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tv   [untitled]    April 27, 2012 3:00pm-3:30pm EDT

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tonight an r.t.a. a child of explosions rips through a city in eastern ukraine leaving dozens injured in war police say a terrorist attacks. a new cyber security bill slammed by internet users an attack on privacy gets a step closer to the white house but president obama threatens to veto it if it passes the senate. a three man crew successfully lands in kazakhstan after six months aboard the international space station we've got more from mission control in russia. and the economic blows continued to rain on spain its credit rating takes another hit full employment reaches a critical twenty five percent. moscow
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time this is r t a very good evening from we kevin zero in our top story tonight terror has gripped ukraine earlier today with a string of bombings that left at least twenty nine people injured four successive blasts hit public areas in the eastern city of trust causing widespread panic several people suspected of organizing the attacks of reportedly now been arrested . in the ukrainian capital with more details. ukraine's interior ministry says that four bloss rocked the third largest town in ukraine to the city of get off and those were for explosive devices put in fresh bins at tramway stations it's interesting the attack looks really coordinated because all those last happened at one particular line of the tramway in the pit at the office now we have a chance to listen to eyewitnesses who told us of the horror which they experienced when the bombs went off. that we came to the park you know on our way back that the
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blast happened leave swirled off the trees we saw pillars of dust. from the term explained and then within five minutes and seven thirty had to seen the listener passed through writing and signed the fountain it was like a ring that went to look around and the list might spend all night into the square and they were not seen because it was recess time and all these attacks happened hours ago but the city of the bit at the office still gripped by panic reportedly several people have been detained in connection with these attacks it's believed that they could have been behind those attacks but this formation has not yet been confirmed by the officials what is confirmed by the officials that they are definitely considering this to be a terrorist attack and have already launched a criminal investigation into this rather untypical incident for a typically calm ukraine we're only forty days away from the start of the euro two thousand and twelve football championship an attack like that in a very populated city with a population of around a million people certainly puts a lot of pressure on the authorities and could even jeopardize the euro twenty the
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world championship in ukraine and poland certainly many concerns will be there among the football fans will be coming here in hundreds of thousands and the authorities are now trying to do everything they can they already organize an emergency meeting of ukraine's parliament but for now nobody has claimed responsibility for the attacks and we are waiting to hear from the authorities whether those people who were reportedly detained were in fact those who masterminded this terrible attack in the bit of. coming up on the program a real are condemning the rise in running battles of montreal we'll see eighty five more students arrested in the increasingly violent faceoff right now over rising tuition fees because the latest also stealing the revolution from those who needed it most egypt secular groups boycott the latest cairo protests saying they're being hijacked by power hungry islamists. soon americans may find every private e-mail they write could be opened copied and inspected by governments
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snoopers the latest cybersecurity bill called cissp or has passed the house of representatives coming a step closer to becoming law president barack obama has threatened to veto the act though if it does get through the senate he cited civil liberty concerns as the reason for that raised a massive cry with internet users and freedom activists who say it's a hard hit on people's privacy the president of the free software foundation told me earlier that for the average user giving up personal data to the government's even worse than stealing it if you store any data in a u.s. company that company with few exceptions is legally required to hand that data over to the u.s. government without even a search warrant so i think both individuals and governments should take precautions to make sure that their citizens data is not being handed over to u.s.
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companies or their foreign subsidiaries which are subject to that same but we named . governments are far more powerful then people acting on their own underground clandestinely and x. criminals or whatever and so we must protect ourselves from abuse of government power first of all. and secondarily of course there are other people who might do us harm and the government could conceivably you know were tect us from them but that's a secondary so governments that don't respect human rights those are the most important questions constantly we tend ourselves from cyber security is not a valid goal but of course it doesn't justify doing terrible harm just because you're doing it in the name of a valid goal. a soyuz module carrying two russian cosmonauts and
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a nasa astronauts landed successfully the crew returned back to earth after spending almost six months on board the international space station. it was followed events for mission control the launch happened in november two thousand and eleven mid november they spent about five and a half months in space as part of it so use it to make twenty two weeks but also as part of the thirtieth international space station expedition there were some problems with the feeling about launch because they were supposed to launch as early as september but as you may remember there was the problem with the progress rocket which delayed this rocket as well but then you're also some problems in that delaying their landing as well they had some problems with the pressurization of the command module so that actually delayed their landing fact this was the first so use capsule to launch after the shuttle program has retired on that hand there were airplanes fourteen helicopters twenty two land vehicles and over two hundred personnel ready to make sure that these three spacemen these valiant heroes got to
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earth safely and that is that is exactly what happened. just let you know if you're interested in that story we got full footage from the landing site r.t. dot com also interestingly too we've got capsule cam you can see the crew enjoying messing around in zero gravity before their mission ended good pictures there if you can call it already. secular political powers in egypt refused to take part in friday's planned demonstration against the military rulers have been organized by the country's islamist parties the religious groups are accused of using the protests as a p.r. tool of monopolizing power those are two sort of first reports the ongoing political wrangling is pushing democracy in egypt into the sidelines. protests nation after the revolution toppled president barack egyptians have continued to use people power as a way to force change the sights the sounds of protesters on cairo's tahrir square have become a familiar one more than
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a gift of president mubarak without the from power presidential elections just around the corner and the activities here have once again taken center stage but if the last year has taught us anything is that revolution alone is not a democracy make why the upcoming elections appraising so important. as a discussion group focused on a paced arab spring egypt we met a former members mubarak's regime now a prominent speaker here in egypt the revolution was a must and it's a great action but unfortunately after we have a lot of problems and the challenges we have to discuss and do we have to reach a vision. not everyone was a positive one man asked the panel how they'd feel about the outcome if they'd been one of the young revolutionaries there's no quid pulls but he's not given a clear answer. on forces and the.
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administration. after. they get. in their lives in february. we order. food revolution we will we will give the people what you want we'll give you. freedom we'll give you a democracy he told us of the frustration of many people who turned out to tahrir but now feel they've been left represented with a new struggle for power creating many of the regimes old guard what is a democracy is the. process of course is a common complaint with an equally common answer. but the revolutionary mood which homes can last indefinitely i can't say. but we will expect to know waves of. people against certain actions should go in
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a different way more realistic and to understand that there is this region it's not only slogans or shoutings it's the economy the culture and the political overestimating authority and underestimating people has seen regimes across the arab world. now with the announcement of the list of candidates attention turns to the policies they see might become the next president they'll need to be careful not to allow power to churn out the voices of days who are determined that this time they'll be heard surface r.t. . still to come with a program this toxic truth. he wrote to the mood was in the rest the father of russia's former security officer alexander litvinenko says he knows who killed his son and it's not scotland yard's main suspect.
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but next the euro zone's fourth largest economy has been stripped of its prestigious a credit rating the mark of a top economists it's another blow for spain which also so it's an employer. rates saw to almost twenty five percent a figure dreaded by economists the ratings agency behind the move started unpause warned that things look set to get even worse to the social economic. can't help but agree this is russian roulette as we've just made referrals where the government has just made reforms to the labor market and to the economy with this or started to cut we have to see how those play out but we were in a recession in spain officially when driving a recession stary t. hese is a person it destroys any chance that could exist of growth which is what actually goes and sees that you are paid your debt hence the problem with our with our sovereign bad judging friend from the very first very start and weeks and months of
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these reforms which should explode and the fact that it hasn't so far really is on his plane by the fact that obviously spain has a shadow economy of great proportions that is what. these massive run employed part of it actually but sooner or later it will it will come to a very very difficult situation. where the broader picture the e.u. itself clearly tiring of austerity calling for a new approach through trying to resolve the euro crisis the european parliament president stressed the urgency saying the collapse of the union for the first time ever is a realistic scenario for a city reports now on the source of the crags snaking through this once formidable bloc. they say it's better to travel than to arrive but for european unity the ride has been bumpy to say the least and where could it be headed and know what the euro is and will implode a considerable number of economists admit as well the french of four and that the
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eurozone is already dead it will collapse. all over. so says the candidate who surprised france by securing almost a fifth of the votes in round one of their presidential race all the other candidates without exception regard the european union as part of the solution or as the main solution as she has identified in her campaign the fact that it's actually the cause of the problems much of the french press but also completely wedded to the euro project they cannot conceive of a foreign policy or domestic policy which is more than deeply. you know it is rooted in the whole european project one that finds itself in ever more shaky ground the should get agreement one of european integration sacred cows allowing border free travel across the e.u. is under fire. germany and france want member states to have the option to bring
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back those internal borders for thirty day period if there's a threat to security and public order there's a danger and more and more people are also going to start attacking all the good aspects of europe and divisions within the union don't and there amnesty international's recent report documents examples of prejudice of the block against muslims in education and employment ideas that were once very much on the fringe of the sort of political support terms on all being really mainstream in the right so to me it was sort of sort and so when the left would come and see the people more racist so to me not to but to there has to be some sort of. reuther or wider or fortunate you know for people to express the hate and to also indulgent to violent behavior so where does that leave europe even the people who are against this kind of europe another against the euro in an idea that say they want
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a different kind of europe the e.u. may be trying to say the path that set to achieve its vision and version of europe the obstacles are getting bigger from voters rallying behind that to brussels candidates to propose also putting back border controls some e.u. leaders have dismissed them as populist threats but the question is are they merely still threats or is this growing resistance already the tip of an iceberg tell us are still here r t brussels. one hundred sixty protests within just two months and canada student uprising continues unabated new clashes on thursday night to the standoff over. the increasingly violent centron of the country's second largest city of montreal clashes resumed after talks collapsed between student leaders in the forty's right offices maced and detained dozens of protesters while the police chief publicly complained that its forces were worn out the students are incensed over tuition fees rise which the government says is necessary but journalist but.
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they said heavy handed policing provoked the students. there were relatively minor incidents windows broken. recalls but i realised the police is using that as a pretext to conduct massive repression and usually the ones you will break your window or another once you get caught the police those that they run faster than the police the ones who get caught are peaceful protesters and people are becoming infuriated by the behavior of the police who were peaceful protesters fueling the fire. this has profound the ramifications people are very unhappy about the way their political elites are behaving and the fuel that the government is not serving the people at all it's only serving big financial interests this is all those are all very repressive and it's only going to fuel more
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and more and more people are going to join actually now some stories online you might be interested in it are calling from leading the country to leading the party russia's outgoing president dmitri medvedev accept the reins of the ruling united russia party replacing but even approaching the post more about online tonight also the story to the teenage cancer sufferer who's been forced to pay for her illness and she says. the therapy is about having a leg amputated but one russian airline forbids from flying the thanks of filing a for being an inconvenience claymation could die during the flight or sad story online for most of our team dot com. the father of the poisoned executed officer alexander litvinenko claims he knows who killed his son he says the u.k.'s prime suspect russian m.p. under a look of void had nothing to do with the murder in london six years ago that believers also now being backed by the results of
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a british led polygraph test that has occurred to integrate cho over as more on the revelations when you can poison a man and relations between two countries in two thousand and six former russian spy and fierce kremlin critic aleksandr litvinenko was poisoned with polonium in a top london hotel britain accuses russian state duma deputy andrey lugovoy of being behind the murder and wants him extradited six years after his son was killed seventy three year old vide the litvinenko says it's time to speak out your boy should be used as a witness died in my arms he wrote important information on the tissue as he died because it might do you understand went through my gesture the room was bugged he didn't want anybody to hear and what was on the tissue when the piece he wrote to the murder was and the rest are reveal it only in court as up with the by the u.k.
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like the truth. it will leave the cotton subject to. that and russia that if we even move. the only accusation up to now from alexander litvinenko was that putin ordered the poisoning when you will and you could this statement revealed after he died never existed until the very last moment i was there and sasha believed he would recover also he hardly spoke any english and the letter was written in packable poetic english someone did it for him before now butter was in line with the victim's close circle all point the finger at former f.s.b. officer well governor saying he poured polonium in the victim's t. . void didn't kill my son to kill with polonium you need two to three grains it fits in a thimble but large quantities were scattered everywhere it was done on purpose and
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lugovoy was used as a fall guy but there are you ready to say this still governed directly if you call him right now. i will happily go. to the force of the day and today then he gave me a bad things that i said about you i hope you can forgive me you realize of course what sort of people with dealing with here can you explain told viewers what exactly you are apologizing for. the slander under is not guilty these guys have nothing to do with this baby are in danger too because the polonium was scattered on them as well. and your lawyer must mean that you understand them in person. thank you for that i'm ready to bring walter to court new hearings in london start in several months important secret documents will have to be revealed by m i six and m i five outram the court with her
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revelations and walter is doing the same they have no choice soon there'll be no more secrets left vita promises to reveal more secrets in court and makes it clear his son's once close circle of friends won't like many of. the children why didn't you disclose the information to them because if i had to do you really the ego would be sitting here talking to you and you could sit in a great shore r t monday match channel eataly. more world news brief an apparent suicide bomb attack in the syrian capital killed ten twenty others wounded the blast happened outside a major mosque in damascus there have been a string of a suicide blast in the syria which mostly targeted government forces and supporters as attacks have drawn wide condemnation though with the opposition saying that using violence like that must face justice no matter which side they're on. a major security alert in central london so part of the city lockdown this friday after
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a man stormed a building and threaten to blow himself up snipers were deployed at the mantra computers from an upper window and took hostages the driver training firm in top import road stuff identified the man as having repeatedly failed his truck license test and was demanding his money back. el salvador's become the latest country where the behavior of u.s. secret service agents has been brought into question the prostitute scandal is rapidly snowballing with high level congressional and internal investigations now underway and that is tom ball has got the juicy details to unsub misdeeds by american agents right here in the russian capital to. this is new our back street in the center of moscow it's famed for its entertainment venues its bars and nightclubs but there is more on the nightclub but achieve rather much more notoriety than others it was called the hungry duck and it's now been dragged into the scandal surrounding u.s. secret service agents the wall street journal the us newspaper has quoted informed
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sources are saying that in june two thousand head of the trip by then president bill clinton u.s. secret service agents attended the notoriously this nightclub it was famous for its wild parties including its ladies' nights with warm reported to have a strip tease by nine hundred twenty women this all feeds into the comptroller surrounding an incident in colombia recently twelve agents were suspended after reports that they use prostitutes and the investigation has also been expanded into a possible incident in el salvador in two thousand and eleven when agents may also have used prostitutes one hundred up close in two thousand and nine after years of problems with your forward to these stories are going to do nothing to calm down the scandal swirling around the u.s. secret service. well as catch up on the business now is just kind of twenty four minutes past eleven moscow time katie is at the business desk. the big deal in
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russia's energy sector creating big bucks involved too of course big bucks kevin with six hundred and twenty five million dollars yeah big and is so much so that it's one of the biggest inward investment into russia right now now the country's direct investment fund and three partners have been bought a quarter of the power generator and now oh g.k. five from energy holding intel rao now one of the members a.g.c. fund is a large investor from the middle east now the deals that mediator explains the impact of the arab countries contributions have a listen. they are investing one hundred seventy five million in what is one of the largest investment by the middle eastern investor in russia so really very important transaction very important signal an example fawaz are investors because as you know as a fund was just five allies to structure in january of this year and since that
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time already two transactions was thoughtful warsaw one billion dollars to which two hundred million came from russia direct investment fund and eight hundred million dollars came from our point busters and talking of big money let's get on to gas problem the company actually reported some pretty positive results we're talking forty five million dollars that's what they made for the final to get of two thousand and eleven a thirty five percent increase and they're putting that down to high prices and growing production now the company increase its market share in europe and that's their key market you see from twenty four percent to twenty seven percent but analysts remain nervous and that's because of raising taxes that the government of planning to do on gas problem now there's also problems as well to do with
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competition as the u.s. becomes the world top gas producer and that's because of the shale gas boom. let's have a look at how the russian markets closed up today it was a positive day the investors are looking forward to the may holiday's a good day also yes i've said on the my six i want to know paul percent we have some really positive corporate results i mentioned and gas from those also you know most of talk about as well we had last telecom as well they posted some rating courage results so we had net profit reaching five hundred seventy million for last year that beat expectations as well as m.r.s. k. as well they had a net profit of fourteen percent over the next day's trading they did it's below nine tenths of a percent so you're not nearly enough for investors don't have a half a dozen reside now let's get on this exchange rates we can see that the ruble finished up makes against the basket cars is a year i don't know is one third to
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a fifty seven that the trade is by repair there were lots of sentiments coming out of the european regency a lot from spain they did have a downgrade that is triple big plus so talking about not only that but the jobless rate is not an eighteen year high is a concern that as we look at the u.s. market is that now entering the second part of the day that trading day that all optimistic not very much a surprise considering that g.d.p. didn't meet were hoping for having sept up consumer spending is that a really high is what is up i had some fantastic corporate results as well what i wanted to mention was amazon on now rallying sixteen percent so that is a shock the let's talk about sun this is an interesting one off to fourteen years of being the world's top mobile phone maker finnish nokia has a lot of toys so they've lost it to some now the south korean firm shipped ninety
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three million fines in the first quarter of the year ten million more the nokia not so logo sops and also i have you took a poll as the world's biggest seller of small things. so there we all kevin that's the business for now obvious back on monday with more updates it's a fickle business the world of mobile phones now now about to start work so good to see you have a nice weekend now you're just a couple of minutes away from the lace edition of crosstalk with paid lavelle before that all by reminder all the headlines you are watching r t live from moscow .
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russia would be so much brighter if you knew about songs from finance to impression it's. start on t.v. dot com. wealthy british style sun it's time to rise on. the. markets why not. find out what's really happening to the global.


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