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tv   [untitled]    May 3, 2012 11:01pm-11:31pm EDT

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rarely. there is other top story this hour coming up the big picture with tom hartman straight from our washington studios. oh i'm going to washington d.c. and here's what's coming up tonight the big picture florida governor rick scott apparently wants every republican to be packing heat at the republican national convention in august so they can protect them so evil occupiers occupiers aren't even allowed to carry a water gun during the convention will america focus on the rights of the on our
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also scott walker is in a dead heat with his likely democratic challenger in the recall election for you to a new poll that will walker's millions of dollars in t.v. ad barrage by him the victory in november and raising taxes on the rich raising the minimum wage and putting restrictions on c.e.o. pay have all been suggested as ways to reduce wealth inequality in america all these ideas can help should we be looking at more revolutionary ways to redistribute wealth in our country. needs you know this florida governor rick scott apparently thinks it's a great idea to arm up the republican national convention in tampa later this year with an eye on safety for the city of tampa has banned potential weapons like crowbars water guns and string over six inches long already an attempt by the mayor of tampa to also ban handguns during the r. and c.
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was shot down by governor rick scott this week a two thousand and eleven law passed in florida prevents cities from regulating firearms. governor scott refused to offer an exemption in this case arguing that it would violate the second amendment so get ready for this year's aren't see where occupy protesters can be arrested for carrying stringer water guns a republican delegates are encouraged to stick a thirty eight in their pants this is insanity and here's the bigger picture there are three hundred million guns in the united states that's about one for every person to the war the country in the world that is the last second most heavily armed is yemen they have about a half as many guns per person as we do half but because most go out and one hundred of the states have only have more than one gun sunni the only one in five people owns a gun which means four out of five of us are unarmed and all walking around on the
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streets is probably more like nine hundred fifty out of a thousand of us are on armed or ninety nine hundred ninety nine out of those in our rights as americans our rights to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness are being routinely violated by trigger happy gun owners. and by alec wal-mart and the n.r.a. with their shoot first laws as josh horowitz of the coalition to stop gun violence pointed out a great blog titled second amendment vigilantes systematically dismantling our rights he said we have reached a point where many of our rights and privileges we take for granted are being threatened not by a tyrannical government but by overbearing individuals with guns infringe on rights that are central to the american system of justice such as property rights the presumption of innocence and the right of redress of grievances through the courts it's a sad statement about contemporary america when a teenager can no longer safely venture outside to buy a bag of skittles all across america people are being intimidated threatened and
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even killed by mostly men trying to make up for their feelings of impotence by packing pistols we license people to drive a car well because cars can kill people but most guns in most states don't require a license to buy or own and gun sellers particularly at gun shows are not as closely regulated as car dealers we nail people who roll back out or dollars and then sell cars but not people who sell guns to killers and now the mayor of tampa as governor rick scott for permission to ban guns at the r. and c. convention and scott has said no r. and c. attendees should be able to protect themselves from occupiers but tampa has also passed a law making it illegal for occupiers to carry weapons like six inches of string or squirt guns so is the n.r.a. going to be setting up a table at occupy tampa to arm the occupiers. just consider that question for a moment could the n.r.a. be set up a table to army occupiers even the question shows how stupid polarized and politicized
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the gun issue has become in america is that time to focus on the rights of the unarmed rather than just the armed neil as where he joins me from miami is a conservative commentator host of talk show truth for america and author of the book conscientious equity you know welcome back hey tom thanks for having me. thanks for joining us we hear all this bluster about protecting the rights of gun owners what about the rights of non gun owners to feel safe. well when we protect the rights of gun owners we're protecting everybody's right now and so this is tom governor scott got it right he did to the constitution that's not his here i really is second amendment issue and by the way tom the founding fathers got it right when they when they worked into the constitution the right to bear arms because they know that the first thing that dictators do is they've been private go on a gun ownership but they did it it's also they did it in germany they did it in cuba they did it in water and they are in the modern really saying we have the
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right to protect ourselves these i mean this is purely a constitutional issue that governor scott right first of all as as you well know the job of the governor is not to interpret the constitution the supreme court has taken that upon themselves secondly if this was unconstitutional for the people of a city to say no we don't want people running around with guns then right now mary bloomberg would be out of business in new york city would be under federal bardot or something. to the marrow of tampa simply say may we do what they do in new york city this is not a second amendment issue. so white what by taking the rights away from law abiding citizens is somehow going to make it safer or is it going to go yours truly the way the right of people don't know that they can walk down the drain are they going to say my oh my governor scott doesn't want to have as a gun now so we're not going to commit this heinous crime anymore why why attack law abiding citizens neal it's just sad to know this is not this is the this
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service this is rhetorical sadness whose the fact of the matter is that anybody who owns a gun particular if they carry a gun around is more likely to shoot themselves shoot somebody by accident or have one of their kids kill themselves or somebody else than they are to stop a crime or shoot a criminal and you know that as well as i do that what the people what the citizens of the anti are asking for you know what is going on here neal is that the is that the governor of this state is saying he doesn't believe in local control he doesn't believe in the small our republican notion of this that i. on which this nation was founded and he doesn't believe in the bigger republican tradition of what they'll do the smallest and most local level of government being able to make their own damn decisions the city have felt when we were here through it's mair has said we want not to have guns during the r. and c. we've got politicians from all over the world just just what ten twelve months after gabby giffords was shot and they're coming to this place let's keep the guns away and the governor the skate state says no you can't have local control well tom
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tom first of all the secret service is responsible for keeping the site safe and they have not requested this in the bigger issue they are banning guns and about tampa it's about it's about liberals who just want to ban guns overall and it's about liberals who just see this well there's got to something that. pass up another way to second or to in the good in the rational governor neil this is that first of all the bearer of tampa is not a liberal and secondly the request came from the police department ampa so i guess they're part of the liberal conspiracy right well it didn't come from the secret service and governors got to protect because ninety percent of the party got it all this isn't in the law abiding citizens are not the problem it's the bad guys the problem is if you outlaw guns outlaws are going to have the guns the secret service has already determined that there will be no guns inside the inside the convention and in their head with the inside senator i would rather write inside the security aspect so why are you they remind us that they said it wasn't
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a template the there's a violation of the second amendment. they did if they want to take their guns away yes it is and i saw the secret service and i don't own a gun violate don't have a gun and i don't particularly like guns but we have to respect the constitution you can't because of what we like about the constitution change it through the ballot box that's the way we change this law so if you a secret service is really against a change at the ballot box so the secret service is wrong because they are not allowing guns inside the security perimeter be mayor of the police department of tampa is wrong because that's what they decided that was needed to be done and that's been that's getting done ok so then the police so when the national police the secret service they say no guns that's a right that's that's correct and so on the inside of one of the cities are we going to say we'd like to have no guns in the bars in the restaurants in the strip clubs in the places where the lobbies are going to be hanging out and all the delegates are going to be hanging out we don't want guns in those places they're wrong in my getting that correct well well yeah they are because they're taking
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away a constitutional right be it just like the student service didn't choose this seems to be a when it's all hypothetical you know you kind of security issues the constitutional rights that you want to respect that doesn't seem right to me tom the the right and it has the resources that i've gotten wherever you want anywhere at any time is that which realm well regulated militia is going to be carrying guns into tampa well we're not talking about i'm a louise nate well talking about your average order and then you have the raisins can you please you know in the right tell me the worst i don't know where i was a second imagine the founding of our nation tom there's nothing when you were there me can you recite from the first ten words of the of the second amendment. no i can't like you know in order to maintain a well regulated militia. but anyhow we're out of time you know i'm sort of an actor so it's against dictatorship. neal great to see it thanks a lot for treats thanks a lot i always enjoyed this is it is
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a good mix up thank you ed a story somewhat related to gun violence a new study by the commonwealth fund shows exactly why the united states needs comprehensive health reform looking at twelve of the most developed and developed o.e.c.d. nations the study found that the united states leads the way in health care spending at about eight thousand dollars per year per person norway and switzerland are second but they only spend five thousand dollars a person more spending on health care in the u.s. doesn't translate into better health care results as the study concludes despite high costs quality the us health care system is not notably superior to the far less expensive systems in the other study countries the us ranks toward the bottom of the list in annual doctor visits and the hospital stays and unlike other nations like japan who put in place strict price controls on their medical services the united states doesn't and as a result soaring medication and medical services prices are driving up total health care costs not to mention the enormous out of pocket costs americans have to spend
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on private health insurance plans so that the c.e.o.'s at these banks to run for profit health insurance companies can build more gigantic mansions all do nine children life saving medical care it also doesn't help that a third of our nation is obese for the driving up medical care costs obesity the consequence of wealth inequality the point is whatever we've been doing to treat sick people in this country isn't working we need a single payer system to join the developed world in guaranteeing that health care is a basic right without bankrupting the nation luckily medicare already exists and has never missed a payment to address it to any doctor to any hospital is wildly popular among seniors the solution is simple get rid of the age limit let any. going to want to join the medicare system join or call it medicare part d. medicare for every. after the break a new poll shows wisconsin governor scott walker who is likely democratic opponent in a dead heat in the upcoming recall election walker has dealt with millions of the t.v.
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advertising recently raised a staggering thirteen million for his campaign in just three months so what can we learn from wisconsin over the next few months and is it a preview of how the nationwide general election is going to play out. there hasn't been anything good on t.v. . it is to get the maximum political impact. before the source material is helps keep journalism honest we. we want to present. something real.
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bright. from science to. start on t.v. . the battle between grassroots organizing and big corporate money is heating up in wisconsin a new poll by marquette law school shows governor scott walker and a likely democratic opponent. bear out in a dead heat among registered voters in the upcoming recall election leads forty seven to forty six the poll shows walker losing popularity among voters as his numbers have declined every month since january at the same time walker has dumped
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millions into t.v. advertising and announce they raised a mind boggling thirty two million dollars for his campaign in just three months most of that money came from fundraising trips walker took to new york and texas to collect checksum out of state banks toure's and oil barons respectively and so far the big cash all isn't helping walker which is a promising sign for we the people heading into a multibillion dollar general election this year so what will we learn from wisconsin over the next few months that could give us some insight into how the general election on the nation might play out with working people going up against big money for more on this ben manske he joins me from wisconsin he's an attorney democracy advocate and campaign manager for green party presidential candidate dr jill stein welcome back. thank you we've seen different polls different results so this latest poll out of marquette shows that that scott walker
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is losing ground. each of the last four months where is the recall effort stand in your in your pain. well i think the reality is that the recall effort has never stood at all in fact it has been running nonstop the fact that you had almost two million signatures in this recall in a state of just over five million people. the fact that you have just this incredible level mobilization of leading to a recall of republican state senators and challengers emerging around the state said that we are in for a true battle between the power of the people in the car big money and it is true that most that money that scott walker is race is from out of state and it's also true that our normal campaign finance limits are it was constant or out the door you had one person who is able because a recall election to contribute half a billion dollars to the governor clearly to buy influence clearly to buy the type of policy that the overwhelming majority of wisconsinites of rejected this year so
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we've got a democratic primary we don't have a republican primary by the way a very interesting prioritize or two i've just got walker is a young candidate who's running in the lincoln republic and he's got to drive him out of attention named arthur cold if you can check out his web site it art w y i r wisconsin dot com and i think there's a lot of people who need voting for him in the republican primary too but that's the true test will be the general election walker has raised in a normal amount of cash an average i'm curious are average people in wisconsin catching when to where his money is coming from and is that you know from the outside well barons and bank stores and is that going to hurt him or is that hurting him are people wising up to this. why did people have to walk or and the reality is that there is a stir percentage of the population that are there hello highwater you know he could set up concentration camps he could do all kinds of things and they would be with them but they are
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a clear minority in the state that they would be almost anywhere in this country. the reality is that i think that only data is somewhat suspect i find it very hard to believe that they were actually a day now all the time in the streets to show that there is a tidal wave that is continuing in wisconsin to clear out the governor's mansion and the reality is that that polling data doesn't adjust for the fact that the young people who are people who are well only don't get told by these firms most of these firms including mark a don't adequately correct for that i fell you know i'm thirty seven i haven't had a landline in fifty years so i think that tells you something so i think that we're actually seeing what's going to actually to be a very important victory for the progressive movement for american values here in wisconsin it will be key for people around the country to step off as they did last year to help out to make sure that the election is not stolen in wisconsin and to
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make sure that there is enough money to counter a lot of the false messaging that the water campaign putting out i mean for example we're the only state the country that has had a net job loss this past year only wisconsin if you look at a map of the united states implying that he's been creating jobs and that's simply not true and i think we can decide to figuring that out that nancy thanks so much for being with us. it's always great to be with you when big of us were as long as working people stay organized get active and vote doesn't matter how much the billionaires spend they still just have one vote there's a lot more of us and there are of them. speaking to working people our economic system no longer works for them a new study by the economic policy institute shows that in the last thirty plus years of being hooked on trickle down reaganomics has been a mass redistribution of wealth from the bottom to the top in america to nine hundred seventy eight in two thousand and eleven c.e.o. pay has increased seven hundred twenty five percent as for workers their pay only
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increased five point seven percent basically c.e.o. pay is increasing one hundred twenty seven times faster than average worker pay that's why there is massive wealth inequality now in america that rivals developing nations like pakistan in the ivory coast even ancient rome some solutions are being bandied around kalak congress about how to deal with this inequality things like raising taxes on the rich raising the minimum wage putting restrictions on c.e.o. pay all these are well and good but isn't it time for a look to look for even more revolutionary changes time to ditch corporate capitalism and try a new economic model all together joining me now is dame palling green the president of the international co-ops those alliances me and paul hayes executive director of the u.s. overseas cooperative development council and former president and c.e.o. of the national cooperated business council welcome to both you and if you'd like to thank you for joining us for our viewers who don't know what a cooperative is. dame pauline only the only polian can you can you give us an
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oversight an overview but if you want a quick sketches of people sent to business it's owned by ordinary folk they were a bit billion people across the world who own the world's co-operative movements a billion people built in cooperatives the u.n. say that at least one half the world's population is service to my own mother by a co-op so as a people sent a business it doesn't distribute the surplus is a profits to show. hold us it puts them back in the business it gives them to their members on that trade with the business not their shareholding and it invests in the communities they come from so it's what defense a great sales pitch it is a hall but most people i think in america when they think of cooperatives they think of a local health food store those are are not worker own cooperative and sometimes they are the typically there they are buyer cooperatives can you lay out the difference between a buyer cooperative and a true worker own cooperative and and how we're seeing what kind of shift we're seeing in terms of of those two movements in the united states here well first of
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all there are twenty nine thousand cooperatives in the united states one hundred twenty million members really really big businesses that people would recognize a credit union in people's communities or recreational equipment incorporate is that is a cooperative owned by over two million people in this country but worker cooperatives or are owned by the workers just as the name suggests and we're seeing a real explosion of interest in worker cooperatives across the country across the world and what happens in the economies when there are market failures and their market failures all the time people start to take a look is there a different way of doing business is there a better way of doing business can we organize ourselves better and that's what we've just seen happen in reaction to the recession is that people are saying i want to have community based businesses that are owned and controlled by the people in the community and the best way to do that is with a worker cooperative polian you were speaking to the usa id today you have this correct about food security and and how the cooperative movement might have an
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impact on that can you well you know the cooperative scope which is a great full dealing with food security in security let's define with food security or insecurity while it's when people can't get enough food to eat basically it's very simple when people call feed their families when there isn't enough local food available and so on but of course. what we do is we actually go and help people to start their own businesses to crew to be available to farm their own food and we believe that doing it that way looking after the community helping the community to help itself is the best way to deal with these issues and it has a wider spin off on the community because if you can invest in these people so that they they are getting a better quality food supply they are getting regular income for their food that they're selling on they also then can build the community around that they can build a school for their kids walk they can get fresh water they can get electricity in
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their villages these sort of things so we believe it's a very powerful way to build a local community environment to help people to take themselves out of poverty take their families out of poverty it's about them being able to look after themselves while them having things done to them either are there any countries where there are more cooperatives than there are stock corporations now i doubt there are a mall but but there are hundreds and hundreds of thousands of co-ops across the world and in some countries they're twenty one twenty twenty five percent of their g.d.p. is coming from the co-op movement finland for instance you wouldn't think of that as a country where you get a lot of co-ops twenty one percent of the g.d.p. comes from the corporate top you're actually is one country where there are more cooperatives and investor owned businesses that's here the united states we have twenty nine thousand cooperatives ten thousand businesses listed the u.s. stock markets so you know so so that one hundred leads and they're at least publicly held companies you know all many states in the united states provide for
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corporations and or cooperatives in because corporations typically are chartered at the state level in their state charter in laws but there are a number of states the doe were were there's just no mechanism to create a genuine work or own a co-op how's it going in changing. well that that's a challenge because the many of the states it's very. difficult obviously to get laws passed you know we have gridlock in lots of states but the the we are able to form cooperatives under a number of statute maybe just the general business statute in a state and then in the byelaws operate as a cooperative sort of some innovative ways that we can achieve in order to accomplish the same goal of a real worker own cooperatives that's there to serve the worker members and not outside stockholders wisconsin's kind of famous for you know peninsula manufacturing i've been there i've seen a union cab company in the many co-ops out of that state are there are other places
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that are great models in the notices for the san francisco great history worker cooperatives and there's a very innovative group of cooperatives that are forming in cleveland ever doing cooperatives and led by the cleveland foundation there what the city plant the city leaders said you know what we have a lot of great institutions in our city that are buying products and services from outside of our community at the same time we have high unemployment so let's put money into starting worker cooperatives here that will be able to buy or sell product to buy case western reserve the cleveland foundation things like that in order to create local jobs that's great. all polling thank you very much that you. cooperate is our democracy in the workplace and even broader they represent democracy in our economy and what's more american than a mock receiver. coming up after the break immigrants are a major part of the american agriculture industry and are responsible for
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a majority of the nation's food supply cultivation so what do these immigrant farm workers who are essential to our country need to have a shot at the american dream. let's . join me on a journey to the heart of the kremlin to a place is hidden from the tourists he's going to meet some real credible insiders although they may not be the usual news makers you see on t.v. .
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look. we leave. used to be used to do. you mean to. you on the.
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breaking news of from bar and t. to paul full deadly blasts to one of the major cities in russia. the scene people believed dead and dozens of others wounded police say called driven by so side palmo was exploded at a traffic control post a second blast went off shortly after as officers struggled to put out the first fire. in all the news hillary clinton pitches will chime in support on north korea and iran the u.s. military's agent pacific build up and support for chinese dissidents in beijing where. egypt's of fledgling democracy looks increasingly vulnerable i head of the presidential election as violence blacklisted candidates and the military accused of pulling the strings. now those well.


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