tv [untitled] April 18, 2012 2:00am-2:30am EDT
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visitors. mark what can the u.s. and its allies put a stop to the downward diplomatic spiral with iran and seek ways out of the current deadlock more talks or. freedom of speech or on tasks as a persecutor whistleblower goes an arab pledging a t.v. stage for the figure of his firing and advice has joined us on himself. provocation by rebels against the syrian army only brings more violence and undermines the truth so the opposition inside the country sending signals it's ready to negotiate plus. public taxpayer funded advertising campaign for some of the bush corporate criminals in our world today taking the golden shine off pics london twenty twelve's accused of being nothing but a money making mission. that
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is ten am in the russian capital you're watching r t on marina joshua welcome to the program that was a debut destined to stir up a media storm a much anticipated show by joining the sun finally burst on to t.v. screens around the globe was kind of person only about the host but his guests as well as ball leader and a soundless raul whose identity was kept secret until broadcast was the first person interviewed by the world's most prominent whistleblower are going to writes the premier. poor most american media julian assange is guilty without charge reckless traitor and a threat to our national security interests sleazeball named julian assange who is bent on damaging america how did this guy just land his own t.v. show the implication is a sergeant is a russian agent whose anti-american mission is now out in the open for all to see and the accusations kept flying as the whistleblowers very own show premiered on
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tuesday but i saw it coming because to have. illegal gotten. there you could be a. criminal. and your. curveball radical. but i think that it's a pretty crude. current. literature look at how the soviets were and. we have complete control of the guests of his first show was the head of hezbollah designated by the us as a terrorist organization it was not starlost first interview with international channel in six years the reason why him could be found in the interview itself the united states is looking. into us as well when we want to be able to tell people that one of the syrian terrors is that small
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organizations. this with the one that people listen to us hide from ohio for example if there was a just a trial there you don't you have to be very mean is the defendant should have an opportunity to defend themselves some say in the court of public opinion as presented by the u.s. mainstream media there is a tendency to simplify issues often at the expense of the full picture somebody agrees or doesn't agree with hezbollah's ideas or all of their ideas ideology or their theology the american people need to hear the voice of hezbollah rather than simply have them demonize. targeted as a quote terrorist but the purpose of demonizing somebody like nasir rolla or nelson mandela who was considered a terrorist until nine hundred eighty eight is not really to stop terrorist ideas from infiltrating but for the american people to only hear one side of a debate only hear one side of an argument julian assange is now under house arrest in the u.k. fighting extradition to sweden where he may well be extradited to the united states
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u.s. prosecutors reportedly have a secret indictment ready for a sign was made public thousands of leaked documents with embarrassing details relating to the worsening in iraq and afghanistan as well as other issues in the u.s. has been under fire from capitol hill the white house and the media and we've got to apprehend mr assigns the founder of wiki leaks and bring him to justice as a as a violator of the espionage act because if we don't just keep happening the dead man can't leaks that this guy is a traitor and treasonous and he has broken every law of the united states the guy ought to be i'm not for the death penalty so if i'm not for the death i don't want to do it illegally shoot what about freedom of information cherished as a core principle of democracy almost like leading and letting genie out of the bottle mr assad has the the internet and the governments and everyone else at their own game because he's gone from a place where others have not been before and he's introduced the types of
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information the range of information that previously were not available if one views the media as a court of public opinion then julian assange which is someone who presents to the jury that is the viewers argument evidence of voices which they almost never hear on mainstream media and it's up to the viewers to form an opinion but what many find ironic is that all solution is under attack by the u.s. government and the media for practicing poor forks then the freedom of information that america. around the globe i'm going to start our reporting from washington. the first edition of the show how it's caused such a stir across the world this coming up next hour log on just sounds dot r t v dot com there you'll find a show itself as well as the twenty minute interview where we can be found or also feel free to have your say in the comments section and read more about how the world reacted to the program at. around eight
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hundred rebels across syria have used an amnesty to throw down their arms says the start of a truce that's as arab and western states claim the ceasefire has failed laying the blame on the assad regime the opposition leaders inside syria however say the government is facing constant provocation from fragmented rebel factions. and out of. this cease fire is being observed except for some of violations by week and for going into groups which are unable to seize control of a country these forces have no jerk political future in syria they continue their stories in order to engage the army in forty three so that it stands against the syrian people we tell everyone that we are ready to negotiate with the government and everyone who has a steam yourself with economic and political crimes and there are a lot of such people the syrian government is not a corrupt and criminal structure which competes with the syrian government is my
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cousin they are all syrian people. washington has once again called for tougher sanctions against syria earlier measures how already seen the country's foreign currency reserves slashed by half but political analysts while his here in damascus says it's the people who carry the main burden. sanctions for us so that he sees sanctions for a transfer. of care and see you when you see sanctions on trade these would need be very hard to syrian citizens i do think the really concerned the government and if they do they only concern the government in the sense that they would create a sense of undressed on certain segments of the population and this whole litany of sanctions has proved over the years to be nothing but a tool to really. hurt the weakest members of society the situation though this is really tense right now and i think this is not the client through political posture
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this isn't time for everyone to sit down behind that evolution and the world and think of the shape and the future of syria that we want out of syria finds itself squeezed in the throes of the arab spring where you poured from one place in the middle east where the season doesn't change. is there the look that it would create is that it once put itself in the foot of the student. thousands go on hunger strike in israeli jails as new peace talks between the two strange nations go down a truly tried and failed path. plus their active bill or intellectual property drew massive protests across europe plans on shaky ground as a key on a peace as it must be voted through. its exactly one hundred days until the olympic games kick off in london but critics say there is already been plenty of running for gold with the organizers holding straight into bed with whoever is
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flashing the cash despite their dubious backgrounds are reports of a mixed messages coming from the twenty twelve games. this supposed to be the greenest most sustainable games ever but a quick look at the list of partners and sponsors for london twenty twelve tells a very different story the way sponsors are chasing are the ones with the deepest wallets in the least conscience's this is basically an eleven billion hind public taxpayer funded advertising campaign to some of the worst corporate criminals in our world today first stop dow chemical which never accepted blame for one of the world's worst industrial disasters a toxic leak in bhopal india that killed thousands it's sponsoring eleven million
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dollar wrapped around the stadium after a ferrari douse logo now won't appear on the wrap as for the game's official electricity supplier that's easy yes. green britain. one of the u.k.'s big six energy providers self-proclaimed green pioneer and owner of all the u.k. sneakily a power stations and their hackers previously convicted in france for spying and greenpeace they hacked into your e-mail accounts in an attempt to undermine a campaign against them those who thought the sort of thing that people look to aspire to the sort of ideal not to sort of grubby backing and espionage which is what e.t.f. sadly is well known for then there's be a major backlash and so-called sustainability partner despite being according to some one of the world's least sustainable companies there's been a deepwater horizon oil spill off the gulf of mexico they've continued their
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investment and really their lobbying around the tar sands in alberta continuing to devastate indigenous communities there and then they also completely scratched. so any claim to being a leader in sustainability was wiped out with that so. it's essentially. just bought an image that they want to project and has worked since b.p. became sustainability partner surveys say three times as many people now believe it's working towards a cleaner greener world pure p.r. gold the countdown clocks ticked cost one hundred days till the olympics kickoff but it's not just sports facilities that construction workers a feverish refinishing they're also building no fewer than four mcdonald's outlets one of which will be the world's biggest in fact at this event which stands at the pinnacle of health and fitness mcdonald's will be the only brand is meal provider
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to essentially three. provided. that games are going to be good don't care. i'm capris three companies that are well known for pushing out refined sugars in complex carbohydrates and trans fats into the community responsibility for childhood in and out of the city seems a very. sporting event which is designed to promote how physical activity is senior mcdonald's executives make no secret of the fact they see a limp expenses as an opportunity to position themselves in healthier territory and there's the crux say critics olympic sponsorship more school raiding as philanthropy when it's in fact savvy marketing which numbers limping organizers are more than happy to swallow your a smith r.t. london and one of the world's top female tennis players who is set to star the twenty five london games has caused an online frenzy by drastically changing her
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a lot freer sharaf one only known for her skills on the court but for courting publicity after a set game set match to her office whoppers. also online he's the worst nightmare for the occupy wall street protesters and now you may be running for your mayor as republicans push the top and watch media officer or of a gal holds top job. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. trying to corporations rule the day. a lot of the last thousand political prisoners and incarcerated palestinians have launched a mass hunger strike throughout israeli jails it's one of the largest seen in the country and is in protest over the state's justice system which the palestinians say is grossly unfair and as artie's policy you're now reports there's plenty more
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headache on the horizon for israel. israel's prime minister. and his palestinian counterpart schedule to meet for the first time ever should be a landmark moment to bring peace right wrong israel is not ready for peace. for itself a promise to america which initiated the peace talks is just which bring them back to life and get a deal on a score card for washington the current climate of what they see as democracy building artemy hope world it's a perfect time to iron out this cold that's been going stale for years he's all the israelis and palestinians can see are clouds building well israel is basically divided between two schools of thought one of words there's just too much danger and uncertainty take any kind of interference and the other school of thought which says. look in these circumstances israel to try to do whatever to. disarm hostility for the palestinians it's much starker
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they've seen change among the arab neighbors that's not only possible in dying but he seemed down and circled by extremists we look at where the arab spring is likely to lead us it's most likely at this point it would seem to lead us to greater islamist influence around our borders and that means less chances fewer chances of peace rather than more on this war which is part of the border between israel and the west bank are the faces of the heroes of the palestinian people they've been smiling down from here for years and still nothing strange to put across the atlantic or washington can see a fledgling democracies all the time ignoring the trouble left in a week not least of all in building and entrenched in middle israel and the palestinian people running out of patience policy r.t. . meanwhile israel is also powering on whether its campaign against another fellow
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iran tel aviv says it sees the islamic republic's nuclear ambitions ample. medical rhetoric as an existential threat and one i won't tolerate cross-talk later today peter lavelle brings the two camps together with predictable results. the president never said that he will attack or destroy israel he says israel must cease to exist as a political entity and the willful mistranslation in the us what he said is clear to all he said basically that this has always been iranian policy that israel as an apartheid state must cease to exist just as apartheid south africa ceased to exist that's what they mean when they call israel or to bomb states israel must cease to exist that peace in the army after a tipping when the iranians date whoever said that we want a world of you know we're in a one day in a world of google i would advise you to tell viewers of this program that the
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iranians are not refer to as rosa one bombing of two bombs they can also be you know you can only hear that you are going to show you. on google. and take our feeding trade agreement or act out may soon prove to be dad in the water a vote on it is due this summer but the am a p responsible for monitoring its progress has already said it should be rejected the international bill is aimed at enforcing intellectual property rights and fighting internet piracy twenty two countries in the e.u. signed up to the agreement however your kenyans rose up against it saying it would give big corporations unprecedented control over their personal data political commentator look samuel so as the treaty exposes the undemocratic decision making in the e.u. . the real problem with that to specifically is how it shows that you're opinion it's effectively allowed to do politics without any reference to national populaces
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so the fact is that this is a piece. you. you know it's a trade agreement that will. be gracious on european countries to make it go in certain ways but it still is europe it's european law making effectively by proxy i'm going to show you that the european union have effectively created institutions and procedures which have prevented these kind of agreements coming under any kind of democratic scrutiny whatsoever that's the real problem it's true that countries have signed up to it but no point have national populaces had any say whatsoever in the provisions of this agreement so that's we're really troubling aspect of it is the fact that it's fundamentally antidemocratic. but in today's r.t. interview tom barton speaks here work fostering or founder of the swedish pirate party he says internet freedom isn't something governments should take lightly so if you open up these rallies are huge i mean if you look at poland they're the rallies that have already been are absolutely astounding and people are frankly
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demanding their rights act that means censorship of the net and that is not acceptable not to the generation growing up not of the people who understand what the net is about and that it's the greatest equalizer that mankind has ever invented and that's not something we're ready to give up front that we're discovering things that just shouldn't be the beer be your people mission went out the other side the other day and said that this is no big deal everybody will be free to keep sharing it covered mentally approved things and that's not what they should be saying they should say that you still have freedom of speech. wealthy british style.
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market finance come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with much stronger no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into this report on our. emissions free credit take three months for charges free. range move three. three. two three. mostly bond counseling videos for your media projects and free media john darche dot com. you're watching r t how washington will be trying to talk its allies in to raising
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one billion dollars a year to assist security forces have got to stand at a crunch nato ministers some of do kick off later today in brussels the meeting comes at a crucial time for the alliance with some members having recently announced an early pullout of troops from the violence ravaged country but the selfish interests of american parties are still a determining washington's policy there. co-founder of the anti-war activist group code pink. unfortunately we've seen during the primary campaign of the republicans are aligned with saying that we should be staying beyond twenty four teams and that tends to bring the obama administration into a position as well we don't have any challengers to it coming from a more progressive position saying out now and the race of the american public seems to be muffled i think there is always the fear that should things fall apart
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in afghanistan even more than they are right now that that would be blamed ministration then the republicans would use that as a hammer to the obama administration on the head with during the coming months. now take a look at some other stories from around the world qatar has reportedly seen an attempted military coup organized by high ranking officials aimed at overthrowing the country's leader according to unconfirmed information the royal family had to be taken by helicopters to safety officials have sought to keep the incident away from the media due to a volatile situation throughout the arab region. and other can you give me a tour has urged the u.n. to take action to stop fighting between sudan and south sudan over and over its region the security council has already demanded the south moves its troops from the disputed area the country send forces into the sector last tuesday claiming it was a response to air and ground attacks from sudan which accuse its southern neighbor
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of occupying the canonically vital region. now throughout have marched through the streets of market in northern peru to voice their anger over a proposed gold mine project in the area if completed it's expected to bring billions of dollars of profit and investments to the south american country however experts warn it could jeopardize the region's already scarce water supplies mine construction stuff stirred unrest and in recent years the biggest protests involve ten thousand people twenty eleven. now realize sleeping beauty it's one thirty pm g.m.t. invited to discover the mysteries of the cooler ice caves in russia and astonishing sight which acts as a magnet for thrill seekers despite the risks it poses. something lies beneath. thousands of
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meters of ice and rock. the labyrinth that is a lure for many. but dangerous even to those who keep it at a distance. well we are change of pace now and crossing straight to the world of business so was katie waiting at her business desk there or getting katie now one of the russian markets have just opened so what's the sentiment after the opening bell there well marina it's all looking pretty rosy at the moment be honest we've got some against the my sex and the l.c.s. we're going to check out as they go and it's a real contrast to yesterday when we saw logs of losses as you can see the l.c.s. point six percent as well as the my states as well but one of the stories we're
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going to be watching else there is. prime minister putin said that he is suggesting that the tax the gas sector doesn't pay enough taxes though that growth suggesting an increase in tax burdens a lot of the wants was loosened posted because coming out of the i.m.f. report yesterday saying that the russian economy is that expounds life for instance oh indeed russia is the world's biggest energy exporter a super high at which the prices are expected to benefit the economy here this is at the ruble that's now you can see business as well and as we can see it's stronger against the u.s. dollar figure at this hour but here it's all of that still down the four it's the third session in the pool if we move on to the international markets we also see that is positive sentiments going on there and that is because in the i.m.f. report they have also boosted the global growth for call for three point five percent from three point three percent which was originally predicted i was also
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got a successful spanish as well as the exact figures coming from germany and that is investor confidence they were better than anticipated as well if we look at the u.s. vegas yesterday we also see that those results helped to overshadow the industrial and housing starts which were actually not quite as good as investors have argued but obviously the nazi party to weasel games away to. talk about oil that was also spoken about. in the eye there for of course but it's an old prices to ten percent this year on rising demand and possible supply disruptions interesting want to watch it is trying to the biggest oil refineries said to increase their production us president barack obama came out with some comments yesterday about the oil markets themselves in the way that investors attitudes need to change apparently he was saying it's the end of personal gain because households are the ones that suffer as
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a result and he's talking about market manipulation since i'll be an interesting one indeed to the powerful ok that's the markets for this hour marina in the next hour i'm going to have the figures for the european market all right kitty thanks very much indeed for this outlook and of course to stay with our team for an interview with the founder of the swedish pirate party right after an update of headlines.
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on the. hundred. living years. we have five forty acres and nineteen ninety three and decided it would be a great place to find themselves on the retire. their sheer. we call it our new neighbor neighbor nine o seven. we have seventy acres and i can convince them that they need to drill somewhere besides two hundred feet from. the needs of our growing economy also means expanding our domestic production of oil and natural gas which are vital fuel for transportation electricity and manufacturing this is
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before any problems of it before we do the right and then change. your flows are nontoxic and we did a lot of i think there's a lot of missed understanding of what that is actually in the flow it's. trying to say you can load here unless you come out here and live in my house for a week. i have no rights. to come. science technology. developments from around. the building.
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