tv [untitled] April 22, 2012 7:00pm-7:30pm EDT
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the tough raise for the top job in france goes into a second round with official results now showing equal outside to see just one percent behind his main rival francois hollande was leading by a little over twenty eight percent. round one of the french presidential races gone pretty much as expected but the big surprise is actually the voter turnout which is much higher than was predicted join me for more of a few moments. the view on results to expand its monitor mission in syria but despite a unanimous vote in the security council some members are accused of undermining the peace average and. also bar raising hopes the controversial formula one grand prix while sending in police to britain equal down and demonstrators angry of the regime. of thirty minutes that bridge global attention in chile and
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a song from yet he's only to be shown on t.v. this week sparking a range of reaction from praise to hysteria. this is our season weekly my name is you lash about our top story now in front of presidential election frontrunners unequal crazy and his main rival socialist francois hollande looks to have reached the second round of voting wish take place in two weeks time and all those all the ballots counted along when's the first round by a small margin sarsi following events in the french capital. the big surprise is actually the voter turnout earlier before the actual election at the projections was that often with third of french people will not actually go out and vote but now we're seeing eighty percent of turnout and that is
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a big difference indeed you know for the last few weeks of the campaigns of psychos and a lot of they have been encouraging people to vote throughout all of this it's been about jobs and employment and the economy and this has been the top concern of the french people as well as purchasing power which is essentially money in their pockets and this is going to be central to the campaigns of the two who make it to the second round at this point in france while not at nicolas sarkozy will house to certainly in a war break out into their campaigns much stronger than they have done in the first round and also what they will be having to do is trying to win the of voters from the two sides on nicolas sarkozy will have to win voters from the pen and he may have to again appeal to their sentiments he has been doing so is this anti immigration such a bid for instance but again he has to start talking about jobs but he does have the support of the voters of a centrist francois bayrou but it's not surprising because he may get a prime ministerial position should sarkozy win and now francois long will have to get the voters and we know that metal show has been calling for revolution
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a civic insurrection and these are the people who who are very anti capitalist and as you liberalism he will have to win these voters get all the left to support him so the two will go head to head if you go cycles he says that if it comes down to the debate he still confident but again we see a leader of a law that if they continue on to the second round of all of this a very interesting to see what's going to happen again in the second round the campaign that they're going to put forward it's got to be much stronger to win a very pessimistic french public. len professor of political science at paris west university says nicolas sarkozy has massively failed his country and whoever gets into power will have his hands full as a person who is extremely arrogant he was perceived as the president of the rich precisely at a time when there's a crisis and also. he doesn't have a very clear political line he says one thing one day the opposite the next day
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also. incompetence because you know he's not been able to do very much about the crisis the president. likely to be alone will have to face the markets we have to face a very tough situation. if there's a crisis in france which looks a bit like the crisis in greece they would be demonstrations and then france being such a big want to me within europe that would make a big difference from my point of view they don't understand that there is a systemic crisis and that immigration is one part of the systemic crisis but immigration doesn't cause the economic crisis it had become such a problem because a lot of people want to simplify everything and therefore there is sort of blaming a group of immigrants. moving on now the u.n. still body has agreed on a resolution to send three hundred observers to syria to monitor the fragile truce there also is welcome to the move but washington warned it may still take action
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against our firms regime if it fails to comply with a peace plan your main skeptical of the we called it a sign syria threatening to adopt french sanctions against the mosque is very important i has more from new york once again the united nations security council has unanimously adopted a resolution on syria the most recent one drafted by russia in co-sponsored by eight other countries the resolution calls for and authorizes up to three hundred unarmed u.n. military observers to go to syria and monitor the truce the cease fire that was put in place april twelfth between damascus and the opposition groups this resolution also calls on the syrian government to meet its responsibilities and pledges calls or is in the six point peace plan laid out by a u.n. joint envoy mr kofi annan on russia of course of believes that this most recent
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developments in syria is a step in the right direction in the meantime u.s. ambassador to the united nations susan rice left the meeting on saturday not showing as much optimism as russia and many other countries had susan rice took to her twitter feed to say the deployment of three hundred or three thousand unarmed observers cannot on its own stop assad's murderous rampage susan rice said that external pressures are additionally needed to solve the problem in syria the us ambassador also said that washington and its allies are preparing for action that will be required if assad persists to pull. slaughter ambassador churkin said that these efforts that are trying to put pressure on an already stressful situation does not help bring peace and security to syria they missed an
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opportunity to send a signal to the opposition they get criticizing the government saying nothing about what they expect the opposition which is in fact outlined very clearly in the security council resolution which they themselves have just voted for and all those predictions of a boom and gloom my own threats of that is what i was. being patched those where those things are not productive i think they have distracting from the implementation of the kofi annan plan and from the political efforts of the security council and they may give a ground for some extremists to believe that there of course is a still has prospect for for taking over the political process where most naive even though the security council voted unanimously some members of the security council some important members of the international community. still continued to think and come from beijing therms the words of the syrian government and that's
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are jerkin says the syrian government will be primarily responsible for the safety and security of the u.n. unarmed observers that will be deployed to syria they will be deployed once the u.n. secretary general ban ki-moon feels that it's safe enough for the observers to go and there has been enough to say should of violence this resolution the most recent one i topped it also underscores that the syrian government and the opposition group both have to put their weapons out weapons down and begin engaging in dialogue. the syrian opposition has renewed its calls for you on box military intervention as the friends of syria group match in paris this week to discuss putting more pressure on their son regime and research has some recent believes that one sided efforts only underlined the importance of the service mission in syria this is an incredibly significant especially when we consider
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a lot of the other regional neighbors of syria behaving very poorly and provoking violent conflict in syria and suggesting that they want to arm the rebels and continue and actually increase the level of violence that's happening in syria so we have this region that's actually instigating violence and we have the so-called friends of syria of western powers really who will no influence over syria and have very little to say or do because they they don't have any relationships they don't have any information that will provide any help to the people of syria to solve this crisis so those two efforts happening you know between the arab league and the friends of syria it's actually very refreshing to have a u.n. observer mission because it's talking to everybody people are taking it seriously and so this is very promising indeed to see these developments and it's not a solution that's going to solve everything in one day poor example and it will
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take many different compromises and steps but with patience i think that this is certainly the best and most promising development that we've seen in a long time. thank you coming your way in the program called blooded confession is perfect details revealed in the weekend mass killer and his brave expired live televised trial has found shivers down the spines of the international community. another blow to the controversial web policing proposal accept his chances of being passed by e.u. law making head toward the right. bahrain's controversial formula one crown primo to race has taken place as here is protesting vent of their anger against the country's regime outside the track activists claim the ruling family that crashed arab spring there as traitors last year should not have hosts of the raids and there have been continued clashes between demonstrators and security forces over the past week police have responded with tear gas and rubber bullets
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protests intensified on saturday after the body of a man had been shot was discovered on a rooftop and there are reports that ten female activists demanding freedom for political prisoners have been arrested author and middle east expert to retaliate explains why a political chances trance changes rather in bahrain and not in western interests we've had demonstrations and anger just on the ground clearly security was said agree. leeson security officials had been called in to help and former senior scotland released to you john you have sworn that live rounds of ammunition would be industry would defend democracy in the west africa to bleed police peace and proceeded to get rid of this so because he's one of the i mean you know just compare what is going on in bahrain to other parts of the arab world
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where the west sees government as their opponents and there will be a cupboard the way the west reacts and this just fills out the blatant hypocrisy in relation. human rights and the use of human rights of the human rights march to get their own way it strategically daryn is of key importance for the united states and its allies in the region so we have here in the arab world no group chairs display or double standards yet it bunted our sounder show premiered on r.t. this week the media reaction was global from praise to his spirit the response was an effect but i think right now she is going to check out has been gauging opinion across the atlantic. for most american media juliana's songes guilty without charge reckless traitor and a threat to our national security interests sleazeball named julian assange who is bent on damaging america how did this guy just land his own t.v.
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show the implication is a sergeant is a russian agent whose anti-american mission is now out in the open for all to see and the accusations kept flying as the whistleblowers very own show premiered on tuesday but i saw it coming because truly an elite combatant a traitor. a criminal and. terrible radical. i think that's a sort of it's a pretty trivial card. ok. let's look at how. we have complete control of the guest over his first show was the head of hezbollah as ignited by the us is a terrorist organization it was not starlost first interview with international channel in six years and the reason why him could be found in the interview itself
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the united states is. staying in to us as we may want to be able to tell people that he's one of us or there is a terrorist organization. but there were no people listen to us how come our example if it wasn't just a trial. very different thing should have an opportunity to defend themselves some say in the court of public opinion as presented by the u.s. mainstream media there is a tendency to simplify issues often the expense of the full picture somebody agrees or doesn't agree with hezbollah's ideas or all of their ideas ideology or their theology american people need to hear the voice of hezbollah rather than simply have them demonize. targeted as a quote terrorist but the purpose of demonizing somebody like nasr or nelson mandela who was considered a terrorist until nine hundred eighty eight is not really to stop terrorist ideas from infiltrating but for the american people to only hear one side of
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a debate only hear one side of an argument julian assange is now under house arrest in the u.k. fighting extradition to sweden where he may well be extradited to the united states u.s. prosecutors were pointedly have a secret indictment ready for us time was made public thousands of leaked documents with embarrassing details relating to the wars in iraq and afghanistan as well as other issues in the u.s. has been under fire from capitol hill the white house and the media and we've got to apprehend mr silence the founder of wiki leaks and bring him to justice as a violator of the espionage act because if we don't this will keep happening the dead man can't leaks that this guy is a traitor a treasonous and he has broken every law the united states they've got ought to be so i'm not for the death penalty so if i'm not for the death i don't want to do it illegally shoot son of a what about freedom of information cherished as a core principle of democracy it's almost like leaving letting the genie out of the
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bottle mr assad has the internet and the government and everyone else out there own game because he's gone to a place where others have not been before and he's introduced the types of information the range of information that previously were not available if one views the media as a court of public opinion and then julian assange which is someone who presents to a jury that is the viewers argument evidence of voices which they almost never hear on mainstream media but it's up to the viewers to form an opinion but what many find ironic is that our source is under attack by the us government and the media for practicing pool full extent the freedom of information that america. around the globe i'm going to check out reporting from washington michael. american journalist and antiwar activists don't step on the sun to shine upon cry from what can be seen and american media said the criticism isn't surprising it is the twin heads here
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on the one hand the information management paradigm that is basically the communications industry in the united states has the problem of whistleblowers to deal with that forced their way out into the conversation you have bradley manning for example famously declared guilty by the president the united states before you had a trial and you have also of course julian of songe and wiki leaks and so there's that aspect the other side is that in the united states since the one nine hundred fifty s. and it famously in april of one nine hundred sixty one when john f. kennedy called on the media to consider their stories against the issue of national security you have a very very narrow band of opinion it gets broadcast discussed and a very narrow set of facts that are presented and with the information age show you know technology to change the internet and all of that you have or t.v.
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and other international outlets that are now presented to american audiences and they're not down by the american you know censorship basically so you have people like julian a sergeant being brought each of these is offensive to the paradigm here and so the fact that they're beating up on a songe on the one hand and on ora t.v. on the other is that surprising. urns the second edition of julian assange show is coming your way on tuesday at fifteen thirty moscow time or eleven thirty g.m.t. on r.t. and this time he'll be speaking to a professor at slum bouygues philosopher and left wing commentator and david horovitz conservative writer and painter and together they'll discuss global politics and what their weekly leagues was guilty of treason. biles relating to the trial of norwegian mass killer unders braving will be classified for sixty years the judges say the documents could be harmful to the public and will be kept secret until twenty seventy two the decision came up to
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brave explicitly televised trial began earlier last week is admitted to killing seventy seven people in separate bomb and gun attack last year but denies criminal gold claiming he was protecting norway from being taken over by muslims and he also gave a step by step account of exactly how he massacred is the exams claiming he had to dehumanize himself to become muscular if found guilty brave it could face a maximum of twenty one year prison sentence but if the judges decide who isn't saying he'll be sent for indefinite psychiatric treatment and former member of the european parliament of being who will believe the trials extensive coverage it turn it into a showcase for brave it's extreme mr ideas. that is the way you want the justice system works in in the european union your way he will clearly i was opportunity to express his own views on just hopes that the overwhelming majority of people will reject over what they are signs of if you want i'm
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a man who who is deluded and a racist this is something that we've seen across the european union. in germany in france in the united kingdom as well as in norway he's just he was politically successful but i think easily he's one of. many maybe too strong but he is certainly not unique name means whatsoever and these groups are actually working together to promote these kind of lone wolves to into any sense follow the same pattern as the some of the muslim fundamentalists. and at the weekend another scandal for nato forces in afghanistan the latest poll is an hour over new photos showing american soldiers smiling and posing with corpses of africans said to have been suicide bombers the white house maintains it's just another isolated incident something and he will accept i strongly disagree with. this is what happens when an occupation last for ten years and is manifestly failing i imagine that the morale
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of the troops these are at rock bottom they have absolutely no idea what they're doing there they know that the populations in their home countries whether it's this country or the united states are overwhelmingly against the war and this is bound to produce a situation where the occupation becomes more brutal before games they they know that they're on the run they know that the business of training the afghans to take over is actually resulting in a situation where afghan armed forces are increasingly shooting members of the occupying forces so i think that this is a generation of what was already at these are stressed occupation and what the situation will be like when they've gone is this that whatever the difficulties whatever the problems whatever the military situation is in the country it will at least be afghans who are settling their own future at the moment we have a colonial system where the major powers are trying to run somebody else's country
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though we should have left that kind of mentality behind in the nineteenth century . russia and china have begun the first ever joined naval exercises that are taking place in the gallows seanie of the korean peninsula to doesn't vessels that thousands of sailors are involved in the war games plans to last to last for six days so both sides aim to exchange experience as they focus on defense and marie warfare and sergeant rescue tactics and then he was there in the way as tension on the korean peninsula is escalating with the you are shifting normal attention for the asia pacific region i said say washington is aiming to counter potential threats from a camp powers like china. and ask around the world this hour for you in southern yemen violent clashes have erupted between troops and militants linked to al qaida twelve insurgents and seven soldiers have been killed fighting in this south where the yemeni government is. going to regain parts of the country lost in militants government forces lost control due to turmoil elsewhere in the country last year
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before asking of the former president ali abdullah saleh. south sudanese soldiers came and airstrikes from saddam's army while withdrawing from the oil city of heglig around four hundred troops from south sudan hard reportedly died in the battle for the disputed border town which was captured earlier this month he or later was in the region have allegedly been severely damaged during the occupation of threatening that sudanese economy which is heavily reliant on energy exports from. iran claims it started to build a copy or bit top secret american spy drone captured last year by its armed forces the military says it has extracted data and figure out how the craft works u.s. officials acknowledged losing bit surveillance drone but said it would be difficult to exploit any doubts that would acknowledge it because of its security measures. egypt's national gas company has cancelled its natural gas supply to you were these
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are all the contracts negotiated during the reign of egypt's ousted leader hosni mubarak has come under heavy criticism in egypt tel aviv has already responded to the news saying relations between the two countries have has an unprecedented low. also australia's parliament speaker peter slipper has resigned amid claims he had fractionally harassed he is openly gay had died that according to local newspapers dilation a victim has filed a lawsuit against his all in law and its legal visitation it was appointed speaker late last year to shore up the ruling labor party's fragile old own power. the controversial answer counterfeiting trade agreement or act has been dealt a heavy blow as the second largest group in the european parliament has announced a one supported the pact that sparked anger among many europeans when a eustache fine think we went in january sounds demonstrates against it saying
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major corporations and presidents control over their personal data about how and ratification is g.d. somebody in the european parliament david martin be an e.p.a. it was possible for monitoring ice and process has already said it should be rejected. in terms of what i was trying to achieve i'm quite happy with that i think it's important to you it does protect it's a collection of property put out a number of unintended side consequences one was it would have put a duty on internet service providers to effect if we act as the european police force of the internet and i don't think that's right i think that's probably a formal judicial authorities secondly i didn't like the idea that baxter could possibly have criminalized young people who were quite innocently doing loading films and music and so on in the privacy of their own homes. like this is the should over be for commercial purposes but commercial purposes are very weakly defying the other concern that people have about i call that it was negotiated
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through a five six you period behind closed doors the rights holders seem to be involved in that discussion but the civil society did not seem to be proud about discussion and most of the members of the partly didn't really understand what they were signing up for i mean the british house of commons had a one million report an article which said that i could have not met a debate on the floor of the house of commons. as an aside actually demonstrates the importance of european following the european decision making process because the european powers act there would probably no below. this is about c. and just ahead our special report a split of state telling the story of a struggle against erosion of civil liberties in the face of a new training boom but before that every car of our top stories in just a couple of.
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sheer. we call it our new neighbor neighbor no seven. we have seventy acres and i can convince them that they need to drill somewhere besides two hundred feet from. the needs of our growing economy also means expanding our domestic production of oil and natural gas which are vital fuel for transportation electricity and manufacturing for many. before we do the right. answer. your flows are nontoxic than we did a lot of there's a lot of mis understanding of what that is actually in the fluids. you come out here unless you come on here and live in my house for a week. i have no rights. wealthy
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