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tv   [untitled]    April 27, 2012 9:30pm-10:00pm EDT

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it's friday you ready to rumble for tonight's big picture rumble our michael war on border with the weekly standard sam sachs big picture producer of progressive commentator and chris allman conservative commentator and activist thank you all for joining me tonight to start out the house passed their plan to stop the the automatic doubling of student loan rates interest rates which is going to happen in july the democrats wanted to pay for this by cutting subsidies and tax breaks to the oil billionaires and. the republicans who passed this today in the house ignored that and instead took their money took that money away from programs that prevent diseases and children and find breast cancer in women here's what nancy pelosi had to say about it. they want to take the funds from women's health. and then also childhood immunizations that's very important immunization of every
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child in america is important to every other child in america and that's where they want to take the money from it's outrageous we prefer to tax subsidies for big oil rather than the health of america's women so why are the republicans defending big oil billionaires and trying to take money away from immunization programs and preventative health care for women it's a good question. and we'd all users of it the pot in my name is wrong i know bhaumik care flush fund that he had in there it doesn't have anyone it was dedicated to immunization a mammogram was a brand new thing we are ready we are ready pay for it immunizations and women's health this was a brand new thing in in obama care it has nothing to do with you know what the democrats they just love love love to blame the oil companies because obama knows the high gas prices are hurting his reelection well look i mean this is the problem
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with the modern welfare state which is there are all sorts of given takes and you have to make decisions about what's the most important thing that we want to spend money on so we'll look liberals want to spend money on you know all these sort of federal programs yes all these sort of things that that maybe local governments might be able to pay for veterans why do you want to be up to the other programs are open and well look look look at what's happening in the senate with that with the democratic controlled senate wants to do to pay for this to keep the keep these student loans at the level that they are three point four percent is raise taxes on small businesses which is look the democrats are in charge of the series goes the suddenness of the john edwards loophole the new digs there it will say consultants who get by without paying any payroll tax i think the most amazing thing about this vote is it was just a few weeks ago that republicans passed their budget they all of them all but i guess ten or so voted for it in the budget assume that the student loan interest rate would double so now they all flip flopped and voted for that for this. because they knew that you had been outplayed by president obama over the last week so they'll freaked out we have to we have to pass legislation real quick so they said
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why do we pay for it with a low hanging fruit of course is obamacare let's just take from obamacare i mean it's really sop sloppily done it's going to be vetoed it was it was a meaningless vote but it really showed where republicans priorities are oil and now it's really shows where liberals priorities are because when they passed the cuts several years ago they made sure that it expired right before the election so they could use it as an election issue they could have made the lower interest rates permanent two years ago when obama had the house the senate and the white house but he didn't want to do that he wanted it to sunset or you should now have a permanent because the yes they could have because some kinds of legislation that are done by what's the for i mean is a prime minister permanent can never have you can only have a two your life that's been they can only live for one congress it all depends and so i don't know as a reconciliation well how it's done but he could have done it differently and he didn't because he wants these issues all he could have done to have come out i mean are all the republicans would have allowed him to do it differently and only the devil he had in charge of the government for two years they know they were not
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really they have they have they have both houses in congress yet and they have the white house and even if they did not have a filibuster proof majority in well yes of course but it looks that's where that's where a little politic could come and. sit there for years in election year by the way it's not like democrats that oh let's set this an election year i mean it's mcconnell is saying that we're going to make president obama one term president right after an election year it's always election year politics the reauthorizing the violence against women that has become political this blows my mind this is you know george bush proudly reauthorized this in two thousand and five yes i'm pleased that. today again the house republicans said ok we're going to reauthorize protections against women violence against women except women who are here illegally women who are native americans and women who are gay those women no protections wider public and they actually you know in fact every single person who . against authorizing protections against violence of women in those three
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categories was a white male in the united states actually what are the white male republicans in the united states senate have looked like i think you're right certain types of women if they're going to pass this law they ought to make it apply to everybody but this is ultimately the problem with this sort of law you have what a federal program is not violence against women again this is this is we're going to we're going to credibly successful although ok well that's what their daughters my days are looking at progress might say but the bottom line is that a group header is a whole lot of people who have who have you know violently abused women who are in prison right now it is a federal program exactly doing to stop violence against women again this is conservatives believe that well these are all just a result of this because all of the republican all the female republicans in the senate all five of them voted for this yes they were there also they're also much more moderate than the rest of you know your conference i don't know what's going on with well look again if we're going to spend money on this on a federal program it ought to apply to everybody but where do you this is the this
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is the problem the trip that you get in legislation like this you have to start asking where do you draw the line where does the dummy answer stand little as everybody the republicans want and i get when you on this on this native american thing because what the law the reauthorization and it's not really a reaffirmation because they're adding things that weren't in the law before france that they have every time they grew up there if my husband and i went to a casino on an indian reservation and we got into a physical arctic altercation he would be tried in a tribal court instead of a us court despite the fact that neither of us are native americans that's that's what this reauthorization says in the stand out right now and no it's not no it's not because the tribal police have priority over anything other than a federal federal crime right now he would be tried by a u.s. court because tribal courts have less protections than u.s. courts and so this this extends what the trial. bill the people that can be covered under that not just to native americans but to anything that happens in the casino
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or whatever so it's a violent a chain want to help protect for lesbians and protections for undocumented immigrants do should they make sure they have protections under the act. yes but again violence is and violence against women is a state and local issue and that's where most of these things are prosecuted but violence against women act does is provide funding for liberal feminist groups to run programs that have never been evaluated there are studies that show that these programs have not been in fact we don't know that they are effective and even though a lot of an idea of programs several times it has never been controversial it's controversial now if you said you're at a new thing for you i mean is that a just a straight out there i think. it is we're out it's not just what undocumented immigrant said it's time that conservatives want to villainize undocumented immigrant immigrants in reading protections for lesbians at a time that republicans are standing in where these lobbying rights i think we've
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we've had tortured this topic let's let's let's move on to a torture job it looks like the bush administration committed war crimes all we got was this t. shirt. of the senate is close to wrapping up a three year investigation of whether or not torture worked and they reviewed millions of pages the cia operations interrogation programs officials to close the investigation are saying as they said one the information about clete shaikh mohammed came out that there was no way the cia itself you know came out and said there was no actionable intelligence that was derived as river as a result of torturing this guy in fact he had been given useful information and stopped when they started torturing him. so it's not time that we stop listening to the torture apologists and begin criminal proceedings against bush cheney rumsfeld in the and the others who really deserve their day yes so so we're going to reload agape the whole debate that this country basically already had we had two thousand and eight election where are we at the two thousand six like that was not a court action ok but so votes and we're talking about criminalizing this stuff was so you're suggesting was which was legal under under the law that was that this was
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how the bush administration's lawyers interpret of the law and does what it was legal under the law doesn't mean it was legal under the water could mean is there a lawyer is were committed and then john you and jay bybee should be injured should be well. doc as well i would go to i disagree with that entirely but we both look i mean one of mine is this the other one is this study was done by a completely democratic because the first lady the republicans refused to participate he had a door was open to modern guys let's have a congress that's correct they don't because they're like no you want to talk about bush they were crimes no we're not going to participate because they were fused the stipulations of what this panel was looking at and said that this will be a straight and narrow investigation and so we can participate the panel reviewed millions of pages of cia documents with great detail through all the interrogation methods the information that was that was going from it and they came up to a conclusion i mean republicans didn't want to investigate this because it's pretty
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simple you're trying to rewrite history here to prove that bush was doing everything you can to find after bin laden was caught and it was his torture tactics that create that been luckier mention bin laden was not killed excuse me no this isn't this is i mean you're talking about things that happened way before bin laden was killed. i mean that's the point right bush is to you know i mean gap in law you know they said i think i don't think there's any ng i saw you talk to jose rodriguez who says absolutely this work who says ok i was in charge of the torture program yes of course he's going to say but to play with him or is in charge of it was great we got to be in jail and we got information and it saved lives but you know what he liberal whatever it is the guy that was in charge of the torture program who makes that claim and you know what choice it was he can i can't say as sure they fed him and your waterboard him over a hundred times you know what he did he counted on his fingers because he knew it was going to and he looked to me and so he's saying we should do harsher interrogation should we well i'm sure. i'm saying that you guys really say
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you know what we can meet three thousand americans let you down to answer any given how many have to die before you say it's ok. our archives you can send our thousand and ten or whatever we can to our sion of the population on a per capita basis who has had more civilians die is really the united states from at and terrorist hands israel right now of course and probably england if you look at all the bombings from the ira do either of those countries have either of those countries ever engaged in the torture of people who are who are part of hamas or part of any of the terrorist groups and they are the irish republican army ever. the answer is no find out what's there oh that's a red herring would be answered yeah that'll do it does your blood murderers and we have some terra gage and they use good old fashioned police techniques in israel and in england against the ira and against against hamas and all the other groups look at your you not use and interrogate the time you're talking about i should we
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you're talking about let's look what happened post nine eleven we've got a completely new way of looking at you know how do we fight wars how do we fight terrorism will be because george bush is terrified because all of the wrong done so that you know there are five million all of us so the rules i want to worsen to change they just magically change for us they have a change for israel have a change for the u.k. and change for any of the civilized country the world but for us they've changed so then it went to inject power does it on fox t.v. shows you have a way to eat so we waterboard three people over the course of what was it two two and a half years and we want a piece of you know what we looked at some of the picture of the guy you know hanging out like this you know with the electric wires on his good works and that was that there was a guantanamo bay that was that was the it was it was it outdoors it was it was something that was prosecuted those around it was illegal it was made by the american team zite any of what will continue this conversation on another topic in just a moron bill coming up after the break. you
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know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you. see some other part of it and realize everything. is a big issue. with
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. buck and they alone until you know get the real headline with none of them are the problem with the mainstream media today is that they're completely disconnected from the viewers and what actually matters so that's why young people just don't watch t.v. anymore if they want news they go online and read it but we're trying to take those stories that people actually care about and transfer them back to t.v. .
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welcome to the capital account i'm lauren lyster. welcome back to the eyes big picture rumble joining me are michael warren reporter we with the weekly standard sam sacks big picture producer and commentator and conservative commentator and activist let's get to a new study by yale and george mason university finds a seventy five percent of americans support regulating carbon dioxide as a pollutant and sixty percent support cap and trade now it was ronald reagan who first brought captain. traded the united states to phase out lead in gasoline and it was successful we got lead out of gasoline with cap and trade which is still in place it was george herbert walker bush who brought cap and trade to get rid of sulfur dioxide in our air and that was successful and the clean air act and now you know our rivers are acidic any longer so why are the republicans filibustering
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an attempt by the democrats to pass a similar program to the one that reagan and bush put into place only this time to stop the planet from melting down similar superficially but you look at what actually would happen if a program like this were were in place and you're and you're sort of creating a false. false market to deal with the problem that increasingly scientists are looking at saying actually it's not that big of a probably haven't had that much global warming at all in fact in the past ten years or so hundred maybe one side to the i don't know if you want to talk about climate you do need to look where ok so so now we're saying that it's get taken it's a paycheck from coke and it's ok so now we're saying that that scientific consensus is what determines policy not scientific fact historically it has no there is no such thing as scientific fact there is only scientific consensus at least as the basis of societal somebody figures out that the scientific consensus was wrong which is basically when the gravity is still a consensus not a scientific majority here we're talking about ninety nine point nine percent of
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all scientists were talking about mile long tornadoes that are destroying the midwest we're talking about freak weather they were the hottest march that's ever been on record i mean so something is happening with the planet but i mean this is a secondary issue regardless of whether there's global warming happening or not don't we want to have cleaner energy don't we want to have the winters guys don't even this even this study where seventy percent and fifty five percent and the question asked was would you like this if it cost you nothing if your taxes were lowered if there was no cost to you when of course americans are going to say regulate c o two have. there's no cost to me if my energy prices aren't going to go up and i think carbon dioxide is a little bit different than some of the other things you talked about being that you and i are both exhaling it every moment of every day actually no when when when george herbert walker bush put in place cap and trade to get rid of sulfur dioxide that increased the cost industry to do so when ronald reagan did it to get to let
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other gasoline crease the cost to industry to do so they produced a writer of what the survey asked was if this had no cost to you as an individual not to society but actually it did say if there was if it was revenue neutral democrats and i mean it's going to cost individuals it's going to cost the mom filling up her gas tank to take her kids to school and go to her job it is going to cost her more money and that's not what was asked in any american is going to say wait a minute how does that why don't more money that we're building with your cousin send her into doesn't tell you democrats in the house passed a cap and trade bill republicans filibustered in the senate but in that legislation it included energy credits for people because energy costs would go up and there's going to be a trans transition phase to an alternative energy plan i think this legislation is good for the oil companies you right now have people who are focused on short term profits they're not looking ahead you have to save them from themselves essentially and say look we're going to help you guys go ahead invest in alternative energy we're going to help you guys make it more profitable we need to transition we need
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to transition to a new and when you think we're going to fall behind the rest of the world in going to invest in cylinder and some of these other mines that yes that time and time again there will continue to invest in saudi arabia no i'd rather see us invest here in the united states and drill and frac and everything else you know so that we'd be energy independent but liberals don't want to do that's what obama thinking but actually going after own resources for quick fire. time for the good for i'm sorry last question for the obama team is out with a new campaign ad highlighting the decision president obama made to go after osama bin laden compared to remarks mitt romney made about. take a look. he took the harder. then the more honorable. and the one that produced in my opinion the best from so.
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it's not worth moving heaven and earth spending billions of dollars just trying to catch one person he was referring to the hunt for osama bin ladin so do you agree with president obama or mitt romney chris. well i guess we can spend billions of dollars and move move heaven and earth but by god we can't do anything that the liberals might think it's torture to get to get it right ok. i mean i guess i agree with president obama i guess there's legitimate concerns that shooting somebody in the head without a trial i personally don't have a problem with the instance of it but you know i think that shows that bush didn't care about finding bin laden and romney didn't care at the time either and now they have to eat their words well i don't know about that i mean i agree with obama that he was he did the right thing i think mitt romney's you know having his his his words taken out of context on this but but if if this is exactly what he meant he was wrong and obama was right or they were at least taken out of time and hindsight
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is always going to tony and he wanted to give him that benefit and i disagree with you sam i think that there should have been a trial for bin laden before he was executed i think before this government kills anybody there should be a trial. including that one so many thanks so much for all of hollywood and being here thanks michael warren same sex thanks for joining. we honor several different memorial days throughout the year in the united states we have a memorial day for presidents for icons like martin luther king jr for our soldiers we even have a memorial day for someone like christopher columbus who slaughtered raped and pillaged his way to glory but on saturday the nation honors a memorial day that is too often overlooked most people don't even know it exists its workers memorial day
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a day every member it's for working men and women who have been injured diseased or killed on the job and sadly there's a lot of remembering to do in two thousand and ten more than four thousand five hundred american workers were killed by traumatic injuries on the job that's twelve americans dead on the job every single day another fifty to sixty thousand workers died from occupational diseases that year two thousand and ten the consequences of breathing this festus are working with carcinogens in our nation's refineries are working in coal mines that cause black lung these are men and women who are just trying to live their lives and raise their families and in the process of working every business day create wealth for our country make billions for our c.e.o.'s and all too often all too tragically die in the process and tomorrow we remember them for their sacrifices and it's not just about remembering it's about working today's workers and we're in the workers of the future and protecting today's workers in
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the workers the food. as the early american labor leader and co-founder of the industrial workers of the world mary jones aka mother jones said pray for the dead and fight like hell for the living mother jones message has been carried forward in the last hundred plus years as progressive marched picketed been beaten and shot at and killed in the name of working people and their right to a safe workplace in the us they've succeeded over and over again to get crucial laws passed to protect working americans there was the establishment of a department of labor in one nine hundred thirteen of president woodrow wilson following the triangle shirtwaist factory fire that killed one hundred forty six people in manhattan just two years earlier and a year before the department of labor was created congress passed and president taft republican president taft signed the act of one nine hundred twelve protecting more than three thousand match workers people like the matches from phosphorous
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poised in one hundred thirty six president franklin roosevelt signed into law the hall the hall should be the walsh healey public contracts act banning hazardous workplaces from receiving federal contracts but this was just the beginning by nine hundred fifty two the dangers of working in our minds could no longer be ignored and president eisenhower signed into law the federal coal mine safety act of one hundred fifty two mandating annual inspections of certain underground mines in one hundred sixty six president lyndon johnson expanded them to include inspection of all underground coal mines in the country that same time president johnson also tried to pass tried to pass the most comprehensive workplace safety law yet with the occupational safety hazard act. and although that act osha failed under pressure from corporations and bought out conservative politicians president
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richard friggin nixon stepped in to finally push for and sign it in one hundred seventy on april twenty eighth actually the reason why that day was chosen as workers memorial day numbers compiled by they have felt c.e.o. show that millions of american workers have been saved from workplace injuries illness and death as a result of the occupational safety hazard act so even though the struggle for safe workplaces has been a difficult and often bloody fight for the last hundred years or so american workers have had some of the tools necessary to stand up to corporate power and bought out politicians and historically for over fifty years democrats and republicans have often stepped up to do what's right to protect workers but today unfortunately republicans don't give a damn about workplace safety anymore in fact in the last year house republicans
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have push legislation to undo nearly all these accomplishments and workplace safety tea party republicans tea party republicans are the freshman republicans right that they got it all figured out right they argued against child labor laws why oh they're unconstitutional and using the phony argument that we can't harm what you know frank once this phrase the so-called job creators can do nothing to hurt them republicans are making it harder and harder to pass any kind of new laws or regulations that might keep the workplace safe for average working people laws and regulations for example the would prevent another massey mine disaster like the one that killed thirty eight workers or would prevent another b.p. oil rig explosion like the one that killed eleven. with the so-called reins act corporate shill republicans want veto power over any new workplace regulations proposed by this president or any president and with the so-called regulatory
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accountability act decades all the way back to nixon decades of safety regulations would be undone by these tea partiers and future regulations would be justified by how much they would cost corporations rather than how many lives they would protect a century of victories for workplace safety are being up ended right in front of us today just as thousands of americans die on the job because of this or because of the job every day in this nation and that's why mother jones is a message to pray for the dead and fight like hell for the living is so important on this weekend's workers memorial day workers built this country and they deserve safety in the workplace that's it for the big pictures and i don't forget democracy begins when you show up when you participate get out there and get active tag your it have a great weekend soon or for. a
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. few. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything is. welcome to the big picture.
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