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tv   [untitled]    May 4, 2012 1:00pm-1:30pm EDT

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egypt a robber's protest in cairo against of the ruling generals turned into fierce clashes with security forces one persons reportedly dead and almost sixty happen in turkey . when terror attacks kill at least eleven in russia's north caucasus one police say bear the hallmarks of al qaida suicide bombings. the pentagon draws up end game plans for iran both sunni and put russian forces in less than a month. and three days before dmitri medvedev believes that russia's top post but we assess his presidential legacy and look at what's ahead when he becomes prime minister.
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thank you for joining our tour with me karen terrill sheets nine o'clock here in moscow and friday is mass rallies and egypt's capital have descended into a violent clashes with security forces using water cannons to disperse crowds of thousands reports of just one person has been killed and all medics confirm almost sixty have been injured in violence that's taking place in front of the country's defense ministry but protesters are demanding the country's ruling generals quit now and give power to civil authorities but the army says this will only happen after a new president is elected later this month on wednesday at least twenty people were killed in cairo one on known gunmen opened fire peaceful protesters gigi ibrahim joins us now live a blogger an opposition activists you're with us from the egyptian capital to talk more about friday's developments thanks for being with us missy but i am now this
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is the second massive outbreak of violence within a week why is it all flaring up at this stage. there has so much been anger and resentment that has been building up for the past you know here pretty much you've seen many of these clashes erupt during close times of elections but the has been a sit in there has been mobilization in the streets in all sectors of society where they're demanding the end of this military rulers and for skaf to step down only escalate the recently when when the army personnel started attacking this that has been going on for days and it turned out to be very violent the use that you know army was using not only the water cannon but. live ammunition and rubber bullets and arresting many individuals who ordered hadn't even in hospitals and hospitals ordered the kidnapped and we don't know where they are now today we've clearly seen
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pictures of crowds of protesters boiling over with aggression they were throwing stones at the police but activists are blaming the security forces for provoking the clashes might understand that that's who's to blame. the clashes in any of the sit ins or demonstration that have happened in egypt over the a year and a half have been always always the violence always from the military trying to evacuate order. basically disperse the protesters from demonstrating against military would or against any kind of subject so this is exactly what happened is that there was a sit in going on it was peaceful for many days and some sort of friction started and then these violent images that you see right now are being done by the military personnel and the put against these protesters and many are injured and many have died in the past few days now this intense friction you're referring
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to between the islamicist and the seculars who both held rallies in recent months do you see them reuniting over their common goal to remove the military as soon as possible. well we all in egypt one this military and we we as you know revolutionaries where there would be islamist order secularists or leftists and so on have many different visions on how to achieve that these are the basic disagreements that you see between that evolutionary but when it comes in the end of the day we do want this to end and you know what you now see is that one of the cell a few movements itself is used who have been radicalized throughout the struggle process have basically gone to the end resort which is the streets you know they believe that maybe if they elect that you know who. has the most money or someone else then they would you know end the rule of scouts but in the end of the day we
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want scouts to step down to end this military rule and you know staff would stand against whoever will demand the end of the power so in some way we yes we are united against this military dictatorship too and that once and for all now a month from now egypt should be fully governed by a civil elected parliament and president if the generals are to be believed now what's to gain for those trying to force them out now at the moment. well many believe that even if. this casts transfer of power to civilian government . that won't change anything because in the end of the day i believe that scouts once to hand power to they before the war but the thing is that they want to hand over power without being prosecuted for any of the crimes that they have been committed for that they haue that they have committed in the past year and
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a half and they also want to hold on the interest and pensions and not. crossed in any sort of way to how and the special place in the constitution and so on and that's exactly what that evolution is going against so it doesn't matter if the staff hands over power to symbolically but what we want as revolutionaries and what the revolutionary socialist want and many along with them supported this idea is that we want to prosecute these nineteen generators why have been killing robbing and stripping and torturing and trying people in military courts since day one in this revolution and they are as. as as much of criminals as mubarak himself this is the key thing now is that we want to prosecute scaphoid of the crimes all right i'm afraid that's all the time we'll have live from cairo gigi ibrahim a blogger an opposition activist thank you. so assad bombers are thought to have
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carried out the two blasts which killed at least eleven people and scores of others in russia's southern dagestan republic the terror attacks took place within twenty minutes of each other at a police checkpoint artie's money of the national is in the north caucasus then this occasion is continuing but what happened here in the republic of dagestan on thursday has already been classified by local authorities and there is no doubting that as a terror attack there were two explosions the first one occurred when police tried to stop the car at one of numerous checkpoints in the capital. the driver was a suicide bomber police later reported immediately after that the fire started and when the ambulances fire brigades and emergency teams have started to come at the scene as well as local people trying to help those injured this is when the second blast occurred killing and injuring even more people than the first one this scenario of the attack organized so that as many people as possible is know in the
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world as iraq he won and it's adopted and widely used by international terrorist organizations all around the globe it's not even new to duggie stun just last year march of time but to the last two similar bloss killed scores i have to say that druggist on this republic and in general this region which is called the south has been suffering attacks by islamist terrorist organizations for years and the clashes between federal forces and militants have been continuing for quite a long time russian officials have linked many attacks and terrorists and militants here in the region in this particular republic. international sounds like. it's too early to say who is behind this particular this recent attack but it's certainly part of this go in battle between federal forces and terrorists in the region no
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one has claimed responsibility yet. north caucasus terrorism is more than just a battle for russia with the country's key militants now on watch by the world community dr walid fires who's a counterterrorism advisor to congress in washington explains why a wider approach is vital. all and more information is coming both to congress and administration about the connections between those you harvey networks in just your darkest on the one hand and those present in north africa and in the middle number two because the evidence we're getting from captured individuals in afghanistan for example the places we buy they do admit to the work with the caucus based your highness on the one hand and what you see on the website of this information is available for all these reasons together this is the side of the international that's which is a good thing because they're supported from between russia and united states we do not see eye to eye on many things but at least on that one it's in the interest of
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everybody great powers come together against terrorists. still ahead all terror camps for a new generation. syrian rebels begin training at what the u.n. recognizes as a former terrorist camp in kosovo we look at just what it is and what they plan to learn there in about fifty five minutes. germany's foreign minister has labeled iran's nuclear energy program the norm as danger that an atomic armed iran will never be accepted despite that berlin's just sold israel for its nuclear missile capable submarine at a discount a key concern now is whether that submarine could be used in a strike on iran and the attack that the pentagon claims would be one in three weeks. to come reports. the pentagon says they're just doing some contingency planning in case the rain attempts to close the strait of hormuz or attack u.s.
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ships in the persian gulf but analysts say it's the kind of planning that drives the tensions to a whole new level now it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that iran is encircled militarily here is the iran and here are the countries in red where the u.s. has military presence we tried to. put on the map of those u.s. bases which have been reported about in the flashing blue here here you have the friendly arab countries right next to qatar bahrain which hosts the u.s. fifth fleet that's forty ships sixteen thousand personnel two huge aircraft carriers kuwait which right after the drawdown in iraq the u.s. there has increased the size of standby combat force america's air force army navy and marines are boldly positioned dana oman and the united arab emirates the sounds of the iran. turkey and israel to the west and afghanistan and pakistan in the east
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most recently the u.s. air force has this batch the number of f. twenty two raptor strike fighters to a base in the united arab emirates and here it is the brand new penetrating strike fighter the move has caused backlash from tehran in addition to the hardware u.s. central command says there are about one hundred twenty five thousand u.s. troops in close proximity to iran not to mention new drone bases in undisclosed locations also in the region u.s. officials say an enhanced presence in the gulf is meant to serve as a quote quick reaction contingency force not simply as a prelude to war but the buildup seems to exacerbate the hostile talk which may one point turn into an all out confrontation the military is of course no match to the american military might after all we're talking about the country that spends on its military more than the next ten top defense spending countries combined so
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crushing the rand is in america's power but analysts most analysts agree it's also in its power is producing the kind of instability in the region that would be far worse than what came out of iraq and afghanistan iran was also a feature of heavily in hillary clinton's visit to china as secretary of state urged a reluctant beijing to her. pahl pressure on to run as well as north korea she called the current sino american relations of the strongest they've ever been but her claim is already being put to the test with beijing accusing the us of meddling in its internal affairs also feeding tension is america's growing military presence in asia a move seen as an attempt to contain china as a regional influence in shanghai a professor of international politics at britain's bristol university says the us is making up for lost time. i think we need to produce the perspective needed a sense that all news media never stays the leaves in the last thirty years or so
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all of the nine eleven it isn't in the leg. to stand and therefore we didn't choose probably has been. affected in some way therefore it wants to come back and play a leadership role in the region one of the key problems that both sides are aware old is of course is kind of deeply seated strategic distrust and that's why we have seen this kind of. military maneuver in the chinese navy because as we develop and discard of. the believe given the weapons systems that's just. trying to. discover who. do you distrust and this is the most probably formidable challenge. syrian rebels have reportedly begun to undergo guerrilla ware for training and cost of all their allegedly being there allegedly using the same training camps built
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for the kosovo liberation army a group previously designated as a terrorist organization by the united states and even the u.n. let's now discuss just what the rebels hope to learn there with benjamin shatt he's an independent researcher and contributor to global research dot ca now mr shaath just how much can syrian rebels who are saying they're trying to unite syria learn at the hands of the kalay which made its name by splitting up a nation. i don't think that the syrian insurgence could learn that much in questions of military. actions from the k.l.a. because the so-called cause of the liberation army this terrorist group did did in fact in fact already been defeated by the serbian army in august one thousand nine hundred eight after that year was left president milosevic agreed. on
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a cease fire and pulling back troops and letting the observers into the country however the. situation in order to intensify their attacks provoke and provoke country actions from the serbian side and the same time they managed to present themselves as innocent of the freedom fighters and the victims and the serbs as aggressors to the western media and finally provoked. western intervention in march nine hundred ninety nine after the staged massacre in . apples therefore if not for the knowledge of fighting. it might be knowledge in p.r. public relations techniques. they were not decay was not effective in fighting but they were definitely effective in. making the western public believe that they
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would fight for for for just a justified cause but in fact. as we know the k.l.a. is about the k.l.a. we can only say the worst thing that things that could ever be said about the terrorist groups they caused ethnic violence killed also there are you know opponents are involved in organ trafficking and human traffic and drug traffic and if that's if that's a picture of. the syrian insurgence. it doesn't leave any questions open about the characters or pursuing the syrian insurgents i'm talking about but by learning bomb making skills and terror tactics and how is that going to impact the rebels as cause it isn't it supposedly based on democracy and free speach. that's what western media make us believe. to be fair i have to say these insurgents do not do not represent the whole syrian opposition because there is a civilian opposition within the country as well which stands for dialogue with the
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government and peaceful transition. however the insurgents are being presented as democratic democrats and freedom fighters in the best although they are in fact linked to muslim brotherhood brotherhood and. sort of the groups and other. extremists but because they fight against the government which is an ally of iran in the way of western geopolitical interests mr. media running a little short on time i just finally want to ask you very briefly what choice do the rebels have if they're really are able to stand up to the army i mean isn't guerrilla warfare as dirty and as bloody as it is really the only choice left. unfortunately yes because obviously they would not be able to. against the assad government in a fair fight so they will try some kind of hit and run strategy and provoke counter
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actions by the syrian army and then the western cameras will show up and present counter actions of the syrian army. aggression. against their own people and. hopefully russia and china. will strict in the security council and otherwise in order to prevent western military intervention. sorry the independence was based researcher and contributor to global research dot ca that's all the time we have thank you. a massive liberal drive a reset in russia u.s. relations and a push for internal reforms but also some of the largest protest in russia's modern history as president me they differ paris to leave the kremlin before vladimir putin takes over and he said now it takes a look back at his term at the top. regimes gave
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us. the meat did not believe it needed you. one term in the kremlin was it too little time to make a dent in mr medvedev is going to be remembered as someone who had genuine reform intentions who was impeded on achieving all of those reforms through the political process through the structure of the political system. at the dawn of his presidency georgia attacked south are said the media and much of the world community blamed russia. but he did the actions on the georgian side led to deaths among them a russian peacekeepers children women the elderly a dying in south setting it most of them are citizens of the russian federation those responsible for the deaths of our citizens will be punished. because i'm
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right in the misconception that russia attacked georgia put serious strain on international ties into an independent council of europe report up held that georgia launched the attack for months madrid of foreign policy was overshadowed by the war but it wasn't long before a warming in u.s. relations something many argue is his foreign policy legacy they were the russian president the reset. press the u.s. and russian relations devoutly and for over the next two years by twenty ten medvedev and obama signed a new start and cut both country's nuclear arsenals by a third. as a result of hard work we've created a treaty that fully complies with the interests of both russia and the u.s. back home medvedev wants reforms focusing on the justice system and rule of law you
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wanted less people behind bars. less persecution. businesspeople. just especially justified persecution. less corruption and i think that he has managed to start some cases jump start the process. but little changed on high profile cases like me. precious former richest man still serving his sentence for economic crimes madrid has pushed for modernization and diversification could have been a highlight of his presidency and he still has a chance to if he presses on as prime minister and we can be sure that without modernization the russian economy has no future it may be based on vast natural resources but we cannot rely only on them the job swap with putin was the last
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straw for medvedev supporters who hoped he would run for a second term the secrecy and surprise of the swan added to the negative sentiment prior to the biggest protests russia had seen in years. in december after claims of vote fraud in the parliamentary election madrid it came back on line in laid out changes but his response was too little too late yet but if i propose complex reforms to our political system. i don't i hear the people who are demanding changes and i understand. he outlined a series of measures including the easy registration for political parties and direct polls for regional leaders maybe it is administration continues to strasse how much work is left as he prepares to step aside as president and take over as prime minister. to continue the present. initiatives.
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discussed. hume here you proved all the things the government was key mikal to implement all the initiatives to put forth by the by prison for me to be different the good acts are convinced debates are buzzing over what made it its legacy will be and how his policies might be implemented with blue chip back in the family but the fact that made smith made its move this president would have only seen real results during or even after a second term in office even the question of how do you draw the line between what my day did as president what he might. use now a r t. blood to mete putin returns to russia's top job in just three days we'll be bringing you our special coverage of his inauguration join us for the live broadcast from the splendor of the kremlin halls after seven thirty am g.m.t.
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on monday. here with our twenty five minutes past the hour dimitri is next with the business news and it's a disappointing jobs report that has caused a wave of selling on the markets meter what's happening well indeed right now we are seeing the dow and the nasdaq decline more than one percent this has indeed
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been caused by a weak jobs report that the farm sector added one hundred fifteen thousand jobs in april while one hundred sixty three thousand was anticipated and therefore the dow is down one point two percent nasdaq even more so almost two percent in europe are pretty much the same picture at the close to forty and that actor down almost two percent this is also covered by coupled with the cautiousness traders right now experiencing ahead of the elections in france and in greece and on the commodities market we're seeing a very dramatic drop lights were down four dollars sixty three cents below well ninety eight dollars per barrel this hour this is of course very harmful for the russian market and indeed we could believe that it could continue falling after pulling three days in a row in the sell in may and go away is all about russia so far this month so let's take a look at what caused the my survey of three point six percent notably energy shares
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because of declining oil price which went even further down after the close of the russian market and financials were not an exception even those burbank tried to hold off and took just one point eight percent compared to the market that's the average growth. and on the currencies market we are seeing the ruble declining to three week lows against the by currency basket well the euro is losing massively against the dollar as investors are cashing out mainly into the greenback. all right well next week the government will be taking office after the inauguration of putin and we caught up with the presidential aide the current president is going to ask him about the challenges in tasks ahead of the new government. the main challenge. continued diversification and modernization of the russian economy this challenge is under threat given unstable demographic station we were able to
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achieve a goal to stabilize relations last year we need to continue the same pace also we'll have to reform health sector education sector. pension system and finally computing and protection for property rights creating a comfortable investment climate. or the top of the joined. new cast of full interview with that got it got a call on the monday here on r.t. . all right thank you for that business update next now we have lauren lester's capital account more on that financial news you can stay with us after an update of the headlines with me.
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