tv [untitled] April 27, 2012 12:00am-12:30am EDT
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progs threatens to pull out of a showing again travels unless tougher border powers are granted within the e.u. but initiative critics say undermines the bloke's principle of european unity. in egypt thousands of businesses are expected to descend on tahrir square for the third friday in a row and a rally they say is aimed at upholding the revolution many feel the fight for democracy has been placed by a scramble for power. and. also the arrests of dozens of university students running against tuition hikes in canada triggers warnings that cost police tactics will only drive discontent and fuel protest. and the father of a former security officer alexander litvinenko who died in london of radioactive poisoning tells r.t. he knows he was responsible for his son's murder.
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well these are much more you're watching r.t. france talks tough and the the europe tackles in the e.u. integration or paris pulls out of the troubles that according to president nicolas sarkozy and starts has already caused a stir among some e.u. members with belgians saying french electoral concerns are now playing a bigger role that sarkozy is facing a hard fight in a presidential runoff vote a week on sunday parties it's also the reports. they say it's better to travel than to write but for european unity the ride has been bumpy to say the least. and where could it be headed and know what the you know is and will implode a considerable number of economists admit as well the french of four and that the eurozone is already dead it will collapse look at that it should be all over.
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so says the candidate who surprise france by securing almost a fifth of the votes in round one of their presidential race all the other candidates without exception regard the european union as part of the solution or is the main solution she has identified and her campaign the fact that it's actually the course of the problems much of the french press accounts are completely wedded to the euro project they cannot conceive of a foreign policy or domestic policy which is deeply. you know it is rooted in the whole european project one that finds itself in ever more shaky ground. should get agreement a lot of european integration sacred cows allowing voter free travel crossly hued so is under fire him. germany and france want member states to have the option to bring back those internal borders for thirty day period if there's a threat to security and public order there's
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a danger and more and more people are also going to start attacking all the good aspects of europe and divisions within the union don't end their amnesty international's recent report documents examples of prejudice the block against muslims in education and employment ideas that were once very much on the fringe of the political spectrum on all being really mainstream in the right certainly able to sort of sort and so when the left would come and see the people more racist certainly not but there has to be some sort of. a wider or fortunately for people to express their hate and to indulge into violent behavior so where does that leave you or even the people who are against this kind of europe another against the euro in an idea that say they want a different kind of europe the e.u. may be trying to say in the past that set to achieve its vision and version of
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europe the obstacles are getting bigger from voters rallying behind brussels candidates to oppose also putting back border controls some e.u. leaders have dismissed them as populist threats but the question is are they merely still threats or is this growing resistance already the tip of an iceberg. sylvia r.t. brussels. skepticism a major issue in the french presidential election member states and the awaiting the outcome of the vote on our website at www dot com we're asking what the main challenge for next french leader would be so let's say the main task will be bearing the eurozone debt burden both of you think the most difficult task of kickstarting the economy and the rest of it's almost equally spread amongst the biggest challenges in defusing tension of integration and involvement in foreign conflicts. cairo's tahrir square will fill with anger again on friday as addiction islamists vent their frustrations towards the
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country's current military rulers are the same people who are condemning the current leaders for failing the demands of the revolution themselves stand accused of trying to monopolize power etc first now reports from any objections the ongoing political wrangling is pushing democracy to the sidelines. that protests nation after the revolution toppled president mubarak gyptian siv continue to use people power as a way to force change the sights and sounds of protestors on cairo's tahrir square have become a familiar one more than a good president without the from power presidential elections just around the corner and the activities here have once again taken center stage but if the last years taught us anything it's a revolution alone does not a democracy make this why the upcoming elections appraising so important. as a discussion group focused on a paced arab spring egypt we met
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a former member of mubarak's regime now a prominent speak a here in egypt the revolution also must be a great action but unfortunately. we have. the challenges we have to discuss and do we have to reach a vision. that not everyone will say positive one man asked the panel how they'd feel about the outcome if they'd been one of the young revolutionaries there's an awkward pause but he's not given a clear. administration . in their lives in february. we order the protection for reuse and we will we will give the people what you want we'll give you. freedom we'll give you
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a democracy he told us of the frustration of many people he turned out to tahrir but now feel they've been left a represented with a new struggle for power creating many of the regimes old. what is a democracy is the. promise of course is a common complaint with an equally common answer. but the revolutionary meet with holes can last indefinitely i can't say a second wave but we will expect to know waves of. people protesting against certain actions and this is the mcchrystal everywhere i'm sure that when they would realize that they should go in a different way more realistic and to understand that the end to this region it's from a polish logans or shoutings it's the economy the culture and the politics at the end of the day eyes are estimating authority and underestimating people seeing
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regimes across the arab world full now with the announcement of the list of candidates attention turns to the policies of those he might become the next president they'll need to be careful not to allow power to turn out the voices of face who are determined that this time they'll be heard i think we will. pick a side the choice i have the right the right way and giving me. that evolution and to see. this thing. and and where. and then there are a revolution sits on. the surface r.t. kyra. the next day people of alan his guests discuss what changes are revolutions brought to the world. libya is
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a broken country they are unwilling to look at libya because then it ruins the idea of the so-called libyan model the exported model that some people want to take to syria so any look back at libya is going to caution you about using need to out in such a military kind of militaristic way nobody wants to talk about for instance the fact that an entire town in libya the town of thought it was ethnically cleansed you know there is no call for the food detailed forensic human rights investigation of what is happening in libya forced to intervention in nato as you know has refused any public or independent evaluation of its tactics in libya. dozens of canadian university students in montreal have been arrested putting
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a protest over panda tuition hikes on three hundred dollars a year students to the streets after tuition negotiations with back down. one group from the talks accusing it of preventing violence and again they deny. this since its tactics were used to student schools. there were relatively minor incidents windows broken and some very close but i realized the police is using that as a pretext to conduct mass repression and usually the ones you will break your window or another once you get caught the police closed the they run faster police . are peaceful protesters and people are becoming infuriated by the behavior leads towards peaceful protesters fueling the fire. this is profound. people are very unhappy about the way political elites are
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behaving in that the government is not serving the people at all it's only serving big financial interests this is all those are all very repressed and it's only going to fuel more and more and more people are going to join actually remember that we've got plenty more in store few twenty four seven at r.t. dot com here's what we have lined up there right now disaster tuesday all signs of spring bloggers are going bonkers over the green cloud of pollen that appeared over the russian capital because more pictures on our web site. also the commercial that caused the diplomatic round. dutch women to stop husbands from going you know twenty twelve football championship blueprint not why don't you don't come.
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be a father of alexander litvinenko the former russian security officer who died of radioactive poisoning in london in two thousand and six says he knows he's behind his son's death he spent to r.t. shortly before british lie detector experts concluded that scotland yard's main suspect in the russian m.p. under the boy was not guilty of correspondents covering the group has more now on the case that sort ties between moscow and london pointed to a new no. the promise i'm still not entirely clear you how can you come here and bang the drum for british business while the suspected killer of alexander litvinenko is being protected by the russian state this issue hasn't been pock the fact is that the two governments don't agree and the poor me i would like to remind you that article sixty one of the russian constitution says
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a russian citizen cannot be extradited to a foreign state for legal proceedings and it will never happen to anyone polonium can poison a man and relations between the two countries in two thousand more russian spy and we are scrambling creating an alexander litvinenko was poisoned with polonium in a top london hotel britain accuses russian state duma deputy andrey lugovoy of being behind the moder and wants him extradited russia says there are a serious gaps in the case one of the most scandalous killings in recent decades the poisoning of former officer alexander litvinenko in london remains a permanent fixture in relations between russia and the u.k. and while diplomas struggle to start a war it's a man living in this tiny italian crowd whose shocking revelations could bring the two sides closer together six years after his son was killed seventy three year old
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while the litvinenko says it's time to speak out for help i should be used as a witness if you're alexander died in my arms that he wrote important information on a tissue as he died because they might you understand why gesture the room was bugged he didn't want anybody to hear and what was on the tissue when the p. wrote to the murder was and the rest but i'll reveal it only in court as up with the u.k. like the truth. he will live. and russia. to be even more. the only accusation up to now from alexander litvinenko was that putin ordered the poisoning when your. statement revealed after he died never existed until the very last moment i was there and such as if he would recover. he hardly spoken english and the letter was written in
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impeccable english someone did it for him before now but sure wasn't a line with the victim's close circle all point the finger at former f.s.b. officer. saying he poured the lonny on in the victim's t. . didn't kill my son to kill with polonium you need two to three grains of it it's in a thimble but large quantities were scattered everywhere it was done on purpose and lugovoy was used as a guy but are you ready to say this little guy would directly if we call him right now. will. we have his number will try to reach him now. what with the force of the. things that i said about you i hope you can forgive me you realize of course what sort of people way dealing with here can explain told viewers what exactly you are apologizing for to us on the floor now
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under way i know that you. guys have nothing to do with this they were in danger too because the polonium was scattered on them as well. and. to meet me do you understand in person. thank you for i'm ready to bring walter to court new hearings in london started several months with important secret documents will have to be revealed by m i six and m i five was arena outram real with her revelations and walter is doing the same they have no choice really resume will be no more secrets left to the ultra promises to reveal more secrets in court and makes it clear his son's once close circle of friends won't like many. but sure why didn't you disclose the information to them because if i had do you really think i would be sitting here talking to you if you didn't a great sure r. t.
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monkey match channel eataly. also explain to artie why he thinks his son was a victim of what he called a grand spy game he watched that additional interview by logging onto our website at r.t. dot com. a controversial cyber security act is now a step closer to becoming law putting u.s. congress' approval process now heads to the senate or the white house had already threatened to veto the bill internet users stunned the proposal accusing it of breaching americans' privacy what is going to chicken reports now from washington. cisco would make it legal for service providers like google microsoft facebook to funnel private communications and other user related information to u.s. authorities it would provide the government with unhindered access to private correspondence of every american and mind you it's not just the americans using their services we're talking about internet users from all over the world so that would be done in the name of cyber security they called it cyber intelligence
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sharing and protection act critics argue who does protect is those providers the likes of microsoft google and others and they are strongly lobbying for the law because analysts say it's not like the companies are not sharing information with u.s. authorities already and your correspondence cannot be monitored it can't but under existing laws the companies can still be liable for sharing private information of their customers so experts say the companies want legal protection for what they're already doing that's what the proposed law is about sopa was a different story for them service providers heavily lobbied against it because it would hit their businesses it would easily allow to shut down you tube for example they hold tons of copyrighted material anyway so paul was killed in congress largely because of the huge awareness campaign launched by internet service providers but from consumer's point of view whether it's sold or cispa it's seen as a blatant encroachments on privacy and freedoms so who would have given
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unprecedented tools to shut down websites cisco would allow to effectively legalize the big brother on the web again it's not as if private correspondence is not being monitored already but would cispa americans would be stripped of their last legal means to protect their privacy on the web. now in the rift in the u.s. a pakistani relations looks set to widen after washington failed to assure the once close ally that it would end drone attacks on pakistani territory is about as demands upon death is that during the visit of the u.s. special envoy who is in pakistan and made efforts to mend ties relations between the two the railed for in the u.s. raid that killed osama bin laden and the nato airstrike that left twenty four pakistani soldiers dead but it's discussed more of this we're joined live now from the u.s. by robert farley is an assistant professor at the university of kentucky a thank you for joining us here on r.t. in our pakistan's parliament is recommended that the u.s. be prevented from launching drone missile attacks on pakistani soil if washington
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refuses what will happen then do you think. i think that there are several steps that we could look at in terms of escalation pakistan has already severely limited the amount of logistical support that can travel through pakistani territory to arrive in afghanistan but we could also conceivably see some measures to try to kinetic measures to try to shoot down or prevent drones from operating in pakistan we could also see more diplomatic measures in terms of withdrawing them basters there's still a long way to go in terms of deterioration of directions between the u.s. and pakistan now washington seems willing to stall cooperation with pakistan but it hasn't offered an apology for the s.g.i. debt so how much of a stumbling block is that. i think it's a significant stumbling block although at the same time. i can understand from nato as a point of view and from washington's point of view why they're reluctant how they view the incident differently than the pakistanis do that there are so military
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relations issues that complicate the entire issue try to offer an apology but it remains significant stumbling block between pakistan and the united states if pakistan they refuse instead to reopen its borders for nato convoys how will that affect the block's operations in afghanistan. it makes it considerably more difficult alternative means of supporting afghanistan and especially any sort of high intensity operations in afghanistan have to travel through a number of different countries and have to travel by a much less economical route and i know that i have friends in the military who have to argue that the support through pakistan it's really critical to continuing operations in afghanistan and any degree. in a degree of attrition. and looking even though wider than that i mean the u.s. has recently expanded its drone operations to yemen do you think the yemeni government might follow in pakistan steps and demand an end to this kind of thing.
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well that's interesting because i think in yemen the arguments been made that the targets of the grown campaign there also happen to be working with rebels against the yemeni government. so the government itself may be at least quietly enthusiastic about the notion of having u.s. support at the same time i suspect you'll get the same sorts of concerns that you might see in pakistan now which are about sovereignty it would rule out nationalism and the notion that americans can just kill anyone who happens to be wandering through yemen at any given time of course the u.s. says that the prime targets of its drone strikes are qaeda militants but is there no other approach the u.s. could take to tackle insurgents. i mean that's a really good question and. the u.s. military believes that this is the easiest and most efficient way to kill militants certainly there are other ways sort of militants could have been in certain cases captured. you could also use more traditional means such as they are strikes or
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cruise missiles although i'm not sure that would make yemen or accent any happier. the other would be to revise the strategy in the campaign that make it less oriented around joint insurgents and militants. ok thank you but if i assisted a professor at the patterson school of diplomacy international commerce at the university of kentucky thank you thank you. but take a look at some other news now from around the world the south. bradley manning accused of leaking u.s. government secrets to wiki leaks has failed in his attempt to persuade the judge to throw out the most serious charge against him crime of aiding the enemy carries a maximum penalty of life imprisonment he hasn't entered a plea to any of the charges or decided whether he tried judge or jury set to begin september. medical students in the believe in the capital of the. crucifixions in protest of a new law extending the doctors' work day by two hours others are calling for the
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resignation of the nation's health minister carried signs in the room blood these demonstrations continue among the protest by doctors which has forced the closure of several public hospitals in the past few weeks. tens of thousands of new wages gather the cross the country to single children so. this great game is being used to brainwash the youth nine hundred seventy so my children of the rainbow is the region of american interest media is a race in testimony last week except the song is an example of how cultural marxists taken over the nation screws. has admitted to killing seventy seven people . were to marina now on the business desk nature is the only market trading right now has a session going i care well the session is going quite well actually asian markets
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did start their tread in session mixed with the neck a losing value and that's as investors were cautious i had of a policy decision by the bank of japan and they're also pricing in a weaker than expected rise in industrial output but as you're about to see the nikkei has made a compact and it's now in a positive territory but it's actually is a positive territory right now by you're seeing out of the picture right there it's actually adding over one percent this hour which is quite impressive and of both the hang seng is also in positive territory and when it comes to hong kong basically why investors are there is because there are some positive reports earnings reports by resource and technology companies are right let's move on to the u.s. where you can see the close up picture because. of course it's not trading right now and they ended the trading session on the high end as investors were basically reactance and mixture of data if we can look at the u.s.
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markets right now and basically we have positive earnings reports that is earning report season that's where we'll be hearing a lot about the first quarter results of companies and also they're reacting to encouraging news about home sales and this helped of said this a point about unemployment claims as well as there was a mixed markets in europe and if we take a look at the crude this disappointment unemployment claims aren't really helping through them prices are falling and analysts in fact are saying that we might see further declines next week because the concerns over the euro zone and confidence there is really low if we move on to the exchange rates the euro is losing against the dollar when it comes to the ruble the finished mix against the main currencies on thursday gains of the greenback bought at a loss to the euro would give you an updated figures on that when the russian markets open which is and less than two hours time let's take a look though at the closing picture on thursday there we can see both in the red
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with m i six losing over one percent in fact and basically investors were reacting to negative news in europe and the u.s. and that's what dragged the markets down now in other news we have russia back into that investment group. are you which has revealed some results its revenues rose forty three percent in the first quarter of the year which was above expectations and the company which owns a little over two percent in facebook by the way also said last year's that profit jumped one hundred fifty eight percent. and there's a new blog. on the ratings agency standard and poor's has cut spain's credit rating to triple b. plus and what's more it's place pain on negative outlook which means there is a risk of further downgrade. in the future and the agency estimates the spanish economy will shrink by one and a half percent this year and that the country may have to take on more debt to
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support its banking sector. right there it seems that whenever we have markets that are showing figures we always seem to get it wrong and have the numbers we can correct it in the end. ok thanks for the very. next guy to all you can see in doing the russian capital moscow out is coming your way after a recap of the headlines. well
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