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tv   [untitled]    April 19, 2012 3:00pm-3:30pm EDT

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far of the austerity and italian museum directors go to the works of art in protest at the state of the country thanks to europe's debt crisis. in syria rules are agreed for an international ceasefire motivation but the politics of the goal of this group finds itself on the far in the city if there are. russia will give nato extra help in the afghan war part of the supplies through its territory sees its troops caught up in a plague of violence and scandal. it was not an expert opinion on this show here not to.
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screen online around the world this is r.t. life here in moscow oh it is the latest victim of the e.u.'s debt crisis director of an italian museum is burning books from around the world in protest of the government's harsh austerity measures with the permission of the artists he's promised to the story three pieces a week until the government listens to what he has to say. as more from brussels how the museum director has started burning artwork he's calling this the art of war basically it's a symbolic protest against the way that the economic crisis the european debt crisis is being handled up at that until this point and he also says that over a thousand artworks are already doomed to be destroyed anyway because of the government's indifference to their situation subsidies have been cut to the cultural institutions and again this just brings about the message that and no one and nothing is spared from these harsh cuts being imposed by governments in europe because of the debt crisis and it's the same story you have here. and cultural
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heritage of italy being prized assets and it's going down the drain the same goes with its workforce its assets their human assets bearing the brunt of all these cuts and this is a symbolic protest follows what we've seen recently already suicides a suicide attempts in greece and italy as well over pension cuts or loss of benefits or loss of jobs and this is the type of this is all the protests may be changing but it goes back to underlying that point that people are saying that they are in desperate need of their desperation at the dire situation that they're in especially in countries like italy and spain which are still hanging in the balance european leaders and markets still idea of whether it will be the next to receive bailouts and we all know what bailouts mean even from international creditors it means even more stary and even more desperation for the eyes of the people. this is an investment advisor patrick young says. protests should be treated as a joint problems. very serious. the truth of the matter is that i think it's
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difficult to keep seriously the idea of simply seeking attention through destroying our works when actually wouldn't be a great deal of a better idea of how these artists and indeed these art works. so they can actually go somewhere to try and help some of the pensioners i mean it strikes me that it is a rather ludicrous protest now to say could you do all draw attention to the fact that the fundamental underpinning is probably many europeans and that means the blockbuster market money that if you spend it on the solution will steer it whether it be you know march whether it be intentions whatever it is is coming to an end europe and the euro zone cannot afford its socialism. when in america the financial organization many accuse of pushing parts of europe into a sea of death has been corporate paving badly goldman sachs faces a hefty fine for allegedly tipping off some native clients and as always the cause
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report provides its unique take on the full show coming our way later this hour in the meantime here's a preview. if you sense that the commission was able to negotiate a penalty sat on over four times the two thousand and three penalty settlement so yes goldman sachs already paid a penalty in two thousand and three for this exact same tactical violation but they have more leverage now because of the financial collapse to clean with goldman sachs to pay a little bit more money that ran. lose money for you and your group. who is the root of those who is one of the few good news. do you love the government but you know this is outrageous that the f.c.c. is begging goldman the the right of the find of their craft a bill well yeah it's not actually you know saying you know what you guys are shameless lawbreaking of banks there scar and how about we bring about a sparks and wackier you know i love this. chinese banks who give you know they
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take the breakers alpaca lake they kill oh that's a target that there's a target. because a reporter a little later here on our team syria and the un have agreed on rules governing in advance team of international monitors observers will support it's a sation of violence and sporadic clashes between regime forces and rebels continue despite a ceasefire artie's exam a boy was forced to flee the city of daraa in the south west of the country because of intensified shooting. it is not here as the so-called cradle of the serious revolution because it was the scene of the first mass rallies against the assad government this is probably one of the most militarized communities in syria these days you can see army checkpoints in almost every corner there are snipers on their roofs of the government building buildings but despite this having the presence of
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troops there and this situation the security situation in gerri is highly volatile and backwash is take place on an almost daily basis and today wasn't an exception we arrived today or on the invitation of the syrian information ministry which is now eager to show our reporters a bad life is slowly aggregated getting back to normal as miami arrived to this cd clashes intensify violence and times if i could hear it be sound of gunfire the sound of machine guns and as a result our visit was cut short we also know that at the time our t.v. crew was embarrassed the un observers also arrived into the c.t.m. the local officials told us that the rebels are using any opportunity of these high profile visits to provo down into military action what out was really surprised
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with is the reaction of the people on the ground the cd is very sort of calm because you don't see too many people on the streets most of the shops are closed but those people who venture out into the sea to one great hear the gunfire the rush to one side of the city or one side of the street or another to find refuge but two minutes afterwards they go around daily life so it seems that these a life with big constant repetitive gunfire has sort of become a new normal for many residents of there are some ripples of renewed calls for military detention in syria even without u.n. approval that's as diplomats from the. u.s. europe and some arab states met in paris to bolster pressure on president assad but research. told me earlier here in r.t. that she believes that one sided efforts on the line the importance of the observer mission in syria when we consider a lot of the other regional neighbors of syria provoking violent conflict in syria
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and suggesting that they want you arm the rebels and continue and actually increase the level of violence that's happening in syria so we have this whole region that actually instigating violence and we have the so-called friends of syria so those two efforts happening you know it's actually very refreshing to have a u.n. observer mission and they've actually been willing to talk to both sides and that has the support. of president bashir our third as well as some of syria's allies so this means that actually the u.n. observer mission could possibly produce some results it's talking to everybody people are taking it seriously and so this is very promising indeed to see the development. party life here in moscow with the twenty four hours a day still ahead for you this hour occupy activists joined the chorus of those protesting against the world's biggest spy base in the u.k. . the americans developing
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a new form of girls week school what's fueling fears of operations in a british american since it could lead to a new kind of international color grade class. will russian reserves it finds in new york to deal with through the head of the american or for business. in the meantime later is getting more help from russia in the afghan war at a ministerial meeting in brussels the sides discussed expanding the vital transit of military cargo to afghanistan through russia's territory was goes provided the alliance was called rules and really roots this link is vital as. leaders. one is from crossing it's to retreat after an instrument to kill twenty four pakistani soldiers six months ago and as the alliance prepares to withdraw troops from afghanistan to find itself in the midst of a string of scandals involving extreme breaches of disappoint u.s. troops washington says recently published photographs of soldiers posing with the remains of afghan bowlers show an isolated incident of young people caught up in
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the moment it's not want to make ready he's from the london based and he will group democracy village he also runs the alternative website be a top form well let's start with russia that development there with russia helping nato supplies get to afghanistan just one porton is this alternative route and the support for the alliance offered by. it has come as a bit of surprise to be honest. i don't think it will come without strings and other i suspect some of the strings will be. that the military the u.s. and western military will withdraw in two thousand and fourteen. the u.s. actually what they're planning is to substantial military presence until twenty twenty four and i think that the russians and the chinese. don't favor that all the thirty thousand troops that are judas to remain there after two thousand and fourteen are continually looking conveniently located right along the proposed oil
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pipeline. i think that the russians will obviously benefit from the oil pipeline in their own exports but it's likely that the strings that are attached to the aid that's come with this forthcoming will ensure that the majority of u.s. troops become the troops will be out by twenty fourteen when those troops are up by twenty forty what do you think of the security situation then bearing in mind the current violence we're seeing in the country is it not too soon to withdraw troops in just two years from now when we see such instability. but i think the security in afghanistan is worse now than it was ten years ago when the invasion began after what half a trillion dollars worth of war war war making. the security is actually in a worse state than when we began. part of the reason for this is that the as the u.s. and the u.k. and the world and their western allies don't actually want peace there was a deal brokered in two thousand and seven by saudi arabia of all people but that
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was ignored by the us it was ignored by western media it was offered up again in two thousand and eight to the obama administration and again it was ignored this this peaceful protests all was contingent on the troops leaving in twenty fourteen it was also. the author was the taliban would cease. all cauterize in contact with al-qaeda and they would lay down their arms and they would agree to some form of. popular democratic record why do they want peace many people will take issue comment you made going in mind the loss of life in the company that's going on and go in for afghanistan for all these years. but i'm sure most people in the world actually want peace that's not what i mean here i mean there is no popular support for this war in the us nor in the u.k. nor in any allied country to be honest i think the statistics now show that over seventy percent of the u.k. population want our troops out the figure is rising in the us sixty two percent last week want to see an end to the war but the people who benefit from the war
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quite happy to let this one longest as long as possible and those who benefit obviously the the global elites the bankers those in the military industrial complex to them having a prolonged conflict is just it's not in the bank really talking about the us military industrial complex the reputation of course the has been tarnished over the last few months let's talk about the series of scandals involving american soldiers posing next afghan bodies urinating on afghan corpses and burning copies of the qur'an now officials are condemning the acts and calling them isolated incidents what do you make of that response and indeed what do you make all of these latest incidents. well first of all the deafening not isolated incidents the fact that we don't hear about them in the west doesn't mean they don't happen almost on a daily basis. the robert bales massacre was almost certainly committed by more than one person he's been made out to be the lone. gunman in this case the lone
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cold blooded murderer but there must have been others there and eye witnesses on the ground have said that there were more than two or three soldiers actually taking part in that massacre i think i read a report recently that said. some of the victims were in full rooms in one house and then they were all killed and the bodies moved to one room and then set on fire one man it seems can do that but these atrocities are they're not shocking to me because this is what the u.s. military is trying to do it doesn't come as any surprise that the military is has all its empathy and sympathy compassion and humanity drawn down a bit during their training so this doesn't come as a shock it does it does happen all the time so it's also a little privileged and what can we expect from the remainder of nato if we should in afghanistan as forces prepare to leave what could be expected next two years a lot i suspect more of the same i mean robert bales has been made out to be the victim or most especially in the us media we know we know about him we know about
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his wife left him we know his her home has been foreclosed on but we don't know about even the names of his victims so i see more of this happening especially because it seems that the u.s. soldiers are fully aware that there are very few consequences to their actions when it comes to killing civilians the massacre in her death or in iraq in two thousand and five everyone involved in that has been acquitted by a military tribunal so it's unlikely that battles will spend more than two or three years in a in jail in the u.s. like thanks for your coverage your perspective on the events there in afghanistan like ruddy from the london based antiwar group democracy village. thank you. well a day off to those photos which we've just been talking about of the american soldiers posing with afghan body parts surfaced you can watch a video form fighters going wild this time in iraq firing at civilians and ramming cars aside indiscriminately the details and the footage boy right now at r.t. dot com. the controversial anti counterfeiting trade agreement
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or actor has been dealt a heavy blow they could martin he's a member of the european parliament and a key figure behind the treaty has already said the bill should be rejected and as he told us earlier the legislation meant to stop piracy as too many side effects. in terms of what i was trying to achieve and quite happy with that i think it's important you know it does protect its intellectual property but had a number of unintended side consequences one was it would have put a duty on internet service providers to actively act as the european police force of the internet i don't think that's right i think that's for the formal judicial authorities secondly i didn't like the idea that i still could possibly have criminalized young people who were quite innocently done loading films and music and so on in the for the city of their own homes. act to save this should only be for commercial purposes but commercial purposes are very weakly defined the other concern that people have about to that it was negotiated through
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a five six you period behind closed doors the rights holder seemed to be involved in that discussion but the civil society did not seem to be to be part of that discussion and most of the members of the partly didn't really understand what they were signing up for i mean the british house of commons had a one lane report tonight which said that i did not met a debate on the floor of the house of commons and as an aside i actually demonstrates the importance of the european problem and the european decision making process because without the european problem act they would probably know below. from global cyber security to personal safety at r.t. dot com find out about an inventive new way to fight crime. you can now catch a criminal using a new i phone app introduced by the metropolitan police found out how it works at r.t. dot com. plus one of russia's key opposition figures alexey not only makes it into time magazine's top one hundred of the world's most influential people and this
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year he's the only russian on the list you can find out who else is included all right. sudan and south sudan are edging closer to resume an all out war that's face clashes on the borders intensify last week self after less than a year of independence sees the disputed hedley oil field sudan to return branded its neighbor an enemy and promise to reclaim the oil rich region political writer reason for want of a says the conflict is escalating partly due to unofficial u.s. backing of the south i believe things are going at the moment we start. declaring self-defense. and the situation is very tense and i think it's. only a part of this in terms of. emulation at the moment and probably it is because.
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it's the united states trying to put my ticket in one or two things here but they are determined to be we engineers writers for support. and specially their place again we're not in. the model and everything at integrating our. and ninety minutes past the hour here in the russian capital it's hey take a look at some other news from around the world this hour a wave of bomb attacks across iraq has killed at least thirty five and left around a hundred others injured officials say extreme islamist both roadside bombs in the capital and the country's north explosions in baghdad targeted many sheer neighborhoods authorities believe that security forces also targeted. the protests continue in bahrain as a country prepares to host a formula one grand prix security forces you stun grenades to water her test as he sold the culture exhibition organized for the race a petrol bomb delayed a racing team from making its way back from the city to its hotel room was injured
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and he wasn't intended to be discounted last year due to anti government demonstrations. it's being called the largest spy center on earth and menwith hill in britain has been the target of protests for decades only run by the u.k. in the us the complex monitors the communications of dozens of other countries and something seen as a symbol of security is also held up as a sign of photography is all it is nor smith explains. it's a little piece of america in the middle of the yorkshire dales it might look like some kind of theme park but it's actually a spy base and part of the early warning system for the ever expanding u.s. missile defense shield piece a part of this huge kind of organism that's gripping the world and it sure fishes in different places like that which is connected together is the american military base being a base in menwith hill since the nineteen sixty's growing all the time until the
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site now comprises thirty three of those gold ball like structures inside each one a satellite dish which collects information from u.s. satellites but also intercepts the communications of other countries that information is then fed back to the u.s. and used in what they call intelligence led warfare which includes special operations and drone attacks. to keep up with new forms of warfare billions of dollars have been invested in man with hell over the last ten years it's enabled the base to remain a vital component to the global u.s. surveillance network men with watcher talked to steve schofield reckons the inner workings of around a hundred countries are closely monitored here something he dubs an unprecedented level of intervention the u.k.'s providing a facility here it's involved in drone attacks that we know from independent assessment killing and injuring thousands of civilians these are acts of war and
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normally when we have lots of you know parliament should normally inform people were involved in those who were not being informed were kept in the dark about this isn't news to locals they've been coming up here to protest clearly for decades but now their cause has drawn the attention of a global movement occupy helen alexander is from occupy leeds and sees a common cause in menwith hill considering. implications on our on our individual civil liberties the fact that they can listen to all of our phone calls they can intercept our emails you know this whistleblower evidence is testimony and the claims that what goes on there is not only political espionage but commercial espionage it's a thought cry from the land of the free rhetoric the u.s. is famous for and critics see menwith hill as a symbol of that hypocrisy and of europe kowtow into u.s. power what we're seeing is americans developing
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a new form of girls and this isn't about protection of democracy if you look at the pattern of bessie's this investment by the united states over the past twenty years it's all about ensuring they have access to oil and other life in the resources in africa and the persian gulf and we've got to challenge that we really have to start challenging force to it because the next stage is probably the attack on iran. with the us is expansion plans for the ballistic missile defense shield up to twenty twenty five and with menwith hill already part of the early warning system this poking of america's nose into other people's backyards is stooping fears it could be the trigger to a new arms race nora smith r.t. them with hill yorkshire i'll be back with a summary eight minutes from now the meantime business news with daniel after this short break.
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to business let's go straight to u.s. markets because it's corporate results season and pizza hut only young brands credit china for a good first quarter but three percent on problems with this chip supplier the nasdaq's clinging on to three thousand points spain and italy will default if they don't come down says research moody's analytics. two percent and a horse today prices have just gone south u.s. jobless numbers raising fears crude paul posted the first games this week to jump above sixteen hundred on excellent corporate results of some petersburg is expected to work issue according to one report. profits betakes picked up for today after versus launched an online service for its law because. he's in trouble the government suing it for hundreds of oil spills in west side syria exchange rates and the euro's just gone up on the dollar
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a little here in moscow the ruble reversed recent gains this week now the new pipeline will start construction already this year gazprom said today its boss said it north stream through northern europe will also hit full capacity ahead. sales triple curry gas to supply thirty million homes in europe a year those projects troubled transit state ukraine. you can do first commercial deliveries through the south stream will start in december twenty fifth we agreed to schedule with all our partners and will start construction of the pipeline in just today all the preparation is going according to plan and we have no doubt the project will be completed on time. some of the reserves it finds of girls left in russia american firm this week did a deal to explore the area and some think russian law bans any such foreign ownership but it's have told r.t. we'll keep a third of what they find. when we discover. commercially develop oratorically agreement. provide for us to be able to book those resources we have one third
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working interest russia has a clue third working interest so of course once we have paid our taxes paid the fees are due to the government we paid our operating expenses then we will begin to repay any loans financing that may be required and it will be repaid on their one third two third's working interest basis if you wait for the right market conditions you could wait forever that's very close didn't view on the government's privatization plan ahead of russia's biggest bank think it's time to get on with it i don't think that the necessary to postpone for too long because much of this market if you wait for the best price you can wait forever and then miss a chance anyway so i think that the time is not bets i think there's always a window but you need to use for example recently one of the leading brazilian banker made this intentional placement and they compared this with us on the global
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market because that's the financial situation from emerging market from country so i think just that we should go ahead all right europe today most stories on our website r.t. dot com slash business they will see for the news headlines with. wealthy british scientists i took some time to explain find.
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a market finance scandal. find out what's really happening to the global economy was much stronger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into khan's report on r.g.p. . the close up team has been to the spirit last legion. where blacksmithing has developed from a craft into an industry. now archie goes far north. where returns to good roads and rail are a battle against the elements where the culture is the only transporter medics to reach those in need. and where reindeer and fish.


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