tv [untitled] April 26, 2012 6:00am-6:30am EDT
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to me to me the periods of outlines the ups and downs of his political reforms gives his view on the protests in russia the fate of the arab spring and the jailed tycoon hold off ski the outgoing president was speaking to the media for the last time before leaving the kremlin. a month before egypt's presidential vote confusion and disappointment over of election campaign grows with the reinstatement of mubarak's former prime minister as a candidate casting a shadow over hopes for democratic change. will use a green build an alexander litvinenko the death of. british lie detector experts clear a russian m.p. of any involvement in the murder of a former security officer alexander litvinenko in london six years ago.
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europe's heralded open borders come under threat as nicolas sarkozy alpes his and time a gracious rhetoric ahead of the presidential runoff saying france could quit the show and in zone. you're watching our to you live from moscow welcome to the program karen taraji well our main story today of course is the final interview with president to meet the needs of outgoing president that is but first we go to egypt egypt is due to announce a final list of presidential candidates with the vote now less than a month away however there are fresh concerns that the revolution was in vain as the last prime minister under hosni mubarak is back in the running for the top job earlier his candidacy was blocked under a law banning former mubarak officials from taking part in the race are two star
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furth reports live from car carro. just the month before the elections and you've got this incredibly confusing political landscape it's going to be very difficult for the list of candidates now to get across the policies to the electorate and to getting support where they need to and the different areas of the population really very much this controversy about the disqualified candidate kitchens and so we really don't know where they stand at the moment some of the polls have put almost forty percent of egyptian people as not having any idea of school at the moment just who they going to support and another large percentage say that the candidates they were going to support and now melissa candidates that have been barred is seen as having taken away from the very important discussion about the policies about just who these candidates are and maybe after this finalists publish you're going to see that discussion now gaining momentum but very much
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a feeling that way you have this excitement about the first three presidential election a sense really now of disappointment and frustration that we'll see this interference in the electoral system and some of the people we've been speaking to this last week now actually calling for the vote to be postponed for the election commission to be fired and for replacement to be found before any votes go ahead last friday you saw the huge numbers turning out from paris where again we've already had the muslim brotherhood calling for the sunni million man march the back of the finalists a kind of a being published you probably will see another call from a lot of the groups to come out and protest really to apply pressure to the ruling military council to. let them know that if if they're not seen. going through with this process democratically the no seems to be complying with the cool stuff handy for power in the egyptian people showing that they move the willing to continue
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fighting and while egyptians are gauging the results of last year's revolution in. the syrian people are still suffering from the ongoing conflict there later on in the program we report from a once prosperous industrial city where factories are now in ruins and business owners are reportedly blackmailed into supporting the uprising. british lie detector experts say a russian m.p. on the radio governor considered by the u.k. as the main suspect in the murder of former security officer alexander litvinenko had nothing to do with his death will go away passed a polygraph test conducted by a specialist from the u.k. as part of a new documentary artist laura smith looks at how this revelation might affect a case that's long been a stumbling block in the russian british relations. even did you do anything that led to the death of alexander litvinenko no but were you involved in alexander
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litvinenko as death you know. michelle and have you ever had any dealings with borneo. another step towards proving his innocence in a test administered by british experts andrey lugovoy passes the lie detector polygraph science says he didn't kill alexander litvinenko in london in two thousand and six give a result. more and more and the right result before nort i don't get result is inconclusive why would my guns one hundred percent and if it was admissible in court would be very pleased a good thing called a skeptic might say that as a former security services agent look up lloyd might have had training to cheat the test but alexander cut out the core a documentary maker whose idea it was pollute our voice to undergo it thinks that's unlikely even every american police station has a polygraph test and if it was so easy to fall why the security services would use
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it or bisley to dates as far as they occurred. they examine those they say that this is the ultimate way to determine if one is lying or telling the truth it might not sway british courts well lie detector tests on text stand alone evidence the u.k. authorities are unlikely to make an exception in this case given the extraordinary lengths they've gone to to get their hands on look of oyo even asking russia to change its constitution to allow his extradition so we were clear that while it was a reasonably big ask it was not unreasonable to say that they should change the constitution to make possible the sort of judicial co-operation foreign minister sergei lavrov gave his british counterpart short shrift and look of oil remains in russia but he knows there's nothing his country can do to persuade the british that they're accusing the wrong man. if i did the same with the help of russian specialists that the british would have been suspicious about the results so i
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insisted that the tests should be administered by british experts the people who came to test me are members of the british polygraph association and we will invite these experts as witnesses in any court proceedings i don't expect any serious change but for me it was the moment of truth i think this is just the latest step that andrei lugovoy has taken to attempt to clear his name with the british authorities last november harris simpang chris coroner's court because wife marine one the rights to a new wiser ranging inquest into her husband's death hugo voice said he welcomed the news and offered to give evidence by video link lugovoy realizes this won't close the case but for him it's more evidence to suggest he's as innocent as he's always claimed nora smith london. an expert on russia at the university of london martin mccauley says the polygraph test results can become the first
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stone in a foundation for improved political relations between moscow and london i would see it as a positive step forward of course the next step is for scotland yard common to look at the evidence and to say whether they think it's a step forward like to examine it and so on and so forth then after that it would be for the british government then to make a move because the lugovoy case litvinenko case is really solid under russian relations for several years and both countries need to move forward so therefore if this problem could be removed then one could look forward to a much more positive chapter in the russian relations. earlier r t spoke to the father of alexander litvinenko who explained why he no longer believed russia's security services were behind his son's murder you can see highlights of the interview on friday here on r.t. . re some political protests in russia the fate of prisoner mikhail
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khodorkovsky and russia's relations with other countries those were part of a whole range of issues that came into focus as the outgoing president to meet them individually was grilled by journalists and the final question answer event of his tenure let's get the details from our tease. alot of things to assess for me the video of who is leaving the kremlin and two weeks following his four year term what exactly did he say. while a very very lively q. and a session with the representatives not of just state a run media outlets but also with opposition channels of course a very wide range of issues that would which was covered first and foremost of course as you mentioned the protests which followed the duma elections to that's meant to be did have said that he respected those who came out in moscow in another russian cities to express their own political view but he did say that he believed that the speakers
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a lot of people who were speaking from the stage these protests were actually pursuing their own political agendas here is more detail from the russian president . now as regards the protesters first of all the right to do that but it's just a question of whether this protest is. because there is also a well calculated political position i don't blame those people but some of those things reminded me old for hollywood some of them and people who. what else they pursued but he salutes all new specific political goals who would soon move them with gusts just sort of the stigma. and of course the issue of me that costy od on the issue of his pardon rather to that to me to me that have said that it's actually on constant to tional to pardon anyone like other cost because the man has not asked for that specific god for for the part and here is the here
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is more from the us president. ok we have article fifty in the constitution which says that every convict one can fall in a pardon. so this is what the constitution says so definitely there should be a pardon please the film and also supply comic go can appeal for the verdict to be overturned but this does mean that the court should initiate two spruces the initiative should always come from the person himself you presumably then of course there was the issue of censorship which was brought up a very interesting one mr medvedev said that as a matter of fact censorship is not allowed by the constitution but of course if such instances are found to to actually exist in russian media that those those cases should be carefully examined by the government and the authorities naturally he also said that a lot of times russian media outlets tend to take their news headlines so from from
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you and media from mass outlets like mass information outlets like twitter or facebook and that is not something i would show should be a widespread what the white spread action and of course the issue of international relations what he talked about at the arab spring and he said that the arab spring seems to be turning into rather colder air all but of smaller arab autumn where is and russia spring has come in all in all was that in all senses of the word and he of course also talked about their relationship with the united states he did. say that it was never an ideal relationship of course everybody has the country's top had their issues but he did hint that he is a rather an obama supporter and that the last four years between russia and the united states have shown that these for the last four years have been the best you know in the history of relations to have been marred in modern history of relations between the two countries. and i was going to go up with i have
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a certain sympathies for one of the candidates but it's just a personal matter i support him and i would like him to continue working in washington in our country of course we shouldn't diminish america we should be seeded but they're accusing us of manipulating the major political process is not going to your we're a big country and nobody can have a group of americans look at kenya real influence the political process and all of the issues that i knew so it's very interesting to q. and a session lasted for almost two hours then a lot of interesting answers that to me to rebut if has given as he is preparing to leave his post as the russian president. all right a real dollars go there thank you. for more developments on the russia's political scene now we have analysts dimitri bob it's here with us thanks for being with us so president medvedev is largely seen as a liberal leader favoring innovations whereas bloody middle books and is generally
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considered a more tougher politician is the swap between them likely to see some significant changes throughout russia i don't think so and i think it's a huge misconception to have you made a video for us pro western and putin is anti west i think in the main points. to the same borders. but these seem to be going to do it was interesting i mean in two minded me all of their western aid to you to russia was very full i explained everything and he didn't see any one they knew all the important positions we used to have the same story with the west they always explain to us why you need to expression these before us and they never see the need to on any of the issues now if to me the video of does become prime minister he will no longer be in charge of russia's foreign policy tell me how might that affect moscow's relations with other countries i think it will largely depend on the west because i don't think the argument with an air of
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a sort of confrontation with the west and i would say that the most broad western moves in the russian foreign policy in the last twelve years were made during the you are such as a green to the american bases in central asia such as helping united states and afghanistan such as seeing to a need to expansion to the former soviet union to the baltic republics all of these things were done on the on the putin so basically when medvedev said that the last four years were the best in russian american relations i think we can argue with that or we can expand that same major through to the period on the put in because i don't think relations improved significantly there was just a very important moment around the strategic arms through. the auction treaty was signed but i think it could be signed with putin one on basically the same conditions as with me to be there now tell me all what do the words. mean and general well it's an interesting situation that basically it's obvious there are.
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some very important people in russia do not want. to come out of prison at the moment and strangely he facilitates this task because he basically refused to ask for pardon on the other hand there are some moves that other course is making that can make some of his bellies wary because you know even before he wanted to go to jail he talked about the need for a leftist term in russia's policy and now he talks about his willingness to join a leftist alliance which has been formed in russia and i'm not sure it will be a mother much to the way can offer some of his fans who are die hard economic liberals very much to the right what about me videos comments that he made in his final interview regarding censorship in the media and how that may trigger some sort of government conflict well made video of knows all the right words and of
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course he will never say that there is censorship in russia and he keeps saying how democracy improved done to him and he knows all the right words such as more than a station human rights women's rights you know all of them but he's not only point he cannot change russia's political culture in a few years even if he wanted that was a very frequent occurrence in russia's history was changed perceptions and values remain the same so i would. be somewhat how so i see it i would be sol but when assessing you know prospects for political change russia i think it will come good. really and we see from his actions usually the situation is the following along with a bit of suggests some really big changes to the legislation. these big changes are being some hold terms but inside this day do more or inside the preparation of
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political analyst here with us on our teeth thanks for joining us. europeans could soon see the end of the schengen free travel zone with france set to push other e.u. states to curb open borders if nicolas sarkozy has his way the sitting president said he no longer wants what he called a c.v. like europe claiming that a union which cannot control my aggression flows is finished and stands as widely seen as an attempt to harness far right votes for his reelection bid parties you're going to school of reports. no border controls within the shanty and zone is surely one of the strongest symbols of european unity but this symbol may now be under threat since france and germany want to see each member of the zone to be able to introduce border controls without the approval of the others the interior ministers of the two countries are formulated
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a document in which they did say that such steps would be measures of last resort and wouldn't last for over thirty b.s. but in reality it could mean the reappearance of checkpoints illegal immigration is a very serious issue both for germany and for france both have been trying we criticizing a lack of control on the european union's extrude borders especially when it comes to countries like greece and its border with turkey or italy which has been letting through fountains of refugees from arab countries which then go to other european union nations france has already threatened to pull out of the champions zone altogether if no fuse measures are taken to help improve the situation but millions of europeans have been enjoying free travel since one thousand nine hundred five and many analysts have said that the reintroduction of wood it controls would be a serious hit to european unity which hasn't been exactly going through its easiest times we do to the euro zone crisis. and across the atlantic a u.s.
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debt hole is being successfully disguised by unscrupulous ratings agencies that's according to max and stacy and today's kaiser report. as the financial services sector considers themselves holy some sort of religion moody's and s. and p. of course did give the holy blessing to talk sic sinning assets they were sinners and they said no i have sanctified these assets people indulgences right out of the textbook of the pope from the middle ages you've committed a sin give me some money and you're absolved from that sin you go directly to heaven same thing with these radios he's give us the money will turn your triple c. rated toxic securities sludge into a aaa rated god love and security. and. the latest edition of the cause report is coming your way less than thirty g.m.t. . france is pushing for military intervention in syria saying the u.n.
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should consider harsher measures if an international peace plan collapses violence from both the government and armed opposition forces is continuing despite the cease fire agreement but as oksana boycott discovered average syrians are often being forced to engage in the conflict. a lifetime of work burned overnight. this is one of a growing number of businesses in syria destroyed by those claiming to advance the cause of the revolution this factory was a classic example of syrian interpreter ship one hundred and fifty employees producing textiles for furniture it was never turning out a lot of profit but provided a distant living for its people all of which is now gone north routes no warnings one evening in fabry a group of young man threw molotov cocktails into the building the owner said they had just enough time to evacuate the workers to safety but the rest of the evening
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he just watched his entire fortune go up in flames. so much pride it textile machines they bought from spain three years ago had to be sold for scrap lost in place lost their only source of income i don't think it was a personal attack against me i'm not a political person i think the people who did it to me are seeking to undermine the industry as a whole to terrify people into supporting them. aleppo is serious largest city and its industrial capital prior to the uprising it was enjoying some of the highest growth rates in the region. this industrial park alone housed more than three thousand small and mid-sized factories in the past six months some have gone out of business because of the economic sanctions while others because of industrial terrorism. they had of the local chamber of industry sas it's almost impossible to distinguish between attacks reach out politically motivated and those that are
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outright criminal we witnessed kidnappings we witnessed. attacks on factories. that are being robberies of trucks going the raw material or finished goods. threats putting people on hit lists assassinations of course all these activities criminal activities are taking place is. the cause of supporting the revolution what they call it us advocated engineer for us our shahabi says many in industry side with the opposition when it calls for fighting corruption and liberalizing the country's economy but they couldn't disagree more with the means of achieving it. the first thing that older support us. we will kidnap your son or your kids. because you. and you didn't pay for
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our. cause of peaceful cause and i wonder how can this be peaceful if you are getting money like. organized crime and there are many who succumb to the racketeers to keep their business afloat the owner of this textile factory had to fire his workforce after one of his production shops came under attack he says he now hands over thirty percent of his profits to those who claim to represent the freedom cars the i've been receiving threats to stop working people to demonstrations we had to pay the money so that they leave us alone while the support for lepers business people is seen as crucial for the survival of assad's government even the most liberal of them now want nothing to do with the militarized position dealing with corrupt officials may be frustrating but it doesn't compare to losing your entire business to the revolution wreck it tears. on
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a boycott see. syria. taking a look at other news from around the world this hour u.s. republican presidential candidate newt gingrich is expected to end his campaign for the white house next week the decision comes just days after republican front runner mitt romney swept state primaries all but assuring himself the nomination gingrich has only won two primaries south carolina and georgia since the election season began in january fellow republican candidate rick santorum suspended his campaign two weeks ago. international war crimes judges are expected to deliver a verdict today on former liberian president charles taylor charged with murder recruiting child soldiers and sex crimes in exchange for blood diamonds prosecutors also contend taylor armed vicious sierra leone rebel groups and torrijos for cutting off the limbs of their enemies during the nation's civil war if convicted
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he would become the first african head of state found guilty by an international court and. let's now cross to the business desk and join the tom and it seems local has found a way to significantly increase its oil production absolutely and it's doing that by investing quite a bit of money into iraq a bit more than in just a minute but first let's take a look at the equity markets first to europe or their mix this hour the footsie is managing to stay in positive territory as you see there but in germany the dax is under pressure mainly because of do h. and bank it's losing around two percent after the for that thirty three percent drop in first quarter profit and here in moscow the markets are a little we're an afternoon trading as you can see there and that's despite euro being quite upbeat and u.s. futures pointing to a higher opening on wall street but of course as you know one of the most important
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factors for the russian markets is the oil price let's take a look at oil crude is. next the sour with. trading old the war and brant trading plot to positive at this point and last thing with the oil sector russia's biggest private oil company poor oil has started production at one of iraq's richest oil fields it's called west corner to the company hopes to boost output to five hundred thousand barrels a day by two thousand and fourteen that would be a quarter of loopholes current daily production of the project requires thirty billion dollars of investment spent among other things on clearing the area of thousands of land mines left there from the time of the war with iran in the eighty's. and last but not least the currency market at the moment europe is trading pretty much flat against the dollar and the russian currency the ruble is gaining too both the dollar and the euro and that's always from the business desk
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now. markets. can go find out what's really happening to the global economy with max conjure for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into kaiser report on our. well going to the future of science technology innovation all the latest developments from around russia we've got the future covered.
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