tv [untitled] April 16, 2012 3:00pm-3:30pm EDT
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i know what's really happening to the global economy with mike's cancer the no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to cause a report on our t.v. . this is r t and tonight the first to an observer team arrives in syria the world to see the troubled troops there but the massacre says it must call warden a monitor his movements to keep them safe. the man who bombed and shot seventy seven innocent people says he did it in self-defense they one of anders breivik trial his him say he was protecting his country from muslims. and his pole position for russian oil giant there's a teams up with america's exxon mobil to pay out the treasures under the arctic ocean. modes of convenience as the u.s. the rosso agreed to pull their exceptional only two resources the business is in twenty minutes.
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early yet she watching r t coming to you live from moscow it's eleven pm now this one the thing i'm kevin zero in our top story then is the first u.n. observers touched down in syria the government is being urged to allow the man restricted access to monitor the fragile cease fire there and ask it says it can't guarantee the monitors safety though in less every step coordinated with the authorities for its part the opposition claims it's still under attack and the government find a crackdown on what it calls terrorists and was unavoidable brings you the latest from damascus. the whole point can can be reborn for serious orthodox christians the meaning of easter was all the more poignant this year as they contemplated the sacrifices of the last few months the death and suffering across the country many sought refuge in prayer hoping that peace would be
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resurrected i guess. prays for peace despite isolated clashes the kofi annan brokered ceasefire has answered it's true they have been the rival of the universe servers a lasting peace may now have the best chance in months still as these analysts points out the u.n. monitors may need to learn from the experience of their arab counterparts as mission in january failed to stop the bloodshed and use of both the government and the opposition the un missions were professional credible it will be made up of the observers of particular countries with their own agendas and their perceived neutrality or the lack of it could make or break the mission. the rapid deployment of monitors is in the interest of the assad government it has argued it's the only way to ensure the compliance of both sides to the ceasefire now that their servers are on the ground you know officials have made it clear they expect the syrian authorities to take further steps to uphold it but we are worried about the
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operational deployment of heavy armor. in population centers they don't belong. they didn't belong there in the first place they don't belong and we are working with the government. the opposition for a full cessation of violence in all its forms let me leave that for the moment. with claims and counterclaims of violence by both sides the u.n. monitors will surely wrestled with the challenges they had but at least they have syrian steering them on the honor of the shop just ordered another batch of these t. shirts a popular wrestling slogan in syria it is now taking on a whole new meaning with thousands killed because they can see it rising above he is a tall order and. here is many syrians agreed that having impartial international observers
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on the ground may be the first step in that direction. artsy damascus syria to talk about here tonight let's discuss it with political analysts north gucci's and one of them is adrian always good to have you on the program good to see you tonight let's talk about qatar's reaction first of all this plus to the security council as of morals the u.n. effort to stop the violence is only going to three percent chance of success one of those being so negative. well probably because they would have liked to see our more direct intervention on the part of the u.n. i think many of the countries in the region who are client states of the americans and the british saudi arabia kuwait kade are the united arab emirates and others would have rights to see our invasion or outright attack they would have liked to see a rerun of resolution one nine seventy three and used against libya which will be a destroyed libya and now has flown still into civil war so no doubt there are many
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who would have liked to see extreme violence being legally approved by the u.n. but then russia. would have vetoed the various attempts we now have something which is not more balanced much more fear and much more likely to go positive results given peace a real chance in syria let's talk about the observers and what they're actually going to see the u.n. says the government must allow observers access to monitor the sixty five we're in the government saying that they they need to be accompanied to guarantee their safety what's the real picture going to be one of the really going to see that another doubtless sad proposal you think. you know it's going to be very difficult because i think what we are not really are ignoring or at least the western powers of the us the media in general are ignoring the fact that there is an insurrection inside syria very similar to the insurrections we've seen in egypt we've seen in libya we've seen in many countries around the region which are obviously genuine grievances all the peoples of the in the area no doubt also in syria as there are
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genuine grievances in just about every country in the world but with foreign intervention bent on creating civil war in syria when foreign minister russian foreign minister sergei lavrov asked hillary clinton in february what's the endgame hillary clinton snapped back saying it's going to be civil war we now have the united states robin be admitting and proposing that the rebels the so-called freedom fighters the insurrection in syria be financed trained and armed now that is a very good example of state sponsored terrorism on behalf of the problem on the part of the united states of britain who want to finance rebel groups insurrection guerrilla groups inside a foreign country syria this case and this is practically official policy as proposed by senators john mccain joe lieberman lindsey graham john kyl john haven and also while also blessed by we have a very large vested interest in seeing syria really into our growth of the world
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we've only got thirty seconds say despite all these grid news that if you're outlining there let's try to look at one of the positives russia has been doing an awful lot to try and keep the talking going throughout all this the opposition delegation has been in moscow again today describe the talks is very positive are we seeing some genuine efforts on the rebels' part to end the bloodshed. i don't think so i think that the rebels have now realize that their chances. options are much more limited so they're going to have to act accordingly as i see russia has a very important balance and that was the old formula much to the aggravation of you know. is the rule in other countries or the rebels i was going to help with that because they are puppets of the western powers and trying to destroy syria. good to see you thank you very much for being on the program and. now the big story today the first day of the trial of self-confessed norwegian killer and his brother
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and perform a right wing salute smirk at survivors in court and we put his own propaganda video and he admits killing seventy seven people in that bomb attack on a government building and benefit page at a youth camp last summer but he did neither criminality insisting it was self-defense to protect norway from muslims well let's get a perspective on that now and talk to held a little rossi's from the we institute of international affairs joining us on the violin feed from oslo. thank you ever so much for being with us the story bit so deep didn't it in your country. once his public trial to broadcast his radical right wing ideas after what the world witnessed today do you think you should be allowed to rally support for his cause like this. i don't think we have much choice in this country it's a principle accused is actually able to get his story to explain his. actions and why did it on the serves as
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a basis for the something so they don't really have a choice as long as you are following the rules or grown something ok well i mean you can never explain why some because something like this but critics can assess several times as need to determine whether he is saying or not this is the big question his lawyer says his own testimony is help testing not tomorrow present he says tomorrow night given the uncertainty over his mental state so far not using the judges will decide about his health. so they just say it's perhaps a bit difficult to say but most opinions in norway all turning in the direction that a criminal is saying that they can be punished is the first report from the two first restore it was questions and questioned in the beginning and then the second report came which causes when i saw him in court today i couldn't really to take on the psychosis so i think the court will eventually get to the same conclusion but it
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will be a. court case. and let's see how he behaves. we heard earlier from you know we gingerly says crime just paying for this trial is for most everyone in the country indeed i was on shift here when it happened here without talking over the pictures i couldn't believe it or seeing the stream the feed was coming through its effect here but in your country it was so so powerful how are people dealing with it even after this time has elapsed how they coping with it. i. think people are coping quite well of course those immediately affected their families in the tremendous loss but i. i think for most of the country life basically goes so there has been a lot of media attention about it but the case itself is not so much discussed among ordinary people on the to see you know is that people have become. over by
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the coverage actually all of the media and they will go because of this case the facts of it declaring it did what they did. the case no ripples around the other is criminal is saying no no if we had coverage of this for my name in them so people are ready to get on the right amount of time we are coming from there but just just for all of you is that i'm so immersed in this every day obviously this is making the headlines of the moment mean premix claiming that the attacks were his way of protecting the way from being overwhelmed by muslims can you just outline for us as you see as much of an issue there is in the way of a multicultural. well it became certainly an issue auster. to some extent it was previously as well but it has been. on the island confortable topic for some years. not by be discussed and perhaps kept out of the public eye but since private some talk and
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his ideology has been very much at the forefront but not necessarily discussing immigration as such but discussing whether we should discuss it at all it's a bit of a metal discussion at the moment but there are a significant number of new immigrants to norway every year because also of the economic situation there are people that are concerned and then there are a lot of people who actually go this but a lot of the debates in norway revolves around this question about immigration and the moment where he talked about there was little thank you for your thoughts on the norwegian institute of international affairs on the line there from oslo one of the tonight thank you. for developing story to energy giants aligning up to take the spoils of the article is not going to tell us too much we've got a full business bulletin in about ten minutes time let's just get a teaser anything from daniel what can you tell us about this deal and that. is unique expertise drilling hole to reach places like alaska and
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a toehold in united states oil us new areas to explore global reserves of fulling if the partnership works we do expect more deals to come or correspondent move bring us more in the business in around fifteen minutes time already thanks for that. this is r t thanks for being with us small news now the dollar russian president has released two political prisoners one of which is a former presidential candidate alexander look of shame because unexpected move follows pressure from the e.u. that's been highly critical of the regime after a harsh crackdown on the oil on the opposition two years ago and let's hear a jet ski reports now. few if any had expected such move from the man often described as europe's last dictator alexander lukashenko the leader of bella who is now the presidential candidate on the close counterpart meeting among a dozen opposition figures arrested in december twenty jan following the presidential election accused of instigating massive street protests that was
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certainly a very serious crackdown on the opposition with all those so so many people arrested and being sentenced to prison terms the society could and sentenced to five and two years in prison respectively now both of them have been set free on a presidential pardon they have reconvened with their families and came out with statements saying that they could never believe that their plea to be set free would be matched by alexander lukashenko you know the political analysts in belarus are trying to determine the reasons behind this move while the other. political prisoners still remain in prisons in behind bars in brother was and their fate remains pretty much unclear at the moment this also being a reaction from the european union from the highest representative and international affairs and security catherine ashton who said that releasing these two prisoners is definitely a right move to improve relations between brussels and minsk and she demanded that the old other political prisoners must be set free as well definitely the ties
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between brussels and minsk have been very much strains after the events and in december twenty ten the presidential election and the crackdown on the opposition in fact has a whole diplomatic missions to do so the european union left immediately old twenty seven passengers then the european union imposed sanctions umbrella was namely more than two hundred state officials and businessman are still prohibited from traveling to the european union countries as well as several companies are blacklisted from trade with the european union there have been talks of more suffer sanctions to come within the next several weeks so the possibility that the two. possible sanctions and the release of the prisoners are connected cannot be ruled out by many experts. porter let's check out some of the stories that article com our web site now at the moment outrage from israeli top brass including the prime minister and president when they saw this video for a bloody show you know they go but israeli soldier throws
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a knockout punch with his rifle i did danish activist what's the story behind that well we tell you online find out what the ball was about along with the footage you can check out the reaction to it if you want to see more on our web site also north korea keeping mum about its alleged nuclear program but nonetheless celebrating this entire area of its first leaders birth with a bang splendid works they want to see more of what happened in north korea to celebrate the hundred year anniversary of that r.t. dot com. thousands of american filipino troops have been annual military exercises near disputed south china sea waters tension between the philippines and china has been escalating there for two weeks now demonstrators gathered outside the american embassy in manila in protest of the war games peking university deputy principal john suited says the u.s. has its own moves in mind in the region these days. there are many filipino students inductors concern and that. represent us playing
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a big brother role in philippine politics and there are many people were concerned that it could mean it was so ornate for the people national interest to u.s. interests so i think that these protests are a sign of a lot of discomfort with the traditional filipino over reliance on u.s. military muscle american ships have gone back and forth over the pacific owned it and it's especially a treat i think a lot of it is in your shop for the fact that for a long time america has been running because it is a big and no it's not so used to the idea of the powers but i think it for the future of world peace i think in the future of america will need to start negotiating trying to create a framework to share it. and it's not trying to see. the european court of human rights has ruled that the massacre of twenty thousand polish soldiers in russia or nine hundred forty one was
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a war crime but it doesn't hold russia responsible and it stopped short of full signal scope to reopen the case and to the kathleen atrocity which poland says it will appeal the polish soldiers were killed seventy years ago by soviet troops on the stalin's orders in western russia decades the soviet leadership insisted it was the work of nazi forces only twenty years ago russia revealed who was really behind the tragedy and launched an investigation the massacre caused a strain in russia poland relations for a long time european courts must go off they say poland's concerns are understandable but that russia has its problems before. i consider this is this is and this. is a court. arguments put forward by the russian government arrested to get a sense that there's a nice to me. and from the way it was me. this in saudi kenyan. citizens can see the investigation was not fair. given the.
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contradictory information about i would be afraid of their relatives. who disappeared in one thousand fourteenth is completed this then to go from is a point of view or but from a legal point of view the russian fleet isn't given. to nice to get the case from the very beginning it was started actually on the basically grounds and this is important. he's used to exposing the world's darkest secrets and it's no surprise that whistleblower julian stars wants to reveal even more and he'll be grilling dissidents and opinion makers in his interview show that debuts here on our t.v. on choose they will in the next twenty four hours but today he's answering questions about the much anticipated program and his guests. enemy combatant. getting into the kremlin and. interviewing. terrible radicals for. i think that's
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a sort of trivial kind of attack power when you were choosing the guests what were your criteria or the single biggest criterions of the republic. so those are. people who normally. could any of the guests that you have got do you think a pair on a mainstream t.v. network some good some couldn't and some have. quite a few haven't. what. is the majority of what they have said to me i could not say. one of a small team at work but it's not as because of substance of the networks it's because my style going to go to someone who has been interviewed by the media a million times i understand the thoughts. and so
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i wanted something to look. for the. situations are pretty good so a way of. pulling out. this racial comedy i would suspect that i'm not in something that would. mean. dealing with me ok understandably north of dealing with a host of his dealing with. you and with someone who's been very trying going to something called for medical situation so they can speak to my degree as equals because they understand that i have. more to do science in our make sure you're here too she can if you got the time for the premiere of his program on tuesday it's eleven thirty g.m.t. we'll also show you throughout the day as well the or not. the stories from around the world now an american has once again become head of the world bank despite for the holder of the jobs to better reflect today's economic reality kim jong un jim
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yong kim is a health expert has been serving as president of the ivy league dartmouth college candidates in the world's fastest growing economies have been seeking to great washington's hold on the post to reflect their increased role in global finance. for shared was in farmers of just north of the iraqi capital in what appears to be a sectarian attack two carloads of gunman opened fire while the men were working in an orchard violence has decreased in iraq but so the militants still want to attack the challenge the country share led government. the three leaders in the west african state of guinea percent of announced a national transitional council following the meeting with political parties soldiers wrestle control from the nation's interim government four days ago over plans to reduce the size of the country's influential army because of in company getting perceptions of one of the pensions and one hundred seventy four. rounds president says sometimes attacks across the country show that intelligence failure on the part of local and nato forces kabul full eighteen hours of fierce fighting
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out of taliban militants notional patience and well coordinated assault in the capital diplomatic district thirty six militants were killed but eight police officers and three civilians also lost their lives. the next find out why did you all agree with rush from the us is being called literally ground breaking or what each side gets from the deal it's not business policy after this quick break.
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a business america's exxon mobile so they signed a big development deal with russia's top oil producer who will hand was no access to projects in north america. in return the u.s. firm will get new interests in russia's far north but the tire been a long time in the making of course when the richmond va denko is it was enough to headquarters and explain why. the talk a lot of time for ross to have the next a mobile to team on because of certain factors involved first of all we're talking about exploration which is
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a very difficult technologically difficult process and russia lacks the know how you know to do so and it's getting this know how from its american partners the second factor is of course the legal fact ross never had to abandon its partnership with b.p. basically leave d.p. at the altar as this deal contradicted already existing agreements between b.p. and its russian partners in a joint venture c m k t v and the third factor is of course money because it requires a lot of investment we're talking about three point two billion dollars all but initial investment but folks companies admit that this value could go up ten fold we could see tens maybe even hundreds of billion dollars of investment coming in on these projects and of course foreign companies require some kind of sweetener to go ahead with this deal and they got one last week when the government announced new tax breaks for companies involved in exploration so as
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a result of these tax breaks russia's prime minister and president elect but in the person expects to see why five hundred billion dollars worth of investment coming in in the next thirty years let's find out what's happening on the money markets now wall street is mixed to citi group profits beat expectations boosting the as we see that and those that slipping further on the three thousand points this hour start of the week with the last week chinese g.d.p. data raised fears trade will fall. but you know if we could issue two billion dollars this year in europe six moves result season here in moscow to make it come through off the twenty eleven that profit by russian accounting standards often turn if into posting in the full last year as well those who haven't seen it on news it's privatization could be put to next year the footsie over. in europe ended under fifty seven hundred for the day mobile make a nokia's rating was called to one level above junk as its collapse continues crude
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is also mixed up in the saudi oil minister said he's working to cut global prices brant is now falling down below one eighteenth of barrel on the exchange rate the single currency is going up against the greenback investors all digesting news that spain's boring calls hit record highs and those who are there for this sell more stories on the website all the dot com slash business.
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feeds now in the palm of your. question on. the close a team has been to the sverdlovsk region. where blacksmithing the develops from a craft into an industry. if. he goes far north. where returns to good roads and rail are a battle against the elements where helicopter is the only transport for medics to reach those in need. and where reindeer and fish are treasures for the people will go into the. autonomy area russia close up on r.t. . if.
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