the president has surrounded himself with advisors including his treasury secretary who came directly from wall street so many of the new people are brought in people like bill daley well he had a stint there jack lew they're brought in to smooth over relations with wall street and the business community you might imagine if the same thing happened after the
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occupy movement began what if the president really felt that he needed to smooth over his relationship with average americans with the ninety nine percent and what if you were to bring in a real advisor with real fundamental systemic change in mind and the truth is we don't and we won't see that happening there are some initiatives that can be blamed on inaction in congress jobs programs making the tax system more fair but even the hardest hit homeowners can't get help to hears after a program was designed specifically to direct money their way because the treasury just hasn't really acted on it and hope seems ours and say it all the time on the show and i will say it again we cannot undervalue the media's role in this entire discussion and the media has the ability to guide a discussion we see this all the time when scandals emerge the media jumps on it politicians they react because they feel the pressure and they get scared and we even saw it when media finally caught on to the occupy movement suddenly the
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political rhetoric coming from the president shifted from the debt ceiling debate to the issues of inequality but the thing is you can't just give up and then let it go you can't bring it up and then forget about it and not exactly what our media does best they blow up a story they exhaust it to the point where you can't even bear looking at the t.v. screen anymore and then after a couple of days move on to the next one but that power needs to be used to highlight where the priorities of the government lie to call out how ridiculous the idea of this administration being unfriendly to business and wall street is too late to talk about the housing crisis you want to ask why we have a. seen a real recovery then you can start there but the truth is it's very hard to find people working within the current power structure whose priorities don't lie in making money and keeping it business as usual nor the news it's just a business washington is just the same so americans who are struggling are last in line to get a meeting. ok
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it's finally time for happy hour and joining me this evening artsy producer are the web producer andrew blake and artsy producer andriano who threw up. her hands happy friday yesterday where should we start out a problem that none of us have all right is well counseling. yeah so basically and this is existed at the banks for a long time they have had they have had counselors that help people try to figure out how to manage their wealth but apparently they've seen a special uptake in this is the financial crisis hit since now there's this kind of bitter angry attitude towards people that are part of the one percent. and the thing that i find kind of funny is that first they have the people that come from
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really rich families they just call them legacy families because that means you don't have to deal with the rich label and then there's a thing called sudden wealth syndrome which they help some people deal with and we just thought maybe there's. more recently like many athletes before him sat files for bankruptcy court documents show in six point seven million dollars to creditors and that child support. always good we were going to cause a lot of athletes and you know having so much money when they get signed and they're all you know complete i think i'm right on track and they're going to have a so rough week seriously millions and you got to catch a ball all day once a week then a guys or an honorable athlete and let's not talk and you know you want to it is still a no it's fine but i don't know if that does not sound like a huge problem for me or at least you know
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a problem i wish i had so like i said obviously none of us have our mental health counseling of money more problems more money more problems this is as it. can also be. right there right there. what do you think of what if you visit one of the things from these people is that wealth is still a taboo in our culture and so they have to manage it's no way there's no way that taboo is a goal is goal you want to be you will figure this taboo well no he doesn't know much not so much. ok. guys friday we've got a whole bunch of fun topic story tonight including. let me hear it. so this is fake and we totally fell for it on the show because if you're so believable and we realized hey can we decided we should still talk about of the show because it was just so funny a report released said that research think tank showed that beards have a direct correlation to combat effectiveness i thought that was true i don't i mean it was letters i mean he's a little you can't really consider to be is like like this one that i think we all
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feel. like. we are. all right i don't really and i did talk about combat effectiveness that's how you feel every morning right and you're exactly right things. that i don't know i mean those are the only even though there is no truth today. people will look at you you just think man like i must be a beast on the battle absolutely i want to charge you an arm wrestle not sure but i would want to show you up on your own t.v. show what is true. for the gun show right here and know what is true is mustaches know that science or you because actions are not the magnum p.i. i mean that just gives a certain gravitas to a man but that's too bad nor as you don't know the orders of the board stache know
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it's a must not be interested molester i mean it's been i know where i work in the beards that i am always that is it true. cheers you are right every friday. ok let's talk about i believe we brought up this bill before in tennessee just one of many states right now that are doing stupid things across the country and so basically they have an abstinence based sex education why. her life is new to. the bill prohibits teachers on demonstrating gateway sexual activity planned parenthood director of education even loken could pieces that would include health education models it makes it very clear that you can't promote contraception if an instructor goes beyond the curriculum the bill gives parents more legal rights stating quote the peer or legal guardian shall have a cause of action against the instructor or organization for actual damages. so
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these are crazy and ridiculous laws where suddenly now you can. actually tell you it's a real time place but get this the tennis the senate just approved an update to the bill so in the new instructions yours was to tell your students the holding hands and kissing can be considered the first comes hand-holding comes marriage. or baby care. hand-holding apparently. but the marijuana of sex was marijuana. i went to catholic school that is one hundred percent true obviously that's what i was taught obviously any form of human contact goes direct you know maybe i have a lot of sex and usually before i have sex i hold hands so i will vouch for this as a sex person i'm a sex men. handholding sex men so all these tennessee
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people know what. i wish i had a red button to push for a no you don't drop your a little big bad life but that's ok i'm telling you to pay being like this is a sexless. i think you just yes he speechless congratulations on the graduation i see this hear him. back and replay god what effect ok it's been on you tube comments let's hear now one more story this is really again it's friday so just forgive us for these stories but there was a massive beating that was done with an expensive designer shoe in the bay area took a look at this. one to this morning the search is on for this woman her alleged phone to ring. it all happened at this bar in san francisco the mystery woman reportedly saw red punching a passer by after he accidently hit one of her infamously pricey christian sold
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stilettos when medicare intervened she turned her heels on him. so that's really part of the story of the. look it was very good to see because she actually got her a christian movies on and i decided to smash the guy who was go with her expensive movie to become and you hear you know what out a five hundred dollars reward for her name that's less than the shoe costs actually that's true yeah fair enough don't get between woman and her shoes that's the moral story but i was a basically would you risk taking off like her and her dollar pair of liberty to hit this guy in the head with it or just am not worth going to you know because i'm not nuts but i can see how that happened so i mean one goes with the other guy i mean my own is the lubin lubin have even got my is limited to say exactly if i spent eight hundred thousand are going to pair of shoes maybe i would be if i would be inclined to to use them as well but because obviously you know i'm nuts enough
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to spend the thousand dollars just on shoes so i'm one pair of shoes so i'm very good probably i don't think it's all very the of me and i'm there you go get your lives there. and go you know maybe the guy deserved it i mean it's just kind of a big i've got to wrap it up but thank you for joining me have a great weekend your dad there good nights joe thanks for going to add make sure that you come back on monday one call blogger and university of michigan because there's going to be on the shelf and i mean signed up to get to become a fan of a lot of show on facebook and follow us on twitter if there's anything you ever miss it that you can get up on flash they want to show and coming up next with me. the close up team has been to the spirit little stories you. were blacksmithing has
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developed from a craft into an industry. now archie goes far north. where returns to good roads and rail are a bottle against the elements where really culture is the only transport for medics to reach those in need. and where reindeer and fish are treasures for the. locals of the. autonomy area russia close up on r.t.e. . secret lover ensuring your mukherjee was eighty two.


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