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tv   [untitled]    April 15, 2012 1:30pm-2:00pm EDT

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well with the. technology innovation called the least of elements from around russia we've gone to the future. you'll see run of the top stories of the past seven days from our team first reports of fresh shelling in syria today. to enter the country it follows the un security council first resolution on the conflict which allows the world to see this shaking truth came before for the. also today a series of explosions gun fire and rocket shakes the afghan capital with the presidential palace western embassies and nato bases being the focus of the large scale taliban attack militants claim they were retaliate for a u.s.
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soldier massacring afghan civilians and burning copies of the qur'an but american military. other two main challenges for the french presidency valley last minute supporters of next sunday's ballot socialist candidate crosswalk head cold while president sarkozy's joined the charge for the right now using immigration and terrorism fears to try to sway voters. special report coming out for next week the survivors of bhopal one of the worst industrial catastrophes in india and indeed the world was still forced to live in a contaminated area to this day. i mean the whole notion of a corporation is based on what's called limited liability limited liability means that the individual participants or workers cannot be charged with crimes of the corporation and that's it can't were limited it's one of the major runs scored runs through the corporation acts in such a way that kills the managers of the c.e.o.
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or the shareholders have limited liability and it's not a disregard for human life and maybe the nicest people were made to give to charity who knows what but in their institutional rule as managers of the corporation there is a task that they asked. that task is to maximize profit or markets or. if they don't do that they're out and somebody else is in the dust and the indian government meanwhile declare itself sole representative of the victims and proceed through for so out the case for four hundred seventy million dollars which was so cheap the union carbide stock went up by two dollars a share of the settlement was announced and people could not mean that it could be such a cruel sell out because the government agreed to settle all past present and future and loudly peace for a sum as small as four hundred seventy million dollars. people received as little
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as five hundred dollars but lifelong injuries and. unpunished. every month i believe whatever happened in the past we cannot change it but what is happening now is in our control it's been twenty seven years and the government should least do something like people should get clean water because the ground water is contaminated whoever survived that night and whatever life is left for the gas victims they should get proper treatment so they can spend the rest of the. it's in good health. there are gas and water victim children grow up and it's deformity and their future has to be kept in mind so that these kids can live a proper life and so that their parents do not take on the some sort of burden which i think. you're welcome. i thought at first i.
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could afternoon c.h.r.y. this is only some references and i'm joined on the line by sanjay. who is an activist in the bhopal campaign and also a survivor of the terrible disaster in one nine hundred eighty four so sanjay can you tell us a bit about what happened to you on the night of december third one nine hundred eighty four well i was gone in. a few months. probably my mother and i are so frightened and really don't know why i asked myself so because i had no one with me at. all so she would write write write and write. how did the right so she would write. i remember. in my own eyes that he would irene ari. one.
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sunday was less than two and one time his sister was nine his elder brother i mean he was only thirteen and these were the only people left alive in a family of them. my family all runaways but i was told later two of them died in hospital that. my mother and father were. the bodies of three sisters who are nearby one of. the other two are missing. they lost their parents. and three sisters and two brothers call in one night. my family members because of this fact. and the system. still didn't invent. it but it is
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a thought it was a thousand people at. the people who were carrying out bodies convert jews from. around one thousand to ten thousand people have died in the next seventy two hours and. twenty five thousand people have died. i remember my dog and. then automatically i might drop in the fight and i like other organizations i think. that. now we are right a lot of the young guys are actually. playing that in all you know how contaminated the factory how convoluted the soil on the factories they're like because again. i'm not paying attention towards them.
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why he did this study he just wanted to assist the extent of chemical contamination within the factory and outside and see if there is a linkage because there by pulling it is going to go on for a little schooling as the site because of the news business i just decided that it did you did you see a little follow the lead guy here ms williams and mostly enough in a small very high levels of lead i thought and one to five little baby this almost as if in fact been invented that's why i think this will get out and you can still see most of it in the past of this day and then so it's not surprising that the plant is very highly mobile mostly. we have received very important documents in this case i think established very clearly that union carbide knew the advance of the early one nine hundred seventy three that this pollution problem that we're facing today they knew this was going to happen and they and they went ahead with
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this project despite that specific knowledge as early as nine hundred seventy three union carbide engineers were warning the company that the bhopal plant presents an unusual challenge in that there's no nearby running body of water into which race can be discharged. so from the design stage waste disposal plant was and was a major concern. a lot of waste streams from the plant and keyed into the area of the plant known as the solar evaporation pond area. here this is where the waste in toxic sludge were down to basically and carly we're standing right on top of it and the other side is you can see there used to be a small leak which union carbide also used as a dumping grounds for they waste people dependent on the water from the lake so they drank it and it caused an epidemic. union carbide knew from the design stage
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that the bhopal plant could pollute groundwater they also knew that there was there was a surrounding community that used that groundwater for its drinking water supply. so they believe that they can get rid of them off. by evil parading it and then when they had like some kind of sludge they took all those luggage from forms and they dumped here and there and you see this black lining underneath the ground of this landfill they believe that this kind of lining in this landing underneath the ground it can keep the bucket rest away from the fire. you fear lining and when you go down every day i was here. we believe the solar of operation ponds continues to be a source of the subsurface water pollution that's now reaching through the arco for and spreading into the surrounding communities and can be detected as far away as
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three kilometers from the main plant campus so low that position there before very high was clearly you see out here was u.v. revealed as the only industry and was this all. i floated up a recent one bus station around the factory a lot is still being contaminated and people are forced to being contaminated water because they do not have any and that's why the call for a will remain a source of pollution for this area until it is really. the party that can do that if you are a symbol mark the twenty fifth anniversary of the tragedy at union carbide india ltd facility in bhopal and even today continues to evoke strong emotions globally and rightfully so we're saddened however that despite all that has been written about the tragedy in the past twenty five years so many misconceptions still exist
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about union carbide and it's wrong the government of india is the appropriate entity to address any i'm going to express by the people of pot. we are saddened by the fact that the site remains underneath it adding to the tragedy that has occurred the site today is in the hands of the state government minder pradesh the state government owns the site and together with the central government they are trying to get the site cleaned up and union carbide is now a wholly owned subsidiary. dow chemical. in two thousand and one and august third the board. carbide approved the burger agreement will create the world's second largest chemical company and taking over does complicate things and doesn't because the law on contamination is very clear in india and in the us and he is the principal of the polluter pays principle is the idea under international law that the liability for pollution should always be traced back to the polluter the
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polluter should not be able to externalize the costs of pollution onto society at large or a third party it shouldn't be the government's responsibility to clean up at public expense after private polluters. so i know now i don't know that he's one of the we're going to get on many of these people. bringing god damn it into our youth this is like one of the larger problems. in the neighborhood and then we've got a lot of this. every founded highly contaminated they do not have any other choice and they are drinking just awesome. it was like sometime two thousand and four it was sometime in the evening. when i received back to my home there was a letter written by my brother. and i'm going to die in a few men. care of yourselves and he was like he was laying on his bed in this room
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so i had to phone one of my one of my brother's friends and they said only. both of us took my brother to the hospital and finally had to write that thing. before that he had run into a jungle where food he had tried to set him off fire. he didn't have any physical problems his sickness was that of paranoia and fear if anyone came over then she would go and hide in the bathroom he used to say he could hear a voice in his mind i believe. in hell with time but in every war. beginning. if you blame each other for everything when no solution will come. a government blames the company we blame the government of our government so first the company so first and most importantly the people who suffer. i don't
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remember actually who was the media person who asked me this question who do you blame to work surely according to you. before i answer this question he said your god meant they he said to me your governments like getting you they have been betraying people. so if you're gonna listen or billing to help you then what will you. do for you. i'm not particular night on the second and third december some gases from the union carbide leaked and some of the people died now being an autopsy surgeon it was my moral duty to find out what the cause of death was. after analysis it was established that cyanide was present along with nearly twenty nine compounds are which eighteen were deadly. just like in hiroshima and nagasaki it had an adverse effect on their genes so
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similarly this adverse effect of the gases causing genetic mutation in india they all thought would like that we don't speak about because he's not a good image of all india in america they don't want to talk about because in spite of the fact that there is a wall of unthought the rest against mr one hundred m. to some i mr anderson has retarded if you want a full house in wrong guideline north of new york of course never will america end it was on the phone population we looking at we are going to be evicted from one of the implications of the book a nation which wouldn't more than thirty thousand people are affected and the people who are drinking the polluted water think about the problems as can problems that is this is through the company to prevent infections industrial. age of foreign investment you know the right thing that all
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of those are sick and that's the position that i think it's terrific governments are not in the business to protect the population. and say they are going to it's usually pretty local are. going to take any worries somebody stored in the paperwork or the record company store it pretty often loses. often the loss of the work devastating for the population but the leaders were willing to risk their lives for the patients through means i mean it's almost history. the. least want to respond since starting on clearly the government just pimping for tao chemicals and these are the. the same people who have so far stopped justice for the victims. but we strongly feel that on this occasion of the twenty seventh
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anniversary we will be able to destroy the mixes and we will get justice. oh yeah they had not people around to get on line of people the other one provided we have a lot of people with us in the bank and it's just involved in your business not. we have normally let it go but in pretty five years what can you not get just interested in what he does what isn't needed to call the man becomes. his business could make it's nothing i was hired to do merger and acquisition for union carbide to bring all of the computer applications on the same platform as dallas i saw how a corporation works because they are more concerned about bottom line property then anything i just decided that i was making more profit for just the wrong people and without chemicals made the decision purchase union carbide knowing that if liabilities were outstanding so when you purchased the assets of
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a company purchased those liabilities we. we're just asking for our right to clean water union carbide is fully exploited sort of international dimension of this problem it informs the american courts that new york law can supply because these events took place in india at the same time this indian law it doesn't apply so in effect they're arguing with or above the law so there are international rules. for. of course international law has no enforcement laws or work for somebody. if the united states doesn't of course there's no. political but they should take responsibility for their pound. of dime from the water no one is offering clean water they have moochers. dow chemical go to how to go to how to how. agents of dow should be spanked. if you look at subject to the
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jurisdiction over you then you hop in the bridge to the american boards and the american ports are up to do so well. in two thousand and four the supreme court's directed the government to provide clean and safe water but the government the state and central has failed to honor the supreme court order. but then again the problem is that by november two thousand and nine the government will supply clean water but that's a promise was never fulfilled but some pipelines were laid in some areas but not in every area of the launch of mass applying the spices duty and not for drinking water all speak up. and dad to finish the mission control board certified against any high concentrations of oil like that do so knowing this water is what is being supplied to the locals should have given their lives.
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oh i. love the. company should realize that it cannot break this country's low. budget and if we win this fight outsiders will gain nothing again will be for you the people of palm. coast what we have asked for is the cleanup cost union carbide she came all the poisonous and powerful toxic chemicals that are stored inside the plant. on me to the ground water which is polluted in a radius of three kilometers around the plant should be cleaned and union carbide should pay for a box you speak of to. bring i'm dissing to india bring them here
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now chemical leave india leave india on top of that we have asked for compensation for the victims who are suffering. and it's our mission to fight for people who are weak people who cannot fight for themselves or even know how. the union carbide should bear these expenses because in the coming ten to fifteen years people will keep getting affected due to the growing water contamination and will be more prone to cancers like diseases you know ideals and money and we are fighting for our society we are fighting for our country we are fighting for bhopal gas victims. it's only by virtue of the fact that this outfit if it indeed. is able to resist the data that's coming out this year a fresh known bailable warrant has been issued for foreigners anderson. unless the
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government fails to wake up and help then we are committed to fight the next twenty seven years against the nexus between company and the government the process could change dramatically if the union government if there exists just as according to someone something the government i mean they're not they don't have the authority to stop what they could do them government but what they have done is said to be our what if there was this really. and a very i think this or that there's all this. there are all the survivors in court of law they're so good they've submitted a letter or that that's all over the legal. right. that's going to get us from our research one thing is very clear the union carbide india factory is infected with poison point is a poison which will not lead to death just by touching it so i can understand why
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there might be a pradesh government is saying there is no point i'm giving this but it is also true that it's a kind of poison that is leaking into our environment that is. the main thing i'm saying is that the factory should be cleaned as soon as possible. god has given you this good word with all the facilities god has given everything here why destroyed. that will come on friends join the march with the victims and show that your passion doesn't last holdout. has not turned down because we did not get justice and unless we get justice our passion will never come down. every year millions of people dying because of his undergoing the pursuit of profit. but in pinball a saying is that you cannot do it in far not allowed to go. because life is sacred
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and that cannot be violate. this is my house the twanging we destroy him from the rest of the world who will get justice from dow company like. the one hundred fifth anniversary is just a landmark the folly of a diverse read of fifty five diverse three will be as important for the final goal and that goal is to clean the factory farm all those toxic effluents which still pollute the water that the people have to drink. in the amazon i want the world to understand the crime of these companies they profit from the analysts projects as they show on t.v. . the same products poison our lives. we should never allow down to continue their poisonous business in any other city
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in the world soon this is not a blue power who will not be repeated. eat any worse three gives us more spirit gives us more encouragement because i don't know why the help informal five and we get more support every year than the previous year if there is justice and this world would be safer for all of us to live in because it would set a precedent and a parent company cannot set up a subsidiary somewhere in the world create a large scale environmental problem there and then when the time comes to fix liability sell off its local subsidiary and then retreat to the united states or any other developed country to basically say that nobody can sue them here nobody can hold them accountable so that's the sort of context in which if our litigation were to be successful it would set a court precedent. i
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am i am am. i
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