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tv   [untitled]    April 14, 2012 8:00pm-8:30pm EDT

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the u.n. security council voted unanimously to send monitors to syria to oversee the ceasefire after revisions to the original draft resolution following objections from russia. back around the table iran and six world powers praise their resume talks over tehran's nuclear ambitions as constructive and useful this after a fifteen month break and increased tensions. and sunday marks the most important day in the year for the millions of orthodox christians around the world in moscow harder haitien of thousands were attending easter services in the country's main cathedral including russia's president and prime minister.
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four am in moscow i match reza good to have you with us here on r t our top story the u.n. security council's voted to send observers to syria to oversee the country's fragile cease fire first monitor is said to arrive sunday's reports emerge of fresh clashes russia demanded a revision of the original u.s. draft to hold all sides in the conflict accountable for any abuses or. has more. security council is cautiously optimistic and quite proud of itself that it's finally able to speak with one voice reach a consensus the first resolution now unanimously adopted on syria it calls for monitors. to team of thirty go into syria immediately to observe this ceasefire the fragile cease fire in place there according to russian ambassador to
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the u.n. to tell you one russian officer will be part of the group heading to syria the resolution that was adopted also calls on all parties in in syria including the opposition to immediately seize all violence in all its forms this is what was a sticking point on friday and why the security council was wasn't able to vote on a resolution friday because according to russia's position the u.s. first drafted resolution made many demands of the syrian government and no explicit demands of the syrian opposition russian ambassador. vitaly churkin said at this critical junction is very very important for all syrian parties including our opposition to comply with the six point peace plan that was laid out by u.n. special envoy kofi annan on this of course also calls for an immediate cease fire and for an inclusive political process in syria in which the opposition
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groups and the syrian government in gauge in a guy a log the russian ambassador said that moscow from the very beginning has been supportive of mr a knowledge of peace plan and is only he said through an objective balanced approach that the security council was able to reach a consensus on saturday but. it. has been significantly. more. season. this is the legacies of syria's government. the u.s. mission according to this resolution the un secretary-general ban ki moon will have to report back to the security council on april nineteenth regarding how the resolution is being implemented whether the observers are being granted access
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throughout syria whether humanitarian officials are being granted access throughout syria if the syrian authorities and the syrian opposition is complying with what the security council is this monitoring mission will eventually grow to a team of two hundred fifty people we should know though that it does say in this resolution the house and there is a vague reference that if syria does not comply with what this impurity council is asking further measures can be taken what those further measures are or is not clear yet i think at this point all security council members are hoping that the armed opposition group in the syrian government do comply with what's being asked and peace is finally established in syria but a lot of those chris bambery from the international socialist group that's the opposition will be able to stick to its part of you went back. it's a fragile cease fire but it does seem to hold the launch points or the country seems to me there is a possibility of peace to stall
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a civil war inside syria not should be welcomed but it is the free syrian army the syrian national council capable of getting the same of the different groups inside syria to lay down their own because the opposition is not that if you define the terms of back i don't think assad had any option but to go along with this and also have a more that is coming in from all i have to see those he monitors even two hundred fifty monitors there is a big country they are covering the huge space it would be very difficult for these monitors that that's what is going on and keep it keep protecting it but i think fingers crossed this couple and we could go looking like a very unpleasant civil war developing inside syria. long awaited talks between six world powers center on iran's nuclear program have wrapped up in istanbul the e.u. foreign policy chief catherine ashton welcomed the negotiations as constructive with sides agreeing to meet again next month in iraq discussions resumed after
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a fifteen month break with a previous round ending in stalemate parties are trying to reach measures to build mutual confidence over to iran's nuclear ambitions iran which insists its nuclear program is peaceful recently increased uranium enrichment despite irrational fears it could be trying to build a nuclear bomb lushington as described described the talks as the last chance for diplomacy to work and israel's threatening military action iran's willingness to talk is surprising given the circumstances according to politics professor. from the university of tehran. there's a long list of things that iran is. unhappy about killing five iranian nuclear scientist in the last. thing the sanctions they. ordinary people in iran sanctioning. commodities like gas and being unhappy about sanctioning the central bank which is basically iranian bank which is basically
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a country trades with international companies in fact that some got surprising that iranian government officials go to these meetings and basically listen to the other side which is more or less repeating the same demands that are. not really acceptable to the iranian side asking iran to assault its its nuclear program and then iran asks why do you want us to do that they say that they think you are making it very clear by and at the same time we hear from the intelligence agencies or these countries united states even israel that iran is not a personal nuclear threat and so there's a lot of contradictory signals that are coming from the side and that is making the situation somewhat confusing. stay with us here on r t still to come in age old solutions to the current debt crisis u.k.'s treasury plans to issue a never ending on the last scene after the first world war saddling generations to
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come with billions of pounds through a pay bus. orthodox christians around the world celebrating easter with one of the most spectacular ceremonies held here at russia's main cathedral we'll bring you more from the service in the us. but first in egypt ten out of twenty three candidates playing to run for president have been banned from next month's election the move by the election commission comes after thousands of muslim brotherhood supporters marched in cairo supporting a new law barring former regime officials from the country's talk job but the protest backfired after the party's own islamist nominee kirana shot or it was also kicked off the ballot among those also blocked from standing as mubarak era intelligence chief omar suleiman the commission said those bar did not meet their conditions but the candidates have forty eight hours to appeal the decision. and staying now with the campaign trail but turning to india where the innisfail elections in new delhi have attracted more than two thousand hopefuls but the
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choice is far from obvious for many voters because and be and not because of the overwhelming numbers from which they have to choose but as are he's pretty sure to reports a fifth of the candidates in the running are accused of having a shady past. show denise has been a counselor representing one of the wards in india's capital city for five years he's up for reelection this year and says he wants nothing more than to serve his community for being a politics is like social work and i'm going to serve the public as that gives me satisfaction i know their needs but alongside these lofty aspirations are some murky allegations when you she's been charged with attempted murder intimidation assaulting a public servant and armed rioting he says he's not guilty of the charges but he's not the only candidate in this year's municipal elections facing serious allegations according to the association for democratic reform about fifteen to
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twenty percent of candidates from both major political parties have a criminal background many actually have pending cases involving serious allegations like murder kidnapping extortion and robbery and actually in a recent local election ten family candidates were actually campaigning from and shale. all of the one hundred thirty nine candidates in delhi's municipal election the niece has the second highest number of charges pending against him but he says the allegations are bogus and that on a general level the problem in india isn't as serious as it sounds. there's no truth and it's a mystery to see i was on point to point you to the people who want to charge me with false accusations how can anyone called criminal. cho carr is working to make indian political candidates backgrounds more transparent to
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voters he says money often means power regardless of how it's obtained with. one little money. most of the. money and board. are also. money. anger. while the indian parliament could pass a law to make it illegal for criminals to run for office choke our doubts it will happen since almost a quarter of the lawmakers themselves have trouble pasts in a country known for corruption and bribery some voters say they simply want to elect someone who can be a thing and get the job done if you we should not much with the history of the politician standing up for elections whether he's been a criminal in the particular or not only we need to see is whether he brings the philippines. but in a country where so much development is needed others feel that process is being
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undermined by shady allegations were candidates backgrounds are now very much in the foreground preassure either are teen new delhi india. to find more on this and plenty more on our website r t v dot com a click away right now the rumor mill starts grinding about obama's dirty dozen after twelve secret service agents guarding the u.s. president in colombia for the summit of the americas are sent home after allegations of improper conduct plus. to facebook the world's most popular social network promises never to hand over users' private data to anyone despite earlier backing a cyber security build i could lead to just that plus. seemingly unfazed by its failure the rocket launch north korea now reportedly developing a new long range weapon you can find out more on our web site.
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every year thousands of immigrants from mexico and latin america try to cross illegally into the u.s. american authorities have beefed up security along the border with mexico but it's not stopping the flow of migrants. reports the border has become a final destination for many. the wind blows through the rugged sonora desert in arizona helping shape its rocky valleys and spectacular peaks it's a treasure of the american southwest but this is also a frontier land where deadly conflict is underway. it's almost a mass disaster situation the disaster which doctor has faces is the growing number of unidentified bodies being found along arizona's southern desert body stacked high in a fight for space and perhaps even a proper burial one day becomes not so much an effort to
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determine why that person died it becomes an effort to sort out who's who were inside of the pima county cooler at the medical examiner's office which has a capacity to hold hundreds of bodies now this facility is much larger than other places around the country pacifically because of the issue of bodies being found along the border even so lack of storage is a major headache three hundred some remains refrigerated truck parked out here. to help us with overflow as some arrives he expects they will need it again the department of homeland security recently boasted about the sharp drop in border patrol rest suggesting the government's crackdown as help curb illegal immigration the migrant deaths every mean consistently high so if the border is absolutely deadly more than six thousand have died along the us mexico border since one thousand nine hundred ninety four according to human rights groups that's when
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operation gatekeeper a program for defined international crossing with high priced benzene thousands of agents and high tech surveillance was launched border agents call this area below us the ravine a place where migrants commonly try to see. gale the wall to get into the u.s. for the scores we try to make the crossing here there are many others to choose a much more treacherous and sometimes deadly route into the u.s. policymakers thought pushing the deserts would deter migration instead it has led to what some call a death trap internationally migration is. there's attempts to control migration through the same tactics militarization through building walls and we see them in various places them in india and pak you see this in health in israel we thought you know disastrous wall attempt. in germany maybe remains found in the desert or
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merely because it's making them difficult to identify by force in other cases remains of the missing are never found leaving hundreds perhaps thousands of families wondering what happened to their loved ones during the journey north the reality is militarizing border does not control migration well politicians argue over who can spend the most money to fortify the border hundreds more john and jane the day chasing the american dream would appear and for people county morgue in tucson arizona ramon the lindo. and ukase massive deficit continues to balloon and britain's treasury is looking at drastic measures to tackle it latest plan involves expanding the repayment period so far off in fact had virtually no one alive today will be around to see the debt cleared britain is still repaying money owed over the cost of the first world war and critics of the
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latest plan say that it dumps debt on future generations saddling them with an unimaginable with an unmanageable and unimaginable burden artie's ivor bennett and a lot of explaining. strapped for cash and deep in debt the u.k. government has a plan b. where all. as not as it seems chancellor george osborne wants to bring back never ending loans dumping the government's crippling debt on to future generations it will still be borrowing only this is money george and friends won't have to pay back sounds too good to be true that's because it is laughing their distaste their elements of experience this is a good time for the u.k. tax by at least to be issued but that begs the question of who would buy it because it is a good time to issue them then it's not a good time to buy the would be buyers of the taxpayers themselves shouldering the government's vast one trillion pound debt pile by lending it money also on off a bond settlement sure after one hundred years these workers if the government
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taking out a very generous mortgage benefiting from its current rock bottom interest rates for another century bad news for whoever's lending the money the only way you could actually make money here is if there was no inflation between now and the year twenty one twelfth a very optimistic outlook take the last hundred years for example if i did bested one hundred pounds back in one nine hundred twelve at a rate of three point four percent say this year it would have almost three thousand pounds sounds ok in itself but it's nothing compared to what i would have got just from inflation which would have seen one hundred pounds pollution it's almost nine thousand so you would fall for such a cheap trick well no one of course but that's where the government gets its own investment rules would force pension funds to buy against their will not exactly fair play but this is a monopoly with only one winner you know this is what happens in markets when
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governments and the risks are enormous you know the risks of buying a one hundred year. gilt from the u.k. government on historical evidence given inflation patterns in the past would suggest that. anything close to current yield you would lose money on the last time britain issued never ending loans was off to world war one a massive deficit still burning a hole in the taxpayers' pockets even today and now they scaled ment's doing the same offloading it so mountain of debt to be someone else's problem rather than its . on the. internet and smartphones mean more forever texting tweeting upgrading and downloading but there's a world that's increasingly high tech mean we're getting more and more low brow artists resident new york takes a look a which side of the net could be winning. in
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this information sharing digital age is it possible we're dumbing down and not intellectually advancing our society this week let's talk about that do you think it's making society smarter or dumber dumb or why is that because people use more stuff to do stupid things smart. information sharing information immediately which i think is really important but there's a lot of misinformation being shared too and people see it on the internet they think it must be true oh i hope. we all reply a teacher's so we used to have children. i mean pupils at school sometimes they only copied on the internet the subject they had to to do for law and and sometimes they copy stuff it's just not true because the internet doesn't
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you're always right right right we don't look for it and the larrys says. i think yes there are some publishers are considering making books digitally that have pictures and animations instead of just words now do you think that's going to have an effect. of the literature is worth reading you don't need all the. right so why are they doing that because people going to read. do you think that's a product of the information and you know i think every generation stories there are always been people who didn't like to read this ng can make you smarter or dumber it depends colleague group you take it what do you think the youth of today is doing with that. i thin hundred million years in we use it as a gave to play and say really can a t. use the oldest advantages do you tax the out yes do you taxed you or wyo
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you for the word you. yes you like i showed in everything yes make me down marine school to. take you with me in school do you think you're that spelling as well as you say now doesn't it scare you that that's the world that we're living in yeah i kind of were young so we them we don't think about it but they're not even think this digital age is dumbing down or raising up our society the bottom line is there's probably not much we can do about it anyway because the internet isn't going anywhere anytime soon. turning now to some other stories making headlines across the globe sudanese jets have fallen strategic targets in south sudan killing at least five tensions escalated after southern forces seized the town of headley responsible for sudan's oil production the u.n.
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wants forces from both sides to withdraw behind borders and for the violence to stop it's the worst fighting along the oil rich for engineers in south sudan became independent last july. twelve people killed after al qaeda fighters attacked a security checkpoint in southern yemen insurgents killed four troops while losing eight of their own more than two hundred have died in a week long battle between security forces and militants seize several towns in the area taking advantage of the mirror of political turmoil before former president saleh departure from office. vienna rebels are free and thirty six gas workers they kidnapped earlier this week girls from the shining group held them hostage for five days and getting millions of dollars ransom from the government earlier a police officer was killed during a massive search and rescue operation by government forces. millions of orthodox christians are celebrating easter with a bigger service held in the heart of moscow and russia's main cathedral around six
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thousand record christ the savior cathedral more carter haitian included russia's president medvedev and prime minister putin easter is the most important holiday in your orthodox religious calendar celebrates the rhetoric resurrection of christ and marks the end of forty days of light i can use time part of. easter services in the russian orthodox tradition are designed to be both long services but also very beautiful services stylized markings of the key moments in the story of christ's death and his resurrection day a key moment in the service is the east of vigil where the priests walk in a circle around the church holding candles and they also change their outfits three times during the service black truck present. through the purple which represents the passions of christ will through on to go on which represents the resurrection.
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the holy fire is also rides here in moscow. as it has done since the eleventh century when it first made that journey for the church the holy circle in jerusalem the story surrounding the fire is that a light shines through the roof of the church of the holy circle every easter in jerusalem and somehow manages to lights two candles one of which is brought to moscow and is then taken around to many orthodox churches a very special symbolic moment for the russian orthodox church easter the russian orthodox church also comes at the end of great lead seven weeks of fasting no meat a no dairy products but at the end it is time to bring out some special foods with a special connection to easter. a cake of the sweet and filled with raisins another is named after easter in russian language it's
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a sweet dessert. also designed to be a celebration of after the long weeks of fasting and also that universal symbol of easter eggs many are painted that often shared with family members and all are taken to priests at easter for blessing with holy water and they'll be shared around by orthodox families the world over as will list phrase in thirty thousand russian orthodox churches and their communities around the world a traditional russian orthodox greeting will be said at easter christ has risen and it will be answered with another reply that for additional russian orthodox reply indeed it has risen. be back with a recap of our top stories in a few minutes stay with us.
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it's. the swiss the plant that was responsible for causing the world's worst industrial disaster and now it had been abandoned in a condition where it had become
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a source of pollution and the most recent study that was done shows that this water pollution and spreading. will continue to be in the more than hundred thousand people in. groups walking in the back the children see the children. are ten times more likely to be born of birth defects in children in the rest of the country. in the sea as little as five hundred dollars long. and the unpunished. something lies beneath. thousands of meters of ice country rock.
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the love. that is a lure for many. but dangerous even to those who keep it as a distance.


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