tv [untitled] May 3, 2012 3:00pm-3:30pm EDT
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we wanted to present. something on. the ground for a wider in egypt troubled collection ballance wells over religious candidates with the ruling military seeming to be the only ones to benefit. hillary clinton pitches for china support all north korea and iran but the west military age of the survey to build up and support for chinese dissidents believe beijing where. police crackdown on an anti austerity rally in barcelona is a major central bank had so many there to discuss the state of spain spiralling debt . while small scale says it reserves the right to strike back in nato as planned missile defense system in europe or breaches of security the alliance fails
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to move forward on dialogue with russia. thanks for joining r t it's eleven o'clock here in moscow and you're with me karen taraji well two of egypt's leading presidential candidates are suspending their campaigning they blamed the ruling military council for wednesday's brutal attack on protesters up to twenty people were killed and more than a hundred injured by unknown attackers sparking for their clash it's the rally was supporting a disqualified ultra conservative islamised candidate seen as one of the frontrunners before he was banned various political forces accuse the ruling military for orchestrating the bloodshed sarah ferguson looks into the chaos the religious tensions have created in post-revolutionary into.
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taking phone in middle east and. this is the leading comic actor as a live man and his satirical film the leader is just one of a number in which he stars that if you learned him in prison for offending islam it's a ruling that's in rejecting the public ok spread. but also that was a guy that ignites a case of i got really mad about the like i was i don't know if it was if i got right back i don't have the right to god today and everywhere else was that freedom of expression. such convictions accosting occur now dave or artistic plans actions which the great and the good of the arab movie industry a quick to condemn after being banned for years and in the barrack hardline parties like the muslim brotherhood and the newly created nor party have gained serious political
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clout having won the lion's share of seats in parliament and people here in egypt. has. to. watch is what will that new egypt look like for groups like al know it means imposing much strict muslim codes we have no problem with. this system of our culture this is our culture. and that of a clown and. we live in egypt so. i think that system and the laws have to come from this culture and this culture means. many of these pushing for implementing shari'a law in egypt and publicly that it could still be a long way off but there are already signs that change is taking place
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a lot of people who are currently governmental candidates for president are being very cautious about the statements that they make with the growth of policy everyone is preaching moderate islamists but the same time there's an undercurrent like for instance we're going to change that you can them slightly we're not going to make schools but we're going to preach religion better at schools no matter how subtle the differences may be at the moment egypt's at a key cross rate emerging it's each and the results of what happens right now keep the felts for generations sir third party kyrie. for more on egypt's shaky situation ahead of the presidential election let's join us so why are a researcher from the karo center for human rights mr riyadh such violence just three weeks ahead of the presidential election how will these escalating tensions ultimately affect the vote. well it can it can definitely affect the vote but it can also affect the actually happening of elections there are serious doubts within
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the egyptian public. even before the clashes have started and currently as the elections might be pushed forward the same the same concerns have been voiced recently by political different political groups and parliamentarians with even rumors seeing yesterday that has asked for to postpone the elections due to the current unrest in front of advocacy of. gaffes nonetheless in the press conference today have said that this is that these are rumors and the elections will happen in july it's important to mention in this context that during the previously before the parliamentary elections last november a similar clashes have started in mohamed mahmoud and so it's particularly interesting if we are to compare how. erupt immediately immediately before elections a couple of months or a couple of weeks before elections do you believe that the accusations of the
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ruling military council that it's behind wednesday's attack to use the unrest to try and stay in power what are your thoughts on. but i can't i cannot say for sure if it's behind the attacks but i can definitely tell you that it's. for the deaths that has happened to this. as the current ruler of egypt along with the government namely the minister of interior is directly responsible for the lives that we have lost over twenty people the numbers vary of course from ten to twenty but over twenty people have been killed. in numbers the police have did not intervene for it for four days of clashes then last the last the last clashes which was the most violent happened for ten hours that we had ten hours of street fights in the streets right in front of the ministry of defense with military police standing a few feet away from protesters and no one intervened until twenty people were
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killed hundreds were injured. and the several other abuses that have happened and so they're directly responsible for that a lot of a lot of people and a lot of analysts say that this is this. happens in favor of the of the of the staff and off of the military establishment you know what there are no no reason no one i'm sorry to interrupt you but we've seen a lot of popular candidates that were banned by the electoral commission just before campaigning started causing mass confusion among the voters what does this mean for the presidential playing field do you think it's deliberately steering things to favor certain individuals. well these are also rumors today in the press conference this guy has said that they do not support that particular a particular presidential candidate. number less that we also have two names amongst amongst many but two very prominent in names amongst the thirteen candidates running for for president for presidents or elections that are that the
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people think that they are connected to the military establishment in a way or another namely and most prominently of course. the previous. prime minister of egypt and so and so these are also a lot of these are also on the table there's also these are also concerns on the table people are worried there are they are running short on time i just want to ask you one brief question now the ruling military say they'll leave power as early as may the twenty fourth if a president is elected in the first round now the chances for that decreased with the bands what will happen if there's no clear winner what would happen if there's no clear winner that's right. what. well this is that this is a tricky question that even even we can we can even take it as far as saying if
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there is a clear winner how and to what extent will scout actually take it hands off the affairs of the country and this is quite a question of a given that not only is it controlling the country right now it's also control over half over fifty percent of its economy do you have retired military personnel doing almost all in the state institutions and having a say in almost all state institutions and so the minute that izing the country as a whole and from the political spectrum and from the from the economic aspect as well is quite the it's quite the challenge and will not be affected only with the coming or the outcome of presidential election over a presidential candidate in july all right thank you miss. a researcher at the center for human rights you. elsewhere in the arab world another protest and with the blood being spilled in city of aleppo largely untouched by the conflict that's tearing surreal part becomes the site of the latest bloody episode
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between the pro and anti the solid factions. all right let me bring you some news that we're just getting here at our two powerful twin blasts have ripped through the city of march call law in russia's north caucasus region the bombs exploded near a police building within twenty minutes of each other one device was placed inside a car the blasts were reportedly carried out by suicide bombers police say there are casualties but the exact number is not yet clear and of course we will update you on this developing story as soon as we get more details. america's chief diplomat is urging china to help rein in tensions over iran and north korea's nuclear activities hillary clinton's in beijing right now and said both the u.s. and china should work together to restrain pyongyang from further provocation and prevent iran from developing
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a nuclear weapon clinton's visit comes at an extremely delicate time in their relations beijing accuses the u.s. of meddling in its internal affairs after the u.s. embassy briefly sheltered a chinese dissident activist it's also irritated over washington's military buildup in the asia pacific something chinese experts say is aimed at distracting beijing from its own policy in the region. the u.s. strategy is really to try to encircle from order. to. india so those three quarters that. really china and explosion in the south china sea there you. know i'm so that these two smaller countries can dare to challenge china so the u.s. strategy is to give enough. leverage in countries to keep china
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occupied so a dead child there would not have the tired to do with that you political fleece doneness bit who set up his own institute in china to study social and economic developments there foresees a new kind of cold war on the horizon here's some of what we'll hear in the next hour. a lot of talk about multi all the world but last century it was the soviet union the us this is to be very simple minded about it this century is the us and china that bipolar that world is going to be dominated by the bipolar connection of china and the us and people will make countries will make decisions and calibrate their their actions against what they perceive will be the response of the u.s. and or china that there will be a bipolar world replace thing they sold the u.s.
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but under very different bases so no more no i guess a cold war but sort of a cold war but with the soviet union on an ideological bent basis with china on economic. just joining r t it's thirty minutes past the hour and russia warrants at could launch a preemptive strike against the nato led defense shield plans for europe if divisions between them over the project reach a critical point the country's military chiefs have been voicing their concerns at an international conference on missile defense and moscow and he said now i reports . well missile defense has been in a deadlock for some time now that's certainly no secret between the us russia and nato and once again russian officials today reiterated the sentiment that bad deadlock needs to end or else russia is going to take response of action we've heard the phrase preemptive strike this is pretty harsh rhetoric we're hearing from
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russia they're very serious about their their concerns their national security concerns being taken into consideration by nato and the u.s. we also heard from officials that if some kind of compromise isn't made that they're warning of in fact another arms race so very strong words coming from russia what they're hoping to come out of this two day summit is first of all to prove that these so-called rogue states like iran and south korea which the u.s. and nato say this missile defense system which is well underway in eastern europe in poland romania even as far as turkey that russia has research and is giving basically officials details on why they believe those two countries certainly don't have the missile capabilities to reach europe so a lot of questions surrounding the goals behind this defense system so close to russia's border and also showing a computer model of why exactly this missile system poses a threat to russia's national security indeed to how this is something moscow has
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been trying to convince the two of us through dialogue for years now washington continues to stress that the system is not against russia like i said that it's against iran and north korea but russia just isn't convinced that let's not forget that hot mike that we heard in south korea where obama told medvedev hang in there i'll be ready to compromise after the election and of course it's an election year in a lot of countries across the globe in twenty twelve and officials certainly understand that so what we're going to hear most likely as this two day summit wraps up is baby steps we're ready for dialogue but how far both sides are willing to comp. you know it's still very unclear. let's go to the czech republic now one of the european states which was lined up to host parts of the u.s. led system but later scrapped the plan young tomas is there he's an activist from the humanist movement the international peace and nondiscrimination organization
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young thanks for being with us now why are the eastern european states such as poland and romania eager to host parts of the american defensive system isn't there a worry of being a possible target if there is an escalation from somewhere like north korea or iran . poses why these countries are so eager to join the system my only feeling is that the generation of the leaders in these countries is still thinking in the terms of the cold war and they have lived through that system which was oppressive and it was largely dominated by russia and they therefore still have these negative feelings go at russia and also partly afraid of russia and they take this participation in the u.s. led system as a sort of guarantee for their security and they don't realize that this is not a guarantee but that that would actually make them a target and that's very ironic now both north korea and iran are struggling under
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it under international sanctions how much of a threat do you think the states posture of europe. well i wouldn't want to underestimate north korea but i don't think it poses any serious. threat to europe when it comes to iran. i don't think iran is capable of hitting the czech republic or any other european country with any significant strike we know iran doesn't have nuclear weapons right now we're not even sure if it's trying to develop them so i think as these two countries are just used as an excuse as a pretext for the construction of this system and i think the system truly is about two things one is the control of space because already back in one thousand nine hundred sixty united states space command issued a document called vision twenty twenty and right there it was said very clearly that whoever will control space or control and so partly the project for the aim of
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this of this so-called missile defense is the control space to be able to control earth and the other reason why they're building this is a believer economically whoever it will be building components for this system will make a lot of money and and therefore the u.s. military companies are pushing for this for this project and they need some pretext now iran and north korea in terms of those pretexts let's you know order to keep the entire conflict continent safe what do you say that more countries including russia could be involved in developing the shield. oh yes definitely i think more countries including russia should be involved in in coming up with a strategy not necessarily a shear or a military solution but some kind of a strategy how to achieve peace not only in europe but in the whole world and i think we really do have an institution that was designed specifically for those past and there is the united nations i believe it is the past of the united nations
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as a body that already brings countries from across the globe together to tackle issues such as safety searchers the real threats and then see how to how to solve those threats and i believe a military solution is only the last solution that we should we should much much more use the diplomatic solutions now and i'm fortunate we have only a minute left but i just want to get this out there russia says it could launch a preemptive strike against the shield if the u.s. russia dialogue reaches a critical point what consequences might that have. well be a terrible said back for the safety of this continent for the safety of the planet i believe that could bring go song bring us on the brink of the third world war and i hope it will never happen i think that would be a terrible terrible thing and i hope we will never see that happen very much agreed all right young tomas activist from the humanist movement an international volunteer organization that promotes nonviolence and nondiscrimination thank you
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thank you. you can head online to r.t. dot com where right now we're literally bringing you all of the wildest of you. how's this for a few shopping shots thrill seekers in russia as far east a show of their head for heights dizzying pictures posted online all the local police they weren't too thrilled. hunting down the phone hacking scandal plaguing rupert murdoch's news corporation seizing high level calls where many of his american t.v. broadcasting licenses to be pulled. all right if you're just joining our two spanish police made a number of arrests at a protest in barcelona where the european central bank chiefs are meeting now
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security precautions ahead of the talks have been heavily ramped up spain even going so far as to reinstate checkpoints along its border with france to try and limit the number of demonstrators arriving from within europe the fear was that a potentially massive protests could turn violent thousands of riot police were deployed with reinforcements on standby the e.c.b. chiefs resisted calls to begin buying up spanish bonds as investors abandon the country's debt auctions instead they're urging patience over austerity saying it needs time to work and that as spain reels from disastrous unemployment levels and million strong austerity demonstrations economists janish of the roof oculus says he sees glaring double standards. while they seem to be had spent over the last few months one trillion euros financing bankrupt banks.
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think critically low interest rate of ten percent. it is excusing to come to the assistance of states like spain like portugal like i'm not in greece and to come to this is the european union that holds required misanthropic conditions to be imposed upon the populations of those countries so you have two completely different attitudes by the monetary authorities in europe one is the world bank the bank is where essential in holding this crisis and they're being treated with a glove. and then you have the way that states like spain are being treated you know that not have the use and should be there in order to avert the kind of gets cave of insolvencies of spades that we have been experiencing over the last couple of years all right coming up in about ten minutes the kaiser report goes gunning for the u.s. treasury secretary america's chief banker said in
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a statement that the human errors that led to the two thousand and eight crash can't be cured by lawmakers at lax and stacey beg to differ. timothy geithner you can't legislate away stupidity or risk taking greed it was just an accident i think that the global financial markets collapsed i don't see any crime here or. selective amnesia and he's purposefully blind to the crime in front of them he can't hear anybody they're committing crimes you can't see anybody even though it's presented the evidence every single day criminality no. ambiguity about it. and a pair of protest against president assad syria's aleppo university met
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a bloody end today leaving for dirt and two hundred arrested unverified video from the clash with show troops and students together attacking the demonstrators omar in the shall be a senior columnist at all our newspaper in neighboring lebanon blames much of the violence on arms proliferation. but let's look at the situation in a realistic way there are so many that are all around the city and cities major city and cities there are gunmen you know and it's very difficult they're not very well organized so there are different groups of armed men on the streets and it's very difficult for the army army to withdraw from the cities and leave the ground for the governments or that's also making things more complicated what is required is that is that the government would actually back down and the syrian army would withdraw the tanks from the cities and that's very difficult to implement and there are weapons being smuggled into syria last week there was a shipment of weapons that were stopped by the lebanese army on the lebanese coast
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and there was a huge shipment of some some heavy some high caliber weapons and this could create a lot of damage and i think that the countries surrounding city are actually make put more pressure on on stopping the smuggling of weapons to syria because smuggling weapons to syria will only increase the violence and violence will lead to more violence and this is a vicious circle. and update our developing news this hour in russia's north caucasus city of march. at least four people have reportedly been killed three others injured after two powerful explosions the bombs went off near a police building within twenty minutes of each other one device was inside a car the blast are thought to have been carried out by suicide bombers police have cornered off the area. now dimitri's next up with the business news and it seems like dimitri new details emerge on facebook's i.p.o. that's right facebook's i.p.o.
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the most important on the nasdaq ever is due to take place on the eighteenth of may and according to the wall street journal the price range will be from around twenty five dollars to thirty five dollars which would value the company from eighty five to ninety five billion dollars but right now what we're seeing in the u.s. market is of course a declining market while is also down dramatically more than two dollars a barrel as mario draghi the head of the e.c.b. said that there could be more downside risks in europe and the situation looks more uncertain. over in europe therefore we saw a flat flat mixed picture that's on the back of also positive news coming from spain the government excessively sold bonds worth more than two and a half billion dollars on the currency markets the euro and the dollar have been pretty stable against each other where the ruble weakened against both currencies as it got no support from those oil prices and the russian market ended the day on a negative note second day of losses take
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a look at what's moving the might say it's now despite lower oil prices gas problem on the my six managed to gain more than one percent. of blood after reporting disappointing results after as was down seven percent now that's the big news today as red. getting closer to gaining control of the they want to take a more than fifty percent stake in the company will be investing seven hundred fifty million dollars to socially double each year the head of after that partnership with international majors will help the company diversify its production. here is the year of. launching new cars and. to us we launched a new line. together with the alliance during the last six months as will launch two new cars by the end of the year we're going to produce. and move more to brand
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manufacture and in one year we're going to launch. our cars as well on the same busy. well as from the business team for today join my colleagues in the course or on friday twenty years you'll be here with an update all right thanks for that business update dimitri more on the global financial headlines coming up in a few minutes and the latest cause a report but first i'll update you on the headlines so don't go away.
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wealthy british style. is not on the tires on. the. market why not come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with max cons or for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to cause a report on our. news today violence is once again flared up the film these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada.
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