tv [untitled] April 20, 2012 12:00am-12:30am EDT
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ray revs up for formula one race this weekend under the shadow of civil violence that the world community is a little account of. the are now moved to quarantine a flyable euro zone from the global economy is a few politicians themselves on to anti-union sentiment stating the block. these train tracks are one of the few successful parts of the project to try to bring transport to the russian far north further down the line the project failed to cover the cost sounds of lives lost taken from war discoveries in russia close up coming up.
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in the russian capital you're watching r t i'm marina joshing the roar of formula one engines will be heard in bahrain this weekend despite the gulf states still shaking under civil unrest as a regime activists have pledged to boycott and step up their protest while two members of the force india team have already fled the state after they were caught up in clashes on their way back from the track as our teams are in english but now reports surprisingly this uprising is off the radar other western community. it took a car fire ahead of a major sporting event for the world to notice the flames of discord engulfing a small island nation in the persian gulf. suffocating in the smoke of an ongoing struggle between protesters and police demonstrations have been happening behind for more than a hero producer say this is the longest lasting revolt in the arab spring but so far the only result from them has been an increase in violence on all sides scenes
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from the capital being more the passing similarity to the pictures out of the embattled syrian city of homs but the two cities enjoyed a very different level of attention to those decisions and the media stayed surprisingly silent considering their stance on other middle eastern revolutions they were all but silent when the bahraini revolution was crushed last year they're all but silent about the human rights abuses in bahrain itself and the formula one race is just focused on. that society and when the media does turn to her they seem to do more harm than good foreign media coverage of the also do they always use the framework of the sheer force us because. they don't understand that this actually helps the governments as he was doing and how free syrians such as
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the opposition says hundreds have been wounded and standoffs with police and many sacked from their jobs or arrested for taking part in mass protests but unlike in syria and libya no one has called for foreign intervention. variance problems prove before the international human rights council european and south american countries were enthusiastic about exploring this issue but the us prefer to leave it to the independent commission created here where the government did bring about several medical bahraini human rights defenders who were in actual real one speeds out of town much of the media and the world's attention is likely to follow in the rain in a ghost. obviously a state has called on a global arms embargo and tougher financial sanctions against the syrian regime if it fails to abide by a cease fire at a ministerial gathering of the friends of syria group in paris still recent and made no mention of the possibility of military intervention but the pentagon is that it was ready to carry out the action if needed meanwhile the u.n.
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observer mission dispatched to syria has signed a motion was asked its government on the terms of the international bodies monitoring groups they were based researcher sarovar said belief this cooperation is incredibly significant this is incredibly significant especially when we consider a lot of the other regional neighbors of syria behaving very poorly and provoking violent conflict in syria and suggesting that they want to arm the rebels and continue and actually increase the level of violence that's happening in syria so we have this gulf region that's actually instigating violence and we have the so-called friends of syria of western powers really who will no influence over syria and have very little to say or do because they they don't have any relationship they don't have any information that will provide any help to the people of syria to solve this crisis so with those two efforts happening you know
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between the arab league and the friends of syria it's actually very refreshing to have a u.n. observer mission because it's talking to everybody people are taking it seriously and so this is very promising indeed to see these developments and it's not a solution and that's going to solve everything in one day for example and it will take many different compromises and steps but with patience i think that this is certainly the best and most promising development that we've seen in a long time. still to come here on our old hatred dies hard so the first rain and sounds of being stared back to the brink of war as the thirst for oil and violent border disputes with the fully fledged buying. now plans made as a galaxy and withdrawal plan as artificial worried over the alliance leaving behind a source of instability and drug trafficking at russia's borders. protecting the world from you were a that's the latest task set for itself by the
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i.m.f. which plans to erect a four hundred billion dollar financial wall around the block and its insanity. crisis from spreading further which banks fear it will be a serious threat to global economic recovery and pressure mounts on the outside and side tensions are at a peak artie's ties are still you know reports. it hasn't been the perfect marriage that they agreed where it mattered most of the time. a tandem seen as key in the e.u. decision making. that france's relationships with berlin and brussels have hit a rough patch the french election if you look at the campaign in france first thing because on the right side there is mrs le pen this is the plan wants to reintroduce her for the french franc the french currency christmas all on one story negotiate the the the treaty on the fiscal compact incumbent nicolas sarkozy is no exception
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pledging to freeze france's e.u. funding and bringing back border controls over in the left corner. the rejects europe's budget belt tightening pact people are uneasy with the fact that they or contributing to the failed policies in other parts of the then people don't really understand why is it that there's more and more legislation coming from the european level in member states have to adjust it for the mostly pro europe french public it's about jobs and social security just as brussels and berlin want tough cutbacks. and that doesn't rest easy with voters who gave a resounding no to giving the e.u. machine even more power seven years ago even though it's been a perfect tool to offload a questionable policies. criticizing europe can be a convenient scapegoat because it appeals to people who do not like the functioning of europe and it can divert responsibility if something goes wrong it's not the
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fault of the government or nicolas sarkozy it's the fault of europe it's easy to lay into this place right e.u. plans or half a billion spent a final before that's really gotten under the skin of french voters as part of another what's more these promises of all that heard before regardless of who gets . what anything really changed between paris and brussels. the press so there's no europe force one europe for whom is it europe for the banker of. europe for trade with europe for. business. or europe of senses of europe of sorts for rights and the rest of the continents watching too knowing that whoever its next partner is a honeymoon phase is out of the question the answer is still here r t brussels the un as planned to reckon massive financial buffer around the euro zone hasn't been welcomed by everybody with nanny nations reluctant to commit their cash and
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commenting on the idea investment advisor patrick young doesn't have much faith and move will help save the euro zone this is absolutely a cataclysm for the euro zone there is no way no matter how hard large to see it going to are no matter how high big zouk it is that the i.m.f. is currently assembling and nobody can afford to pay for italian government debt it is simply impossible we are pushing nations on the mediterranean fringe of europe into anarchy if we expect that they're going to stay in the euro zone it's a tragic development for a government the option is quite clear and they need to say we cannot pay our debts we cannot survive in the euro zone and they need to leave and in the case of greece they need to establish a new drive much because otherwise the euro is not going to continue and frankly western europe is going to just become completely and utterly outmaneuvered in the new dynamics of the global economy. syrian conflict rocks the euro zone spanning
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the flames of protest wide literally and some cases that are to go on we're going forward on the want to tie a new team that has started burning its board from a masterpiece and threw into the catch by a political whack off on its. hot spot austrian villages seeking a change of name saying they want something a little less seductive they also wonder that all their road signs stolen by souvenir hundreds.
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to. see. back here whether it's you know un secretary-general ban ki moon has blasted south sudan for its military incursion and seizure of an oil field from sudan and called it a clearly illegal act and urged both sides to cease hostilities as the two nations edge closer to outright war blame for what some say could be put where only at the feet of those behind the separation states. the issue that a one c. or and the board give more patient my understanding there were many years or
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following this is that the separation of the two countries was absolutely unnecessary and wrong and the obsessive nature of the united states led by the us ambassador susan rice and the british of the europeans to have this separation without settling any of the issues has actually made the situation worse now you have south sudan which it believes it has the full backing of the united states and they took a overtly aggressive action as i was leaving the country last thursday and they invaded a town inside of sudan has left the oil production center and therefore that precipitated the whole escalation but they violated the saddam hussein and they would not have done that if they didn't think they had support from the united states and britain and others. and now let's take a look at some other stories from around the world thousands of fishermen in chile
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have gathered to protest against new fishing laurie forms the government passed a bill in march to help sustain the country's salmon stocks and programs overfishing the law has been criticized and it claims that will have a negative effect on birds the green jobs back to the sector. warning a year after its last mission the space shuttle discovery has arrived at its final resting place this new study of air and space museum just outside washington in nearly thirty years of service you asked most traveled shuttle spent a total of three hundred sixty five days in orbit circling the earth nearly six thousand times this isn't to retire discovery was made in two thousand and four so nasa could concentrate on building new space ships which are still said to be several years away. he's a mass murderer anders breivik has said he plans to be have the country's former prime minister and post the physics online during his trial has given the fascists
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the wooden cordon. and propaganda video he admits to carrying out the bomb and shooting massacre and that killed seventy seven people in norway last year while across the hour at seven thirty am g.m.t. peter lavelle looks at the underlying message behind the attacks. there's a minority of people who exist within the muslim community who are extremists who don't believe in the democratic values we do believe in previous full coexistence i'm told and what we must not do is tanisha whole faith system whole communities based on your actions over a small number of minority extremists that exist in order and i'm reading what you say rachel here is what i am going to go through and i'm fair time arriba the rachel go ahead. isn't that exactly what we're trying to do with breivik right now is to paint all the right wing people who have moderate points of view about immigration and cultural integration with the same brush saying that this kind of
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rhetoric is responsible for his actions you're saying exactly the same thing about extreme. islamic fundamentalists and how they tar everybody on. the muslim religion with that brush and you're objecting to that yet you seem to think it is ok that is that is within the right to have comments like i do. but his foreign minister has slammed latest plan to withdraw from afghanistan by twenty fourteen and a ministerial meeting in brussels sergey lavrov said the schedule was artificial as couples old forces will be ready to provide security by the time russia's worried over instability and massive drug trafficking emanating from afghanistan scene a this mission is crucial to its own security has agreed to expand its logistic support or the allied forces russian lawmakers are now considering providing air base as a transit point for the lines of supplies and troops to afghanistan however foreign aid bigwigs state and ghana stand is more about prolonging the conflict than
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ensuring stability says and i were at this mike rally. there is no popular support for this war in the us nor in the u.k. you know or in any country to be honest i think the statistics now show the over seventy percent of the population want our troops the figure he's rising in the us sixty percent last week want to see an end to the war but the people who benefit from the war quite happy to let this one alone as long as possible and those who benefit obviously the global elites the bankers those in the military industrial complex to them having a prolonged conflict is just it's not even really the us actually what they're planning is to have a substantial military presence until twenty twenty four and i think that the russians. and the chinese. don't tell you that it's all the thirty thousand troops to remain there after two thousand and fourteen are completely conveniently located right along the proposed oil pipeline. i think that the russians will obviously
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benefit from that or part running their own exports but it's likely that the strings that are attached to the identity of the support coming will ensure that the majority of us troops the combat troops will be out by twenty four. it was their american dream come true right until the government. headed by an energy found in spite of their cozy little haven and ruining their idol of life which tell you the full story in the next hour. in the hundred. years. we have died in forty acres and nineteen ninety three and decided it would be a great place to find them both a home and retire. there she is. we call it our new neighbor neighbor i knows that. we have
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seventy acres and i can convince them that they need to drill somewhere besides two hundred feet from. the needs of our growing economy also means expanding our domestic production of oil and natural gas which are vital fuel for transportation electricity and manufacturing. problems before we do the right and then change. your flows are not toxic than we did a lot of there's a lot of mis understanding of what exactly in the fluids. you can load here unless you come over here and look at my house for a week. i have no rights. all right now it's a back and check out what they are to closer team has in store for us this time around.
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i think tom gardner reports from the area where the debilitating cold has for decades taught authorities that building a permanent transport infrastructure in areas mission impossible but that doesn't mean everyone has given up hope especially with enormous oil and gas reserves this land promises. making tracks from of the tundra part of this region's name means in the local language the end of the earth and for centuries it's defied all attempts at permanent access sitting here as in central parts of russia if you want to go somewhere you just get in a car and go but here it's impossible you have to wait for the river to gore or take a plane but it's very difficult when you are separated from the rest of the country
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for surface is blasted by blizzards in winter and melts into swamps in summer supports for bridges have to be driven dozens of meters deep and the roots foundations packed down repeatedly to stop it collapsing back into the trondra this giant project is an attempt to bring trans warm to the land but the end of the earth but it's not the first time and previous attempts of left a shadow over the whole region started in one nine hundred forty nine tens of thousands of can lack prisoners toiled in summer heat and cold and stalin's dream of the trams pole a railway line conditions were brutal and thousands were worked and starved to death or shot by their captors that. they keep people away for refusing to work or pursuing even a couple of words about stalin they gave us our prisoners in centers here to watch over them building this railway had we refused he would have shot us as well
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a nine hundred fifty three the project was abandoned built without any proper heavy equipment the unfinished tracking embankments quickly subsided back into the tundra all that's left now are a few bridges rotting barrett buildings and the long shadow of this corner of the galactic empire this bridge is part of stalin's infamous road of death but since this project and so many others have failed roads here in the russian arctic some of the own people. to see these sad historical monuments are teams of off road drivers if gary and his companions try to penetrate some of the furthest reaches of this vast tundra landscape they've seen abandoned villages pola mountain peaks and even a settlement that had never been reached by wheeled vehicles before in their good to go to commute but once you arrive in this area you begin to see the world in a very different way these places are dealt. with enormous gas and oil reserves
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discovered in the far north a commitment has been made to put huge money and resources towards road and rail building this time but there's a lot of work ahead of all russia's arctic fields any of its vast isolation tom barton. well let's now get the latest financial aid for haiti is that the ask and well this time it's almost. here in moscow but markets in europe are. trading in asia though is in full swing so what's happening there how's it going absolutely well marina it's not looking too good actually there around the hole for you through the trading day and stocks are up and that's all to a group of twenty nations that europe's debt crisis still threatens the global growth who got the nikkei there around a third of down the highest rank edging towards percent in negative territory while the asian markets are taking the lead from the u.s. and sending technology firms lower they're the ones that are really suffering so
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let's see how the u.s. yesterday will see that shares took a second straight day of losses and that the u.s. jobless claims hold it around a four year high sparking fears that the recovery in the world's largest economy is indeed slowing now added to that there were cells of previously owned homes fell as well as there's a lot of data coming out let me talk about the individual shares that were posting losses we had apple e.m.c. and shiva they were all the around three and a half percent down yesterday and moved almost have a look at the oil prices i believe see how they're getting on and they are indeed higher at this hour that can explain why the russian markets that were higher yesterday there were higher shoots have a look at the light sweet is edging towards one hundred three dollars per barrel at the brands nearly one hundred eighteen and a half dollars per. barrel of oil that you may be on we've got the exchange rate
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see how the ruble got on a yesterday now it's not trading at the moment but it's less than two and a half hours and still it will we've got it lower against the current says the u.s. dollar figure we got the euro's all the sunlight. we hire at this hour and that was positive news coming from europe i know i've been saying that peripheral countries still very much rain in italy still in the spotlight but there was a bond auction in spain and it did go well ok let's move on and have a look at the russian markets others they less than two hours ahead of the bell it was gazing at the r.t.s. or over one and a half percent after that the my sixty two percent happy days here in moscow yesterday as i say we have the. well and we also had some good news as well because the first two months in russia we had a trade surplus jumped twenty eight percent year on year about was. we talk
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about trading volumes we've not seen too much action at a recent wakes and we've had some comments from barbara ruth b. from asset management and she says that this will soon rectify as soon as traders come back from their sleep. it's come out of the holiday season to some extent we've had some bad data we've had though encouraging lee in the last ten days quite a good indication from the first round of course quarter earnings so i'm quite hopeful that post some of the spanish auction proving to be well french auction as well we will see the market feels like it wants to go up but investors are still largely or have a large cash holdings so the need for investment keeps pressing on and i believe that coupled with a good earnings season coupled with a. very good data from china easing off the new moves will probably bring as
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short as well as term a lot more activity again in the equity markets like a sleepy had in danger right now arena r.v. back in about fifteen minutes with the latest updates already looking forward to that ok thanks very much indeed for this one and we'll see in our stock so coming up next the latest edition of our weekend entertainment show must go out there after a brief recap of our top stories in just a few moments with. the the with
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