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tv   [untitled]    April 23, 2012 9:00am-9:30am EDT

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sarkozy's slips the french president fails to convince enough voters now are losing to his socialist arch rival they're now go head to head in a second round. israel warns its peace treaty with egypt is in danger after cairo says it's trying to native against explore deal overpayments and the prices. and syria's opposition keeps the call for military intervention despite the un troops observing mission there please finding little public sympathy in the country . it's five pm here in moscow this is r t coming to you live from new sanaa way with
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our top story this hour and there's a tight fight for france's top job with president sarkozy narrow losing the first round to his socialist rival francois hollande they've now got two weeks to win over voters before the runoff poll artie's tests are silly as across the election in paris. right now if you look at the numbers it is certainly neck and neck of the a difference between of the top two candidates is very small that right now it's a one appointed differences so the question that people be asking is which way will the voters who had voted for the other candidates how will they vote in the second round will be will it be all laws will it be so close enough for the psychos the he will have to try to get the voters of money in the pen who is on the far right from the national front she had managed to get seventy point nine percent of the votes according to the exit polls about half of her voters may go to nicolas sarkozy but again these are just estimates and as far as a lot is concerned he will have to get a jaundiced mention from the left front his voters who have been very very creating a lot of noise towards the end of this campaign while ninety percent of voters from
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that side say they will go a lot but still there are a lot of factors that could affected swing the vote in the second route not least of all the costs of missive and the lack of enthusiasm of the french people they may have come out to vote for the for in the first round at eighty percent but that doesn't necessarily mean they'll do the same in the second round another factor to be considered but let's get more insight now are from our guests today mr john locke led from the institute of the marchese and cooperation thanks very much effort being with us today with regard to the higher numbers that might be independent the far right had gone there's a lot of reaction here from the french press that this is a surprise to them what significance does this hold and how will the voters of marine le pen do you think voters it's an absolutely incredible result and it's definitely the biggest story of this of this election how will the voters behave we don't know that is the big question marie le pen has said she will announce her choice on the first of may but. boyfriend the head of the fulness of the over the
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two in the fullness and has said he will he will cost a blank vote on the first of may so what does that mean though in ideology in what it means is that there is no certainty or tool that the fullness of the voters will vote for the right when counted nicolas sarkozy on the country one. the main reasons why money that had was done so well is that that electorate hates nicolas sarkozy for various reasons not least because they felt betrayed by him after having voted for him in two thousand and seven were right to follow up on again is the the campaign ideologies that that business has been put forward how will the next president whoever he is be able to meet all the demands from the far right who are anti immigration anti euro and on the left who are anti capitalists and you know so all of these ideologies the striking thing about this campaign has been precisely the extent to which many look and has run a left wing campaign and he capitalist and the free market in favor of
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protectionism and so on most of her voters are young people and people from the working classes this is not a classic a right wing or at least electorate. on the immigration yes there is a right wing discourse i agree lauren older is also a right wing issue but her appeal goes way beyond the simple left right prism. might be able to reassure those as it were left when the fullness of the voters well sarkozy might be able to seduce the as it were right wing ones but we'll have to see. well thanks very much seven sudhakar for joining us well there you have it still a lot of topics issues it to be put in the political debate a lot of cycles he will have a one two one and this could also assuage the voters depending on how they do on that debate so we're looking forward certainly to the second round of the presidential race. there reporting in paris and pricing on immigration as a tactic by the candidates in their campaigns later are here is for press and
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socialist party says it's an issue that needs care. so that when you go quite honestly immigration being an economic and social problem is primarily a political problem it will reach the point where a great number of anglo-saxon newspaper. i could no longer see the difference between what i mean with pen and nicolas sarkozy so you've got islamic immigration . this is a major setback for france to see the president today finds inspiration in the program of france's far right this is a very great snapback of we don't want to make immigration an issue used to divide and frighten the french this is a serious matter that must be treated in search and must be subjected to political economic and social responses it should not be a subject used by nicolas sarkozy will appear to win votes and raise racism in france.
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more on how the source the party sees france's troubles i'm prospects is coming your way in over an hour time here on r.t. . now mideast peace is taking another battering this time as egypt terminates its twenty year gas export deal with israel both countries insist it's just a business dispute but observers in israel warn it's putting their peace treaty on why sarah firth is in cairo. well the head of egypt stating gas company has said that this is a trade not a political issue and that the terminations of the deal with over some form of payment is another source reports of the coming from egypt but it seems some people in israel have interpreted that as a possible violation of the count david peace treaty that was signed between the two countries in the one israeli opposition figures come out toward the crisis in relations between egypt and israel including the us who is the sponsor of the gas
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deal between the neighboring countries to intervene and i was going to be said that there was a very controversial here in egypt a very unpopular amongst egyptian people who view it as a deal which denied egypt a fair market price on gas provided to israel and also very much seen as representative of the much warmer relations between israel and egypt that were formed under the former president hosni mubarak said not a popular little it's certainly been a target for resentment recently for the first time egyptians have been debating egypt's relations with israel quite publicly now the current dollars and the islamists it in parliament has vowed that they're going to uphold international relations that certainly has been a feeling here in cairo months a lot of people that you could pass in the run up to the elections be about to see a rocky period in relations between the two countries those three front men
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currently full presidential spot have pledged that they're going to respect the peace deal of that nearly every single one of them has said that they're going to be looking very closely at the fairness and appropriateness of this very unpopular gas deal. still ahead for you this hour the war games held in a more than sensitive region as russia and china hold their first joint naval exercises in the yellow sea we explain what their political plans are selling towards. and the second episode of whistleblower julian assange just hard hitting interview show airs here on tuesday we look ahead into what's in store that's coming up in just a few minutes. but first despite a record increase in the use of prescribed antidepressants by u.s. soldiers military officers see no reason for panic and seen as a way to help service personnel survive the brutality of war there's concern drugs nearly mask the deep psychological damage suffered by troops in combat and she's
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going to count reports. a record number of american troops are on antidepressants according to the u.s. army surgeon general more than one hundred ten thousand active duty servicemen and women are taking prescribed narcotics sedatives and anti-anxiety drugs that's an eight folding crate since two thousand and five michael brown served as a marine in iraq up until two thousand and six he started taking antidepressants after he returned from the war when i was a. rational. writer. when my. readers from whence. i mean i wouldn't be able to make a decision on whether a. person in front of me. already knew about me or whether or
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not we're. just there in american action michael says while in iraq he could see about a third of his fellow servicemen taking psychotropic pills to get through the day. some suggest the current increase in suicides and homicides in the u.s. military is not a coincidence although the link with the use of drugs has been proven in court only in a handful of cases american soldier david lawrence was charged with murdering a detainee he was guarding in of ghana stand his sentence was reduced to ten years it was proved that the psychotropic medication that he was prescribed made his mental condition worse the fact that our military is saying oh if you just take these pills you'll be fine and go on back out there and give these people. this is crazy and now we're seeing this terrible combination and reaction of these these
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medications mixed scene and and a lot of the soldiers self medicate with alcohol and those don't mix military official see no reason to panic saying that use of psychiatric drugs this comparable to civilian use if you were a civilian. spoke to a psychiatrist and said i have trouble sleeping and i have anxiety problems and i have post-traumatic stress disorder. they wouldn't give you a gun and send you out you know to face danger and i mean this was to drive if you're taking some of these medications michael says when he complained of compression he was given drugs before he even had the chance to talk to a doctor i was handed over. want to consider. how first and foremost. you had everything else second prior to the iraq
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war soldiers did not go into combat on psychiatric drugs but the stress of combat took its toll. and in order to keep the ranks or maybe less impressed the u.s. army started handing out war pills but what seemed like an easy solution has become a problem all of its own i'm going to check out reporting from washington r.t. . over here more stories you can head to our dot com dale you'll find a swedish online piracy religion seeking official recognition in the u.s. the computer based creed of the so-called complement has already been officially recognized in the scandinavian country but now wants to go on a worldwide mission. and moscow is going to cities across the globe marking the marking international earth day as thousands of them turned candle lit the capitals in life sky shine a light on this and other news that our team. so he drowned
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trying to get china's how to supply lucrative oil to eager costumers always pipelines currently run through the separate country of sudan and that's a major problem decades of turmoil saw the south of eventually split from its neighbor last year into clear independence but border finding is now threatening full scale war machine has offered to help mediate for peace and that could be their unique chance since world affairs analyst dr child will be. i think chinese peace making you for their c.d.'s and it looks like they are making an attempt should come because one you know it's unlike the west which has long colonial a new colonial relationship in sudan and. all these three states now have high level of. investment in this region and i think china and india are militia could become. even jointly do something to end this conflict which is not
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benefiting anybody so it's interesting that even south sudan we just created. a western intervention at the international level is increasingly turning to china and your money here to resolve the problem then i'm going to ask you know washington all europeans for that so i think it's a welcome development china has to an extent you know. militarily some playing. not so many strategies for a long time. i would say historically you know more. than western countries which have looked upon sudan as nothing but a piece of land with a lot of oil underneath the saudis and. the un's bolstering its observer mission to syria as multiple reports continue that the teetering cease fire is being violated by both sides the political leaders still want a u.n. backed military intervention. the reports from damascus the public have no appetite
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for foreign interference. almost everyone in syria these days is in opposition to something ready to lash out at opponents at any moment and seventy six year old my feet mohammad is in opposition to that he says syrians are so worked up about politics has become difficult to make people smile but he found the way. i like dancing in the streets and i like the reaction it releases him i feel free this way get even if he can stay away from politics when i ask him about his biggest concern is ask syria should not dance to somebody else's two year. old. we don't need any countries meddling in our family. to hear. about the prospect of a libya style intervention since ever last likely the militarized the position and
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their supporters are still asking for arms. and. man they are over going from an a and the presidents of other countries is that they support us and now because we the rebels wants to get armed. all the rebels may have caused all the media attention the syrian opposition speaks with many voices. it's often faulted for being distorted in iceland for granted but there is a surprising unity when it comes to the issue of military intervention and. describing this imposition activists as he was detained and mistreated by the security services and while he's calling on bashar assad to leave serious political scene he said the armed groups should do the same. like him abdul aziz is not afraid to go public refusing he just returned back from moscow where the opposition delegation trying to persuade the russian authorities
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to put more pressure on their side regime he says not all powers mediating the syria crisis are really helping if you know all the world. we are supporting. you know. supporting. and some are trying to play some sort of pressure. that comes. with. a group dark. people or so for pretty much. a country maybe a civil war no one knows for it with lead and iraq just across the border in forty democracies are not helping high regard here even among the opposition well
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syrians remain highly polarized across political lines most of them agree that the solution to their current crisis should be worked out within the country even for the opposition dugald they know it's still better than the demons that now haunt neighboring countries that's not going artsy damascus syria. well when the first episode of julia no songes show premiered here at archie and certainly caused the media stir it produced strong reactions ranging from praise to criticism across the aisle i'm take a few commentators remaining indifferent now on tuesday archie air of the next episode and norris gives details. of the second episode is airing we did see a lot of that backlash from the first episode but this new program features two people last august talking to two different people one of them's the slovenians level which is it who's a philosopher a fool who missed distance and now turns communist and also david horowitz who's
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a former left wing radical is to do some fundraising for the black panthers back in the day and is now a radical right wing zionist so from two completely different sides of the fence and when i went to talk to us on the school this program was broadcast he said this was one of the most heated episodes that he films during filming he tried to sort of talk about all this stuff talk about a range of issues but the two of them kept on coming back to the jewish question they kept on talking about israel and palestine he had to drag it away from that repeatedly and in fact at one point he says had to be physically restrained even though david horowitz wasn't even in the room he was in fact on the telephone so it's an extraordinary piece of television in the final cut that we do understand that they do talk about a range of issues they they do talk about the palestinians in the nazis they talk about the black panthers and the israelis and they also talk about the american presidential race but also the conversation also goes into europe and specifically
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what happens in europe after the second world war for the creation of this sort of social welfare states all through. that the welfare state was created in europe is dead now and that in fact it is not all that it's supposed to be european welfare. if you're going to meet me the european lab mark then i think even united states during wasn't this may be unique here you're in few months he story after world war two with the welfare state better so many people leave in shock safety. three dollars and so on don't make too much fun of the world it was a great thing it started last always was a disastrous spirit europe is a cultural scene for significant that's what happened that's what your welfare state just took you out of the plight i have had personal i hope her salute
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experience with the socialist dream paradise of sweden and i can tell you it is nothing like the other times when i was talking about his personal experience this week and of course he's talking about the expected result of his extradition hearing sweden's trying to extradite him on allegations of sexual assault that result is still pending so we still don't know whether i will get further experience of sweet and. more of the world's news for you in brief this hour the u.s. could use its military in afghanistan for at least a decade once and take control of its own security in twenty four thirteen pledges part of a new strategic pact agreed by the two countries on sunday but u.s. national security advisor stresses that washington will only act with kabul approval and what the document describes as being able to defend afghanistan both countries will review the plan signed by the american and afghan presidents.
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their region extremist anders breivik has said some of his victims' families during the final day of his testimony very apologize for those killed when the bombs in oslo government building but not for the massacre of most people on a holiday island he called them legitimate targets and with mines criminal guilt and judges decide brevik was sane during the murders he faces a maximum twenty one year jail sentence otherwise it will be indefinite psychiatric treatment. because prime minister mark ruta is expected to resign today after the collapse of his government over austerity measures his coalition partners the right wing freedom party refused to agree to costs and state pensions for talks which had been ongoing for a month from the country's budget by sixteen billion euro to meet e.u. rules ratings agency fitch has more in the netherlands may lose its aaa rating one of the few remaining eurozone states to hold the top ranking. russia and
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china are holding their first ever joint naval drills taking place in the yellow sea near the korean peninsula but also sellers will take part in the exercise which will simulate the rescue of hijacked vessels and the submarine operations please but what's key is a on board one of the ships taking part. i'm standing on board the russian destroyer amid all going to grab and we are now in the chinese port of king it took us nearly a week to reach the starting point for the joint russian chinese maneuvers called mabel corp two thousand and twelve the russian convoy consists of four big warships armed with conventional weapons three destroyers and the flagship missile cruiser but we are basically what we are going to see here in the next few days is an exercise in cooperation between russian and chinese naval forces for the first time were four key areas anti-terrorist missions protection of marine lines of communication guarding of civilian vessels and joint supply operations they have
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the sizes are the type of building on what's both forces have been each doing in the past couple of years in the gulf of aden to counter piracy both chinese and russian warships of the school the civilian convoys the coast of somalia and now they'll be learning to make it a joint effort most of the chinese ships we've seen here in the harbor look brand new princes right across the pier you can see the guided missile destroyer how do you know which will take part in the joint exercises in the yellow sea both sides stress that the war games are not directed against any particular country or military blog but there's in the creasing concern and both bosco in beijing about the us naval build up in the asia pacific and that's not to mention japanese and south korean naval forces to close allies with the us we've seen signs of japanese and south korea on our way to china when our conway was frequently followed by nato
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reconnaissance planes destroyers and submarines hundreds of sailors will take part of both sides supported by planes and helicopters. well through our eyes see what's happening in the primary school world katie joins us from the business first katie how are those markets reacting to what's happening in france political situation unexpected results there in the election yeah absolutely well the thing is unease that they're not happy investors are on the edge of their seats right now we've got sharp losses in the european markets today they don't like instability and that's what we've got right now and this is all because the victory of the souces pounds at francois hollande in the first round of it's really causing the concern as i state and roland are stronger than a capital says this is all because mr hollande is less likely to support your stary see measures that again as a solution to europe's debt issues. a lot of political change as a result of the european crisis if he was to become president probably the biggest
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change seen so far so far the germans in particular the french germs in particular have been pushing austerity on the part of the world is facing already some very difficult economic years i think if. president it will be more of a shift towards less and more spending as a way to get out of the european crisis. and if we look at those numbers right now as you can see you've got the down one point seven percent we've got the dax what two point eight percent in negative territory some verses really are showing their concerns the numbers speak for themselves this guy was the euro dollar and see how the common currency is getting on right now and we've also have police who just says in the netherlands as well that news is taking its toll also we had a bit of drama over who we can be government fell in on saturday and in other countries spending cuts that news is also causing concern if we have the ruble it's
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got a mix of formats right now it's hard against the u.s. dollar and the russian market as well they're not fairing much better at all of the r.t.s. and the my stocks both around two and a half percent down both courses here in moscow there were closing up a lesson it was time i think now i'll just have a look at the stars and see who's really moving and shaking this hour i will go lou call that stu suffering with got oil down as well so it's no surprise that new coal is suffering i would also had a spill in one of their deposits in the arctic as well that's causing concern apparently still of over two thousand tonnes of crude every bit the largest and the here in russia still suffering as well i'm actually just about managing to hold on to their gains all the retail reported and almost three fold jump in their profit for the first quarter ok it's going to search for prices i did mention they are indeed down a lot of this is because it's come from its highest. close in three days after a portside chinese consumption growth is slowing and that news from china has all
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filtered through the markets all day today in a south and next hour i'm going to be figures for the u.s. markets with see how they get on all right looking forward to that same place same time next hour thanks for my k.b. in a few minutes here on r t we take a look at our special report of the discrimination faced barely by immigrants in europe both after the short break and the headlines.
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when you force a story overseas it's my grocery birds will come home to roost. when their muscles hungry. empathy gives way to pull the commotions. towards those who live on the current. russia would be so much brighter if you knew about someone from finest impressions .


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