tv [untitled] April 18, 2012 8:00am-8:30am EDT
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the launch of julian assange very own interview show here on r t causes controversy for the first episode lauded and loathed for talking to a guest largely frozen out of the mainstream media. one hundred days before the start of the summer olympics in london there are accusations that sponsors are using the games as a p.r. campaign term prove their own tarnished reputation. that israelis and palestinians say instability caused by the arab spring makes peace talks even harder than before despite washington seeing fertile ground for reconciliation.
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worldwide news live from the heart of moscow this is on the with me rule recent show julian saunders debut as a talk show host here on ars he was bound to face criticism and praise from around the globe and that's exactly what happened the world's most famous whistle blower attracted controversy may need to do is choice of guests and the channel chosen the broadcast the program. you can gauge is the response. poor most american media julian assange is guilty without charge reckless traitor and a threat to our national security interests sleazeball named julian assange who is bent on damaging america how did this guy just land his own t.v. show the implication is assad is a russian agent whose anti-american mission is now out in the open for all to see
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and accusations kept flying as the whistleblowers very own show premiered on tuesday but also saw it coming close to. a legal battle. with the kremlin. an interview with. carol radical. i think it's a pretty crude. card. with a look at how the soviets were and. we have complete control over the guests over his first show was the head of hezbollah has ignited by the us is a terrorist organization it was first interview with international channel in six years the reason why him could be found in the interview itself the united states is booking. posting in to us as well when they want to be able to tell people that was one of us so terrorism terrorism smoking lies ations if. this
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were the one that people listen to us high from ohio for example if there wasn't just a trial and yet very different venture have an opportunity to defend themselves some say in the court of public opinion as presented by the us mainstream media there is a tendency to simplify issues often at the expense of the full picture somebody agrees or doesn't agree with hezbollah's ideas or all of their ideas ideology or their theology american people need to hear the voice of has rather than simply have them demonize. targeted as a quote terrorist but the purpose of demonizing somebody like nasrin or nelson mandela who was considered a terrorist until nine hundred eighty eight is not really to stop terrorist ideas from infiltrating but for the american people to only hear one side of a debate only hear one side of an argument julian assange is now under house arrest in the u.k. fighting extradition to sweden where he may well be extradited to the united states
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u.s. prosecutors were pointedly have a secret indictment ready for our son who's made public thousands of leaked documents with embarrassing details relating to the wars in iraq and afghanistan as well as other issues in the u.s. has been under fire from capitol hill the white house and the media and we've got to apprehend mr aslan's the founder of wiki leaks and bring him to justice as a as a violator of the espionage act because if we don't this will keep happening the dead man can't leaks that this guy is a traitor and treasonous and he has broken every law of the united states the guy ought to be shot i'm not for the death penalty so if i'm not for the death i don't want to do it illegally shoot the son of a what about freedom of information cherish this is a core principle of democracy it's almost like leading and letting the genie out of the bottle mr assad's has beat the internet and the governments and everyone else at their own game because he's gone to
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a place where others have not been before and he's introduced the types of information the range of information that previously were not available if one views the media as a court of public opinion then julian assange is someone who presents to the jury that is the viewers argument i've been voices which they almost never hear on mainstream media and it's up to the us to form an opinion but what many find ironic is that our forces under attack by the us government and the media for practicing pool for extend the freedom of information that america. i'm going to start now reporting from washington. well if you missed the show itself you can just watch the full version on a special section of our website it's a son she thought r t. but you also find a pre-show twenty minute interview with the wiki leaks founder himself that's where he explains the choice of guests and choice of channel of course so we're always
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eager to know what you think of the first episode you can leave your comments and find out how other viewers from across the globe reacted paul got a much more of a song from the dot. com. it is exactly one hundred days before the olympics start in london however as artie's laura smith explains some sponsors are already making millions using questionable marketing tricks all in the name of. this supposed to be the greenest most sustainable games ever but a quick look at the list of partners and sponsors for london twenty twelve tells a very different story the way sponsors are chosen were the ones with the. least conscience's the start dow chemical which never accepted blame for one of the
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world's worst industrial disasters the toxic leak in bhopal india that killed thousands it sponsoring eleven million dollar wrapped around the stadium after a ferrari dows logo now waved to peer on the wrap as for the game's official electricity supplier that's e.d.f. . green. one of the u.k.'s big six energy providers self-proclaimed green pioneer and owner of all the u.k.'s nuclear power stations and their hackers really have been convicted in france of spying and greenpeace they hacked in tory mail accounts. thing that people look to aspire to this sort of deal not. an espionage which is what he did. as well known for them as bt a major backer and so-called sustainability partner despite being according to some
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one of the world's least sustainable companies has been the deepwater horizon oil spill off the gulf of mexico they've continued their investment and really their lobbying around the tar sands in alberta continuing to devastate indigenous communities and then they also completely scrapped since b.p. became sustainability partner surveys say three times as many people now believe it's working towards a cleaner greener world pure p.r. gold the countdown. take cost one hundred days till the olympics kick off but it's not just sports facilities that construction work is a feverish refinishing they're also building no fewer than four mcdonald's outlets one of which will be the world's biggest in fact at this event which stands at the pinnacle of health and fitness mcdonald's will be the only brand to provide stevia mcdonald's executives make no secret of the fact they see a limp expenses ship as an opportunity to position themselves in healthier
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territory and there's the crux say critics olympic sponsorship a raging as philanthropy when it's in fact savvy marketing which numbs and slim pick organizers are more than happy to swallow. coming up a little bit later here on the program a controversial call for. a gripping europe in another blow to the global piracy act part. responsible for its progress into law. as a threat to civil liberties also. environmental disaster in america's. schools been home. in fifteen minutes.
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markets why not. come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with much stronger or a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into kinds a report on our key. to the official anti application. i pod touch from the i.q. exams to. life on the go. video on demand policies in mind fuel costs and r.s.s. feeds now in the palm of your. question. it's good to have you with us here on r t today other controversial and
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counterfeiting trade agreement or act has suffered yet another blow in europe a fight on its ratification is to just this summer but the n.e.p. responsible for monitoring its progress says now it should be rejected the international build aims to enforce intellectual property rights and fight internet piracy track a few countries that you signed up to the cream of which triggered a wave of protests all across europe. thousands of demonstrators against it saying it would give big corporations unprecedented control over their personal data political commentator luke samuel says the treaty exposes a rather undemocratic decision making process was. the real problem with actors specifically is how it shows that you're opinion it's effectively allowed to do politics without any reference to national populaces so the fact is that this is a piece of you law it's
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a trade agreement that will. not be gracious on european countries to make you know in certain ways but it still is europe it's european law making effectively by proxy i want to show is that the european union have affectively created institutions and procedures which have prevented these kind of agreements coming under any kind of democratic scrutiny whatsoever but the real problem it's true that countries have signed up to it but no point of national populaces have any say whatsoever in the provisions of this agreement so that's with a really troubling aspect of the fact that it's fundamentally antidemocratic. its future in doubt oh europe's pirate parties have agreed to team up for elections to the european parliament in two thousand and fourteen in order to promote internet freedom this hour here on our two year time barton speech to. the founder of the swedish pirate party he says the failure of similar legislation in the us shows
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that people's voices can be heard as soon as politicians realize that their jobs are at risk. people i think that was the first case where the general population really woke up to realizing well we have been seeing all along is and wolf. we are actually warning for a very real danger out there you have the key element politicians started to fear for their jobs if that hadn't happened people would already have passed the politicians sort of sort of crumble beneath their feet as here in europe two hundred fifty million europeans sharing culture that's not a problem with a couple of teenagers that's half the voting population and if you want to keep your job you can't call them criminal. it's a quarter past the hour here in moscow russia is accusing the armed opposition in
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syria of provoking violence to breach the internationally brokered cease fire foreign minister sort of up off cited reports that the free syrian army is using refugee camps in turkey as safe havens to plan assaults on regime troops also says there are many he wants a very special envoy kofi annan is peace plan in favor of using force some western and arab states have agreed to tighten sanctions against the syrian president who they accuse of breaching the truce but erika denise a director and founder of the french center for intelligence studies so is in the interests of some syrian rebels to further inflame the conflict. on the armed groups didn't stop their attacks again the security forces be could be wrong to use them to react so strong. that the regime of bashar will be absolutely because he didn't respect the ceasefire but i think it's
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a kind of being because they want to push for more international pressure on the region let's all of that the situation would be better to. make the nation delineation but. we have to be very cautious because most of the people from the beginning they want to denounce the show regime we've got absolutely no i mean. communication concerning the victim and the college of the major of the two reasons so all the i mean international pressure all the media reporting are going up the same direction just to be decisive all the time by sharia. of course so you can always find lots more of the story on our website i thought also worth checking out there a fabulous find in russia's south but all of here geologists have discovered dozens of alleged fossilized dinosaur eggs as they broke these rocks during road construction workers. amazing to log on to r.t.
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dot com. also pain. artist in the center of a race scandal involving the swedish culture minister more on that. these are the images. we're not far off from the r.t. world for now peace talks between israel and the palestinians roadblock palestinian prime minister salam fayyad pulled out of a planned meeting instead to low level officials met with israeli prime minister netanyahu and little progress reported. now explains palestinian see the
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chance of change continually passing by. israel's prime minister. and his palestinian counterpart scheduled to meet for the first time ever a landmark moment to bring peace right wrong this is really not pretty for peace israel wants peace for itself but not for palestinians america which initiated the peace talks is desperate to bring them back to life and get a deal on a score card for washington in the current climate of what they see as democracy working out in the arab world is a perfect time to iron out discord that's been going stale for years it's all the israelis and palestinians can see are clouds building well israel is basically divided between two schools of thought one of which says there's just too much danger and uncertainty to take any kind of interference and the other school which says. in this circumstance is israel to try to do whatever it can. disarm hostility for the palestinians it's much darker
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they've seen change among the arab neighbors that's not only possible in bite but he's seen them being let down and so called by extremists we look at where the arab spring is likely to lead us it's most likely at this point it would seem to lead us to greater islamist influence around our borders and that means less chances fewer chances of peace rather than more on this war which is part of the border between israel and the west bank are the faces of the heroes of the palestinian people they've been smiling down from here for years and still nothing's changed but across the atlantic while washington can see a fledgling democracies while all the time ignoring the trouble left in a week not least of all in building an entrenched immovable israel and a palestinian people running out of patience policy r.t. . and aside from the palestinians israel has yet another potential conflict on its
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hands that is of course in the shape of iran. iran's nuclear ambitions as a threat and says that negotiations are giving the islamic republic more time to develop weapons later today here are see the two sides together for crosstalk for now a preview. the iranian president never said that he will attack or destroy israel he said israel my ceased to exist as a political entity and the willful mistranslation in that i think what he said is clear to our he said basically that this has always been iranian policy that israel as an apartheid state must cease to exist just as apartheid south africa cease to exist that's what they mean when they call israel or to bomb states israel must cease to exist so our meeting after a tipping when the iranians date whoever said that we want
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a world of you know we're in no way to be in a world of google i would advise you not to tell viewers of this program that the iranians have not refer to israel as a one bomb or two bombs as well you can also do you know you can only hear they. come on you. later today here on our to earth and our washington wants to talk its allies into raising one billion dollars a year to fund the security forces in afghanistan this all going down at a crunch nato summit today in brussels foreign and defense ministers are deciding how best to assist the afghan military after international troops leave and the meeting comes at a crucial time for the alliance with some members recently deciding to pull out early from the violence ravaged country but the selfish interests of american parties are still determining washington's policy there this courting to medea benjamin co-founder of the antiwar activist group code. unfortunately we've
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seen during the primary campaign of the republicans hard line saying that we should be staying we are twenty four eighteen and that is to bring the ministration into. this in as well. we don't have any challengers coming from everywhere progressive and saying out we're now out in the race the american public seems to last all that i have been here is always your theory that shit things fall apart in afghanistan and even more a very irate railed at that would be blamed on the administration many republicans would use that as a hammer to hear your. ministration behave during the coming months. ok before we get to deal with the business let's go to the r.t. was now will start with norwegian mass murderer anders breivik refusing to answer
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questions about the unseen muslim militant group he claims to be a part of the three of his trial prosecutors are telling him they believe the so-called knights templar group doesn't exist for brevik insists it does and the issue is important as the court decides if he is sane and can be sent to jail because mr carrying out the bomb man shooting massacre that killed seventy seven in norway last year. high ranking officials have reportedly attempted to overthrow the leader of qatar in a military coup d'etat according to reports army officers who rose against the qatari emyr setting off clashes with the u.s. backed royal guards outside the amir's palace of the coup was foiled and those responsible were arrested it's believed that the royal family had to be taken by helicopter to safety. massive crowds of marched through monaco in northern peru in protest that are proposed
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a gold mine project in the area if completed it's expected to bring billions of dollars of profit and investment to the south korean country however experts warn it could jeopardize the region's already scarce water supplies but mine construction plans have stood on a rest in the city recently with the biggest protest drawing ten thousand people in two thousand and eleven. straight over to the r.t. business desk there is daniel bushell to tell us more got some details about b.p.'s problems in russia yes we remember the horrors b.p. caused in the gulf of mexico now it's russian j.v. he's accused of hundreds of spills by the government seven hundred fifty in the country's biggest field in siberia the regulator blames the poor condition of its pipelines it's given the company one month to come up with a plan to solve the problem. the market's no rush to stop this week's wrote the law all price once again means uncertainty for this crude and the economy financials are leading gains it's recovering some of this week's losses but those crude prices
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. energy majors metals firms m.k.s. posted a net loss of four quarters of four ok exchange rates the euro's down on the dollar for the for all the rules mixed against the main currencies and britain's unemployment rate fell to eight point three percent here's a look at how that's affecting the european markets for the index down investors also looking ahead to another spanish bond sale to morrows the euro problems continuing crude and the i.m.f. expect prices to jump ten percent this year on rising demand and possible supply disruptions and europe today real remorse stories on the web so let's business i don't know always a pleasure to see you next hour. but i do stay with us if you can hear on our see the headlines coming your way but also an individual looking into the worldwide outrage against the global and piracy bill act and we speak with one of those fighting against it see you shortly.
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be a great place to find the belle the home and retire. there here. we call it our new neighbor neighbor nine o seven. we have seventy acres and i can convince them that they need to drill somewhere besides two hundred feet from. the needs of our growing economy also means expanding our domestic production of oil and natural gas which are vital fuel for transportation electricity and manufacturing is the core of any problems with it before we do the right and then change. your flows are nontoxic and we did a lot of there's a lot of mis understanding of what i was actually in the fluids. trying to say you
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cannot hear unless you come up here and live in my house for a week. i have no rights. something lies beneath. thousands of meters of ice country rock. the lava. that is a lure for many. but dangerous even to those who keep it at a distance. the close of team has been to the sverdlovsk region. where blacksmithing has developed
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from a craft into an industry. now largely goes far north of. where it turns to good roads and rail are a battle against the elements where helicopter is the only transport for medics to reach those in need. and where reindeer and fish are treasures for the people will come to the. autonomy area russia close up on r.t. wealthy british science knows best but on. the. markets why not scanlon. find out what's really happening to the global economy in these kinds of reports on r.t. .
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