tv [untitled] May 3, 2012 7:00pm-7:30pm EDT
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today on our t.v. once again good prevails over evil our wonderful boys in blue save the day by stopping a terror plot in its tracks but wait a minute here knights in shining armor don't have such a sterling reputation after all we'll tell you why. and if you can't beat him really educate them a leaked document shows a plan to bring the concept of rigid cation camps right here to the u.s. soil so that a temp by the government to brainwash anime's into submission. plus the website mega upload is proving to be a mega pain in the you know what officials are now trying to extradite founder kim dotcom to the us to face the american justice system we'll bring you the latest in this cyber scandal.
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it's thursday may third seven pm in washington d.c. i'm martin you're watching r.t. . starting off this hour the f.b.i. is calling it a victory against homegrown terrorism five self described anarchists were arrested after allegedly plotting to blow up a bridge near cleveland that bombing was supposed to take place on occupy wall street's huge day of action on may day but the good guys rush to the rescue stop the men in their tracks and save civilians from danger right well as it turns out the government agency was actually instrumental in helping the cleveland flight five plan this terrorist bridge plot the entire event was provoked and orchestrated by agent provocateurs they supplied the motive the means and everything else to carry out the plot now f.b.i. entrapment in terrorism is nothing new the agency currently has fifteen thousand undercover operatives in their ranks who get paid as much as one hundred thousand dollars per sign meant and at least half of the latest five hundred prosecutions
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related to terrorism have involved f.b.i. and treatment but the question remains when the f.b.i. files its own terror plot is it really preventing terrorism or is it just creating security theater to dig further in this case i was joined earlier by steven webster senior editor for raw story he explained whether or not these sting operations are even necessary are they necessary i'm not quite sure but i think you have to be i would argue that they are. you're right to say that this is a pattern in their history throughout their history off the gotten close to the bad guys and let them believe they were going to carry out the various plot only to pull lives could write the last moment and reveal that their former to grow it would show. it's it's tough to debate with a broad brush if it's right or not some threats are you about it more severe than others and it's who are these occupiers. well it's really about his guesses as to
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whether they would have gone through with doing that they would have had the means to carry it out with f. without the f.b.i. involvement i mean you see that the f.b.i. supplied the transportation the bombs and pretty much everything else do you think that they would have had the means to do it well it's really impossible to say but it is quite uncomfortable to know how close the f.b.i. was informed of these guys. one of them i believe was even employed at this person's roofing company for a while so you see there's a very cozy relationship with law enforcement and it's going to curators who you know may or may not have the impetus to do this regardless. appear to be sort of sympathetic to occupiers blackwater which for occupiers is really like a cancer right. lot of people have said that the black bloc is the cancer of the movement. and you know stephen i just want to ask you some would say that the recruitment methods that the f.b.i.
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provocateurs use against would be terrorists is similar to suicide bomber recruiters in the middle east i mean they prey upon the emotional need to range to financially down and out people and convince them to conduct terror plots i mean is this a moral. i don't know if you can say whether it's more or there's a lot about one percent that is moral but many would say is necessary i don't think the f.b.i. is right one hundred percent the time i don't think they're wrong one hundred percent of time either and without seeing all the individual tasty too it's really impossible to say this is a very great area was it wrong that. the white supremacist radio host was arrested several years back how how something i don't recall his name at the moment he was one of the woman's was it right the american government was paying one of the most vocal white supremacists in the country to draw these. i don't know
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what to what do you think about taxpayers funding this i mean here we are there's figures of one hundred thousand dollars and over painting these people to work on cases that take sometimes a year or more i mean do you think that this is a proper way to spend taxpayer resources to weed out domestic would be terrorists i really don't know on that either but i think a lot of people especially progressive liberals will have a problem with that maybe even some conservatives who are really concerned about you know actual conservation. but as far as i mean i i really don't know i'm more of a reporter i don't have much of an opinion on it but i do think some of the facts are alarming and people will be very surprised to find out even up until this point at least i haven't seen it's been mostly preying on muslim communities what do you think and talk about the cleveland five as it's coined do you think that this is a new front to kind of focusing on what he did to tie is talking by wall street if
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those like a plan to do this on made i mean what are your thoughts on focusing now on people who are muslim trying to really get in and entrap them into terrorist plots. no f.b.i. has been running counter intelligence operations like this for a very long time it goes back to the sixty's it goes back to richard nixon. it's that the occupiers been targeted is unfortunate but not surprising. but i wouldn't be surprised to have the tea party's been through as well i mean they look at right wing fundamentalists just as much as they look at some. very left wing critics of this government. i think that these individuals in ohio were fortunately. from mean if if the polls. commissioner. talk a little bit about the timing of this foiled plot on the big may day action you
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think that that was strategic you know kind of tainted a lot of the headlines for occupy wall street and yeah you know it was it was definitely a very media and i do think that the f.b.i. probably had some rule in fostering that being selective unfortunately. and do you think that this is do you think the f.b.i. is just grasping at straws here to justify the war on terror is domestic front i mean i know you said counter intelligence has been happening a lot and spying and these methods have been going on since the sixty's but it just seems like they're ramped up so much after nine eleven and we see time and time again recently especially in the past recent years of these four year old plots that were orchestrated by the f.b.i. well i wouldn't say they were orchestrated by the f.b.i. very certainly tainted facilitated i mean is this just grasping at straws to justify the domestic front of the war on terror. so somebody probably
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behind the scenes i'm sure there's a lot of. you know painting brings with a broad brush your words make it sound more dramatic really is. one hundred degrees there are legitimate domestic terrorism threats are there you know pretty much the only folks out there are several of those who are really active reproducing those so again without going into the details of individual cases some are more valid than others and in some cases though there has really grasping at straws. that will definitely keep it all in these cases as they unfold that was stephen webster senior editor for raw story may day with a day that brought hundreds of thousands of worldwide out in the streets to stand for economic justice but out of all the retelling of maydays historical roots one disturbing event has been kept out of the dialogue and for good reason did you know that on may day in one nine hundred seventy one the army herded seven thousand
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protesters into a stadium turned prison camp right here in washington d.c. these are some of the photos of the event from the website the exiled its news coverage of the camp in d.c. well that was back in the one nine hundred seventy s. a lot's changed since then right when not exactly the infamous incident of the u.s. military interfering and local law enforcement operations leads us to a recently released video did document called internment and resettlement operations that manual outlines policies for processing detainees in internment camps inside and outside of the u.s. including the reeducation of detainees to ensure their integration back into society so is this document just a hyperbolic situation of the worst case scenario or does it shed a light on what's to come here in the us tell me answer some of those questions i was joined earlier by host alex jones of the alex jones show i asked him how does this memo differ from the usual her pipe program hyperbole here's his response. sure that's a good question this is not just
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a contingency plan in the sixty's seventy's eighty's we had rex eighty four and other plans now there's been a massive ratcheting up and billions of dollars a year being spent the last decade or so to actually take old military bases out of the civilian inmate labor camp program under the emergency centers establishment act and to prepare them for quote emergencies but i've been to the drills and noticed they were training with the role players to put american political dissidents in them they always tell the media that it's for disasters domestically or foreign wars and putting people in camps like abu ghraib in iraq or camp x.-ray in cuba but now more and more documents are coming out confirming what r.t. had from sources and my research into this in the four films i've made in the police state series starting with police tape two thousand and one hundred ninety nine where i witnessed marines training to confiscate firearms on the west coast and put americans both on the left and right into camps and even segregate them
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according to their different political persuasions now we have an army document that dovetails with huge increase spending hiring tens of thousands of people in the military to specifically be internment camp officers and actually had military personnel blow the whistle on this to me in the last year about the hiring of tens of thousands of people in the training camps that they've shut up to train the prison guards for these and in this new document i was going to say i talk a little bit yeah you're talking about the you know they're hiring hundred thousand people and talk a little bit about the psyop program within the document and what that really means i mean the reeducation aspect of this document should people care about that explain a little more about that. exactly that's what sensational about this is they went from saying there are camps to ok we're building a bunch of them and manning them and they have other contracts to prepare for
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private contractors to be ready within seventy hours or so to be able to fully manned the camps that are already built and in this new document this isn't some contingency plan this is the manual and i give people the number it's f m three dash thirty nine dollars forty and they admit this is real. to psychologically brainwash with loud speakers to bring the political dissidents in who are there because of their political views and to take them into other segregated areas of the camps and it talks about psyop ing them conditioning them with classic twenty four hour fuel blaring loudspeakers and what's crazy is when i've been to these urban warfare drills that's what they announce is civil disobedience will not be tolerated your first amendment has been cancelled and when i had camera crews the g twenty in pittsburgh two years ago they had the police under military training
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shame the exact same thing and even attacking students at the college you weren't even protesting we got video of young women on bicycles and they were saying daytime nighttime curfew stay in your your dormitories beating women over the head with billy clubs just for fun just to set the precedent that hey you don't come out of your dorm that was famous footage of the g. twenty under pentagon control with the local police and national guard with german shepherds old women coming out of the grocery store with bags and they're told you can't be on the streets broad daylight and they release the german shepherds who begin biting the old women i mean this is just absolutely off the charts even the most authoritarian states don't act like this and the social controllers the big banks the taking over this country and their collaborators in the police and military are openly trying to train the police and military to be attack dogs and
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now we've got north korean style gulags with re-education camp manuals right out of the most authoritarian regimes this world a shame that is what really proves what is what is a reintegration even now i mean how can they be sure that someone is ready to be reintegrated into society it just seems and seems like an interesting concept to explore. what do you think that means i mean what would that entail well we know what happens in classical reeducation camps they get people within the camps to turn against those that are picked out to be persecuted and and really it's about the mass of people getting into serving the can guards and being collaborators those that are chosen as the political dissidents to be tortured and abused and broken they're generally kept for decades or put it slave labor they're never to be released the real secret of a reeducation camp under the show vietnam nazi model camaro rouge
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model it all systems have become authoritarian have done this the real point of this re-education camp center is to get the majority to join in on oppressing citizens and then some of the best in forster's of the authoritarian system are those that are actually in the reeducation camp they're finding people not to break them but who will enjoy serving the system that's what these camps are really about just like they've used abu ghraib but more importantly they've used camp x. ray at the base in guantanamo bay to create the new al qaida that they used to go take over libya and they're using to attack syria so the truth is it's actually a training ground to find and create double agent al qaeda well that's the same thing here these reeducation camps are actually factories to create collaborators alex i want to talk a little bit about the memo where it says that it invokes a special restriction on the posse coming tatas act but i thought that bush and
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then john warner defense authorization act in two thousand and seven already suspended the posse qantas act i was going if you can explain what that exactly means to civilians. well i got to say from all the artsy shows i've done that are excellent you are asking the best questions it's three hundred plus pages it actually states that well there is a posse comitatus but the president can suspend that so all intents and purposes it's already suspended kind of like congress told obama you've got to get authorization to launch a war in libya and he said i don't need that anymore and so they talk about posse comitatus but only to state it's hollow and dead and yes the john warner defense authorization act the n.d.a. all of these just further suspend posse comitatus the eight hundred seventy eight law barring the military being used on the streets of america do you think these measures alex are being set up an anticipation for some sort of global you know unrest and i think we i mean it just seems like after nine eleven all these
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measures haven't taken place why what is what is the purpose of ushering them in so quickly and john warner this what do you think they're preparing for. well we've seen the economist magazine time magazine you name it shape bank of the world technocrats the world will no longer have freedom they brag goldman sachs has conquered europe goldman sachs has conquered us by having our politicians sign on to the impossible to pay quadrillion plus derivatives and show they're getting us ready for a total engineered collapse where those that collapse the shi'a the to re-engineer it pose as the savior and so that's why they've taken hold could genesee plans of things they beta tested back in the seventies and eighties and have put it on a war footing and just ramped it up five hundred percent i mean it is just the it's not just this document it's billions a year now in the public bids for companies to supply the barbwire the private security the interrogators i mean it's all there you'd have to look at each
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document put them together and it is it is frightening a lot of it's not like it is interesting alex and you know it is also worth noting that they in the government has said that it's not a matter of if but when there will be a digital terrorist attack and that could explain the crackdowns on the internet and the fight that we're seeing are not front that was alex jones host of the alex jones show. so head on r t what does the government takedown of the popular hosting site mean for internet freedom and copyright law answers coming up right after the break. martini is the state run english speaking russian channel it's kind of like al-jazeera. russia today has an extremely confrontational stance when it comes to us.
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just put a picture of me when i was like nine years old don't you tell the truth. i confess and i am a total ghetto princess hi-lo grab the cock is that i'm pretty sure. it was kind of a yesterday. i'm very proud of the world with its place. right now i would like to. welcome the aloneness still they'll get the real
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headline with none of them are the problem with the mainstream media today is that they're completely disconnected from the viewers and what actually matters to those viewers and so that's why young people just don't watch t.v. anymore if they want news they go online and read it but we're trying to take those stories that people actually care about and transfer them back to t.v. . what drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions to break through it's already been made who can you trust no one who is your own view with the global machinery see where we had a state controlled capitalism is called sessions when nobody dares to ask we do our t. question more.
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welcome to the capital account i'm lori mr. pepper spray that just burns your eyes right right i mean it's like a derivative of actual pepper it's a food product essentially. it's much stronger than anything it's the bio labs. thousands of times were stronger than any one of the variables they were pushing in . the mega seizure of mega upload one of the government takedown of the popular hosting site mean for internet freedom and copyright law apparently the government
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doesn't need any law to stand in their way of going after people over copyright infringement just days after soap and people were voted down the u.s. government bypassed criminal courts to shut down and seize the assets of the website over what they see as copyright infringement so is this overstepping of federal authority and as a review of revolving door relationship between government and commercial interests we discuss this and more with goldman an associate law professor at santa clara university and director of high tech law institute here's his take. the government has brought a very broad and potentially unsupportable prosecution against a user generated content site we're all trying to figure out if it's the new wave the government trying to establish its control over the content community or if this is a one off we fear of the former what does a revolt reveal
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a revolving door relationship between industry and government and if so explain a little about that. the there are very tight linkages between the government and the content industry so for example many of the people who are in the government worked in the content industry and many of the people in the government will get jobs in the content industry after they're done a result they understand each other's issues very well they've been there firsthand in addition the content industry contributes a significant amount of money to the administration and to other politicians who are decision makers as a result they get a great deal of influence over what the government does and that's part of the reason why. we're wondering if the mega upload prosecution is really the beginning of that content industry being able to tell the government to do its dirty work for work let's go a little bit more into the make up and seizure because you know i guess i'm a little bit confused on how the government can shut down
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a web site that hosts hundreds if not thousands of people's content which isn't copyrighted i mean there's people just buying bandwidth and hosting their material on a web site paying monthly that are totally within the parameters of legality can you explain a little bit to our viewers why you know what is the government's case against this . so there are at least three different categories of content mag ablog one was illegitimate content every user during every user generated content site had that there were also files that were publicly distributed where they were under copyright protection the person distributing it had permission for whatever reason that is whether it was their own files or they had been authorized by the copyright owner to distribute the file and the third category was its data that was living in the cloud that was being stored on behalf of individuals for. their own. usage and the government in taking back upload took down all three types of content
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it took down the illegitimate illegitimate and the private data all in one fell swoop the fact it wasn't very sensitive to the implications for the private content and even for the legitimate content is i think one of the reasons why the government owes overstepped its bounds erick what do you think about the timing of the make up and seizure it was very interesting that you know days after so open people were voted down and you see megaupload being seized. with an almost just like the government saying we don't care what passed on the hill we're just going to do what we want. a prosecution like this takes years to develop so the wasn't like administration turned around to the content owners and said sorry you lost the battle in congress we'll go take care you tomorrow it's been in the works for a while having said that the bailing out the prosecution on that specific day
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did strike me as good just struck and maybe the administration wanted to tell the content owners don't worry we've got your back. but even if it wasn't if the timing was even if the timing was pure coincidence it still shows that there's a tight revolving door between government and content owners whether or not congress will act the content owners have the ability to steer the actions of the administration so it almost reinforces how irrelevant congress is on that topic what about t.v. shacked i mean not just a website we're talking about a web site that just links to other websites that host copyrighted material and that there's a slippery slope i mean so it was voted down yet they're taking down a website that isn't posting copyrighted material itself. so. the linking sides are one of the main things that sticks in the craw some content
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owners because the sites can generate a lot of traffic to an illegitimate file but the site owner can say i didn't actually blow the file i don't download the file not my problem so we're seeing increasing enforcement actions by content owners against linking sites they're definitely aware of it the problem is that many content owners are going to linking sites and trying to beg the linking site operators to promote the files of the content owners they understand that the linking sites are very effective at generating traffic and attention for the works that are linked and so on the one hand they're saying content is saying let me have the ability to shut down these sites whenever i want on the other hand they're saying please please please promote my files that's going to make me more money and the fact that content owners and the government are trying to have it both ways is untenable in the end i think that we need to be much more sensitive to the role of the link in sites now we're seeing
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today well you said yourself i mean the industry and the government go hand in hand there's so much collision going on as you say so what's next for the battle of internet freedom are we going to see more legislation do you think being pushed through is this fight never ending. well the fight is never ending but it's not going to end in a good way for us as consumers or us as users of the internet in order for us to defeat so we all not only have to beat it in congress we have to beat it everywhere else. the battle is being fought and it's being fought in multiple venues it's being fought in the international treaties and trade agreements it's being fought in the courts today where content owners are bringing in lawsuits and getting judges to agree to romney's very dedicated to what congress rejected and sopa. being brought today in private agreements where companies are green voluntarily to do the work of the content owners and so the battle be never ending content owners
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will always want more control but the battle of of them turn out well for us because we as consumers will lose in at least one if many of those other four it does seem like the battle is never ending it seems like they won't stop until they get some sort of legislation passed that will limit our internet freedom that was there goldman associate law professor at santa clara university and director of high tech law institute well that does it for now for this news hour if you missed part of this or any show today don't worry we post all over interviews online in full just go to youtube dot com slash r t america and you can watch the interviews as many times your heart desires and because our show doesn't stop does stop doesn't mean the news does check out our website r.t. dot com slash usa we want to know what stories you want us to cover so leave us your comments feedback and story suggestions we're always listening and you can also follow me on twitter at abby martin the capital account is coming up next.
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