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tv   [untitled]    May 4, 2012 10:00pm-10:30pm EDT

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welcome to the loner show we'll get the real headlines with none of the mersey going to live in washington d.c. now tonight we're going to take a look at the jobs numbers that are out for the month of april they're not good so really get into the nitty gritty on our financial check up with lauren lyster host of the capital account here on r.t. then the president says that he still wants the dream act signed it is pens are ready but how much more time does he really have we'll take a look at republican senator marco rubio is a version of the dream act and how some dreamers are warming to it then a new documentary takes a look at police in minnesota who they say are offering drugs to people as part of a test and then sending them to disrupt occupy camps while all of that and more fee
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tonight including a dose of happy hour but first let's take a look at the mainstream media decided to miss. well it's been one of the biggest stories of the week for the mainstream media the story of the blind chinese activist chen guangcheng. diplomatic crisis over the fate of the blind chinese dissident chen guancheng diplomatic negotiations between the u.s. and china over dissident chen guancheng chen sparked the standoff in confinement to reach the u.s. embassy in beijing last week it looks like the start of a compromise this morning after a twenty four hour drumbeat from republican critics who say the administration was bungling a major human rights case there's a possible breakthrough in this diplomatic standoff diplomatic quest mar may be over according to the state department quote mr chen has been offered a fellowship from an american university where he can be accompanied by his wife
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and two children china has agreed to accept travel applications from him and his family agreement seen as a face saving option for the chinese government the state department expects the chinese government to quickly deal with an application to allow this blind chinese dissident to travel abroad and come to the united states the chinese government says that chen guangcheng is the same right to travel abroad as any other citizen of china chinese officials are saying that mr chen can go through the normal channels to have his travel documents processed but state department officials are urging china to expedite that process. this has been a diplomatic quagmire indeed it all happened the same week that treasury secretary tim geithner and secretary of state hillary clinton traveled to china and after the concert were writing that you hear from u.s. officials towards china's human rights record one of those situations that you better get right or shut up but what's interesting about this case is that it's one of those rare stories of the mainstream media loves to pick up on and roll with
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again because it has all the right elements because china is frenemy number one to the u.s. and these kind of very public diplomatic tensions they think matter more than others because to hold a moral high ground over china the u.s. actually need to tread carefully can be more different when it comes to certain countries where our war on terror is playing out the shadow war countries where nobody. pays attention to human rights records and the fate of a lone dissident or even a journalists now the country is that where our government doesn't even like to acknowledge the deaths of civilians due to our own counterterrorism policies like air strikes and drone strikes they are just considered collateral damage and the media takes the same line and the reason to bring this up again is not only the extensive coverage has been given to chen guancheng but also because yesterday was world press freedom day and yesterday president obama issued a statement paying tribute to journalists who have lost their lives freedom or personal when well being in pursuit of truth and justice he called on countries to
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take the necessary steps to create the siamese in which independent journalists can operate freely and without fear and who could not agree with and we all should want press freedom all over the world of course the thing is and this is the administration that launched a massive war in whistleblowers that hurts press freedom but even more importantly in this context of calling on countries we have to remember the case of a hater shi'ite that's the yemeni journalist that jeremy scahill reported on for the nation who now stays in prison in yemen president obama's own request a journalist to report on the results of u.s. counterterrorism policies including an airstrike in which many civilians were killed he was also able to speak to members of a q a p he was reporting on our war on terror a shadow war over the local government covered for our air strikes which we found out about thanks to wiki leaks cables he was reporting on what's embarrassing to the u.s. and today he's still in jail but the mainstream media they don't care then when jeremy scahill story first came out and they'll continue to not care now because
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unlike a diplomatic debacle with china when it comes to get men there is nothing to lose and the white house knows it and the mainstream media knows it and helps keep it that way by ignoring it that they choose to miss. it is time for our weekly financial check up and boy do we have a lot to talk about today jobs numbers were released by the bureau of labor statistics for the month of april and they're not so good the economy created a measly hundred fifteen thousand jobs the unemployment rate fell to eight point one percent but only because the size of the overall label labor force dropped by three hundred forty two thousand meaning the people decided to give up looking for work altogether so now that means of labor force participation rate is at sixty three point six percent which is the lowest mark since one nine hundred eighty one
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stock good news for anybody out there except maybe mitt romney and so looking at the election will also talk about the role of the fed plays and obama's story and hear about the more whining coming from wall street when it comes to the president's policies turns out that if he wants the donations they want to speech so let's get started on your financial checkup. joining me for a buy in for take up is lauren lister host of the capital account here on our t.v. lauren thanks for joining me tonight and this jobs report like i said not all that good not as good even as people were predicting even though people were predicting it was going to be that great but are there any highlights or anything that we can at least point out i don't think there's any highlights in this jobs report sorry i just don't for a number of reasons that you pointed out the labor of the unemployment rate only take down because the labor force participation rate shrank this is a continued trend that has been going on you mentioned it's
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a thirty year low yeah thirty year low since january when there was another thirty year low so this is something we've seen same on the flip side of that that the number of people in the labor force continues to drop the number of people that drop out continues to rise this last time more than five hundred thousand people to all record it eight point four million people the number of jobs added was less than expected the duration of unemployment remains high i mean there's just so many negative trends i don't see highlights no let me ask you one thing i thought was interesting to tom's and pointed out over the atlantic when we're talking about people just dropping out of the workforce he wondered if demographics might play a role right because they need bloomers or growing up right so this population is going to be over sixty five they're going to increase by eighty percent just this decade and so you know he question to i wonder how many people just been forced into early retirement thanks to the recession but also something that. taking you know putting more people into those that have dropped out of the work for you well
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if so i think you have the key word which is forced into retirement i have a hard time believing that this drop in the labor force is because people just want to retire early i mean look back alona two trillion dollars in people's retirement accounts were wiped out during the recession. one in four people according to an a.a.r.p. statistic used up their savings older workers used up their savings during the recession during tough times so these are people that have seen their wealth many of them wiped out their savings wiped out the housing values which is people's kind of key investment those have declined and interest rates are at zero percent so if you're on fixed income or are thinking you're going to live on that you can't live on that so i don't buy that anybody is wanting to retire early on that this is a good thing i see that as a continuation of a negative trend in these are probably people that need to or would want to be working a lot of them and here's another spin on this yeah maybe your people people are retiring early by way of disability insurance there was
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a really startling report from bloomberg i don't know if you saw that the number of people on disability has increased by one point six million since the recession and that this according to j.p. morgan and morgan stanley analysts may account for a quarter of the decline in the labor force participation rate and ninety nine percent of these people on disability stayed there until they retire which i'm sorry is so alarming to me these are people that are too sick either mentally or physically to work and the reason it's credit to is to more lax standards and more lax restrictions on what it means to have to be disabled i think that's a large or i guess you could say right that more people feel that they need to keep working even though maybe they physically or mentally aren't necessarily fit to do so and they just have to push it until the very edge but no you when you bring up a good point that social instability is something where you have to say i can't work and that's why i need this so these are people that are giving up looking for jobs and the labor force and saying i'm going to take disability. and i bring up
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a good point there well you seem very skeptical i don't think it's fair to say that everybody doesn't have insurance policies or a large number i'm not saying it's all fraudulent i'm just saying i mean i'm sure there's people that maybe had disabilities that continued to work but with the employment situation getting so bad obviously those are the people that are going to have a harder time finding. obs and you had a disability and there's facts that support that so i'm not saying this is all fraud or waste and abuse but it does some of it has got to raise some eyebrows and you know i have you i want to switch topics really quick too because we have this big facebook i.p.o. going out and they've released a little video which find a little weird but we have we have a clip of it of mark zuckerberg talking take a look. i grew up with the internet right and i had you know when i was in middle school i was using search engines like google and yahoo and i just thought that they were the most amazing thing right it's it was this complete symbol of the age and which we live where now you have access to all of this information. it's
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actually a really long video it's like thirty minutes long we just get a little clip of mark zuckerberg but i don't know i mean how are we supposed to feel about this so they're trying to make us feel good about the fact that facebook is just becoming increasingly larger and taking over the world and yeah well i think from your perspective because i know you cover a lot of privacy issues that's probably what rings a bell for you for me as looking at this and going there targeting their i.p.o. valuation at ninety six billion dollars alone of this company brings in one point seven billion in operating income that was for two thousand and eleven whole whoa that is a huge valuation i mean that's just unbelievable so i mean i think that's one of the big stories coming out of that is why is there so much faith in this company that they can deliver those kind of returns what an analyst i was just speaking to reggie middleton who covers this company says this is a good story ok this is a story stock everybody knows facebook everybody likes facebook but he said to me how much money have you given to facebook none that i don't like and where what is it just you i was there putting out this video or they're trying to say that you
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you don't understand now everywhere you go facebook will be all around you and you know i guess being the importance of it and was ever present in nature of facebook these days but so i thought that this was kind of interesting because i wondered how many campaign donors there might be you know once we see this public offering in some lefties in silicon valley but there's also apparently more trouble for president obama from wall street the great new york magazine's coming out this weekend i mean apparently they're whining again that the president isn't paying enough attention to them right that he's. it's taken on too much of a populist message but so they want a speech from the president that was such a funny story from that article essentially they were saying you've been giving these class warfare speeches we want you to give a speech where you go out and do the reverse and make amends for that and say the rich are great and wall street didn't cause the recession and and make amends that way but what can you expect if these are his donors wall street gave him a lot of money the last time around and he's out there making these speeches he's
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out there going to these you know it's thousands and thousands of dollars dinners for with contributions and then going out and giving speeches saying raise taxes on these very people it makes sense to me that they would want this but i mean it's money speaks and they're giving that money doing it wrong time around well but the point is they're still giving money to both people right mitt romney is going to be getting more and much more the president is but it also is not as their best shows have disconnected they are the right is that we need a speech is that they don't get enough representation they want them going over their money over washington so they just reach directed towards them and not the millions of people out there all of that are in their money i got to wrap it up but lauren lyster couple of things for our financial check in today thank you. well stick around there is much more coming up tonight we're going to tell you our latest tool time winner and there's a new dream act in the midst but it's poster boy that's a member of the g o p. but
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. you know that the real headline with. the problem with the mainstream media today
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is that they're completely disconnected from the viewers and what actually matters . that's why young people just don't watch t.v. anymore if they want news they go online and read it but we're trying to take those stories that people actually care about and transfer them back in t.v. . is the state run english speaking russian channel it's kind of like. russia today has an extremely confrontational stance when it comes to us.
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our guys have time for tonight's tool time award and tonight the award goes to the heartland institute for putting out a really offensive and ridiculous ad attacking the theory that they like to call it a climate change now you probably heard of this think tank before the heartland institute at the deep pocketed conservative organization that counts the koch brothers philip morris and microsoft among its well heeled donors and it's a good reputation for consistently trying to undermine scientific research that threatens the profits of its gargantuan corporate benefactors the in the ninety's heartland help to divide the industry attacked research the show that second hand smoke is harmful and today it is that the forefront of the effort to undermine the scientific consensus on climate change an effort that might be having an effect on the american education system to take a look at this teachers say they're facing skepticism about climate science eighty
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two percent of science teachers say they faced it from students and fifty four percent say they faced it from parents ninety seven to ninety eight percent of the most published climate researchers say humans are causing global warming still persistent skeptics remain unconvinced he would like to scare you tell you the earth is on fire so well known conservative think tank the heartland institute does not trust the science behind the upcoming standards like to do instead they will try to influence teachers directly. well they already are trying to influence teachers directly a series of leaked emails showed in february that the institute is funding a school curriculum to question the theory that carbon emissions have caused global warming and it's not just crunchy hippies in a majority of scientists the believe in this theory even defense secretary leon panetta said just today that climate change is having a quote dramatic impact on our national security but back to the heartland
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institute considering its lack of respect for science it's no surprise that this organization recently embarked on a publicist a campaign that defies logic and reason one aimed at influencing the court of public opinion by equating supporters of manmade climate change theory to murderers and dictators that's right the heartland institute funded billboards in chicago highlighting the fact that a handful of unhinged individuals may believe in climate change the billboard's read i still believe in global warming to you and they're accompanied by the photographs of people like the unabomber ted kaczynski mass murderer charles manson and former cuban leader fidel castro now at a press release harland added that future billboards in the series might have even included pictures of osama bin laden but we have news or got news just before the show tonight the heartland has decided to pull the billboard looks like the media outcry actually got to them by the fact that was approved by them in the first place goes to show what a backwards organization this is planning
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a billboard doesn't happen overnight there are a lot of people that have to sign off on the funding the design and a lot of decisions that have to be made let's pause for a second to analyze what was so freakishly outlandish about this advertising campaign as if it needed a second thought it goes to show the lengths to which heartland will go to promote its dangerous campaign of disinformation it's bad enough the heartland is trying to curb efforts to reduce pollution suppress the development of cleaner energy whether or not carbon emissions are causing climate change it's even worse and they're actually pulling out all the stops to promote wacky theory that fly in the face of science. of a consensus and it's even worse with this psychotic billboard didn't even get it right according to reports cited by alter net the unabomber his manifesto contains no references to climate change carbon or global warming but the heartland institute really cranks of the ridiculous to eleven here by having claimed that global warming is crazy because a few unsavory individuals apparently support the idea that climate change is real
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and so since they support it anybody else that does they must be a mass murderer. how insane is that so should we discount any idea because a few bad apples support it with sort of world we live in that take for example the interstate highway system here in america the system of highways crucial to the american way of life was the brainchild of president president eisenhower but president eisenhower got the idea for a pretty shady bunch the nazis so seriously in his memoirs he wrote after seeing the autobahns of modern germany and knowing the ass that those highways were to the germans i decided as president to put an emphasis on this kind of road building but the autobahn system was only developed after hitler seized power so would any would dare suggest that american highways should be torn up because they're associated with the nazis only if they had critical faculties of a toddler or people who associate global warming with serial killers that try to make it look like anybody else who does is just like them which in this case is the heartland institute doesn't even matter that they disavow this billboard for coming
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up with the absurd idea to begin with heartland if tonight's tool time winner. well yesterday the president held a cinco de mayo reception in the white house rose garden celebrating the contributions of hispanic americans touting the close relationship between mexico and the u.s. and the president also pandered to the hispanic vote once again by promising that he wants to sign a dream act into law he said that he quote has his pence already now much longer of the estimated one million dreamers out there looking for a path for citizenship wait republican senator marco rubio is pushing for his own version of the dream act and for those whose families or friends are being deported now that actually not looking so bad so how is this fight going to carry out into the general election joining me to discuss it is axel caballero founder and producer of quentin may a brave new foundation project axel thanks so much for joining us again tonight and for starters i mean what's your take on this speech that the president gave in the rose garden and it's his opportunity to talk about
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immigration reform again the dream act again say that these are top priorities of his administration but. do people buy it still. well i think that there is an interesting dilemma happening right now there are a portion of latino it's particularly young latinos and young immigrants who still believe that there can be done so that something can be done by this person that something can be done by this administration that it can be pushed forward now another second believes that they have been let down that there hasn't been enough push that the last round particularly with the dream act was a failed or missed opportunity and that more should have been done to really rally the votes around him and we got closer than ever before so i think that you know right now is the elections are happening again the rhetoric starts on both camps and that's what we're seeing suddenly the dream act is back you know i said i mean
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campaign issue and that's why we have a potential. vice president nominee marco rubio as well as the president talking about this most crucial and most elemental issues right now well so tell me about marco rubio's version of the dream act so far the obama administration his advisors have all come out calling it half cooked i believe was the term they don't like it and they're trying to tell people that it definitely doesn't do enough. well there's two main problems the first one is that it's still very vague so we can't really dive into what this actually is about a concrete proposal it is a stump speech to say it was some say that is just you know political pandering again and that and that is just an issue that he's trying to smooth or soothe their burden as his latino credentials that is senator marco rubio that's the first issue that until we have a proposal we need to kind of step back and see first what is it that this dream
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and now the second part at least from what we've heard it doesn't seem too much of a dream it seems more as a nightmare act why because it you know while it does offer some immediate relief it does not create a really strong i think comprehensive approach to a much much needed. issue and solution we have close to one point two million for rumors in this country and they they were part of the most attention and offering that they need to have it particularly the status in this country whether this proposal is not a legal status is like a limbo it creates some other universe some other fear where these group of individuals will live and if there is and the knowledge that something needs to be done asked as mentioned by senator marco rubio why did britain have to ask you paul why is this proposal being confronted now during the electoral season.
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now that's a very good point right and at the same time you have mitt romney who is i guess you could say the presumptive g.o.p. nominee for president who says that self deportation is a great policy and they should go with that and you have john boehner who's already said that he finds it very difficult to think that rubio's plan would even have any chance of passing before the election hit so it does seem kind of like a dream i guess you could say but have you actually spoken to anybody that's warming at least to this idea of marco rubio's dream act because they think they think that maybe there's some action that might happen sooner jefferson morley was a guest here on my show often he wrote about this in salon and he spoke with some people that point to the fact that they have friends they have family members that have been deported the obama administration has been deporting four hundred thousand people a year and so for them they feel like marco rubio is being more authentic. well that's that's that's essentially one of the issues right it seems to give some
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some false expectations and false hopes it seems more of the same more rhetoric it is not that long ago in fact is that you're going to have a gore two years when he declared that he absolutely would not support any dream act legislation. candidate romney has said that he would not support any dream act legislation so suddenly they see the numbers let's you know numbers you know pretty dismal for. republican ticket and they see a need to burnish those latino protections so they started talking about this potential dream act but if their own party is saying that there's absolutely no possible way that they would really warm up to the idea there is no real support and if this is a half measure like a three fifth's compromise some have called it what it is is pure rhetoric it is false hope and it's dangerous is dangerous for one point two million here who would
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who are desperate who are in need who are really counting on legislators to make the right decision and make the right show is and instead what they're getting is half measure approach that seems to be more or more of the same more rhetoric and less action and let me just clear up for our viewers to talk about this a lot before but the dreamers that we talk about these are young people that they came here at a very very young age with their families that have grown up in the united states that have gone to school here and everything to the word are american right this is this is the place where they have been educated this is the home that they know but they don't have any documents they don't have a pathway to citizenship and so they are stuck in this in this horrible limbo like you said so. i'm curious to hear what your guest is in terms of the hispanic vote two thousand and twelve because we saw in the midterm elections in two thousand and ten at the hispanic population didn't really come out in that strong numbers right now if they're frustrated with everybody are they going to
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come out strong are they just still going to say fine we'll deal with obama and give him another shot or what i believe they're going to come out stronger than if you could interview for not only the dream issue but we have the case merits on the supreme court. coming decision we have consistent bashing our immigrant communities in the airwaves we have a whole slew of issues that is not isolated only to two party candidates but it is really a measure of the power of the latino community has here and i believe that these issues along with obviously the current economic climate is really going to push latino is to really have a hard look at really study the proposals now who are going to go for it that that you know there's there's polls out there that kind of already tell that story but i think it's not going to be a personality contest for the latino community is going to be an issue driven
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contests and things like this like the nightmare act that senator rubio is proposing are not helping the situation because they confuse the electorate he's only trying to burn his financials and that is essentially what's going to be the problem throughout the campaign latino's will get organized you know will get educated and they will go out and vote. for filling us in tonight and i'm sure will be catching up a lot before november and thank you so much for having me on. well just ahead tonight here i was with was seizing domains and websites for copyright infringement well it turns out that at least one case turns out they've been seizing a book or investigating and then we have to ask if cops are giving drugs to occupiers in minnesota after the break we're going to speak to one filmmaker about what he see. you know some good to see a story that seems so. it's.


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