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tv   [untitled]    April 24, 2012 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT

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it's development from around russia we've got the future covered. news outlets on both sides of the atlantic all lash out at their former favorite truth teller as julia sundress second show premieres today here on r t. also the top swap in russia president elect live in a polluted picks outgoing leader dimitri medvedev to replace him as head of the country's ruling party but benefits also given the final kremlin speech of his. i'm not so charitable n.g.o.s are being accused of trying to incite foreign action in syria with moves similar to those that led to intervention in libya.
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hello welcome to says r t it's eight pm here in moscow now i'm kevin know in our top story downgraded from hero to traitor in the blink of an eye whistleblower julian assad was hailed by the major media as a real freedom ambassador now though they're labeling him a nut job after a show debut on r.t. the second episode which is airing here today that is laura smith reports of what's behind the signs use images sasa nation. it was one of the biggest stoops in full time ninety two thousand leaks no detail of the bloody truths of the afghan war from the ground up shared exclusively with a hunter full of newspapers and julian a soldier was its hero a nomad with no fixed address and a backpack full of secrets contacted some of the big mainstream players in the media markets and they were only too happy of course to take you back or one of the greatest perhaps the greatest leak of classified information in history the
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guardian has benefited hugely by the deal they made with. the leaks contains the material for dozens of stories in the new york times and the guardian in heart seeing their reputations as protectors of democracy and press freedoms but then the guardian newspaper was the best songs of the regional media partners called him an important pick up a most interesting and unusual. but now in the pages of the perry's thing publication he used still it's yes from hero to direct a. film and nothing more than journalistic jealousy a useful idiots in the guardian but not job in the new york times with partners like these who needs enemies it staggers me an absolute release. for all that so many journalists who really i think the job should be challenging authority their job should be preventing governments working in the dark seem to be
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so critical of somebody who's probably done with the most major issues in giving journalism a service and challenging probably in recent years a song says one reason he chose r.t. to podcast his program is that other channels wouldn't let the people he wanted to interview say the things they wanted to say some say the resulting backlash on both sides of the atlantic is a way for publications of questionable integrity to whitewash their. images it really makes american media howard's feel good to be able to point to other media outlets and say oh look over there those are tools and instruments for state propaganda because when we do that they get you forget about an obscure you know their own role in disseminating state propaganda most notoriously in the lead up to the iraq war where for example the new york times did more than almost anybody to convince americans about the need to attack iraq based on a lie but even since then the model of us knew years very much to show faith all the oil teaching the us government and so it's really there's really
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a lot of irony in a park receiving this criticism in a further irony for the guardian it's backlash seems to a seriously misjudged its readership comments in response to the article overwhelmingly supportive about science and his show and accuse the paper of bearing a childish grudge against its theory at worst it is. crucial political viewpoints taken by the mainstream media they don't like what the wiki cables have revealed they don't like work for julian assange represents because it really does threat perspective of mainstream media perhaps that's this latest and unintended scoop shows how so-called liberal media outlets like the guardian little york times are anything but demonstrating instead and intolerance is those who don't play by their rules and r.t. . if not quoted already today just to remind you during your son's you second show
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airs here in the next hour where he will bring together two political extremes for some ideological fireworks you can also log onto a sanj tops our t. dot com the watson program online and a ton of free as well if you prefer that the. president elect put in a putin's prepare me to convert it to replace him as the leader of the ruling united russia party putin takes over the country's top job from a vote of in two weeks is out is when it collapsed. he is going to step down from his post as the chairman of the united russia and he proposed meeting with bet his candidacy for that post that of course will happen after the inauguration which is to take place on the seventh of may and of course the person who is going to be heading the united russia will have to be elected during the session of the united russia so that will also happen in the second half of make now to me that it has met with the members of the state council and given them a speech on the achievements and shortcomings off his presidential terms he
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mentioned among other things some of the issues which are still needed to be worked on in russia and those words are education increasing the life span in the over the next six years and of course fighting corruption should be given in ancient china they used to say the biggest problem is despising your enemy which we have declared war on corruption we know who our enemy is and we will not back down the first time in russian history we created the right legal tools to fight this well armed enemy and we will carry on this fight. but some of the improvements he's also mentioned among those this is the level of inflation which seems to have gone down to the level where it was four years ago right before the financial crisis so does look like russia has made it out of the economic slump a lot better than a lot of other countries is also talked about this is a graphic problem which doesn't seem to threaten russia as much as before also of course it makes me very hard returns to the issue of freedom versus long freedom he
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said that some russians have been associating to markers the end freedom with chaos and absence of any bodily comfort he said that that is a mistake and he has encouraged people to take a more active part in a civil society we should leave democracy is no longer a swear word its prestige has been recovered and its prospects for our country has been restored i believe the political diversity intellectual get involved. politics will only hold you should democracy develop improved and we will become stronger and more effective as far as the president's plans for what he's going to do is no longer president we can assume that most likely the chairman of the united russia party and a lot of forecasters are saying that he is the most likely candidate for the prime ministerial. on the way in a few minutes on this channel why israelis should be worried. if someone with me i don't know i need to one. believe is say the threat to attack iran has no hot air
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but of nothing prepared for their own citizens to run him back. to my locker was only in southeast asia but it's not we're reporting right from the program from the massive joint exercises being held between russian and chinese nato forces in the yellow sea and we find out what's driving them. far from helping to battle the nation n.g.o.s operating in syria are being accused of helping to push towards military intervention some of peddling unverified reports to deliberately encourage foreign action that is miniport are explainers now the agency's hold sway with groups like nato which is weighed in on their findings before the consequences. it was billed as a necessary humanitarian intervention requiring nato warplanes to rain bombs on libya before the u.s. led attack on no market alfie's forces. came
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unconfirmed allegations from western funded non-governmental organizations here who knew from the east and the only evidence of riots in fact today we got information that needs to get out been massive maisonette. these mercenaries seem to have come. and kill also here the distinction according to a new report by the center for the study of interventionism many western n.g.o.s exaggerated the circumstances in libya to expedite the campaign led by america britain and france some admitted mistakes after the damage was done but was awarded the vertical it will have to do the most it is we have other than you there is a doubt we do exhibit were his record of things unfortunately we have seen. a very cozy chose relationship building up between certain big powerful engine human rights watch a mystery international they're supposed to be
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a jet you told me which monitors standards equally of course doesn't play excites when you see these organizations as i say entering into an excessively cozy relationship with for example the united states government but also without the powerful western allies over libya and over all the issues. currently the most pressing issue is syria after more than a year of violence critics say western funded n.g.o.s appear to be following the same pattern the equivalent if you like of the libyan leadership human rights which is called the center for human rights but has played exactly the same role they have made statements to the human rights council. cry. she seems to manage to pay. attention in the tree and they are quite sure. who are trying to secure a military intervention against syria along the lines of what was voted or at least
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approved last year in order for condi to be arrested this year this infamous connie twenty twelve movie came from california based ngo invisible children it said the film aims to end the use of child soldiers and promote peace in the ugandan civil war but according to the u.s. embassy cables posted by wiki leaks invisible children provided uganda's authorities with intelligence in two thousand and nine that led to the arrest of several regime opponents willing to. believe but was not the one time. provided information to. us what else do we know in terms of their relations with the ugandan government. we know that they paid for here for. prominent ugandans and politicians. were supportive of their position and trying to support the approach to come here
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and help promote. the bill was passed it was signed by the president and it paved the way for the introduction of u.s. troops into uganda n.g.o.s are not currently held accountable for the information they publish no matter how much collateral damage false facts may cause left on regulated critics believe some non-governmental organisations will continue behaving the way for conflict rather than advocating peaceful solution it's not working on parts of new york for stories of get so if you get a minute had to call more websites read tonight how the us from a state of ghana start from of the decade beyond that twenty four to pull out deadline according to the draft. washington in kabul american military forces may be used to what the agreement describing is a class to defend afghanistan if that's true as interest to you so long from us tonight if you want to find more detail. about steroid mining what's this will robo
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ships harvest mineral rich such as gold. in space within five years it's a big. thing these are the images. from the streets of canada. operation. the official party applications your i phone or i pod touch for me i choose our. jobs light on the good. video on demand parties my old calls. for a sense feeds now in the palm of your. com
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could have you with us tonight probably a crane in progress really to miss shanker who's currently serving a seven year term of a b. term for abuse of power is going on hunger strike she's been refusing food now for five days after another corruption probe was launched which she insists is fabricated to michelle who was taken to hospital last friday which her lawyer claims was against their will from a premier alleges prison guards punched her in the stomach and twisted her arms when she refused to go which the prison authorities deny the machine has been complaining of poor health since she was jailed last october and is demanding treatment in germany ukrainian call is now investigating whether to michelle committed economic crimes in the one nine hundred ninety s. if guilty of zero she could get an extra twelve years behind bars. for beijing is looking for backing from nordic states for its paid to gain a foothold in the arctic region and its vast energy resources china's prime minister is now in sweden for talks francis learn from hong kong based investment
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firm says that while not all arctic nations are king to work with beijing they will have to eventually accept chinese involvement. but i think in the key question nordics explosion. of china in there in fighting for resources in the arctic ocean. and there we will find. because the arctic powers like. norway. why aren't. people other countries exploration not a strong china as china is now china is not really in a big enough to petro would be arctic ocean as of now but. that will stop china's premier in trying to exercise some diplomatic reach even to the arctic ocean because china great now is the second largest economy and it has
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a stake in every economic issue will for europe wallow in recession and china growing least eight percent a year. and china pace europe ecological is soon or later maybe sooner and i think the global community. in accepting the emergence of china's economic superpower and except work with china right it in a post china. israel's prime minister has described egypt's sinai peninsula as a kind of wild west benjamin netanyahu said that after the revolution the egyptian authorities lost control of the area along the border with israel and he claims it's now being used by islamist militants aided by a rat the stage attacks on the jewish state this is because this story today vehicle. but the jerusalem post is on the line from tel aviv tonight. these are
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strong words strong choice of words well let you know which i guess going to offend egypt is not what he intended. certainly didn't intend to offend anybody but unfortunately we have seen over the past year the sinai peninsula becoming an area where global jihadi elements. as well as hamas in gaza all of these radical forces have been using the sinai peninsula as a base to store arms to launch attacks on israel we had a rocket attack on a lot earlier couple of weeks ago and all the evidence is mounting that unfortunately. at the moment is not under anybody's control not the best time in the coming war just twenty four hours after the business disagreement cutting the gas supplies to israel on sunday causing. your country to say the peace treaty between the two is now in danger what you know where is this all heading and is this the best time a to come out with
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a statement today do you think well actually the two issues are intrinsically linked and can't separate one from the other the dispute over the gas supply line. stemming from the fact that egypt has unfortunately been unable to secure the pipeline it's been sabotaged no fewer than fourteen times so much so that the israeli government has already months ago begun looking for alternatives to the gas supply because it's become an unreliable source of energy so again these things are all linked to the same issue they're all coming from the same fact which is that sinai at the moment is not a secure place. also brought in a. in here it's a bit like another attempt to preset iran as a as a threat. well iran is a threat it is the world's largest sponsor of terrorism this is
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a very unfortunate and alarming fact but a fact it is nonetheless sponsors hamas in gaza islamic jihad other violent groups such as the popular resistance committees iran is sending arms and cash all the time to these organizations so it may be an inconvenient fact for sound but the fact remains. on the program that you have covered up in a journalist from the jerusalem post much appreciated. most. small world view through this series of blasts rocked the syrian capital with several people said to be killed syrian state t.v. and anti-government activists claim three intelligence officers died in damascus and other persons believed dead after an army truck blew up while driving near the iranian embassy attacks covers syrian ceasefire monitors read the city with the government blaming rebels for the violence. south sudan's president says attacks by neighboring sudan amount to a declaration of war violence is escalating overall disputes and both states split
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last year after two decades of fighting independence has left south sudan with most of the reserves with all pipelines however running through its northern neighbor but monday sudanese warplanes bombed a town across the border it killed at least two people. but clashes erupted between protesters and security forces in bahrain overnight they followed the funeral of a man whose body was found little good shot pellets a day after he was involved in a confrontation with the police demonstrators threw stones and petrol bombs at police officers who responded with tear gas and stun grenades. egypt's ruling generals have approved a law passed earlier by parliament battling mubarak era officials from running for president the move could affect a former prime minister with cherry wants to stand now if the law is published and comes into force before the election committee agrees the final list of candidates on thursday he will be disqualified another hoping to run the country's former
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intelligence chief has already been barred as well as to leaving is released. thousands of military personnel along with the naval craft including submarines and destroyers are taking part in the first ever joint russian chinese sea drills currently underway in the yellow sea off the korean peninsula but even though the war games are purely peaceful nato is keeping a watchful eye as that is polaski reports. if fortress for war games were on board the admiral going to grow out of in the real conflict this destroyer would act as the first line of defense to the rest of the convoy one hundred fifty metres long and armed to the teeth with everything from gaping guns to therapy dogs and missiles this was designed to pose a serious threat to cruisers and submarines but in a few recent missions they are going to grow up has been and a very different kind of war the want against the poor it's off the coast of somalia and it's more than providing its model the group of poirot's captured by the vinogradov in the gulf of aden were handed over to yemeni police and received
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ten year prison terms for attacking civilian ships done absolutely brilliant for two helicopters scrambled the criminals were detained and in keeping with international agreements handed over to the yemeni authorities the experience gained could world prove useful during rosso chinese maneuvers booth countries train their sailors in counterterrorism tasks become one of the exercise in general is important to improve interaction in the asia pacific i think which is already suppression is a step towards closer cooperation but what certainly not again is the fact that every move in our convoy is being watched closely by nato planes ships and submarines in the past few years the u.s. and its allies have been increasing their presence in the asia pacific region so for russia and china this exercise is about more than simply practicing maneuvers it's a chance to restamp their authority on their traditional stomping grounds. r t on board destroyer admiral vinogradov in the yellow sea chicken world finance katie's
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out of business yesterday hi katie avia u.s. markets still managing to hold on to those gains they are actually. trying day and they're doing rather well but so far so good care that they're not alone but that is because of solid copra earning results that's really pushed out the dow jones. a hundred points you could get on to the figures you'll be able to see that it's not quite as good for the now and that's because a lot of us stocks are right so one in particular is awful that company has been suffering as far as the last eleven days are concerned i've been down ten of those days that's one to watch today now as well as are over in the u.s. we had the home prices dropping sharply in february to hit the worst level in nearly a decade now that sounds a disaster but is actually not as much as what investors were anticipating take what you can see on the screen is relief now there's talk about europe because it's
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all going on we've got the french situation the neverland situation in civil concern all this whatever to close about francois hollande that he wants to renegotiate follows euro membership with painful spending and how the members have to make but burdens foreign minister. just says those terms aren't negotiable about set up a bill raising route between the two linked spins of the single currency so it's handbags at dawn is how to look at the european markets they're coming to the end of the day and as we can see the footsie and then they also dread the name value so investors showing their optimism ferry much in days now until america's she's come out with some comments recently saying that it's all about balancing the budget is no stairs it is the way forward and i'll see goes against what a lot on our wants to achieve now don't forget that almost seventy members signed these reforms to do with these cops and that includes jobs so they want to was
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farmers have a hook they try to figure it all or see how that's trading as i say strain as well as an economist of. the never as a political situation now where we all got wanted to do i want this in on a lot of how the ruble finished up or is stronger against both the basket of currencies that we have. look at the russian markets will see that they closed up in the red is a lackluster day i guess is very much focused on what's going on in the euro parent us air as well we have a mixed performance on my sax point six percent we have a look at the individual salaries this is not really suffered i can promise down that was a surprise after they announce higher than expected production for the first quarter lupul was down as well but a soft prices have come off hard for have a look at those in a moment dixie that's a retailer in russia nobody commish down point eight percent and that's despite reporting first quarter revenue doubling year on year they had a healthy again at the beginning of the day but they managed to finish up the fact
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that however for those four prices as i say they do remain stable that was not the sentiments going on with international international pressure excuse me got me involved coming in surprise you because supply is improving in the rest of the idea of that some of them are very much in parts of those oil prices now now on the topic of oil i want to talk about what's next if i my bosses will and it's reportedly in talks with the need to drill in the black sea or so just looking for florida. keys to the new access deposits now is comes after the firm agreed to all the arctic within a and america's exxon mobil. marshes president has pledged not to burden business with new taxes in his speech today he added all state states in companies will be reviewed and dropped if he found the necessary dimitri medvedev also promised to minimize paperwork saying it just happens to ask the tax office.
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that's how the markets have favorite quote of the day what you see on screen is relief. surely the only intensifying spot between iran and israel with the. headlines in just a few minutes. when
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you force spring overseas my grocery birds will come home to roost. when they're massive and hungry. empathy his way to pull the commotions. towards those who live on the current.
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it's. the. wealthy british. market finiteness. find out what's really happening to the global economy with much cause or for a no holds.


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