tv [untitled] April 16, 2012 4:00am-4:30am EDT
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everything you thought you knew. my charge was a big issue. the mask this puts a price tag on the safety of the u.n. observer mission to syria as a person wanted to get down to business to oversee a fragile cease fire. eighteen hours of fighting in kabul security forces regained control of the taliban's massive one into the songs on the part of western embassies and nato as h.q. plus. belittles resists to high profile political prisoners following pressure from washington and the e.u. to ease up on the opposition join me for all the details in just a few minutes. and
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welcome to our team international news and comments twenty four hours a day the syrian government says it cannot guarantee the safety of u.n. observers unless they coordinate every step with your thought is the first group of monitors has arrived in syria to oversee a shaky cease fire that comes as opposition activists claim they're still under attack by the government wanted to act against what it calls terrorists or some of those in the massacres for a. whole waiting to be reborn a serious offer looks christians and then meaning of all the more poignant this year as they contemplated the sacrifices of the last few months. with death and suffering across the country many sought refuge in prayer hoping that peace could be resurrected i guess syrian prays for peace despite isolated clashes the coffee
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and brokered cease fire has and shared its fate they have been the rival of the universe their various a lasting peace may now have the best chance in months still as these analysts point out the u.n. monitors may need to learn from the experience of their arab league college or pars his mission in january faintest of the bloodshed in a moment and you know that both the government and the opposition the u.n. mission is more professional more credible it will be made up of the observers of particular countries with their own agendas and their perceived neutrality or the lack of it could make or break the mission of the rapid deployment of monitors in the interest of their thoughts government has argued is the only way to ensure the compliance of both sides to the cease fires now that they have service are on the ground you know officials have made it clear they expect the syrian authorities to take further steps to uphold it but we are worried about the operational deployment of heavy armor. in population centers they don't belong there
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they didn't belong there in the first place they don't belong in up and we are working with the government and would be opposition for a full cessation of violence in all its forms let me leave that there for the moment but claims and counterclaims of violence by both sides the u.n. monitors will surely wrestle with the big challenges ahead but at least they have syrians cheering them on. the owner of the shop just on it and the other batch of his t. shirts a popular wrestling slogan in syria is now taking on a whole new meaning. killed. rising he is a tall order and. here is nearly syrians agreed that having impartial international observers on the ground may be the first step in that direction. artsy damascus syria. well despite officially backing the u.n.
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plan for a diplomatic solution to the conflict american its allies are providing even more material support to the rebels just a few political analyst no one's name he says efforts to scuttle the cease fire amounting. some parties within the middle east politics trying to sabotage the peace plan that is a range by mr you and i think somebody in qatar and soothe year they're not liking the plan and they want the bloodshed to continue in syria. we have seen and witnessed in the past couple days major rust from other terrorist organization and getting from arab countries into syria and causing all these against the stability of syria and i think. the police should have signed by. the united states. because because these factors are actually
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causing. the. to continue at this point we don't understand how mr obama would say supplying kind of. different. mostly weapons to the opposition at the same time you want to have peace plan is working at this point. well coming up later in the program appeasing the voters . we have a country. being a lot of fear is about this trending world with a new career with globalization and the loss of the french is. the so-called soft shoe french model. politicians campaign with radical views which they believe in success at the polls voters fear their national identity. also scheme of giving aid in exchange for dollars he may no longer work depending
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on the outcome of an objection that presidential election explain more of a few minutes. the afghan capital has seen eighteen hours a fierce fighting after militants launched a daring and well coordinated assault on the city the battles now over with all attackers killed or captured the taliban claimed responsibility for the strikes on card on three other provinces ending and is the start of a spring offensive and raids and machine gun fire targeted foreign embassies meetings headquarters and the afghan parliament in the capital officials say thirty six attackers have been killed and several security officers and civilians also lost their lives it's the first such incident in cartoon since september the balance comes as nato gradually winds down its military presence in the country political analyst and pray she says the u.s. led mission is painting. eight models down to the last impressive commando style attack in kabul that targeted the very building of the u.s.
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embassy where every one is a navy forces in afghanistan the fact that it's this happens again just shows you that we will not be exaggerating if we see them here what we're witnessing right now is the collapse and one leading up to date on that date in afghanistan was a complete disconnect wiped out of the nato forces in and there are two forces one head and the other girl national army of the afghan national police and see how the american red meat or silver student killed the hands are very of gun owners solutions that boost will get the needle in the groups who trained the afghans are really just gifted and i think if a new commander is and if the american military commanders continue to be insensitive they would loose with every little chance they have of a sneaky negro goodish exhibit in august. well we want to know your view on the events in the afghan capital head to our team don't come to participate in our latest poll they were asking recently that text that's next afghanistan almost half
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of you expect will talk about strikes most of the media is going to be a collapse of the central part of fourteen percent say afghanistan will see a negotiated truce with the militants the minority feed into a series of international troops go in line to cost you all but. here's what else is waiting if you want our website it's. never hollow braces genetically modified products a step towards boosting its ugly culture and about the possible consequences and i don't see dot com. also one by one hearing you might sample a massive bollix display celebrate the one hundredth birthday of the nation stronger here on our website.
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but a ruse has released it to a high profile political prisoners including a former presidential candidate the move follows extensive international pressure on minsk to loosen it stuns towards the opposition. has more. few if any had expected such move from the man often described as europe's law's dictator alexander the leader of the bellows now former presidential candidate under the sun you can find his close counterpart. among a dozen opposition figures arrested in december following the presidential election accused of instigating massive street protests it was certainly a very serious crackdown on the opposition with all of those so so many people arrested and being sentenced to prison terms the. sentenced to five and two years in prison respectively now both of them have been set free on a presidential pardon they have reconvened with their families and came out with
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statements saying that they could never believe that their plea to be set free would be matched by alexander lukashenko you know the political analysts in belarus are trying to determine the reasons behind this move while the other sand political prisoners still remain in prisons in behind bars in belarus and their fate remains pretty much unclear at the moment this also being a reaction from the european union from the highest representative and international affairs and security catherine ashton who said that releasing these two prisoners is definitely a right move to improve relations between brussels and minsk and she demanded that the old other political prisoners must be set free as well definitely the ties between brussels and minsk have been very much strange after the events and in december when you joined the presidential election to crack down on the opposition in fact all kinds of old diplomatic missions to do the european union left immediately old twenty seven investors then the european union imposed sanctions
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umbrella was namely more than two hundred state officials and businessman still brahimi did from traveling to the european union countries as well as several companies are blacklisted from trade with the european union there have been talks of tougher sanctions to come within the next several weeks so the possibility that the two side of the possible sanctions and the release of the prisoners all connected cannot be ruled out by many experts. well some more world news in brief for you now the south. the trial has begun and also against the regional government and there's a break he's confessed to killing seventy seven people last summer expected to indict terrorism and premeditated murder charges coming in from the shooting range and good can't. comment since mr forty of the judge because he said she represents parties that support culturalism these are want pictures of the
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courtroom as we speak previously been rude in saying that judgment was overturned last week if i can see brave face and he backs on the twenty one year sentence again these are live pictures from the trial of my skill that i think is great because you continue watching the proceedings you can log on to our website talking about it. demonstrators have gathered outside the u.s. embassy in the philippines to protest against joint military exercises two countries activists. came to me and dissipate one thousand troops both ways a good spot to imo. exercises are taking place in the western world tensions with china and escalate over the disputed territory in the south china sea. mali's interim president says he's ready to open talks with rebels and its midsts upon the north of the country insisting on groups must meet opposition groups say
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they'll consider a federation within about eight grams of the new slate the leaders have rejected. the bottom two since proposed to create an independent homeland there it is known for the military coup the uprising was staged by soldiers who claim the government had not provided enough weapons to fight the insurgency. so you have a countdown to one of the most anticipated shows of the year has begun the world's chief whistleblower joining the sun she's hosting his own program right here on no t.v. where he comes face to face with those making the headlines thanks and stayed on tuesday and in the run up sandra shared some insights with our correspondents who are smith if an interview is coming up later this hour. when you think what were your criteria thought through the single biggest criterion something i would come up with. that's quite that's quite interesting because there are a number of guests that we couldn't get and so that's polk about that sort of
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censorship so we're still trying but. he's currently in prison under house arrest and for even using the political situation makes it extremely difficult for him to speak for me. car quite a constant. you know prison in russia. wasn't because we were in there or got us into prison so i don't want to speak to him he's in prison. then if we look at some of the us and it's not it sort of people who have the tops of power of some giant gross corporations that we have. in direct personal contact. so some of them say you know it's too dangerous for the u.s. government is concerned yes i would not put it help them get something right for it but politically it's just ignorance so. then we go to the other groups that we have to do it and we did actually get. them so those are. people
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who normally don't get away. but umber of what were egypt's leading presidential hopefuls have been the creative ban from next month's poll comes after the action committee barred ten of the twenty three candidates from standing by supporters have threatened to carry out massive demonstrations in cairo response to the ban. here. soon and muslim brotherhood leading candidate may twenty third presidential election will be the first since the country's former president was a year ago. activist he says despite moves towards democracy. to break away from the trail. the running mates that were banned such as hired a charter almost a month for causing a lot of tensions on the ground so egyptians are receiving this largely there's
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a deep militarized state here for over sixty years the military has been ruling this country anyone from the missile heads the governors the mayors the all retired military generals this octopus the tentacles of the have a strong grip over the country this is not easy to. those ten i remember when we were first in countries where they said we're not here this is on revolution with years addictions and once things settle down we'll definitely. follow it and that we will not get over thirty five percent maximum of the parliament and this is this is more of a promise of than just the statement what we've seen is that they actually began with seventy percent and then said it will be thirty five and then they said it will be thirty five what we've seen is that with the broad coalition of salafist ashish over seventy percent of parliament. clear political future could compromise its relations with the u.s.
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result in a conflict with america's key ally israel his gun each of you can report. egypt is changing dramatically washington policies are not for the last thirty years the u.s. has sent an annual eight para kish to the egyptian military this year its one point three billion dollars it is absolutely essential that we do when we can to preserve a close strategic relationship with egypt because egypt is being major player in the region the egyptian military has been widely accused of cracking down on peaceful protesters and egyptians want to put an end to the overreaching power of their military but that seems to have had no in fact on washington's decision to keep going with business as usual with their gypped business as usual ceased to be reality almost a decade ago unfortunately earlier ship in the white house and in the state
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department have not caught up with that reality the new reality is it is not business as usual we are not going loyalty could not even the egyptian military's loyalty may be enough to secure business as usual between washington and cairo the muslim brotherhood is the ruling power in egypt's parliament now and their candidate could well when presidential election in may the rather hood as they cleared israel america's closest ally in the region its enemy number one we will not be able to afford an open g. for example on the borders of egypt that is not acceptable by the egyptian people but most recently a delegation from the muslim brotherhood has made a trip to washington and flip flopped on some of their harsh statements this time the brotherhood lawmakers said they were not planning on breaking that peace agreement with israel signed at the end of the nineteen seventies in light of the mixed messages that keep changing daily some wonder whether there is any guarantee
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that egyptian military power bolstered by u.s. taxpayer dollars and weapon. will knock one day. the fact that they have to send a delegation to. washington shows you that what they are trying to hide is not very charming for talking about american taxpayer dollars being used to fund what will be a government in egypt which is vitriolically america washington seems to be holding on to the old policy of offering egyptian leaders incentives in exchange for favors and well loyalty but will that model work with the new democratic egypt which may soon be ruled by those who capitalize on freely and anti-american rhetoric i'm going to check our reporting from washington r.t. . facebook's timeline has rolled out on computer screens around the world but it's
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been met with the way the bangor from the site's users you take shows every post made well later today people are barely his cross-talk guests debate the timeline should desire to test it is a preview. there's going to be a lot of unexpected ways in which that information which you're being sort of encouraged to post is then used and it surprises you again new recent story which is that this is actually a russian location company i free innovations created called girls around me which is polling publicly available information both from facebook and another company foursquare where you basically post your locations and created an app called girls around me where if someone was in a neighborhood they suddenly got a map showing them where young women are in bars and restaurants in their neighborhood right which is a kind of creepy right it's like. yeah it's really matter a great. pose
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apart on the political spectrum to france's presidential candidates share common ground when it comes to the elections key issues as marina and then sean sean the race for the country's top job their platforms including the fight against including some surprisingly similar there's also the reports. i need. to say they lie in opposite ends of the political sphere. on the hard left and marry him on the far right who would have thought they'd have this much in common both denouncing what they see as straight jackets for france namely nato and what they see as europe's impositions oh mark ronson must offer the world a new un to globalization alliance independent of the united states of america whether the european union treaty will put a spatially nato which we no longer want we've run proclaim that we will call a popular referendum in these two matters. now father said if you are the child of
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this devastating is the ology is the euro designed as a tool to force the advent of the federal and freedom killing europe say the subject of immigration is the clearest difference between the two with the far right start against it but both share a passionate has to lead towards globalization blaming it for job losses. both plan to increase the minimum wage and both want to increase the power of the french state to nationalization and greater control over the quote unquote big bad banks. all other political forces today including the socialist party and believe blindly in virtues of capitalism this is the dissolution at that drives about thirty percent of middle sean penn voters who see a still and it protects middle ground a government that let jobs go as threaten their way of life they are worried this
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would go on we have a country. think a lot of fear about this transit world within you kerry was governor and the most feared of the french is that that could damage the so-called social french model which is something that the french are extremely sensitive to politicians are appealing to the french people the securities of their radical rhetoric and increasing number of voters are looking for a third set that's very fortunate for a political. and some for good. the left front is the only alternative to liberalism i'm not even sure if i'll vote for a left leaning socialist francois ono in the second round and that is the biggest threat to the men in the middle front runners in the race for grandma sean and tough talking live stance of opposite ends but they've got a shrewd knack of stealing voters on the core troubles that are blighted the french
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people. are so your archie paris. that's that cross there with an attacker who's a nothing of the. latest fashion. well kerry of course bears are definitely ruling on the equity markets which is no surprise considering the amount of bad news we've been getting over the past few trading sessions and europe is definitely no exception let's see the european numbers their equities are lower this let's say and the dax of trading down with banks and drug companies way on the indices in the indices are widening friday's losses when there were a couple of a valid those stories coming out of spain the first one is that bank of spain said the country's banks doubled their boring from the european central bank essentially indicating the lack of their own liquidity and the other story is that the yields on spain's ten year bonds reached dangerously high levels and all of that is of
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course affecting the euro let's see now the the euro rates the euro is at the lowest level in about a month to the greenback and the russian ruble as you can see is shedding value against the major currencies both the euro and the dollar and now on to the russian equity markets which is of course moving in sympathy with global indices it's also a sea of red pretty much across the board as you can see and the biggest movers on the my sets are the financials russia's top a bank let's see the blue chips there russia's top banker very bank is that losing value one and a half percent and the t.v. is also down on friday the second largest bank stopped accepting buyback applications and gazprom is a losing on a low we're crude now speaking of crude it's down as well and one of the big factors for the price of crude over the past several months has been of course concerns over iran's nuclear program and over the weekend of iran met with the
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leading six nations and they had a very constructive conversation and they read to meet again in may so that's easing concerns about iran's nuclear program essentially one of the reasons why. crude is the lower of this monday and of course here in russia we're watching crude prices cools there not only because they correlate to the way the russian equity markets are trading. but also because there is an absence of any major news that on monday domestic news although there is one thing one story worth mentioning the i.m.f. has improved its outlook on russia's economic growth this year dell says the country's economy will grow four percent while been expected to be below five percent. of russia's g.d.p. figures may be a pleasant surprise those old china really disappointed and busters on friday and that's one of the reasons why asia is losing value as well as you can see there the nikkei is shedding one and three quarters of
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a percent with financials really dragging on the indices namely mitsubishi financial group is down more than two percent pretty much all day but on a positive no china actually widened the band in which you want to stray from plus or minus zero point five percent to plus a minus one percent but the markets are not really reacting positively about so far and that's all the latest from the business desk kerry i'll be back in about fifteen minutes but so you can always buy more stories on our site at r.t. dot com slash business easy kennedy thanks for that update as i sure will ask if you can see recap our top stories is just ahead.
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you're vote for bush go for bush or the bush always ads by one or kerry character so the people that are going to be validating this machine can stand there all day long and vote for somebody and it will be right every time a guy can walk up here and if he hits the right buttons. you can flip a vote that he took.
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there hasn't been anything yet on t.v. he. used to get the maximum political impact of. the full source material is what helps keep the journalism honest. we wanted to present. something of. the close up team has been to the sverdlovsk region. where blacksmithing has developed from a craft into an industry. and now our team goes far north. of where it turns to put roads and rail are a battle against the elements.
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