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tv   [untitled]    April 18, 2012 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT

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would free volunteer video for your media projects a free media hearty tom. nor should you know soldiers very own interview show on t.v. causes controversy with the first episode lauded and loads of the talking to a guest largely frozen out of the mainstream media. photos of u.s. soldiers posing with body parts of afghan suicide bombers emerge the latest in a series of scandals involving american troops and their behavior in a war zone. that one hundred days before the start of the summer olympics in london accusations of sponsors using the games as a p.r. campaign to improve their own tarnished reputation our top stories this hour.
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on screen online around the world this is r.t. live here in moscow and joining us urges debuts a t.v. interview on r.t. was bound to face criticism and praise from around the world and it's done just that the world's most famous whistleblower tract of controversy many jews choice of guest and the channel chosen to prove the show and he's going to gauge is the response for most american media julian assange is guilty without charge reckless traitor and a threat to our national security interests sleazeball named julian assange who is bent on damaging america how did this guy just land his own t.v. show the implication is assad is a russian agent whose anti-american mission is now out in the open for all to see and accusations kept flying as the whistleblowers very own show premiered on tuesday but all stars. i saw it coming but it's true. enemy combatant traitor.
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interviewing. terrible radicals. i think that's a sort of it's a pretty trivial car. flick to actually look at how the show was great and. we have complete control of the guests of his first show was the head of hezbollah as ignited by the us is a terrorist organization it was not starlost first interview with international channelings six years the reason why him could be found in the interview itself the united states is blocking. in to us as well a lot more when we want to be able to tell people that one of the syrian terrorism there is a small organization as if. this were the one that people listen to us high from ohio for example if there wasn't just a trial there you know this very different venture had an opportunity to defend
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themselves some say in the court of public opinion as presented by the u.s. mainstream media there is a tendency to simplify issues often expense of the full picture somebody agrees or doesn't agree with hezbollah's ideas or all of their ideas ideology or their theology in american people hear the voice of hezbollah rather than simply have been demonized targeted as a quote terrorist by the purpose of demonizing somebody like nasr our nelson mandela who was considered a terrorist until nine hundred eighty eight is not really to stop terrorist ideas from infiltrating but for the american people to only hear one side of a debate only hear one side of an argument julian assange is now under house arrest in the u.k. fighting extradition to sweden where he may well be extradited to the united states u.s. prosecutors were pointedly have a secret indictment ready for a song. it was made public thousands of leaked documents with embarrassing details
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relating to the wars in iraq and afghanistan as well as other issues in the u.s. has been under fire from capitol hill the white house and the media and we've got to apprehend mr assigns the founder of wiki leaks and bring him to justice as a as a violator of the espionage act because if we don't this will keep happening the dead man can't leaks that this guy is a traitor a treasonous and he has broken every law the united states the guy ought to be so i'm not for the death penalty so if i'm not for the death i don't want to do it illegally shoot the son of a what about freedom of information cherished as a core principle of democracy it's almost like leading and letting genie out of the bottle mr assad's has beat the internet and the governments and everyone else at their own game because he's gone to a place where others have not been before and he's introduced the types of information the range of information that previously were not available if one
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views the media as the court of public opinion then julian assange is someone who presents to the jury that is the viewers arguments i've been voices which they almost never hear on mainstream media and it's up to the viewers to form an opinion but what many find ironic is that our forces under attack by the u.s. government and the media for practicing poor for extend the freedom of information that america preaches around the globe i'm going to start our reporting from washington i put. an american journalist and antiwar activist told to go it says there's nothing surprising in the wave of criticism against the sunday show in the us given how whistleblowers appreciate that. but is that twin heads here on the one hand the information management paradigm that is basically the communications industry in the united states has the problem of whistleblowers to deal with that forced their way out into the conversation you have bradley manning for example
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famously declared guilty by the president the united states before you had a trial and you have also of course julian of songe and wiki leaks and so there's that aspect the other side is that in the united states since the one nine hundred fifty s. and it famously in april of one nine hundred sixty one when john f. kennedy called on the media to consider their stories against the issue of national security you have a very very narrow band of opinion it's broadcast discussed and a very narrow set of facts that are presented and with the information age show you know technology this change the internet and all of that you have or t.v. and other international outlets that are now presenting to american audiences and that are not bound by the american you know censorship basically so you have people like julian assize being brought each of these is offensive to the paradigm here and so the fact that they're beating up on a songe on the one hand and on ora t.v.
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on the other isn't surprising. well if you missed the show itself you can watch the full version on a special section on our website a surge dot r.t. dot com you'll also find a pretty show twenty minute interview with the wiki leaks founder where he explains the choice of guests and channel and of course we even know what you think of the first program leave your comments and find out how other viewers from across the globe reacted all that and plenty more for that assertion thought our t.v. dot com. new photos of american soldiers posing with afghan corpses have emerged in the u.s. the images obtained by an american newspaper appear to be another example in a series of extreme breaches of discipline by u.s. troops which have dangerously undermined their position with the afghan people so our teams partner has the details. a very sensitive moment and these images are quite grim so grim that the u.s. department of defense did specifically asked the l.a.
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times not to publish these photos but the paper said that it was for sponsible to report objective lee on the u.s. mission and status and decided to move forward publishing these photos now in these photos that were taken in two thousand and ten you could see u.s. paratroopers grinning either holding body parts of afghan corpses or squatting beside afghan corpses and they were smiling or making different gestures to the camera u.s. paratroopers it's not the first instance of you know back in january there was an incident of marines u.s. marines urinating on the dead corpses of afghans and in february there was an incident of he was soldiers burning of korans in march we had the shooting rampage a seventeen afghan civilians were killed at the hand of a u.s. army staff. so clearly this shows that this long u.s.
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led war in afghanistan it's taking quite a toll on the u.s. soldiers it is a challenging uncompromising the relations speak between the united states and afghanistan and all of this news is coming as nato ministers are meeting right now in brussels to decide discuss the future of afghanistan after the international coalition pulls out so clearly a very delicate and sensitive situation being even more compromised with these new grim photos being published for. infants that besides posing a threat to relations between his country and the u.s. . will contribute to nato leaving behind a grim legacy. problem that will be left behind would be that we will think of the west the europeans and the americans as the softer generation who are looking for instant gratification even in wars like this. they expect instant
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coffee in hamburg or results of fast food restaurants and this kind of a war and their lack of stamina and lack of perseverance will create more room in poverty stricken and corruption stricken countries there will be more room for a stream is a fundamentalist and there is all to. chaos and. problems that would stem from. you with r.t. we're coming from moscow twenty four hours a day still ahead in the program this hour pressure on the peace plan which are accuses the opposition of hampering the internationally brokered cease fire in syria my next point opinion on that story for you in just a few minutes here in our. beef werman so disaster in america is now mirrored in brochures joint venture his calls over seven hundred bills as the regulator details in the business in fifteen minutes. all that still to come the first is exactly one
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hundred days before the olympics start in london however as archie's laura smith explains some sponsors are already making millions using questionable marketing tricks all in the name of the games. this supposed to be the greenest most sustainable games ever but a quick look at the list of partners and sponsors for london twenty twelve tells a very different story the way sponsors are chasing the ones. least conscience's first start dow chemical which never. to blame for one of the world's worst industrial disasters the toxic leak in bhopal india that killed thousands it's sponsoring eleven million dollar wrapped around the stadium after a florrie now won't appear on the wrap as for the game's official electricity
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supplier that's e.d.f. . green. one of the u.k.'s big six energy providers self-proclaimed pioneer and owner of all the u.k.'s nuclear power stations and their hackers we've been convicted in france of spying and greenpeace or e-mail accounts. people look to sort of deal. and espionage which is what e.d.s. . well known for then there's a major backer and so-called sustainability partner despite being according to some one of the world's least sustainable companies there's been the deepwater horizon oil spill of the gulf of mexico continued their investment and really being around the tar sands in alberta continuing to devastate indigenous communities there and then they also completely scrapped since b.p.
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became sustainability partner surveys say three times as many people now believe it's working towards a cleaner greener world pure p.r. gold because down clocks ticked past one hundred days until the olympics kick off but it's not just sports facilities that construction workers a feverish finishing they're also building no fewer than four looked on old outlets one of which will be the world's biggest in fact at this event which stands at the pinnacle of health and fitness mcdonald's will be the only brand it will provide senior mcdonald's executives make no secret of the fact they see olympic sponsorship as an opportunity to position themselves in. in healthier territory and there's the crux say critics olympic sponsorship masquerading as philanthropy when it's in fact the markets which nandan zelin pick organizers are more than happy to swallow norris mentality. by the way you can always find lots more on that story on
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our website www dot com also worth checking out there at the moment a fabulous find in southern russia geologists discovering dozens of what looked like fossilized dinosaur eggs as they broke these rocks during road construction for more amazing pictures log on swati dot com. ok so there and the winter cake tim kane a provocative piece of art that lands its creator in the center of a race scandal involving the swedish culture minister ron are more than a web site. these are the images gogol has been seeing from the streets of canada. trying to corporations rule the day. the controversial anti counterfeiting trade agreement or actor has suffered another
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blow in europe a vote on its ratification is jew this summer but the n.e.p. responsible for monitoring its progress says it should be rejected international believes to enforce intellectual property rights and fight internet piracy twenty two countries in the e.u. signed up to the agreement which triggered a wave of protests across europe thousands demonstrating against it saying it will give big corporations unprecedented control over their personal things political commentator luke samuel says the treaty exposes democratic decision making in the e.u. . the real problem with that specifically is how it shows that you're opinion it's effectively allowed to do politics without any reference to national populaces so the fact is that this is a piece of. law it's a trade agreement that will. not be gay sions on european countries to make law in certain ways but it still is europe its european law making effectively by proxy
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and what it shows is that the european union have effectively created institutions and procedures which have prevented these kind of agreements coming under any kind of democratic scrutiny whatsoever that's the real problem it's true that countries have signed up to it but no point have national party since had any say whatsoever in the provisions of this agreement so that's with a really troubling aspect of it is the fact that it's fundamentally antidemocratic . with actor's future in dark europe's pirate parties have agreed to team up for elections to the european parliament and twenty four to promote internet freedom well a little later this hour tom barton speaks to rick felt he's a founder of the swedish pirate party and he says the failure of similar legislation in the us shows that people's voices can be heard as soon as politicians realize their jobs are at risk. so people i think that was the first case where the general population really woke up through realizing that well
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we have been saying all along isn't worth crying we are actually warning for a very real danger you have the key element politicians started to fear for their jobs if that hadn't happened people would already have passed but politicians sort of saw the floor crumble beneath their feet as here in europe two hundred fifty million europeans cheering culture that's not a problem with a couple of teenagers that's for the voting population and if you want to keep your job you can't call them criminal. and you can see that interview in full in just over ten minutes from now here on r.t. time now for some other news from around the world this norwegian mass murder free because said he wants the death penalty or acquittal calling norway's twenty one year maximum prison term pathetic on day three of his trial he refused to answer
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questions about the muslim militant group he claims to be part of the she was important as the court decides if he is saying and can be sentenced of jail predicaments to carrying out forms of shooting massacre that killed seventy seven in norway last year there. iraqi officials reportedly attempted to overthrow the leader of catarina military coup de tat according to reports army officers rose against the qatari emir the setting off clashes with u.s. act while guards outside the nearest palace was foiled and those responsible arrested as police the royal family had to be taken to helicopter taken by helicopter to safety. massive crowds of march through cairo marker in northern parun protesting a proposed gold mine project in the area is completed is expected to bring billions of dollars of profit and investment to the south american country however experts warn it could jeopardize the region's already scarce water supplies mine construction plans of stood on rest in the city recently with the biggest protest
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durrant ten thousand people in two thousand and eleven. peace talks between israel and palestinians hit another roadblock when palestinian prime minister salam fayyad pulled out of a planned meeting instead to low level officials met with the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu and little progress was reported and as artie's paulus leer explains palestinians see the chance of change passing them by. israel's prime minister. and his palestinian counterpart scheduled to meet for the first time ever a landmark moment to bring peace right wrong israel is not ready for peace israel wants peace for itself not for palestinians america which initiated the peace talks is desperate to bring them back to life and get a deal on a school card for washington the current climate of what they see as democracy voting out in the arab world as a perfect time to iron out discord that's been going stale for years all these
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worries and palestinians can see are clouds building well israel is basically divided between two schools of thought one of words there is just too much danger and uncertainty to take any kind of interference and the other thought is. in these circumstances israel ought to try to do whatever it can. disarm hostility for the palestinians it's much starker they've seen change among the arab neighbors that's not only possible in by producing them being let down and circled by extremists we look at where the arab spring is likely to lead us it's most likely at this point it would seem to lead us to greater islamist influence around our borders and that means less chances fewer chances of peace rather than more on this war which is part of the border between israel and the west bank are the faces of the heroes of the palestinian people they've been smiling down from here for
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years and still nothing's changed but across the atlantic all washington can see a fledgling democracies while all the time ignoring the trouble left in a week not least of all in building and entrenched in movable israel and the palestinian people running out of patience policy r.t. women are. russia is accusing the armed opposition in syria of provoking violence to breach the internationally brokered cease fire foreign minister sergei lavrov cited reports that the free syrian army is using refugee camps in turkey as safe havens to plan assaults on regime troops but also says there are many who want to be very special envoy kofi annan peace plan in favor of using force some western and arab states in the three to tighten sanctions against the syrian president if they queues of breaching the truce but eric cantor say the director in front of the french center for intelligence studies says it's in the interests of son syrian rebels to inflame conflict. when an army didn't stop their attacks again the
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security forces because they want to cause them to react so strong. that the regime of bashar would be absolutely nice because he didn't respect the ceasefire but i think it's a kind of game because they want. more international pressure on the region let's call that situation we have to. make the nation delineation but. we have to be very cautious because not stop people from the beginning they want to denounce the charge him with absolutely no i mean. communication concerning the victim and the college of them age of the terrorist group so all the i mean international pressure and all the media reporting are going of the same direction just. all the time. coming up to twenty three minutes past the hour here in the russian capital time for all the business and money news and daniel he's the man in the know what it even markets close down just
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a few minutes ago hello bill there's lots of news coming out of the e.u. today i'm afraid. three percent the ratio of loans for its banks is rich seventeen year highs and italy could delay balancing its project why year that pushed all major south now take firms all dragging new york down as intel and i.b.m. results for course but yahoo's topping estimates slipping oil prices were. russia's heavily dependent on crude exports it paired losses in the last hour but still and it's down again north korea is complete the second line of the world's longest subs just finished ahead of schedule because of the international link between russia and europe is around twelve percent of the e.u.'s annual use. russian of shorty's including the minister of natural resources and environmental
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officials have been flying around. now we're under fire for its bad environmental record in russia the natural resources ministry blames it for seven hundred fifty schools in the country's biggest field in west pira. the north has more. russian authorities including the minister of natural resources and environmental officials have been flying around the country ninety's area which is one of the richest regions of russia when it comes to natural resources drinking out the situation with the environment there and what we're seeing here is caused meanly official say ninety seven percent of he says namely by in weeks or pipes used by companies and specifically by the end. of. the main sanction in this case could be forcing the company to increase its investment in modernizing its pipelines today b.p. and he spends around thirty four million dollars on what it generates one point
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three billion dollars in profit a big problem here is also with the legislation because it's not the first year that this region is being used by the all industries not the first decade in fact some of the pollution first appeared back in the seventy's during the soviet union which doesn't exist anymore so the biggest question is who is responsible now for cleaning all this up with the authorities and the companies pointing the finger at each other we don't agree with the ministries opinion and their ability to prove it we always clean up all our oil leaks and don't forget that russia has a history of oil spills we voluntarily took the burden of cleaning those all still says wells and the plant just turned over thirty seven million dollars under this here as the war is still being reviewed hopefully it will bring some positive changes to the situation and finally establish was responsible for creating the
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environment bigger stand for themselves officials say that annually around five hundred thousand pounds of gets into the arctic ocean why are rivers and springs because of oil production in general. shares fell let's have a look at the share prices on the my six goals from also ended down the u.s. demand for its shares is growing talk investment fund american funds are not one hundred seventy million dollars. in the first quarter fertilizer major posted record net for twenty eleven credits in a broad exchange rates and the euro's down on the dollar for the first day in. more as euro traders jittery of more bad news the ruble will have a fully free float in two years says the bank of russia or in other words the government regularly intervene to keep the ruble exchange rate in a fixed corridor crudes now a dollar down for the day but the i.m.f. says prices will jump ten percent this year on growing demand and supply
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disruptions from the likes of iran and long to see just the second. one properties owns high end office is. supposed to do looking to raise about half a billion dollars merger is expected to start in may and you're up to date more stories as always on a. business daniel thanks very much indeed for that update next hour and if you look since the worldwide outrage against the global anti currency bill actor as we speak with one of those fighting against it before that a wrap up our top stories with the build of life you're naughty and about two and a half minutes from now stay with us.
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something lies beneath. thousands of meters of ice. broke. the law. that is a lure for many. but dangerous even to those who keep it to a distance. the close of team has been to the sverdlovsk region. where blacksmithing has developed
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from a craft into an industry. now r.t. goes far north. of where attempts to put roads and rail are a battle against the elements where helicopter is the only transport for medics to reach those in need. and where rangers and fish are treasures for the people will come to the. autonomy area russia close up.


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