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tv   [untitled]    April 23, 2012 1:30am-2:00am EDT

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elements from around russia we've got the future coverage. of the headlines now. a blow for nicolas sarkozy losing out the socialist candidate france well known first round the french presidential election headsets a face off in the second stage in a fortnight. of paying a happy pills to forget the horrors of war you concern for u.s. soldiers a friend tended to be present. and syrian rebels refused to dance to foreign kids but in truth eventually they way to resolve. a special report on the opposition's integration in europe is up next they go.
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almost three i'm living not. working the media. in. italian language. down here almost to. begin our point meds. but yet most in their doctor. used the soup is sometimes. migrants from asia and africa took a liking to this place just outside term of the railway station a long time ago thing around it all day long. a local journalist
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coming here in the evening great deal of attention she wants information about the refugees for her blog. there are hundreds of people here yes we have received residence permits but the shelters where we used to spend the night have been closed down we know live in the open we sleep on the street. we have no jobs we have nothing to eat we can't find a place to sleep. this . there's a reason behind interest in refugees these people have been described as a brief from the arab revolutions which will force them to seek refuge in europe when they started a new life here from scratch they began to learn the true meaning of the word tolerance.
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spring comes early in rome it's an ideal time for tourists because it's still cool in the city meaning people don't need to seek out shade come mid day the italian capital attracts droves of tourists. but this building on the city's outskirts is not among the world's greatest attractions because it's hidden from view only a handful of people where of its existence. it's called the squat a shelter for illegal immigrants and refugees from africa the residents here rarely welcome journalist and. they're worried the police may come knocking based on news reports but they have made an exception for the r.t. crew. come this country really get out of there and i don't have any. for this is my best. guess and here
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to listen it's here. almost six hundred people inhabit this floor alone right now most of them around on the streets trying to earn whatever money they can to eke out a living. others work at a poor excuse for an auto repair center found right under the windows of a flop house we have many many many people that have been here and loved you know. if another person that has a mind problem right here without anything that is law food and of there is a lot. there is more thoughtfully. the latest arrivals are in an even worse condition than the others there's no more room for beds or mattresses on the floor. like the refugees have to accommodate themselves in the car doors and staircases used to be about forty percent here for bush.
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grandaddy who runs the fortress you're a blog dedicated to migrant issues and italian russian journalist the only question and i discussing the latest news it's just been reported that another batch of refugees has arrived on the italian island of lampedusa initially south. these are the first goods to come to life to do so since last september it is not yet clear how things will work out in the end but the best way to understand what is happening on lampedusa used to visit the island right now. in the middle ages this island served as a haven for barbary corsairs by the late twentieth century it was
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a popular resort many italian families use to spend the weekend here. but the graveyard of boats is a reminder of the island's recent history the no sign painted on the destroyed boats is the response of local people to the massive influx of refugees. the authorities have accommodated those who were detained by coast guards a day earlier at a huge warehouse near the port all of them were from somalia five died during the journey they needed some help pull through to. wake them. because they don't have any government via. plate and. it takes a small boat ten to twelve miles to cover the distance between the african continent and lampedusa. quite often the engine runs out of fuel because of a poorly planned route. as a result
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a launch scale operation will be high speed motor boats and coast guard helicopters has to be mounted in an effort to save the refugees. spring has indeed triggered a big influx of immigrants we have rescued about twenty thousand refugees from both tunisia and libya and italy itself the growing refugee exodus from other countries has provoked many social and political issues. the island is falling into decay even in the main streets the ones flourishing restaurants now for sale signs. children are rarely seen here these days last year a lot of the parents sent them to sicily instead. nowadays the local citizens of lampedusa a mostly over fifty sixty three year old to come of electric locks
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his shop well ahead of normal closing hours he doesn't expect any more customers today many souvenirs were ignored by tourists even last year and are now gathering dust on the shelves. we are certainly looking forward to a good summer season. if migrants continue to arrive here the situation becomes nothing short of revolutionary. some time ago people around the world sold this footage filmed at a refugee camp on the island of lampedusa. african refugees made an attempt to escape after hearing plans they were to be deported. now the lampedusa camp for refugees no longer functions officials claim it was burned down by its previous inhabitants that is level unfit for use. blago beranek
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or as failed in her attempts to take pictures inside the camp it's still guarded by troops. and i migrants are sent to barracks in the center of lampedusa that is beyond me there are no normal living conditions over there meanwhile a new center building specially for refugees is vacant we're told it's been burnt down but we see with our own eyes that it's still there. the port on the island of lampedusa a group of refugees is just arrived from somalia and is being ferried to the mainland once they arrive they will be sent to the refugee camps got across italy. some somalis who were unable to make it out of this post wait for the next run many of them are happy with the prospect of a new life. good. this
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is one of the centers where refugees have their identity checked the little old what's in store for them. but first they go through a complete medical check up then they face a procedure establishing their identity and an interview with a psychologist. the. refugees may spend several months awaiting a decision on whether or not they are allowed to stay in italy. all the while they have to remain in isolation behind three metre high fences with civil war still raging in somalia refugees from that country can count on a decision in their favor for the people who've left their homes in countries in the wake of the arab spring have little chance of finding refuge in italy. citizens are sent back as a rule it's assumed they face no problems in their homeland and international community has recognized the legitimacy of libya's authorities.
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rhydian sufi is a libyan today he's released like many arab refugees he's been denied a residence permit. there are still hostilities between gadhafi supporters and opponents in the part of libya where now thirteen used to live it will be risky for him to return home. and yet measured in as only a week before he must leave it only. would appearances the immigration center stuff bids farewell to those routine as if it was a close friend the director accompanies his lodger personally. reps in new bedford i was ready to give it to him as a leaving present. knows what in walks thirty steps across the center's backyard there is freedom beyond it but it's confined to a week of legal stay in italy. many of my fellow migrants are drug addicts some are
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great criminals i don't want to live with them any longer any normal first timer here finds it difficult to have them around. us routine once to get to rome was fast as he can expect his libyan friends there to give him temporary shelter. if measured in stays in rome longer than a week the police may arrest him and send him back to the refugee center. if you had something like a mobile phone on you the other immigrants might steal it i don't like that sometimes i have the urge to say to them look you can take everything but don't disturb me and i want any trouble. the train arrives in the center of room twenty minutes later as written promise to see the r.t.e. crew here the following day and introduce those who promised to give him shelter for the duration of his stay in italy. but mr dean
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fails to turn up and couldn't be reached by phone. journalists talk to the refugees for the first time there is no problem they're ready to come into contact but then they're more experienced friends and it was them to break off all contacts and keep a low profile in this way they multiply the vast army over we go my grounds. in the evening the square and the other will weigh station becomes a shantytown for his legal migrants. the police advise tourists to steer clear of it after nightfall. television cameras attract the attention of many of the inhabitants they begin chanting new versions of old slogans going back to the arab spring the votes your relation right here in italy down with berlusconi i'm down with the right wingers. fear i would say. culture is that so much
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and there's a huge decision on the market we've got the best sanction of israel movement where does it stand on the question of a few state solution of the palestine israel conflict. f o johnson a refugee from libya has just seen a doctor. he's suffering from
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a wound sustained during military hostilities in libya. the leg surgery he underwent some time ago has helped but he can't get the doctors to say what sort of treatment he needs. one is this is false fronts and does fall but. i need more help with. me how my leg. how is it there's no changes even i know does the changes. as soon as he arrived in run from a hospital in italy self in early two thousand and twelve johnson source help from a charitable organization called characters the fifty seven year old builder couldn't say why he'd be fired on libya all he knows is that somebody shot at the car carrying him and his friends from tripoli to misrata he doesn't know who gave the order to shoot. him or where to misrata. program.
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and fall down and his started to should be strong in front so the gun just falls for the other people where all of them. carries has provided johnson with lodging for the night and one meal a day. stuff conceded that there was an increasing shortage of accommodation for refugees. in italy there is a tendency this is a problem to react to emergencies. instead of working more on system so this is i would say. yes maybe the first problem. this demonstration of the heart of rome is designed to attract the attention of tourists filing towards the colosseum it's a shame is to stave off a new war in africa and the resultant new wave of migrants coming to italy. some time ago activists from the no warning at work winston libya to assess the outcome
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of military intervention now there certifiable formal charges against nato accusing it of aggression against civilians. their government said they wanted to intervene in libya to save the civil civilians well they saved perhaps one thousand rebels in big daddy but they killed ten thousand twenty thousand thirty thousand others syria other the kids dropping bombs and war records to leave and being drowned in the sea. in two thousand and eleven two european countries were on the verge of a diplomatic row in spite of the fact that france supported military intervention in libya is refused to let an italian train carrying refugees into its territory. in desperation the refugees held a protest on the railway tracks. that. soon afterwards italian nationalists from
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across a poem which took to the streets. the movement based its ideals on a fascist leader benito missing. the impact of immigrants is not felt so much in the big cities but small towns such as lampedusa and others outside rome and in sicily are already dominated by immigrants there are hardly any a telly and left there. this is a silly and poor term to make up quite a big share of the population they live separately from the italians and mostly spend all this spare time in a small bar which locals are not allowed to enter a minor conflict flared up certainly one of the people involved is a man called. he suggested that the crew should leave the boat.
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jamelle came here following events that sparked the arab spring. these days he's employed at the local port unloading vessels it's unqualified work and doesn't pay well he used to work as a barber in the past but hasn't managed to find a job in his former profession you know what about many new arrivals see either way is a paradise but in reality you have to be were away from morning until night for a pittance here you drag out a miserable existence. relations between two new zealand and locals are very strange the towns to new zealand neighborhood as exploding since they are of spring illegal migrants are periodical welded up. some time ago police arrested me in hospital no less can you imagine that. because you're an illegal immigrant yes i had no papers on me. the small town with
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a population of fifty thousand is now divided into two parts too noisy and live on the outskirts locals are concentrated in the center the two communities rarely interact. all of. parallel worlds and parallel realities to museums on one hand and we old timers on the other they live in isolation and for their own customs we live by our customs besides their way of life doesn't quite fit into the local environment. so you know there's no problem don't be afraid to arista the only outsiders to enter the tunisian neighborhood as a result they go there at the weekends and stay there only during the daytime are you from odds are the law and know where you're from sicily. jamelle takes tourists on a brief guided tour of his neighborhood they see a different way of life one that they don't find in sicily is capital of palermo.
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look at the way people live here sonora isn't it a nightmare everything here seems to be on the verge of collapse. football in the courtyard is one of the few diversions for teenagers living in the truth is in a neighborhood there are no playgrounds for children here people living in nearby houses have no complaints about the noise made by the footballers. most of the parents of these children work on fishing boats they stay at sea from early morning until late at night but. even all these guys have a problem there is you proud of the hope for a dignified future yes they do go to school but they can find a decent job afterwards they may even have a telly and citizenship but when it comes to a choice between c. francesco an italian and i will be an arab they're most likely to give the job to the telly and. there is a place of interest in this neighborhood one of the streets nell boasts signs of
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creativity there's more to this ceramic mural than meets the eye. this is the street of paula farrow the theme of tolerance in society runs through all these works of art we can see quotes from laws intended to ensure equal rights for all this really sounds nice but so far we see a different picture a reality. that only because words appear to be confirmed only five minutes later a smoldering conflict flares up between locals and choosey and teenagers. the italian family eventually left the scene promising to return with a host of relatives in the evening to deal with the offenders. remember that there is a risk over illegal migrants destroying italian society from within migrants don't have a chance to make money by illegal means and as a result they turn to robbery and drug trafficking.
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these unitarians returns to rome from a trip to sicily a few days ago they've been trying to find their relatives for several weeks now they want to find those who left tunis here in the spring of two thousand and eleven to go to italy in search of a better life and many of them have been missing ever since you know. we as their family this we have come to our consulate to say that we want to know the truth and all the state of our relatives. officials of the two museum refused to help these people and lock them out. eventually one of the two new zealand snaps and said his sweatshirt on fire the flames are beaten out of the education of the highly strung crowd grows with every passing minute. news in authorities refused to help us anymore i can't bear it i don't care for
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food all i want is to find my son he's nineteen years old his name is mohammed. in the end people trying to find their missing relatives spotted them in such lodgings on the outskirts of road they're commonly referred to as. people here have a much better chance of survival than they would have out in the open. after all there's a roof over their heads and they're less likely to die of starvation here. you know me already people of the faith we really have to feel this and there is a lot of if you that this is what city. puzzles. more people come to these lodgings nearly every week. most of them have tried but failed to enter other european countries of the receiving an italian residence permit. i would the yemeni for six months when asking the first thing that in yemen they will
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find my finger yeah the. yemeni sameas you having a dream for the. i say. something i say i don't have anything in italy they don't need me. as the day comes to a close libyan refugee ever johnson returns to the shelter to spend the night. it takes some walking through the historical part of the city he has no money for a bus. johnson doesn't stop in the sense of very often unlike at the railway station with the other refugees he feels a complete stranger. some italians didn't used to does that. we are we go you have enough money because the government used to disguise money doesn't doesn't need to tell you that does not true blood big give us money does
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not delay that. on the same evening veronique or the blogger puts the finishing touches to a post on the refugee situation but when she's about to send her a text she receives some unexpected news ever johnson has been thrown out of the asylum after spending two months there why is not yet known. we bloggers work to make sure that what is secret comes to light so we're trying to bring a resolution to the situation as well. was that. after a few minutes it becomes clear what's happening at the asylum. is in fact being turned out of the charity's premises along with his belongings.
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finally this fifty seven year old man unable to move around without crutches has been left out on the streets. a friend office to collect his blessings from the asylum johnson no longer has a warm bed nor can he get a meal at the charity center every evening. no deported. according to a statement from the charitable organization keratosis was thrown out of the asylum because he left the place in a miss. johnson maintains that he was expelled for being too frank with journalists about the real situation for refugees in italy today.
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