tv [untitled] April 17, 2012 10:30pm-11:00pm EDT
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guy designed for show in silence and i program last week we spoke about the controversy surrounding hilary rosen's comments about stay at home moms so did you think that stay home moms really are looked down upon that and society or was that just an ginned up controversy in the media it's got a pretty serious reason a study to find out what you have to say. on the streets of d.c. to tell people in the nation's capital what our viewers had to say on twitter facebook and you tube and he was comments we should keep or delete the. democratic strategist hilary rosen said that am romney never worked a day in her life so do you think that these days is looked down upon or do you think this whole thing's a ginned up controversy so i'm going to read you respond from ethics of ambiguity he wrote in to say i think women that have the help of maids in nannies taking care
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of their children does not qualify as a stay at home mom the same home mom does it all herself and deserves much respect do you want to keep that comment or delete it. because you can keep if you have a nanny that doesn't really qualify i mean if you're really doing it like i was a stay at home mom for a while and it was all me it's a lot of work i read your sponsor amador on facebook he said it is looked down upon it's too bad because if you can afford to stay at home with your children and everyone is better off do you want to keep that ardelia to keep. him and it's just easier that way so i'm going to read your response from bruce on facebook he said i think stay at home moms deserve respect raising children is no easy task do you want to keep it or delete it i want to keep it i agree with you know i've done both and both are both are difficult in their own way do you want to keep that or delete it i would say keep it a mom had three kids so a lot of respect for somebody that can raise three kids do you think that it's
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looked down upon these days you say at home. i think some people do i think if they look at you when you don't have a job you don't work but taking care of children just as much work as a manager to be a stay at home mom yes that is yes that is i think so i think strategists by nature try to stir things up a little bit but i think there's probably a lot of truth to it i think it was somewhat unintentional to stir up that much controversy is this a political attack that went too far or did it really connect with some women voters all we can say is that people are still talking about it one week later. thanks for your responses and here's our next question for you earlier in the show we spoke with trevor tim but activists efforts to raise awareness about the cybersecurity bill sr this week so do you think it's for protesting be as powerful as those that we saw against sopa without the major top companies like google behind this effort that's now you think on facebook twitter and you tube and
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responses just might. well we got quite the view here in washington d.c. today the space shuttle discovery made its last flight from kennedy space center in florida to dulles airport strapped onto the back of a boeing seven forty seven very time this morning it flew right over the national mall you can call it bittersweet symbol of the past but no doubt it was a visual experience that stirred up a lot of emotions and brought out a lot of tourists even a lot of d.c. locals to the mall or to building rooftops to see it in person but i guess the biggest question is what's next recent budget cuts even resorting to a car wash to raise funds paint a pretty bleak picture for u.s. government funded space exploration and dominance of the private sector is jumping in with the space x. rocket launch planned for april thirtieth but is that going to be enough to get a man on mars. joining me to discuss it is dr phil plait astronomer and blogger for
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discover magazine thanks so much for coming on the show again tell me i guess what the thoughts were the emotions were today as you watched the video of the discovery making this fight. my first thought was i wish i had been there. yet the show was mounted on a seven forty seven it flew from florida to washington today and it's going to be taken to basically national air and space museum in its museum where it will be put on display so people can see it discovers less flight was actually quite some time ago so a program shut down and we don't have a rocket to replace it so you know seeing it float one last time it was fairly bittersweet especially for me this was discovered was the one shuttle watcher actually seen live and it brought a camera up the hope that i worked on so you know seeing it do this one last thing is a little tough to watch and i was that it was interesting because the last time you
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were actually on the shell you and i were talking about newt gingrich making promises about building a lunar colony within a year is it a presidential debate and everybody was making fun of them there was a lot of snickering involved and yes day you know the response i feel like was really overwhelming not only did a lot of people go down to actually try to watch this if they were here in washington to have the opportunity to but on twitter everybody was talking about it and so does that just tell you that you know what we really are still interested and excited about space i korean. oh yeah yeah people really are you know of course this seems special for yourself this is a piece of history and i wasn't there when my brother and world as he works in washington he said rooftops were packed people were somehow taking bricks rate at that moment you know and work people were suddenly scheduling things that had to be done on the roof at that time and he saw every building top that he could see people and he took some great pictures of it as well the way i want to posting on my blog i wrote about this because basically you're right the number of tweets that
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i saw the number of e-mails i got the comments that i've seen online show that people really are crave it must be able to go back into space and seeing the shuttle coming back like this it's a little you know i don't misuse the word ignominious it's just it's a set closing of a chapter and no people really aren't seeing what the next chapter is is there a lot of source be written but i don't think it's being spread of only the words being spread enough all right so what particular do you think is the word need to be read about is it for example i met and you know at the top here that's a sachs is about to launch their first rocket never saying a lot of private investment commercial development in the space industry or is it that nasa has you know other projects of its own going through that many people don't pay attention to any more well exactly is it that we should be talking about
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in terms of what's happening next. well that's a good question and it's not any one thing i would say for example great you know the united states does not have the capacity to put a human being into space we either have to buy a seat on the russian rockets or as you said space x. which is a private company run by you and musk they're going to be launching a rocket to the space station in just a couple of weeks that oh it actually we have from the set i want to go there we still have a strong presence in space just not necessarily a manned presence at least one that we put up ourselves we do have astronauts on the space station we also have seen the spacecraft orbiting saturn we have a probe heading to jupiter we've got rovers on mars orbiters on mars orbiter on the moon we still have a very strong it's sunny to get presence in space it's just not necessarily presence in space now is for space x. goes this is a private company they have their own rocket and a space capsule called the dragon and this is the first time that it will go to the
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space station it's going to be on april thirtieth it's going to be unmanned and crude it's just going to be taking the supplies up there this is the first time solid and done it's been delayed quite a bit because they want to be very careful i'm really looking forward to this because of this work successfully there are a couple of more launches later this year it is a year or two this rocket should be rated to allow human beings onboard there are all sorts of safety standards for that and then once again the united states will be able to put people in space and this may be our best bet for doing it in the next few years why you know definite i feel i guess that we've had in the show that is really excited about these new opportunities companies like space x. and others that are developing this kind of technology but is that really going to be enough you know you've heard about this in the sense that we have a government to develop the shuttle program and then that led the way for that now private industry to maybe take over there but if we want to keep innovating if we want to keep finding the next new thing do we need the government to do where i can
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private. do it on it's own you know i'm just curious as to see what exactly the way the best way is to really inspire people because we no longer have a space race it's no longer about such a sense of nationalism how do you actually sell it as that this is something that it's not western money but it's profitable and it's good for the future. well that's a lot of different question i thought i really had a minute left but instead of throwing. own well i do think that the government has the pocketbook to be able to afford doing innovative stuff and i think that's what the world at nasa should be developing new rocket systems new ways of getting to space and being able to do new things once something becomes routine let private industry do it that's what space x. is going to be able to do very well and hopefully a couple of other systems are coming up as well. is this the only way to do it little girl boy you know if yes listeners and it is fine i think that america should be doing this when you invest in space exploration when you would best in
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science you want to get making that money back many times over not just for profit but by building a populace that's educated in science and technology which is so critical to our lives these days so all of this all together i think is important we need to have government we need to have private industry and we're populace that is informed and excited about what we're doing. it's i guess we have to remember that it's all part of one giant thought of combined or hell thanks so much for joining us tonight thanks again alone. that's ahead as a cybersecurity complex without to make a profit off your peers or to explain as night falls and on top of happy hour lawmakers will do anything for exactly the precious defense department and hockey fans here in d.c. create a birth and say to. download
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the official tee up location killed on the phone the one called touch from the on choose option. the child's life on the go. the. cheese month old comes. in the registry now in the palm of your. machine on the com. leg. or news today violence is once again flared up. and these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada the jungle for a shelter ruled the day. the lead. the
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mission. couldn't take three months for charges free arrangement the free. free spirit free. the old free blanquita cullum video for your media project a free media and on to our t.v. john tom. all right it's time for tonight's tool time award and this evening the author doesn't just go to one person but rather an entire security complex that's growing by the day a cyber security complex just another ugly stepchild of the military industrial complex so he after declaring cyber security priority number one the h.s. and the pentagon joined forces with lawmakers in washington and the private sector investing billions into the complex we've watched develop before our eyes and in
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fact this whole industry has sprung up in just the past fifteen years so let's break this system down for you starting with defense and intelligence firms they've been warning of epic attacks that could affect crucial elements of our infrastructure that could put the country risk of severe economic damage or even worse with our national security at risk and those fears have been echoed by washington the next pearl harbor that we confront could very well be a cyber attack that cripples shore power systems our grid or could come not only from a few extremists in suicide vest but from a few keystrokes on the computer. yes both the president and defense secretary leon panetta have taken time to warn about potential threats of cyber war and you can bet they've been focusing time and money on beating up our cyber security and congress was listening which is exactly where things like this the role of lawmakers comes it and we've already told you how bad the sipek bill would allow
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the government to monitor share and hold on to any communications discovered by private by private companies and we don't even know where those will end up now according to the bill's co-sponsors his massive invasion of privacy could be done in the name of you guessed it cyber security. there has been a lot of talk of the prospect of a cyber pearl harbor attack that could shut down critical infrastructure and potentially cause physical damage to the united states tension a destructive threat against critical infrastructure is certainly possible i am more concerned however about the death by a thousand cuts that we are suffering right now from cyber espionage being conducted every day against nearly every sector of our economy. now mike rogers further defended his proposal by saying every day u.s. businesses are targeted by nation state actors like china for cyber exploitation and that the broad based support for this bill shows that congress recognizes the urgent need to help our private sector better defend itself from the u.s.
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attacks which segues right into the private sector and its role in all of this the private contractors hired by corporations by the government they can always be counted on to exaggerate the threat just like math these anti-virus firm did and that could be released a report back in two thousand and nine explaining that data theft and breaches from cyber crime may have cost businesses up to a trillion dollars globally and lost intellectual property now i hate to burst anyone security bubble here but it makes perfect sense that mcafee would be conducting these studies because that just will have been sell their bottom line and in fact an op ed in the new york times this week provides you leading economist says that we should probably reassess how serious cybersecurity threats really are sadly not the first time we've heard this argument being made we soak in about the yellowcake of cyberwar before but we have to keep making this points so you don't just blindly let this monster of an industry grow now the authors explain the widely circulated cybercrime estimates are generated of using absurdly bad
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statistical methods making them wholly unreliable so not only do these numeric surveys always estimate their figures on the high end but when the data gets combined and other research down the road the figures or errors at that point are magnified to alarming percentages we're curious what you're most likely to see as lawmakers and pentagon officials little more likely to tout now as gerry britto explained back in february all parties are more than willing to use the media to spread that word. and when increases with the claim is that a lot of the evidence that they have or the star warnings is classified they can't talk about it of course and they're looking to the media and the sites with media. that's right is one vicious cycle the private sector puts out there floods studies the media picks repeats congress members lawmakers a field day peer mongering about countries like china attacking us be a computer and the media repeats how even the president joined then on the gun and the media repeats so the result is billions gets spent new industries get created
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based on that evidence and i'm not saying that there's no cyber security threat there is but just not at the level claimed by officials in companies will have an interest in expanding their budgets and their profits so for scaring the crap out of us and for profiting off of it cyber security complexes tonight's bull's-eye where. i got time for happy hour and joining me this evening lauren lyster host of the capital account here on artsy and alex sites all this assistant editor of thing or . hey hey how's it going in its head this is really we're just playing these videos just because they're funny to watch but we have bumped michael's had a few key moments in his t.v.
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history let's first start i guess you could say with something that happened in two thousand and eleven i believe where he let a lot of people in on his past with drug use. so you've never seen a show before know that when i used to call caleb and would watch it but i don't think i got people to pick up going to church i don't know about the drugs at all because it's bigger than your real nose you know it's the third one but which. they actually read about for an hour but maybe i guess we should leave those apprised of he was on hand the last night and then he dropped a big f. bomb on eric like that's. his studies of failure. you're talking about playing we apologize i don't for i don't apologize yes you do know what the air we were in on the air yeah yeah we really were hope we. he was like you didn't serve you were out of the brig. obviously you're out of rigs and
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think well yeah i knew even and he's on t.v. he's on a show he knows how it works even at the call don't blame sonic you need to run your show better i didn't know i was on the air yeah i mean i know you know i can sort of the tick if they they were on a commercial break and it would be. a heady to much about anything but this guy is a professional t.v. guy and i love his just sits back with the suspenders i don't know going to apologize whatever i don't need to say anything else and they get fired or does he want to. curse and f. bombs not i'm not don't care how you have fire because. you know they get fined fox news does quite well they probably consider it a cost of doing business. we just did the russian but we just like that but. all right let's move on this is just things like this just make me angry basically we've been hearing a lot of crying and whining and complaining about the the trigger cuts that were
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supposed to go in and these are things that congress agreed to remember like they actually passed this and agreed that they would have it happen and republicans were none too happy about the fact of the trigger is going to go in effect when it comes to defense budget and we've heard them i mean let's listen to the one about it. they have to have a budget if you don't want to have a government shutdown you have to have a budget if you want to reconciliation that will slow but secretary panetta says is the see question or meet x. that will happen to the defense of this country. so it's so important and so right now they're trying to there's weird ways that they're like wrangling in trying to pass this budget do with i'm hunting bill and it's all very confusing but what republicans are trying to do now in order for these defense cuts in the trigger. is before they were focusing on federal jobs they're going to hammer away at some of them now. they're just going to go food stamps an average family of four would face an eleven per cent cuts and monthly benefits after september first and tighter
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unfortunate rules would require the household exhaust most of their liquid assets before even qualifying for help so this just shows you where our priorities are yes really rare that you see a set up as clean as this where you have food stamps and like you know nuclear missiles on the other hand just like perfectly clear all trains a literal trade off between guns and butter and the u.s. conference of bishops which is a really very reliable republican partisan organization slams paul ryan on the budget for wanting to make all these huge cuts to food stamps and these are the guys who are behind all the contraception debate and suddenly you know doesn't care to much of a pick up the church has to say things that they can choose not surprising i think what bothers me the most i mean you can make an argument about what means what should be saved whatever it just do you think you're going to do like nobody trusts congress anyway you agree to these cuts this is your punishment for not having to deal on a budget make the cuts you promise to take the medicine and stop always trying to
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get out of it in a realm get like you do you're going to say provide a it's a really good point why would you pass any legislation anyway why would we believe you every single time that you bring the government to the brink of a shutdown when you brought us right to the brink of a default on our debt over all of this is when they reached the deal and now they're just bummed that they had to sign on to something that they're less working there yeah around it but i mean it's also i don't personally i find it sickening and disgusting because people are having a really hard time right now right the number of people that are on food stamps has risen during this recession and we just have more of these weapon systems and projects they keep getting funded even though there were obviously grossly over budget for the over budget why do you like to grade around my priorities programs over budget and pay for the food stamps with that because you're a fraction of these programs and these are cuts that people to pay. gone secretary gates former security guards lots of people have agreed on these are not this is not a core functionality to military personnel these are these are weapons programs that
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have gone over to you know like like seven forty seven's with laser beams attached to their head to shoot down missiles that don't actually work and it just it's just the. republicans wanting to break in the deficit and get by but do that don't just cut programs in order to pay for your big planes that this country doesn't need because one of the last time they used an actual combat mission why does i don't think they're going to win with this because i think that specifically right now you have this mood in the country where people are really they're just fed up they're angry you know the government and then they i think they can visit rate with people more but not as a matter i feel like we see congress does not care all they don't care or have their care is that if this isn't the time i think that people are over the war in afghanistan maybe they would wise that maybe it speaks to hopeful that's the that's not going to or is are going to go israel's attack that actually no it is not fair . to the new york post they have had quite a few pinions of the best against it which we've had a lot of coverage into the n.y.p.d. surveillance program here's one of the new york post comments or did i think just
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a few weeks ago on t.v. talking about it. those who are so quick to criticize the police for doing their job to the nine eleven memorial walk through the park like setting touch the names on the memorial and then say hold the police should lower their guard told the police shouldn't worry about this happening again. well it just so happened break up the associated press got a pulitzer for its coverage and the new york post wrote an editorial i just read you one of the little things about it surprise surprise this seceded press yesterday picked up a pulitzer for its yearlong nonstop hit job on the n.y.p.d. his counterterrorism efforts the series with a naked bid to appeal to the judge's. ability ok another case of so or loser is why don't people take these things with grey's you know come on they say just go ahead and we are already is not going to go for a pulitzer anyway let's be honest well i mean that's
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a good point here but i just think basically put up with congress and you know go back on their word and you know not their anger that somebody out there is still doing its investigative journalism the way the a.p. did in this series yeah but i think the new york post obviously takes the cake but yesterday was filled with a lot of journalists grousing about other people other journalists winning the pulitzer so i think we need a new pulitzer for the most sore loser and i think that and was posed to be. intentional and it's you know like what would we call that you know there's like the razzies for the for the worst movies that are out there what about just the worse so as the losers when it comes to a horrible it's the poor loser and poor loser ok all right brilliant brilliant brilliant i could i got to wrap it up but they do you for joining us the evening and i get it for tonight's show thank you for tuning in and make sure you come back tomorrow we're going to have your host of the young turks back on the program and meantime go forget to become a fan of the alone a show on facebook and follow us on twitter and if you missed any of tonight's show
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or any other nights you can always catch a dollar you tube dot com slash the loaner ship and find interviews as well as the show in its entirety there and coming up next is that he's. there hasn't been a long t.v. . it is to get the maximum physical impact. before source material is worth soaps if journalism on us we thought. we wanted to present. something else.
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