tv [untitled] April 26, 2012 4:00am-4:30am EDT
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broadcasting live from moscow this is r.t. the highs and the lows in russia over the past four years will be the focus in a final interview with outgoing president dmitry medvedev a special session with journalists and he's to be quizzed on his future role in russian politics that interview is coming up live now let's listen you know what was the first question. all your term president you have been very liberal in your wardens you said that freedom is better than on freedom and you wrote a very liberal manifest in a sense pressure to go forward you know i wanted to ask you about the deeds have you done what you wanted to do to become more liberal and free what a. freedom that when you go in there is
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a unique i feel the way that my every person understands their own way of course freedom always felt a big deal and objective but basically it's a very subjective of no use. your family leave me with them as was the feeling i remember in one of the she speech i said something like that i said move forward in the book of time so we are only free. if we can see armor freemantle it's possible there was a political so let's take a look at what happened recently. just that and i think we really need good progress in the building at the freedoms and not on the bottle. something in the new year too. two four. things should have stayed the way they were but i believe that we're actually moving in the right direction you got them. i don't
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want to go to sleep too far there let's just go a few months back that's. when the people who gather to go in. different the squares. no matter. i believe most of them would say yes i'm free because i'm here i have a lot of position. many don't like it and it's more on the contrary to me say i like the way it is you want them some with change and you think freedom is a feeling and we have achieved a lot in this respect so instead of mr i would like to bring this. economy speaking about the economics of things so you were talking a lot about more doing is ation as a president are you happy with the way you have carried this more than ization flag
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forward. has russia become less. but the most i guess this is a very important subject because one of the most serious risks that is usually mentioned in regarding russia is our dependence on hydrocarbons. and up to this point. they may be sickly mention two risks the demographic situation and our dependency on the phone you know we continually export. our can you frank with you i'm not as it is very happy with what we have but you know i had no illusions i did not expect russia to abandon with or without all the dependency on hydrocarbons in just a few years because we really we really export a lot but we had. diversify our economy and we did something in this respect them alone and that's how progress was quite good actually. in the last few years what's
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the. industrial production production of machinery what whitman people. grown by about fifty percent if you think about it or what it was that i do like that on the set it's. not the production route by about thirty percent that's bad actually from export on balance but if we look at our three balance seventy percent of our exports are already carbons and that's the way it was before. only five percent is machinery. for those numbers so we need to continue working on their versification and actually this is what our program is for me and it involves pfizer elements yes the b.b.c. news the three. where she was an atomic energy and was the leader areas pharmaceuticals and so forth so if we manage to achieve a lot in the next few years on these five areas and some other areas as well given
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that we will be able to really diversify our economy with us that's what i hate these were diversification of me so difficult to pronounce macroeconomics we have them with very positive situation for the first time in recent history but still somewhere for the past twenty years we have the latest of their low inflation was six percent of. last year if you read in the past twelve months you know it's just my former cent of all of the moving in problem. before and he's very low probably the lowest among the developed countries about ten percent of g.d.p. national coming in this macroeconomic circumstances we can really do everything for our economy and this is what can you. government will work. but i'd like to ask about. was turned into police so it's a new form but about the content it's about the same.
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personnel who beat people using their position they still. get reports come on a daily basis for instance we're going to report yesterday we need to reform the police is that right. well i think nobody should have to do that in is that we can achieve something in just six months as a result of an administrative reforms you have a completely new police force. and most of. law enforcement the name has been changed but it seems people working there of course some of the people did not pass the test and they were dismissed. let me finish. but this doesn't mean that all of them to change the immediately. also list we cannot use them my dear says the general level of.
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law and order based on an interview just to on the individual cases this is a good place for similar things happen abroad as well. but we're just at the very beginning of this process this is not. we're not a small country not a tiny nation. sometimes people use it as an example for us engineer that we go it's now you're referring to you know. i'm just saying we're not a small country where you can do. the entire police force and harden you people we have about two million. people and in order to maintain law and order. such here at the large country with heroin you can with three we really need a lot of people and you cannot change them by just signing
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a degree you have to raise the same view so it's a solution. actually i think it is not that bad that you really have this cases was made public because we all know what happens we know that which is similar things happened in the past as well but they were never made publicly about the key because people. are more in a different. it was not advertised in the media but two d. i think if something like that happens everybody knows about it within the next few hours. just on the same topic. i was going to ask about the personal responsibility of officer for instance mr. how large is his purse. no responsibility for the reform so what's being happy. is just an example because i get a feeling that whenever something some of your agency happens in my country to for instance a catastrophe. you know. the office is in charge i'm not really responsible and
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they don't get to answer for that but the most solemn when i can't fully agree with you because in some cases the crime happened even though your deputy minister was held responsible then absolutely. as regards feel the responsibility of the. the interior peaceful the responsible for the situation in the police force and he realizes that he's responsible for the reform of the woman and i'm also responsible as president as the commander in chief. and so we talk about the future of the ministers their future is clear on may seventh. cabinet will resign. and eve this is not the consequence of this is just. a fact that resigning is the worst punishment possible. yes and this is a scheduled event i agree but. every
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time something happens we fire a minister we will never. see him in the government because we all know the only. problem with our countries is works we know the problems of our political system our economic situation so if every time something happens we fire a minister. system will know lapses and should yes yes i would like let me finish on the yes i agree this is a sort of. but if you ask me whether a resignation is the worst punishment i can tell you for many. resignation it is even worse than. held accountable so i think resignations should also be used as a measure for the government to respond to certain problems. i remind you that it was during my presidency fifty percent of our governors were.
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thirty. that i recall any of the period when we had such a rotation some of them resigned because they are three members of bard should the other is volunteered to resign but he certainly polices it will. and he. asked for a resignation they didn't do it voluntarily they did it because we had to tell them goodbye. we have a governess under prosecution. speaking about the fact that resignation seems to be the worst punishment possible because. there's a feeling of fighting corruption. being carried out. and there is some feeling. and even charges. to the officials for
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instance. of the administration that. he would say that corruption among is really unbelievable. and this is not the only speaking about. many examples even some governors and very highly placed officials surely. there is some distrust taking stand was there is there seems to be no reaction from the governments of these feelings in the pub and it's not about the corruption. it's about the ethical behavior and reputation that does not seem to have effect loans in the future. for instance this recent voyage. the show does not seem to be affected by the price future of this question although it's probably should have more why doesn't there why isn't there any reaction to feelings when you are these things. good to get rich i mean hell i realize that
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your job is to be very boring can your position but you're not exactly accurate but i just told you that i dismissed fifty percent of our government's lead him in some of them stories signed him because of that we did not have the nothing there that in the. presumption of innocence. we did not have enough evidence to prosecute them that one but the various reasons i had to repeat the words from the investigative comedian other law enforcement bodies and i had to make this decision i would call this done there and tell him i suggest that you resign yourself otherwise it might be worse than would be able to go also with a number of former governors we should have the should criminal inquiry is going on the law and when it is wrong to say that there are you know in the case that i did
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criminal investigations i don't want to interfere with the law enforcement agencies you can look it up in the media if you want now. corruption related crimes the number of those in the number of the investigations it's growing year by year. currently the committees investigating seventeen thousand of corruption related crimes where government officials are involved he said of course this doesn't mean that all these materials should be published on the internet and even though somebody suggested that we had a meeting or you open government and somebody said. we should probably get information immediately that the sport and this government official. i'm hearing this is going to. go to us because one thing you know most of it and we still have the presumption is a presumption of innocence and it's not us. great to see that the distance those accusations for city are going is the only good we have a new committee has established fifty three by the muslim and all groups that were
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involved in corruption related crimes so it is really to go to the brain exaggeration to see that we are not doing anything isn't that what talking about your results i would agree with you that results are not impressive on which yet and why because government officials are actually corporations they don't want anybody to interfere in their they said it is doesn't mean that there isn't room and else on the contrary these are good government of vishal so are those people like us products like you what we should put at the government in the sheens to put them in a situation where they have no choice. you're in the left or right of all there is an aries regulated with our rules and regulations and laws and we shouldn't give up a certain culture from government officials when we talk about corruption still call it that on the so let's remember that the so-called developed countries i see so developed because we also are
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a developed economy we just have more problems but corruption levels are very different from country to country compare it corruption levels in scandinavian countries and in european countries why the difference is so great because their living standards are very similar it's just because their habits are different their history is different their mentality is different. so corruption is the. set of cliché. and the more the way to fight corruption is. the mental level with. corruption the related and more on the happens it's you know which in your exert emotionalism force you mustn't go but it should be towler of this is the only way to defeat corruption which and i would suggest that it would be logical to start on the mental level. it's not just for ordinary for the higher place because mental officials might well decide that there are some results in fighting corrections but they're not really no big or not there are no noticeable because
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this is a racial thing in other words they cover up for their own and. perhaps do something that you put in the way of the drugs and magic for them which i'm sorry i mean. this applies not only to government officials because we separate it corruption into several levels there is the big time corruption. which only repeats people a lot but i but we actually have a routine corruption and that's world let's not forget about that when we talk about. corruption among. dog. i tell you frankly this is just dangerous for society it's just that we're accustomed to this kind of options. and people in your p. teachers and doctors as something standard is a regular nothing. and they're not happy when government officials take money
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i'm not just talking about government officials as a corporation because other kinds of corruption are also like that when you well it's just that we know we. see whether we're fighting to not be able to use their own personal way how to approach that you can be able to bribe the traffic policeman no you have and then this means the your fighting corruption so speaking about fighting corruption and. there are people i know some people who are very interested in their even more interested in fighting corruption some of the officials themselves so maybe it would have been the word from the very start let's put stakes on those people who for instance publish some of the two year olds in the internet. for instance you know know all. the point him they had of the end to corruption for instance so that fighting corruption would go not from
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the external sources but from within he would have to react. to these things away to the states that would like to ask you something let's just think it is so in the agree that nobody has a monopoly on fighting corruption all of that should put people in this room. that i need to think many of you have here on the ages in the social media or at least you are using social media in the second principle this is something positive when we talk about the situation in the police we said that many cases become public today informal so this is because of the new situation we have. oh the media is the portion of the same applies to corruption it's much easier for us to talk about corruption today because i think any situation can be made very public of course this doesn't mean that everything published in the social media is true. because it was very easy to. advertise
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certain the fact there were certain article published on the web of course we should use the deal it is social activists like you i would only warn you against making it a personal. because some of these people are sincere and genuine al to restrict the political others use it as a political tool and you are. only do today use anti-corruption rectory you know waters to just build up that the political capital and i don't blame them actually because this is thing you feel and the way you do politics but this is not a lot for me it is as i say it's politics and that's how we should view it basically out say the more fanciful here on the web about russian related crimes the better it is still with them for the cause of fighting corruption someone no matter what some people may say government officials have to respond to that at
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various levels even if they don't like it enough i mean the government break here in meant and in the police corruption the corrupt behavior by certainly gotten government officials and so in principle this is all good but it's the government's job to fight corruption that's the way it happens around the world and we citizens should help the government in that but let's yes mr medvedev. allow me to stand up on its bring the focus a little bit more did make a little narrow focus on the fighting corruption. because all the countries where of it and i as a citizen of my country i'm always aware of it. let's take a look and we don't get bribes in either. although we're no saints of course well you have criticised on many occasions the court system the judge. and speaking about the cases heard across cairo which is not over yet and in the course.
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and he's not been released. you have. judges. have mitigated the openness meant concert articles. but no one can really call our system independent. and. charges really take care of their own things using the system and people don't really believe in the judgment and the state of things is really in the way of development of. why haven't you started is the cardinal reform of the church and system. isn't there enough resources to start it off to make our system independent and they should. try to answer your question of the course of four years is not a long period here and there is not much you can do in four years still we made some changes. so. overall we improved the situation in the northeast
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since then we just abolition the so-called disciplinary commission. and now they're monitoring was only the judges but that charlie has a good half to realize when you talk about reforming the system you can which and interpret this in a primitive way. what does it mean to reform the court system or do you do some use older judges i should but we have but also to the orderly trials going on all the time trials are happening every day so you can't dismiss judges the absolute the be the. actual we have a lot of number of people. without any reproach and where do we get other story formulas record system it that it is not just missing all judges at the point it is . to create conditions when. good use will be dictated by the letter and the spirit of the law to look for if you judge or assumes that
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it's all a form of coal thank you more than this judge does not reflect my answer. with a demand that when you hear reports to his superior and says a government official called me and said i should make this decision yes and this happens sometimes if somebody contacts judgement winning out with the ideal of the judge to write a report word more than a government official contact to me it was a lock up or a lawyer look at the who did it and after that you can let this lawyer is this bard or the government official was willing we should have this practice but the way to do it is this model should replied judges should not be afraid of reporting that they received if you call from a regional that you could love a little office show all from the federal office shoulder from a business men. so we need to create these conditions well yes for the future of the word reform i'm absolutely certain that this will go along with
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so many in the sun but in order to have a war that my court most of us need new laws alone are not enough and within the last few years we have brought our laws up to the standard international level but we should make this a model of behavior. but so far what it's like with the police force there's nothing else we have actually i mean i don't own any other writer say i don't share that was there but got any other writers and nobody else because fiscal preparing a. competent judge takes more than just five years school. because a judge. or then a prosecutor. because it's a person which on whom he did whole life of another person to stand someone so it's a really a rare specialist the way people perceive that the more the system without them i think if we asked people whether you trust the system in some odd
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a country the old people there will say yes we will deliver three hundred percent we'll have different everywhere but there is an interesting fast and this is not just because our people don't want to go to court usually would it be only five per cent of our quarterly sorry pealed in the. norm and only fifteen percent only in the criminal who are you know some people do not appeal court decisions because they don't draw salut court system but as a tool of the procedures in which symbols so this means that the majority of people that are they getting more truing they think is just but a human or at least acceptable. and there's nothing that any more they just don't really know or they have realized stake on doing your thing and they don't trust the system and it was well just like i said some of them on the trust of the system have not come to mind but they we don't resent is just less than ten percent in the court and it was disabled will see the writing on this point i fully agree with you
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is that at the polls because this also reflects our mind. there is no the cause for decades i just know this because of the school i went to a law school and then i am a lawyer. so but our judges always thought about one thing to go or at the. person gets in if we don't this means that i did not. or other people did not do their job properly but is it up to the charge or the investigators move. but it's not really no but the judge has to separating himself from the best. from the who or attorneys. of this whole conflict when i went to law school and there was a. because we should not have this kind of competitive situation
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where the. prosecutor is against the defense because they all represent what you might socialist global justice system and we have this deeply rooted in our mind said but i believe that. we will have more than we should not be if she. defended this again this is not an indication of the low quality of the investigators and it's just because the judge says we don't have enough evidence to convict this person it is a real problem but. i like to continue what my gun is started talking about she mentioned her cost his name and recently. it's not enough it's not actually necessary to apply for amnesty. not
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can he was released yesterday. he did not acknowledge that he was guilty although and he applied for it. because when you when you and he said that. he said he's not going to feel for acquittal and it's probably not possible to continue the process without filing this. really don't you think that such a long term of her. being in custody is not really right can you give them amnesty without them and if healing for it. so i missed michelle's going to lexie you said yourself we can do that and now you're seeing that probably we could do that ok. well consideration says that it's in the constitution ok we have article fifty in the constitution which says that every candidate's cannot mewling. fallen apart in the washing it is a but so this is what the constitution says.
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