tv [untitled] April 16, 2012 5:30am-6:00am EDT
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combatants take a look at the headlines. damascus puts a price tag on the safety of the u.n. observer mission to syria as a first down to business oversee a fragile cease fire. eighty hours of fighting kabul security forces regained control the massive coordinated assault on the part of western embassies keep. better routes releases high profile political prisoners pressure from america have made me one. of the opposition. but
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next we look into the story of this reveals all about the election for the sake of the george w. bush's first presidential ballot in fact in the states that had electronic voting the numbers didn't match at all with the exit polling. but in states where they had paper where you know examples in the final results were almost perfect and i have no doubt john kerry won the election in ohio ok now john kerry won the election on john kerry would be president certain to say that those exit polls were so far off. just didn't happen something else happened so the yang folks. were harassed and maybe are getting d.o.t. to harass me with questions fired at ten in the morning i'm tired at like two thirty that afternoon and said it is investigating this company instead of putting
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a putting the brakes on what's going on there actually reading letters of recommendation for that company wrecked yang correct and saying that your removed correct tom feeney is fingerprints are all over this now yes literal fingerprints literal fingerprints i mean read the public record read the public record i don't want anyone to take my word for anything brad get the documents and read the record and when you read a memo from nelsonville secretary to him stating that mr feeney wants this letter signed today and this letter is a recommendation for yang enterprises and the following day after mr hill executes this letter of recommendation he has suddenly promoted to deputy cia for the state technology office nelson hill is promoted to the day after he writes this letter the letter of recommendation for yang enterprises had they had any problems
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with you prior to this investigation i believe in january of two thousand and one i received an outstanding evaluation that went into a lot of detail as to the value of my services to the department how long had you been with the department i began with the department in eighty eight eighty eight yes i've been with the department for almost fifteen years at this point yes the department did a. an agent think cleansing of any corporate knowledge concerning the problems with the young contract how many people were fired i guess that's another. thing clint and i say to anybody who was involved with the yang conflict is now originally is going on correct in fact on her they tried to get her to sign a little paper thank you resigned she said and she signed to resign when she kept the one were said you're fired so when i went to court when they said well she
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resigned voluntarily we didn't do anything about it she can produce the paper showing up there just flat along the whistleblower suit and she won the case she want to get in two thousand and four the florida department of transportation's audit of yang enterprises found eight hundred fifty thousand dollars in question and qualified costs that amount yang was asked to repay one hundred thirty two thousand pending further investigation. hello phoenix we've got a huge show for you today the bold whistleblower stephen the heller in his first live broadcast interview steve heller had been working as a temp at the old los angeles law firm jones day and he came across some disturbing memphis. i believe in my heart even though i hadn't quite admitted it to myself as soon as i saw them those documents i think i knew i was going to eventually release them to force people who are jones they went to court to try to stop the
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publication of those documents i believe it was their law firm that tried to stop the paper from publishing them but the judge very wisely ruled that once it's been published it's out there and he's not going to force them to withdraw the publication then there was a raid at your house seven am in the in the morning some time after the release of this information they had a felony search warrant they searched the house thoroughly and they confiscated our computers my wife's and my computers our cell phones my address book of the various papers our stan our they took a lot of stuff but they didn't charge me at that time when were you then finally arrested and charged with these felony three felony counts i was charged in february of two thousand and six you can't really talk about what those documents were that you remember is that right that's true brad those documents were turning client privilege information and that's why i got arrested in the first place and even now if i were to talk about the content i could be at risk of getting myself in trouble again all right can i talk about the content you can say anything you want i will do you told was asking legal advice about having secretly installed
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uncertified software on voting machines to be used in the two thousand and four california election it was a clear violation of the law and you have to understand i grew up during vietnam and watergate and my first thought was i'm going to get these to the press because the press is the fourth the state the great watchdog but then i realized like i said a moment ago no one in america in the press was covering this issue i started reading the elite old memos which have been wrong or everywhere the internet but a certain point of time i realize it has to live in america i knew already the case the f.e.c. rules should not be there and i don't say well that would be a problem because the memory quad is proprietor it is that we know it's all i've seen this guy before he actually went on immediately i wrote. be bold and guard in written response saying this memory cards appropriated technology by the boldest not i will or from anywhere else so people told him in a letter that i actually saw
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a letter so i was to know that you know i have almost photographic memory i know i have seen this guy before they actually get to me two weeks to figure out what a memory card was and then it all the sudden it's the thousand instapundit old question the or tional first patent ever made of a laptop computer by tandy taddy and this is the memory unit it's a up some memory card that that's from the patent i got the name of some american now i know who you are. so after i knew what it is i sped hundred thirty five of raider because of its design the d. bold touch screen machine proved vulnerable to a twenty year old hack the old bootloader and there's nothing worse than bootloader hack honestly i haven't seen this kind of things to happen in twenty years and this you can do you confirm this is going on the deep old this is called a sex machine this is confirmed by me and prove cause of our freedom by princeton
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universe and so you have independent verification for my thought in two thousand and six princeton university professor and two graduate students confirmed what harry hursti had already proven they posted their demonstration on youtube hacking the de bold touch screen machine in less than one minute's time they inserted a vote flipping virus the change vote tallies would spread to other machines and flip an election without leaving a trace it would imho did they didn't steal the last election but you know if they did. i guess the outcome would have been completely different if we had a different president war in iraq probably wouldn't have happened most likely that's the biggest impact i think this is a national security issue that is correct. it's enough why is there a national security issue of cost for the rays and being that you actually side thorough who are going to make a deal for the future i mean everything to do with the well things are additional
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security level issues in all the conflicts not only in the u.s. one of the goot alex's support wiser of his second call mind who is responsible in office for i see the security came to me as a i don't understand what do you guys up to what is this big fuss about this you know these messages from you have of course they him he hacked we're not coming here real things like not according to a report in rolling stone magazine jackie vermont's lobbying firm greenberg traurig was paid two hundred seventy five thousand dollars by de bold just before the passage of the help america vote act or hava of two thousand and two. took the author of hava congressman bob ney on a lavish golfing trip to scotland both aber mom and ne have since been convicted of felonies relating to these matters and are currently serving time in prison bob ney is a felon and currently can't vote in the state of ohio yet we're stuck with his bill
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this whole mess began her latest chapter begins with his help america vote act three point eight billion dollars federal act has now put these machines out all over the map with little or no oversight. we have to fix this. not for us sakes alone while the united the said merry go but also for a global sake because otherwise these will just keep on spreading they're picking up our technology the things that we're building our way out of actually us companies trying to sell it very agra civil if you are a number of places where democracy hasn't been very strongly go e.s.p.n.'s is selling to hungary and this is selling to england also a number of the many factors are using different names when it is the say so sell their matches globally is that at the heart of this this privatization of our public collection system i think so and i think it's a horrible idea i just can't understand why anyone would think that in the united
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states it's a good idea to let a private corporation run our elections for us in secret using secret machines and secret software that's insanity i think the last election was over for sure and now there's some question of those voting machines and. the. people that own. their own violence mostly i heard around the team in an infamous fund raising letter to supporters in the summer of two thousand and three deep old c.e.o. wally o'dell promised to deliver ohio's electoral votes to george w. bush friendly gesture to simply assume that we don't steal votes in the united states is patently absurd in mahoning county where youngstown is located and this is verified by the board of elections themselves. twenty to thirty touch screen voting machines recorded votes for candidates opposed to those selected by
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the voters always jumping from democrat to republican i can think of no other way this could have happened except this that these touch screen machines were programmed to default to candidate bush. and if you did not override the default choice of that computer you would be voting for bush as for investigating the two thousand and four presidential election in ohio despite a court order fifty six out of eighty eight ohio counties destroyed some or all of their ballots from that election i think much like organized crime organized crime people in their own homes stay organized crime are good guys crime has got still a million dollars but they steal as they still a little every day and i think that's what the republicans understand is that if you don't get too greedy and mean you know you still some votes in warren county is still some votes in claremont county you have some computer glitch problem here and
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there suddenly you catch a balance that's why you have to have checks and balances you have to have full transparency the thing here is eve where you want to even need it only increased the level of security you will start to releasing these absentee ballots because even in the state of cali forni on average in basically every county thirty percent of the voters are ups and please you have a very solid evidence if the rest of the bunch doesn't fall in the same you know you say release those things already right now we're already scanning them with the optical scanners if they have the image at least those images and see if these thousand really need more new legislation you're going to start doing it right now how would one keep this from happening the ability to steal an election nonproprietary source code nonproprietary hardware because you can write it in hardware. random checks in my mind silver bullet means a so lucian where you don't have to trust anyone you can a very far. that the
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vote you cast was recorded accurately you come very far that your vote was column to it and you can verify that your vote was part of the total so you can access every single turning point every single process point of the alex and pros and see that my vote is going through there so if we have to count the paper to be absolutely sure about the machine count anyway and what do we need the machines for in the first place so. it's not a god it's a tool now i'm tired i apply for jobs you know programmer but it nath work with exxon mobile right he can't find a job anywhere i am stocking shelves of the dollar store. really. so i'm thinking i'm not getting a real good recommendation from the o.t. so they were going to dollar store going to dollar store stocking shelves and let
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me shows up remember just comes in some time and he's staring at me over the top of these little you know ok to check i told him i walked over to help you know he said no i'm just shop and he leaves and then he comes in again tells me he's been working on the case on the side he's looking into this on his own on his own for fun i don't know what i was going to do with his information if he can if he's not doing this and i guess if he gets enough of it he thinks he can pop up somewhere i don't know so he keeps coming in and ask me questions about the rigging and spies and i don't know what he wants so i just answer whatever he asked this was a big case that he was making headway on it was an official case because officially he was going to do nothing because feeney would let him do anything so i give him information but he didn't give a lot back clanton to me that railing me had told him that it was much bigger. that what he was investigating was bigger and went higher concert this to you said
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that recent all over the top who do you think it was who was the top i was thinking bush i don't know whether jeb bush or whether it went farther than they're from finis conversation but he thought he was right with bush feeney said that he had it with bush both george and jeff so let me says to you this goes well with. you and i life is wait a couple weeks and i'll be thrilled with the results so you were to go weeks and he turned up dead in a georgia motel room. was. she the. thought was thank you all the hundreds you feel got guilty you feel guilty if i hadn't brought it to him then he would've got involved they don't have
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a death they send suicide but they don't do autopsies in georgia and if he died in florida it's an automatic autopsy you mean if you if a suicide occurred in florida it would be an automatic ontopic automatic autopsy a suicide in georgia not mandatory not mandatory for it it had to have occurred had he been killed in. not been killed my speculation is he offended somebody and he. usually got killed yes. because the hotel he was that is this real secluded you know tree lines on both sides it's a little shabby twenty three dollar a night hotel you know if you wanted to kill yourself. but i don't stop somewhere in florida he was we're going to tallahassee florida we're going to tallahassee so here we're until i assume right then there's valdosta which is just our half way hour and a half way sort of a border town in georgia and i thought always there are a lot of hotels are going to stop at georgia prior to getting the valdosta
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a whole thing just wrong there's a report that he called into d.o.t. at six forty five in the morning and yet they have him killing himself thirty eight minutes later even though it's another hour to get the belt off that supposedly he's in the motel room one night but there's two receipts. in the police report as one is a check and receipt there's a check out receipt he killed himself he didn't check out well i've not checked in a motel room where they charge you up front and in other words they check you in and take you out same time on different days. only they do it yeah there's another problem with that the first received is they didn't know june twenty ninth two thousand and three using science you claim it as you go through it in pieces where i could buy and she says until june thirtieth. two thousand and three so the fifteen who's in the room and june twenty ninth in the hotel room they found a blank with
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a legal pad ok and an empty file folder and every time he'd come talk to me he had his little yellow pad his old file folder full of papers are you suggesting that the papers are going yes and yes it does and somebody took those papers would you take a. legal pad in a one elevator to suicide and he wanted to have. his rights a suicide note all the notes weird too because he didn't talk about his daughter and a daughter was just about to be married and he mentioned his wife by name he has one child a daughter daughter he does not mention her does not mention her but every time we talked at the dollar store part of the conversation what you know about your daughter she. can't marry you know doesn't mention her name a suicide note mentions is why did he sign a suicide note inside it he put it kindly money. the police say they took photographs but due to the
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a failure in the cameras flash memory there would be no photographs that we've recently seen that there are in fact photographs that complicate the police report they do conclude the police report. the valdosta police report alleged there was no blood on the towel and no visible trauma to the body the photographs of raymond leming. seem to suggest otherwise. and valdosta police have confirmed that these photographs are real and that due to interest on the internet in december of two thousand and four they reopened the case for him and let me also around that time they spoke with someone at the florida department of transportation and that they closed the case shortly thereafter now they won't tell me who it is they talked to with the florida department of transportation. they told me over and over and over that they were not stonewalling me then they're not they didn't call me back ever
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again and i remember they're involved hasta georgia. so what the hell does the florida department of transportation have to do with an investigation that they're doing at a georgia police department so the fact that a call from someone and off top would lead to shutting down the investigation in georgia you know i don't know if there's anything sinister there or not but it sure doesn't smell right six weeks after lemmy died tom feeney went golfing at st andrews in scotland he was the special guest super lobbyist jack avram off after let me turned up dead and things were not moving along very well i went ahead wrote a book to put it out there i had even published the book and i get this e-mail that it says something about like they know about the book you know don't be alone are you worried about. somebody taking your life if it's wrong you have to do the right
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thing no matter what a couple inches doing this to sell books making this these outrageous claims no longer outrageous most of it's already been proven well nonetheless i don't i think you found most of the group. when this story broke publicly did anybody did the media break down your door to try to figure out what the hell was going on here and reference to the voting you're the only person who may have contacted me c.n.n. never called a.p. now sixty minutes now. major wins from the year does not touch this affidavit story which is at the heart of what we're
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looking at you soon you're afraid i mean what they did in dan rather that's pretty impressive so. i'll say to you feel compared to dan rather this thing matters and i don't care which side of the political spectrum you're on i say frequently when i speak this is not about left and right this is about right or wrong if we can't have confidence in our democracy in america in the world's greatest democracy if we can have confidence and i mean both the winners and the losers. then what kind of example are we setting for the rest of the world why the hell are we sending people out all around the world to fight and die and presumably spread democracy if we don't even have it here we have become known to an ethical behavior are our lives are very difficult we're claiming our entire middle class and our friends our nails we who are the american people when you have
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that five minutes that you can be home and close the door and have some peace it's fairy very difficult to say well what you're doing can i buy it you're the center of a very explosive story where people have died i don't know if it was murder suicide probably wasn't so it's i think was in suicide. that's not funny. i've never had this feeling before. that there's no place to turn . normally you have the media you go to the press the press would become furious at least parts of it enough but when you go to you congressman. but nobody's used to hear the proximately eighty percent of the votes in the united states of america are counted by deep old were e.s.p.n.'s in his continuing effort to demand
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accountability and to publicize his story clint curtis ran for congress against tom feeney in two thousand and six feeney refused to debate curtis and outspent him by a factor of twenty six to one theirs was one of four congressional races in florida that were contested in two thousand and six prompting florida's new republican governor and the republican legislature to mandate that they would vote on paper ballots in the two thousand and eight election where curtis will run again against tom feeney maybe as george jealous spent years in the courts fighting both yang's and after ultimately she was reinstated with full back pay and awarded a large settlement from the florida department of transportation. in august two thousand and seven deeble changed its name to premier alexion solutions inc i think what quinn curtis is is really an object lesson in what can go wrong
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and how easily it can go wrong in fact we don't know if his software and his code was there were used in any voting software but the fact that we're not able to look at the software that is used to count our votes this secret software that is used to come to count votes in america the world's greatest democracy is frankly a scandal and we all should be very concerned about.
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