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tv   [untitled]    April 25, 2012 10:30pm-11:00pm EDT

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more news today violence is once again flared up. these are the images cobol has been seeing from the streets of canada. china operations are the day. mission and free accreditation free. for chargers free arrangements free. three stooges free. download free broadcast quality video for your media projects a free media don carty dot com you.
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hard time for you said it i read it right take time to respond to my brilliance and engaging they were comments from facebook twitter and you too because when you've got something to say i listen now first i want to respond to a viewer that washed our interview on the f.b.i.
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seizure of an entire server last week which hosted an anonymous remailer service used by the activist groups rise up networks and may first people link as zuni to comment on youtube and said anonymizer is used by people who don't want the government or corporations spying on them aka the bad people and you know i think unfortunately that's the way that a lot of people look at this especially people in the government they think that because a group or a person would want their communications not to be monitored by everybody and their mother then they must be up to no good it's a really dangerous mindset has become almost normal in this post nine eleven state if you don't want your communications monitored by the government then you must be a criminal and the reality is that you're person you're not in a speech they're both supposed to be protected in this country something that a lot of people seem to have forgotten especially those working in the government again but unfortunately i think that too many of the rest of us have become complacent about letting that go next i want to respond to a viewer that watched our update on the trial of bradley manning yesterday and
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that's magician commented on you tube america should be outraged that manning's right to a speedy trial was an exercise but then again how an american know if the m.s.m. does not report anything about the manning trial it is just sick and you know it that's right americans should be outraged and yet they're not in fact i would venture to say that most americans don't even know the bradley manning was kept imprisoned in the united states for over seven hundred days without trial and that's because nobody in the media seems to care and when they have briefly weighed in on this case it was often just to immediately declare him a traitor to the u.s. so once again the point is not what somebody did how you feel about it but the fact that there are fundamental the. i'll use protections that we're all supposed to have like the right to is fair and speedy trial and finally i want to respond to a very kind of you were jamie belden said on facebook alone to show thank you thank you thank you for everything you do i never imagined it was possible to have such an articulate and awesome news program i hear your staff is filled with intelligent
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women it shows it's refreshing well thank you and you're right our staff is in fact filled with lots of intelligent women but we did what one guy and that's it my ranting today will be back with more as usual next week. well it looks like the pressure against this but is building and maybe even working now to refresh this or the cyber intelligence sharing and protection act has been drawing a lot of criticism so that companies will be able to share your personal data or it was written so that companies will be able to share personal data with government agencies all as long as they deem something to be a potential cyber threat and we've been talking about how scary this bill is but sort of organizations like the electronic frontier foundation the center for democracy and technology they even dreamed last week stop cyber spying week and guess what today the white house released a statement coming out against this five because they say that it doesn't do enough to protect national security while also shredding americans privacy online and the
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white house even said in the statement that if the bill in its current form reached the oval office it would be vetoed now it's scheduled to be voted on at the end of this week but even the author of the of the bill are now getting the picture the original co-sponsors congressman mike rogers and ruppersberger announce of their open to changes today amendments are proposed in a hearing and over all these amendments of lassoing the government creating limits on how they could use the data handed over from the companies saying if the information could only be used to protect national security and couldn't be used in any other instances beyond anything labeled as a cyber threat but a cyber threat is still very vague so that really could be enough to make this a good bill we're going to get into that tomorrow but for now just know the opposition is gaining some traction. well there are a lot of eyes directed at the public display of military power from pakistan today as less than a week after india test fired a nuclear capable missile they did the same but considering that diplomatic negotiations between the two countries have been on the upswing lately is it really
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worth worrying about or is that just the typical nuclear brinkmanship where even frenemies have to every now and then remind each other that mutual destruction is indeed possible now perhaps even more attention needs to be made or paid for the leaks of the strategic agreement between the u.s. and afghanistan that one that would seal a ten year commitment from the u.s. past twenty four teams we have to ask if the u.s. really has any need any interest in afghanistan once the troops are gone or if there might be something about having property next door to pakistan the nuclear country that won't let the u.s. operate extensively on their own land i'm joined by retired lieutenant colonel anthony shaffer senior national security adviser with the task force on national and homeland security and author of the book operation dark heart our tony thank you so much for joining us tonight and first starters you know what's your take on these back to back missile tests. well as you said tit for tat both sides want to be made very clear that one side is not getting the advantage over the other this
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is been going back and frankly this went back to the cold war during the time that we were dealing with charlie wilson's war the soviet occupation of afghanistan we were conveniently looking at the way as a pakistani it's built a nuclear program at the same time the indians are doing the same thing for obviously the purpose of having deterrence to dissuade the attacks never doing anything so we have now situation where both sides are armed with nuclear weapons india is a stable country a democracy back to stand is this sort of stable country a sort of mock recy and they have insurgents which are weakening the government so this is one of the reasons i like your deductions we've got to look at what's going on in pakistan i think much harder than what's going on in india because of the central government ever falls we're going to have some real problems with the fact that they the pakistanis have over one hundred nuclear weapons and probably enough material to make at least a hundred more but so in that sense you know clearly i think that india is the real
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intended target here in terms of sending a message when you want to test i mean i think april missile but is there any kind of message that should be sent to the u.s. you know there also is a lot of positioning for more power and more influence especially once u.s. troops start to leave and then it starts to make more sense that maybe the u.s. would get into an agreement for the next ten years since so they can still have some influence over pakistan even though we will have a massive troop presence in afghanistan on the border there why it's very clear that we should be focusing on a regional solution and focusing on what could hurt us most nuclear weapons could hurt us a lot especially in the hands of folks who don't like us with that said i think the most most likely target even if an insurgency group or terrorist group gets a hold of it back a stand is india so we should have been looking at this a lot harder and more detail than we have should have because the telly bond. for better or for worse or really you know focused on trying to go into afghanistan to reestablish some level of order there i just don't see them coming here i don't see
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them going after the indians frankly and so this is where we have to be much wiser than we have been and frankly if you have the iranians on one side trying to develop nuclear weapons you've got other elements. you know the west who have concerns in the region you have the chinese from their perspective now compromise and so we need to look at this is a big picture and we have not been doing that so with that said then you know you've got the iranians the north koreans and other folks all developing nuclear weapons for their own purposes and we're not really doing much to actually understand why they're doing it what we can do to control things or at least preserve our own national security well in terms of iran you know you have the i.a.e.a. you have our own defense secretary that have said that there is no proof yet on defense and intelligence agencies that have said that there is no proof yet that iran is pursuing a nuclear weapon you also had the israeli military the new minister come out and also say the exact same thing that he thinks that they're actually a rational actor and probably won't go for it which is
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a direct counter to what netanyahu said on c.n.n. yesterday and so you know they have this war of words but i guess i shows you that israel is pretty divided on how they feel about a two. well the bottom line for both the north koreans and the arabians is regime survival if you accept that as the central premise of why they're doing what they do you can kind of start judging what they're doing i do believe there are radical elements in the iranian government who would like to do really provocative things but i think they're being held back same with the north koreans they always push us to the point of or you know we want to get mad at them but they always pull back and then they get what they want and so this is been a pattern with the north koreans since you know the ninety's. the iranians have learned the same game and they're doing it now so i do agree with the israeli perspective at least you know that i think the iranians are rational actors this is the deal though they are developing a new class of very bad weapons e.m.p.
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weapons some version of the neutron weapon potentially is being developed by the iranians and what we've learned is that they develop these things because they see it as a means of survival let's look at libya some as moammar gadhafi gave up his weapons he got taken out so we we set up a bad lesson here for those countries who want to develop these things to deter us getting action against them and increase their ability to have regional dominance and i think that's what we should be focused on not the taliban regarding afghanistan now i watch that that makes a lot of sense right the more weapons you have to play with the more respect that you get on the global stage in that sense i want to ask you two questions i got news this week about this new defense kind of service that supposed to be working basically with the cia it means that i guess the defense department going to be able to retain more of their employees because it's also going to be thinking refocusing on africa they're going to be focusing on asia you were part of what you called the precursor to this program to tell us what. well defense human service
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was a consolidation in one thousand nine hundred five of all the service human intelligence programs which related to what we're talking about here if you look at the operation my book i talk a little bit about some of the things we did we have always we have always had these capabilities imbedded within it are jobs for military operations something called title ten is the body of laws we support as well as title fifty which are the cia laws regarding collection we kind of said both in both camps that said the cia has always had its own objectives relating to what they believe to be policy level collection we are trained in same school we go through the same basic things but again our focus has been different and duty is not what we let me interrupt you for one second to have a firing us out and that sense are you going to you know is this new defense intelligence service going to be accountable to more law is rather than the cia who basically gets to act outside of the law. that's a good question. there is things that we've always been able to do and the d.o.d.
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using the existing laws i think. is one of those things that to be careful because we think we do have ways of getting things done it's just that you have to look very carefully call congress writes the laws and deal with that duty is always had a responsibility to protect our troops protect the combat interests of the regional commanders that is always been our focus with that said cia has always tried to dominate the battle space because they've always said well you know we're we've got this clandestine service yada yada yada so i think this is going to be an equal and equal some sort of equilibrium between the two sides the deal he saw for a long time with with diggers mr vickers over being the end sycophants for so special operations i think he's had a great effect in trying to level the playing field we go through the same training we do is we're back we often heard more risk and cia does if you read operation dark or go see a lot of the things we did we did differently than the c.i. did so it's it's i think a step in the right direction but there's no guarantees it'll be better for the
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officers are currently serving and frankly you know you've got to look at redundancy what missions cia is doing versus d.o.d. and you know if there is going to be some good you need to be some hard thinking about what's going to happen next regarding celebration of resources and capabilities as we move forward and how about transparency i don't know if something feels very thinnest or about the to me and i can't say that i'm necessarily he is about you know i get another intelligence agent read being on the fame footing has a fee i a that may be or may not of going to have to comply with the law that tony thanks so much for joining us tonight but you know. i've got one more quick break on the flip side i thought to myself i wear it back for more and i have the hour and the kids are getting high these days try finding out. you know sometimes you see a story. and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something
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else you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm tom harpur welcome to the big picture. there hasn't been a thing yet on t.v. . it is to get the maximum political impact. before source material is what helps keep journalism honest we thought. we wanted to present. something else. wealthy british style holds a spot on the title of. markets
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hi guys it's time for tonight's tool time award and we're actually giving it to a repeat offender and governor of florida rick scott scott has been featured many times on this segment mostly because he's got his priorities all messed up not only does it feel that it's appropriate to drug test welfare recipients and government workers but he also waged war on the school system are moving money from the education budget and guess where that went. it takes more than one point seven billion dollars out of the public schools and instead of putting that money back into the budget the budget gives it away in corporate and property tax breaks so so like i said he's shown how much of a tool he is on multiple occasions but today we're calling him out for a different reason you see april the sexual assault awareness month and the state is aiming to help around seven hundred thousand rape victims in need of aid so florida's council against sexual violence has asked for one point five million dollars which was approved by the state legislature and florida already budget
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funds for prevention and sexual assault services but that money usually gets funneled into education programs and schools and so not so much the actual crisis centers so instead the state's crisis centers are funded by this odd provision from two thousand and three that takes fines from convicted sex offenders puts it towards finding the crisis centers but those fines usually come to around one hundred dollars per person and the state hasn't collected nearly enough over the past nine years to sufficiently finance the program so those centers are finding themselves in trouble with waiting list to see victims that could last weeks or sometimes even months and so that's why the state government signed off on that one point five million dollars which would have gone specifically to thirty rape crisis centers across the state rick scott stepped in and he vetoed that funding that's right despite the fact that lawmakers thoroughly reviewed the council i determined that the program met the criteria rick scott said nope he wanted to his reason according to his spokesman spokesman the state already fund sexual violence programs. the governor's press secretary gave this reason quote we already funded
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sexual violence programs there was no information suggesting any needs in this area that weren't already being met so god says a we're already given you guys money what more do you want who cares if the money only goes to preventative services and not the actual victims and let me just take a moment to remind you our viewers of the one point five million dollars that they wanted is merely point zero zero two percent of the entire budget and again we all know how rick scott feels about giving government money to people in need perhaps a mandatory drug test first for assault and rape victims would get him on board helping them or perhaps signing it the bill publicly support prayer in schools would encourage scott to give more money to the program either way it's sad that he thinks that a million dollars out of the state's seventy billion dollars budget isn't important while drug testing government workers it's about with rick scott in charge nothing seems to be normal in that state so we're further using to provide much needed
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funding to assist big some victims of sexual assault rick scott is tonight's tools i'm winner. ok it's time for happy hour and joining me this evening show producer jenny churchill and mike riggs associate editor at reason that asean and reason dot com lou thanks for joining me guys. there is a very scary and serious new damaging trend that's sweeping the country kids these days they just come up with the stupidest ways of trying to get drunk and trying to get high and it's always something new first will be the tampon soaked in the vodka now at this. it dangerous new trend and it could send your kid to the emergency room now offer he's not very much it's not for you right now and sometimes or it
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sounds odd but it's true kids who once turned a cough syrup and mouthwash for alcohol or turn to tips are now using hand sanitizer to achieve a buzz because it's cheap and accessible. so you know what a hand sanitizer is sixty two percent alcohol makes it one hundred twenty proof liquid they were looking at the link for what was it like there was five shots in every bottle and you don't need to drink it together you can just scored in your hand really quickly oh my god and your we have been doing that since i was like a freshman in high school like this is totally not new getting high off hand sanitizer is totally not new but i don't really know what is going wrong here we need to remember to put the hand sanitizer you know i think i really don't know if you know this is happy or not i find it really interesting it seems like the kids today are taking cues from homeless people who have been drinking mouthwash and wiper fluid water here for alternatives that are much easier to get your hands on
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if you have no money or under the age of twenty one but i mean the substance is there's a sixteen agers that drink and so the ended up in emergency rooms with. this stuff has been around for over a decade don't know how to write would you say that is that is scary trends from a few years ago where they were going number two in like milk jugs and then letting it sit for a little while and then inhaling the methane i mean this is i don't think there really was a great it was not a great i mean it was a real trend you know and it didn't work you know as well so. yeah i can imagine that one would have caught on very well it's interesting because they're now telling parents not to leave hand sanitizer out in the house in case their kids are taking it also to get the foam kind because it's harder to get out i mean it's obviously a serious problem but i just can't help but think about like kids out there making a show and sharing getting high on anything original i mean i just don't think this is a serious problem. i'm sorry i just think the kids are stupid and so they will get
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out of whatever they want to get. and then somebody ends up getting hurt how hard is it really to find someone to buy a car how hard is it really it's apparently not is not about to be tough breaking anymore. you know i mean probably a lot harder for you guys than it is for girls. really. well actually no not yet you know you have any little thing going for that one story but we're going to have to get back to. ron paul seems like he actually has you know more boat than you think take a look. dust settles i think there's a very good chance that we're going to have the maximum number of delegates coming out of minnesota. so you know a long time after iowa and minnesota it turns out that he actually had the most you
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know he predicted this you predicted i mean we didn't play that big of a burning right and he predicted it but you predicted that would be him and mitt romney in the very end and ron paul is just like he won't go away so it is a romney and i just it should be president well yeah i agree he's going well gary johnson on the show tonight you still see libertarian you know i really appreciate something about ron paul's commitment to not let the aren't see in the established republicans choose you know who's going to do i think he's saying like delegates are voting for me just because i'm not the candidate you want doesn't mean that other people don't want me i think it's really interesting you know to be fair i don't think it's just aren't these primaries are popular primaries you know mitt romney is. i don't know somehow jerk wads and they're being like the most popular guy and i mean look at our election it's going to be two jerk wads against each other and i right mitt romney was by no means the most popular guy i mean let's be honest. i think he is like technically like statistically the most popular guy well it's only because they don't like anybody else he's not actually popular like obama
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people actually like i think which actually everything else more despicable than romney fans or republican voters in general because there's so much for liberal state about obama that they don't and they just look the other way mitt romney the leaders are going to france the right if you look at public opinion polls public opinion polls will tell you that personality wise they think obama has charisma they think that they like him as a person but they don't necessarily agree with his policies and so you see him out there singing in the you know doing the green whatever the new. like. here it's kerry. obviously disagree with the majority of his policies but you like it but you have to. i'm going to give it to republican voters because when they pull the lever for romney they're going to do it with their other finger on their nose and obama voters agree with their directors at this point to sit around and say you are a god you voted for that one guy your mother that sucks and i don't mean you are you know you're likely going to miss that one but you're with it for the next forty eight years to do that going to win it but like seriously though what we're dealing with is
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a situation where people don't have anyone better to vote for it's not people are going in voting for obama saying he's done the best job ever i don't believe that i don't believe look we should finish this up over some hand sanitizer that's why we have time for one more story can we switch to beautiful people ok really quick check out this new business. coming for you track to vote you don't have the money to travel what if you could travel around the world stay in five star resorts dine a top rated restaurants and do the fun things travelers do all for free on mr travel dot com there are thousands of frequent travelers who hate to travel alone. this is a psychological two weeks ago has sixteen thousand members and basically it's like oh ok a prostitution thing where are they if you're hot this guy will buy you a plane ticket or later you know i was actually part of the beta testing because. i find a way that he knows that these people there's the attractive travelers i mean you know. he said i'm going to track the person i know you know actually you're sad
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that these people think that they need to join a dating site to wear themselves out when there's corners all across the nation it's really confusing to. judge much of judgment if you don't want to be around for free and like anything else you know and really what is going on and seeing ever comes for free yeah these people they're going to generally aren't as generous they're generally going to like cut up their in-flight meals for their host now they're going to take off clothing chain. no question about it you know ok thanks. that's it for tonight's show thanks for tuning in and make sure. tomorrow jake brewer is going to be joining us for happy hour in the meantime to forget to become a fan of you want to show on facebook and on twitter if you missed anything at all you tube dot com slash the i want to show and coming up next is the new.
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you know how sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realize that everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm tom harpur welcome to the big picture. of. me cave he. immediately to. the folks.
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