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tv   [untitled]    April 20, 2012 10:30pm-11:00pm EDT

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you know how sometimes you see a story and it seems so for langley you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm sorry welcome to the big picture. i.
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see. lives.
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oh ok it's time for tonight's school time award and tonight we're giving it to the g.o.p. darling and no it's not ronald reagan it's paul ryan who's become a d.c. least favorite for his willingness to put his name on a budget a budget that's pro-military anti social program and in many respects but not all the opposite of the obama budget now ryan's latest budget the precious defense department was left alone but domestic health care education medicare medicaid yeah all of those things got chopped to overall ryan wants to get six trillion dollars over the next decade and so here are some of the targets of his plan he wants to cut three hundred eighty nine billion from medicare he wants to put seven thirty seven hundred scuse me and thirty five billion less into medicaid he wants to cut stance by one hundred thirty billion dollars a year and produce a domestic programs discretionary spending by nine hundred and twenty three billion
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dollars but the funny thing about paul ryan is that aside from wanting to tear apart social programs he's developed a bit of a bad habit of calling people liars so you're really trying to defend his allotment for defense which gave two hundred fourteen billion more than the department of defense who was with the military actually said was necessary well not only did you say that his proposed amount for the d.o.d. was accurate he also implied that the military officials didn't know what they were talking about when they said that the obama budgets to defense are ok he said the following said we don't think the generals are giving us their true advice we don't think the generals believe that their budget is really the right budget so who do ryan was also ahead of the military judge about a man of many hats so as you can imagine general dempsey chairman of the joint chiefs of staff had some words for ryan and he said there's a difference between having someone say they don't believe what you said versus calling us collectively liars my response is i stand by my testimony it was very much a strategy driven process to which we matched the map to the budget or in other words
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buya here's approach it paul don't try to. one of our top military officials that you know his department's needs better than he does not to mention if you're going to call out the military leadership for being liars there is plenty out there to pick at thing that they actually have a know if money it's not one of the problems now it didn't take long to ride walk back that original comment but he actually didn't stop there when it came to people calling calling people liars if we the u.s. conference of catholic bishops have come out against ryan's budget because it is so many social programs that are necessary for helping the poor and the statement says the bishops message calls on congress and the administration to protect essential health for for families and vulnerable children and of crap or first budget priorities and the bishops letters oppose it measures that reduce resources for essential safety net programs so ryan supposal got criticized and in order to save face this is how he addressed it on fox news the cap of bishops conference has also
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come out and said that they don't like what the plan entails when it comes to cutting food stamps and also child credit for illegal immigrants do you think about that well we've always said we should not be giving cash credits to people who are not here illegally that's that's that's just following through on policy that's been pretty well responded to a bipartisan basis these are all the cast of bishops we just respectfully disagree . so he just wants to say that the bishops that put out the statement don't represent all of the catholic bishops so again he's claiming that some of them are lying but it's hard to break it to you but actually the statement is all of the catholic bishops conference made a statement of t.p.m. reinforcing the bishops select some members to represent key issues on a national level so i guess that ryan's and burned by the people he was trying to call out yet again that's kind of comical right when he tries to boost the
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military's budget he has of calling the military liars i think it's called out we tried to go for social programs and call the bishops a message is unrepresentative he gets down to perhaps he should stop going around calling people liars and addressing their concerns instead during tough economic times we should not be giving the military more money than they're asking for and cutting social programs to pay for it no matter how many times he's knocked down he seems to stand back up just office pompoms and continue to cheer for the most recent his most recent and might and most terrifying budget plan and so for all of that paul ryan is a nice tool time winner. now it looks like the f.b.i. has done it again this wednesday they seized an entire server from a colocation facility in new york and servers operated by the european counter network and i asked be based in italy which provided mixmaster anonymous remailer service but was also used by activist group rise up networks and may first people
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link so now the f.b.i. sees this server with the warrant and they did a fair investigation into the source of bomb threats were sent to the university of pittsburgh we have to ask is taking down an entire server really the right approach according to a statement from rise of the seizure silenced more than three hundred e-mail accounts between fifty and eighty e-mail lists and several websites so our guest tonight called this a sledgehammer approach so i guess the question is when will the feds learn well joining me to discuss it is devon or spokesperson for rise of networks david thanks so much for joining us tonight and first question you know when you say if they fledge hammer approach what do you mean. well i mean it's not likely to lead to any of the evidence that the f.b.i. is searching for the whole purpose and the design of the mixmaster software is to obfuscate the sender you know through several different notes so the
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e-mail travels around through several different nodes in the network before actually ending up being sent to the recipient the mixmaster software is designed for human rights defenders for people in oppressive regimes and is designed specifically to allow anonymous speech you know our position is that anonymous speech is a cornerstone of our democracy and the f.b.i. doesn't seem to understand well it's not just your position right we have the state department constantly praising these things you have hillary clinton the secretary of state praising these things and often especially when they apply to other countries right we even give money to develop software to help anonymous and help as it is in other countries so what do you i mean is there a breakdown happening between the state department and the f.b.i. . it is interesting isn't it how the messaging is kind of breaking down between the two agencies i'm not really sure. that well i think really doubt that the that
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they're coordinating their their messaging on this and it is pretty astonishing that you see the state department going out there and really it's a very positive statements too about the importance of protecting free anonymous communications when it suits the political interest of the u.s. government and yet you have the f.b.i. acting domestically to take this approach to take down all these e-mail accounts and all these web sites and e-mail lists and i should should note by the way that all of the e-mail accounts and web sites that were that were taken offline by this were run by the c.n.n. so there were no there's no right as a user data or rights of the militants or lists that were impacted by the seizure however i should also note that e.c.n. it's really a precursor to rise up i mean rise up it's only been around since one thousand nine hundred nine e.c.s. been around for a lot longer than that the really one of the first and the oldest internet service
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providers in europe that have been doing doing this work for a very very long time so this is taken their entire site offline so it's a very huge impact and given the fact that the news reports from earlier this week indicated that. that mixmaster software was likely involved in these bomb threats you know the f.b.i. knew that this was the case and they knew that they were unlikely to get any information from this really makes the question of why they've gone to the trouble of wasting our taxpayer dollars to you know engage in this violates in our fourth minute rights well what do you think the answer is do they just not know what they're doing and they don't know what the software is or i think that motivation. well i think there are several possibilities one is that they just don't believe the mixmaster software was involved and they think that somebody
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would be idiotic enough to send. repeatedly said bomb threats from a single ip address without taking any efforts to hide their identity which basically would mean that somebody that they would assume that somebody involved and you see it as is very stupid which you know so maybe that's a big thing i guess the second thing is that they just think that we're totally lying and that we have to mixmaster software either is not installed on the system or that there is some way to. decipher the to determine the information. that they're looking for and the third i guess would be that they just want to harass us and i honestly don't know with the with the answer which one of the three is that is that issue here i would have to talk to the f.b.i. and to run stand they haven't issued any statement to respond to any media calls about this so yeah i know they are they're definitely leaving and in this case but so then i have you know the question we have to ask you is you mentioned of course that easy on this guy is being based and you're out there in italy and so then why
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are there servers here in the u.s. you know like at some point are. going to start to backfire because this is definitely not the first seizure that we've seen of this kind of are people just going to start hosting their servers in other countries and i planned next perhaps . yeah i mean that that's definitely a possibility i think that the in fact u.s. law is in many ways more favorable. and you know more protective than than other jurisdictions so i mean i think people it's certainly not a data haven in any any stretch of the imagination but it's you know it's it's it's people see the fact that we have a. constitution that has you know since the founding days been supportive of anonymous speech we have a supreme similar supreme court cases going back many decades protecting the right to associate a nominee anonymously so i think people view the traditions that we have in our in
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our government and our kind of democracy as as positive so i think really the other thing that i think is really missing from the kind of media coverage of all this is that you know anonymous speech goes back to the federalist papers i mean this is something that goes back to the very founding of this nation so maybe the f.b.i. agents in the u.s. attorneys who are involved in this investigation should go back to fifth grade civics and really study their civics in the history of this country which is really supportive of the right of political dissidents to speak and honestly and to be clear obviously we don't support contracts i mean that's that's been a consistent position but the fact is there's no way to allow some anonymous speech and not one of speech i mean the whole idea is that it's either all or nothing so that's that's kind of the situation. you're right they probably have a lot of learning and reading in terms of going back and maybe it is figuring out
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you know some of the software thanks so much for joining us tonight thanks for having me on the program. just ahead on tonight's show fireside friday and on how they are chris christie is a ridiculous excuse for taking his new during a springsteen concert and fox news keeps a for gore's crusade against they can make music alive and well with new allegations the pop stars are flipping the fifth. mission free accreditation free in-store charge of free. range and three. free spirits night free. download free bloggers plug in videos for your media projects
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a free meal john darche dr tom. there hasn't been anything good on t.v. he. used to get the maximum political impact. the full source material is what helps keep journalism honest we love. we want to present. something else. let's. see the sun.
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to tonight's fireside you're. there paying attention probably know that the military commission process a quantum of a currently going full steam ahead or just the other week there are reports on the pretrial hearings of all the over here on the sherry he's the alleged architect of the u.s.s. cole bombing in the year two thousand there of first amendment attorney representing media organizations argued for more transparency and for the testimony of on the sherry who was water boarded to be open to the judge chose not to rule on a decision there and all that was settled was that machinery could be unshackled
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wood in the courtroom and he could meet with his attorneys through a mesh divider but that doesn't mean that the calls for transparency have stopped and you see there still might be more options the pentagon recently announced that to lead sheikh mohammed the self-proclaimed mastermind of nine eleven and four others will soon be tried in a military commission. or the penalty could be death and so now the attorney of one of the accused conspirators ali abdul aziz ali is attorneys filed a motion to challenge a court rule that keeps statements by the detainees secret you see all statements that are made by the detainees first time to be reviewed by u.s. military judges for national security implications before they're released to the public and so james connell the attorney is arguing for this presumption of classification to and he points out that treating everything as if it's classified even when it clearly isn't contradicts both our democracy's need for transparency and its rules for protecting national security and instead he argued that these rules only serve to hide the truth about the torture that these men experienced you
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know and he's right that the government wants to contend that the treatment of these men was justifiable because it kept the country safe the like can't they talk about it openly and certain americans out there think that torture is ok and it's a poor. what happened under the bush administration then why should they be able to hear first hand account at least read about it in a paper of what exactly these men were subjected to the truth is it doesn't make any sense and so it shows you the many contradictions so rounding the way that justice is supposedly going to be carried out at guantanamo bay for the nearly picked the detainees that have been deemed completely untried of all but just the ones that were tortured but the government still believes it actually has a case against them the truth is that our national security is damaged more because of torture because of guantanamo bay because of our counterterrorism policies have brought including drone strikes night raids you name it you don't make more friends by occupying countries killing civilians and then preaching about democracy and the
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rule of law both simultaneously locking people up indefinitely after you've flown them to other countries to have them water boarded and who knows what else and secret cia prisons and it did not take a genius to figure all that out but like i said some people out there they see nothing wrong with torture they think it was worth it and i think that's easy to say we don't have to actually know anything about it when you can be shielded from the ugly truth and so if we really want to reflect as a country if we want to look inward and learn from our action see where we want to go next i think there needs to be a lot more transparency in this entire process we're doing enough around the world every minute but allowing the press to properly report on these carriage trials is not going to do drastic damage to national security the wouldn't otherwise have it quite the opposite more secrecy only breeds more mistrust and more hate and allows for accountability to be completely thrown out so we can't just sweep these actions
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under the rug and think the world will forget though i doubt that these legal attempts at less classification will actually come to life let us know is that somebody out there is trying to bring them to light and hope that there might still be. it's friday it's time for happy hour and joining me this evening archie producer adriana was zero and storing data republican strategist and senior communications strategist at new media strategies a lot of strategy of the strategist in the. final episode of. the strategy that will fight the strategy don't even remember it ok anyway. this is just funny i guess right i mean fox news always comes up with a new moral war that's going on there's a clock on christmas and now they're writing about how pop artists are turning to
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say tannic imagery to drum up confort controversy and sales of course experts say and they use that humanized as an example here she did some recent performance where there was an exorcism on stage she says that she has a demon living inside a new roman but it kind of thinks it back to the eighty's a little bit alec haven't we seen this before. this is how it was going to move in order written by tipper gore which was given in the form of a full page in my hometown newspaper on long island in the sort of cool new school or claim that one of my songs on through the wade had lyrics encouraging sadomasochism bondage and rape. believe she quoted have absolutely nothing to do with news topics. i was with the deal has got to rotate through again every couple years that's just what it is you know i'm just happy we're not talking about playing some of these things on the first again and. you know the way they're going to do that if you stand. you take lady gaga is outfit turned upside
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down so somewhere frank about it just like i got a diva living inside me is me being nice to you what are the other ones also like kanye west also is profiting off of. whatever come on guys but sometimes i don't know let's let's move on please let's move on to the four twenty. which is why it's quite the holiday especially in many college campuses around the u.s. and boulder university colorado boulder is especially big on this this year they're actually trying to clamp down. bajan this is the stoners new year's eve this is there are times where you gold are at the norlin quad officials here they say enough every year they give out twelve thousand people coming here lighting up right in the middle of campus this year they're saying you know if we want to squash this we're going to close the campus to outsiders. they're not just closing
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the campus to outsiders they're actually saying if they could issue tickets for trespassing they carry fines of up words of seven hundred fifty dollars and up to six months in jail i think it's harsh and i've mellowed that's what you just did oh no i don't really like what are these kids going to do they're just going to be hanging around probably playing ultimate with some hacky sack syndrome themselves like i care whatever you know i was amazed the university is spending a quarter of a billion dollars that is also ridiculous the student government is spending right where i didn't fifteen as a priority and a pretty sure hundred and that was really amazing to me because you know i can see both sides in this i played a lot of played more than my fair share of ultimate frisbee and here it is a sport so you know where you live here i can tell you i mean do you see santa cruz where there is something very similar that harpagon twenty as what you see you see bouldering so they did the same thing last year they wanted nobody no outsiders coming into campus and basically what everyone did because public buses to get to
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our campus because it's right on top of the hill servitors walk and so you just had all these people like walking very glad through the wood and everybody still got to the meadow and all the money pretty much was about security and i wish i was that you were just down the drain. but speak about another you see though shall we i think that everybody remembers this now infamous incident from last year take a look. ah . so they've done two full investigations and reports into what they really think went wrong here and they mostly blamed it on university administrators you know said this is inexcusable but the actual cop that's the one that walked down the line of students pepper sprayed them on the face didn't get fired that is ridiculous to me the fact that man did not get i understand how that happened but
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that's that's ridiculous i would expect that the first thing one of the first things that would happen after that was that immediate firing i would have expected back because it's crazy to me that he still what i'm paid at mr blake administrative leave is that what it is that's right you know not the most powerful lobby in california they will be the police they spend fifty thousand dollars per person in the jails a lot more than students and they have work rules that don't allow them to be fired i mean that's what we're looking at that's look crazy but i mean this is really where i used to be in my view no not really it's not about all the time though right if you want to talk about the right of prisons prisons whatever you have the city. unions you want to call the same thing in this case same thing but it's crazy though i mean the fact that the students were were complying like they were playing i think clear with the actual law then the police i think that's what i was reading about that morning i think you know it's been
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a long week guys i guess the word today but yeah i think it's crazy though and i just don't understand it's i think it's disappointing. to say the least much like governor chris christie is really wreak excuse for why he had his eyes closed at a bruce springsteen concert now before that actually happened listen to something that he said. i can't really understand his albums that i see him perform live because when he performs a large it really tells you he's you know a window into how he really feels about the music and and what he's trying to convey. so here you think we have to see him perform live to understand his middle class message then turns out he falls asleep at the concert and now i think he just how does ice close because he's having a spiritual moment from it that's called a car because that's what that is all right come on when i was really really like come on let's call a spade a spade like we all know what's happening there. sorry i have been at concerts
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really enjoying the music close my eyes and listen i was at a club last week and i just sat back and enjoyed the music for a little while i was eating through springsteen concert when we saw your night and how could you close your eyes while listening to the boss come on guys how did you leave i sometimes he was just saying you're feeling the room you're feeling unless i support to run you disagree and every spring thing concert you stand. get in the way but i know that i'm on like maybe he's tired he's tired after all the dancing he's got to sit down to relax do you think chris christie ok did we see the footage of him dancing i want to hear that exactly i love the city of seattle believe that i got to write about kids reading time guys if you are trying to meet that's a friday night show things are turning and we've both here on monday to still scheduled maintenance but make sure to come back on tuesday david's road is going to be here and next is the newest.
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there hasn't been anything yet on t.v. . it is to get the maximum political impact. the full source material is what helps keep journalism honest we. we wanted to present. something up. to.
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