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tv   [untitled]    May 4, 2012 5:00am-5:30am EDT

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we want to present. something your. twin terror attacks hate the russian north caucuses as two powerful blast in the republic of dagestan leave at least eleven dead and about eighty injured. washington returns to war a trick against iran as the u.s. military claims it can destroy terrapins armed forces in less than a month. also japan is giving up nuclear power with the first time in fifty years shutting down its last what a reactor but some say it's only a matter of time before they're switched back on in one of the world's top industrial nations. three days before dmitry medvedev town as russia's president ends we'll look at the legacy he leaves for the country.
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international news line from moscow this is and he was mean thanks for joining us at least eleven people have been killed and more than eighteen hundred after two powerful bomb blasts in russia's republic of dagestan the terrorist attacks take place near a police checkpoint in the capital much glad he's shown thomas has been. at this point it is being called officially a terrorist attack let me run through the course of events late thursday night car that was stopped at a police checkpoint in the russian republic of dagestan in fact the capital. detonated itself and then in the ensuing chaos as emergency crews and firefighters came to fight the blaze that ensued a second bomb went off about twenty minutes later it is believed that bomb could have been hidden in a parked car near the same checkpoint and this is not new to the area and so. this
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is an ongoing battle in the russian caucuses and the region has been suffering attacks by islamist terrorist groups international cells that russian officials have linked to groups like al qaeda in fact in mid february group of terrorists or militants were killed in a gun battle with russian security forces that happened in mid february and then also in the past two months march and april there have been blasts in. as well as doug a stan and in two thousand and eleven a terrorist leader with possible links to al qaeda in fact the official saying that he was linked to al qaeda was killed so this is been an ongoing battle in the northern caucuses for russia for a long time. terrorism in the north caucuses has for a long been considered a domestic issue but back in twenty town the u.s. included russia's top terrorist. on its own most wanted list. haaretz a counterterrorism adviser to the u.s. congress explains why and why views now being taken. all and more information is
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coming both to congress and restriction about the connections between those you harvey networks in just your darkest on the one hand and those present in north africa and in the middle east number two because the evidence we're getting from captured individuals in afghanistan for example places where by they do it may do the work with the caucuses based your highness on the one hand and with what you see on the web site this information is available for all these reasons together this is the side of the international bits which is a good thing because they're supported from between russia and the united states we do not see eye to eye on many things but at least on that one it's in the interest of everybody great powers come together against terrorists. moving on now the war retreat from washington towards iran is again being ramped up just ahead of this second round of high level international talks on the country's nuclear program u.s. military top brass claim they would need just three weeks to defeat iran's armed
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forces and he's going to recount looks at whether he is just more tough talk or preparation for real action. the pentagon says they're just doing some contingency planning in case you ran attempts to close the strait of hormuz or attacks u.s. ships in the persian gulf but analysts say it's the kind of planning that drives the tensions to a whole new level now it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that iran is encircled militarily here is the iran and here are the countries in red where the u.s. has military presence we've tried to put on the map those u.s. bases which have been reported about in the flashing blue here here you have the friendly arab countries right next to qatar bahrain which hosts the u.s. fifth fleet that's forty ships sixteen thousand personnel two huge aircraft carriers kuwait which right after the drawdown in iraq the u.s. there has increased the size of standby combat force america's air force army navy
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and marines are boldly positioned dana oman and the united arab emirates the sounds of the iran. in turkey and israel to the west and afghanistan and pakistan in the east most recently the u.s. air force has this batch the number of f. twenty two raptor strike fighters to a base in the united arab emirates and here it is the brand new penetrating strike fighter the move has caused backlash from tehran in addition to the hardware the u.s. central command says there are about one hundred twenty five thousand u.s. troops in close proximity to iran not to mention new drone bases in undisclosed locations also in the region u.s. officials say an enhanced presence in the gulf is meant to serve as a quote quick reaction contingency force not simply as a prelude to war but the buildup seems to exacerbate the hostile talk which may at
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one point turn into an all out confrontation the military is of course no match to the american military might after all. we're talking about the country that spends on its military more than the next ten top defense spending countries combined so crushing new rant is in america's power but analysts most analysts agree what's also in its power is producing the kind of instability in the region that would be far worse than what came out of iraq and afghanistan. you know with artie thanks hope company and his son what's ahead for you in the program a long tyranny to justice the seizing of the assets of the founder of file sharing website mega upload is deemed illegal but he still faces extinction to the u.s. there's growing concern among some in the u.s. who believe these prosecution is all about big corporations cashing in on the side closure. and also the later that no to nuclear germany holds atomic power but some voice concerns big green energy which will replace it may not be as
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friendly a solution as it seems. but before that it's u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton has told chinese president hu jintao that relations between their countries are stronger than ever her assurance appears and attempts to patch of the mounting serious differences during her visit has an extremely delicate time between the two beijing accuses the u.s. of meddling in its internal affairs after the american embassy briefed the shelter the chinese dissident activist and it's also noted by washington's military buildup in the asia pacific going to tense effort to contain china's growing regional clout and dr khan had enough from the foreign policy in focus thanks to believe us china corporation has forced on both countries it's very bipolar kind of relationship because in many ways one of china's our number one trade partner. and they hold trillions of dollars in u.s. bonds we are all kind of locked into international markets so on one level the
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cooperation is kind of forced on us by the fact that we're so into a linked at the same time you get this growing military tension and you trainees are also very uncomfortable about the fact that about eighty percent of their energy suppliers arrive by sea generally through the yellow sea those true to energy supplies are basically controlling maybe those waters are controlled by the u.s. fifth fleet and the u.s. seventh fleet and that makes the chinese nervous. and of course we're always eager to know your take on the story and today we're asking you what you think might ruin the u.s. chinese relationship and just and our problem our viewers believe it could be a major proxy wound for african natural resources while a third thing that nothing will tarnish their alliance as the country's depend so much on each other seventeen percent of you there's been that american trade barriers will draw in the relationship and only five percent believe the bone of
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contention could turn out to be a breach of human rights and earth in china so please log on to r.t. dot com to cast your vote. the founder of the popular find sharing website mega upload has started to get back his assets in new zealand after a local court ruled the confiscation of his fortune was legal can dot com is currently facing extradition to the u.s. where he faces charges of money laundering racketeering and corporate infringement american authorities shut down mega upload in january while dot com and his fellow executives were arrested in new zealand u.s. request but voices are growing louder in america that the prosecution of the website and its owners for law professor eric goldman argues that the shutdown was simply a gift to the entertainment industry. there are very tight linkages between the government and the content industry so for example many of the people who are in
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the government worked in the content industry and many of the people in the government will get jobs in the content industry after they're done as a result they understand each other's issues very well they've been there firsthand in addition the content industry contributes a significant amount of money to the administration and to other politicians who are decision makers as a result they get a great deal of influence over what the government does and that's part of the reason why. we're wondering if the prosecution it's really the beginning of the content industry being able to tell the government to do its dirty work for and so the battle be never content owners will always want more control but the battle is going to turn out well for us because we as consumers will lose. and also later today security scanners over the new timeline on facebook and. crosstalk. are going to be a lot of unexpected ways in which that information which are being sort of encouraged to post is then used and it surprises you again new recent story which
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is that this is actually a russian location company i free innovations created called girls around me which is polling publicly available information both from facebook and another company foursquare where you basically post your locations and created an app called girls around me where if someone was in a neighborhood they suddenly got a map showing them where young women are in bars and restaurants in their neighborhood right which is a kind of creepy right it's like well i see that you are. doing ok yeah but you guys are smart ready to. present been vetted prepares to leave the kremlin as he finishes his term of office on monday handing over to the team and putin although credited for liberal views and a push for reforms as one that steering every section of relations with the u.s. and that it's presidents he also saw some of the largest protests and modern russian history on cheese and he said now it takes something that's welcome legacy
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he leaves for russia. but he didn't but i c's caveat have. dimitri. made a video of. one term in the kremlin was it too little time to make a dent mr medvedev is going to be remembered as someone who had genuine reform intentions and who was impeded on achieving all of those reforms through the political process through the structure of the political system. at the dawn of his presidency georgia attacked south has said here the media and much of the world community blamed russia. but even the actions on the georgian side led to deaths among them a russian peacekeepers children women the elderly a dying in south setting most of them are citizens of the russian federation those
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responsible for the deaths of our citizens will be punished mr. wright the misconception that russia attacked georgia put serious strain on international ties into an independent council of europe report up out that georgia launched the attack for months madrid of foreign policy was overshadowed by the war but it wasn't long before our warming in u.s. relations something many argue is his foreign policy legacy they were the russian president at the time the reset button press and u.s. and russian relations dramatically improved over the next few years by twenty ten medvedev and obama signed a new start and cut both country's nuclear arsenals by a third. as a result of hard work we've created a treaty that fully complies with the interests of both russia and the u.s.
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back home medvedev wants reforms focusing on the justice system and rule of law you want the less people behind bars. this first secure. business people. just special justified persecution. corruption and i think that he has managed to start some cases to jump start the process. but little changed on high profile cases like me. precious former richest man still serving his sentence for economic crimes madrid has pushed for modernization and diversification could have been a highlight of his presidency and he still has a chance to if he presses on as prime minister. we can be sure that without modernization the russian economy has no future it may be based on vast natural resources but we cannot rely only on them the job swap with putin was the last
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straw for medvedev supporters who hoped he would run for a second term but the secrecy and surprise of the smart added to the negative sentiment prior to the biggest protests russia had seen in years. in december after claims of vote fraud in the parliamentary election madrid of came back on line in laid out changes but his response was too little too late yet but if i propose complex reforms to our political system. i hear the people who are demanding changes and i understand. he outlined a series of measures including the easy registration for political parties and direct polls for regional leaders maybe it is administration continues to strasse how much work is left as he prepares to step aside as president and take over as
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prime minister i have. all initiatives. discussed. hume here you proved all the things the government was a key vehicle to implement all the initiatives to put forth by by present need to be different the critics aren't convinced debates are buzzing over what make it it's like it would be and how his policies might be implemented with putin back in the family but the fact remains betrayed it's moved as president would have only seen real results during or even after a second term in office if the question are you troubled by what i did as president what you might. miss now a r t. and as you heard him returns to russia stop job in three days will be bringing you special coverage of his inauguration john is for the live broadcast from that splendor of
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the kremlin holes after seven thirty am g.m.t. on monday. japan is set to turn off its last working reactor this weekend leaving one of the world's largest industrial powers without a source of nuclear power for the first time in almost fifty years the government has to public pressure following last year's disaster at the fukushima reactor
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after the catastrophic gas quake and tsunami and dr howard hayden professor of physics at the university of connecticut believes however it's just a matter of time before talk here turns the reactors back on. they have fifty four reactors and they have one of them operating but it will be down for refueling as it is what they're doing is burning a lot of residual oil and the the pact on the price of residual oil has been stultified as far away as hawaii where the price for electricity now is very very high because of that that decision to shut the nukes and but it's costing them very dearly they haven't gotten early ill enough electricity and they have actually called on some factories to cut back their operations quite a bit they will probably go back to nuclear and do time it's because money
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talks. and in the wake of japan's crisis germany decided to scrap its atomic plans replacing them with more sustainable and greener energy sources but the rush to scale back nuclear energy has had consequences to. explain. green energy or bust in just eight years the german government plans for the nation to generate more than a third of its energy from renewable sources and powering up at least eighty percent in forty years germany. and the restructure. to make. all along with solar power and biofuel five thousand new winter bines in nearly three thousand miles of power lines are said to be built but the perceived eco friendly future is giving some here the shivers. up lives in a village that's right next to wind farm field he says the machines are so noisy
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many locals complain of sleep disorders in even heart problems and property prices have already plummeted between thirty and fifty percent the low frequency sound waves are a big problem some may get a high blood pressure or high points many can sleep one man often drives five to ten kilometers away and sleeps in his car but what's more the turbines track record has energy analysts in a spin you have to have all this backup capacity you have to have her station so you can easily switch on and off when the wind isn't blowing and that usually means coal fired power stations or gas fired power stations and of course having all that capacity just lying there waiting if the wind drops doesn't mean of course added costs the public appetite for atomic energy nosedived a year ago when japan was taken to the brink of nuclear catastrophe by the tragedy with a country still battling to stabilize its volatile reactors germany is investing.
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hundred billion euros to replace it's seventeen nuclear reactors but even some officials there agree counting on renewable energy could be too much of a high voltage risk that you can meet with germany being the biggest energy consumer in the european union it's renewable energy plans are among the most ambitious projects of the decade as long as the state of the art one forms don't end up bringing the country's economy to a grinding halt you've got this kind of germany and let's now take a look at some world news in brief this hour at least twenty people are dead in northwestern pakistan after a suicide bomber to police checkpoint that type in the tribal region or beside the side a crowded street market five officers were killed including one who'd been given a presidential award for fighting islam is the militant if i just about says it was responsible for the blast which also killed several children. in clashes
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between doctors and medical students and riot police have been continuing in believe you protests about their past mines have demanded the resignation of the country's health minister who's brought in longer working hours demonstrations in la paz blocks traffic with police firing tear gas and rubber bullets to clear demonstrate. prosecutors of former liberian president charles taylor suggest who should get eighty years in prison for war crimes during this year only on civil war lawyers at the hague international court which found him guilty last month say they exchanged magnitude of the offenses for in such a long sentence taylor back sierra leone levels have killed tens of thousands of people in return for diamonds and he was also convicted of rape or murder and will be sentenced this malady. time to check what's happening in the world of business with marina so what's in store for us this sound arena lead the way now. well this hour we actually have a new composite p.m.i.
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reports on the eurozone and the falls which of course isn't helping matters because we saw that in the previous hours european markets are already in the red so they don't need more encouragement and in fact analysts are suggesting that they could see the eurozone on track to see the g.d.p. drop by zero point five percent in the second quarter so not very positive news there and we can see that both the policy and the bags are shattered over a half a percent whether that's in fact losing over one percent this hour moving on to russia and here the markets are extending their losses in the red losing over two percent at this point the fact that markets are of course tracking overseas also as we also have the russian economy is of course always severely affected by oil prices and they are dropping as sharply so of course we see in nevada in fact on the markets we're talking about oil the russian government is introducing new stimulus measures to boost the country's oil production and in particular it's introducing tax breaks for companies extracting energy in the hard to reach the
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poles it's in western siberia now these this council vary from fifty to one hundred percent depending of course on the difficulty of the deposit after years of production western siberia is still really rich in oil but companies are not rushing to develop it and mads due to the high costs the government expects that these new benefits will help add up to an additional twenty percent of the country's current production levels and this move comes after experts warned that russia could face a decline in oil production in several years if companies don't invest in production of new hard to get deposits. and now let's take a look at the asian markets when it comes to the nikkei it's closed not because japan is still celebrating a public holiday when it comes to that hangs. point the seventy seven percent and what we have in fact investors despite the losses overnight on the wall street it's a weaker of cobol that sees prices moving on to exchange rates even though the you
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are has bounced back from a two week low we see that it moves in against the dollar and when it comes to the ruble it's also losing against both major currencies now in other news we have been sellers about facebook's initial public offering and that is that the company has now set the share price between twenty eight and thirty five dollars per share value in the company between eighty five to ninety five billion dollars the i.p.o. is of course up to be the largest ever for an instant firm even bigger than google's back in two thousand and four and it's all expect that's begin on the eighteenth of may. also the united arab emirates has completed a new pipelines of pump oil bypass in the morea strait of hormuz and the new routes will be able to supply around two thirds of the country's crude outputs currently almost all of the u.n. ease or oil and twenty percent of global deliveries are transported through the straits of hormuz which is of course controlled by iran and earlier the country
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threats and to block it as a reaction to sanctions from western countries over its nuclear program well as a sea of red here you see you heard a good many thanks indeed by that time date marina and in just a few minutes we set food in the very heart of power in russia the kremlin but looking at it from a rather different time go before that time how to recap our top stories.
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join me on a journey to the heart of the kremlin to a place is hidden from the tourists you're going to meet some real credible insiders although they may not be the usual news makers you see on t.v. . looking. to get.
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i am. the exit. please. just simply. to.
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see to it to. come up. to. he. there hasn't been anything yet on t.v. . it is to get the maximum political impact possible. before the source material is what helps keep journalism honest we.


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