tv [untitled] April 25, 2012 9:00am-9:30am EDT
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look at the global financial headline news. report. mass killer on there is a brave tries to defend his sanity to give credence to his murderous extremism with fears that his anti islamic ideology has taken root elsewhere in europe. silenced but no storm tear gas rains down on bahrain's pro-democracy protesters get the was keeps quiet prompting accusations of selective support in arab uprisings. syrian border security reportedly repel pathak and saudi backed extremists filtering from iraq as the peace envoy strengthens paul's for an urgent expansion of the un monitors squad. and a test suggests that andre would go boy a russian deputy that torricelli accused of killing former security officer alexander me being caught in london is innocent that's the result of
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a polygraph exam by u.k. specialists. oh and thanks for joining our team this wednesday at it's five o'clock here in moscow in a. confessed mass murder andras but i have a council used wednesday's testimony to try and convince judges that he was sane when he killed seventy seven people last july the right wing extremist wants his ideology to be taken seriously rather than considered the ramblings of a madman but as our party's over bennett now reports of the worry is that his message is already resonating elsewhere in europe. this is considered the breeding ground of far wrong to extremism in the u.k. it's on to a large muslim community and also to the english defense league who are now
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considered one of the most dangerous groups of the global county jihad movement. it started as a gang of football hooligans and in just three years its ranks have swelled to more than seventy thousand all united against what they call the threat of islam the same ideology inspired norwegian mass murderer anders behring breivik and now it's on the rise according to a report by a u.k. anti fascism group a worldwide counter jihad network has surged since predicts attacks with over one hundred far right groups in europe alone it names e.t.l. leader tommy robinson a key figure in that they just some far left organization again hate say things that when we express how we feel we're called far right extremists so you say you are not far right one not far right now i'm not far and i write none of my views. follow islam is for islam these it is responsible for a thousand nine hundred terrorist attacks of september eleventh there were about
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one in one man breivik praised the deal in his manifesto calling them a blessing campaigners fear these views could inspire a similar attack in britain if the government doesn't crack down soon matthew collins is a former far right fascist who's now switched sides we've being our government for two years specifically only so you must. you must view the deal as we do the radical islamic groups the problem is that they inspire people they organize people they fill people's head up with nonsense there are people in the deal who actually don't think they are so carnival interest crusaders often extremist groups can be the trigger for somebody to do something something quite unpleasant quite nasty britain is considered a hotbed of far right extremism with sixteen anti islamic groups operating here the report classes the british freedom party is one of them its chairman paul weston
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was another cited by brevik highlighting a blog that claimed the west is fighting a european civil war against islam so i'm not saying go out and commit violence and the most astonishing thing about this for me is it is the whole breivik thing has been picked up picked up on by the media with no documentary evidence of any so-called right wing movements saying go out there and shoot. when the islam it is clear that your blog posts acted as an inspiration to him amongst other several of these are these are simply that they may well be an inspiration to but we cannot do you know we cannot say nothing simply because there might be some lone psychopath somewhere in europe groups like the british freedom party and the e.t.l. still aren't considered far right all extremists by the or thora sees the two recently joined forces and planned to run in the next round of local elections the worry for anti fascist campaigners is that they could attract support on to
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bennett's r.t. luton. and it's a clash of far right and left in the second edition of july innocence interview show here on r.t.e. he can head to our web site to watch the program that's the world talking. ok british a lie detector test has revealed that the u.k.'s prompt suspect in the poisoning and murder of former intelligence officer had legs on that need to go is innocent a polygraph house cleared russian and. void who's become the focus of a dispute souring relations for several years between london and moscow which is
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refusing to extradite him to britain artie's laura smith joins us a lot of a with a more now laura what else do we know about these latest revelations in the living in ca solver. well we know that you got a voice has confirmed that he did indeed take this call across tests which was administered by the british public office a c.-h. and in moscow we've all seen polygraph tests on the television we know how they were they attack us that senses i'm too off to seriously question some of which of control questions that we already know the answers to just to test their reaction and these senses test changes in blood pressure in sweats in breathing in body temperature that kind of thing to assess whether whether someone is lying or telling the truth look i've always said that this was a three hour procedure that he underwent in moscow and some of the main questions that are related to the libyan case i can just tell you a bit about them they are to him did you do anything that led to the death of the
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younger and about buoyancy no did you in any way have a pulse in the death of the young again the answer was no have you ever had any dealings with polonium we know of course that we know what killed jesus of poison called nine to ten again the answer was no the people from the british pull it off association said that they then went away analyze that data they said that his answers were not light and that in their professional opinion he was telling the truth now as you mentioned this is a case which has broward relations for a number of years between london and moscow the u.k. has requested the extradition of i'm going to go to put him on trial for the margin of fifteen young crowd mosco has repeatedly refused that request because under the terms of russia's constitution it's impossible to extradite russian citizens so really they've reached something of an armed hot in this case this polygraph test it is likely post simply to change that marine and it being encouraged on the new
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connected wife successfully attention to how a full inquiry into her husband's death she won that right in october two thousand and eleven although we've seen yet yet to see. see that the inquiry open lugovoy he's already said that he will participate in that inquiry wherever wherever it's needed we have new reaction from the u.k. government so far about the results of this polygraph test but it is significant that actually polygraph tests are not. admissible in u.k. courts at the moment although they are being increasingly used to substantiate all the rhetoric but there have been many things recently that were pointed to the fact that the u.k. needs to look for another suspect in this murder and that it can carry on all you want about this is just barking up the grow your own tree and really really reach something of a dead end so this may go some way towards changing that it's all right artie's a laura smith reporting live from london there are thank you more. in bahrain
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there are no signs of violence dying down with police firing tear gas at protesters during yet more clashes in the capital manama anti-government demonstrations have been intensifying since the weekend when the world's eyes were on the formula one grand prix race there but as the sport's top drivers when home foreign criticism of the regime seems to have gone with them artes you can go to reports. for centuries it has been known as the pearl of the persian gulf but recent months have seen behind lose its luster. while it's within the country's shia muslim majority population and the sunni minority in government threatens not just to do real bihari but since shock waves through other nations that are heavily invested in the islands of stability such as the united states the dilemma of the us faces and bahrain is a tough one on the one hand washington feels at least
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a blog to think something about the continuing standoff between the protesters and the police on the other hand bahrain is home to the u.s. fifth fleet the largest american base in the oil rich gulf region just a stone's throw away from iran and to lose an ally as valuable as bahrain would be disastrous for washington. western politicians wasted no time in jumping on the arab spring bandwagon with fiery condemnations of the regimes in countries like egypt libya and syria yet suspiciously flies below their rhetorical radar the bahraini regime is playing a very dangerous game now of course has a majority against its own government and seeing a very sort of the end of days many people are expecting now of course there are huge arms deals with american british dealers that the bahraini government will be
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able to use against the protesters the american government lost no time to criticize russia's interests in syria but failed to explain why it renewed its fifty three million dollars arms sales contract with bahrain even a year after a bloody crackdown on protesters on the island one cannot deny the fact that this is a very important for the interests of the united states that the king remains in power and that there is full of. by the king and his people to crush any any call that democratic called for example for the removal of the american bases from this part of the world as any country any sovereign country would wouldn't want foreign bases on its territory when it's not necessary but he wants to have a foreign base of its shores for years the countries rulers spirit iran which laid claim to the islands several times the last being in one nine hundred seventy one
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having more than four thousand american military personnel on the ground may be viewed by the bahraini government as assurance from them but for some it's out of date and running out of time. the irony about the persian gulf dictatorships is they don't really need to be submissive at all they do have power energy power and the facts of these persian gulf dictators continue to be so. to washington and even london displays what kind of colonial mentality must surround these dictatorships families being left alone to sort out a solution isn't easy but. they at least acknowledged transgression against their own civilians in the ugly scenes between protesters and police was that a human rights violations and behind us the very human rights violations in america there were human rights violations and i think the. saying is that allowed no it's not allowed and that's why we are working. today in which they were
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direction but green may be heading the west seems to be the other way the matter how high the cost for these islands people. go r.t. . still had in the program a hyped up menace telling you what russia really thinks about iran's alleged nuclear threat not just the selective comment seen elsewhere but our exclusive interview with the country's top general. and irritating the dragon can china's patients hold out as america's military is a war games and its backyard we report on that shortly. reports in the syrian media suggest a border guards have clashed with extremist fighters flowing from iraq they armed group is allegedly funded by saudi arabia and qatar and include mercenaries linked to civilian killings in syria peace envoy kofi is calling for
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a speedier deployment of further u.n. monitors to try and quell the violence. can now reports. kofi annan has expressed particular alarm at reports that government troops entered the syrian city of hama firing automatic weapons and said if confirmed the firing is unacceptable earlier the spokesman for the envoy said the syrian government is not fully complying with the plan which was generally supported by the international community in which the syrian government claims it remains committed to the plan stressed the need to withdraw army tanks from populated areas and according to the un envoy they have satellite images which show that the tanks are still on the ground and that is seen as a violation of the six point plan but in order to get a full picture of what's going on satellite images are not enough and kofi annan stressed the need to increase the number of international observers on the ground to one hundred by the end of the month as earlier the u.n. security council approved the deployment of three hundred un observers the fore
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front group if you want observers is already in syria and everyone agrees that the u.n. needs more eyes on the ground to make sure that all sides of the conflict are doing their part because the plan addresses government forces as well as opposition forces and you do have people there who don't like to plan the opposition has not come up with a common response or whether they're going to engage in a dialogue with the government to work out a political solution to the crisis and that dialogue is also part of the plan as far as the u.s. washington says it supports the plan but at the same time they kind of expect it's failure here is what secretary of state hillary clinton said the u.s. is preparing for the potential failure of kofi annan plan to end the violence in syria and will take additional steps against the syrian government if it does russia on the other hand sees kofi annan plan as the only way to bring about peace in syria and the you want observer mission as crucial to verify whether everyone is committed to just this tuesday the rebels blew up an army truck in damascus there
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have been several attacks around the massacres in the same day all targeted at security forces several people were killed so you still have well armed militia there who are of course no match to the syrian army but according to the plan they too have to abide by they to have to stop killing. bolstering peacekeeper numbers may fail to make a difference in syria u.s. based political analyst its mile hossein says washington and its allies have no interest in ending the fighting on the one hand the western powers hello the boy the united states and he disappeared from the arab league and turkey their army training funding. sending mercenaries also into syria on the other hand they say we should have a ceasefire and the terrorists are dispersed among population they haven't accepted the cease fire in fact not only the opposition the so-called opposition which are
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a bunch of the terrorists. hears and the secretary of state hillary clinton already talking about the postilion of the ceasefire so this is altogether . devoid of logic it's totally preposterous. to have the job swap that's ringing the chain. indio long known as the world's call center hospital is turning the outsourcing tables by recruiting unemployed americans. the u.s. and the philippines have staged a joint military exercise storming an island in the south china sea near a marine area disputed with beijing america has been upping its armed presence in the area pacific region despite growing protests from china and asia times correspondent pepe escobar says that it's the latest attempt by washington to provoke beijing. it's
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a concerted white tiles state department cia pentagon agenda and the agenda is call from station or militaristic they're not crazy enough to start a war in the south china sea what they want to do is to keep provoking china because the south china sea not only in terms of being a national strategic interest to china is a very important oil and gas route so every scene that includes the arabian sea the south china sea and the western pacific which china sees as. the immediate area of influence and lead to an area of influence the u.s. navy's going to be there and they will be looking for trouble that's what media hype is swirling around the russian chief of general staff comments about iran's nuclear capability some news outlets jumped on nicholai markov's remarks on
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a legit nuclear threat made and then interview to our to spotlight program tom burton explains to us what really was set. the general was interviewed and asked about the possible threat from a number of countries regarding specifically nuclear threats nuclear missiles including north korea and iran and general mccurry of the head of the armed forces general staff said that yes that threat was indeed always present and that without specifying directly iran a number of countries could possibly present that threat has been closely monitoring the nuclear capabilities of many countries and they got there we are aware that many countries home they were admitted having a nuclear arsenal but they actually have one no doubt if nuclear weapons fall into the hands of extremists what it will seriously compromise international security but we conducted a joint assessment with our u.s. counterparts which prove that the threat is a realistic one that iran involved at the moment with heated an ongoing diplomatic
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exchanges regarding its nuclear ambitions and it is that threat that is central in the u.s. reasoning behind its missile defense plans in eastern europe the general was keen to state that it has long been russia's position that the pursuit of a missile defense shield against these possible threats should be pursued together with russia u.s. nato plans to put that missile shield in eastern europe without russian involvement would result in responses both diplomatic and military because of the undermining of of russia's nuclear capability that full interview will be played tomorrow on r.t. and you can watch it here throughout the day. party dot com has all the updates on analysis on iran's nuclear program so you can get the full picture of there also online now a very different kind of fashion victim there is fury over these new t.
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shirts which have gone on sale jewish groups say they are disturbingly similar to the clothes which the nazis forced prisoners to wear during the holocaust. taller or terrorist find out why u.s. security staff suspected it might be the latter detaining a young girl for questioning. india may have a starring growth and be rated just above junk by standard and poor's on wednesday but there's still a helping hand for america's jobless the country is outsourcing call center and back office jobs to the united states prius trader explains. infosys is india's second largest i.t. company and has been a pioneer of outsourcing using highly skilled indian staff on low wages working for western clients but with recession in the west the boots on the other foot infosys is now one of several top indian firms recruiting in the u.s.
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with over twelve million jobless many in america are willing to work for less pay the u.s. is also providing tax breaks to indian firms keen to woo those offering much needed jobs there is of course reported to be pressure because of the high i'm number armond in the u.s. to drink and its companies to record rates again is one of the reasons why we had according there there are incentives for companies to set up operations in the u.s. most states when business was to come well infosys predicts a quarter of its staff will come from outside india in a decade another tech firm ages already has five thousand american workers and plans to hire ten thousand more in the next three years. they're going to be hard. to do. the job. market far
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from that along. with indian companies winning more work in the u.s. using local staff also makes good business sense one of the biggest reasons indian companies are expanding their workforce is in the united states is they're making a lot of money there and folks this is generating sixty five percent of its revenue in north america and indeed outsourcing companies as a whole are generating fifty percent of their revenue there or thirty billion dollars indian i.t. firms are increasing their global operations at a record pace coming from one of the fastest growing economies in the world but the domestic boom. driven wages higher in india further making recruitment in the west more attractive to some companies while washington has repeatedly spoken out against offshoring of american jobs it looks like the east might just be bailing it out from its jobless crisis preassure either r.t. bangalore india. now look at some other stories making headlines around the world
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media mogul rupert murdoch says former u.k. prime minister gordon brown declared a war on his company first switching allegiance for the election in two thousand turned murdoch is testifying to a british media ethic inquiry about his relations with top level politicians earlier his son james told m.p.'s of the family's close ties with current prime minister david cameron e-mails have also emerged suggesting the culture secretary helped murdoch's now failed attempt to take over the satellite broadcaster b. sky b. . cozies finance minister has given a grim outlook for europe's financial future that is the debt crisis is far from over and more cuts are vital the timing is not good for the president who is being forced to fight for his job in a runoff election sarkozy's handling of the economy is blamed for
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a slump in the polls with the socialist rival francois on learned winning over a disillusioned voters it's. business time with katie and just two weeks after getting together with exxon mobil it seems like ross enough is bringing in another international partner yeah that's right carol russia's biggest is putting more muscle power behind their plans to develop offshore deposits now roth has signed an agreement with its neighbors and the two companies will work together in the oil rich fields of the arctic and the black sea now for more i'm joined by. thomas live from the royal sea as headquarters to you now the head of the polish guy and he says he's in talks with the both of gas probable that his own wife does that mean. more competition now. well i can't speak to their personal relationships but i can say that the governments at least in the energy sector will be
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a little bit more busy with this deal let me tell you about it in fact anya's have signed this deal today and what it means is that the two companies will be working together in tandem to explore up in the arctic specifically in the barents and the black sea now any has a thirty three percent interest in this joint venture and what ross enough will get out of it is access to some of any other projects around the world including other countries like north africa the united states and europe as well and also some technology that will help bring some much needed reform to russia's oil industry now let me tell you a little bit about the financial part of this about two billion has been committed for the exploration side of this but then around one hundred billion dollars is expected to be needed to help see this project through this is not as big as a similar deal which was signed between ross nafta and exxon within the past two
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weeks that deal between two hundred and three three hundred billion dollars of course these are early numbers and these numbers can expand but also one thing to really point out about this area in the barents in the black sea is up in the arctic region this oil is very difficult to extract and russ nafta is very interested in gaining supremacy in the area and making sure that they have the top edge this is a big part of russia have to push into that area to make sure that they go for these hard to extract resources in fact of the exxon deal they're not expecting any thing to come to fruition for at least eight years in this exploration deal also to kind of show you how important this deal between annie and russ nath was is that putin himself the prime minister and president elect was on hand to make sure that this deal went through. thank you very. david out sean thomas and lovely spring like last guy at the roughnecks headquarters thank you very much indeed shall i k.
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that is the business for now that's all we've got time for we are going to have a look at the markets we check out those all prices let's do it right we're going to have a low we've got all the oil prices it gaining this out of major brands just slightly drop just in the last few minutes or so the happen for a strong corporate results released this week from oil and gas companies that's worth mentioning that check out the russian markets and see how that sets up to finish because it's just over an hour until they close off and then looking likely to finish. up around top of this and the mises around for recourses of a percent at this hour moving on with check out those stocks and see who's really performing this hour we've got gas from the overall percentage up we've also got plenty matter as well while doing too bad too good it's all excuse me they present disappointing two thousand and eleven results and if we have a look at the t.v. we can see they say are up about zero point two percent this out as all we've got time for all the back in the next hour with more market small business will finance karen all right many thanks for that update katie our special report only
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