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tv   [untitled]    April 26, 2012 5:00pm-5:30pm EDT

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today on our t.v. get ready was born eight broke down house members debate internet security and the new system proposal and now president obama is threatening to veto the bill altogether we'll bring you the latest in the great cyber to being. an protests turned violent get again in montreal students out to teach the canadian government a lesson all of this in opposition to tuition hike it's economics one hundred one and the only question is will the government listen. plus american and philippine forces are flexing their muscles in the pacific and joint military exercises as troops march in lockstep we'll tell you who they're arming themselves against and what it could mean for the region.
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it's thursday april twenty sixth five pm here in washington d.c. i'm liz wall and you're watching our t.v. . well congress today set to debate a highly controversial cybersecurity bill known as this but critics say the cyber intelligence sharing and protection act allows companies to give private customer information so the government this includes the national security agency the f.b.i. and the department of homeland security a massachusetts congressman became worked up today on the floor over the proposed law. well let's talk about what this bill would do good company share personal information about consumers with other companies even if information had nothing to do with cybersecurity yes would companies be free from y. ability if they share that personal information of every american you know could the government use personal information despoja on americans yes and while
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supporters say the legislation is needed to stop cyber espionage the online community is outraged over what the bill kundu citizens online freedoms in the obama administration is now coming out against it here's part of the official statement states quote without clear legal protections and independent oversight information sharing legislation will undermine the public's trust in the government as well as in the internet by undermining fundamental privacy confidentiality civil liberties and consumer protections for the reason stated here and if h r three five two three were presented to the president his senior advisers would recommend that him he veto the bill well this bill is set to be up for a vote tomorrow so where is it heading and what exactly does it mean for your online privacy to discuss all this and more i was joined earlier by aaron swartz founder and executive director of demand progress take
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a listen to what it is that sort of a patriot act for the internet that allows the government to go to providers like facebook and google and so on and ask them for data without a warrant without any of the normal privacy protections in the law and also as these providers start sharing information with each other so basically eviscerates all the existing privacy protections we have now what would this bill do to existing laws that do protect the privacy of american citizens you know laws that require a judge or warrants in order to obtain this kind of information. that's the scariest thing about the bill is it says right at the top that it overturns every other privacy law this one supersedes all of them and allows the government to do the sorts of things that previously did require warrants and court orders and judges and all sorts of due process now it just lets them lets companies share this information without any intervention any process at all. so this is all being debated on the house floor today backers want to come up with a way to make it more acceptable to online privacy advocates like yourself is there
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a way to tweak our fix the bill to make it more reasonable. well i mean there's certainly some positive amendments that take it in the right direction but the fundamental idea behind the bill is flawed i mean if you want to protect the security of this country's internet and computer systems the way to do that is by making them more secure not by leaving them as insecure as they are and then trying to spy on people after the fact that she's not as much of that works now it interested an interesting thing about this bill is that major companies are supporting at corporations like google and facebook these companies were opposed to sopa but are backing cispa why is that what do they have to gain well these are companies that make a lot of money off of violating people's privacy of collecting data about them and selling it to other corporations so it's not surprising that they're in favor of a law that makes it easier to do just that. now erin supporters say that something does need to be done to fight online espionage let's take
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a listen to the co-author of this bill representative mike rogers. there has been a lot of talk of the prospect of a cyber pearl harbor attack that could shut down critical infrastructure and potentially cause physical damage to the united states tench we destructive threat against critical infrastructure is certainly possible i am more concerned however about the death by a thousand cuts that we are suffering right now from cyber espionage being conducted every day against nearly every sector of our economy. so that there is a representative mike rogers comparing it to like a cyber cyber pearl harbor what is your response to that fear i mean it's just incoherent i mean is saying that because america is being spied on and we need to start spying on america too it just doesn't make any sense if you want to keep the internet secure if you want to prevent people from being spied on what you need to do is listen to what every security expert has said which is build tools that secure the internet that make it safer or that make it more resistant to
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attack that's not what this bill does at all what it does is it puts the internet in the control of the pentagon and it allows the pentagon to start spying on american citizens that's not going to secure anybody this fellow also allows companies in the pentagon were detained this information from companies like google like facebook and give it to agencies like homeland security like n.s.a. like the f.b.i. what then could the government do with that information. and that's one of the things is the bill puts very little restrictions on what they could do so they could get this information from facebook saying they need it to protect against cyber attacks and that it could be the basis of criminal prosecutions that could be the basis of white house investigations i mean they could use it for anything they want there's very little restrictions on what they can do so this vote this bill is up for a vote tomorrow what are the chances of it passing. well it does look likely to pass the house because it has the support of most republicans behind and republicans control the house at the moment in the senate things are
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a lot more dicey there's a couple different versions of the bill some are better than others some have more privacy protection and there's still a strong ongoing debate about exactly how strong it should be and then longer term the white house even the white house which is not known for protecting privacy has come out and said that they will veto the bill in its current form so i think there's a lot of hope if we keep protesting and we keep fighting this and yes president obama the administration came out with the release yesterday officially opposing. is that of a promising sign for you is a very promising sign i mean if you read their message it's incredibly strong you know kind of surprising to see the president being this harsh on a bill that's supposed to protect against terrorists but there it is and nobody expected it when this bill was first introduced everyone thought this was another uncontroversial thing that would sail through even easier than they thought so it would sail through because you know with the support of google and facebook and the pentagon how could it be stopped well now because the public protests because of people signing a petition to demand progress dot org the white house has come out and tried to
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stop the bill and i think it's going to get stops in now erin it even exists but doesn't pass and we saw bills like sopa and pipa they didn't get very far because of such strong opposition but even if this doesn't pass i guess the question is what's coming next is there going to be more of a push for legislation just like this that some say curtails online freedoms. yeah i mean there's a constant push for the forces of reaction to try and personal online freedom there's no question there will be more bills you know sopa wasn't the end we have this in there will be more coming down the pike there will also be executive memos and briefings and executive attempts to do the same sort of thing without going through the legislature the same way we're seeing with things like the trans-pacific partnership right now where the president thinks he can sign a treaty with other countries without having it be ratified by the senate so yeah there are lots of things to keep fighting on but we've seen an enormous sea change
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after so but we're no people are fighting and it looks like these things instead of just sailing through like they used to we don't have a chance to stop them and will we are keeping a close eye on how this plays out on the floor there thanks for coming on the show that was aaron swartz founder and executive director of demand progress. was student debt has reportedly surpassed one trillion dollars in the u.s. students in canada are also fed up with the rise in the rising cost of tuition and they're taking it to the streets eighty five people were arrested in monterey after thousands protested planned to wish in hikes this follows similar protests last friday that we told you about the combat government now says it will resume talks with students but as of now two ition is set to go up three hundred twenty five dollars a year so what's next for this protest joining us now is citizen journalist bernard . welcome so things turned chaotic over there in canada
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what led to the arrest of dozens of students. well. basically students were excluded yesterday by the minister for i heard you say that the minister is the minister was going to resume negotiation but there's no guarantee to that effect the students want to resume negotiations but yesterday the minister of education in charge of universities and colleges excluded the major association the student association in chair in which represents about one hundred thousand students excluded them from the negotiations sold it to other associations because there are three of them representing you know one hundred eighty thousand students stood together with the expelled association and decided also to not attend the goetia until the minister except everybody around the table and that led to spontaneous protest last night in the streets of montreal probably over ten
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thousand students took to the streets immediately and there were some some incidents. but most of the time the point testers will target banks police stations media cars also and and members of parliament offices but there were relatively minor incidents windows broken and some vehicles bad allies but the police is using that as a pretext to conduct massive repression and usually the ones who will break a window or another once you get caught the police and those that they run faster than the police the ones who get caught are peaceful protesters and people are are becoming infuriated by the behavior of the police to where it's peaceful protesters and there doesn't seem to be and then to this because. the minister doesn't want to
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go. and doesn't want to discuss at all and the tuitions is still on the program is still supposed to be applied in september and it's not only the students but a lot of major i would say a large part of the population including well known politician. are against and then they are condemning the government right now now there were a lot of arrests there overnight how are the students reacting is there is a crackdown kind of forcing them to back down or is it feeling the fire always fueling the fire definitely it will not stop this as profound the ramifications the people know and the students are not stupid then there are a large part of the population understand very well that those tuitions he hikes have their roots in the financial crisis of two thousand and eight and even more profound rule the roost in the triumph of neo liberalism in the eighty's with
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deregulation the financial markets and so people understand that there is a. big misconception people are very discontent i mean people are very unhappy about the way their political elites are behaving and the feel that the government is not serving the people at all it's only serving big financial interests and that's why it's not going to go away and it actually on sunday you know on sunday there were two hundred fifty thousand people jenning the streets in montreal protesting and it was supposed to be earth day but i i was there and i saw more signs against the government than anything else it was not strictly about the environment and protecting your and they were preventive arrest but they did for a side of the morning a group of native. people and stephanie says militants were
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protesting peacefully in front of the convention center in montreal and they were arrested ninety of them were arrested without having done anything it was the call that preventive arrests and they're all given fines are not just arrested them and really. the staff there in the really preventive monitor they're given fines of one hundred forty four dollars i believe and so this is all those are all very repressive methods and it's only going to fuel more and more and more people are going to join those eventually now bernard as i understand quebec university fees are the lowest in canada why then is there so much outrage well because that bankers are very different society from the rest of gatherers they are different by their language they speak french mostly even though come back or do speak english their language their normal language is french you have
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a different culture the see things very differently they have powerful collective instruments to manage their economies now those instruments are in the hands of a neo liberal government but they were created by the government of the. which is a separate party in the seventy and those are very powerful they have the kids. which is there has. been one hundred fifty billion dollars and they use that to invest in their economy and to bother is very much from people who life come back to behave like your other western societies and just accept that it has to be embedded and it has to be to have a less state and more business right now to share that view at all sorry to interrupt you there we are at a time though but thank you very much for coming on the show that was citizen
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journalist bernard. my pleasure. well new developments in the pacific join us philippine military drills are underway and the south china sea and it's leaving china on edge the u.s. and the philippines maintains that this is all simply an exercise but china sees it as a provocation this as tensions mount between the philippines and china over disputed territory but drills are happening here on the western philippine island of follow on there's a standoff between the philippines and china over who has the rights to the nearby waters the philippines says the area lies within their territory china claims it's theirs and there's a lot at stake the island sits on what some estimates of be around fifty billion dollars worth of oil china also has territorial disputes in the area with in the nisa taiwan and vietnam. so are the military drills a sign of what's to come and will they be a step toward pushing china to
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a breaking point to discuss this earlier i spoke to dr paul card roberts former reagan administration official i asked him if there is more to this than just drills here's what he had to say of course there is. the military security complex is putting in motion another conflict they need a conflict to replace the the war on terror. the war on terror you know it's been going on now for ten eleven years and it's proved to be an embarrassment the problem with the war on terror is that the mighty military of the americans should be our. defeat and if you ragtag insurgent. so in order to keep the war going with iraq is they did for seven eight years and now in afghanistan for ten or eleven years it's sort of embarrassing i mean they don't really want the war to end they're not trying to win they're just trying to
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spend money so the profits flow into the military security complex and comes back in political contributions but the problem with this type of conflict is it makes the americans look impotent militarily the notion that the united states military can't defeat a few thousand taliban is embarrassing so what they need is a they need a new cold war like they had with the soviets that will actually come into conflict which they can for they can keep going for decades and so china is the obvious candidate so they're provoking jalen they're trying to start you know a military buildup in china and one that we can point to for more alarm and more build up here so they can keep profits flowing into the military and security complex that's what it's all about it's not about who's who's islands they are any of that it's it's about we've got to keep the money in the power flowing to the military security complex but up by at the center of all of this tension and it's
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been going on for years now is all ya'll and money the island spratly islands that there are now being disputed that they're estimated to be sitting on billions of dollars of our of the voile the philippines says it belongs to bat but china fell plans on drilling so in this case could china be seen as the aggressor now look all of these extol of these excuses are just what they have to concoct they can't say oh we need a long term conflict to replace the soviet conflict. so we've decided to do that with china they can't say that so they create make believe things lying or alone on islands and who the islands by. too and that sort of thing but that's not the purpose of this that's not the purpose of starting a conflict with china they can keep going for years without actually having to fight. and the problem with the war on terror is they've been fighting and yet they
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don't win and so that's embarrassing and that hurts the military his reputation and hurts their self-image in the morale so they need a cold war and that's what this is all about it's not about who's all it is or who's the aggressor it's about the need to keep money flowing into the military security complex i mean what if you had peace what would happen to all these companies in their profits and homeland security and the cia and all the rest so that's really what it's about we really shouldn't let them program us into thanking that china's trying to claim something that's not theirs or that the philippines are or that they're i mean the philippines wouldn't be a match for china and india now and the real question is why does the united states think it has any business being in the south china sea i mean what if china was saying that its business was the gulf of mexico i mean we would be incensed so why
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shouldn't china be upset when we say that their home waters is our national interest all of this is the provoke conflict it's nothing to do with the oil or who owns our islands but paul there is a treaty back in the one nine hundred fifty of that led that states that if a country and war if something with the press and the philippines that the u.s. would provide some kind of aid. yes but china hasn't threaten the philippines they're not threatening anybody. they're not bombing any countries they're not invading them. they're not doing anything and they're penetrating people economically with trade and and but they're not you know look at africa china is their business terms how is it on stage there they're there with the africa command militarily. so china has warned that these military exercises what raised the risk of an arm come for
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a confrontation intention has been mounting between these two countries for quite some time is that more likely now. i don't think the united states actually wants it to come to an armed conflict as i said already i think what they want is another cold war they had one with the soviets kept the profits flowing for decades now they want another war like that not a hot war. but generally the hot or is you might not win. but the cold war you can keep everybody worried you can keep homeland security going you can keep all the profits flowing into the military complex with new weapons systems and all of that sort of thing and so that's really what it's about we shouldn't be fooled by what they tell us it's about it's never about what they tell us about remember there was no weapons of mass destruction in iraq there are no rain in nukes. the taliban had
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nothing to do with nine eleven. so everything they tell us is wrong so don't we shouldn't let them get away with it again now paul there's over seven thousand american and philippine troops now taking part in this exercise so it's pretty extensive so of course this is costing a lot of money taxpayer money and not too long ago the pentagon announced big defense cuts. there are kind of a disconnect here that well they're trying to they're trying to overcome the fence cuts by having a new threat and so they're turning china into the threat and yes there is a conflict but they don't want to defense cuts i mean. look president eisenhower . warned the american people in his last public address and nineteen sixty two about the military industrial complex it's now called the military security complex
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about how it would take all the money that the country had and all the liberty the country had and that people should wake up to the fact that they never did it and that's precisely what it's been doing and it's what it's doing now and so china is the new conflict to replace the war on terror i mean it's kind of running out isn't that playing that kill bin laden they claim the taliban is defeated in disbursed. that it's kind of hard to say that iran is is a terrorist conducting terror on the world so they've got to have a new conflict so i guess paula this is just another sign of the u.s. changing their focus from the middle east to the asia pacific region and you can look at it that way it's a more promising conflict for the military security complex paul pleasure to have you on as always that was dr paul craig roberts former reagan administration official. well you know that mantra less is more some people are taking that saying
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very seriously it's called the tiny house movement and it's a growing trend and the last people are cramming all their earthly possessions into houses the size of some bathrooms no mortgages no foreclosures and no one to answer to have these people found the key to making it through these trying economic times on the age of mcmansion arthur producer michael lopez introduces us to people who say when it comes to owning a home bigger isn't always better. it was the quintessential american dream get a stable job buy a big house in the suburbs with a white picket fence and fill it with a couple of kids and maybe even a dog but these days the real american dream just maybe look like this. or this or even this it's all part of a growing trend in the u.s. known as the small house movement and it asks americans to do something that is quite an american who live within their means during recessionary times and tend to
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be more conservative and we tend to seek to reduce our costs and one of the ways to do that is seeking smaller home with a lower price associated with it since the one nine hundred fifty s. the size of the typical household has doubled the paradigm here in america has been . that bigger is better but in the last couple years that has proven to be not the case when the housing bubble burst it took with it the dreams and homes of millions of americans and left many families choosing between putting food on the table or paying for the roof over their heads and others looking for a better solution i think it's a better way to live i really do i think that it makes you appreciate. what you have more i think it gives you more time to do the things you want to do me rebecca when i'm owner of this a seven hundred twenty square foot house in carlisle pennsylvania it's a third of the size of
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a typical household and yet for her family it's home it forces you to truly live with the people that you make your family with rather than isolating yourself to different parts of the house with twenty three percent of homeowners owing more on their houses than the property is actually worth these days and foreclosures are rising again in march that idea might be catching on so with a stagnant economy that's going nowhere fast there are huge advantages associated with unburdening yourself with those traditional costs of ownership and really that's what you do when you except in very very small home this is what i mean come on it perhaps no one knows this better than jay shafer he invented tumbleweeds tiny houses for one basic reason i was tired of paying for more apartment and i really needed any more rent and i couldn't really afford a mortgage so i built myself a tiny house this is jay's house measuring at just ninety seven square feet it is
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one of the smallest houses in the u.s. because his month's right is if you're living with just what you need and nothing extra and everything is working for you're still living small is actually just living more freedom so while millions of americans are struggling with the large price tag associated with owning a big home people like rebecca n.j. living in houses like this are still pursuing the same american dream but in a little smaller of a package reporting and carlisle pennsylvania meghan lopez r t. shows coming up in just a half an hour let's check in with alona to see what's on today's agenda alone or what can we look forward to as well we're definitely going to be talking about this but today as you know yesterday the white house issued a veto threat there might be a vote tomorrow on the house floor and today they finally started baiting it and so there are a lot of amendments up there so we're going to have trevor tim join us to really break it down and see if any of those amendments are actually
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a solution or make his bill any less dangerous especially when it comes to your civil liberties and we're going to take a look at marco rubio senator marco rubio's foreign policy speech that he gave at brookings yesterday he's quite the rising star amongst the neo-cons and let's just say that he took the theme of american exceptionalism pretty much as far as you can go so we're going to see if the g.o.p. is that a little bit of a loss right now when it comes to their foreign policy and if they're really being drawn into a downtrodden excuse me by obama right that is all coming up next be alone to show but that's going to do it for the news for more of the stories we covered you can check out our web site that address is youtube dot com slash r t america you can also check out our that was our you tube channel this is our web site r t dot com slash usa you can also follow me on twitter at the wall we'll be right back here at seven bill and show it's coming up in just a half hour.


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