tv [untitled] May 1, 2012 10:01pm-10:31pm EDT
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will mark a rebirth of the corporate occupy movement as protesters embark on a major push in new york and other cities or tease marina puerto niehaus the developments from the big apple. while on a strike in new york city is not exactly what happened but for anyone who thinks the occupy wall street movement is a thing of the past is sorely mistaken because thousands of occupy activists flooded the streets of new york city on may day reigniting their grassroots movement that began in the fall thousands congregated in parks and outside of banks in the offices of corporations and multinational corporations to protest against economic. disparity between the rich and poor protest against corporate influence on u.s. politics others express outrage over other issues such as an affordable health care system the student debt crisis in the united states and also the under for the full
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cost of higher education so there were thousands upon thousands marching through the support streets all converging in union square where there was a concert now out from what has been reported approximately thirty people at least were arrested now many of them were actually those that were taking part in student occupy events at parks throughout new york city there are some pictures of police officers getting quite violent or what some would call aggressive with those that were arrested but things have been have remained pretty civil between the police and the activists so far there is the least three hopping helicopters that were hovering hovering over the crowd as they moved their way through new york city and the activists that i spoke with say that their message has not changed in their grievous grievances are still the same the predator banks with the more you do and the homes that are going down we're going. after the huge rally. that took place in
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union square the crowd then began a march down to wall street where this movement all began in september of two thousand and eleven in zuccotti park that's where the crowd was heading is heading and from there they will continue to take part in activities that raise awareness about their grievances that continue here in the u.s. but now it's just one percent that essentially believes everything they own all the factories made in that really today or the resources available to the water they own everything and they're going to be ninety nine percent of the work and that's to me i think the fact that the phrase occupy wall street is known all around the world speaks to the fact that this movement has achieved something let's remember it began in new york city and then delays throughout the nation and then around the globe the frustrations that are voiced by this movement are felt by those different races different religions different ethnicities and ages and i've spent hours upon
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hours walking with the op to this throughout the city covering this story and i can tell you that they seem very much recharged and very committed to pushing their message and holding elected officials accountable for what the citizens want and with an election year coming up these activists say that they will be taking their message to the streets as word events are planned to take place surrounding the nato summit later on this month so for those betting on the fact that the occupy movement has gone away they could be expect that more events will be taking place. you know police fired tear gas and tossed flash bang grenades to disperse demonstrators our correspondent medina coaching of a house leaders from los angeles she joins us now so there's been reports of violence intense moments toles more about that. yes that's true we did receive reports of violence primarily that took place in oakland in california and that have according to the reports at least four people got
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arrested when police officers ordered protesters out of the streets of the city and that happened around meant day when about four hundred people gathered at the city whole of plaza to march and to protest and their main themes the war social inequality and police aggression but oakland police did use the tear gas against those protesters have but that didn't really stop them but they continued marching through the streets and chanting anti capitalism slogans we also received reports from my son francisco were it is sad that there is been some of violence and some clashes between protesters and police representatives later add to the end of the may day protest meanwhile we talk about did the state of california overall all the protests and there's been dozens. in major cities of this state went quite
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peacefully of though with seen massive amount of police representatives in the streets and police sally culturists were in the sky throughout the hours of the protests. to give us a sense of the numbers here i mean were there a lot of people are protesting and demonstrating or was it just a handful of very vocal people who was. now it's been a review with seen thousands of people and not only occupy l.a. protests but also immigrant rights activists and the thing is that the first of may here in los angeles has really been all about immigration but only this year however immigration sure the day with the occupy protests and they planned a day alone protest they started early in the morning from four different cardinal directions and they older converged later in the day and the financial district of
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the city and of the streets of the financial district the downtown l.a. were blocked off because of the number of people and there were really thousands of people coming into the streets some were singing songs average thing went retief peaceful in l.a. today the main themes of the protests were the ongoing foreclosure and police brutality and really the problem of foreclosure in california is really painful so far as these states rang sakon for the war is joblessness in the country heating a lot and percent so the status really ravaged by high unemployment in the budget because many people were also raising their voices for this issue and of course with scene occupy protesters and they also were rallying against what they say is income inequality corporate greed and the influence of the wealthiest one percent
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of americans so yeah so we've seen a lot of protests and there have been a lot of people in the streets of los angeles today and i'm sure in the streets of other cities in the state of california or at artie's ready to go should have a lot of for us from los angeles thanks for that update. serve and executive editor of us magazine says those years are always will be seen as a defining moment for occupy as a united church with immigration and union movements. if you're looking for the old style leadership where one big guy has to be in charge and tell everybody what to do that's right you're not going to see leadership because this is leadership from the bottom up this is ordinary people in over one hundred communities around the country that are all participating in their own way taking taking leadership themselves and deciding what's important to them what's important to them as part of the ninety nine percent and you'll see a lot of the same themes over and over again you'll see people talking about the foreclosure crisis about wanting to get back into their homes and not not appreciating the way bank of america and chase bank are are for closing down
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people's homes to see a lot of things about the tuition crisis where students are deeply in debt over a trillion dollars of student debt right now so you see a lot of the same themes around the country but this is coming from the bottom up and there's no way that you can take one particular leader and say this person does or doesn't represent us and if this person is co-opted or leaves or is assassinated you know that that would destroy the movement because it's really ordinary people for all the latest developments for us online through our twitter feed that's our tea underscore. may first was marked with mass labor day marches worldwide in europe several large nationwide demonstrations happened in italy rallies turn violent as riot police be throw testers demanding change from their leaders the city of turf and saw the fiercest clashes in france where it's all election week supporters of incumbent leader nicolas sarkozy and the country's far right simultaneously took to the streets of paris five days before the crucial presidential vote in spain where the euro crisis hit the country has seen the
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country plunge into a double dip recession people voiced anger at the ongoing stringent cuts and out employment in greece crowds marched outside parliament in half and sent through the city it and stare at the protests david to stay are from the belgian workers' party says the economy of the future should be centered aroud every day citizens. from italy as well the violence come from the. establishment with political theory t. when you have a cut in your wage. of your wage when you cut social security when you cut of employment then you see that. people are confronted with very violent process in their life they lose their middle to survive and that's why i think we see that sort of reaction in the
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population we have to go with an economy with the with the people first the people and not the profit and we have an economy with solidarity and corporation and not always fighting and competition between countries and people and so on so we have to remain huge economy in total basis that's one one thing but directly for the moment we are to take measures that the rich people are paying for the crisis with taxes against them and not against the common people moscow's streets were brimming with people this may day with no celebrating some demonstrating trade unions marsh under the labor day flag to demand better working conditions in russia's ruling tandem to addressing a crowd of their supporters or he's really got reports. but in a hundred twenty thousand people out to stop it this is one of the main
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thoroughfares in the russian town tell me that even the incident with. the amount. of the rather good time listening. to since the word. for the retirement age is not to be raised and for better conditions for workers overall i think gallup poll. workers they can isolate the unions and then went on strike new order to demand more conditions from the united states. comes across a new prime minister that's a legitimate big day to mark the labor unions for the last seventy or eighty years and we all know the various political movements and parties on this three day let's plan the students now this days those the. rest of the. business and using came from the united states. is also taking part in this they
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can see how to sort of. learn the lead. it's nice over the last six months so this is the claim or name there on the. rocks at this. reason or more of a day to celebrate spraying and then to protest anything. dot com is where to get more and all our stories you'll find our reports and shows also on our you tube channel here's what's a click away right now. preparing for the worst nato's chicago summit still weeks away but security already working out how to evacuate the entire city if you know the likely event of an attack plus. girls are the very best friend always under the hammer at southern bees this centuries old diamond once belonging to queen maria domenici expected to fetch more than a million dollars. president obama is in afghanistan on an unannounced visit to cement the country's future relations coinciding on the first anniversary
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of osama bin laden's killing the president signed a strategic agreement with afghan leader hamid karzai outlining both countries' ties after the end of nato's role in afghanistan r.t. correspondent. as the details from washington. the fact that president obama traveled to afghanistan exactly a year after bin laden's killing two signed a strategic pact with ghana's then is seen as an attempt to exclude the nears of a success story on the decade long war in afghanistan but success in afghanistan is very arguable to say the least the afghans want american troops out we constantly see people there expressing outrage over the killing of civilians over night raids and other actions by u.s. troops the american people want their troops out so both governments are anxious to tell their people that this is over but the equipment that the leaders have signed in visions the u.s. they in afghanistan through twenty twenty four at least not in those numbers of course and the equipment by the way does not address specific troop levels or the
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size or location of u.s. bases and this is something that many afghans are worried about and that is that the u.s. wants a permanent basis in afghanistan so it made all these questions you have the anniversary of bin laden's death which is hailed as a great victory. and in some news just in a powerful explosion has hit kabul just after president obama left the afghan capital no reports of injuries or damage so far but we keep you updated as the details come in we're going to get more insight on this entire situation with robert naiman policy director for just foreign policy so president obama says he strengthening ties with afghanistan this announcement comes as a terrorist or attack in the capital again do you think there will ever really be stable secure situation in afghanistan. well i think the key to this is whether the key question is whether the will be a political agreement that ends the afghans so who are in afghanistan was already in the civil war when the nine season pedia the united states intervene. on behalf
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of the northern alliance and overthrew the who we still have the see two horses in afghanistan today so what is the war is a political agreement. into the political process and gives everybody in the country a sense that they're participating in the have our share and also some kind of evolution away from this highly centralized model that was in that canister by the united states in two thousand and one then that is if the and not only me is a correct procedure for peace i think it's positive the president is talking about he's talking terms of ending the war he's talking terms of rooting the afghan taliban into the political system in afghanistan on the downside they're not.
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all u.s. troops are going to come out that's not in this agreement apparently we don't actually know what's in the agreement but the corner branch reports. and all u.s. troops are going to come out but i think the best case scenario the best possible scenario is that the u.s. would get serious to go she should be after. and there were any group be in agreement in in which the afghan taliban would agree to participate in power sharing in the united states would agree to set a firm timetable for the withdrawal. four hundred americans with various other scandals involving u.s. troops what do you think is needed for the u.s. to restore its relations with the country now. why i think the people of
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afghanistan are never going to tolerate a significant long term u.s. troop presence that's clear nobody in the world wants to be occupied by foreign troops and afghan case in particular there's a long history. of foreign occupiers in clearly the in the events of the last several months with the you know the course as a christian video the qur'an burney the massacre of sixteen civilians and then last month skinner was the photograph of soldiers with the dismembered says every month this year there's been a new scandal. so makes clear that there is a miss this is a situation is unsustainable. u.s. troops are not the solution to your problems have you noticed and i think the withdrawal of u.s. troops is parentless you for having a more of a more relationship between the united states and afghanistan i think when the us
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troops come out and there's every prospect of having you know cordial relations between the two countries look at the relationship between the united states in iraq today record relations it's not as not friction between the united states and iraq to the immediate you're in the relationship has been room there to be the presence of tens of thousands of u.s. troops all right we have to leave it there robert naiman policy director for just foreign policy thanks very much for your insight. back with a summary of our main news stories in about ten minutes next though occupy wall street protesters who is anti green message one global support last year hoping to rekindle the movement's momentum up next a london occupy activist tells us how the group is still on the rise as more people understand they're being robbed by their governments stay with us for that.
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well here are some polls cathedral in london from where the occupy the london stock exchange me but it was fairly recently effected the movement appears from where i'm standing to be on its last legs but luckily jamie can see for you from occupy london is here to convince me otherwise jamie thanks for talking to us today no you said yourself a nice to feel it to this place is almost home to the tenants used to be right
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there just where you're standing is the occupy movement dead absolutely no it's obviously one of the things of the company moving is that we're allowed to put a lot more energy into the movement itself was actually becoming very difficult to sustain the kind as it becomes very large if you bear in mind that some five months ago none of us the way the company lost this low we're still developing our ideas of how to move forward how to use outreach to. the movement to generate solidarity and otherwise really of reaching into the public consciousness to get across a very simple. social environmental and economic justice so we've only just begun in that sense for that it's no coincidence that we are headed in one of the financial halts of lines of the london stock exchange just not very far away from here it's all bankers all still being paid their bonuses as we hear about in the newspapers every day the one percent appears very much to be still in charge have you had any impact to talk absolutely i think good. it's been some measures by the
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government because we had such an influence on the public view of the financial system that there has been you know a leading banker who's had to turn down his bonus and. suffrage was made to turn back is no way to set up but i think that these are just palliative measures i think they showed that the government realized that there's a lot of public support for the issues that we're raising awareness about and so they've taken some measures to make it look as if they're doing something you're absolutely right in terms of the one percent remain the one percent that's completely untouched also if you bear in mind the fact that last year of one hundred top foot say the average high royce's forty one percent this is everything is business as usual you're absolutely right but what's different is people are now where about this people are now entering this dialog and they're beginning to challenge the assumptions that i've been challenge for a very very long period it's all in which is that can we continue with such an unsustainable undemocratic unjust economic system a fog of my looks kind of like
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a sort of for that party for people who have something to lose also people in the evening willing to sacrifice in order to achieve that goal is very interesting question actually people are sacrificing their jobs they were action ships not by tension many people lost their homes i've never been in a movement where people have that dedicated the general portrayal of us as being people who you know job on the dollar loses is absolutely. the opposite to the reality the reality is that a whole span of people from across the general public have been motivated to dedicate themselves one hundred percent to this movement now this is means that a very small proportion of so actually experienced activists and by far the highest amounts of us are people who just are moved we will have gone that i want to make a stop and we have to do something about this unsustainable system and this is the movement for us to do that is five months now since you came to this area let's talk a bit about your goals a lot of people seem to have a very limited understanding of what you're actually trying to. take mr x.
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ok when we took this space so much of the fifty. i would put a forty eight hours when about three and a half thousand people took part in generating what was called our initial statements really within forty hours made it very clear why we are here so you guys are some of the more obvious ones. questioning what we see is an unsustainable economic system an undemocratic economic system a political system that seems to be working with profits before people it's intertwined with the corporations we also question the idea of regulates he's being managed by the people that meant to be regulated we also question the idea that perpetual war for resources is something that's going to destroy the planet so we made it very clear we nailed our ideas to the wall you know within forty i was an economic system based on infinite growth but which relies on foreign oil resources is frankly absolutely embarrassing let's broaden this out space and talk a little bit about the global economic situation if you like through the prism of
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you and me and the european project is constantly in the papers and it looks like it's on its last legs how do you see it playing out well what we see that when i say we i mean i'm speaking as a member of occupied but it's very clear from the movement from the beginning that the economic system is on its last legs what's happening in europe what's happening in greece is just a symptom of this disease it's an economic war that weapon is debt that really rang a bell with a lot of pain and this disease is going to continue to get worse unless we actually as people as a grassroots movement actually take control. of this economic system is being run by very few people and it's just been completely out of control i think the movement is moving more towards a revolutionary solution rather than a reformist governments in various countries to obviously a paste c.e.u. occupying place. on a course in which the u.s. is reportedly. rolled out what he's calling
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a microwave weapon to disperse crowds are you making plans to dealing with dates kinds of technology in this country has apparently last year they bought a large water cannons to disperse this dispense with demonstrators a rock to burst and i think that's kind of a scare story i know it's true that the military in the states may have bought this weapon that can use sound waves to kind of disempower people who might be in the streets i think that's a symptom of something far worse that's coming up you poised the canary in the morning as far as we can say. but eventually the rest of this world will realize that they've been groped and that they are being put into subjugation by completely on just undemocratic unsustainable financial systems and they will oh as well become furious adventure for any human being to be in a situation where they can benefits hugely. from the suffering of the millions and millions in the world we should be embarrassed of being called that same human rights and we should be embarrassed if we sit by and do nothing about.
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six thirty am in moscow the headline arrests in new york during may day rallies while police reportedly used tear gas. talk to buy occupy activists in california the movement using the may first demonstrations to stage a comeback and prove it staying power. workers across the world unite for labor day but in italy marches turned violent over the country's austerity measures with the northern city of turin seeing the worst of the classrooms. a powerful explosion rocks kabul just after president obama leaves the afghan capital he was there on a previously unannounced visit to sign a strategic accord with the afghan president cementing future relations between the two countries the trip also coincided with the first anniversary of the killing of osama bin laden back with more in half an hour up next a special report we take a look at a community who chose to go back to basics.
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