tv [untitled] May 4, 2012 12:01pm-12:31pm EDT
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with me karen taraji it's eight o'clock here in moscow well friday mass rallies in egypt's capital have descended into violent clashes with security forces using water cannons to disperse crowds of thousands reports of just one person has been killed and around one hundred injured and the violence which is taking place in front of the country's defense ministry headquarters the protesters are demanding the country's ruling generals immediately resign and give power to civil authorities but the army says this will only happen after a new president is elected later this month on wednesday at least twenty people were killed in cairo when unknown gunmen opened fire at peaceful protesters revolutionary activists sabri co-lead told r.t. that egyptians are disillusioned with what their uprising has achieved so far. i'm not seeing any civil government coming the government with. guns already. they are just the same as we go they go over
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from the beginning of the evolution till now and the coming government is just what will be like them. i cannot i cannot see any evidence of the couple handed the power to a civilian. to civilians any time soon cause. as i said before they are afraid of anyone who is not giving them the safe exists. so as not bombers are thought to have carried out the two blasts which killed at least eleven people and wounded scores of others in russia's southern dagestan republic the terror attacks took place within twenty minutes of each other at a police checkpoint artie's muddy if it is in the north caucasus it's still continuing but what happened in the republic on thursday has already been classified by local authorities as a terror attack so five least eleven people have been killed and eighteen more
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injured there were two explosions the first occurred when police stopped the car at one of the checkpoints in the capital city. and drive it was a suicide bomber police reported later medically after the fire began and emergency teams ambulances doctors five brigades have started coming to the scene as well as look at people trying to help those injured and this is when the second blast happened killing and injuring even more people than the first one and this scenario of the attack designed to kill as many people as possible is known in the war as the iraqi one it's not new even to denniston last year two similar attacks in september in march can score of course this region in russia itself have been suffering attacks by islamist terrorist groups for years and russian officials have linked many of them to international sounds like a card and this is actually a and i'm going back on the provocations from both sides discussion is continued it's too early to say who is behind this particular attack here and dug
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a star no one so far claimed any responsibility for that north caucasus terrorism is more than just a battle for russia where the country's key militants are now on watch by the world community dr walid forests who's a counterterrorism adviser to congress in washington explains why a wider approach is vital. first of all and more information is coming both to congress and the administration about the connections between those you hardly networks in chechnya dagestan on the one hand and those present in north africa and in the middle east number two because the evidence we're getting from captured individuals in afghanistan for example or other places whereby they do admitted they have worked with the caucus based your highness on the one hand and with what we see on the website at this information is available for all these reasons together the united states decided to put them on the international routes which is a good thing because they're supported from approach not between russia and united
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states we do not see eye to eye on many things but at least on that one it's in the interest of everybody that great powers come together against terrorists. you know with our team and still ahead old deter camps for a new generation syrian rebels begin training what they knew one recognizes as a former terrorist camp in kosovo and we will get just one it is what they plan to learn there in just about five minutes also. japan prepares to flick of the all switch on its final atomic korea after a year after the fukushima disaster took the country to the brink of devastation. germany's foreign minister has labeled iran's nuclear energy program an enormous danger that an atomic armed iran will never be accepted despite the berlin's it just sold israel a fourth nuclear missile capable submarine at a discount a key concern now is whether that submarine could be used in a strike on iran an attack that the pentagon claims would be one in just three
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weeks as our team is going to reports the pentagon says they're just doing some contingency planning in case you are in attempts to close the strait of hormuz or attacks u.s. ships in the persian gulf but analysts say it's the kind of planning drives the tensions whole new level now it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that iran is encircled militarily here is the rand and here are the countries in red where the u.s. has military presence we've tried to put on the map those u.s. bases which have been reported about flashing blue here here you have the friendly arab countries right next to qatar bahrain which hosts the u.s. fifth fleet that's forty ships sixteen thousand personnel two huge aircraft carriers kuwait which right after the drawdown in iraq the u.s. there has increased the size of standby combat force america's air force army navy
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and marines are boldly positioned in oman and the united arab emirates he sounds so . iran and. turkey and israel to the west and afghanistan and pakistan in the east most recently the u.s. air force has this patch the number of after twenty two raptor strike fighters to a base in the united arab emirates and here it is the brand new penetrating strike fighter the move has caused backlash from tehran in addition to the hardware u.s. central command says there are about one hundred twenty five thousand u.s. troops in close proximity to iran not to mention new drone bases in undisclosed locations also in the region u.s. officials say an enhanced presence in the gulf is meant to serve as a quote quick reaction contingency force not simply as a prelude to war but the buildup seems to exacerbate the hostile talk which may one
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point turn into an all out confrontation the military is of course no match to the american military might after all we're talking about the country that spends on its military more than the next ten top defense spending countries combined so crushing you ran is in america's power but analysts most analysts agree it's also in its power is producing the kind of instability in the region that would be far worse than what came out of iraq and afghanistan iran also featured heavily in hillary clinton's visit to china as secretary of state a reluctant beijing to help poll pressure as well as north korea she called the current sino american relations the strongest they've ever been but her claim is already being put to the test with beijing accusing the u.s. of meddling in its internal affairs also feeding is america's growing military presence in asia a move seen as an attempt to kind of train china's regional influence jiang a professor of international politics aren't britain's bristol university says the
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u.s. is making up for lost time. i think we need to do something. in that perspective you can sense that obviously the united states believes that in the last thirty years or so off of the eleven it isn't in leg to. stand and therefore its interests probably has been. affected in some way therefore it wants to come back and play a leadership role in the region one of the key problems that both sides are aware else is of course this kind of deeply seated distrust and that's why we have seen this kind of jostling and military maneuvering the chinese navy in particular has been developing discard the excess and aerial did model of a village in weapons systems and that's for real it's not just posturing both sides are now trying to kind of the whole. distrust and this is
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the most probably formidable challenge. and we're always eager to know your take on the story today we're asking you what you think may ruin the u.s. china relationship almost half of voters believe it's african natural resources which could spark a full scale war between the two countries a third think that america and china depend too much on each other so there is no possibility of a major conflict between them seventeen percent see american trade barriers a possible bone of contention only five percent expect the exposure of the grocery trip human rights in china will grow in relations between washington and beijing. syrian rebels have reportedly begun to undergo guerrilla warfare training in kosovo or allegedly to be using the same training camps built for the anti serb kosovo liberation army group previously designated as a terrorist organization by the united states and even the un sure of that if they
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go off of it a foreign affairs editor for the us based chronicles magazine sees little good can come from this. well first of all i don't think they can learn much from the care only about through. the christians because the clearly was singularly unsuccessful in its rebellion against the serbian security forces until the meter bombing and even then they were not engaging in combat they were not going to get as many orders and quickly cleansing normal beenie so the first point is that there is nothing to learn in terms of conduct of visions and in terms of actually organizing a successful guerrilla war i understand there are moderate. syrian opposition leaders who came to unite and actually spoke to an a.p. reporter so that we are here to alert now this should be a huge wake up call called those syrians who are not supportive of the
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a position especially in the minorities the syrian rebels. around the jail that means there will be a bloodbath product at the end of the fall of assad and there will be little room for anyone but the majority group which should. be its extremist credo whether it is there to agree to roll brainier in kosovo all or. muslim brotherhood offshoot in syria. for more on that story and while you're all mine here is what else you can check out. the harrowing tale of a young man thrown of an american salad and forgotten and forced to drink his own urine to survive after being left without food or water for five days. and russia's anti-gay propaganda law gets its first conviction a fine for a prominent activist and says his sentence will help him to get the controversial legislation parents will find out how at our dot com.
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all right if you're just joining us thirteen minutes past the hour and a massive liberal drive a reset and russia u.s. relations and a push for internal reforms but also some of the largest protests in russia's modern history as president medvedev prepares to leave the kremlin before of lead to more putin takes over and he said now it takes a look back at his term at the top. racey's gave you to. not believe me did you. one term in the kremlin was it too little time to make a dent in mr medvedev is going to be remembered as someone who had genuine reform
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intentions and who was impeded on achieving all of those reforms through the political process through the structure of the political system. at the dawn of his presidency georgia attacked south are said here the media and much of the world community blamed russia. but he did the actions on the georgian side led to deaths among them a russian peacekeepers children women the elderly a dying in south of seti it most of them are citizens of the russian federation those responsible for the deaths of our citizens will be punished. the misconception that russia attacked georgia put serious strain on international ties into an independent council of europe report up held that georgia launched the attack for months madrid of foreign policy was overshadowed by the war but it
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wasn't long before a warming in u.s. relations something many argue is his foreign policy legacy the words the russian president at the time the reset button press on u.s. and russian relations devoutly and for over the next two years by twenty ten medvedev and obama signed a new start and cut both country's nuclear arsenals by a third. with a year as a result of hard work we've created a treaty that fully complies with the interests of both russia and the u.s. back home medvedev wants reforms focusing on the justice system and rule of law you want the people behind bars. this persecution. business people. just justified persecution. corruption
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and i think that he has managed to start some cases jump start the process but little changed on high profile cases like me. russia's former richest man still serving his sentence for economic crimes madrid has pushed for modernization and diversification could have been a highlight of his presidency and he still has a chance to if he presses on as prime minister and we can be sure that without modernization the russian economy has no future it may be based on vast natural resources but we cannot rely only on them the job swap with putin was the last straw for medvedev supporters who hoped he would run for a second term the secrecy and surprise of the smart added to the negative sentiment prior to the biggest protests russia has seen in years. in december after claims of vote fraud in the parliamentary election madrid it came
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back on line and laid out changes but his response was too little too late yet but if i propose complex reforms to our political system. i don't discuss that i hear the people who are demanding changes and i understand. he outlined a series of measures including the easy registration for political parties and direct polls for regional leaders maybe it is administration continues to strasse how much work is left as he prepares to step aside as president and take over as prime minister i have. all initiatives strategists discussed. hume here you proved all the things the government was key mikal to implement all the initiatives to put forward by the by present need to be
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different but could exist are convinced debates are buzzing over what made it looks like it will be and how his policies might be implemented with him back in the family but the fact that made smith made its move this president would have only seen real results during or even after a second term in office even the past should not be a problem by between what they did as president what he might do. and he's now a hard team. and as well i did not put ten returns to russia's top job in three days will be bringing you our special coverage of his inauguration you can join us for the live broadcast from the splendor of the kremlin halls after seven thirty am g.m.t. on monday. right
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while the man behind the mega upload a file swapping site a thorn in the side of america's online piracy crusade has been given some of his belongings back his property was seized in a sweep to shut down the main a tourist website but it was ruled illegal because police used the wrong warrant came down calm as he's known seen here on the far right of your screen was arrested in january in new zealand at washington's request he faces extradition to the states on charges of money laundering racketeering and copyright infringement but at least for now he gets back some of his cash and his car legal experts in america
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say it's clear the prosecution of the website and its owner is unlawful and that it has more to do with politicians and media moguls propping each other up. there are very tight linkages between the government and the content industry so for example many of the people who were in the government worked in the content industry and many of the people in the government will get jobs in the content industry after they're done as a result they understand each other's issues very well they've been there firsthand in addition the content industry contributes a significant amount of money to the administration and to other politicians who are decision makers as a result they get a great deal of influence over what the government does and that's part of the reason why. we're wondering if the megaupload prosecution it's really the beginning of that content industry being able to tell the government to do its dirty work for
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and so the battle be never ending content owners will always want more control but the battle of the turn out well for us because we have consumers will lose. now it may just have been a tweak on the home page but few of facebook's millions of users are rushing to like it for them the timeline is a threat to their privacy and later on today a cross talk asks whether users is liberties are being zucker punched. into a. bit of a new area of privacy being taken from us to be unleashed or think about more privacy taken from me in the bars and restaurants of london. yeah but to be honest you know my credit card has been cloned twice in london and that was involved to get no one's ever stolen my identity on facebook profile just not desirable enough i don't know. japan is set to turn off its last working nuclear reactor leaving one of the
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world's largest industrial powers without atomic energy for the first time in over forty years it had heavily relied on the source but the government bow to immense public protests in the wake of the fukushima disaster there's expert fessor dr howard hayden thinks it's just a matter of time before tokyo goes nuclear again. they have fifty four reactors and they have one of them operating but it will be down for refueling as it is what they're doing is burning a lot of residual oil and the the air packed on the price of residual oil has been felt awful as far away as whole y. e where the price for electricity now is very very high because of that that decision to shut the nukes and but it's costing them very dearly they have gotten early ill enough electricity and they have actually called on some factories to cut
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back their operations quite a bit they will probably go back to nuclear in due time it's because money talks it's. in more world news this hour the former i.m.f. chief dominique strauss kahn is facing claims of being involved in the gang rape of a belgian prostitute in washington in two thousand turned french magistrates have asked for an investigation prosecutors also say there's new evidence about his possible involvement in a prostitution ring in northern france last year strauss kahn was forced to quit amid a rape charges in new york which were later dropped. crowds of protesters in jordan's capital are calling on their government and eighteen year peace treaty with israel they are demanding their new prime minister to expel israel's ambassador to jordan a new leader was sworn in and this week after the country's former prime minister resigned but his appointment has stirred controversy because of his involvement in
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the go shooting the original peace treaty back in ninety four. a suicide attack on a pakistani market has left at least twenty people dead including one who received a bravery award for fighting islamised militants most of the other victims were by standards as the bomber blew himself up or people were heading to work or school on thursday the u.s. released letters from osama bin laden which showed he fretted about the level of civilian deaths at the hands of al qaeda. all right twenty four minutes past the hour and mitri is next with a look at one of the worst trading days in russia this year that is true the russian markets went back to square one pretty much today posting a year to date loss of one percent we'll look at it all started of course with the u.s. jobs report which was around four hours ago came in worse than expected with the.
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adding one hundred fifteen thousand jobs instead of the anticipated one hundred sixty three thousand there for the dow and nasdaq down more than one percent as you can see there now europe this is all pretty much the same picture over there down two percent for both the foot sea and the dax this is all coupled of course with cautious trading ahead of the elections in france sending greece oil prices seeing one of the steepest declines to more than three month lows the lights below one hundred dollars per barrel now that hasn't happened in quite a while now and therefore this is not providing any support to the russian markets which saw one of the worst days indeed this year with. almost four percent my six pretty much there from point six on the my six main losers are of course energy companies because of lower oil prices and the financials also took a beating bud's burbank better than down one point eight percent as opposed to two
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percent for the t.v. . now in the currencies market the ruble also fell to three week lows versus the. currency bust kids and the euro is losing against the dollar as investors are cashing out into the. now the new government will take office next week of the. putin business r.t. caught up with the presidential aide to call rich i asked him about the challenges and main tasks that the new government will face. the main challenge is to continue diversification in the modernization of the russian economy so this challenge is under threat given unstable demographic station we were able to achieve four goals to stabilize relations last year we need to continue the same pace also we'll have to reform health sector education sector. pension system and finally computing and protection for property rights created in comfortable investment climate.
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or the top of the agenda. forward to be with you got a corporate show you can watch on monday on our kara there aren't thank you very much major for that update in a few minutes we explore what the russian capital has to offer for in families who make moscow their home that's after the headline update with me coming up. because. the.
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for joining our team at half past the hour on care and these are your headlines egypt erupts protests in cairo against the ruling generals turn into fierce clashes with security forces one person is reportedly dead and around one hundred others into. twin terror attacks kill at least eleven in russia's north caucasus and what police say bear the hallmarks of al qaida suicide bombings. the pentagon draws up and game plans for iran boasting it could cross forces in just three weeks. three days before the need to me leaves russia top post we assess his presidential legacy and look at what's ahead when he becomes prime minister. and.
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