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tv   [untitled]    April 19, 2012 10:30pm-11:00pm EDT

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live with not. a problem with the mainstream media today is that they're completely disconnected from the viewers and from what actually matters to those viewers and so that's why young people just don't watch t.v. anymore if they want news they go online and read it but we're trying to take those stories that people actually care about and transfer them back to t.v. . is the state. speaking russian channel it's kind of like. russia today has an extremely confrontational stance when it comes to us.
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ok it's time for showing talents night's program earlier in the week we spoke about activists efforts to raise awareness around the cyber security bill so we wanted to know if you thought that system protests can be as powerful as those that we saw against sopa if the major tech companies don't get behind the effort that's going to produce a fresh reason is that you to find out what you have to say i want to streets of d.c. to tell people the nation's capital what our viewers had to say on twitter facebook and you tube and he was hobbits we should keep it orderly. activists are trying to we raise awareness against a soccer security so we asked our audience do you think that says a protest can be as powerful as those that we saw again so without major tech companies like google and facebook behind it i'm going to readers ten see under you tube he said hell yes approaches are going to be as big but the trick is to inform everyone since the government is once again leaving us in the dark that's why not
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a lot of people know about it i think a lot of people know about it only because the big companies back a man and say it and made it you know to stand you want to keep it or delete it i think i'd have to believe because you probably need the backing of some of those bigger companies to get the word out as much they differ so readers scrunch from dawn on facebook he said he doesn't think it will be the reason being a corporate entities behind this move are doing everything they can to make sure cisco passes do you want to keep it or delete it sure why not buy cos costs open it for whatever so activists are trying to raise awareness against a cyber security bill says you know reader response from someone on you tube desk said cisco protests can be just as big as soap approaches work in fact they should be bigger since apparently last time we didn't quite get the point across do you want to keep it or delete it is long as you make it public i'm sure enough people will even there know what it's about it will you know just from. if your solicitor
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will judge the bills until the stand up call the senator will cisco protest be as powerful as we saw with the so-called protest well many people think that major companies need to get behind these efforts in order for it to be powerful but there's really only one way to find out. thanks for your responses and here's our next question earlier in the show we spoke about how the cia seeking more authority to widen the drone war and damn it now they want to be able to launch strikes but they don't know who the targets might be so essentially it's going to be more lethal and less discriminating so do you think these so-called signature drone strikes could be considered a terror tactic because now you think on facebook twitter and you tube kind of response just might make it on air. now we speak a lot about france right and the policies of this is ministration but the truth is that most americans are incredibly far removed from the result from the consequences of their government's actions brought most americans have never even
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heard from the civilian victims of these drone strikes but one particularly lawyer has been trying not only to sue the cia on behalf of the victims and their families in pakistan but also to come the us to the us and speak about it and this includes talking about the signature strikes of the cia's now pushing foreign gannett only problem is the us won't give him a visa and i thing is that she's not a bar has been with us many times before but last may when he was invited to speak at columbia university columbia university law school forum of these there was an approved obviously year later it looks like he will not be able to attend the first ever international drone summit which he was slated to speak here in washington d.c. so why is it think that he's not the lead in earlier i caught up with barr human rights lawyer and research fellow at reprieve he's also the founder of the foundation for fundamental rights so i first asked him to tell us more about this is a situation if the state department had given him
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a reason for not letting him into the country. nothing more than that it's under their administrative process this has been for last fourteen months i applied last year somewhere in. colombia and i wasn't. much in. previously know used to be processed within three to four working days and since i was taken up to cause it's been fourteen months. a restrictive process for us. these are to get into us so you think that you can see specifically a correlation between the time when you started working on from policy on representing victims of drone strikes to when you found it harder to get into the united states. certainly my previously expired just before i started by a drone who are. litigation in pakistan and specificity asking questions from the
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us and cia which is the. nina to agency which is running the drone programs in progress and on and before that i had an official to go to us but after right after . enjoying for last fourteen months and this time i'm trying to reach two people in united states to talk to them and can we what really is happening on the ground because i want you to take stories human stories of civilian drone victims who have been killed there's a huge number of children women and elderly who have been killed in these drone strikes. i would i would say americans have been denied the right to listen to what i have to say on behalf of all these drug addict and they do you think that there is something politically motivated going on here as to why are not being led by or not allowed to speak loudly about also at the first international and around summit that they're going to hold here in washington. certainly i think this is the
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indicator of the high handedness of cia in the american state department. they're not ready to listen to any advice or anyway so friesan where we are questioning the process of crew on program altogether and pointing out that there's no trust for him so you're accountability into what the cia is doing covertly in another country which is sovereign and what is the us achieving in the end people are becoming more and be american and this is certainly not making anyone safer leave america aside of a new people in pakistan who are the allied state of the united states they are not fearful because of cruel programs and policy because it is pushing people towards the wall and driving them to militancy and extremism we do you've written about this too and in fact about how one of your clients obviously chose to go the path
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of trying to find a lawyer trying to go through the criminal justice system to see if the court could actually take that situation rather than like that going to militancy or jihadism think of armed to try to get some kind of retribution against the united states and do you think that if there were more signs i think that if not a date or more open about there then we would see more people pursuing that route instead of like a tag raiding more militant. certainly when we started this litigation program of two years ago at the time i was representing just one drawn between family who were the last two family members and for the last two years work we have been able to get more than one hundred families to take this part where the peking did complaints and in just this time took them to the courts in a due process they are putting dear. trust on due process where america is not and this can go faster than we can reach out to all these people who are probably going
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to watch the other side if only if the united states government becomes more transparent and accountable in its doing in its in war against terror however like dealing with people right. are the victims because perhaps one of their neighbors and their family members was the victim of a drowned strike you know what it what are the emotions what do they tell you when they come to you. but i think more than telling me anything b. ask me certain questions i mean they ask me not to listen to lesser pakistanis that they do not have any legal or human rights is their life. in any other commodity because no one seems to care what is really happening and they asked me that what exactly is their fault because they certainly didn't do anything against united states whatever is happening is probably happening in afghanistan which is their neighbor it's not that it is happening it was interest on and it's if you look at the people and when i come across these people who who are representing the
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students most of them are below the poverty line they do not have even money to travel from visit istanbul which is about two hundred miles away with about i think twenty military checkpoints but everything their trips searched and it's quite a. deal for them to reach through to to court to get to caution to get to meet me because i cannot travel because of security reasons hoover serious stuff on so it's a very bad situation for them do you think there is any positive side to the use of drones and clearly there are a lot of legal questions that still need to be answered and there is great secrecy in the program but. is it better to have or worse and i'm wondering what your opinion is for there to be a drone strike that kills in the fire that maybe you don't know that it's coming or for you know a special ops and raid your home and all the night. well first of all i would like
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to say that there can be no upside in killing in especially an extrajudicial killing so this whole program is flawed because it's illegal it's against the law it means the due process and it can be nor just if occasion for this yes the problem of can see in terrorism has to be addressed but that has to be addressed under certain courts where we do not why late the very basic fundamental rights for which agree. civilized society strive to and which works for so whatever it is us needs to stress on its part of the pakistani government to take action and direction also has to be within the bounds of law i mean we cannot have the trigger have the cia. write about the stunning i.s.i. spooks going into was a restart and just killing people on the basis of the dish and that will be
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a dispersant has a beard and he wears a turban do for he might be. indicted on and even if he's not who cares about if he's killed i mean we have to work around that mentality which seems so evident right now what is happening in was he just. says i want to thank you for joining us tonight and i know the organizers of the drowned senate have been trying to get a petition out there trying to put pressure on the government to let me when it comes to the mine you know we will think and i'll let us know if there's any updates on your situation thanks so much. thank you thank you for having me on your show. so find out what hillary clinton said are in the obama administration tonight . and that. they might not have. but good times are no short supply. a story. is if you understand it and the. other part of it
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and realized everything you saw. is a big. blow to the. but in the alone itself you know there's a real headline with none of the problem with the mainstream media today is that
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they're completely disconnected from the viewers and what actually matters for those viewers and so that's like young people just don't watch t.v. anymore if they want news they go online and read it but we're trying to take those stories that people actually care about and transfer them back to. our is the state run english speaking russian channel it's kind of like. russia today has an extremely confrontational stance when it comes to us.
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i guys it's time for it's and i still sign ward and today we are giving it to one of the most powerful women in the united states secretary of state hillary clinton when she brazil a few days ago to take part in the first open government partnership meeting now the u.s. serves as co-chair of this group with brazil and the purpose of those civi zero g.p.a. is a promote transparency fight corruption and strengthen the foundation of freedom within countries so during her twelve minute speech clinton not only took time to praise the other countries for participating but she also spoke about the importance of having a country that's open to to being opened. we believe that countries with open government open economies and open societies will increasingly flourish they will become more prosperous healthier more secure and more peaceful. now in
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this group talks about promoting transparency there's something about it on several levels government transparency economic transparency greater protection for journalists and those are some of the few initiatives that partnership wants to fruit and we all know that if you want to have transparency you're probably going need some whistleblowers right and hillary also took a moment to praise countries that are working hard to protect them and i want to commend slovak republic in montenegro for also introducing whistleblowing protection laws to ensure that those who expose corruption are not punished or harmed all right i've had to bite my tongue long enough but how is it possible that we actually praise the protection of whistleblowers with a straight face we've now got the secretary of state advocating for whistleblowers not to be punished meanwhile she's one of the key players in america's growing war on them right here at home i'm going to take a moment to remind you of how hillary in the rest of the state department has dealt
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with whistleblowers universe former state department employee peter van buren he's been on our show several times to speak about his book we meant well which exposes corruption in iraq while the u.s. was on it working in its reconstruction effort well then during was fired for what the state department said were aides violations notably linking to a wiki leaks diplomatic cable in one of his blog posts so when he was fired just a month ago he explained to me why you thought he was targeted. what was approved by the department of state and more importantly the constitution of the united states protects free speech with the state department is trying to terminate me for calling it bad judgment is in fact core political speech of the very basis of the first amendment the right of people in america to criticize their own government but then baron isn't the only victim of the state department's witch hunt bradley manning wiki leaks have also been on the hit list after all and thousands of diplomatic cables were released by the whistle blowing web site they expose the inside communications of diplomats and the cables then all paint
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a rosy picture of u.s. diplomatic relations clinton had some unkind worth of that point to say about the information down and about with leaks itself. this disclosure is not just an attack on america's foreign policy interests it is an attack on the international community the alliances and partnerships the conversations and negotiations that safeguard global security and advance economic prosperity. she even went on to say there is nothing lot of all about and danger in innocent people and there is nothing brave about sabotaging the peaceful relations between nations so i think you guys have a point here right if you do anything to put the state department or the obama administration to a bad light if you embarrass them and you pay the price at that point it's not whistle blowing it is an attack so remember when former state department spokesman p.j. crowley personally commented on bradley manning's treatment while he was detained i
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don't say too long for the pressure to melt and for him to have to resign or by now it's common knowledge that the obama administration's war on whistleblowers doesn't end with the state department is a ministration has prosecuted more people under the espionage act than any of the previous administrations combined i we're not the only ones who have noticed just a few months ago we play this clip of a.b.c.'s jake tapper who decided to grill jay carney after he praised two hardworking journalists who were killed in syria. this is for this is a story. that's been so aggressively trying to stop progress of your emotional state by using the espionage just to take this lowers to court currently but you can go to the six times before your body is version it only been used three times it's true but it seems to be just to make sure you're aggressive journals of a good story. thank you jake i could not have said it better myself we
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send a secretary of state of his open government conference to be a cheerleader for transparency meanwhile team obama is building up their legal cases against whistleblowers who dare to embarrass their government you can highlight corruption of the rest of the world with those you dare say anything bad or god forbid truthful about the usa so for advocating for the rights of whistleblowers abroad while viciously prosecuting them here and all we're giving hillary clinton the rest of the obama administration tonight's tool time award. ok it's time for happy hour and join me this evening archie producer jenny churchill and lauren lyster host of the capital account your party you know the eighty's island. well let's start with really know what you would call this good news bad news gary new is india has launched
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a. new long range nuclear capable missile. india takes a significant step forward in its aspirations to become a regional and world power india successfully launched a nuclear capable long range missile for missile sendoff from india's east coast has the capability of reaching deep inside china and europe. i believe jenny that you send. india news story today they call it the china killer yes well that's apparently what it was by the indian press china killer but no one seems to be at all concerned about this which i find quite fascinating because even back in the eighty's we were in fargo in india to stop them from making long range missiles by not allowing them to have the right electronics but now today it's really fine but when north korea did it i don't know a week ago everyone was flipping out well i mean it was a much bigger deal than the whole issue that was a huge deal when north korea had
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a failed well of rocket launch that ended up being a failure but this really didn't get a lot headlines enough kind of what you know people had been reporting so i was trying to see what the mainstream news was doing to cover it and c.n.n. had a story that was so and so the reporter explained why this is not received the kind of international criticism that north korea's rocket launch it and i listened to the entire package twice to see where it goes to hear that but literally it wasn't explained i would think today for john why we're going to if you've got that headline meredith we're going to think that they explained why there was a difference in the way that this was received it's because we're friends with india now and trying to sell them our weapons well and they're also one of the largest growing economies in the world so i'll try again and again there we go it also graphic you don't want it makes a lot of. now obviously going crazy over the colombian prostitutes and coke and whatever scandal with the secret service the secret service other people within the secret service are now going to be speaking with ted nugent over some comments that
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he may take a look. ted nugent the singer and conservative activist making some comments at an n.r.a. conference this past week and it caught the attention of the secret service let's take a listen to what he had to say. but you destroyed. the president november again i want you to be dead or this time next year. he also said something about how we needed chop their heads off referring to the democrats i what do you think they are what hand it's a free speech issue can say whatever you want in the secret service says we get that but when you say something like that regarding the president and the election we're going to have to investigate i don't know if this is the threshold then worse because on our show we use our bitterly every day when we talk about politics or whether it's the big bankers c.e.o.'s or our politicians and i want to play it back to everyone and their head off i mean we say things that are absurd to the same
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extent kind of well i think in this situation you have to realize who's saying that some are talking about ted nugent this is someone who's literally known for being crazy he had a reality show where they took people from the city and have them live on his farm with him just to see if they could deal with his craziness and it was literally called surviving nugent crazy enough to do something i mean maybe he did like cut his leg during. the day a guy gave me i think i think cat scratch fever has finally caught up to him and he's losing it you guys didn't get that you know that's the song he's famous for. but whatever good for him it's good publicity everyone's talking about it his career to get a little much needed boost if none of us know what cats favorite months old. resurgence. these days it's going to enter a conference is being allowed. pretty much on this story we're going to clip for
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you but i just thought it was really interesting right because we talk a lot about copyright trademark law and this is by club they called the motorcycle club the f.b.i. basically declare them an outlaw motorcycle gang and so what they're doing in order to make sure that the. i don't have the f.b.i. infiltrating is they have actually trademarked their jackets hatch right there and they've said you know like if you don't have the registration symbol at the bottom which is an insignia of the god of mischief then they know that you're fake but it's trademark and so you can't fake it it's kind of. like one of the good little dog player oh sure yeah you know i could likely agree i don't think this is going to stop the f.b.i. perm infiltrating if they want to but you gotta hand it to you guys for getting some creativity now they have them to fight back with great mark and great but i want it exactly like it just gives them a tool it's not going to keep a cop i mean it's kind of like everyone always thinks if you ask a cop are you a copy of to tell you well robert downey jr tommy and judy that's not true so i'm
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going to tell you the same thing but they could still make me laugh as or not so much and they could actually join the gang and get the official patch has ascetics a lot more time a lot more effort more resources and then i mean like what if we could only have one undercover we would do you think going to do you you know sometimes that i want to thank you that was. what happens. ok let's just talk about what the vatican is complaining about at. the vatican has ordered a crackdown on a group of american nuns that it considers to be rather cool it says the group was undermining roman catholic teaching on homosexuality and is promoting seven is teens incompatible with the catholic faith. i mean really i mean honestly this makes me so angry because i was going back and looking at reports of how many accusations there have been over the years cover up so not only ignoring
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sexual abuse but covering it up that to vatican good and they're going to lash out and make it public over some nuns who or what more lenient on homosexuality i just think that this is like the the height of hypocrisy and just read the most angry and kind i really had it wrong what's wrong with the church going to get people to relate me more and that's what i was saying earlier today we're talking about it it's kind of one of those things where to say relevant necessary you know religion's church is kind of has to make some concessions they have to do certain things to keep people interested in what they're doing and the catholic church clearly is but then i saw my space you know the pope would go there just realize you know what all of his last screw it was going to be what i saw you know what it was about kate upton and the new three stooges are guys. thanks for joining us thanks for tuning in make me for back tomorrow for a listers going back on for our financial check up that is the meantime don't forget he was a fan of the lower show on facebook and all of us on twitter and if you miss
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anything nice or any other nights it's all in youtube dot com slash the lower shows up next is the. there hasn't been anything good on t.v. . it is to get the maximum political impact pulse of. before source material is what helps keep journalism honest we. know. we want to position. something else. for.
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you know how sometimes you see a story and it seems so for life you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realize that everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm sorry welcome to the big picture .


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