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tv   [untitled]    May 1, 2012 12:00am-12:30am EDT

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the left or right and almost every political group in between will be marching in russia this may day. trade unions demands and political calls will be heard this tuesday but the fairly action movement is biting its time on to the weekend for details just ahead. with egypt set to vote for its new leader of the country's file tourist industries hoping democratic role will help and bounce back with concerns however that islam is growing power will stifle it further. and the world's top whistleblower julian assange reveals more secrets and another blockbuster interview this time with the new president of tunisia watch it later
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here on r.t.e. . a.t.m. of the russian capital you're watching r.t. on marina josh welcome to the program a voice is from across russia's political spectrum will be heard on the streets of the country on may day communists liberals trade unions as well as nationalists are set to rally in moscow to protest and mark labor day which has seen demonstrations around the world for over a century while we now cross to our correspondent. to hear what will be happening good morning to rena so what exactly will be taking place in moscow today and just who are we going to see in the city center. well as you said numerous the demonstrations are planned and this is a day there will be fourteen in total with about fifty thousand people by estimate showing up for at least the communist rally which is going to take place. little
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later on tuesday but we are expecting a lot of course the labor unions marches down the sky a street just in the center of the city and of course various political groups are also going to come out and some of them are going to celebrate the labor day others of course are going to continue with their political agenda and their statements well we've seen mass protest stage during recent elections in russia so why is the movement staying at home today. because that's right the fair election women decided that they wanted to hold out until this weekend until till sunday the day before the presidential not duration so they can kind of put all their mice into that show of protest instead of coming out on may first and mixing with everybody else that's going to be out on this day but as you already said different political forces will be taking part in today's events so what are they calling for what exactly are there. well for example the communists are still upset with their
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results from for the elections and there of course that has been there a longstanding communist tradition to come out and mark may first so for example the communists definitely are going to have a lot of slogans and a lot of a lot of demands that they're still sore as i said about the parliamentary elections and about the presidential elections as well others of course are going to push for fair wages and opportunities there and everything else that usually comes with the labor day demands all right well of course it's not only russia that's rallying today as we know labor day or may day is mark internationally so what's going to be happening elsewhere. well we know that there will be demonstrations in germany germans have been very enthusiastic about about coming out and marching on may first of course there are also demonstrations planned in london and overall you can expect some show of discontent in europe which has been finding itself in a very troubled waters fine. they cannot mccleon politically recently so we can
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expect i mean first to be at quite a show of discontent and not just in moscow but all across europe all right erin thanks very much indeed for bringing us this update on the labor day on what's going to be happening in moscow here in english very morning as. well as word the occupy wall street movement is planning a general strike across the u.s. to protest against what it says is a corrupt global economic system a corporate injustice organizers are billing the event as a spring comeback since the group's encampments in the u.s. and beyond word this model by police last winter but activist in london say the movement is only gaining force. we have to do something about this unsustainable system and this is the movement for us to do that. questioning what we see is the political system that seems to be working just ways profits before people. intertwined with the corporations we also question the idea of regulated bodies being managed by the people that meant to be regulated eventually the rest of this
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world will realize that they've been robbed and that they are being put into subjugation it's very clear from the movement from the beginning that the economic system is on its last legs and what's happening in europe what's happening in greece is it's just a symptom of this disease it's an economic war and that's that weapon is debt that really rang a bell with a lot of people and this disease is going to continue to get worse unless we actually as as people as a grassroots movement actually take control. of this economic system is being run by very few people and it's just been completely out of control and i think the movement is moving more towards a revolutionary solution rather than a reformist for any human being in the situation where they can benefit. from the suffering of the millions and millions in the world we should be embarrassed of being part of that side of human rights and we should be embarrassed if we sit by and do nothing about.
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well you see the full interview with an activist from the occupy from the london occupy movement in twenty minutes time here on r.t. . was it shipped gearing up for the presidential election in three weeks style and it's not just voters being booed by visitors as well the government insists the tourism industry vital for egypt's economy will bounce back as the political situation stabilizes but that could be just wishful thinking as artists are for us now explains. egypt's tourism industry with one's writing high but recent political turmoil has hit the industry hard and in the new political landscape this talks of bringing in new roles and regulations relating to it and there are serious concerns that that could leave the industry with even less business. everyone in egypt is hoping that the economy will pick up pace and we've posted economic growth so closely tied to tourism the first stop was to meet a woman who could give us
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a crush cause into exactly what's happening to egypt's economy right now come two thousand and eleven but. theoretically we would have continued to grow along the same slow that's what should have happened ok and then there are in most countries worldwide recession happens this is what happens you have a dip in g.d.p. and then it goes even faster than it was going to go before so that having this ended up having something more along the lines of that. with or maybe grow at that maybe growth that you have to decide is whether we manage this versus that and where does it need to be ideally we need to stabilize and stabilize fast and at least recover the seven percent growth we had originally with the aim of reaching that ten percent growth within the medium term which is three to five years. and how big a first is tourism in the economic model tourism of the instrument so you have to
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keep the proceeds and you have to change your approach tourism i mean it needs to have been very traditional so that we were approached tourism but entice sing back tourists may be impacted by a growing islamic influence in the political sphere the tourism industry are very concerned with regard to bans. bans of public beaches this kind of thing proved to be another risk to potential investors to find out how real risk these concerns are we met the speaker of the party is considered a more fundamentalist islamic group and since the revolution has gained the second most seats in parliament are going to. in any way we have we have a big difference between. public sphere and the bright sphere you bribed i can't begin to come to. the group and ask you why you do what you drink and why you do exist i can't but it's not the private sphere that tourists or investors are
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concerned with and when it comes to the public life the line is a little different but. this is right for all people saw culture here and the people have to speak this culture religion aside every teaching the tourism sector isn't going to be easy they're up to the revolution there was this hype about you know revolution tourism you know come to tunisia and come to egypt and you know it was very obvious that that wasn't going to be a very sustainable model at all and it turned out to be true and now what we need to do is work on. just like what we were doing previously we need to work on maintaining our monuments and restoring our monuments and we need to work on making people feel safe in the future tourism industry remains extremely clear success is certainly going to depend on whoever comes into government next but that in itself of course is extremely uncertain still like the turn as an industry the entire country right now is in
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a state of flux and no one's quite sure what's going to happen next surf. and staying in the region in syria on a beta violence has caused another blow to the shaky cease fire as tough u.n. troops monitor took over the country on monday a series of blasts rocked the city of killing at least nine people and the one thing almost one hundred the u.n. warns the ongoing attacks threaten the peace plan it helped broker the syrian government blames terrorists for the violence claiming the rebels have recently stepped up the are offensive just days ago lebanon intercepted a large shipment of smuggled weapons intended for fighters opposed to the ousted regime they were based political analyst kamel was named says foreign interference is destabilizing the entire region. the smuggling of weapons from the day one and it's all we know about how these have been funded by by syrian live ensued uribe and we know the money is coming from saudi arabia from qatar and from other and
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they're coming through lebanon one of the. through lebanon this is this one chip. actually but there are a lot of weapon that have been used to smuggle into syria and that tell you the real story when the foreign minister was judea rabia say we have to arm the opposition that he's saying let's keep killing continue and terrorism taking place hold on syria even though america and the western eyes the western world know that there is a lot of them taking place in syria al qaeda been moved into syria from out of country funded by some government in the countries this is going to be devastating not only for syria this is going to bring a regional war that nobody won now or in the future. political wrangling in ukraine what's the euro two thousand and twelve football championship on the line as we wait for it in a few minutes. you leaders call to boycott the ban because of the
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criminal case against ukraine's former prime minister a report from here is just ahead also. these people haven't got a clue what is wanted to be an ordinary person. look you know have to be interested million is a multi million is the british public feel increasingly detached from politics because they feel their representatives are not representing them. now he's already revealed some of the world's deepest secrets and he's ready to share even more episode three of joining us on this show premieres later today on our all his previous interviews have two opponents on the extremes of middle east politics have caused a real media buzz this time is talking with the new president of tunisia but. isn't what you would expect from an arab leader he's a doctor and a human rights advocate so what challenges does he face and what are his views on human rights in tunisia watch the program at eleven thirty g.m.t.
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but here's a little taste. i just spent four months sort of confinement so but i did which is the prime minister in tunisia spent more than ten years in sort of confinement and i always admired him and efforts and and that's how he could you know survive through this kind of experience but because after just four months i was just talking to myself you know i really crazy i want crazy because you know when you have just to talk to yourself to be. to be alone with yourself all this time you it's terrible experience this is why i think it's a kind of. psychological torture and so many people say look you have never been tortured in prison no i. i was under torture but it was another kind of torture and probably one of the worst i think that more than thirty thousand people have been tortured into news you know and was good for
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them you know they're always angry at that for those. people. all the torture and then go back to play with their children and listen to music you know have a normal life and then i wonder i never understood how. how can. you know. except to those things like this and be sure that you are. that you are still a human being so. how how can you survive through this kind of experience i think when you know this when you know that you are fighting for your human rights for good values then you can have enough resistance you have to tackle the situation.
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the u.s. has promised the philippines help to boost its maritime security just a week after joint military exercises the move has angered china which has a long running dispute with manila over a group of violence in the south china sea anti-war activist says beijing's worries are justified. the motives of the u.s. in the philippines as well as in asia pacific generally is imperial dominance is the same as the motives in the middle east and central america the obama administration has instigated a strategic pivot to asia pacific mainly to contain china's rising economic and military influence washington considers military power and economic progress prerogatives of their own only we have military bases and troops in and in
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singapore and. in south korea in the philippines in australia and the aim here is to make our military power known and visible in order to contain china it's meant to frighten china the united states has been supporting the filipino government for years even as it's committed serious crimes we've increased on shipments the united states in my mind should not be going all around the world when there is not a threat to our direct interests or our people and showing off our military and expanding the military empire we don't need to have bases in all of asia pacific just to contain a non threatening china. they euro two thousand and twelve football championships any ukraine are under a shadow before a ball has even been kicked over the case of the country's jailed ex prime minister yulia tymoshenko some years are already calling for
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a boycott saying her seven year prison term for abuse of power is politically motivated i see a chef ski has the latest. what seems to be purely domestic case has received very serious international reactions with presidents of germany the czech republic the head of the euro commission as well as german chancellor angela merkel all saying they will boy called their land troops to ukraine in particular for the u. twenty twelve football period as if to protest against the treatment. former prime minister now even called on the german national football team to boy call it their participation in this tournament the idea which was even supported by the president of the champions league final this club byron munich now also reactions came from mosco with president medvedev raising his eyebrows over the treatment of saying that this these actions to throw serious shade on ukraine's reputation and are unacceptable for a democratic country now all these reactions come after you get emotional reported
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to have been abused by prison guards and photos of her bruises were made public on the internet as well as when to stand that team of medical experts was dispatched by ukraine's own woman to the prison and they confirmed the fact of the physical attack from the prison guards on. this raise the tension dramatically and key is also already reacted with indignation to all the statements coming from europe saying that such rhetoric puts the countries back into the times of the cold war while the war of words continues certainly but everyone all experts now understand that keith is under severe pressure especially with less than forty days before the start of the you were twenty twelve football championship last friday's terrorist attacks individuals with serious concerns about the security during the tournament now definitely the developments in the commercial situation are creating serious political implications. i suggest you're boring their spain has plunged into a second recession the spy deeply unpopular a stare and cuts intended to rein in the country's debt ratings agency standard and
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poor's has downgraded nine of spain's banks while the unemployment rate of around twenty five percent remains the highest in the euro zone economist and currency expert vellum hankel says madrid's problems spell worse troubles they have for the euro this means problem not only for spain but also for a whole you will push pressure do for you will be in currency for you all because your cannot remain currency if more and more contacts are becoming go weak economies but the problem is. can a country was in a monetary union resources of all its. form it serve so according our experience and even our history i can think. of but it needs its own currency and not foreign currency memories are you always a problem currency is vital for a spin to fight against this crisis and against it is an employment and give people
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especially young people a new perspective but this cannot be done in a case of a monetary union a monetary union is making any national economy does leave of a common of common diseases is this since from your former boss those and from other countries and so is the problem. ok more stories and analysis from our c.e.o. on our web site a quick look at what's online for you at the moment. missiles next door their rooftops of london home schooled soon play host to a deadly deterrent as the city prepares for the olympic games read more on these dresses measures that are to dot com. also online a society where robots co-exist alongside people may not be just science fiction fantasy as russian researchers seek to create machines with the conscience that lots more and also check out some of our best videos on our you tube challenge for
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a look at some other stories from around the world troops loyal to the president have clashed with soldiers responsible for last month's coup in the country several people are reported dead after loyalists stormed the national broadcasters headquarters and moved on the airport the army has already agreed to hand over power but still has considerable influence the military coup broadcast in mali and has allowed separatists in the north to split the country into. our crowded river a ferry has capsized in northeastern india confirmed reports say at least forty one people died and one hundred fifty others are still missing the vessel broke into two during a storm ferry accidents are common in the country due to poor safety standards but this is one of the worst in years. leading a leading bahraini human rights activist is to get a retrial along with twenty other opposition members. has been serving a life sentence for taking part in an anti-government uprising last year in which
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around fifty have died since then has been on hunger strike for over two months in protest of his imprisonment but will remain in jail relatives have criticized the move saying it's merely a review by the same judges want those jailed freed. u.k. prime minister david cameron has been accused of favoring the rich and forgetting about the poor or smith reports of the tran turning british politics into an elite club with an exclusive membership. prime minister david cameron eton and oxford. chancellor george osborne exclusive london schools then oxford. deputy prime minister nick clegg westminster school and cambridge none of these men come from ordinary backgrounds there's a lot of people that have been political advisors of one kind or another.
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and that's growing is each parliament goes by. you've got a lot more lawyers we've got the biggest knob of all time now in cameron running the rules the snobs are there to be seen on the tory benches in particular i call it millionaire's row denis skinners an m.p. who would once have been seen as pure traditional british labor party stock the son of a miner and an ex miner himself he came up through the ranks became a trade union leader a counsellor and then a labor party m.p. in one thousand nine hundred seventy it's a route into politics that's become almost obsolete replaced by a career path through top universities into special advisor posts and from there into ministerial jobs that's how ed miliband the leader of the party in which that core support base was once the working classes got his job hold you have all of the party quite detached at times from ordinary working class voters and the impact of
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both political parties. being slightly out of touch with ordinary working class voters. working class people approach in elections it's easy to see why sixty percent of today's cabinet went to feed paying schools compared with just seven percent of the total population thirty years ago forty percent of labor m.p.'s came for a manual or clerical jobs compared with just nine percent today there's been a real reduction in the number of m.p.'s who have first hand experience of the trials and tribulations of working class families the legitimacy of all of it depends on it being representatives and acting on the concerns of most in society so the worry is the less that people feel they are being represented the more. traditional politics and the more disaffected they'll feel from politicians that could mean greater numbers turning to disruptive ways of making their voices heard
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through demonstrations and even. under the current government the u.k. has seen a surge in strikes and protests some ending in serious trouble on the streets after demonstrations by people who don't feel their representatives are representing them these people haven't got a clue what it's like to be an ordinary person these are millionaires multimillion look you know after the interests of millionaires among these people know nothing about what it's like to be married person in this country. secure they don't speak for stuff i don't think. it's. very privileged. we're all in this together is the rallying cry of the current government in these times of financial austerity we're coming from
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a leadership of the privileged and independent. wealthy it rings especially hollow for many as the belt tightens so you two rises the anger and alienation of those who feel they've no voice in the corridors of power laura smith r.t. london. and we're up to date for now we're back shortly with an update of our top stories stay with us. the.
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