tv [untitled] April 21, 2012 10:00pm-10:30pm EDT
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the u.n. security council votes to sun three hundred observers to syria russia warns nations not tons of mind the mission of the u.s. there's only pressure on the south regime will work. the presidential election is just hours away and francaise voters have to make it tough choice at a time of growing social divisions and economic crisis. energy hungry china works to secure a slice of the arctic and its untapped mineral resources with the chinese premier on of smallville nordic states.
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international news live from moscow this is r.t. with me robert thanks for joining us the u.n. security council has unanimously voted on a resolution to send hundreds of observers to syria moscow says it will help promote the un five cease fire agreement with multiple reports of the trees being violated by both sides are she's marina has more from new york for us. once again the united nations security council has unanimously adopted a resolution on syria the most recent one drafted by russia and co-sponsored by eight other countries the resolution calls for and authorizes up to three hundred unarmed un minute military observers to go to syria and monitor the truce the cease fire that was put in place april twelfth between damascus and the opposition groups this resolution also calls on the syrian government to meet its responsibilities and calls for is need six point peace plan laid out by u.n.
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joint envoy mr kofi on on russia of course of the leaves that this most recent development and syria is a step in the right direction but it is a new super you don't get resolution is of fundamental importance for the settlements in syria. consensus credulity you know and six point peace the main goal should be to comply with the resolution any deviation in terms of the interpretation of the mandate is unacceptable libyan model should remain in the post in the meantime u.s. ambassador to the united nations susan rice left the meeting on saturday not showing as much optimism as russia and many other countries had susan rice took to her twitter feed to say the deployment of three hundred or three thousand unarmed observers cannot on its own stop assad's quote murderous rampage susan
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rice said that external pressures are additionally needed to solve the problem in syria the us ambassador also said that washington and its allies are preparing for action that will be required if assad persists to quote slaughter clearly this. it is undermining in many ways the effort that is being made from inside the security council to support the six point peace plan that was laid out by mr kofi annan on baster churkin said that these efforts that are trying to put pressure on an already stressful situation does not help bring peace and security to syria what was troublesome to me in the statement which was made by ambassador rice and by some colleagues from the west european countries even though they supported this russian draft on the option of this resolution is that they missed an opportunity
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to send a signal to the opposition they give criticizing the government saying nothing about what they expect the from of the opposition which is in fact outlined very clearly in the security council resolution which they themselves had just voted for i know those are the terms of a boom and blue my own threats of various brands which are being hatched the cell where those things are not are not productive i think they are distracting from from the implementation of the core fan on plan and from the political efforts of the security council and they may give a ground for some extremists to believe that there of course is a still has some prospect for for taking over the political process which we have trying to assist them as they can see to so little will even though the security council voted unanimously today we are told that the some members of the security council some important members of the international community. still
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continued to think in going from beijing all the stores a the syrian government and that's richardson says the syrian government will be primarily responsible for the safety and security of the e.u. and unarmed observers that will be deployed from syria they will be deployed once the u.n. secretary general ban ki-moon feels that it's safe enough for the. observers chill girl and there has been enough to say shit of violence this resolution the most recent one adopted also underscores that the syrian government and the opposition group both have to put their weapons out weapons down and begin engaging in dialogue and downplays very political analysts from the u.k. told us that peace efforts in syria are being ended mines by western players but not in pressure on their side rushing to look at what the original strategy was the original plan was to basically roll out the same strategy as was employed in libya the syrian people and so to that end they fermented
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a civil war they were successful in that using their proxy forces using libyan militants that they shipped in across the turkish border using people trained in lebanon and turkey and successfully managed to foment some insurgency syrian situation there's a battle within western strategic kind of planners at the moment about how which way they're going to play this stitching became very difficult for anyone to how do you face that these proxy forces i don't could actually have any hope of taking power and therefore the kind of idea of regime change most realistic budget is nothing is not really feasible in less outside intervention comes into play so this still keen to promote this idea that they may conduct some kind of aerial bombardment some kind of mass slaughter to help their proxies on the ground in order to keep the civil war going to bahrain protest or has been found shot dead after overnight clashes with security forces it's reported at some other
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demonstrators were also beaten by riot police ahead of the controversial bahrain formula one grand prix on friday turns out thousands took part in anti rushing protest to occur inside with the race patrick harrison is a journalist and editor of the twenty first century wire explains why have there has been no condemnation from. well rain is one of the petrol monarchies in the middle east and the kind of change a change of leadership recently but as you can see it hasn't changed we've seen reports of violence coming out of bahrain want out of the other for the last year or two years the it's not uncommon that the police will have drive by shootings of people in bahrain you can watch these videos on you tube if you want it's one of the worst police states a region so reform i don't think so if we were going to see reform in bahrain it would have come after the recent change of leadership bahrain is under the umbrella
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of the western nations in terms of influence in the region bahrain is a satellite state of the kingdom of saudi arabia and also in turn is a satellite state in the region of washington and london we have incredible vested interests there in terms of petroleum contracts etc and also estridge bases strategic defense position as well. the moment of truth is looming for french presidential hopefuls are the action is due to start in just hours meanwhile citizens of french overseas territories have already cast their ballots along with those voting in embassies abroad ten counties that are competing in this weekend's first round with opinion polls showing socialist francois hollande pulling slightly ahead of the incumbent conservative president nicolas sarkozy if not all the hopefuls wins more than fifty percent a second vote will take place a week later and a runoff between the top two. senior has more on the candidates program. one day to go before the french polls but one in four voters still haven't made up their minds
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yet top of the french people's concerns are jobs and money in their pockets especially at a time when unemployment is around ten percent hitting an all time high that's about three million people unemployed so who can take the top job and solve the french people's problems well according to the latest poll socialist party candidate do you believe with all twenty nine percent all potential votes almost want to target the top it will burn as a country but he is criticized for this widely perceived lack of experience truly beyond france or law it is incumbent nicolas sarkozy he's a deeply unpopular president and one recent poll you would declare within it would be most unpopular president in french history and his presidency has been marred with one economic crisis after another the last weeks of campaigning he's heard two more radical rhetoric of just clamping down on immigration policy got some bird or talking tough when it comes to security matters especially after the toulouse gone bad incident and he's also taken on a more confrontational tone towards the european union posing with france freeze
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its budget contribution to the e.u. budget and currently a third place according to the polls is most of the national front party she has been sticking to it and to the immigration platform vowing to cut down the number of legal immigrants to ten thousand a year that's down from about one hundred eighty thousand at the moment and she has also said that she wants fran. the euro and go back to the french currency the french frank i what's being called the big surprise of this french presidential campaign is the middle of the left and right now his numbers have doubled since january for about sixty seven percent of algol forty percent now he is mincing and no words he is talking about a civic insurrection a revolution he did now also has the financial sector and he also was shards of the e.u. a fiscal pact that had big side he wants to withdraw from nato he's taking on a very strong hard line approach with these are the top four contenders wife for the top job in france so based on the rhetoric they've been using in their campaign
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france's european neighbors as well as other partners understand the real matter who takes on the presidency there will be disruptions to what a form of continuity baby be expected it's just a matter of to what extent these changes will impact the relationships as far as french people are concerned we have a few more hours left to made about choices. so french for you to nicolas sarkozy's frenzy for his political life as francis presidential election begins in a few hours time now with opinion polls saying he could be toppled by his socialist rival france saw and a defeat for sarkozy who has been a close ally of washington will massively change france's foreign policy says michel chossudovsky from the research center on globalization montreal. succors is old son corbett. he is the american head of it he is supportive especially well of american interests rather than the interests of the present public he very much they see us foreign policy they put it us foreign
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policy i suspect that if if some fuzzy hero was let's say equals five hundred all becomes president of the republic we may see it don't. shift in in the. french foreign policy but i should also mention that there are other. aspects to this question which is the role of wall street although europe here it could all meet landscape cosy was to alternate in sort of our washington and perhaps your presidents are socialists present will give us a little bit more of its republican you know traditions of dependence voice of the world scale as well as within the european union. and move to
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a currency crisis talks. tragedy to gratian. who will be left standing with the people's speech. the french election on party. it was r.c. and stuff come later in the program a chance to live. cancer sufferers in india put their hope in the new law to allow western lifesaving lessons made locally and cheaper helping thousands who otherwise couldn't afford treatment plus will be going to extreme. rivers and drove russia's far north provide true things that are vital for the people who live there and fish come and see how life revolves around just a few minutes. before the two thousand people had joined an anti nature rally in central russia to protest against the plan transit hub for the alliance in the city all yachts they protesters chanted slogans including no to
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nato on russian soil some of their lies as transit routes are gonna stand go through russia and the new deal that scene may show using the young us careful to move nonmilitary cargo the opposition claims that would threaten russia's security despite the government's assurances that no nato personnel would be stationed there and one prominent opposition activist the leader of the left front movement sergei without salt is now under investigation after claims he attacks or female journalists during that time. the vast energy resources of the arctic have so far been fought for by the countries bordering the region but now china the world's biggest energy consumer is joining in the country's premier is touring europe first stopping in iceland where he signed accords and intrigue corp beijing also wants a permanent observer status on the arctic council and some experts believe china has a real chance of securing itself a slice. chinese are rising rising very quickly also politically and economically they're sore some of the western countries actually should have cautious their
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stores trying to survive yet actually hesitant to give china this kind of status in the uk to cancel the interest of china or us always diplomatic skills to try to gain more support from from the not a countries which are more friendly cause china in this region another you see said china we're also us is an army pearl our each other being the support currently the worst is you know prices specially for example i certainly think china will use more of the wells. in there supporting the region. at least fifty people have been arrested outside today in montreal canada after a second day of anti-government protests the dance traitors are opposed to an eighty billion dollar plan to extract natural resources in the region that's been severely criticized by governments list protests in montreal came after hundreds of students took to the streets on friday protests and they're going to seventy five
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percent usually hikes and at least six people were injured as officers using tear gas pushed hundreds of young people away from the parliament building students have been demonstrating and pointing classes in montreal for more than two months but the government refusing to back down. and right now let's take a look at some other world news making headlines this hour police say that the one hundred people have been injured in a head on rail crash in amsterdam on saturday evening a high speed express approaching the city collided with a local train heading in the opposite direction after twenty or the injured remain in a serious condition traffic to be the country's capital and its main international airport have been severely disrupted. he may be saudi interim president nominated and military coup earlier this month has resigned expressed concerns over the legality of his nomination of call on the officers contras the prime minister along with the president and the stylish the national transitional council with its own
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leader the your security council threatens to impose sanctions on the trunk of civilian rule wasn't restored. he popped out of pattern can know just outside the capital of mexico has been erupting with clouds of ash spewing superheater the rocks as far as a one kilometer of all can alert is in place with local authorities ready to start evacuating the region but again as last major eruption was in december of two thousand causing thousands of local residents to flee the area. and indeed more than a million people are diagnosed with cancer every year and although some of the conditions are manageable the drugs needed to treat them to be ported and they don't come cheap but now a new law may change the situation from our to click. there has not. she were the one of the two point five million people in india dying from cancer while she spent three thousand dollars of her money and traveled for three hundred fifty
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miles from her home to get proper treatment she believes there is no hope for her address back at the magazines and the stores are expensive and have come from so far as we don't have money to buy it. but now there might be a chance in a revolutionary move india's patent office has decided that there a german pharmaceutical powerhouse would lose its use of rights to manufacture a lifesaving cancer pill that i use was absorbed into the heart you can you give manufactured from abroad and soon here it was on the horn of a population now a compulsory license would be given to a local indian pharmaceutical manufacturer that could make the exact same drug buy cheaper if all of a sudden blows. up the medicine and would have no bigger those in the building that it's news but if you focus on the price it's all possible because of
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the revised trade and international property rights agreement passed by the world trade organization known as trips the trips agreement focus is to provide medication to all people in developing countries that means that global pharmaceutical companies are required to sell a life altering medication at a reasonably a full of shit people in those countries if they don't do that patent offices in those countries can ask these global pharmaceutical companies to provide compulsory licenses so that a local manufacturer can then make those drugs the idea is that the global pharmaceutical companies would then be stripped of their monopoly on drugs in developing countries. barry has said in statements that it is quote disappointed in the rule and is looking for ways to challenge it this is a solid birth of water being. he the product.
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pricing and all the other things you know. the chance to live in and it chance for india to stand up against domination from the west preassure either r t new delhi india. was i will love it or not genetically modified food is everywhere and has become part of everyday lives next hour she is resident in the big apple asks people on the streets whether they think food is a good thing. are you concerned about genetically modified or enhanced foods or is it just an overblown issue this week let's talk about that do you care if you eat them but obviously not. i'm well i think it's less processed foods in europe that's for sure yeah i do think a lot of it is corporate driven here and it is related to money unfortunately
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modifying genetically food is totally we couldn't controlling they want to take over the super food sources over mankind so they can basically push up on us so why are americans ok with that i think is the knowledge they grow up in information from regular t.v. . just being in thirteen did you know that call is made with high for best corn syrup in the united states but everywhere else it's made with pure came sugar i didn't know that but it's price. so what is that why don't americans demand better things in their food. they don't want to pay more money for their food. they used to what they're eating i don't care as long as they're comfortable it doesn't matter that would be my guess i think our country is run by greed and money and there's a lot of issues here so. use it when the greed is so strong that it messes with what people eat. i think i think you just answered the question with your question
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do you think that because the population is growing and growing and growing but we're bound to eat things like meat meat in petri dishes and those kinds of extremes probably as there's this website i don't remember the name of it but supposedly. in a week. and told you how many earths we would need for everyone in the world the same amount that you know i was going to and it turns out. there really need to be six earths. and you know these in size to say least the. but you know you if americans stopped by like we modified food rather you think that they'd start making out all that's one hundred percent yes the pain dries up the supply dries up to you to start putting that on labels like everything at them they're right absolutely and more people are getting wise to labels now i think in the supermarkets and the shop in they'll see the signs are not starting to read more than they get off the shelf or put in the basket i think the slowly get the idea
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through media but i think. further but they're not you concerned about genetically modified foods the bottom line is if you live in the united states you're probably eating a lot more of them then you realize. right now let's get to know a little of russia on our latest adventure top turf far flung part of the nation. in our russia close up series we explore russia's extreme north and its region is bigger than france and half of its territory lies beyond the arctic circle the winter the last eight months to get here which means only surviving the harsh conditions and fish mean everything for them to trust people populating this
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unwelcoming land. and i call of the new or. some other native. follow brazing. routines revolving around the animals the life of the reindeer herder is usually hard and isolated but occasionally they gather. and compete in the skills they hold on the tundra and i'm about to join the celebrations. and. throwing. stick wrestling. and hurdle jumping oh all cause for competition but the main event is rapidly approaching the range of races bringing teams from foreign wars from the competition is tough i feel a bit nervous my rivals get better every year even though i won last year this year the younger ones may compete on a par with me. and perhaps he's right to be
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a bit jittery it seems getting started is the trickiest moment. it's. sometimes for a cameraman to. knock your feet off the schematics just after the festivities and sit down to eat some reindeer of course but also that other russian arctic speciality fish in this nearby factory they're preparing thousands of them none of these are sea fish all having been caught quota from local rivers and i'm told demand is booming and simple to imagine that there isn't enough of our product even to cover the domestic market europeans find our products delicious and into logical if you work but so far with simply haven't enough for them. to see where all this comes from we caught up with andre he's been fishing since he was a child on the hope today the river shark pike like his catch and raise
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a true russian northerner somewhere with a new and you can't say for fishing in the south it may have his advantages as for me i love to fish right here in the north well it's frosty the air is fresh and the sun is bright it's great it's ten point later andres off to prepare his dinner and we have a small insight into the central importance of these animals to the lives of northern boilers without the fish and without the deer tundra and the lives of those who live here would be very empty indeed. so bottom. and up next to marks and stacy expose more dark secrets of the global financial industry that's in the kinds of reports but first rather back with a headline. for
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news for instance on t.v. dot com. wealthy british style but it's just not on the title of my. current. market why not. come the. why not what's really happening to the global economy with mike's cars or for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into cars a report on our cheap. if. the fifty feet.
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