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tv   [untitled]    April 18, 2012 3:00pm-3:30pm EDT

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the launch of julian assange and his very own interview show here on our t.v. causes controversy and the first episode lauded and loads for talking to a guest largely frozen out of the mainstream media. photos of u.s. soldiers posing with body parts of dead afghan suicide bombers emerge the latest in a series of scandals involving american troops and their behavior in a war zone. one hundred days before the start of the summer olympics in london the wretch's ations that sponsors are using the games as a p.r. campaign to improve their own tarnished reputation the top stories this hour.
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on the screen online around the world this is r.t. life in moscow journalists they view as a t.v. interview here on r.t. was bound to face criticism and praise from around the globe and it's done just that the world's most famous whistleblower attracted controversy mainly due to his choice of guests and the channel chosen to broadcast the show he's going to can gauge is the response for most american media julian assange is guilty without charge reckless traitor and a threat to our national security interests sleazeball named julian assange who is bent on damaging america how did this guy just land his own t.v. show the implication is a sergeant is a russian agent whose anti-american mission is now out in the open for all to see and accusations kept flying as the whistleblowers very own show premiered on tuesday. sign. coming it's curious our. enemy combatant traitor
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getting into bed with the kremlin. and i'll give you a. terrible radicals. i think that's a sort of it's a pretty trivial current topic. for actually look at how the servants write. we have complete control of the guests of his first show was the head of hezbollah designated by the us as a terrorist organization it was not starlost first interview with international channelings six years the reason why him could be found in the interview itself the united states is. staring into us. because they want to be able to tell people that one of the syrian terrorism terrorist organizations. is that they want that people listen to us hype from ohio for example if it wasn't just
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a trial and yet very mean the defendant should have an opportunity to defend themselves some say in the court of public opinion as presented by the us mainstream media there is a tendency to simplify issues often at the expense of the full picture and somebody agrees or doesn't agree with hezbollah's ideas or all of their ideas ideology or their theology american people need to hear the voice of hezbollah rather than simply have them demonize targeted as a quote terrorist by the purpose of demonizing somebody like nasr our or nelson mandela who was considered a terrorist until one nine hundred eighty eight is not really to stop terrorist ideas from infiltrating but for the american people to only hear one side of a debate only hear one side of an argument julian assange is now under house arrest in the u.k. fighting extradition to sweden where he may well be extradited to the united states u.s. prosecutors were pointedly have a secret indictment ready for our son was made public thousands of leaked documents
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with embarrassing details relating to the wars in iraq and afghanistan as well as other issues in the u.s. has been under fire from capitol hill the white house and the media and we've got to apprehend mr science the founder of wiki leaks and bring him to justice as a as a violator of the espionage act because if we don't this will keep happening the dead man can't leaks that this guy's a traitor a treasonous and he has broken every law the united states they've got ought to be shot i'm not for the death penalty so i'm not for the death penalty i want to do it illegally shoot son of a what about freedom of information cherished as a core principle of democracy it's almost like. letting the genie out of the bottle mr songs has the the internet. and the governments and everyone else at their own game because he's gone to a place where others have not been before and he's introduced the types of information the range of information that previously were not available if one
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views the media as the court of public opinion then julian assange is someone who presents to the jury that is the viewers argument evidence voices which they almost never hear on mainstream media and it's up to the viewers to form an opinion but what many find ironic is that our source is under attack by the us government and the media for practicing poor faults there and the freedom of information that america preaches around the globe i'm going to start now reporting from washington . the american journalist and antiwar activist says there's nothing surprising in the wave of criticism against the soldiers showing the u.s. given how whistleblowers a treat of the. but is the twin heads here on the one hand the information management paradigm that is basically the communications industry in the united states has the problem of whistleblowers to deal with that forced their way out
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into the conversation you have bradley manning for example famously declared guilty by the president the united states before you had a trial and you have also of course julian of songe and wiki leaks and so there's that aspect the other side is that in the united states since the one nine hundred fifty s. and it famously in april of one nine hundred sixty one when john f. kennedy called on the media to consider their stories against the issue of national security i mean you have a very very narrow band of opinion it gets broadcast discussed at a very narrow set of facts that are presented and it with the information age show you know technology this change the internet and all of that you have or t.v. and other international outlets that are now presented to american audiences and that are not bound by the american you know censorship basically so you have people like julian assize being brought each of these is offensive to the paradigm here and so the fact that they're beating up on a songe on the one hand and on our t.v.
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on the other isn't surprising. but if you miss the show itself you can watch the full version on a special section of our website it is a sandwich. that coverdale also part of pre-show twenty minute interview with the we haven't found a way he explains the choice of guests and channel and of course we get to know what you think of the first program and your comments and find out how other viewers from across the united reacted all that much more for you but it's. dot com . you photos of american soldiers posing with corpses of emerge in the u.s. the images obtained on american newspaper appeared to be another example in the series of extreme breaches of discipline by u.s. troops which is dangerously employing their position with the afghan people all of these really important very sensitive moments and these images are quite grim so grim that the u.s. department of defense did specifically asked the l.a.
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times not to publish these photos but the paper said that it was responsible to work or objectively on the u.s. mission and can stand and decided to move forward publishing these photos now in these photos that were taken in two thousand and ten you could see u.s. paratroopers grinning either holding body parts of afghan corpses or squatting beside afghan corpses and they were smiling or making different gestures to the camera or the u.s. paratroopers it's not the first incidence of you know back in january there was an incident of marines u.s. marines urinating on the dead corpses of afghans and in february there was a incident of us soldiers burning the koran in march we had the shooting rampage our seventeen afghan civilians were killed over portably at the hands of a u.s. army staff sergeant so clearly this shows that this long u.s. led war in afghanistan that it's taking quite a toll on the u.s.
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soldiers it is challenging and compromising the relations speak between the united states and afghanistan and all of this news is coming as nato ministers are meeting right now in brussels to just discuss the future of afghanistan after the international coalition pulls out so clearly a very delicate and sensitive situation being even more compromised with these new grim photos being published. and jim brant from the stop the war coalition told me a little earlier in london that after ten years of war america's goals in afghanistan are still vague and the troops don't know what they're fighting for it's not just because it's a war if they found that there was any truth in this line that they're given they are there to defend the people from the enemy which is usually called the taliban if they found that to be true if that was true in their experience then they could
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differentiate but they can't differentiate they have no idea who. the enemy is it's a classic guerrilla war and it produces exactly that and fundamentally the reason is they shouldn't i think is that they shouldn't be they have no justified basis for the united states army colonel who traveled all over afghanistan last year he was in a special position he interviewed two hundred fifty united states military personnel and then he published his report and then his report was in large part leaked a couple of months ago and basically he said everything we are told is not true so it's in that context of all of systematic this information but i think the publication of these photographs actually tells people something they are systematically excluded from hearing. you are to live here in moscow with the
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twenty four hours a day still ahead in the program the pressure on the peace plan what reduces the opposition of internationally brokered ceasefire in syria they have been on that story just a few minutes for you here r.t. plus. the piece of information thought dissolves during america's no mirrored. vigil here is called over seven hundred bills as the bridge delayed details in the business in fifteen minutes. one. hundred. years. we have five in forty acres and nineteen ninety three and this side it would be a great place to find myself a home and retire. there
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she is what we call it our new neighbor neighbor i know seven. we have seventy acres and i can convince them that they need to drill somewhere besides two hundred feet from. the needs of our growing economy also means expanding our domestic production of oil and natural gas which are vital fuels for transportation electricity and manufacturing this is what florida's problems before we did the right people and then us are treated. you know our flaws are not toxic and we did a lot of there's a lot of mis understanding of what i was actually in the floats. trying to say you can load here unless you come out here and live in my house for a week. i have no rights. to.
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dump the official obviously keisha your one phone i pod touch from the i choose option. the geology on the. video on demand our keys my old costs and mrs feeds now with the palm of your. question on the. news continues here on r t and thirteen minutes past the hour is exactly one hundred days before the olympics start in london whoever is ortiz laura smith explains some sponsors are already making millions using questionable marketing tricks all in the name of the games. of the thirtieth. preppie throughout.
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this supposed to be the greenest most sustainable games ever but a quick look at the list of partners and sponsors for london twenty twelve tells a very different story the way sponsors are chasing the ones with the deepest wallets and the least conscience is the stop dow chemical which never accepted blame for one of the world's worst industrial disasters the toxic leak in bhopal india that killed thousands it's sponsoring an eleven million dollar wrapped around the stadium after a florrie dows logo now won't appear on the wrap as for the game's official electricity supplier that e.t.f. it's easier to change green britain to. one of the u.k.'s big six energy providers self-proclaimed green pioneer and owner of all the u.k. sneak power stations and their hakas media has been convicted in france of spying
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and greenpeace the hacks into. email accounts. people look to inspire to this. ideal not to grow. as well known for them as be a major backer and so-called sustainability partner despite being according to some one of the world's least sustainable companies. continue their investment and really being around the tar sands in alberta continuing to devastate indigenous communities and then they also completely scratch since b.p. became sustainability partner surveys say three times as many people now believe it's working towards a cleaner greener world pure p.r. gold the countdown clock ticked past one hundred days till the olympics kick off
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but it's not just sports facilities that construction workers a big finishing they're also building no fewer than four mcdonald's outlets one of which will be the world's biggest in fact this event which stands at the pinnacle of health and fitness donalds will be the only brand its milk provider celia mcdonald's executives make no secret of the fact they see olympic sponsorship as an opportunity to position themselves in healthier territory and there's the crux critics' olympic sponsorship masquerading as philanthropy when it's in fact savvy marketing which london's olympic organizers are more than happy to swallow nora smith r.t. london. by the way you can always find lots more on the story on our web site that's r t dot com it's online all the time and also worth checking out there a moment a fabulous find in southern russia joining just discovered dozens of what looked like fossilized dinosaur eggs as they broke through these rocks during road
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construction more amazing pictures you can log on to party dot com also. caked in pain a provocative piece of art lands its creator in the center of a race scandal involving the swedish culture minister find out more about that story right now at r.t. dot god. these are the images the world. treats you can. shut up for a shocker on. russia's accusing the armed opposition in syria of provoking violence to breach the internationally brokered ceasefire the foreign minister sergey lavrov sort of reports that the free syrian army is using refugee camps in turkey as a safe havens to climb assaults on regime troops are also says there are many who want to bury special envoy kofi annan peace plan in favor of using force so mr arab
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states have agreed to tighten sanctions against the syrian president and they accuse of breaching the truce political analyst part of the foley has told me that and he's written extensively on the middle east he's told me that there's a big power game going on and the main prize is not syria itself. we have an internal political opposition group like to open negotiations to sincerely probably with governments with international community didn't have armed groups of different sort of responding to different interests. and pushing them not everybody really wants peace because if we take the interests of certain arab states from the gulf evidently they are much more interested to use the syrian case against the possibility of maybe agreement between iran and the united states and iran is critical to all this situation because what we are assisting in syria is
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a split of interests at least for the arab side of the muslim side let's say between the sunni and one happy on one side and the shia of the other side and so everybody's trying to get something out of syria but nobody's really caring for the syrians themselves and what is going on inside for the population. turned off some other news from around the world this are not world update the norwegian mass murderer and as believe it has said he wants the death penalty or acquittal calling the raise twenty one year maximum prison term pathetic on day three of his trial he refused to answer questions about the anti muslim militant group he claims to be a part of the issues important as the court decides if he's sane and can be sent to jail for a few commits to carrying out the bombing and shooting massacres kills or seventy seven in norway last year. north korea's broken off an agreement to stop nuclear tests after the u.s. cancelled food aid pyongyang called the move
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a hostile act and said it would no longer hold up its end of the deal but broken pact as a result of north korea's failed rocket launch last week which it said was aimed at putting a satellite into orbit and agreement to allow inspectors from the international atomic energy agency back into the country has also been scrapped. about this that a scary scene from inside a u.s. supermarket now where a car crashed through the front door plowing down several people and a baby's prayer i'm happy to report nobody was killed although ten were hurt in this after speeding through the entrance the driver continued past the cashiers and into the store before finally coming to a stop off as a charge the woman behind the wheel with careless driving and she maintains a mechanical failure with a car caused her to lose control. at peace talks between israel and palestinians hit another roadblock when palestinian prime minister salam fayyad pulled out of a planned meeting instead to low level officials met with the israeli prime
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minister benjamin netanyahu and little progress was reported i was artie's pulis there explains palestinians see the chance of change possible and by. israel's prime minister. and his palestinian counterpart scheduled to meet for the first time ever a landmark moment to bring peace right wrong israel is not ready for peace israel wants peace for itself but not for palestinians america which initiated the peace talks is desperate to bring them back to life and get a deal on a score card for washington the current climate of what they see as democracy rolling out in the arab world is a perfect time to iron out discord that's been going stale for years you know all the israelis and palestinians can see clouds building well israel is basically divided between two schools of thought one of words there is just too much danger and uncertainty to take any kind of interference and the other school of thought which says. look in the circumstances israel ought to
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try to do whatever. disarm hostility for the palestinians it's much starker they've seen change among the arab neighbors that's not only possibly invite but is seeing them being let down and so called ike stream as we look at where the arab spring is likely to lead us it's most likely at this point it would seem to lead us to greater islamist influence around our borders and that means less chances fewer chances of peace rather than more on this war which is part of the border between israel and the west bank are the faces of the heroes of the palestinian people they've been smiling down from here for years and still nothing's changed but across the atlantic washington can see a fledgling democracies while all the time ignoring the trouble left in the wake not least of all in building an entrenched and movable israel and a palestinian people running out of patience policy r.t.
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women are. exactly twenty three minutes past the hour now time now for the business update with daniel. stamm that daniel wall street staged to turn around tell us right the nerves that went into the black a few minutes ago is now crashing again take stocks i b m and intel quarterly results missed estimates but yahoo's up after beating expectations spain's if we can move on to europe's three percent on news the ratio of bad loans for its banks in february reached seventeen year highs portugal may need another payload its premier said all major e.u. stocks fell slipping gold prices were pulling more ross is dependent on crude exports pared losses in the last album still ended down for the third time this week and nordstrom is complete the second line of the world's longest subs the gas points been finished ahead of schedule because past of the international link between russia and europe is around twelve percent of the e.u.
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and you'll use now offshore projects will soften three percent almost half of russia's oil and gas production over the next twenty years russia's deputy premier has just said if you like the one this week between the next on we'll be joined by others potentially including norway is that all french subtle and u.s. chevron. u.s. russian deal would jointly develop russia's take and is worth up to three hundred billion dollars. b.p. is under fire for its bad environmental record in russia the natural resources ministry blames it for seven hundred fifty all spills in the country's biggest fields in west siberia artie's europe is going off as more. russian authorities including the minister of natural resources and environmental officials have been flying around the area which is one of the richest regions of russia when it comes to natural resources drinking out the situation with the environment there and seeing here is caused meanly and officials say ninety seven percent of these is
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mainly by leaks off the use by companies and specifically why he and the b.p. . i mean sanction in this case could be forcing the company to increase its investment in these pipelines today pete spends around thirty four million dollars on that while it generates one point three billion dollars in net profit i big problem here is also with the legislation because it's not the first year that this region is being used by an industry it's not the first decade in fact some of the first appeared back in the seventy's during the soviet union which doesn't exist anymore so the biggest question is who is responsible now for cleaning all this up with the authorities and the companies pointing the finger at each other we don't agree with the ministries opinion and their ability to prove it we always clean up all our oil leaks and damage to get the russian has
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a history of oil spills we voluntarily took the burden of cleaning those skills as well and we plan to stand over thirty seven million dollars on that this year as the war is still being reviewed hopefully it will bring some positive changes to the situation and finally establish those responsible for cleaning the environment but the figure stands for themselves official say that annually around five hundred thousand tons of gets into the arctic ocean why are rivers and springs because of oil production in general ok. b.p. shares fell on the news goes probably also ended down the u.s. demand for its shares is growing top investment bond american fund says it bought another hundred seventy million dollars of stock in the first quarter of fertiliser measure posted record profits twenty eleven credits include a broad exchange rates and the euro's down on the dollar for the. more as euro
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traders worried of more bad news because russia says the contras should have a budget surplus this year news just out crude snow a dollar down for the day but the i.m.f. says prices will jump ten percent this year on growing demand and supply disruptions from the likes of iran both light sweet and bring down one and a half dollars for today alone no longer to see just the second russian r.p.o. since the properties owned high in offices in moscow we're expecting road show point may so we've got time for this headlines a little more to. daniel thanks very much indeed for that there now do stay with us for our debate show cross talk that's coming right up after an update of the headlines with me here in our team and it's from.
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