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tv   [untitled]    April 30, 2012 10:30pm-11:00pm EDT

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understand it. and realize.
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you know that the real headline with. the problem with the mainstream media today is that they're completely disconnected from the viewers and what actually matters . that's why young people just don't watch t.v. anymore if they want news they go online and read it but we're trying to take those stories that people actually care about and transfer them back in t.v. . state run english speaking russian channel it's kind of like. russia today has an extremely confrontational stance when it comes to us.
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ok it's time for you said it i read it right take time to respond to my brilliance and engaging viewer comments from facebook twitter and you tube because when you have something to say i listen now first i want to share some of our viewers comments from our interview last week with the young turks and asperin about what to do about the growing student loan debt problem mr roboto commented on you two how about this don't take on loans you know you can't pay back interest rates will drop like crazy mountain man twenty three comment that simply not making education more expensive is not enough the banks got bailed out g.m. got bailed out the students should get bailed out too and last but not least a viewer who's name is very hard to pronounce said do what i do just don't pay them back expletive. now you know i wouldn't recommend that last comma but the point of
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reading all of those is that most americans have rather strong opinions on student loans that really run the gamut from loan forgiveness to ending federal loans altogether student debt as a political issue is finally having its day in the sun so now let's just hope that it actually stays in the conversation past congress stepping in to stop that rise in interest rates because that's just a band-aid and it's not going to solve the problem and finally i want to share with everybody a fun little conversation with them playing out on our facebook page apparently some people out there think that i neglected off our garri posted on facebook alone and never responds or applies to you probably doesn't even know of this page and the conversation ensued and john jeremiah smith said some staff member just check that. if the facebook pages alone to show is a band of women alone it is the band front jedi is a big chunk of the brains so are you going to clear it up i do know the show's facebook page exists. and i do respond to the common sense this segment right but
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producers of the show also go through and also read the comments including but not limited to the brilliant jenny churchill but i will be honest with you that i kind of hate the new timeline it's made navigating and reading your comments a little more confusing and difficult so facebook if you're listening timeline sucks for today's rantings but i'll be back with more later in the week. well after a lengthy investigation into google's harvesting of americans e-mails passwords and all kinds of other sensitive information that was gathered through their street view project the f.c.c. found the google had violated any laws they did say that they obstructed the inquiry and made them pay a fine of twenty five thousand dollars however that was two weeks ago but google is now fighting back they're not fighting the fine but the f.c.c. has claims that they didn't cooperate and as part of that effort google released a heavily unredacted version of the f.c.c. is report excluding names of employees and that's where the story gets interesting in that report it turns out that several employees and at least one senior manager
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did in fact know about the data gathering which is the opposite of what google has been claiming so this means that three government agencies that a promise of justice the f.t.c. and the f.c.c. have all now decided that google did no evil maybe all hobnobbing here in washington is helping the tech giant out so joining me to discuss is declan mccullagh chief political correspondent for c.n.n. dot com thanks so much for joining us tonight and i guess for starters you know what's your take just on the f.c.c. decision here in terms of a twenty five thousand dollars fine saying that google didn't really help out with the investigation by finding if they didn't violate any laws that kind of a slap on the wrist. well see it's not even a slap on our wrist i mean twenty five thousand dollars of the f.c.c. thought get it google really did something wrong about twenty five million dollars find something to make them pay attention but sign five thousand is more is the f.t.c. saying we can't get away with anything more it's a weird outcome and i think the f.t.c.
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just trying to justify spending a lot of staff time on this so what do you think about this now unredacted version of f.a.c.s. report that google put out there right when have it's really interesting is f.c.c. wanted to cover some of this stuff up at the same time you have google who is exposing themselves as liars. well i don't know if i'd go that far i mean if this was a nobody in a in a position of decision making authority approved will. capturing a few snippets here and there of a wife on a conversation that when this was this was an engineers brady and it actually is kind of a little technical idea if any if this was a policy of the company the d.o.j. what is the lamb that was nothing more than a twenty five thousand dollars fine that didn't happen googling google's offensive if there is one is to have is to give a lot of authority to engineers and that maybe not enough oversight but so you
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think probably there were no real privacy violations that they didn't violate any kind of lots of the will have been a lot of trouble of what this around the world right we've seen a lot of other foreign governments go after google we saw a judge here in the u.s. role that google can they can go after them if they violated some of these laws and yet when the d.o.j. and the f.t.c. and the f.c.c. all come up with the same conclusion do we believe them. you know probably i mean you had the world's governments looking at this for a period of many years and about three years and so if there were any there there we would have found out about it there's been something more than twenty five thousand dollars slap on the wrist if that fine i mean think of what actually happened during this this is why fi issue what happens if that is the streets you cars one around and there were capturing small. snippets of an encrypted wife by
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transmission i mean is there any difference between you know that and you know you're walking down the street and he was walking down saying apartment complex and you overhear what someone thing i mean you know i mean it's it's a little tacky but is that is that should be illegal should it be illegal probably not ok i'm curious though if you think that if we want to go back to this twenty five thousand dollar fine we've seen facebook before when they were again being investigated by the f.t.c. get away with a lot of people considered to be something that was way too lenient and we also know that silicon valley has started investing more money more time and effort into lobbying here in washington d.c. into hiring perhaps for regulators to be on their sides they know the inner workings so you know if some of that's about maybe a more cozy relationship now between silicon valley and d.c. and the regulators up here. i think you may have put your finger on it i mean the big question is not the skirmishing over why find st louis is just
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a sideshow the big question is whether the federal trade commission is going to file a broader antitrust lawsuit against google this is this is what the obama administration really wants to do at least at the staff level the beauty came close when there was going to be that yahoo google deal the deal geordi extract of a half a billion dollar fine from google over pharmaceutical ads and so you know you just know that some. bureaucrats are going to try to make their careers out of this i mean this is you could be going to if you pay the d.c. tax tapping the i.b.m. it happened in microsoft it's happening now the google next is going to be facebook in the crosshairs and so that's what i think the dynamic is what do you think about the fact we've been talking about the white house correspondents' dinner and all the parties here in washington the whole show and google had quite the appearance this time around right eric schmidt was all over the place at the dinner he was a bunch of the parties google even had its own party that it through on friday
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night and so does that tell you because i feel like the tech world has at least tried to stay out of this weird bizarre you know singular social weekend here in washington d.c. until now. well there must be a little of the microsoft antitrust trial is over through wired in one nine hundred ninety eight and you saw microsoft political involvement through any measure moving out of lobbying the amount of political campaign contributions from its employees has grown ten fold in just a few years and now i think the same thing is happening to google it it's a defensive measure because what happens is if you get big enough for washington d.c. comes around kind of the mafia approach a nice internet company and they're sure you have something happen to it and if you would give us some money you'll be left alone it's not exactly how it works with you that's a way to think about it and that's what google is doing it's defensive you can't blame love reading the same thing facebook is barking up an apple could be could be next as steve jobs is gone and nobody in d.c.
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really want to take on steve jobs he was a beloved c.e.o. but he's by his customers maybe those employees the but now he's gone they're going to wind up. our dr well thanks so much for joining us tonight and yes it'll be interesting to watch you know i would hope that we hear a little bit of that pressure coming from companies like google or facebook or the whoever is here as well when it comes to government officials to say nice little fiber security bill you got there but you know you should listen to us on some of the technicalities thanks so much for joining us i think you. are we got one more break tonight but next and shockingly a politician is trying to walk back former statement that it's time for happy hour . you don't. understand it and then. part of it and realize that everything.
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is a big. list . but in the alone or so you'll get a real headline with none of the problem with the mainstream media today is that they're completely disconnected from the viewers and for what actually matters to
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those viewers and so that's why young people just don't watch t.v. anyway if they want news they go online and read it but we're trying to take those stories that people actually care about and transfer them back to t.v. . is the state run english speaking russian channel it's kind of like. russia today has an extremely confrontational stance when it comes to us.
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hi guys it's time for tonight's tool time award and this evening the honor goes to the republican party's wonderkid congressman paul ryan now paul ryan has won a number of tools on awards in the past few weeks there are the tool time museum rather beyond pays to have his own wing and in fact his latest gaffe is directly related to his last tool time ward when he responded to criticism of his budget by the u.s. congress of bishops that point ryan had said that the body doesn't speak for all catholic bishops when in fact that's exactly what it does so last week ryan told another bald faced lie when he tried to bolster his catholic credentials in a softball interview with the national review ryan trying to distance himself from tea party hero i rant the godmother of libertarian philosophy now the congressman called it intellectual love affair with the author a quote urban legend saying the following he said i reject her philosophy as an atheist philosophy it reduces human interactions down to mere contract and is
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antithetical to my world view if somebody is going to try to paste a person's view on a piston knology to me and give me thomas aquinas don't give me i'm rant what's an injustice right why would you dare pathos iran's world view to paul ryan there must be some underhanded beltway operative behind this whole effort in fact we know who is responsible and we have evidence of the nefarious part of an idealogue at work take a look at this tack on democratic capitalism on the individual issue and freedom in america is attack on the moral foundation of america. when anyone else does fantastic job of explaining the morality of capitalism the reality of. this to me is what matters most i grew up reading and ran and it taught me quite a bit about who i am and what my value systems are what my beliefs are inspired me so much that i reach required reading in my office for all my interest in my staff
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the reason i got involved in public service by and large if i had a credit one thinker one person it would be i mean. so it appears that paul ryan's worst enemy in this case is him self i don't notice of the congressman didn't name thomas aquinas excuse my earlier response the nation as the one thinker who inspired him to get involved in public service which is probably good for ryan is tea party supporters jay bookman journalist for the atlanta journal constitution pointed out that quite as one said the following a man should not consider his material possessions his own but is common to all so as to share them without hesitation when others are in need that's funny right where is the stuff about getting social programs and giving fat tax cuts to the wealthy but we're not here to split hairs with paul ryan over thirteenth century theology what's ridiculous is the rye went out of his way to distance himself from iran even though he was repeatedly gushed over before and on camera not to mention that so there's been some speculation the riaa is trying to act as more of a centrist to be
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a moral electable vice presidential candidate with more likely as he's trying to distance himself from an atheist philosopher here as to pander to the religious right proving that he's going to be forced to pick a side he's going to go with the religious right over the growing libertarian wing and whatever the reason i think this move can only harm ryan every politician flip flops just look at the trail of broken promises left by president obama but with this interview ryan bent over backwards to alienate his libertarian core while further undermining his credibility and it unfairly earned image as the adult in the room why would lie about integrity part of his identity well lying while accusing others of it something of a bad habit for ryan so for adding yet another chapter to his gospel of lies randy an apostle paul ryan begets tonight's tool time award yet again.
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ok it's time for happy hour and joining me this evening alone to show producer jenny churchill and star in dayton republican strategist and finger communications strategist at new media strategies thanks to you guys i hate that i have to say the word strategy like five times. it's a tongue twister. ok but let's move on right tomorrow is made a we're going to be doing a lot of coverage about it but if you want to talk about workers rights of the things that are happening all over the world there is a new policy in canada well where employers are now going to be allowed to pay for in temp workers fifteen percent less than the average wage and here's a few more details about it. labor groups aren't happy that's because the government is allowing employers to pay for and workers' wages that could be fifteen percent lower than average the manitoba federation of labor says that will force canadian workers to accept lower pay to or lose jobs to foreigners. thought
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well first of all are we going to strike tomorrow because i love the day off so i don't know if there have been a lot of show tomorrow it's a good question but we have to report that who is striking. we have to inform the public. what i mean to a person i'm actually a canadian citizen and i have family in alberta that explain this to me a little bit more and what's going on is there's labor is so scarce in the oil i mean there just are people who work the jobs they're paying and. they're paying people working in mcdonald's twenty five thirty bucks an hour to flip burgers and so it's actually there's a real labor shortage that they're trying to address here but if you want to do that you want to attract more foreign labor to fill that gap then why would you say we're going to pay you less. the meantime what they're doing is they're saying if you're willing to call me in because currently there's a law that says that they had to have to pay prevailing wage and now they're saying well we've sort of maxed out that level of people coming in so let's lower it and
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see if more people come in i don't think though that this isn't about it doesn't make any sense to me as to why more people would come in if their way just now lower rather than giving them more incentive by saying hey we'll pay you plenty more well i think that it was kind of a give or take because what they were doing was they were relaxing some of the other immigration laws while at the same time lowering the rate wage and they were kind of trying to play ball but the problem here is is you know these companies can get workers for that amount of money well then they're not going to hire the people in canada who are required to get paid more will there will the people are required to get paid more always going to live in a lower wages as well as one of the eggs that the workers are concerned about but it's also these are temp workers and i'm curious to know we don't have we should get more details we'll talk about in more depth tomorrow what industries specifically they're talking about as well but really want us to where. they were ok. the pirate bay man the u.k. i can't believe they actually went ahead and did with this but they ruled or they
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passed a law saying the pirate bay has to be blocked by. in the u.k. or the high court ruled that excuse me but here some argue till now. order u.k. internet service providers support the site from users as soon as choose founders frederick mead peter sunday and correlate have already over six point four million dollars in fines in two thousand and ten for allowing users to infringe copyright. and that has messed up this is where i as peers are fighting here in the us too right when the government wants to put the onus on them to police certain things and here they're just picking out one certain websites blackballing them and i think what's really frightening about this is when you put the onus on the i.s.p. is that maybe some less has a tent to allow more content and that means that they might then start blocking other sites that they're concerned about so then they aren't going after and i think that we have the providers being the watchdog back it's frightening to be
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safe rather than sorry while i don't think the providers want to be the watchdog i think you know this is this is the content companies that are you know maybe they found some nifty trick in u.k. law but they were counting down to the nation on the trick of u.k. loves the nanny state well there you go you know here we had a debate there was a big protest and frankly you know most of the republicans abandoned the position in support of in support of democrats mostly stayed put actually it was sort of interesting and the content industries threatened to pull money from obama you know over this and and this is just the lobbyists sort of you know no you know you were there and they wanted to pull of the bullying the people who are trying to put products out there and it's frustrating for everyone and i know i'm usually not on the side of the internet service providers because i think there are many times evil but in this case you know it's not their fault and they don't want to be doing this but i think that being forced to do this is going to cause them to go multiple
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steps in the wrong direction to try to save their own butts you figure the content or entertainment industry whatever you want to call it would be saving a lot of that money as they say if they're losing if they didn't spend so many millions hundreds of billions lobbying just if they got to figure. they're losing this. pamela geller think her audience is pretty well familiar with with pamela geller so she was holding a human rights conference in dearborn michigan and basically what happened is that the young muslim women said that they were denied entry into the conference and then also were had to leave were told to leave by the police take a look. through the security at the door. you can buy some kind of documentation that you for the event you would allow entry and i noticed the one gentleman and based on something they showed him on the phone and they did the same thing i. showed them a confirmation that. i don't know the other guys look like.
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i mean i wouldn't put it past family gallery. wife just help out more people in the room have the debate which is what she was saying it was you know you would think it would help her to have the photo i saw some of which she also claims that you were when she was on issues that i love most you know but i mean she has somebody there and there's not much to be seen in dearborn if you're bored right now. like you have these women who want to come in and you're not just so i interrupt you because you're my guide so far and i'm going to i will let you. thank you for your opinion while we fixed any technical problem here. or let's move on let's move on to our next story. the titanic right recently there was the anniversary of the titanic thinking and now there is this australian super billionaire really rich guy that actually wants to build the titanic two a replica of it take
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a look at this clip. it certainly is a big plan and mr palmer says he's the man to deliver the money doing it says he saw to deal with the chinese state owned company to build the titanic two now will be the same dimensions as the original titanic just under two hundred seventy meters long fifty three meters high and it will why more than forty eight thousand tons. my question what is the i don't care how cool this thing looks why would you go on a titanic to something that was billed as a replica of the title i mean maybe i'm just superstitious and weird but no thank you i want to move the movie on to the early parts of the movie the part where it doesn't seem like i get to meet jack if i go there you go maybe. i wonder are they going to put enough lifeboats on this one for everybody if it's going to be a replica of the original titanic i mean clearly it's you know it's a money making scheme but i would say so they're going to try you know. collusion
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they're going to go out searching for for the icebergs that are here. ok last story i mean what do we say with this one so twenty one year old woman is accusing the bouncers at her local pub of discrimination because she went out and there's a picture of the girl with her friends to dance and these could she was banned from dancing on the bar because she says the bouncer said she was too fat and she says she was told to get back on the floor because she was quote not pretty enough and obviously pregnant. let me just ok this is the kind of stuff happen all the time that i mean every time you try to get into a club and the bouncer doesn't let you win because you're not pretty enough that's discrimination when you were you know you can't sue a club for knowledge and you into the club because i don't know what part of like the bill of rights gives you the right to dance on a table at a bar i'm really confused about this i just don't get it like i understand that you
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might be upset that they didn't think that you were getting your cue to not to dance on the bar but why is that you're right i'm sorry i also maybe they were worried about the integrity of the bar and thank god for the story they very much died down to and we talked gold so you know if you've seen the stories about the state fair. you know with deep fried butter and things like that. the only one with this probably better way to manage that's true true i think i do you know we need really government oversight i don't buy hardly enter it in something like that and . you never know i guess i got to wrap it up but thanks for joining me tonight that is it for tonight's show thanks for tuning in and make sure that you come back tomorrow or you know we have a saying i made a panel of labor journalists mike organizers kevin zeese and jesse in the meantime don't forget to become a fan of the alone a show on facebook and follow us on twitter if you missed any of tonight's show or any other nights you can catch it ali dot com slash the lower show and they will find the videos as well as the show in its entirety and coming up next.
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wealthy british scientists are told some time to let go. and markets. are going to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike stronger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines to kaiser report. it's.
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