tv [untitled] April 20, 2012 8:00pm-8:30pm EDT
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breaking news out of montreal students taking their words and rhetoric to the streets police burning right here stun grenades and pepper spray to curb the crowds we'll take you to the protest. and for those of you feel like the t.s.a. is getting a little frisky with your personal liberties these days and get used to it because these stringent regulations are going nowhere fast and in fact they're actually expanding those anyone stop to ask if all these rules actually make us any safer we'll explore. and money isn't the only thing wells fargo is keeping locked up safe these days turns out this bank has a huge stake in the private prison industry making enormous profits for keeping people behind bars we'll follow the money.
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it's friday april twentieth eight pm in washington d.c. i'm abbie martin and you're watching our t.v. . we begin this hour with breaking news montreal's has been rocked by student protests riot police and using stun grenades pepper spray natanz to beat back student protesters this all happened after they try to disrupt a speech by quebec premier john sure reading the story is changing by the minute for more on the situation i was joined by citizen journalist bernard. here's his take. well what is going on is that the students and not only to students but many citizens are mad at the attitude of the government and doesn't want to discuss it all of the rays of student fees which was. actually were according to the prime minister a year ago and they don't want to accept this because they feel that it will
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prevent a lot of deserving students to attend university and to eventually get a degree and find that. job and today the prime minister he said. with a laugh he scorned his students he said that he wants to give them a job as far north as possible so that infuriated a lot of people and there were violent clashes between the police and protesters in the streets and also in the conference center and this happened also. today is not the first day of clashes happened yesterday and the day before yesterday massive arris hundreds of people were arrested given a huge fines four hundred dollars fines for just walking in the street in there in a residential area chanting and singing and the original cornered by the police and the same thing happened to yesterday in
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a university and here where i live so it's very very regressive the climate is very is the great yeah yeah right now a lot of people. just public figures politicians showing their disapproval publicly today about the prime minister is where it's bernhard tell us a little more about the arrests that have taken place over the last couple days today and also some of the police brutality that you've seen firsthand and that you've heard about well personally i wasn't onside to see. how it is i. unfortunately have to work during the day but i was able to go to the police station after the protesters were arrested yesterday one hundred fifty people were arrested near where i live and they were detained for several hours some of them actually are probably still the pain as i was were speaking so bad more than twenty four hours they were handcuffed they were detained there were who were submitted to
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enter a geisha they were. threatened they were told by some one of the protesters that i was able to talk to us and the police station said who police told him that his diploma would be worth nothing because if you have a criminal record from now on and those those are people who were just sitting when they were arrested it was just sitting in the university's cafeteria and they were actually encouraged to come into the university building by the police and once they were inside the police lot the gore arrested them all including some miners and they were as i said handcuffed taking him to take him to the police station and detained for several hours and so i mean and i have friends i have there are people that i know that had their children under eighteen arrested yesterday and that were
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. sort of treated that way and so and i didn't pay for that was also near where i live which is a small city of maybe three hundred thousand people there were one hundred fifty people arrested on the street also and they were they were basically peaceful so today what happens is a consequence of that. keep the protesters have been peaceful and now they're fed up with the attitude of the government that they are fed up with being ever asked by the police and being repressed and they cannot walk up to speak he cannot see anything they're being i would add that to me robert. we're also use against the protesters bernard it sounds very similar to what's happening right here. in new york city with occupy wall street where they and i.p.s. interpret a new laws day by day if you get my check then they're arrested it almost seems like the freedom of speech is non void at this point and laws are interpreted randomly can you take us back really quickly to wrap up the segment just give us
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a brief background of how this happened and where do you see this going well it happened because of the increase in tuition fees and that's something that the people who consider as fundamentally the think a lot of people in the population think that whoever wants to get a university degree should be able to then shouldn't be prevented because of money and actually when you look at it from an economy standpoint it pays for society to have more directly university graduates those people once the or a doctor or a lawyer and there's the earn more money he pay more taxes so it pays for itself and that's the basic that's what how it started and that started about two months ago ten weeks ago and there were peaceful protests there were two hundred thousand people marching in downtown montreal peacefully nothing happened no nothing was broken but then the police recently there was an injunction and you want to force
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universities to teach to students who wanted to take their courses and of course let you know it's we're at war unfortunately out of times the situation is definitely very tense and we'll be following it very closely as situation unfolds citizen journalist bernard. thank you. stripping away our freedoms there's been a lot of reports coming out lately about unhappy americans who say their privacy has been violated by the transportation security administration and while most eight a airport patrons begrudgingly slip off their shoes and empty their pockets the question still remains is the t.s.a. really make us any safer or is it just another security apparatus another industry profiting off fear in a post nine eleven world since the naked body scanners have been rolled out and multiple airports across the country there's been a national outrage that the scanners are not only an extreme violation of privacy but are also reported to cause high doses of radiation meanwhile the company
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supplying the airports with body scanners are also lobbying millions of dollars to congress to ensure that legislation is implemented that will soon require the scanners nationwide luckily you can still opt out of them for now but even more controversial than the scanners are the t.s.a. is invasive pat down procedures that you have to endure with an opt out the pat downs of come under a barrage of scrutiny with stories coming out of children being sexually groped instances of abuse and humiliation to the handicapped and the elderly as well as the ridiculous security threats stemming from cupcakes breast milk and now snow globes the director of homeland security janet napolitano says that if we don't like the security procedures and we can just find other means to travel but that doesn't really seem to apply anymore seeing as how the t.s.a. now violates our civil liberties even before we board planes the agency is now working with local law enforcement and buses and train stations across the country as well as setting up random highway checkpoints nationwide to search citizens
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whenever they deem necessary so do these procedures actually make us more safe or has this closure of fear allowed our civil liberties to be eroded too far earlier spoke with charlie mcgrath founder of vital week news dot com and asked him what does he think about the t.s.a. setting up these random checkpoints here's a list. it's terrifying and thanks for having me you know the viper for past forces where you talk about part of the transportation safety administration expanding their role in expanding their control using this this never ending security industrial complex that you talked a little bit about you know the the correlation between big business and government and it is interesting that michael chertoff who was you know the former secretary of homeland security and his company chertoff group it actually bears his name lobbies for o.s.i. who is one of the two companies that makes these naked body scanners and you know
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your report is one hundred percent right these scans i've endured. this path now procedure every single time i fly because i absolutely refuse to go through the naked body scanner mainly because i don't believe the technology i don't believe in padding the pocket of michael chertoff and other folks in washington d.c. you can trade one career one career in politics for a lucrative career in the private sector but and i don't trust the technology you know all these t.s.a. agents will tell you well it's no more harmful than a cell phone and you know usually these are guys these t.s.a. over the sixty plus thousand people they don't have a job and they may have found out how to work for the t.s.a. by pulling up to the gas station and seeing an advertisement for it on the gas pump or seen on a pizza delivery box so we're supposed to trust sixty thousand blue uniform the new brown shirts and tell us what's going to be good for us what's going to be that course but more importantly i refuse to go through the scanner so i can hold up the
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process plus i want the public to see how unbelievably humiliating this is i want people to understand that we don't live in a free society you might think that you know walking through the scanner is not a big deal but the fact of the matter is you're trying to trade a little bit of your liberty for a little bit of safety and you're not going to get either one of them. you're absolutely right i refused to go through the scanners as well and we saw the secure israeli security experts saying that the scares are totally useless he said that they don't even use them in israel because you can walk through if you have a certain shade or a fabric you can get objects through very easily so i mean it's amazing that we've got hold of. the whole notion though any you know so we so we're now we're awake to that reality that they're useless you know we had a congressman paul brown who sits on the committee for homeland security talking about how we spent sixty billion dollars to the t.s.a.
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and we're not one bit safer we can still go there's twenty five thousand breaches inside of a decade with the t.s.a. on duty. on watch and what we have we have the two thousand one hundred where a bomber that this was for you will not play a t.s.a. agent or any other government official it was foiled by a flight attendant and a passenger so this is nothing more than another boondoggle coming out of washington d.c. where we can use fear fear that sells we govern by fear we use fear to sell the public in to go in millions and billions and trillions of dollars into debt in order to give you the illusion of safety just a real quick note michael chertoff was able to get one hundred eighteen million dollars with a rapid scared money shoved into the stimulus package and he was the first one out there pimping the a bit that happened with the underwear bomber in chicago it's collusion it's corruption and it's breaking our nation. oh but chertoff says that you know it had nothing to do with his working with the scan industry that he was pretty you know
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promoting these body scanners so but also the underwear bomber you know that bomb never was even an active bomb and so you have to ask yourself why didn't we implement these scanners that were in warehouses just and ready to be just pushed in airports so the real question is you know the proverbial pot of boiling water where your frog in the pot of boiling water why what does it take for people to really get to their breaking point i mean is privacy so devalued that people no longer care about their civil liberties completely been violated. well that's a great question and here's the answer we have almost a generation that has been immersed in this doctrine doctrine of preemption we preemptively bomb countries invade countries murder their leaders we go in because we're afraid of what they might do now we have the same should be applied to the populace in this country if you haven't done anything wrong you don't have anything to worry about it's better to check everybody you know it's better to put everybody
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through the security apparatus just so we might be able to catch up to the problem is it's a running the liberties of this nation and of boiling frog analogy is perfect it is got to the point now where we have dozens of police agencies in this country using drones we have the border patrol using universities morning to use drugs to get deeper and deeper into your personal life and this water is literally boiling and it is it's about time that we stand up as a people as a nation and say you know what we don't live in east germany you know three nine hundred ninety we don't want to start the police state in forcing the laws on the people and we don't want to be strip searched every time we want to fly from little bitty bozeman montana to maybe somewhere like denver right or even strip searched now you can get strip search if you're just arrested for dissent i mean even gallows the only criminal offense how they authorize are just master searches it's just unbelievable and so now with all these t.s.a. violations why do you think that senate bill was killed that would catalog man and
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really track the abuses of the t.s.a. . well it's real simple i mean look at that look at the some of the things we mentioned michael chertoff we have part we people like a son henry former top cyber cop if the f.b.i. going to work in the private sector of course for a company called crowd strike who are trying to paint a picture of you is this ultimate collusion even tom ridge your original secretary went to work for the private sector at safety technologies you know which gets paid millions and billions of dollars from the pentagon to run their wireless cargo screening system so they're not the principle is real simple you immerse the private industry in folks who work in washington d.c. and it will kill absolutely everything in this system we have which is called legal based capitalism you have the people that were writing the laws in private in the private sector and by subversive that way they're always writing laws are that benefit because corporations and they're always chilling laws that hurt these corporations so would you say that this is going to be
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a growing trend that we're going to see and definitely until you know the pot boils over let's say. i don't know i think when we're going to it's going to come to an end i think it's going to come to an end when this country we realize that we're completely and totally bankrupt but i think unfortunately it's not going to be. you know what we're bankrupt so it's going to be an easy transition into freedom i think we're going to see a lot of pushback we already seen it with the occupy movement look at all the violence that's progress over the last year this is going to continue to get worse we're spinning ourselves into oblivion we're spending trillions of dollars a year in security we're borrowing forty cents of every dollar that we do spend in order to get this nation even further the economy still deteriorating and we have people ready to push back fortunately for the folks in washington d.c. the corrupt set in washington d.c. they have a plan for that and that is why the department of homeland security has recently stepped up and put out a bid for over four hundred million rounds of forty caliber human shredder
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ammunition they're going to turn the security apparatus loose on the people of this nation when we are been fully have been out of sight now the pot is completely boiled over absolutely and that the rounds of ammunition are you know in these in these the heat ray in the microwave and i mean that's not going to be used against world that's going to use it and i think. thanks for joining us that was charlie mcgrath founder of right awake news dot com. and while the t.s.a. clamps down on your rights at airports across the country one cybersecurity bill after another continues to come up in congress from sopa. apparently u.s. lawmakers are beginning to understand the importance of the internet in the twenty first century but will some understand how many more doors cyberspace opens up there's always the other side of the coin so is new technology actually raising up our society or dumbing us down or harshness of the resident dot com takes that question to the streets of the big apple.
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in this information sharing digital age is it possible we're dumbing down and not intellectually advancing our society this week let's talk about that do you think it's making society smarter or dumber or why is that because people use more stuff to do stupid things smarter. information sharing information immediately which i think is really important but there's a lot of misinformation being shared to people on the internet they think it must be true oh i hope. we all reply a teacher so we used to have children. i mean pupils it's sometimes they only copied on the internet that's a project they had to to do for law and and sometimes they copy stuff that's just not true because the internet doesn't always write write write we don't look for it
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and they larry's. i think yeah there's some publishers are considering making books digitally that have pictures and animations and that have just words now do you think that that's going to have an effect. of polluters worth reading you don't need all the. right so why are they doing that because people don't want to read. do you think that the products of the information and. no i think every generation story there always been people who didn't like to read every single make you smarter or dumber it depends who take it what do you think the youth of today is doing with it. i think of them using this again to play and they really couldn't and to use the old this is when teachers do you text a lot yes do you text you or y o u for the word you just you
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like i showed in everything you read them or in school to. take you with me in school so you think you're not spelling as well as you say now doesn't it scare you that that's the world that we're living in yeah i kind of but we're young so we don't we don't think about it whether or not eat think this kittle age is dumbing down or raising up our society the bottom line is there's probably not much we can do about it anyway because the internet isn't going anywhere anytime soon. and the private prison practice is not the only industry being strong armed by big business as the great energy debate rages on in the u.s. and more and more questions pop up over america's constant quest for energy independence the answer to our problems might not be below our feet but in some of the smallest elements on earth it's called tronics fuel and it could one day be the
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cheapest cleanest and safest energy ever invented an unlimited source so to speak socialist one big problem big oil companies are to correspondent on a study. takes us into the battle field over america's energy future. when gas prices sky high nations consumed by energy wars and nuclear meltdowns there may be an alternative here region is basically a process that powers the entire universe if light heat to the sun or the stars reproducing this process for commercial use on earth has been the holy grail of science since the sixty's during the cold war and reagan decided ok we will cooperate on a big expensive approach to fusion now they chose a really big twenty story tall thing it takes decades to build. that's probably not the best way to do it skeptics say trying to come up with ways to produce fusion
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energy is as tough and as costly as finding a cure for aids a way where the these scientist however see they're well on their way with a machine set up in a new jersey garage we have proven that we have come. for a certain amount of time the highest temperature that has been obtained ever with a fusion fewer which is energy is equivalent to about one point eight billion degree that's actually two hundred times harder than the temperature of the center of our sun. this was done in a device costing less than a million dollars called the dems focus the scientists use this demonstration device to explain what their process is all about it's a sphere where plasma currents concentrate interest reigns although actressy the fusion generator used in this lab is also said to channel instability to focus the energy instead of trying to make it stable which is traditionally seen as the much
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more mainstream approach and they the last step to success is the hardest one we have to the three requirements to make a fusion reactor and turn that into a generator we have the confinement time and we have the temperature now we just need the density and so that's what we're working on the group says their device is see further than others what we're talking about here is a specific type of fusion called a neutron fusion which means that the fuel you present them in any neutrons and that's good because that means we don't have any radioactive waste the physicist discovery b.c. will change the world for ever energy poverty you know wars over resources if we switch from a resource based energy to a knowledge based energy like fusion we can begin to whole new set era civilizations for human time our machines. in a garage sized space an actual generator could just sit in the neighborhoods garage
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or near the high voltage transmission system and the power in one thousand homes some would call this utopia the jersey scientists say the key problem is money fusion research used to be funded by the government through nasr until a decade ago when investments were terminated the scientists say it's because their technology could put oil and gas companies out of business certainly there's a lot of suspicion in the fusion community. you know the government simply isn't funding this because there's too much interest in keeping the price of oil and gas when and how are you going to make it happen is the question of politics and investments and right now no one is investing in this because wars are more profitable. while skepticism over man made fusion is widespread. and this group insists it's cracking the political not not the scientific one that is the main challenge and stacie churkin r r t middlesex new jersey well it's always
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good to get clean energy news considering how two years ago today the worst maritime oil spill in history plagued the gulf coast workers fishermen and communities up and down the gulf were affected when one of b.p.'s rigs exploded and dumped millions of barrels of oil into the ocean eleven died many more lost their jobs and an entire ecosystem fell into disarray these are just some of the images that fill television screens and enraged environmental activists as well as the scientific community images of birds tar balls filled beaches and many looking waters for many this event touched close to home it was a very tangible result of human error and the fact that our need for black gold has on the planet. bts negligence resulted in the most catastrophic environmental disaster in history yet the us government still awards them with over two billion dollars in annual contracts and get the majority of its oil and gas exports from the corporation and sort of focusing on the budget in a cleanup operations b.p.
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seem to focus more on its p.r. to maintains image by using prisoners to stage photo ops of cleanup operations brain correct on the gold a highly toxic dispersant that some say is cause more harm than good providing a thirty million dollars marketing campaign to louisiana to favorably promote its two point four billion dollars seafood industry which of a massive hit after the spill but two years later the gulf coast is booming once again or so b.p. would have you think take a look at this commercial advertising the region as if they take as a hot vacation destination. sunset waters beautiful deep sea emerging playing. golf courses are all that are then reckless and special right migrating waterfowl all the people exist for like hard so if you missed it earlier this year. if you are already here on back to mississippi. louisiana alabama the close america's getaway spot no matter where you come and help make
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twenty twelve an even better year for tourism rajiv and all of us recall the gulf. wow that looks amazing clear beaches good food a happy people looks pretty good unfortunately that's not the case and the smiling faces don't tell the whole story of what's really going on in the region well b.p. boasts how normal life is images like this keeps popping up in the news six fish with lesions on their bodies new shrimp with no eyes and more yet the f.d.a. continues to make the claim that the seafood coming from the gulf is perfectly safe for human consumption scientists are in the process of trying to find a direct link to these sick fish and the oil spill at this problem extends far beyond deep water fish to coral sea weed beds dolphins name groves and other species of plants and animals and yet none of this is making much of a difference be had b.p.
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has proven that it's willing to wipe its hands of the situation well continuing its risky offshore and deep water drilling techniques and even with tougher regulations here in the united states experts say that another oil spill isn't only possible it's inevitable so on the second anniversary of the b.p. oil spill the question shouldn't be whether or not the gulf has recovered but how much are we willing to risk for our energy addiction just something to think about this friday and be sure to tune in to our team next week for a brand new lineup here's a sneak peek at what's in store for you. first he's the man who spent more than half of his life behind bars he was on death row for nearly three decades survived two execution dates and now he's reaching another milestone next week and. will turn fifty eight so to celebrate protestors organizers and human rights activists will march to the u.s. justice department in washington d.c. to rally in support of me and the movement is called occupy the justice department
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and the plan is to perform acts of civil disobedience to draw media attention to their cause next week we'll take you to the protests plus election season is in the u.s. is heating up and once again the candidates are traveling around the country hitting their usual talking points and although you the u.s. has long touted a separation between church and state faith always seems to get dragged in the political discussion but a new poll says america believes there's too much religious talk from politicians so is it time to take a step back from all this religious talk and get back to good old politics will question that more next week and this week we told you about the case of the michigan department of natural resources actually raiding farms and killing any pig they deemed to be an invasive species and as you can imagine this is outraging local farmers that want to keep their beloved pigs next week we'll bring you the very latest in this case so those are just a few of the stories we have on for you next week.
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