tv [untitled] April 17, 2012 9:30pm-10:00pm EDT
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the. rules. omissions for you now with the palm of your. photo back to the big picture i'm tom hartman coming up in this half hour according to a new center for american progress study women make just seventy seven cents for every dollar the men are this lack of income inequality part of the republican war on women and how in the progressive movement fight back also even though it's melting away oil tycoons are turning the north pole in their endless search for fossil fuels are we still trying to dig for fossil fuels if they're already this growing our planet and it's a it's a daily take the republican strategy for winning the white house is
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a simple one lie lie and lie some more so what can you do to make sure that america doesn't get duped again by the republican lie machine. in screwed news is the economy slowly recovers were seen most of the new job gains in the service sector people working in hotels retail outlets and restaurants unfortunately especially in restaurants these industries are where most of the low paid jobs are in america restaurant industry for example employs ten million americans around the nation produces one point seven trillion dollars in revenue but only one percent of restaurant workers are unionized that's why restaurant workers receive lower pay and benefits than their counterparts in other industries today though are o.c. united the only national organization focused on the needs of restaurant workers. a
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rally here in washington d.c. to draw attention to the plight of low wage restaurant workers in the united states joining me now someone who attended that rally and is currently running for president united states to joel stein is here she's the green party candidate for president of the united states dr started welcome back thanks so much time great to be here to have you with us tell us about the restaurant workers in america what what are the challenges they're facing enormous challenges you know we know that the minimum wage is completely inadequate seven dollars and twenty five cents and it's been incredibly eroded to be something like half of its value back in the one nine hundred sixty s. well get this many of the workers in the restaurant industry they don't have a minimum wage they have a problem minimum wage for tipped workers and their minimum wage is the fact of the two dollars and thirteen fans it hasn't changed in twenty years so a federal or yes it is federal that's right and they've been working you know for
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a long time fruitlessly to try to raise and you know they're not getting tips and i was talking to a couple of the young women who were there they were students actually one of them a scholarship student trying to pay her cost of living expenses and another one trying to pay her loans and they're not getting the tips and there they are just trying to pay their transportation costs to get to work so they're in really desperate straits it's really inexcusable i live in portland oregon for five years and during the time that i lived there the raise the minimum wage restaurant workers and i believe it was just the city had only was the state but i could be wrong but they raised that to the state minimum wage which is actually what i think it's higher than the federal minimum wage and before they do it i mean there's a huge battle before they did that some of the restaurant owners are opposed to the business that we're going to raise the prices on the menu. it turns out that the amount of money that is paid to the waiters and waitresses. this is really such
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a small percentage of the cost of running a business that nothing happened except that a bunch of people were able to make a living from harm we communicate that you know particular in the face of this propaganda you know if wages go up the prices go up and businesses that are with me well you know one thing is that it's actually good for these businesses and you can show that having stayed a stable work force is very good for client relationships and for patrons and they you know they have a personal connection and it reduces the cost of turnover which are enormous so it's actually to the benefit of industries to have well supported workers needless to say they need six thickly because if you have people who can afford to stay home and they're sick and they're working in the restaurant industry you know that that's a public health problem all of this but what rock is doing in this is the really exciting thing the restaurant opportunities center roc united is what they're called and what they do is they get out and they say they they pick their their
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struggles effectively so they go to restaurants where wages are being stolen or people are especially badly paid and they you know they have campaigns and they get out of crowd and they do creative street theater and all that and they've been able to actually move the needle and get better deals and address some of the you know some of the terrible conditions. i noticed if i can change subjects slightly i noticed that recently you rejected americans a look at how i'm curious your thoughts on yeah so americans elect you know pretends to be the third party that a lot of people are clamoring for but in many ways it's a kind of a bait and switch it makes you think that it's a third party but it's sponsored by the same you know big deep pockets it's largely funded by hedge fund managers just a handful of them i mean it's like a couple of dozen people who have. under this entire effort they retain control
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over who the candidate will be so they have veto power it pretends you know it's sort of a front for small the democratic political party in many ways i think you know if it perhaps it intends to take the steam out of truly. challenge true challenges to the political structure that is sending us down to create jobs on health care on the war on civil liberties people are really clamoring for something different from what we're getting from corporate sponsored politics but what we're getting from americans elect unfortunately is still corporate sponsored jill stein thank so much for being with us thank you just agreed to be here. in a related story today is equal pay day twenty twelve and according to a new center for american progress study women make just seventy seven cents for every dollar that men earn in fact over the course of a woman's career she makes an average of four hundred thirty thousand dollars less
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than a male counterpart the staggering amount of money could be used to feed a family of four for thirty seven years or even pay for food for seven four year degrees at a public university and a bit romney is elected president in november the situation won't be getting any better in an interview with diane sawyer airing tonight romney refused to say whether he would sign the lilly ledbetter fair pay act of one thousand of two thousand and ronnie's opposition to the lead better ads is the latest chapter in the republicans war on women a new report by people for the american way outlines the all out assault on women's rights and discusses ways that progress is can fight back joining me now to discuss more of the report and the republican war on women is marge baker executive vice president for policy and programs at people for the american way marge welcome thank you for having me great to have you here with us so how did the war on women start were where we were is this something that has been going the american revolution it's been going on for a while it's been going on for quite
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a while but what we wanted to do in this report is really catalog the systematic this song on women's rights by the right wing in their republican allies is absolutely devastating in scope and in across the board. from from reproductive health to equal pay to. the ability to get contraception to. violence against women. across the board there's an all out assault on women's rights. famously abigail adams john adams wife when he was helping write the constitution wrote him a letter saying don't forget the ladies and he wrote back saying we men are not going to give up our privileges and she wrote back saying that we will find that a rebellion or rebellion didn't happen she was pushing for all these women have the right to vote in britain into the cost to she didn't happen. we've come a long way since but there's always been this undercurrent of of disparity and
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hierarchy in the united states male patriarchal hierarchy is this is this so a bump in the road is this a recent uptick or is this just part of that continual i think what we're seeing is . frankly republicans and positions of power to have more impact so there's a lot of really nasty things happening in states around the country and it's happening in large part because republicans now have majorities in the state so they can enact legislation that before maybe that introduced it didn't go anywhere so we're going backwards from the progress we've been seeing i think i think we are but i think there's a real fight on their hand i mean there is the path there is power in the people and i think there's real resistance to this in the real unwillingness to accept this we're on women without what i would mitt romney and other republicans oppose that will have a better fair pay act which basically says that if you're a woman doing the exact same work that a man is doing the same job same job description same workplace you have to get the
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same pay i it does it boggles my mind ask why governor walker signed a repeal of wisconsin's fair pay fair pay act equal pay act it's it's an blue led better case was a case of let the lilly wanting to be able to hold her company accountable for paying her differently from men it should be a basic right is a. is that there are some men who are so insecure that they that they're trying to just you know block out or an old male out of the rights of women or or is it that there are some companies that are so greedy. they're going to exploit whoever they can and women are among the groups that are exploitable or historically have been but i think what you what you see is policies that are being implemented to privilege to protect large powerful property interests large special interests that and then those policies are being an act on the backs of those with less power and less ability to prevail in the marketplace and
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a lot of unfortunately as you indicated your stats a lot of those people are women and some of these policies are hitting women extra hard because this is the it's a place that a lot of women occupy in the workplace but we have about a minute left can you talk a little bit about the efforts to stop violence against women act yeah this is amazing that that republicans are actually opposing reauthorization of the violence against women act it's been on the books thirty years and years and years already laws are the law and they're opposing it. for extraneous reasons having to do with the fact that it might cover some someone who is a lesbian where it might cover someone who is here. and they were going to see without documentation and so there's so there they're coming up with excuses excuses are desperate so the impact is that women are not would not be protected from violence if this position prevails it's that it's remarkable how can we stop the war i think that speak up we have to name it what the reason we did the report
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you can get the report to go to our web site w w w that people died worked we have to expose it we have to put it put a spotlight on this polling today show that president obama has a forty five point advantage over romney for women in the age bracket of eighteen to twenty nine so people under. they were going on and then speaking of it without thanks so much for your way of thinking and much much appreciate. it because we live in the twenty first century it's ridiculous that women are still being treated like lower class citizens in this country if we come together as a rescue force we can stop the republican assault on women and assure women of the rights to which they are entitled. coming up after the break well barons of the world are seeing new opportunities in the north pole as global climate change why are they looking for war fossil fuels to burn when the world is already in a way under their feet.
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download the official anti ugly cation joint phone only pod touch from the. one john sees from life on the go. video on demand oxys minefield comes an r.s.s. feeds now in the palm of your. question on the call. there hasn't been anything good on t.v. . it is to get the maximum political impact possible. before source material is worth hopes if there was an honest we. we wanted to present. something of.
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good night is greener aboard the oil barons of the world in the military as the rely on that oil are seen new opportunities in the north pole as global climate change kicks into high gear i mean weather is leading to the northern ice cap melting uncovering a treasure trove oil and natural gas reserves scientists believe that the arctic is storing thirteen percent of the world's on tapped oil and nearly a third of the world's undiscovered natural gas as the ice melts access to these resources becomes easier and shipping lanes open so now northern nations are scrambling to stake out their chunk of arctic resources as well as running military operations in the area should they have to fight for these resources in the not too distant future back two months ago military leaders united states canada russia iceland denmark sweden norway and finland met to discuss those guys security issues
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around the arctic but shouldn't these nations have the exact opposite approach to disappearing ice in the arctic and are we looking for more fossil fuels to burn or watching our world melt from fossil fuel windows climate change and hols joins me now is the deputy campaign director for greenpeace usa dan welcome. how are you i'm great i just how insane is it that instead of addressing the dangerous melting of ice in the arctic nations are looking to profit from it. well i think it shows the insanity of our political process when you have the military the coast guard the secretary of state all going in talking about climate change and the effects that it's having on the arctic and then the same breath turning around and saying oh but we're going to go and explain it's trying to address it it means that something's wrong in the country and we need to really look at how we are producing and using energy and the arctic is the canary in the coal mine when you look at everything that's wrong with what we've been doing for the last at least several decades and
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yet we're going to have to torture the metaphor we're going to take that canary and light its feathers on fire. what are the consequences for our planet if these resources in the arctic are tapped. as though it more fossil fuel i mean everything from burning the oil that comes out of that that they might find the natural gas that they might find they increase shipping and that will put more or more pollution into the ecosystem out there that is just going to continue to exacerbate climate change i mean did the amount of pollution involved with the drilling for fossil fuels is a manse and then you do it in a place like the arctic which is an incredibly sensitive and to use the metaphor again the canary in the coal mine and what's wrong with that energy policies it's a horrible step down a path that we've been going down for parts of iran is there potential in addition to destroying you know if you can edition of three more carbon in the air is there a potential for war in iraq you can say well. well anytime anytime you look in the
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resources that people are talking about up there and he have to look much further than geo political problems that today where we're talking about iran we've just gotten out of a war with iraq we're still in a war in afghanistan and. the there's always a possibility for conflict when you're looking at a place it's becoming somewhat easier aspires in the extreme environment that the arctic is to extract those resources that these are in these are these are countries you know we were talking just a second ago time of war you know my country's going to his countries don't we have now a transnational oil companies that are more powerful than most countries. you could certainly make that argument and it again if you look at our energy policy is who's really running the show here we've seen this since at least next presidents of the united states saying we need to look at our energy policy and the only thing we've done is continue to do what the big oil companies the big coal companies or any of
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the fossil fuel companies want to do which is keep mining keep yelling keep burning it's weren't really horrible situation until you stand up to it absolutely greed i would say other than maybe the last year the carter administration when he actually tried to put us in a different direction but of course then came reagan and off went carter solar collectors and again howls thanks so much for being with us thank you you have to centuries of mistreatment are starting to take a toll on our planet the entire world needs to get involved right now to confront mankind's biggest crime crisis climate change before it's too late. just for. kids the good the bad of the very very low gas drinkers slee ugly good eric schoenberg despite the republicans filibuster of the buffett rule last that seems like more and more millionaires are ready and willing to pay their fair share
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of taxes pay some point schoenberg schoenberger wealthy investment banker was interviewed on m.s.m. d.c. yesterday take a listen. what's wrong with you you want to pay more taxes yes i think my taxes are too low in two thousand and nine for example i paid one percent of my income in federal income taxes legally i presume he went on to say that it's ridiculous that he pays less in taxes than average working americans and he's right it is ridiculous republicans need to start listening to patriotic millionaires and stop protecting corporate interests the bad so-called news yesterday the romney campaign shoot chose the adviser responsible for vetting and choosing a v.p. candidate course this was breaking news that we're talking so called news so the talking heads ad to weigh in shortly after the announcement the official fox and friends where accounts waited romney has hired an advisor to do is b.p. search who should we choose. to use chief roger ailes and political opponents of
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the network deny their relationship with the republican party with comments like these. many and the very very ugly the u.s. department of defense report on c.n.n. over the weekend revealed that women in each branch of the military are routinely diagnosed with mental conditions and dismissed from duty after filing sexual harassment complaints sexual assaults of women in the military are on the rise and are far too common last year nineteen prowse sexual assaults were reported while many with more went unreported within the military serve our country with bravery and honor and the order of the sexual assaults and government cover ups the fact that the military would rather cast away these american heroes than protect them is very very.
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symon freud would have a field day examining today's republican party he came up with the idea of what's called psychological projection which is basically when someone projects on to other people beliefs or actions that they themselves holder and carried out but they're in denial for example if someone's a bitch or a liar they might hide up like using others around them of line and it sure looks like mitt romney is guilty of this very sort of psychological projection after all one of the central messages of his campaign is how awful the bottom care is even though mitt romney was the first to enact a version of obamacare in massachusetts while he was the governor and on the issue of health care is the most obvious form projection by mitt romney there are a bunch of others like just last week when mitt romney said that it's president obama who's actually waging a war on women not republicans. the real war on women is being waged by the
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president's failed economic policies. or a few weeks back when mitt romney said that it's president obama who's destroying medicare and not republicans three and a half years later he has failed to enact or even propose a serious plan to solve the entitlement crisis instead he has taken a series of steps that end medicare as we know it he is the only president to ever cut five hundred billion dollars from medicare. it's a bald faced lie that's coming from the same guy who called multimillionaire republican congressman paul ryan's budget that actually does end medicare as we know it was even on policy issues romney seems to be projecting himself to president obama like this comment about how out of touch the president is because he went to harvard we have a president who i think is a nice guy but he spent too much time at harvard perhaps or maybe just not enough
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time actually working in the real world i think to create jobs in the private sector to help should have a job in the private sector romney also went to harvard and in fact stayed there a year longer than president obama so what's going on is mitt romney and the report republican messaging team really suffer from freud in psychological projection or something else going on think about this for a second we're on the verge of a multi-billion dollar presidential election it will determine how trillions of dollars in america are distributed do you really think that the republican party and their guy mitt romney are flying by the seat of their pants you really think that they're lying about the president because they're suffering suffering from some kind of floridians psychological melody or could it be that this is part of a strategy and that would have been the strategy had been talking about on this show for the last few weeks which is this the only way republicans can win
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elections is by lie i think it's a very specific strategy it has to be a strategy the stakes are just too high for it to just be an accident or a mental issue. republicans need this city tried this strategy against bill clinton but clinton was ready for it back in one thousand nine hundred two the bill clinton campaign launched the rapid response war room which was based on rapid response immediately jumping on whatever lie or half truth was thrown at clinton by george by george herbert walker bush and responding to in the media the same day thus stopping that lie dead in its tracks it worked clinton won the election that year anyone reelection four years later doing the exact same thing in two thousand and four john kerry tried something different and ignored the lies that were pushed about him by karl rove and organizations like the swift boat veterans for truth and what happened the rise embedded themselves in the national dialogue they were
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picked up by the mainstream news and ended up costing kerry the election today republicans are already even trying to disguise their lies they're openly and enthusiastically responding to truth with bald face lie in fact it's so great and you might confuse the strategy with an actual mental illness as i mentioned earlier but it's not a mental illness unless you consider the sociopathic element of being a bald faced lie or a mental illness arguably it is quite is republicans lie because they can get away with it if you ever see a republican challenge to on a lie in the corporate media on meet the press or face the nation i haven't it's why they keep coming back on and they'll continue to get away with it as long as no one calls them out as liars not only that would billions of dollars behind them right now they're making t.v. ads websites launching bus tours to promote these and other lies to even more americans. president obama isn't waging a war on women that run in the republicans our president obama isn't trying to end
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the pedicure as we know it but ronnie and the republicans are let's not get duped by the republican lies again tell your friends your family your coworkers tell anyone who believes these lies what's really going on here because if you don't then mitt romney will win the presidency and he'll do it because throughout his career he has been willing to lie with no shame and now he and his entire party turned it into the cornerstone of their electoral strategy. that's the big picture for tonight more information on the stories we covered visit our website to tom hartman dot com free speech dot org dot com you can also check out our two you tube channel for a length of time part and i also have tom our in our county charter all the different ways you can send a speech that i don't forget the democracy begins when you show up to purchase get out there get active occupy something tag your it was you know.
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