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tv   [untitled]    April 23, 2012 7:00am-7:30am EDT

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a blow for nicolas sarkozy losing out the socialist candidate francoise hollande in the first round of the french presidential election the pair said to face off in the second stage in the for. the left wing challenger secures more than twenty percent of the votes and nicolas sarkozy becomes the first incumbent leader who failed to win a hand in the first round of the presidential race in over fifty years will join me for more on that in a few moments. in other news israel warns of peace deal with egypt is in jeopardy after cairo said it's scrapping against export pact with its neighbor. and syrian rebels refuse to dance to a foreign tune insisting military intervention is no way to resolve the deadly conflict.
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is three pm here in moscow this is r t coming to you live from new sanaa way with our top story and nicolas sarkozy and socialist challenger launch will go head to head in a second round of the french presidential election in two weeks time results from the first round so obama won twenty eight point six percent of the vote against sarkozy's twenty seven is the first time a french president seeking reelection has failed to win the first round for more than half a century our correspondents are silly reports from paris. it is certainly neck and neck of the a difference between at the top two candidates is very small on the right now it's a one appointed to friends and so the question that people be asking is which way will the voters who had voted for the other candidates how will they vote in the second round will be will it be all large will it be so close enough for the psycho's e he will have to try to get the voters of money to attend who is on the far right
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from the national front she had managed to get seventy point nine percent of the votes according to the exit polls about half of her voters may go to nicolas sarkozy but again these are just estimates and as far as a lot is concerned he will have to get a strong ignatian from the left front his voters who have been a very a very are creating a lot of noise towards the end of this campaign while ninety percent of voters from that size say they will vote on large but still there are a lot of factors that could affect that swing the vote in the second round and not least of all the pessimism and the lack of enthusiasm of the french people they may have come out to vote for the for in the first round eighty percent but that doesn't necessarily mean bill do the same in the second round another factor to be considered but let's get more insight now on for more guests they visit john locke live from the institute of the marchese and cooperation thanks very much effort being with us today let's talk about this this feeling of lack of enthusiasm for the french people they're very disenchanted there's a there's a feeling that there's no solution presented out there how would this play out in
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the second round was difficult to say and you've just said in your remarks the lack of enthusiasm isn't reflected a tool in the turn up in the country it's been a very high turnout there are many conflicting emotions going on in this election so i don't think we can say with certainty tool that will be. on the sixth of may and with regard to the high numbers that many independent the far right had gone there's a lot of reaction here from the french press that this is a surprise to them what significance does this hold and how will the voters of money le pen do you think votes it's an absolutely incredible result and it's definitely the biggest story of this this election how will the voters. behave we don't know that is the big question marie le pen has said she will announce her choice on the first of may but. boyfriend the head of the former sort of a number two in the forest in the new eagerly oh i said he will he will cost a blank votes on the first of may so what does that mean though in ideology it what
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it means is that there is no certainty a tool that the fullness of the voters will vote for the right wing candidate because that was how will the next president whoever he is be able to meet all the demands from the far right who are anti immigration anti euro and on the left who are anti capitalists and you know so all of these ideologies there are lots of conflicting ideologies but it is a mistake in my view to talk about the for the national front as far right because . the striking thing about this campaign has been precisely the extent to which many look and has run a left wing campaign and he capitalist and the free market in favor of protectionism and so on most of her voters are young people and people from the working classes this is not a classic right wing or at least bush electorate voted on the immigration yes there is a right wing discourse i agree lauren older is also a right wing issue but her appeal goes way beyond the simple left right prism fos
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while lawns might be able to reassure those as it were left wing sort of voters while sarkozy might be able to seduce the as it were right wing ones but we'll have to see right well thanks very much service a lot for joining us well there you have it still a lot of topics issues it to be put in the political debate all on the psycho's he will have a one two one and this could also sway the voters depending on how they do want that to pay so we're looking forward certainly to the second round of the presidential race. so far sillier reporting there from paris well whoever inherits power output is a palace will also inherit a country with severe economic difficulties record unemployment and social division next hour we'll talk to a member of the french socialist party. here's a preview. for you approaching here today you significantly poorer than it was five years ago she's probably lost her influence in the world with for example the
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failure of the union for the mediterranean she's lost much of her influence in europe and the best example of this is how to get a miracle that nicolas sarkozy have agreed on a draft european treaty which is very favorable to german interests and very unfavorable to the interests of the rest of europe france is mostly very divided as we are today. well r t dot com once your vote on the biggest challenge for france is next to the leader so far this is what the numbers are looking like a third say it's bearing the eurozone a burden more than a quarter believe the biggest challenge will be kick starting the economy about a fifth think the trickiest problem will be diffusing time turn over immigration and slightly fewer claim it's france's involvement in foreign conflicts that will be a big challenge your vote counts let us know what you think our team dot com and here's what else you'll find there. a clone of the drone how you braun has started
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building its own copy of an unmanned u.s. spy aircraft that he captured last year. a fresh diplomatic route has broken out in the middle east after egypt said it's terminating a gas exports deal with israel television warns the move puts the peace treaty between the two countries on the line and israeli officials say there's no confirmation of a deal and scrapped parties are first has the latest from cairo. well the head. egypt's gas company has said that this is a trade not a political issue and that the terminations of that deal with a verse some form of payment and others will support of the coming from egypt but it seems some people in israel have interpreted that as a possible violation of the can't david peace treaty that is signed between the two countries indeed one israeli opposition figures come out and one of the quietest in
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relations between egypt and israel and called on the us who is the sponsor of the gas deal between the neighboring countries to intervene and i was going to be said that a very controversial here in egypt a very unpopular amongst the egyptian people who view it as a deal wish denied egypt a fair market price on the gas provided to israel and also very much seen as representative of the much warmer relations between israel and egypt that were formed under the former president hosni mubarak said not a popular little it's certainly been a target for resentments recently for the first time egyptians have been debating egypt's relations with israel quite publicly now the current dollars and the islamist in parliament has vowed that they're going to uphold international relations but so there's been a feeling here in cairo a lot of people that you could perhaps in the run up to the elections be about to
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see a rocky a period in relations between the two countries those three front men currently for that presidential spot have pledged that they're going to respect the peace deal have been nearly every single one of them has said that they're going to be looking very closely at the fairness and appropriateness of this very unpopular guest. but israeli journalists are more. gas still rowdy as a result of the troubles revolution. right now it's in flux it's in frances and nobody knows exactly when and. the new order in egypt will be merging we need geo political patients in this regard what we're witnessing right now in egypt and the sinai peninsula is a microcosm of this we're witnessing an interview with the same political twilight we understand what we were parting with we do not know what were approaching. and this is surely how the americans view the situation in egypt. many in washington
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today as far as we understand regret the haste with which america. and his regime leave the scene but that is of course one water under the bridge in egypt turned itself from an emerging market to a high risk economy one where no foreign investor can assume signed and written statement on the part of an egyptian interlocutor is worth more than the ink with which it is signed. and the debut of julian assange as the t.v. show host on r.t.s. provoked strong reaction from around the world the next edition of the program is showing on tuesday and focuses on global problems for more now let's join our london correspondent laura smith laura it's almost a week since the program premiered right here on r t a lot of speculation over further additions i understand you have a little insight into what we can expect from our. i do yes so tomorrow the second
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episode is airing we did see a lot of backlash from the first episode which we'll talk about a little bit later but this new program features two people talking to two different people one of them is the slovenians level which is dick who is a philosopher a former former communist dissidents and now turned communist and also david horowitz he's a former left wing radical to do some fundraising for the black panthers back in the day and is now a radical right wing zionist so from two completely different sides of the fence and when i went to talk to us on before this program was broadcast he said that this was one of the most heated episodes that he films during filming he tried to sort of talk about other stuff talk about a range of issues but the two them kept on coming back to the jewish question they kept on talking about israel and palestine he had to drag it away from that repeatedly and in fact at one point he says had to be physically restrained even know david horovitz wasn't even in the room he was in fact on the telephone so it's
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an extraordinary piece of television in the final cut though we do understand that they do talk about a range of issues they they do talk about the palestinians in the nazis they talk about the black panthers and the israelis and they also talk about the american presidential race and also both of their relationship if you might call it that with stalin they both have had in the past photographs of stalin on their walls apparently but they also talk at some length about the concepts of freedom what does freedom mean today how far does it and can it go let's hear that. from front. between freedom. in iraq there is a. these to me seem to be abuses of the word freedom in the work that we do the work that wiki leaks does we. pushing forward snowbound use of
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a certain type of liberty we say protected by the first amendment that is the liberty. to reveal the truth about the world or take a story or record from interference and so on sounds like some very controversial topics and of course laura asuncion of self a controversial figure is of course just on the reactions of the first episode it seems real or love him or you hate him that's right and i think because he is a controversial character the reaction from viewers and from the twitter space certainly has been quite positive there's been a lot of excitement of c.s.i. it's very famous he's now become a legend in some people's eyes and of course he is inextricably from his work with wiki leaks and people see him as a character to be admired for that however in the mainstream media there has been a real backlash if the masses in some places to a smear campaign personally attacked or injured innocence particularly from the new york times and the guardian with him of course he worked extensively when they were releasing a lot of the wiki leaks cables the new york times in particular calls him
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a not job and the guardian calls him a useful idiot but as you say you know love him or lose him he is sharing this program all skiing some of the difficult questions let's hear just one of them. we have a new revolutionary government with you it's managed to get hold of the. government and we were going to probably should i be i'm sure you would. do me i cannot get a job here you know what to do for me to answer this question now when i will be part of the ship lucian of the government i really do my own sort of actually. artie's laura smith reporting live from london with her insight into what we can expect tomorrow in the second edition of julian assange just talk show right here on r.t. . and the u.n. is beefing up its observer mission to syria as the violence continues there unabated but the leaders of the rebellion against damascus are calling for military
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intervention but that's something many people on the ground refuse to accept authorities like some of boycott now reports. almost everyone in syria these days is in opposition to something ready to lash out at opponents at any moment and seventy six year old my feet mohammad is in opposition to that he says syrians are so worked up about politics that it's become difficult to make people smile but he found the way. i like dancing in the street and i like the reaction it produces in people i feel free this way. even if he can stay away from politics when i ask him about his biggest concern is to ask syria should not dance to somebody else's tune . we don't need any countries meddling in our affairs. here. while the prospect of the libya style intervention seems everlast likely
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to militarize the position and their supporters are still asking for arms. when they are over one from unknown and the presidents of other countries is that they support personnel cause we the rebels want to get armed. all the rebels may have caused all the media attention the syrian opposition speaks with many voices it's a fun faulted for being just organized for granted but there is a surprising unity when it comes to the issue of military intervention. you through this opposition activist says he was detained and mistreated by the security services and while he is calling on bashar assad to leave a serious political scene he says the armed groups should do the same. like him abdul aziz is not afraid to go public refusing he just returned back from
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moscow where the opposition delegation try to persuade the russian authorities to put more pressure on their side regime he says not all powers mediating the syria crisis are really helping you know. who are supporting. well you know what some of the states are not supported. and some are trying to throw some sort of pressure. that. and that's not succeeded well it will be agreeable work. people will suffer too much. you can use the country obviously war no one knows what it would lead be and iraq just across the border
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imported democracies are not held in high regard here even among the opposition well syrians remain highly polarized across political lines most of them agree that dissolution to their current crisis should be worked out within the country even for the opposition they doubled they know it's still better than the givens that now hong neighboring countries. are see damascus syria. a look now at some other news in brief from around the world the colombian military says it sees more than two tons of cocaine in the west of the country it happened during a raid on a drug laboratory which is believed to belong to fark colombia's largest rebel group the distribution of cocaine is the rebels largest source of income financing a campaign against the colombian government that's been raging for over fifty years . and there's great cows offered an apology to the families of the
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victims of last year's oslo bombing on the final day of testimony but he showed no remorse for the thousands of people slaughtered an island youth camp never described the youngsters as political activists working for the destruction of the region society if found guilty he could face a maximum twenty one year prison sentence but if the judge decides he's insane will be found for indefinite psychiatric treatment. so these are warplanes carried out air strikes on south sudan on monday killing three people near a southern oil town of then three. that's less than a day after a new fighting a ruptured on the border between the two countries of the south's troops are pulling out of the disputed border town heglig south sudanese officials say up to four hundred of their soldiers were killed during a battle the region became independent from the north last year following a long running civil war which led to nearly two million deaths it's just
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well the violence is continuing to as kuwait between the two neighbors the president of south sudan is in china to seek investment from grazing on a new oil pipeline for more on this let's not talk to dr q trunk editor of the forth media magazine who is based in the chinese capital thanks for being with us the president of south sudan is going to china at a crucial time when of course violence with its northern neighbor is ask a lady does that mean his visit assumes even greater importance. you know gone to the chinese. and. you know. there's china and iran is a really. cold all all it's not. true or peacefully. did it as we all little bit when this little is a what we country we head to the shoe which the oil is and it's
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a trip to china and pursued on still that they're important patients which i know so i think. simply. saying that we could solve some of the building or allowing the pipeline through china while they need the less current answer ready to mr strong we have an awful connection with young god interrupt you there we tried of course to analyze the situation in sudan with the visit of the thousands of south sudan in china but unfortunately it didn't work out. all right well we're going to take a sort of break here in our city and then the business is coming up for. did i kill innocent. hours a day of course and that's never a. moment sharpen the skull still with me i think of it every day. the flashbacks
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from the memories. i saw my so long time this year trying. i was ashamed. i was ashamed that i. i was ashamed that i hadn't been a hero why. i got my way. in the my. what i want to be. for. i believe what i was doing i was right i think. that i was a good soldier. but most soldier on the other side and i think i'm just an. hour to live from moscow time now to check the business with danielle and the oil
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industry coming under fire for pollution down you know by now why is it becoming an issue yes they're being told to clean up their a by the russian government call has just caused a significant leak at its operations in the baltic a b.p. has been accused of causing hundreds of small spills and was siberia the government's threatening mail to take legal action against the road so british firm unless it's immediately improves its infrastructure so this goes how this is affecting the sector i'm joined by alexander the czar of oil and gas on this. but i guess all the thanks for joining us they still seem to be happening all the time has there been a sea change in the government's attitude. hello there no no i don't really think their approach to the problems has changed the question is how the p.r. basically what they do is well known thing that. there has already a program for a call to beijing the polluting ground and reconstruction. idol infrastructure left
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from a saudi in time some a glorified there are so the question is basically why they now decided to go into public with thirty issues so why been ten k. b.p. shares slump on the news traders didn't like it. well the question is the money it has always with shares basically we all know that. did it impair and has a probably a high as dividend payout ratio in russian oil gas an hour their highest in all russian business so now what russian government may demand on thinking that they would decrease dividend payout ratio and part of that money into environmental issues into dealing with it for structure and polluted grounds is on the how much will it cost to upgrade those pipelines. still the problem of.
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polluted ground. about one hour is sixty million doors the question over the price of reconstruction infrastructure is much more there are deeper in the craziness of that i would say from a ryan from one and a half to two and dorsey. which is a huge figure basically but it's still less than a hard. and every year topics. are extraordinary so you're saying the shareholders of t.k. b.p. local shouldn't be too worried by this. no i don't think so. he has a reputation of very good management both strategic and operational so i'm sure that he has already track record of dealing with an environmental issues and i think it will in a future funny how does the russian oil industry actually compare with
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international peers in terms of the environment. well i mean every russian oil and gas can company a large russian oil and gas company reports each year publishes a report on animal environmental care and number of accidents in russian industry in every show i would say is not significantly more than we see in the western companies there also it's also worth mentioning that ninety nine percent even more of russian oil is produced on shore so nothing really like for example accident in mexican gulf a deep water horizon could happen in russia so the environmental problem should be less in russia very interesting that was alexander as our guest from thank you for joining us here on that so we've got time for this hour we'll have more in fifteen minutes join us then. all right danielle looking forward to seeing you on back of the task in an hour with more coming up the headlines after
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a short break and after that a while by debate with peter the valen his guests on custom come. to. cultures that so much diminished musician the person on the mark was my god the best sanction of israel movement where does it stand on the question of
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a two state solution of the palestine israel called click. motion would be soo much brighter if you only bought some from the funds to the merchant some of. these food stamps on t.v. don't come. on. the is. to say. see
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. if it's fixed so somehow i. get a an.


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