tv [untitled] May 3, 2012 11:30pm-12:00am EDT
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well go back to the big picture coming up in this half hour anti immigrant a truth in violence is on the rise across america the vigilantes taking border protection into their own hands so what's the connection between the anti immigrant sentiment and the american political landscape and later if you thought big banks for big for america ain't seen anything yet there's a gigantic new corporation rearing its ugly head in our country and it's destroying our democracy from coast to coast i'll explain in tonight's daily take. in this may day week we've been focusing a lot of our shows on working people tonight we take
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a look at farm workers and the challenges they're facing on a day to day basis work in the fields when discussing farm workers we can't just focus on labor issues like wages and working conditions we also have to look at immigration policies since many of those who cultivate our nation's food supply were not born in america and washington d.c. hopes of immigration reform have been dashed again and again as more hard line conservatives refused to endorse plans that include pathways to citizenship and instead prefer mass deportations republican senator marco rubio has received recently try to forge a partnership with republicans and democrats in congress on immigration reform with a watered down version of the dream act but even real rubio's proposal doesn't give undocumented immigrants who've been working in america for years playing by the rules and raising families any sort of pathway to citizenship so what do farm workers in america need to have a role in our economy and a shot at the american dream for an answer to that i'm joined by. by our pearl
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rodriguez the president of the united farm workers the u.f.w. are welcome thank you very much tommy thank you for having us thank you for joining us how crew so crucial is the u.f.w. to our nation's food supply well without farm workers we wouldn't be harvesting the bountiful fruits and vegetables that we have in our nation people just wouldn't eat we feed america we feed a large part of the world as a result of the fruits and vegetables grown here throughout the united states isn't there something fundamentally wrong with a system where people who are doing such critical work i mean that literally this we die without food if we're doing such critical work can't can't make a good living can't make a decent living now exactly i mean too often we see farm workers making minimum wage or below minimum wage we have partner labor contractors that are out there that hire a large percentage of the farm workers here throughout the united states and they're not even willing to obey the laws that exist here to protect the farm
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workers and farm workers will go home making less than fifteen thousand dollars a year goal home can't even peed their own families and yet they're the ones responsible for ensuring that consumers throughout america have food on their tables every single day it is a very ironic that that happens tom and beyond that many of the if if what i read is is true of many and you can reality test this for me many of them one of the reasons why so many people are so poorly paid and so badly exploited is because they're not u.s. citizens and so the the that their employers are able to take care and take take advantage of them because they don't they don't they don't have read the you know recourse to the courts and things like that is that the case that's exactly right tom we have been struggling now for the last twelve years and working with the agricultural industry going to politicians telling them that we need him a. ration reform for farm workers here in the united states we came together with
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the agricultural industry and put together unfortunate lions on a piece of legislation called ag jobs that was indorsed and supported in the u.s. senate by senator dianne feinstein in the congress by howard berman from los angeles and we have worked hard to try to get that legislation passed because the realities are that about eighty percent somewhere between seventy to eighty percent of the workforce are undocumented today nobody wants to take those jobs and at least that they know exactly difficult work that in court requires i mean you're working out there in the heat we had in the state of california about sixteen farm workers that have died because of heat stroke within the last six to seven year period six to sixteen farm workers and they're working out there are young and sometimes very young there was a young woman. who was seventeen years old she was working out in the fields up in
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the northern part of the sun joaquin valley around stockton california the temperature soared well above one hundred five degrees that day when she was working out in the fields fell there in the fields the foreman didn't do anything the supervisors didn't do anything they took her finally in a band and sat in the hot sun all day long left in a clinic there they when they doctors finally got to her said that her body temperature is one hundred eight degrees she didn't survive more than two days. we just have thirty seconds left in this is your fiftieth anniversary exactly right it's our fiftieth anniversary we were extremely proud we've been able to accomplish a lot of thing and we're so thankful tom how can people support you know one of the ways that they couldn't just go to stories website which is w w w dot org and tell their story about their relationship with the lot of sweat of our pioneers the work that they've had the experiences they've had with united farm workers throughout the years thank you so much tom for. i haven't the so much
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really appreciate jelinek genuinely appreciate it a little. but staying on the topic of immigration there's tragic news coming out of arizona on wednesday this man j.t. ready went on a shooting spree killing four people before taking his own life in gilbert arizona ready had a long troubled past with white supremacy border vigilantism and the republican party in two thousand and six ready won an election to become the maricopa county republican precinct committee of course maricopa county is famous for sure of joe arpaio one of the most radical anti immigration voices in our nation but he was also associated with former arizona state senator russell pearce the author of arizona's radical papers please law referring to piers as his surrogate father the reddy was later forced out of his position as precinct committeemen after he started distributing racist in anti-semitic material he then went on to join the notorious white supremacist organization known as the national socialist movement participating in several events with that organization between two thousand and
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nine and two thousand and ten he then left to form his own board of vigilante group known as the u.s. border guard here's reddy talking about his job as a border vigilante we have assault weapons we have you know grenades we have a lot of equipment so we're prepared to use deadly force but that's a deadly force situation let's say that does happen i mean are you just trying to detain them and we'll kill them and turn them in well tell them ok we'll kill the narco terrorists we're going to get that thirst for violence eventually found its outlet when he shot his girlfriend dead alongside her daughter her daughter's boyfriend every fifteen month old granddaughter then he turned the gun on himself so what can be learned from this story and what's the connection between the demonization of immigrants in america the rise of border vigilantism in american politics. and. more on us to have this right for the good of a good model and it's. joins me now he is a the founder of border. angels immigration activists welcome you so much for
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joining us. forgive my horrible spanish. you've worked on the border you faced off with men and their troubles with the situation as well it's a really sad situation and it's terrible that this incident just took place it's it's the last of a long series of incidents of hate groups and this type of activity which is not what this country is all about but it's existed since the foundation of this country our organization border angels is celebrating its twenty fifth anniversary and our mission statement is if i was hungry would you give me the thirsty did you give me to drink twenty twenty five thirty five that's right and we put water in the desert we go to the day labor sites we work closely with the farm workers like i do that was just thought and we're just trying to make sure that people are treated with dignity and respect and there's an opposition and that opposition is these hate groups the minutemen the federation of american immigration reform the neo nazis in every one of those groups is present in san diego where i'm from i live in san diego i've met j.t.
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ready not formally but he's been protesting some of our activities we've been doing things for example when we protested the all-star game last year that was in arizona which was crazy that the american pastime would be in the state that has turned seventy in these groups and so forth also when we don't protest against your pio whom i debated about a month about a year ago and a month in. so this isn't the first time we saw the incident that happened not to log if you're already a member of the federation of immigration reform that also went into arizona also killed a young girl and her father from one photo to be seen in the forest it's out of control it's out of control that's not what this country is all about and that's what these hateful laws do s.b. ten seventy in arizona or fifty six in alabama and we're going to turn this country around so that people realize like the farm workers that were talked about a moment ago these are people looking for a better life which is the foundation of this country people coming from all over the world and allow. has to come in through the front door something they can't do
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there's no visas for these people there and you have these people promoting hate and it leads to these hate crimes it seems that there are two obvious. sparks for these kind of things one just good old fashioned bigotry racial hatred religious hatred ethnic hatred the other. and the other is economic fear and somebody's going to take my job kind of thing for a job although i don't think the. j. ready or whatever his name was would want to be out in the fields picking lettuce but nonetheless that's the rationale am i missing anything and. then there would be a third one which is politicians using both of those fears as political weapons i mean to what extent is this is this mix all coming together now in this toxic for they're all related and as i mentioned it's been going on since the foundation of our country those people the only want to speak their own language way of their own flags hanging out in their own neighborhoods that was benjamin franklin talking
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about germans and we've never heard in our lifetime there's too many germans now they're attacking in my community the mexican community and these myths of course we pay taxes of course we learn english my english is pretty good of course we add to the great values and diversity of this country but you saw the rhetoric in the republican debates they were almost trying to outdo each other to see who could hate immigrants more by spreading lies like you know that you get a line there is no line of country of laws will slavery was a law so there's things that need to change and using these politics of fear especially when the country is suffering in an epic economic downturn because of the previous administration is going to take five presidents to get out of that so it's important that we all work together on both sides of the aisle that we don't have these j.t. ready characters out there allowed to carry guns that can lead to the type of violence that we saw this incident where he killed his girlfriend and family members of the christina giffords case or. the beauty of the float is case one
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you're a girl that was killed by the member of the federation of american immigration reform and that people know the truth what is really taking place that's why this program is so important so people can hear that other side hear the truth versus the realities realize that we're all the same race the human race let's treat people with dignity and respect and not use it for political ploys brilliantly brilliantly said thank you some think you very much it's a pleasure to hear that yes our nation was built on immigration and it needs to be preserved in a responsible way so let's tune out the xeno folks in alarmists who poisoned the immigration debate in america and made comprehensive reform impossible for broke. wealthy british style. that's not on the title of.
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of the men who wrote legal memos giving cover to president bush to commit the war crime of torture cannot be sued by the victims of that torture jose padilla was declared an enemy combatant in two thousand and two and claims he was subjected to three years of torture while in custody but the court rejected pretty as claim that he suffered gross physical and psychological abuse and ruled that interrogation techniques did not necessarily amount to torture despite how halling they may be so war criminal john yoo gets to walk but here's the most shocking thing about this case guess who else happens to be a judge on the u.s. ninth circuit court of appeals this guy this guy that guy jay bybee who just like his buddy john you worked for the bush administration also wrote and signed the torture memos giving bush legal cover to commit war crimes so john you gets cleared of war crimes by the ninth circuit court on which jay bybee who also
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committed war crimes serves so much for an impartial judiciary and once again the gaping moral wound left by the torturous bush administration goes on the heels. it's thursday so have defied according to a new study eight. eight eight zero eight. according to a new study published in science express certain neurons in the brains of pigeons directly detected detect the direction and intensity of the earth's magnetic field meaning the pigeons have a built in g.p.s. system in their brains created a study coauthored by david dickman his colleagues found cells in the pigeon brain the signal the direction intensity and polarity of an applied magnetic field then
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i'd say these three qualities could be used by the brain to compute any new information like a compass and latitude on the earth's surface and study different place seven pigeons in a black room pitch black room and use the three d. quail system to stop the earth's natural geomagnetic field and generate an artificial magnetic field inside the room while dyckman or other researchers change the elevation angles and magnitude of the artificial magnetic field they were also recording the activity the neurons in the patients brains that have been previously identified as neurons that could process magnetic symbols pigments t.m. identified a total of fifty three specific brain stem neurons in the patients brains that exhibited noticeable responses to the changes in the artificial magnetic field previous research on pigeons as shown the magnetic receptors in the retina knows inner ear and beak so they probably seen smelling hearing and tasting or feeling in tasting magnetic waves receiving interpret information from magnetic fields and in
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turn send that information to the brain for processing the internal g.p.s. feature and pigeons might explain why they were used for hundreds of years as messenger birds civilisations like the romans relied on pigeons heavily. transport messages during battles dyckman notes that pigeons aren't the only animals able to sense and use the respect get a feel for direction honey bees fish turtles and some mammals also have that unique ability of a human beings at least so far as we know aren't so lucky humans don't appear to have a magnetic sense we rely on maps real g.p.s. systems but humans do have a layer an elaborate spatial mapping system so that we can navigate simple routines like moving from room to room or house or driving to do errands but let's be honest are any of these findings really new i've been telling you for years that pigeons are actually robotic spies from the planet xenu to keep an eye on earth which is why you never see a dead pigeon or a baby pigeon so the fact that they would have built in g.p.s. systems but it's just common sense.
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just. it's the good the bad of the very very leno is certain that. the good tampa bay buccaneers yesterday the n.f.l. team signed eric le grand in a heartwarming and symbolic gesture the ground played college football at rutgers university where he was tragically paralyzed october of two thousand and ten his dream was to always play in the n.f.l. and while it will never be able to happen the buccaneers and co and the coach wanted to give the grand the thrill of being signed to an n.f.l. team an era when n.f.l. teams are small corporations it's nice to see some corporate executives can still be class acts and do the right thing the bad mitt romney at a fundraiser last night romney talked about how he commission american flag lapel
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pins for the olympics in two thousand and two and use the story of the pins to explain how he hopes to bring america together as a president only problem on these pins were made in china kind of screwed excuse me well it was both actually his whole patriotic message but it's not surprising romney's bain capital outsourced thousands of jobs during his tenure at the firm and romney's top economic advisor once said that offshoring american jobs was a good thing i guess and mitt romney's had more jobs that are shipped overseas more patriotic you are and the very very ugly jodi bruns to. her is the wife of the north carolina state legislature or who introduced amendment one which would outlaw same sex marriage civil unions and domestic partnerships in the state when asked by a citizen why her husband introduced the amendment brunstad or said the reason my
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has. and wrote amendment one was because the caucasian race is diminishing and we need to reproduce. it she actually said that in one answer. but instead are managed to support racial inequality in our country fueled the conservative war and equal marriage rights and just generally be a big hit and all of that is very clear. so i want to tell you about a new corporation here in washington d.c. that carries a lot more weight than any other corporation you've ever heard of it's a corporation responsible for the current current makeup of our supreme court the power balance in our legislative branch and up until three years ago even the occupant in our white house it's
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a massive corporation that stretches across all fifty states and even has politicians in every single state who have sworn allegiance to it not even the koch brothers can claim that accomplishment it's a gigantic corporation that has its own wildly popular cable t.v. network sell its products boost its public relations it's a corporation that has spun off hundreds of subsidiaries all around the nation to keep revenues flowing in those maximizing profits for its buddies it's a corporation that can take our nation to war if it wants or condemn tens of millions of americans to poverty or kick hundreds of millions of americans out of their health insurance plans if it thinks best the more profitable thing to do. it's a corporation that's so big and so influential in large part because its functional stakeholders are mostly other corporations along with some of the richest people in america who mostly made their money either using the corporate form or inherited it
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from parents who use the corporate form and when this corporation succeeds in selling its products which oddly are human beings who have sworn to the corporation all the stakeholders in this corporation stand to make massive profits for their own respective corporations it's basically the corporation of all corporations cop bowed to copy it and call it the front corporation for corporate america so what is it what is this all powerful corporation that has a stranglehold on our government what is this corporation so powerful that it can even spit on betsy ross and turn the stars from our flag upside down on its logo its the republican party and. think about is the republican party really a legitimate political party in america anymore or is it just become
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a corporate shill like a corporation the republican party is only focused on maximizing profits for its stakeholders or what they call donors and those donors aren't average americans who give fifty bucks or so to the r. and c. like back in the old days instead those donors are corporations millionaires billionaires like the koch brothers foster freeze shelley ailes and before him corporate super pacs to funnel a limited amounts of money into the republican party corp to sell more politicians to voters around the nation republicans have raised eight times more money through super pacs than democrats. and karl rove and the koch brothers have pledged to put in hundreds of millions of more dollars to defeat democrats this election cycle republican party like any good corporation gladly takes multi-million dollar investments from their corporations and millionaires and billionaires and then
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compliantly hands back to those investors laws that cut their taxes and increase their profits in fact millionaires are responsible for fifty seven percent of all super pac investments exceeding donations so far this election cycle and those super pacs did well for republicans in two thousand and ten catapulting them to huge electoral victories and to control the house of representatives and now just like a corporation republican party inc is working to maximize profits for its stakeholders that means filibustering tax increases on the romney level super rich passing budgets the preserve billions in taxpayer subsidies for the oil baron donors working to defund wall street regulations that might cut into the profits of their banks or donors repealing obamacare and medicare to make their for profit health insurance donors happy republican party inc is using the perfect corporate model
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brings in rich and best years uses their money to help sell its products which are politicians and the more politicians that are sold to the american people and the more profit republican party has and the more profitable its investors become republican party inc isn't interested in attracting broad based support like a traditional political party or building a platform is going to resonate with people who aren't members of corporate america . it's just interested really in profits just like a corporation and also just like a corporation it doesn't give a damn about democracy hence republican party inks efforts to pass voter id laws that will keep millions of democratic voters off the polls ahead of the next one plain and simple republican party is no more a legitimate political party and the mafia is a legitimate social club that's the big picture for more information the stories we
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covered visit our web sites of thom hartmann dot com free speech to org and. also check out our two you tube channel is there a link to tom hartman dot com this entire show is also available as a free video podcast on i tunes download it every day and visit thom hartmann dot com to download the audio podcast of our daily three to six pm eastern time radio show we also have free time art when i phone and i pad app over the app store you can send us feedback at twitter at tom underscore hartmann on facebook at top underscore hartmann our blogs message boards we even have a telephone comment line over thom hartmann dot com and don't forget democracy begins when you show up it doesn't happen without us with all of us join something occupy something progressive democrats of america pity america dot org democracy endeavor to democracy for america jim deans organization marker see for america dot com there's a whole bunch of them get out and get active tag your city. there
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