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tv   [untitled]    April 22, 2012 4:00am-4:30am EDT

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ted kennedy's face off in the french presidential election was voting now open as a comic his fortune bruising hysterically and broken promises leaves voters radicals split. the u.n. security council unite and ordering the deployment of a massive observer mission to syria but russia and the u.s. are divided over the details of the move. plus bahrain is on high alert to safeguard the formula one grand prix we're just going to have to find a wave of anti-government protests and a brutal crackdown that's left one dead. and a big impact on the small screen the world watches as whistleblower join assad's makes his debut as a t.v. host here on our team stirring up a range of global reaction. coming
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to you live from moscow i'm marina joshua i'll come to the program now it's the day that france decides its future was million set to vote on a new president but this year polls open to a very disenchanted public in a country suffering rampant unemployment a scary and economic despair pulsars predict the turnout will be low was man of voters being unable to relate to the candidates are just are still in our forts on the runners and riders aiming to restore french word terms and their sometimes far reaching promises. it's election day in france and round one of the presidential race was someone i decided a country where politics is a national pastime the prospect of a record upset should haves over this election and some polls projecting that up to thirty two percent of voters would rather not pass or ballots not all of the people because they feel that there really isn't much of a choice for the top. two mainstream candidates are socialist francois lawn and
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puppet central like the last couple see both of them are seen as von how they presented enough solutions to the practical problems of france such as the slow economy a lot of jobs of the social divisions resulting from these this is the solution met has given rise to more extreme views propping up candidates such as hardline or on the left or from the middle shawn and for i count at the moment that together both of them are expected to garner about thirty percent of the total votes but also this anger of the current state of france has been fueling sentiments of out to globalization and to capitalism and to immigration and to nato the euro or the e.u. also need a clear message that the french would like to see the problems at home addressed first before looking on the outside and this is precisely what outsiders are bracing themselves for a france of people to actually be looking a little more inward it responds to its people back to russia and will become clearer as the first official results are announced a local time reporting from paris i'm tosser silvia r t.
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m e g a currency crisis tough cuts. tragic integration. moving left standing with. the french election parties. on the ground stop body has decided to sam three hundred observers to syria on a three month mission to monitor an anti-violence it's now up to the un chief to decide how and when to deploy russia's welcome to move by america warns it may take action against the mascot's regardless of her time has more from new york. once again the united nations security council has unanimously adopted a resolution on syria the most recent one drafted by russia and co-sponsored by eight other countries the resolution calls for and authorizes up to three hundred unarmed u.n. military observers to go to syria and monitor the truce the cease fire that was put
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in place april twelfth between damascus and the opposition groups this resolution also calls on the syrian government to meet its responsibilities and pledge is called for in the six point peace plan laid out by a un joint envoy mr kofi annan on russia of course of the leaves that this most recent development in syria is a step in the right direction u.s. ambassador to the united nations susan rice left the meeting on saturday not showing as much optimism as russia and many other countries had susan rice shipped to her twitter feed to say the deployment of three hundred or three thousand unarmed observers cannot on its own stop assad's quote murderous rampage susan rice said that external pressures are additionally needed to solve the
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problem in syria the us ambassador also said that washington and its allies are preparing for action that will be required if assad persists to quote slaughter. said that these efforts that are trying to put pressure on an already stressful situation does not help bring peace and security to syria they missed an opportunity to signal to the opposition they give criticizing the government saying that's on your bald world they expect the position which is in fact. very clearly in the security council resolution. which they themselves had just voted for on the rolls but addictions of a boom one blew my own threats of that is which are being hatched. those things are not productive i think they are distracting from the implementation of the course one on one from the political efforts of the security council and they may
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give a ground for some extremists who believe. their records will have prospects for taking over the political process and that's are churkin says the syrian government will be primarily responsible for the safety and security of the us unarmed observers that will be deployed to syria they will be deployed once the un secretary general ban ki moon feels that it's safe enough for the observers to go and there has been enough to say should of violence this resolution the most recent one adopted also underscores that the syrian government and the opposition group both have to put their weapons out weapons down and begin engaging in dialogue. boarding in from new york more than a year of violence in syria said to have killed around ten thousand people are jesus on a boycott now reports from the city were the uprising began to ask people if they think it's been worth. they call it the cradle of the syrian revolution
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when a group of schoolkids was arrested in daraa last spring for painting and defeating protests too stupid to streets for days on end. the syrian military responded by rolling mean its tanks even a year later the chief security officer in daraa is unapologetic about all those demonstrators. who shooting at civilians and of course their intention was to put the blame on the government and those kids the rebels given fuel food and made them write those things. that even among supporters it's not a view shared by everyone the protest in daraa and being seen crackdown by the military to the turning point for syria and in hindsight some syrian officials now wish they handled it differently. we made a mistake when back in the days we didn't give a chance to syria based peaceful opposition to express itself more freely some of
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them truly care about the nation now we have to deal with the armed rebels the council in istanbul and then you have religious sex like the selfies or the muslim brothers. which rallies no longer bound and the forty three year and mergence a lot lifted the syrian authorities are now trying to give the media on their side people loads more foreign journalists into the country stipulated by the annan plan and eager to show the world what they call the real picture. but the goal of tell the realities on the ground put their own spin on any p.r. effort. as the news of u.n. monitors and foreign journalists spread their own data rebels intensify the attacks on the army units forcing syrian officials to abandon this we talked to her journalist back onto the bus is the government we're implementing the ceasefire the terrorist group. any occasion any of these it beats international monitors to force
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the army to respond. while the subs government in the village each of find the right balance between freedom and security may have allowed this conflict to take off many analysts believe that learning how to do it is also crucial for its resolution president assad has long spoken about reforms he's been a popular president for most syrians for a long time because of his so-called reform i think this protest in syria actually . happens because you know there are people within the syrian regime who don't really want reform there the hardliners so so this actually helped sort of you know the reform minded members of the regime in government. you know their reform a lot more quickly a year into the uprising is still one of the most turbulent cities in syria despite checkpoints all around the store is breached on an almost daily basis and here
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people are just as if great to talk as their freight. for europe you know peaceful . protest in daraa how being called the spark that ignited the syrian flame it's over the past year a scourge that a sizable part of this country and while some syrian officials may now have regrets what their way to flash point was handled that's not nearly enough to extinguish the fire somewhat arts he got to syria. and coming our way on a program a rally refrains find out why dipshit growing restless to have next month's presidential election as we continue call forty out of military rule. the head of the church leads the service that's been dubbed in defense of the faith join us of moscow's main cathedral in just a few moments. in bahrain soundings for
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a one gram for a has been marred by the death of anti-government protesters activists say the man was killed after security forces crackdown in a peaceful demonstration on friday officers used tear gas down grenades and shotguns to break up the rally which saw tens of thousands on the street protests resing on saturday with thousands more turning out as activists called for the formula one events to be canceled the country is on high alert to ensure the race takes place yes there was half a can since has the gulf states allegiance to washington means there's a little hope of democratic reform. all rain is one of the petrel monarchies in the middle east and we've got to change or change of leadership recently but as you can see hasn't changed we've seen reports of violence coming out of bahrain. one after another for the last year or two years look the it's not uncommon that the police will have a drive by shootings of people in bahrain you can watch these videos on you tube if
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you want it's one of the worst police states are regional reform i don't think so if we were going to see reform in bahrain it would have come after the recent review leadership. under the umbrella of the western nations in terms of influence in the region the rain is a satellite state of the kingdom of saudi arabia and also in turn is a satellite state in the region of washington and london we have incredible vested interest there in terms of actually in contracts etc and also history it's a strategic defense position as well. find out why the protests are still raging as a mainstream foreign media is accused of turning a blind eye. it took a car fire ahead of a major sporting event for the world to notice the flames of discord engulfing a small island nation in the persian gulf but green is suffocating in the smoke of an ongoing struggle between protesters and police demonstrations have been
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happening in bahrain for more than a year now protesters say this is the longest lasting revolt in the arab spring but so far the only result from them has been an increase in violence on all sides scenes from the capital be a more than passing similarity to the pictures out of the embattled syrian city of homs but the city's enjoyed a very different level of attention. and the media stayed surprisingly silent considering their stance on other middle eastern revolutions they were all but silent when the bahraini revolution was crushed last year they're all but silent about the human rights abuses in bahrain itself and the formula one race is just focused attention that. and when the media does turn to her they seem to do more harm than good foreign media has been covering the also as you always use the
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framework. for just because. they don't understand that this actually helps the governments to see was there how free syria such as the opposition says hundreds have been wounded and standoffs with police and many sacked from their jobs or arrested for taking part in mass protests but unlike in syria and libya no one has called for foreign intervention. a. problem is put before the international human rights council european and second american countries were enthusiastic about exploring this issue but the us prefer to leave it to the independent commission created here where the government did bring back several needled bahraini human rights defenders who were in exile when the real one speeds out of two. much of the media and the world attention likely to follow. our news and much more can be found on our website r.t. dot com is what else is there right now. fielding
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a friend to look at israel's plan a van system known as the iron dome and why the u.s. is reportedly preparing to pump funds into the project. also online how a real life avatar project has been backed by explorer and multiple academy award winning director james cameron deals on our website. and google scientists discovered africa is apparently sitting in a giant reservoir of groundwater is it a blessing or a curse more honor to go home. there was a t.v. talk show that got everyone talking julius on his new interview program on our t.v. did what many expected provoke a mixed sometimes hysterical reaction around the world for the week of choice of guests the very challenge was aired on the collins kept for him as he's gotten reports. poor most american media juliana's songes guilty without charge reckless traitor and
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a threat to our national security interests sleazeball named julian assange who is bent on damaging america how did this guy just land his own t.v. show the implication is a sergeant is a russian agent whose anti-american mission is now out in the open for all to see and the accusations kept flying as the whistleblowers very own show premiered on tuesday but i saw it coming because through. a legal battle. the criminal. interviewer. terrible radical. i think that's the sort of it's a pretty trivial. corporate. look at how the so. we know we have complete control of the guests of his first show was the head of hezbollah designated by the us as a terrorist organization it was not starlost first interview with international
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channel in six years the reason why him could be found in the interview itself the united states is. getting into us. when they want to be able to tell people that one of the syrian terrors is that smoking lies ations and murders but they want people to listen to us hi from ohio for example if there was a just a trial then you know you have this very different invention have an opportunity to defend themselves some say in the court of public opinion as presented by the us mainstream media there is a tendency to simplify issues often at the expense of the full picture of who somebody agrees or doesn't agree with has what was ideas are all their ideas ideology or their theology the american people need to hear the voice of hezbollah rather than simply have them demonize. targeted as a quote care is but the purpose of demonizing somebody like nasa or nelson mandela who was considered a terrorist until nine hundred eighty eight is not really to stop terrorist ideas
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from infiltrating but for the american people to only hear one side of a debate only hear one side of an argument julian assange is now under house arrest in the u.k. fighting extradition to sweden where he may well be extradited to the united states u.s. prosecutors were reportedly have a secret indictment ready for our son who's made public thousands of leaked documents with embarrassing details relating to the wars in iraq and afghanistan as well as other issues in the u.s. has been under fire from capitol hill the white house and the media and we've got to apprehend mr science the founder of wiki leaks and bring him to justice as a violator of the espionage act because if we don't just keep parroting the dead man can't leaks that this guy is a traitor a treasonous and he has broken every law the united states the guy ought to be sayd i'm not for the death penalty so i thought enough of the death i don't want to do
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it illegally shoot the son of a what about freedom of information cherished as a poor principle of democracy it's almost like leading a letting genie out of the bottle mr assad has the internet and the governments and everyone else at their own game because he's gone to a place where others have not been before and he's introduced the types of information the range of information that previously were not available if one views the media as the court of public opinion then julian assange is someone who presents to the jury that is the viewers argument evidence of voices which they almost never hear on mainstream media and it's up to us to form an opinion but what many find ironic is that our solution is under attack by the us government and the media for practicing pool for expand the freedom of information that america. around the globe i'm venturing out reporting from washington i think. i can find out for yourself what caused the media storm by watching the first episode of join
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us on his new show our website or to go home and next week and catch him and his next guest on air here on r.t.e. . now the russian orthodox church is holding a huge service of moscow's crisis here to zero in the fans of the face and falls a number of high profile cases of barrels of churches and sacred objects over the past few months well let's now get the latest on the story from spawn and jacob green's floaty jacob now can you give us more bad round some of these incidents and why the service is taking place now. for sure i should mention is being dubbed in defense of the faith and it's a twenty three drum up support for the orthodox church is leaders of the patriarch kirill or he has said recently that the orthodox religion is on the thoughts come under attack from anti christian campaigns that some place say that has been
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a spate of attacks on church property we've seen that in recent months take place on boy doesn't say guy goes through the diversion barry and all crucifixes well some of them so far the service is currently ongoing but paul you may have been held up by the patriarch himself but also there's the bones of the joint present which was attacked second place his front doors set ablaze now all this comes on the back of the demonstration that took place in the christ save the will back his favorite about took place by pussy riot say punk group or use their songs as protest was again aimed against president elect glad to me it would seem and also pay child heroes said allegiance to the president elect's but really even though there was condemnation from the playful about see such a demonstrate. being staged in such a sacred place as crisis savior if these are as also called the nation of the church is handling the whole saga sickly from human rights groups. cando what will
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actually be happening during the service today. will all kate's off bush go started with a list she service headed up by h.r. curial and we see was replicated really i cross the country to the jews and the same system of the orthodox church your books place in russia and among the list she sews is also going to be mass spread taking place for a number of hours and after that finished there will be a session here in moscow numbering in the thousands it's going to take place just outside the cathedral walking around it again a bit troubling of supporters showing people's support for the offical church. rejects it thanks very much indeed for bringing us to something jacob riis reporting from outside of christ save your seat on us. now as next month's
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presidential election in egypt creeping ever closer more and more people are taking to the streets to call for the and of military rule john to that's been running the country since the toppling of president were barred year ago is losing supporters by the day are the sara for us has a story. in a church the cost of democracy has not been an easy one and now the journey which the president but that full last year and her taken is a by the military council has in the polls up to presidential elections let the people write back to travis the people are angry at what they perceive to be the military council's attempt to cling to power fueled by recent disqualifications popular presidential candidates one of these guys from running was an ultra conservative lefty creature he was disqualified because his mother allegedly held a give us passport but his supporters say there were other natives behind the station it's not actually run regarding causing some of this isn't so long as
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a little clear asians agonists and history to the two to watch that you will. brings into the coltons when he will judge him what we are throwing out to move this election according to this system one of our. needs. to speak to this committee but it's an mc. election that was independent journalist culturing who's been covering the uprising from the ferry beginning she told us that the deep mistrust of the elections committee and the military council has led to playing anger amongst the people it's hard to say exactly what the military council think we have even or who isn't the consul truck think we can safely say is that whatever action is taking them room and they're really trying to make sure that this is this is written in the constitution with every president who basically taking things into entrenched their entire process is now if he's egypt's military rulers hijacking destination
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obviously things are moving toward a coalition here the military doesn't want to give up its privileged position in society the protesters want a genuine democratic system where this thing is headed to impossible to know something to test islam. they've thousand keep pushing ahead and apply pressure on the military council to provide democratic transition that they say will be calling this time we decided we would put through where these where. they. would the limits. you think there would be that probably would be the point of this now we are being said nothing of this to see what is the i'm thinking the i'm reading your. piece of the secret service of course egypt to come here to try to explain that tens of thousands the message being fled the egyptian people have
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fought very hard for a chance a genuine democracy and they called safe they see that cancer is now being denied to the explain and move them willing to keep on fighting for it sir. that is day five right now russia and china have again their first joint naval exercises there taking place in the yellow sea near the korean peninsula two dozen vessels and thousands of sailors are involved in the war games both sides aim to change experience as they focus on air to fans submarine warfare as well as search and rescue tactics the drills will run for six days and this comes as attention on the korean peninsula is escalating with the u.s. shifting more military attention to the asia pacific region washington says it's aiming to counter potential threats from regional powers like china. now let's take a look at some other stories from around the world close to ninety people in the worst pain city of march the awful when the second day of anti-government protests
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around against the government's eighty billion dollars force extraction development plan for quebec protests came a day after hundreds of students demonstrated against seventy five percent jewish in hives at least six people were injured as offices use tear gas to disperse the crowd. self. damn plains its neighbor sudan has spawned its troops as they were pulling out of the disputed well region of haggling south character of the region last week raising fears of an armed conflict that announced the start of withdrawal friday after calls by view when secretary-general ban ki-moon to end the violence south sudan became in a pan and from the north last year following a long running civil war that claimed the lives of war and the bottom half a million people. to the netherlands now where almost one hundred twenty five people have been injured including more than fifty seriously head on rail crash in amsterdam a high speed express approaching the sea collided with a local train heading in the opposite direction it's not yet clear how the two
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trains ended up on the same track the accident caused chaotic rail delays around western amsterdam and severely disrupted it's made international airport. i presented here in r.t. on the back with a reminder of top stories of the week in just a few moments stay with us.
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something lies beneath. thousands of meters of ice and rock. the love of god is a lure for many. but dangerous even to those who keep it's such a distance.


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