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tv   [untitled]    May 2, 2012 7:01am-7:31am EDT

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research. bombs and gunfire have struck the afghan capital kabul shortly after a visit by barack obama but has claimed responsibility saying the attacks were in retaliation for the u.s. president's visit afghan police say suicide bombers attacked a compound where foreign workers live at least seven of being killed almost twenty injured now the u.s. president's visit to a couple comes one year since the killing of osama bin laden by american special forces in a speech at bagram so obama admitted washington is holding direct talks with the taliban and said that many in the terrorist group are interested in peace obama i'm cause i also signed an agreement outlining ties in the decade after the planned u.s. troop pullout in two thousand and fourteen but we do tell us on this artie's guy nature can the fact that president obama traveled to afghanistan exactly year after bin laden's killing to sign the strategic pact with ghana's then is seen as an
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attempt to put the new years of a success story on the decade long war in afghanistan but success in afghanistan is very arguable to say the least the afghans want american troops out we constantly see people there expressing outrage over the killing of civilians over night raids and other actions by u.s. troops the american people want their troops out so both governments are anxious to tell their people that this is over but the agreement that the leaders have signed in vision is the us staying in afghanistan through twenty twenty four at least not in those numbers of course and the agreement by the way does not address specific troop levels or the size or location of u.s. bases and this is something that many afghans are worried about and that is that the e.u. was once a permanent basis in afghanistan so it made all these questions you have the anniversary of bin laden's death which is hailed as a great victory because my report on how the lot of this killing could serve as a convenient cover for some dubious policies. we have been able to decimate the
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ranks of al qaeda and a year ago we were able to finally bring osama bin laden to justice. by now nobody doubts that bin laden's killing is going to be the highlight of obama's presidential campaign it's already featured in his ads. the harder. than the more honorable. and the one that produced in my opinion the best route so. as hyped as bin laden's killing is some ask whether it's being used to mask the feel there in the u.s. policies abroad during the last ten years the bin laden thing i think makes things easier it sells well but again i don't think you can put that good a face on ten years of combat in afghanistan and the afghan and the iraq invasion i think is to me question still yet to be asked about what the justification was no
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matter how much killing bin laden means you can't take away ten years of failure it was going into afghanistan and especially into iraq ok that created more enemies you know and recruits for. you know you had us this kind of salafist. you know than. weakening them the pentagon's new strategy is to move away from ground wars bin laden's killing has become the face of the new war on terror obama style through targeted assassinations in different countries with the use of drones and special ops experts say that policy can also backfire the attacks end up killing many civilians and they steer a new wave of revenge extremism how many people are we going to have to kill before we can finally say ok that's it objective achieved war over we can call this thing off and i look at the israeli experience with targeted assassination and that
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suggests to me that when you engage in that kind of a policy really what you're going to do is end up having an endless list of targets and i fear that's the past we have gone down bin laden's death row. was a success on the war on terror front no doubt about that but there is an attempt to sell it as this success story of the whole war on terror and many fear that bin laden's killing could serve as a convenient cover for bad policies of the past as well as the future i'm going to check out reporting from washington r t. let's discuss this further with a doctor from the school of international affairs now joining us live here on r.t. from you good to see you today thanks for coming on president obama saying that the taliban's momentum has been broken and washington was in direct negotiations with the group but the softer ten years of trying to wipe out the taliban and any choice you explain to us what exactly is going on. i think the united states is facing
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a huge occupation crisis these two have two more years to survive before the drawdown begins and now they have strange to do another ten more years of technical . military presence and possibly bases i think they are facing an occupation crisis and they will need to you know build domus to consensus in favor of for running the war and that is why they're using these you know rhetorical and highly lofty statements about bin ladin and i wote how they've turned it around i think the taliban know very well they are playing the waiting game and i don't see them being defeated at all in fact rather for them big three lies in our last in the united states and even if it's ten more years i think it is actually you know it's like red rag to the bull because as long as there are western military forces present these indigenous insurrection are nonresistance will keep going so i think you can say that the united states has been defeated in afghanistan i mean it's fair to say
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now ten years on line we can see because how many more soldiers are you know base is going to help the cause i think obama himself might even want to call. it big whereas as or not you're saying and you're saying reconstruction we travel thousands on thousands of troops i do apologize for interrupting but thousands of troops many many u.s. bases in afghanistan as well it's interesting how you say obama is using a lofty rhetoric to make a house try and score voters obama saying that that the thing about qaeda is quote within range is that all hot air because there are many analysts who say al qaeda really is no longer in afghanistan it's in pakistan. no absolutely just shifted eastwards and i've been arguing the same i think you have several franchises in branches of a car that has to be quite potent and i think it is totally misguided to believe that the organization has been any we needed or and i later we are rather what. the scene is that graphic
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a locus is used in used words towards pakistan and even further towards eastern parts of asia and what we're going to see then use you know the united states college to be eventually because of the economic crisis at home the one we were to sustain is the reason section we've been there's a richness that wants to believe that we can still achieve victory this is the mistake i made her doing johnson's time in the vietnam war and then repeated it all over again so it's a real tragedy because the facts on the ground is of leave from the r one centers in the high weeds and it's all down to one learn every patch of it and get full that's what everybody even if we're going to let's there's not going to trial i'm sorry let's talk about the issue of osama bin laden i apologize again we're very low on time here on r.t. arsala bin ladin is killed on pakistani territory now almost exactly a year ago in fact is just curious to know it had been a lot and was living in a one a million dollar home in what's basically a military village and yet for some reason pakistani authorities and intelligence didn't know he was living there for the past few years bin laden killed on
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pakistani territory obama only visits kabul what does that tell us about the state of relations between washington and islamabad. i think obama has been courageous to the extent that he knew that the raid last year on bin laden's compound would. jeopardize what they were seen relations the u.s. already had with bloody sunday and with the drone strikes mean so unpopular in going to stand i think you know here to stage we're just here to see that you know today is the fact also at war with pakistan and then ordered the war is unavailable because by just one has in many ways through an spanners into the wheel of the ridge suits or plans in afghanistan so i think it is fair to argue now that it has been a strategic defeat for the united states and back here to has been you know has really backfired and in many ways they can see if it isn't they can see that you know we're still winning and anyone want to make but the point is this has happened to
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the liberal that there are in on a stronger position right now and they're winning this war and let's face it in many it's image it was in the past and been won by the smaller saves you know tutsis on the receiving end this time write a doctor surrender charlie from the gentle school of international affairs in new delhi thank you for coming on r.t. today. french presidential rivals nicolas sarkozy and francois look at the very last chance to sway votes in the only t.v. debate before sunday's runoff the incumbent president will have to throw everything into the deal with socialist challenger or land who is currently leading in the polls they're fighting for the votes of a right wing leader who herself has refused to endorse a cosy suggesting her supporters make their own choice and according to r.t. is tester a syria that choice will not be an easy one. so it's down to two men socialist francois long and incumbent nicolas sarkozy the french say around one of the presidential race is about choosing the candidate you like the most around to is
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voting for the one you dislike the least unless of course you voted for one of them to begin with and this is where it gets tricky for some especially for those who question what kind of a voice they really if there really is one. yeah yeah yeah. maybe in jest but what's seen as a lack of a clear solution for france is economic woes have left citizens skeptical from the onset i will wait. of the french people to see one of the to come to the t.v. you will see. this from oprah to the next five. i will see the wall in this. and i will i would like to see for all in this wall in this and. especially when francis economic quagmire is already a tough one to muddle through unemployment is at
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a twelve year high of almost ten percent debt is dearie ninety percent of g.d.p. growth has all but ground to a halt and a steady measures are likely to continue the problem could both candidates are in favor of euro bonds more intervention from the european central bank and to varying degrees both have put on a confrontational tone towards brussels and germany but there's doubt that there will be much room for maneuver at all but. whoever the elected president is sarkozy or he will subject himself very quickly and very visibly to the power of the european union it will always require more sacrifices for workers for the obvious interests of the large banking globalists. then they work very small things that are out there if you recall that ok we're going to vote for immigrants in local elections. you know what we're going to lead and what sexual couples adopt children those are important measures but they're not the biggest
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measure of a tough choice to make for those who don't see want to begin with the. tests are so your artillery paris. and it's good to have you with us here in r.t. today still to come of the program of the occupy protesters back with a bang activists get back onto america's streets after almost six months in the shadows marches across the u.s. with a new police crackdown also. israel is on the defensive as it on its northern and southern borders all the details in just a few moments. straight to china to kick off the r.t. world update for us now and chinese lawyer and activist chen guangcheng has left the u.s. embassy in beijing for medical treatment and to be reunited with his family he fled house arrest last week and was under u.s. protection for which china is demanding an apology before fleeing china was being
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punished for exposing alleged abuses in official chinese family planning policies such as forced abortions the move comes as u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton visits beijing for high level strategic and economic talks. at least twelve syrian troops have died in clashes with the rebel fighters unconfirmed reports say five people have also been killed by government forces fighting continues despite the extended presence of u.n. observers in the country to monitor mission it claims the cease fire in place for three weeks now has been violated by both sides in the conflict syria has seen a number of bomb blasts in recent days further undermine the u.s. backed peace plan. opposition leader aung sun suu cheesey has been sworn in as a member of parliament that comes after a two decade struggle against military rule by the nobel peace prize winner who were subject to house arrest and travel bans the army has formally transferred
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power to civilians but still has considerable influence in the country her party boycotted a general election in two thousand and ten saying the poll was rigged in favor of the military but then they decided ultimately to enter the political process. well the anti-corporate occupy movement has made a comeback in the u.s. after a long hiatus activists returned it to the birthplace of the protest in new york city having been a victim from their encampment last autumn the police came back to this way to make arrests and art is more important as the latest. may day doesn't just mark the international workers day it now marks the resurgence of the occupy wall street movement thousands of activists flooded the streets of manhattan picking up where the grass roots coalition left off in the form of demonstrations taking place throughout the entire city including bryant park union square and wall street
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repeating the message that they have been saying over and over again voicing their outrage against wealth inequality in the united states against him for influence on us how it's sixteen on affordable higher education and health care in the us and the ongoing jobs crisis that ninety nine percent of americans are dealing with ninety nine take it winds were set up throughout manhattan to work out to visit were protesting outside of banks and the offices of u.s. corporations and multinational corporations once the sun went down the thousands gathered at veterans memorial plaza in lower manhattan literally occupying the property many were organizing and demonstrating with respect to their issues but once ten pm came the n.y.p.d. stormed through the plaza evacuating it to literally floor seeing the activists to
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leave arresting some pushing many others out onto the street once the group was out onto the street activists were all walking through lower manhattan and police officers were odd motorcycles and trying to keep the activists penned in on the sidewalk once an optimist stepped into the street they got arrested there were instances where activists were taken into play. lisa fans with blood dripping from their face so there were some incidents where it got bloody between police officers and the unarmed occupy optimist but despite the violence that was seen in certain instances the group continued to chant their message walking through lower manhattan the exact location where this movement
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ignited in the fall of two thousand and eleven these activists back on the streets saying they will be holding washington accountable for all the the favoritism that is being seen to the one percent in the united states. reporting that now in oakland the attempt to give new life to the occupy movement that was met with tear gas and stun grenades demonstrators gathered at city hall protest over social inequality a few hundred people refused to leave defying police orders so they threw bottles as well as other objects at the police officers and then went on the offensive to disperse the crowds of demonstrators and of course they made a number of arrests. but always more on our website on dot com you can go online to read how a terrorist groups getting rather creative german codebreakers discovered hundreds of al qaeda internal documents on terror attacks but they were disguised as porn
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files. no more trips to dutch coffee shops for visitors the netherlands rolls in a ban on tourists rolling up marijuana it's ok for the locals they can still do it for that story and more at r.t. dot com. now there are growing calls for the twenty twelve football matches to be moved away from ukraine as more and more countries are threatening to boycott the event all of this over the case of jailed expert. yulia timoshenko the netherlands is the latest to the pressure on kiev let's get more now from our correspondent in the ukrainian capital ati's. warning us live program we've already seen several e.u. leaders are urging a boycott exactly what are they trying to achieve. it certainly is getting darker and darker for key of in relation to the euro two thousand to twelve football championship which starts in less than forty days from now and now the dutch
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government is the latest of the european officials to express their wish to boy call it the tournament here in ukraine the list which already consists of the german the czech republic presidents the head of the euro commission and the german chancellor angela merkel who even said that the german national football side should boycott their participation in the upcoming summer storm here in ukraine and poland now the demands of the european politicians are all different but they all relate to one person the jailed ukraine's former prime minister yulia tymoshenko who is now spending seven years in prison for the abuse of power when she was convicted in the last year and now. says that unless tymoshenko is released she would not come to ukraine for the euro twenty two well football championship the dutch government and the czech presidents are a bit softer in their statement saying that they just want to see. in the treatment of political prisoners in ukraine but all in all definitely this creates a very great deal of pressure on key of last friday's terrorist attacks and to put
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it off already created serious concerns about the security during the summer storm and but now the euro twenty twelve could become a victim of political pressure from the european union on ukraine alexy this is not the first time a sports event has been used as a tool for political pressure do you think we'll have such tactics if they have a work before. well the key is the ukrainian leadership reacted to all these statements coming from the european union but saying that this kind of rhetoric puts the countries back in the cold war and in fact there may be right in some sense big. one of the vivid vivid examples of a political boy called during a sporting championship sporting event was in one thousand nine hundred eighty one sixty countries refused to come to moscow for the olympic games there and then the soviet union four years later replied by not sending fourteen countries fourteen republics of the soviet union to the olympic games in los angeles but you know the political boycotts during the sporting events happen even now days four years ago
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during the beijing olympics some countries also wanted to abstain from coming to china for the olympic games but then they managed to negotiate it somehow with the us which is in china though we understand that the promises that the chinese authorities made were not kept eventually but still it is clear that all these political boycotts during sporting championships rarely bring any effect really bringing any dividends it's only one case when it actually managed to bring anything any result any political dividend whether this will be the case of ukraine whether victory on the college the president of the country would be succumbing to the pressure from the u.s. from the europe and releasing your it's a machine that we are yet to see but certainly the situation is very very tense for ukraine and for keven particular now. live in kiev thanks for coming on today. so i will get to a marina in the business soon for now though israel is strengthening its southern and northern borders deploying at least twenty two battalions of troops to protect the country from the growing tension with egypt and syria israeli generals say
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they're on a lot from the threat of terror attack ahead of gyptian presidential elections as well as the turmoil in syria. and television. it certainly is a massive mobilization what we're hearing from the israeli army is that they've given the approval for the call up of twenty two reserve battalions many of these are soldiers who've already completed their annual reserve duty what commanders are saying is that these troops are needed to deal with security threats that are coming from israel's borders with egypt and syria and also because of the growing instability in those countries now we're hearing from sources today wednesday also that the situation in the sinai desert which of borders israel is becoming a manageable i mean one in a separate development in cairo several people have been killed and dozens have been injured as clashes turned violent in front of the country's defense ministry these clashes happening between armed police protesters has been demonstrating
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they've been holding the city and since friday they're demonstrating against the disqualification of a candidate who is running in the country's presidential elections which are slated for the twenty third and twenty fourth of this month and these elections to all be closely monitored by television which is fearing that the regime will now come to a place in cairo will be one that will be a lot more hostile to the jewish state than that of course mubarak what the seeing is this week israel beginning to build a seven nice a high concrete wall along its border with lebanon and this according to israeli sources is to stop firing from lebanon into northern israel we've been told that the war will take several weeks to finish until now there has been an electrified fence along the israeli lebanese border but it comes on the back of a nother security barrier war that israel is building in the south of the country along its border with egypt's sinai now here to israel the sources are saying that this is to stop security alerts and also to prevent smuggling into israel so
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certainly we are seeing a lot of activity happening on the ground israel taking security threats very seriously and fearing that there will be more attacks but at the same time this is having the effect of isolating israel from its neighbors and from the international community. right there with if you do stay with us you're out so you will get across shortly but first of all standing by at the world of business so good to see you understand it's been a slow few days or because of public holidays but anything anything exciting to tell us today. well it is exciting the fact that i have something to talk about here. and basically what we're seeing is that as investors go back they had some negative news to react to in particular in europe the latest data shows that the unemployment rate in the early reached a twelve year high in march in germany the jobless rate rose zero point one percent for the same period which was slightly higher than expected and of course spain has
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the highest unemployment rate in the european union in fact the number of job seekers rose for the eighth month in the row in march to hit five point six million or a record twenty four point four percent and let's take a look at how the european markets have been digest in these news as you're about to see it's a mixed picture right now and i'm not going to make any predictions about the dogs got into negative territory because when it comes to europe are always wrong but what we're seeing there also is that manufacturing data showed a sharp slowdown which of course isn't helping matters but where we are seeing gains that's partly due to a drug makers as well as oil for arms they are leading the gains there for let's move on and take a look at what's happening here in russia and as you're about to see it's still a positive picture but russians here are in celebration mode there is still coming back from the public holidays but we have more holidays on the way so there has been more making any big moves there is though good economic news on the side the
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last russian manufacturing activity is speeding up and in fact the porch the manager and the h.s.b.c. jump to fifty three points and of course anything above the shows growth so that's a good thing and let's look at some individual share moves on the mindsets we have crossed that is gaining and we know that its shareholders may be receiving. record breaking dividends a mountain so over one billion dollars this year and if that does happen it will be twenty five percent more than the year before so some pretty impressive stuff there we've known for about financials are on the rise across the board here russia when it comes to paul is gaining point eight percent almost this hour and we know that it may sell about five percent of the shares to china as an investment company and a further two point five percent to russia's. if that happens the deals will amount to six hundred million dollars let's move on to currencies the euro is still against the dollar when it comes through the roof or it's losing against the
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greenback but again they're against the euro and this is how business looks the sound. will have the next update for you back so you are in for now or are you done for the day we're going to do enjoy this lovely spring weather. cool thanks for everything or still to come a recap of headlines then it's time for tempers to flow that can only mean one thing in just a few. culture is that so much about the taxpayers' money maintaining it is a shame because a lot of people at various
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last the hour here in the russian capital just in time yahtzee headlines now fresh violence hits afghanistan shortly after barack obama visits the capital with a wave of bomb attacks and. at least seven di marks a year since the killing of bin laden while a deal was signed with afghan president karzai to cover the decade after the planned troop pullout in two thousand and fourteen. frantic campaigning in france's presidential election with just days left for the two candidates to woo voters before the decisive round on sunday but the fight is getting tougher as right wing leader marine le pen refuses to endorse either candidate. ukraine's co-hosting of the euro two thousand and twelve football championships can be found offside perhaps before even a ball z. .


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