tv [untitled] April 20, 2012 7:00am-7:30am EDT
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voices of concern over civil violence in bahrain growing as loud as the formula one cars racing around its track. the i.m.f. moves to quarantine a from a euro zone from the global economy e.u. politicians pounce on popular sentiment. and we will china's our size the country keeps knocking on the doors of the nations who already have access to the energy rich reach. it is good to have you with us here we're not see today. live in moscow the rule of
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formula one engines are heard in bahrain despite the gulf states still shaking on the barrels years of civil unrest and the regime activists have pledged to boycott the event and step up their protests while two members of the force india team they've already fled the state after they were caught up in clashes on their way back from the track but it's. a report sign like libya or syria this uprising and surprisingly off the radar. it took a car fire ahead of a major sporting event for the world to notice the flames of discord engulfing a small island nation in the persian gulf but green is suffocating in the smoke of an ongoing struggle between protesters and police there are three since have been happening in bahrain for more than a year now protesters say this is the longest lasting revolt in the arab spring but so far the only result from them has been an increase in violence on all sides
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scenes from the capital be a more than passing similarity to the pictures out of the embattled syrian city of homs but the two cities enjoyed a very different level of attention. and the media stayed surprisingly silent considering their stance on other middle eastern revolutions they were all but silent when the bahraini revolution was crushed last year they are all but silent about the human rights abuses in bahrain itself and the formula one race has just focused attention on that. and when the media does turn to her they seem to do more harm than good foreign media coverage but also as you say always use the free market forces against. and they don't understand that this actually helps the governments to see what they're doing and they're free syrian such as the opposition says hundreds have been wounded in standoff with police and many sacked
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from their jobs or arrested for taking part in mass protests but unlike in syria and libya no one has called for foreign intervention. problems put before the international human rights council european and south american countries were enthusiastic about exploring this issue but the us prefer to leave it to the independent commission created here by the government it did bring back several medical bahraini human rights defenders who were in exile when the real one speeds out of town much of the media and the world's attention is likely to follow in bahrain. r.t. . now a nato intervention in syria may be on the horizon with turkey planning so plead for the alliance to support the country has seen clashes between our sides army and the rebels recently spilling over the border into its territory now has been it was revealed by the u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton when she was speaking in paris after a ministerial gathering of the opposition countries she also called for
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a global arms embargo and tougher financial sanctions against a massive us if it fails to abide by the cease fire the pentagon's also said it is ready to carry out military action in syria if needed meanwhile the u.n. has signed a motion with the government on the terms of the observer mission guarding them freedom of movement this as the bodies chief voice plans to beef up the team to three hundred monitors over this would require a new security council resolution beirut based research. says the importance of their mission cannot be emphasized enough. this is an incredibly significant especially when we consider a lot of the other regional neighbors of syria behaving very poorly and provoking violent conflict in syria and suggesting that they want to arm the rebels and continue and actually increase the level of violence that's happening in syria so
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we have this go for region that's actually instigating violence and we have the so-called friends of syria of western powers really who will no influence over syria and have very little to say or do because they they don't have any relationships they don't have any information that will provide any help to the people of syria to solve this crisis so with those two efforts happening you know between the arab league and the friends of syria it's actually very refreshing to have a u.n. observer mission and because it's talking to everybody people are taking it seriously and so this is very promising indeed to see these developments and it's not a solution that's going to solve everything in one day programable and it will take many different compromises and steps but with patience i think that this is certainly the best and most promising development that we've seen in a long time and watching r.t. it's good to have you with us today are still to come for you in the program here
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the old hatred dies so freshly independent south sudan step back to the brink of war as the source of oil the violent border disputes erupts into fully fledged fighting also. these train tracks of one of the few successful parts of the project to try to bring transports of the russian far north further down the line the project failed having cost sounds of lives to stay tuned for more discoveries in our russia close ups or results coming your way in just a moment. protecting the world from europe that's the latest task set for itself by the i.m.f. which plans to a record of four hundred billion dollars financial wall around the clock it's intended to prevent the euro crisis from spreading further through to its serious threats of the global economic recovery but in europe those financial woes a reshaping the political landscape we report on france where today is the last day of campaigning before presidential elections on sunday. it hasn't been the perfect
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marriage but they agreed where it mattered most of the time. a tandem seen as key in a huge decision making. but france's relationships with berlin and brussels have hit a rough patch the french election if you look at the campaign in france i think because on the right side there is mrs le pen this is the plan once reintroduce it for the french franc the french currency was missed all along wants to renegotiate the the the treaty on the fiscal compact income of nicolas sarkozy is no exception pledging to freeze france's e.u. funding and bringing back border controls over in the left corner shown around the rejects europe's a bunch of belt tightening pact people or an easy with the fact that they or contributing to the failed policies in other parts of the u. then people don't really understand why is it there's more and more legislation
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coming from the european level in member states have to adjust it for the mostly pro euro french public it's about jobs and social security just as brussels and birth then want tough cutbacks. and that doesn't rest easy with voters who gave a resounding no to giving the e.u. machine even more power seven years ago even though it's been a perfect tool to offload questionable policies. criticizing europe can be a convenient scapegoat because it appeals to people who do not like the functioning of europe and it can divert responsibility if something goes wrong it's not the fault of the government or nicolas sarkozy it's the fault of europe it's easy to lay into this place where e.u. plans are half a billion spent a final before that's really got on the state of french voters as part of another what's more these promises of all good heard before regardless of who gets entry into the world everything really changed between paris and brussels. europe
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for what europe for. europe for the brinker of europe for trade europe for. business oh is it europe of cities of europe of social rights and the rest of the continents watching too knowing that whoever its next partner is a honeymoon phase is out of the question to answer celia r t brussels well the i.m.f. the eurozone plan however still needs eighty billion dollars more the hope is that the fast growing countries known as the brics group will be able to make up that shortfall russia has already pledged ten billion dollars but along with the rest of the emerging economies it wants a greater say you know how it's spent meeting today in washington ministers from the group of twenty industrialized nations will focus on that funding brazil russia china india and south africa are all expected to come up with the eight hundred
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billion mark but they do ask for a bigger sway over the international bank the i.m.f. spread and christine lagarde was optimistic that a compromise could perhaps be reached but commenting on the plan investment advisor patrick young doesn't have much faith the move will help the eurozone in any way whatsoever. this is absolutely a cataclysm for the euro zone there is no way no matter harlow arj to see it guards are no matter how high be it is that the i.m.f. is currently assembling nobody can afford to pay for italian government debt it is simply impossible we are pushing nations on the mediterranean fringe all of europe into anarchy if we expect that they're going to stay in the euro zone it's a tragic by learning for government the option is quite clear they need to say we cannot pay our debts we cannot survive in the euro zone and they need to leave on
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in the case of greece they need to establish a new truck not because otherwise the euro was not going to continue and frankly western europe is going to just become completely and utterly like maneuver in the new dynamics of the global economy now austerity cuts across the eurozone are fanning the flames of protest quite literally in some cases at our dot com we report on one italian museum but has started burning it's a collection of masterpieces just in order to get the government's attention. plus one austrian villagers are seeking a change of name but they say they would rather have something a little less indecent they also want back all their road signs stolen by us and we say over eager souvenir. these are the images. from history of canada after. trying to corporations rule
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today. live from moscow this is r t it seems china is becoming increasingly hungry for a slice of the arctic's energy. on a tour of europe the country's premier wen jumbo is expected to try to strike a deal with iceland as one part of china's effort to gain a foothold in the icy region. research fellow at the east asian institute says that beijing is likely to leave where its economic might to get what it wants chinese rising rising very quickly because of politically and economically so some of the western countries actually should they're cautious there's towards trying that's why you're actually hesitant to give china this i looked steadily in the arctic council i'd be interested china will use always diplomatic skills through trying to gain more support from from the not it countries which are more friendly cause
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china in this region another problem another you see they're trying to we're also us. we're each game there's a ball it's guaranteed that west is in the crisis specially if for example i sir and i think china will use more of the wells to gain their support in the region as r.t. hundreds of thousands of demonstrators have once again engulfed cairo's tahrir square in protest against the ruling military council the rally involves supporters from exact opposite ends of the political spectrum with seculars rubbing shoulders with islamists to discuss this latest display of civil unrest and i'll join life from cairo by the activities of some a feller's the planks of a coming on our t.v. today so here we are again crowds of people flock not a tourist square venting theory of the ruling or thought it is it's all a bit deja vu isn't it hasn't anything actually changed in the country.
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i think there is a power struggle between the military ruler and the muslim brotherhood and if you come back to square to shore under flexors of muscles a game. after the live to tell you to square the dealership my eyes the little square under evolutionary powers and now as they are coming back to the to the square seeing the sea would lead to perfect is that evolution again is all the sheema get is a military rule but at the end of the day it seems that it's a clear power struggle between muslim brotherhood hold lift at the head of the square will turn as their back to the usually powerful cup of their relationship was other secular and political forces and now they are claiming that evolutionary agenda and the coming back to give square to gimbal preloaded here after their prisons in mr reed has been obviously shaken over the last few months is when people started to think ecliptic
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a new abode the dominance of the problem and what's in the liver to. be wisely didn't fulfill of the promises for people to change is a reality to me. and nothing is happening i do apologize if i just jump in here because our i mean personally i'm just having a tough time understanding this the muslim brotherhood now dominates both houses of egypt's parliament and they were democratically voted in their majority of the people putting them into power your telling me that in such a short time people are already fed up with the muslim brotherhood. zippered up people for the beck show he was muslim brotherhood because the. election parliamentary elections are promised people to do a lot of thanks but no. they are acting as a disorder of the national democratic party doing mubarak era as you would like to do beneath everything. they would like to limit is the influence of other political
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forces they would lake actually to inherent this or for that clearly in the structure of made during mubarak era as he would like to prisons of services that overwhelming the majority in egyptian society using the same tactics using the same is that outages use that by mubarak over the last. for the period for four decades and i think that people are quite cautious not to repeat the same regime in different form with different political power this is an issue. just so i can get this straight as you say that the people there they got rid of hosni mubarak the oil of regime as many call it then they vote in the muslim brotherhood they're not pleased with the muslim brotherhood now you're suggesting perhaps they want some sort of thin authoritarian structure it might seem to many what is it that's going to make these people happy don't they have jobs to go to. so i can hear you properly what is it going to take to make these people happy what is the
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next stage in line. the next stage in line to make constitution committee if anybody in egyptian society to make an institution afflicts so diverse city a religion in culture in politics in egypt to make a new constitution the faith in the dreams of egyptian people. to make. a real democracy system set a committee to be inclusive not exclusive for everybody unfortunately the muslim brotherhood. showed every exclusionary character in their behavior over over the last year the. demoralized and attacked other forces doing that from the over. that it's a constitutional in change in on march. nineteenth of march two thousand and eleven . rivals during
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a parliamentary election. is it. really is the only political power in egyptian society to decide on the future of egypt. last please. the committee which which is in title drafters and you consider the muslim brotherhood excluded most orbs up other forces. of the. committee which. by base of course please it so well why not dr samir the political activist in cairo i think whatever the case and i'm afraid we have run out of time for now but it looks like for the certainly for the forseeable future we're just going to have more protests and demonstrations on the infamous tahrir square mr fallacy thank you very much for coming on r.t. thank you. very briefly that's a check out some other international headlines for you here on the r.t. world update thousands of fishermen in chile have gathered to protest against
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a new fishing law reforms and the government passed a bill in march to help sustain the country some. and stocks and prevent over fishing but the law is being criticized the big claims that will have a negative effect on the efforts to bring jobs back to the sector. the region of mass murderer and his breath because told the court on the fifth day of his trial that he considered his car bomb attack to have been a failure eight people died in the explosion in the country's capital but says he had hoped that more would be killed because of the bombs failure was the reason he then traveled to be island of new toy where sixty nine people were shot dead on cross talk or later this hour are these people of el looking at the underlying message behind the attacks we take on those extremists so yes we accept i'm going to look this is a minority of all i'm saying is there is a minority if you want to show you the minority there's a minority of people who exist within the muslim community who are extremists who don't believe in the democratic values who don't believe in previous full
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coexistence and tolerance and what we must not do is tanisha whole faith system whole communities based on your actions over a small number of minority extremist there exists in order here i'm really going to rachel here is what her girlfriend time air time arriba the rachel go ahead. isn't that exactly what we're trying to do with breivik right now is to paint all the right wing people who have moderate points of view about immigration and and cultural integration with the same brush saying that this kind of rhetoric is responsible for his actions. right up before we get to katy would a person is the finale the u.n. secretary general ban ki moon has blasted south sudan for its military incursion and seizure of an oil field from sudan and he called it a clearly illegal act and urged both sides to cease hostilities the two nations edged closer to once again outright war of the blame for which some say could be
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put squarely at the feet of those behind the separation of the two states in the first place the issue that everyone sees is or and the border give more cliched but my understanding there were many years were following this is that the separation of the two countries was absolutely unnecessary and wrong and the obsessive nature of the united states led by the u.s. ambassador susan rice and the british and the europeans to have this separation without settling any of the issues has actually made the situation worse now you have south sudan which would lead to the full backing of the united states and they took a overtly aggressive action as i was leaving the country last thursday and they invaded a town inside sudan has looked at the oil production center and therefore that precipitated the whole escalation but they violate the sovereignty to sudan and
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they would not have done that if they didn't think they had support from the united states and britain and others this is are to time now to sit back just for a moment to check out the latest episode from a close up the let's see what they have for us at the start. today artie's tom garden reports from the area where the crushing cold is for decades talk with already is that building a permanent transport infrastructure there is frankly mission impossible but the temptation of the enormous oil and gas reserves this article has to offer means no one has been able to quite yet give it up. making tracks through the tundra part of this region's name a mile means in the local language the end of the earth and for centuries it's to
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fight all attempts at permanent access. in central parts of russia if you want to go somewhere you just get in a car and go and hear it's impossible you have to wait for the river to fog or take a plane it's very difficult when you're separated from the rest of the country the surface is blasted by blizzards in winter and melts into swamps in summer supports so bridges have to be driven dozens of meters deep and the roads foundations packed down repeatedly to stop it collapsing back into the tundra this giant project is an attempt to bring transport to the land at the end of the earth but it's not the first time and treat this attempts of left a shadow over the whole region started in one nine hundred forty nine tens of thousands of gulag prisoners toiled in summer heat and cold on stalin's dream of a trans polar real where lying conditions were brutal and thousands were worked and
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starved to death or shot by their captors that. they get people away for refusing to work even a couple of words about stalin they gave us our prisoners and sent us here to watch over them building this railway had we refused they would have shot us as well in one nine hundred fifty three the project was abandoned built without any proper heavy equipment the unfinished track and embankments quickly subsided back into the tundra all that's left now are a few bridges rotting barrack buildings and the long shadow of this corner of the gulag empire this bridge is part of stalin's infamous road of death but since this project and so many others have failed to put permanent roads here in the russian arctic some of the own people to see them. historical monuments are teams of off road drivers if gary and his companions try to penetrate some of the furthest reaches of this vast tundra landscape they've seen abandoned villages pola mountain
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peaks and even a settlement that had never been reached by wheeled vehicles before and that it occurred to commute that once you arrive in this area you begin to see the world in a very different way these places are there. enormous. commitment has been made to push. towards. action. we're looking for in the business market so there's casey would you know for. let's get started with the russian markets is friday afternoon here in moscow as a trading is them brought we've seen some activity and right now it's rise within my space and they are both posting about a quarter percent in the red territory right now the close of week on the back first now in other news russia is gaining back his boring pounds this year of
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higher than expected or prices live in the funds needed to balance its budget on all the top rate so let's get to the prices now sorry let's have a look at how the forming of right now now i've just been reading reports that iran will begin operating a second more in facility for crude exports from the persian gulf last according to the director general of solve an oil and apparently is going to have a capacity of nine hundred thousand barrels a day moving on the stocks we'll see who's gaining or not. i will spread by go around a quarter of the cent down just so they have leaves much just in the ore prices so it's a surprise a call more than a percentage point down to cape b.p. that's not a surprise considering that brings to. hundreds of oil spills in the west. region ok i'm moving on the news now as i say volumes have indeed been in the last few weeks i always have borrowed from an asset manager she says all is well that's
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just i just listening. if come out of the holiday season to some extent we've had some data we've had so encouraging lee in the last ten days quite a good indication from the first round of first quarter earnings so i'm quite hopeful that post some of the spanish auction proving to well french auction as well we will see a rebound the market feels like it wants to go up when investors are still largely or have a large cash holding so the need for investment keeps pressing on not believe that coupled with a good earnings season coupled with the whilst not very good data from china easing off that will probably bring as short as well as medium term a lot more activity again in the equity markets london is calling russia's second biggest move operates a mega fall could list of course but shares in london as early as july according to
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media reports the company plans to raise up to four billion dollars it would be the biggest listing on the london stock exchange and again can i don't exchange rates we're going to see how the variable is performing this hour and how to look at the year idle as well which is strengthening its gains the ruble is still makes again current says it's head over to europe and see that it's still. around a percentage point out the first of course and that's our business confidence in germany rose unexpectedly is the markets worry that isn't a comment just that i'll see you on monday. enjoy the weekend you deserve. to stay with us you're coming up just a moment. crosstalk. culture
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is that so much pressure on a problem that you both very much there's the taliban bad guy insane or a murderous right wing fanatic this is what i know reaching for must determine in the wake of last year's massacre of seventy seven people. wealthy british style. is not the type of. market why not. come to. find out what's really happy.
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