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tv   [untitled]    April 21, 2012 1:30am-2:00am EDT

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back here with r t there is a look at the top stories you want to set you on we should massive observer mission to syria last ditch attempt to prevent an all out civil war the security council is expected to approve the formula for the hundred monitors and later on saturday. this is in time in france after a final appeal to voters are made by tan presidential hopefuls eyeing up the top job of the country riven by social divisions and a record unemployment voters will cast their choices on sunday with incumbent president hugo sarkozy and popular socialist leader francois hollande the contenders. plus the chinese economic powerhouse sets its sights on the ark i guess
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beijing weighs in for a slice of the on tower bridge as the chinese premier is touring europe to seal collaboration deals are exploring ours from sources. next that's a stacy expose the dark secrets of the global financial industry. the. max kaiser this is the kaiser report so how about a punk do you feel lucky stays here bert. are you seeing me or are you seeing a hologram i see i see what all i see tell the war well max i want to turn to this little clip of a performance given only in the last week. yes well you see there that's to park shook her i thought tupac was dead i really was
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gunned down but thanks to james cameron's modern technology there's two practical performing again oh this is fantastic we've got zombie banks now we've got zombie performers. you know apparently the decision to do this with dr dre and dr dre has created this hologram i think artists previously known as to pox you care and i thought well you know this is a good metaphor for dr ben bernanke east hologram of the global economy and the global reserve currency of the dollar oh it absolutely is you've got dr ben bernanke creating a whole the ground of liquidity to mask insolvency there's two packs a core with a hologram of animation to mask is death both are milking the system unconscionably to packer's milking the outdated copyright system
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creating a digital rights ghetto and then you've got ben bernanke was creating a fee out money ghetto is swirling about with trillions of whole of graphic digital imprisoning. feel like currency whip and it is of course ben bernanke use money printing make that allows for a can of hologram of our economy there is no economy there but the problem with holograms of course is they could suddenly be turned off they could be hacked they could be just disintegrate into static well this is what happens over the european central bank every couple of weeks they realise that the old grammar is about to be turned off so they jack in another trillion euro same thing in the fed same thing at the bank of england same thing with central banks all over the world they're trying to can join their holograms to create a global graphics on so banks or some to create the illusion of liquidity to mask insolvency but it's a wearing thin at the margins the the digits are are are not holding together the
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little photons of of of illusion that we are supposed to believe represents economic activity meanwhile wages are crashing job. disappearing austerity is kicking in people are dying but that's not in the whole graphic recipe book of the central banker such as the borat of course not it's like the matrix where the hologram of your life you think you're eating fantastic steak and well you know what ben bernanke the statistical numbers they show that you're eating princess to warm a state can stand your eating pink slime exactly right joey pateley a little of the matrix of memories holding up a big forkful of states and he goes i know this steak is not real but the chase so good and he sold out his friends in the matrix and they were consigned to live for ever in the ghetto of losing their bodies as batteries same thing with the illusion
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of money we know it's not real but it pays the bills for now in the prison warden shows up and puts a sol into the good exactly well you know there's a similar thing going on here in the us you're seeing people starting to see their little deja vu moments the little static in the matrix in the hologram is falling apart the cat walking backwards exactly us at it are of the economist paper dollar and paper euro will debase in a big way so this is matthew bishop the u.s. editor of the economist and he was interviewed by the wall street journal about gold and why people have lost faith in the twentieth century religion of government backed up money so we're going to turn to a clip here by the way the wall street journal introduced the concept of gold as being somehow antiquated or old fashioned don't seem to in a way home to another age doesn't it but i do you know who can reason it's come
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back in the fashion of the last ten years if you're right and in gold we trust is that you know people i think have lost value in the twentieth century religion of government money and this new moment we're going to trust. mother you know what's happening with the euro you look at the dollar and how it's being so much me printed on the thing she wouldn't trust the same or not well it is a religion is it it's a religion of paper money of financial times ascribed to this religion the economist the wall street journal they all balbi for their religion ben bernanke paul krugman of the new york times they all bow before the religion the the theocracy this analysis on of paper money and whole of graphic economic reality meanwhile the smart money people with actual wealth the people who are self-made like myself are accumulating gold and silver have been for ten years we can't wait for this thing to blow up just heard all the holographic paradigm now it's because
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my gold will need to be repriced at five thousand dollars an ounce i'm going to buy stacey a brick new shirt. hairdo you have here you know it's you know he says that he's become an agnostic or an atheist with regard to his belief in government backed money as he fears that governments are in a position where they are going to do peace currencies in a big way now the economist magazine has been saying for years basically ridiculing gold bugs so you're starting to see though that there are just too many cats walking backwards in this whole the ground for them to you. you know we have this theory that the governments and central banks can somehow maintain this whole gram and it's all going to be ok but the insiders behind the whole gram machine they're starting to worry and buying gold is still atheist he's lying this is
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a disease or he's a closet gold buyer who for the purposes of maintaining his position as a propaganda meister must now claim to be oh i'm an atheist i don't believe in the religion of paper bodum anymore. paper buggery which is destroying the global economy but we know on the sly he's buying gold and he's buying it in the end just to look at this paper death and he talks about the whole grandma always falls apart headline c.r.b. index back to seven hundred forty nine to present in this with some very retorts the site and its jeffries commodity index you see quite clearly there that inflation bottomed out in one nine hundred sixty eight and then look at that inflation collapse of the dollar essentially since the one nine hundred sixty eight when charles de gaulle asked for the gold back right well look the dollar creation science and sixty eight says i think seventy one serves us close the gold window there was always a quid pro quo will increase the currency will increase the and dead of this other
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country they'll be some g.d.p. growth as a result of it and the net result will be higher g.d.p. growth then debt creation and this is gone back and forth for decades but as you thousand and eight we have the wall there is no more growth from debt creation there now trying to desperately pump up the debt the wall of debt to create any kind of g.d.p. growth but it's not working as work for four or five years now and now people are starting to realize or so i say well maybe it's not a religion are becoming agnostic i've become an atheist that's one step too i hate paper i'm buying gold because i realize that they can't get any g.d.p. no matter how many transfusions they put in this corpse this is zombie this to partially cure whole the graphic digital non existant economy it's not creating jobs or for cycling real savings it's not creating real capital you can't have capitalism without capital and this isn't capital it's just digital loops it's all
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of electrons dancing on the head of a pin and well let's look at who else in the world importantly those who have the resources are also looking at these people living inside the hole in graham and they're pretty concerned about us whole the ground liveris roussel. war is a tsunami of money brazilian president dilma rousseff used her opening speech at the six summit of americas to reiterate her criticism of western monetary policy which she said was damaging latin american industry the summit which was held last weekend in cartagena colombia brought together thirty three heads of state from across the americas including the u.s. president barack obama dilma rousseff reiterated her criticism of european and american monetary policy she said of course we must take action to defend ourselves to defend is different from to protect it means not letting our manufacturing sector cannibalized rights genies defend their exports by not allowing the federal reserve in washington to screw up
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a global money supply supply and dilma rousseff when she was in the white house of barack obama looked as though she was to go thank him a big old snap and say look stop it stop it like she was lecturing him and barack was a little boy no no no chooses to nest he's holding up a piece over you didn't hear he didn't see it mostly well that would have really been garlic to the vampire. so again this whole ground we return to the whole of graham max laurie sectors beating triple a provide winning bet muni credit want to win the oregon or florida lottery don't purchase tickets buy their bonds instead so here you have this gulag casino state where most people are inside the hole the ground where we're all having fun and mega millions are there for everybody but the only ones getting rich are the ones holding the bonds when whole holding the the gold the silver the real failings of the subprime market was
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a lottery banks were dishing out mortgages like lottery tickets with one in a million and one in ten million actually making an economy canonic sense they sold those subprime backed bonds in the global markets and made a killing now there and removing all guys of there being any. economic justification whatsoever and they're just commodifying and selling lottery backed bonds well again there is the other crucial ingredient to this one cannot live in a hologram in one unless one chooses to live in a hologram with tupac shakur over fifty percent of those questioned on huffington post said they would totally pay to go see him why not it's just as real as the real two pox occur to them so these people who live in this holy ground society lots of people line up around the block to go buy a mega millions even though they know they're there they would be better off buying bonds backed by those mega million lottery tickets but people choose to live the whole gram yes they would pay to go see
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a virtual two pack with their virtual money nobody would give a gold or silver and get to go see a virtual true fact no they're too smart for that so finally max we live in this hole of graham here america's prescription drug addiction suggests the sick nation the growing taste for prescription opioids in the us is a concern what is it about our way of life that necessitates such relief and i'm not even going to go into the numbers we all know it's like quadrupled in terms of like value nomen and various other opiates so but what about our lives is so painful it was fake consciousness to go along to fake money in the states to cure so you have a three hundred sixty three full spectrum nonsense there's nothing real anywhere amongst in that garden of deception that is the u.s. global economy led by ringmaster in chief ben bernanke you know the central bankers who said you. digital garbage and you know after dr ben
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bernanke leaves the federal reserve i think dr dre would make a next nice federal reserve chairman that is a stick say see ever thanks so much for being on the kaiser report thank you max doug away much more coming away stay right there.
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i am max kaiser welcome back to the kaiser report special guest alec empire from atari age riot alec welcome to the kaiser report thanks for having me you've been very vocal on the issue of copyright and on the issue of anonymous let's start with copyright do you think the act so people like cetera are the fight against fascism of our time. yeah you know i think this was always a very complex discussion you know where does creativity like stock way doesn't stop and you know what my fear is that all those laws are being used you know the day against political blogs you know and against freedom of speech you know to me that's like the direction it's heading you know so the government tries to protect like my music or something with men with guns. you know doubts and well guns that was in my next question when they are i
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a the recording industry association of america would justify sending gooden's to shakedown single mothers and kneecapped grannies they say they're doing so in order to protect artists like yourself your thoughts i often never receive that type of money you know from that i think they protect the powerful in that industry that's the only thing the system is set up to protect those you know i think the majority of fog is never really gets that fashion so i don't really trust that that type of strategy you know at all you know and also i thinking. so many big corporations who steal from the artists rather then you know some kid in a bedroom yeah it is kind of absurd to me to use that kind of flaws. on an issue like that it seems like the dynamic is changing somewhat and the argument that they're protecting the artists is what is wearing thin now you re
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quote i came to the conclusion that men with guns employed by the government can and was protect me from situations like this in the future you're writing about your experience with sony stealing your own music tell us about this big corporation yeah you know it was crazy like over ten years ago i got this v.h.s. tape from a team there was doing a documentary on one engine is a tour they'd done and we toured together at that time so they feel they recorded an ad but. in asia dead where our music suddenly appeared for the camcorder you know and i was furious i was like they never had the permission to do that and then it was crazy to you know to fight this in court because we're like a small team of people and you can play basically end the band so you know how do you go about this in asia you know and it was you know we're kind of sad but you
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know we speak about all these topics in our song so politics and stuff so suddenly when you see a song appear in an ad. you know the whole thing is compromised and corrupted you know and it uses its meanings so it's about much more than you know getting whatever a few thousand dollars or something and you know i mean so tired of it. when you guys started out really it's twenty years ago yeah like the first record we released about twenty years ago was like a white labor was so interesting like you know it was hard to get the music out back in the day so you you did press. and it was almost like a very independent network starting with the techno scene the underground scene and you know nobody argued about copyright and things like that it was like get the music out get the message out sell the stuff if you can and you know network with other people you know while the major record labels really almost stop that
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innovation from happening and if we look at music now. you know this was like the most important innovation probably just twenty years was like the plug and techno music you know so and the stuff you know deejays were using records creating new music from that so you know it is that dead piece right into that debate is you know like where do you draw that line you know because i think you can be so strict about everything that music just doesn't move forward you know we see it i think we see on one side the major record labels who are like so backwards and so i can you know putting out very boring music you know and to me that is the problem of the music industry crisis you know that they're stark not only the way they're selling music but also just the music they are pushing you know it feels like in the sixty's or fifty's even sometimes to me you know you see some woman some blonde woman like singing a ballad while on the high end you know there's so much going on with like the gaps
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step see in the underground like people using noise you know like hip hop stuff it's. it's so much more exciting you know but it is not being recognized or not you know by the industry now it's it's our teenage riot when it got started there was a political edge to it it was brought out of the songs where neo nazi at that time as i fascism you could say. during this period of time these twenty years while facing toward the enemy from the previous generation there's a new enemy kind of crept up behind us behind you guys behind musicians it's a new fascist regime with these hardcore technocrats now discipline is the circle coming around to the audience your audience see it this way that there is a there's a connection politically what you're talking about twenty years ago and this this techno technocratic regime if you will i think you know what was interesting that
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we you know we started shortly after the burden was you know and i think i've seen so much like in eastern you know socialist germany you know in terms of like civilians the way technology was used to spy on people and i think this is so relevant now to many people because i did the way technology is used abused by those in power is you know i did kind of goes into that direction you know. and if you look at apple or facebook or you know those types of companies it's almost like the you want to build their own zoo. which is integrated you know in the internet or whatever they call a walled garden ok as i say that's the last resort digital rights management it's in their walled garden and the access to these places is becoming expensive yeah and to me that's the death of. that idea because it's you know we
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should be able to connect with each other and exchange information you know and if that is not happening anymore you know what's the internet worth phase of becoming another form of television on. you know that's how it feels sometimes right cable t.v. where it's fake paper of you now you've donated your fee from sony using your song . black slacks to the anonymous defense fund yeah so talk a little bit about this is just part of a strategy of fighting back and how can these issues like yourself now fight back here you know to me it was like anonymous like there was so many activists who helped us you know spread the music and because we wrote about you know basically the bradley manning case and we hear leaks we wrote the song called blacklegs and we had so much the paused so when this thing came up like i was able to place there be like sneak it into. like a few months ago hope for the hand and keep eyes that it was trying to sell and to
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promote so i was like ok so for me it was a little like a revenge thing that i was able to put that exactly that track and into that ad and you know i thought ok this this money would be you know could be used very well you know and quite rightly because i think everybody should have the right to defend themselves you know into a fog the right type of lawyer so i was like ok you know the moment it arrived on my account i was like ok i'm going to transfer so you know i was kind of getting a lot of angry phone calls. and then from those guys but you know whatever we imagine the redirecting the funds that of course redirecting funds is big with julia signs in the wiki leaks and. site of course the banks around the world shut him out of credit card companies that pay pal shut him out so just moving money around becomes a political ax yes now going back even before the berlin wall was go back to the
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one nine hundred sixty s. ok music at that time of course was instrumental in stopping the. vietnam war yes and it was really politicized because in the fifty's it was very lawrence welk and not very political at all and in the sixty's came around was highly politicized and it was fed right into that anti-war movement so here we are twenty twelve there is a digital war going on. atari teenage riot is really digital hardcore you more listen then to digital hardcore so is that is this is the war on i mean it's been called into the war is this really it has your music ever been more relevant or more essential yeah you know i think this is really about the artists taking the power back you know and i think. yeah we're facing an industry which is
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really hostile. us and the also the the freedom of speech thing you know like i mean we've seen it with when the iraq war started you know with the way dixie chicks were bullied you know where were you stations like the record industry and i'm like you if you not allowed any much you to write a song about you know how you feel about certain things like musicals are also becoming so boring to me the most exciting music was created for example in the time you mentioned you know end of the sixty's you know i think the music industry's still draws from that a lot you know i guess specially in the u.k. it's almost like they're constantly looking back to that time right now so and that's i think the same with punk rock you know and know the seventy's which reflected a crisis in society then i think who paul you know he would never do about many of the racist racism and stuff like that in america if it wasn't for her music even if pop you were just a cello you performed and two packs
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a coup or whole a gram the holy grail of two pac performs so this is a this is a new. chapter in the digital copyright sonoma they resurrected from the dead so subtly pop artist who's performing. this is perpetual copyright two pac is is never apparently eternal but his royalties will continue and because presumably they can create new to pack music at some point what how do you see this development to me it's almost like. it's like a metaphor you know. the industry so walking zombies you know it's like you know you have like puppets all of you have to do stuff like bad cause it's there's the fascination for the technology maybe that people hold this is even possible but then i'm going ok you have caught it something with the message or whatever
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to me i was in that blown away by that but i have to say i was like ok. you know what you know was that musically exciting to you to have somebody from the past in your contract going forward would you have a clause in there that no a holographic alec empire is to be performing after your death the. election campaign do you something yeah you know if we need that i guess i have to do that. all right well right of time alec empire of atari teenage riot thanks for being on the kaiser report yeah thank you so much all right that's going to for this edition of the kaiser report with me max kaiser and stacy herbert ira thank my guests alec empire of atari teenage riot going to send an email please is our kaiser reported r t t v are you guys are saying.
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well. it's technology innovation all the rest of elements from from around russia we've got the future covered.
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