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tv   [untitled]    May 4, 2012 7:00pm-7:30pm EDT

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tonight on our t.v. jobs jobs jobs it seems these days that's what's on everyone's minds where to find them what the new jobs report means and if the economy is really turning around last but the numbers really tell us about the state of the u.s. economy. and usually it's hollywood actors who are fighting off bad guys and playing the hero but now it looks like the industry itself might need to be saved from the so-called evil internet from k. street to tensile town i'll tell you how this business has our lawmakers star struck it's really absurd i mean people get more angry about a word like. than they do about say a drone strike that kills thirty innocent people in afghanistan it looks like political correctness is truly in the eye of the beholder in the u.s.
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talks of war and killing enemies isn't just allowed it's often encouraged talking about your sex life could end your career so who chooses what's appropriate and what crosses the line well explore. good evening it is friday may fourth seven pm in washington d.c. i'm christine for you're watching our t.v. well it is the first friday of the month that means we get the jobs numbers for last month to ponder to predict and to dissect well here they are according to the bureau of labor statistics the unemployment rate fell slightly to eight point one percent in the month of april that is the lowest since january of two thousand and nine the month president obama took office. non-farm employers added one hundred fifteen thousand jobs to their payrolls last month still that is well below the one
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hundred seventy thousand jobs economists predicted would be added and as far as that slowly declining unemployment rate experts say that was largely due to the three hundred forty two thousand people leaving the labor force all together and to speak more about this earlier i talked to max kaiser host of the kaiser report featured right here on r.t. . the numbers. is in grave jeopardy of collapsing there are no new jobs being created of any significance and more importantly look at the wages wages are continuing to deteriorate and the purchasing power of the average american is continuing to deteriorate so this is a common me very very troubled although as you know of course everyone is spinning this in several different direction some people say you know what there's been twenty six or so months of growth in jobs in the private sector and americans more
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importantly are learning to live with less what do you say to those people who sort of see the sunny side of all this. oh well the the numbers are routinely massaged that come out of washington and what i look at are wages and the wage number and the purchasing power is going down the number of people the absolute number of people who are not working keeps going higher so they say it's at eight point one percent is the unemployment number that's not really significant because it doesn't relate to anything of of meaning it's a number that that's cooked up to as propaganda the actual numbers are a lot higher they're getting worse the wage number is horrible purchasing power is collapsing so everything that we saw that started in two thousand and eight all those themes of corrupt banks falling apart economy and america losing
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competitiveness all of this is just continuing but getting much worse yes certainly it's a different story for people who had a job had a career of making you know sixty seventy eighty thousand dollars and now they might still be working full time and they're making you know ten eleven twelve dollars an hour that's certainly very different for them and affecting their ability to spend as you say i think it's also important to look at what's going on overseas i want to get some video of what we've been seeing in greece greece is a place where there's more than twenty percent unemployment that talk to me a little bit about your take on what's going on there and if you think it will come to that here. well i had a chance to talk to some people in the occupy movement area new york city and i believe as i explained to them that the front line of this global insurrection against the corrupt banks is in athens it is in greece the occupy protesters there really should be several thousand of them in athens joining that battle there that's the front line it's not necessarily wall street although wall street is
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responsible for all of this as well as the city of london but the front line is in greece and greece now is openly talking about pulling out of the euro and of course that would have an incredible consequences over the eurozone in a crown the global banking system because of course that would mean default on major bonds that would ripple through germany and around the world and you'd see another lehman asked moment if we're going to have one it's baked into the cake the question is only when because there has been absolutely nothing done to stop that from recurring but much worse because the policy from coming out of the obama administration and coming out of out of the european countries has bent to exacerbate all the problems make them more increase the debt load increase the instability and then don't prosecute for the accounting fraud of the banking crime so of course we're heading into a much worse collapse it's had it's very near on the horizon now these employment
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numbers are giving us a little view into what's to come and the global insurrection whether it's in the europe or in america that people are in the streets and you say that people in america are now getting used to living with less well that's not true at the top is it because the people on wall street are getting used to living with more so than other very that disparity is causing conflict and that conflict only be resolved either peacefully or of violently and to resolve it peacefully he would need a leader and america doesn't have a leader they have a lobbyist in the white house named barack obama is a lobbyist for wall street. i don't have a leader who is there representing the people therefore there is only one other alternative and it's not the nonviolent alternative let me ask you a question because i know you speak with countless people on your show the kaiser report people who you sometimes agree with sometimes disagree with in terms of laying out solutions other than violent uprisings in the street i mean who has put
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something out there that you think is feasible. to improving if there is one very obvious solution there is one very obvious solution and that is to squeeze out the speculators from the system who have co-opted the system and you do that by raising interest rates or at least raise the margin rate which is the rate charged to speculators to borrow money we saw this in the seventy's late seventy's early eighty's when the interest rates in america were. risen quite dramatically and it set the stage for a robust growth in the bull market of the eighty's and ninety's that's really the primary way to squeeze out the speculators raise interest rates it's something within the purview of the fed right now the fed won't do it because they are in the pocket of the speculators who have convinced the fed that they need to keep interest rates near zero even though this is causing catastrophic effects to ripple through the economy and it is absolutely the worst thing that the fed could be doing is keeping interest rates near zero. or max rather i want to. repeat
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a slogan that i've heard time and time again today and that is where are the jobs and as you say and i think it's really important to pay attention to wages people are still working in some cases in lower wage jobs in retail in fast food things like that but one of the good jobs where are they ok here's a way to increase tell you how to make a jobs appear in one week break up the too big to fail banks bank of america wells fargo break them up into three or four banks now you've just increased the job factor by a substantial amount break up the monopolies break up coca-cola it's a do up list break it up into five or six new competitors break up the monopolies in america you increase jobs exponentially get rid of the kleptocrats get rid of the monopolies who get so i mean how do you do that clearly you know the c.e.o.'s of coca-cola of citibank of some of these large companies which most people in america probably do agree that these companies these banks especially are too big
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but it seems that the people running these corporations are all powerful and won't let anyone touch them so how do you then deal with that. right yeah the robber baron area in america the gilded age was broken up by teddy roosevelt you need to trust buster you need a leader you need somebody to come in there representing the people it's not barack obama we know that's not going to happen it's not rich mitt romney somebody has got to come forth and be on the side of jobs and the people and wages and they've got to start to bust up these trust these monopolies and that will create jobs increase competition and this is exactly what's needed so we need a leader there somebody in america has got to be somebody in america who's got the leadership qualities to step forward and to assume a leadership position and to help the united states it's a sad day to think that about three hundred thirty million people in america not a single person has the leadership qualities to lead this country as of today as of
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this moment that answer is no there's not a single person in america that can lead this country who's up co-opted drug addled deep in debt or has some scandal over hanging them from mr sexual profit delos and i barely it doesn't exist i guess we'll all just have to keep looking for that economic super hero i know you don't leave no stone unturned their host of the kind of report thanks so much for being on the show today well there are some people in hollywood tonight who are probably not too happy that's because a judge in new york has ruled that internet searches and downloads and other activities that take place from your computer do not automatically mean you are the person behind them an important point when weighing illegal downloading cases in other words an ip address is not a person now this particular case involve the illegal downloading of an adult film and the ruling is made several internet privacy advocates quite happy tonight mr wells is an attorney with the electronic frontier foundation. and matt mitch let's
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just talk about what changes after this ruling. sure this is actually one of the number rulings around the country that have said similar things that this is the background you should. know that ground there since about two thousand a. plaintiff's lawyers have been suing. anywhere between twenty five and five thousand people in single lawsuit. accusing them of downloading copyrighted movies and usually other independent films or pornography films and the lawyers who are doing this they really don't care who's doing the infringing they just want to get as many settlements out of this process and then they knew they will usually settle for less than the cost of hiring a lawyer yeah it seems to me there's been a whole business built on attorneys and their assistants kind of trolling the internet looking for people who are infringing who are breaking copyright laws and then what they do is they you know get as many names as possible and file lawsuits
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and mass i mean what do those people do next when they try to now that this is yet another ruling and a pile of money how will they now find people who break copyright laws unfortunately was probably do is just file their laws from that other judges. to them that's the pattern that we see in that there are increasingly fewer of those judges interesting and i know the judge in this case in new york judge jerry brown said that copyright infringement cases that only provide an ip address as evidence are a quote waste of judicial resources but i think you meant by that. i think well i think i think is a recognition that. based only on that. copyright trolls have an investigator supposedly goes out and collect a list devise the addresses of computers that he witnessed downloading
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a copyrighted movie but as you said it is a judge that doesn't identify the person that does that advise a computer and maybe that we don't actually know have this list device the address of the judge has really ever looked into how that method works. is that all you have to go on is just so likely that you're targeting an innocent person that's i think that's what makes it always additional resources you know when we when we talk about all of these companies who are probably you know bummed out by this ruling the motion picture association of america some of these larger corporations that by the way have a lot of lobbyists here in washington d.c. it seems to me the way things tend to work here is this is not going to do that much to stop things i'm wondering what your concerns are in terms of what comes next for some of these larger corporations trying to make sure that movies and
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music are harder and harder to download. interesting you mention n.b.a. and so on that the large. copyright holder organization has a large entertainment companies they pretty much abandoned their strategy back in about two thousand and eight the strategy of suing people in large groups for downloading on the internet why do you think it is that they that they abandon that strategy. because they were essentially doing their customers and their potential customers which is just not a smart business i think they realize that. in the process of doing that they created a lot of the legal precedent that copyright trolls who are basically people with no reputation the fact. have taken advantage of now the entertainment industry i think they'd much prefer to deal with the deal with the problem and. targeting the middle than the the internet. the internet provider the
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payment processor the advertising network. somebody with one address rather than five thousand. they can go after that that's been their strategy in the past few years and of course in this case that we're talking about the end the illegal downloading of an adult film and and this ruling this is just one of so many things happening every single day match regarding internet privacy internet freedom i know the electronic frontier foundation has been doing really a massive amount of work on trying to protect some of those freedoms what is your concern now what's the focal point. a small victory in this case of course but i'm sure there are quite other larger concerns as well oh there are too many to mention to the. security bills in congress right now that was
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really the. privacy of the air that a lot of concern about those working carefully with that organization. and. what we're really hoping to see and what hasn't happened yet with regard to these copyright trolls is it is a bias by the court to say. what are the standards for individuals for downloading. downloading copyrighted. was the way that you can do that legally and ethically and and preserve people's rights and preserving the idea that you're presumed dead. i mean we are at such an interesting time right now it seems to me we've had the internet for i mean regular people have used it at least for the last twenty or so years but now the laws and some of the regulations are starting to catch up with the technology and really this is a time you mentioned some of the legislation we just saw the cyber intelligence
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security privacy act last week one week ago today passed in the u.s. house of representatives the senate is working on a similar bill it just seems to me that everything sort of catching up right now and they're really trying to clamp down on what is and is not allowed because for so many years we haven't had those rules do you think that there is a fair middle ground that there's going to be a good way to go about doing this. these are a bunch of different problems i think the reason why we're seeing all this because these are because as more and more people use the internet for their everyday. the private. file sharing getting you know getting drawn into the legal process but all of these things are starting to really hit people where they live and in their daily activities isn't just
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a realm of corporations or people are starting to take notice that you're talking with us this evening mitch stoltz a staff attorney at the electronic frontier foundation. thank you. while still ahead on r.t. careful what you say because it could cost you your political career wars death and destruction are one thing but dinosaurs evolution contraception quite another coming up we'll show you how over the top of this politically correct nation has become. a part of american power continuing. things that are so bad. might actually be time revolution. and it turns out that they were great to talk about. in radio.
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and what drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions to break through it's already been made who can you trust no one who is in view with a global missionary see where we had a state controlled capitalism is called sessions when nobody dares to ask we do our tea question more. all right well it seems this day and age of the internet social networking raunchy reality t.v. there's very little that can be said or done to offend people right well if you agree with that you might want to think again r t correspondent on a stasi a turk in a report on demands for political correctness gone wild taking place right here in modern day america apologize my apologies and listen this policy as we apologize
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i'd like to apologize political correctness gone mad in the us from media pundits and giggle fests of pussy willow branch. to advertising trying to spice up an old concept like oreos and milk to sports managers praising fidel castro i'm very very very sorry even political comedians mixing religion and the male body parts maybe women could protect their reproductive organs from unwanted medical intrusions with the china mangers. saying anything in public even when obviously joking has become a minefield you say something off color you tweet something off color all the sudden you've got fifteen people criticizing you for whatever as in an attempt to take you down a notch pushing an increasing number of people into endless apologies anderson cooper should not have had to give a public apology for giggling at the word pussywillow i think that's
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a durable that's just a ten year old boy and him and burgeoning and scampering about in short pants it's really absurd i mean people get more angry about a word like let's see well oh then they'd say a drone strike that kills thirty innocent people in afghanistan we apologize we really do meaningless political correctness has given rise to meaningless rituals of remorse and apology from rush limbaugh it's like going to church and going through all the motions but not really believing in god of gender discrimination in an overly to just culture cries of discrimination are often simply an excuse to sue ladies night discriminatory there was a lawyer here in new york that sued all of the bars in new york that had readings that because that was gender discrimination so it's become this sort of parity of politeness and parity of equity where in fact people are just going overboard it starts from early on one school in america came up with rules on what
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a prom dress should and should not look like it's even more worrying because there's more and more authoritarianism in the schools there's police in the schools there are rules being. you know imposed on students the new york department of education recently attempted to ban fifty potentially offensive terms from school tests. words like dinosaur in case it offends those who deny evolution and divorce to not hurt the feelings of kids whose parents are no longer together even birthday because it's not celebrated by jehovah's witnesses the idea was publicly mocked and finally scrapped a victory for common sense many cheered but critics say more will follow despite the hypocrisy in the real world people drop f. bombs all the time in the real world people. all the time to be like oh my god it's people cheating on you know i mean it's just kind of ridiculous as
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the list of words and deeds considered politically socially or morally unacceptable rose the united states of america a country that prides itself on freedom of speech could be well on its way to becoming the united states of i'm sorry but since you're going to artsy me what. i mean it's shocking sometimes the lengths people will go to to try not to offend anyone i personally subscribe to the south park model myself just offend everyone and no one goal you are racist or anti-catholic rant high muslim because you're just anti everyone or critical of everyone but this does warrant a closer look because this is our society the schools our children will be attending they look a lot different than they did when we were there our parents were there now earlier i spoke with t.j. mccormack a radio host with l a talk radio dot com i asked him if he thought the political correctness is a little overblown these days check out his answer. a little overblown i feel like
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that it's sane people like us i think there's this massive massive massive majority of people who are sitting here and looking at one of they want to and what do they want to and we're the same ones the i don't think anybody wants this sort of scrubbed up site type of language and what's interesting is is that you know a conservative like me can come to a place like r.t. and i think we all agree on this one you know because there are factors from the left and the right i think you have you know you had a back in the day you had the ultra conservative right wing christians who didn't want you know kids dancing they didn't like elvis they didn't like the beatles with their devil news ikey eno and insanity like that and then you know they wanted to ban dirty words and you know in an old t.v. shows you never saw the couple sleeping in the same bed and then the left came in with their sort of odd censorship with we're not going to say handicapped we're
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going to see handy capable we're going to say this is where i don't want to go i see somebody walking down a street with a limp i don't know what actually true first of them as that limp person who used to be a cripple but now i don't know you know the other day i was in a debate on facebook as those things unfold and i referred to blah blah blah i refer to blacks and i was. saying blacks and as opposed to you know what twenty years ago were afro americans and now we're. going absolutely i mean to constantly easy be changing and i went through the last of these fifty ad words that the new york department of education wanted banned from the standardized test they did sort of backtrack on that but i want to go through a few how we can because it suggests pagan rituals crime junk food slavery and rock n roll music t.j. why are they taking away our rock n roll from us. i think because they think they can i think i don't know these are people who are just way too much time i hate to
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be to use a cliche like that but this is great you know what you know what i'll tell you what i am offended at standardized test i had to go to summer school for geometry so i'm offended at geometry so i think we should be banning all math tests ok i scored huge on my verbal but i tanked it on my math skills so you know what kids who whose feelings are hurt i say you know what actually this as i say this this actually starts to make kind of crazy backward sense how about the kids who fail miserably in certain sections of the testing what or what about those kids who go home hurt or have trouble telling their parents i got a d. i got a sixty five i got a sixty five what are we going to start doing with those kids who don't do well in certain subjects are we going to start giving them a pass doesn't that actually happen in some cases now i mean and let's be serious for a second here i mean among the errors are on the tast poverty slavery i mean these are kind of yes important things to learn about as an elementary school day own
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ends. they are and by the way i am being serious actually you know because when you think about it you know they you know they it's kind of like with taxes they say well where are we going to stop war with warning labels on food so again now in this in terms of the lexicon where do we stop and you write an inch interesting here too we're talking about the left and the right we're not we're don't want to say dinosaurs because that might offend some extreme right wing christians who don't believe in evolution and at the same time we're not going to say poverty because the people on the left are afraid of offending people who might be you know living in urban squalor so interesting this is all coming full circle where both sides are getting kooky i honestly don't know how to other than you know what it's words my background is is just as a stand up comic for twenty plus years and you know if people went to jail in america to say certain words a famous american comedian george carlin and lenny bruce another one they went to jail and were prosecuted for saying certain words that today if i was to go back to
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doing stand up there in my clubs in los angeles for example where if one was to say and here's an example of this silliness it's almost to say the n. word in a kind of couple of comedy clubs in los angeles in particular they would be fined you will be fined now for saying certain words in a comedy club in los angeles and prop possibly in new york that names like the one setting where sort of everything should still be allowed you know you'd think i got a fun fact for you t.j. tomorrow is the eighty seventh anniversary of the day a biology teacher in dayton tennessee named john thomas scopes was charged for teaching evolution in a public school his trial the state of tennessee versus scopes also known as the scopes monkey trial made history and the final decision of that trial made it unlawful to teach evolution in any state funded school. have we come far from that day or are things just sort of the same generally not i don't know who we are no
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matter of fact i don't know if we can refer to a monkey in this set. can we refer to monkeys are we supposed to say primates or are we supposed to learn we suppose to have evolved from the. i don't know. lots of questions and i know that it must be difficult if you're a teacher in elementary school in high school to try to think about that and make sure you don't say the wrong thing or you know persuade. your kids or students in the wrong direction certainly tough stuff but it's a fun topic to talk about on a friday t.j. mccormick radio at l.a. talk radio dot com thanks so much all right that's going to do it for now but if you missed this any part of the show you're in luck we post all of our interviews online in full all you have to do is go to youtube dot com slash r t america and there you can watch the interviews as many times as your heart desires and just because the show stops doesn't mean the news does you can also go to our website r.t. dot com slash usa a lot of a dish.


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