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tv   [untitled]    May 4, 2012 10:30pm-11:00pm EDT

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but. you know that the real headline with. the problem with the mainstream media
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today is that they're completely disconnected from the viewers and what actually matters. that's why young people just don't watch t.v. anymore if they want news they go online and read it but we're trying to take those stories that people actually care about and transfer them back in t.v. . state run english speaking russian channel it's kind of like. russia today has an extremely confrontational stance when it comes to us. when it comes to copyright infringement to our i am homeland security's ice
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department been working side by side to take down those pirates of the ira tell the feds who they think are in the wrong the feds investigate and then they determine if they have the right to seize the domain for that site seems like a pretty straightforward process but what if i told you that's not actually how they operate let me explain think back to november of two thousand and ten when i stated first mass sweep of seizures they took out about eighty web sites that were engaging in copyright infringement and one of them included the music blog the jazz one dot com on that web page created by andrina cvs there were four music tracks of the are on a set of were an authorized to be on the site because they weren't released to the public yet undeceive told the new york times of those tracks were actually sent to him by record labels as samples to get the word out about the upcoming songs but that message apparently was never relayed to ice so in their typical fashion the jazz one dot com was shut down and replaced with that awful seizure logo but here's
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where it gets interesting to see what his lawyer worked for the past few years to get his property back from the feds but it turns out there was a lot going on behind closed doors so apparently the government had trouble actually determining if the music blog was in fact pirating songs so the feds went to a federal judge the resigns to get extensions on their investigation all of this done behind closed doors without informing the thieves or his lawyer but even with those extensions neither the government nor the r i a could come up with a legitimate case against jazz want and the government ultimately gave the site back to its rightful owner oh and here's the icing on the cake the only reason the we even know about these secret extensions is because organizations like the fast and wired asked of the documents be unsealed so my question here is why did the government sees that in the first place they didn't have full proof evidence then that the site was stealing music so it was their reason for taking it down i guess this proves the assumed method of seizing domains. is wrong rather than the feds
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investigating the issue on their own they just blindly follow what the ira tells them to do so basically their policy is seize first and investigate later so that's an incredibly screwed up to anybody else it makes you ask yet again how much control the ira and hollywood in general have over the government to think the very correct in taking down someone else's web page without asking questions without even properly investigating and then scurrying around behind the curtains to build a case that's infuriating and if this can happen with one guy who could actually afford a lawyer to investigate it it makes me wonder how many of those other hundreds of sea sites were also taken down without the proper proof now apparently we're all diversity the feds and they're just a puppet for hollywood and one last thing if they are i a argues the copyright infringement actually kills jobs and isn't it ironic that their response will for moving aside to actually samples new music to perpetuate sales seems like they're hurting their own industry on top of the very thing the
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government on top of trolling the web so hopefully this embarrassment will encourage the are a and the government to stop collaborate and listen before they act in the future not the other way around. well here's a crazy story for you occupy protesters in minnesota are alleging that police officers have been picking up young people on the streets volunteers giving them drugs is part of an impairment study that helps officers identify the symptoms of drug use and there is a program out there called d.r.p. or the drug recognition program in which some officers are certified as drug recognition expert on the minnesota sheriff's department website the program says that it's designed to quote help officers better recognize and remove drug impaired drivers from our roadways however the public information officer for the minnesota state patrol has denied these accusations of picking people up on the street and giving them drugs they say that it's against their policies and against the law to provide people with any sort of illegal drugs or to allow them to use them in their
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presence but the people behind this document documentary well they have something to show for it. to. read everything that people hope but if you're already on the. thank you doctor to give you some more over there you know well your ability to work. and make your program. even a little you know now if i live. for you about this for you you are not necessarily but yes losers. so is this really happening joining me to discuss it is dan fight web developer and volunteer journalist who's also been involved in doing media work for occupy wall street since the start and thanks so much for joining us tonight and i mean this just seems really insane to me so tell me how it is that you came upon this how how it is that you have been out of your camera decide that this is something i got a film. yes well this particular project it came together and through the efforts
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of a bunch of different people who helped film it and i helped as interviews to help do some some of the filming in the editing to get it out and out there people from a rogue media twin cities in the media communities night against police brutality and occupy minneapolis all work together to show this story and what we were able to definitely establish is that there is a program which does give people incentives to become intoxicated so that they're you know so that officers can be trained to see if they are intoxicated and that this was performed mainly at a facility near the minneapolis airport down in richfield but the problem is that for sure that we know that there were no e.m.t. as there were independent of law enforcement present at the richfield site and silly several of the people that went through the program said that they were repeatedly given free marijuana but what's important to realize is that whether or not they were actually given drugs by the police officers any incentive to take drugs in the presence of law enforcement whether it's money or cigarettes or food and as many of these people are hungry you know chemically dependent and so forth
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any incentive is equally unethical and that's part of the core of the issue apart from the you know the shocking claims of the people that were in the program well tell me what you do have then you know on filmy said that these people said that they were given drugs said that they were given incentives right but obviously you didn't go to this facility with them with your camera and get and get that and so you know did you ever see anybody that add to the cop ever approach you and offer you know that you might want to take part in this program because i know they say that these are volunteers. no i did not but again since the video's been out there a lot of people have started talking about that around town saying that this type of thing has been going on so essentially you know we have evidence from you know multiple people just saying that they were being incentivized to take to take drugs you know and in one way or another i think roughly speaking that's the big picture is going to the other thing about it too is that we know these people there were no waivers signed for these people there were your analysis samples taken that are
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presumably still being held by the bureau of criminal apprehension of the department of public safety and that this is a kind of training program that teaches officers to treat people that are chemically dependent as objects it is the people that went through this said that they started getting asked questions about occupy about their political activities about the movements and that you know drugs are being introduced into the equation to incentivize them to talk according to what these people said and so that's what's really troubling is that essentially these officers are being trained to control people through chemical dependency and i think the thirty five minute video shows regardless of the which of the different levels you look at it shows that a real sense of dehumanization a real sense of weirdness setting in over the occupied area and as this program rolled forward they had to use that same plaza p.d. plaza to pick up people in previous years but we were able to clearly document that people are being released with. thank wait for have
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sober then come the police firearm every day if i'm with you now we had a technical issue for just a moment but so in that sense i do think that or do people feel that there is some kind of political motivation as you mentioned that they pick people up from this particular plaza from this area before but did they then try to get them to be you know spies report on occupy what happened next. yes well again i think the political incentive is to train officers into how to convert people into informants if they're at a relatively weak point in the web of power if you want to look at it that way they're trying to say listen officers this is how you start getting information out of people when they are chemically dependent and i think that's pretty clear that like that's a part of the nature of the training of the program it's not just about observing people sizes it's about how you communicate with people and try to get information out of them i think that comes through pretty clearly in the firsthand accounts as the what's her take then you know as i mentioned there is the statement there from the public information officer saying no way this isn't true that's illegal we've
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never done it give a response. well simply put i think that they need to answer for whether or not it is ethical to encourage people to take drugs with any rewards whatsoever not just handing out drugs but whether they're handing out food money cigarettes or other goods then there's a reason that there is no institutional review board oversight of this program because that is grossly unethical and they need to explain whether or not it is ethical to do that and whether or not they have been doing that and that's the point that's been glossed over the ethical level the firsthand accounts are incredibly troubling but the ethical level is i think where we have the strongest evidence to say that this is not a safe or appropriate thing because the war on drugs is a huge corrupt system that needs to be wound down and just stopped once and for all it is used to basically support the interests of wall street hundreds of billions of dollars of drug money moves through the banking system on a regular basis asia specie has just been reported on this subject this week wells fargo is a big player in the city of minneapolis and there are well known to have laundered
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enormous sums of drug money and so we need to basically get at the consequences of financial corruption from the war on drugs but also through videos like this anybody out there can start exposing similar kinds of drug production similar kinds of sleaziness you can see that the officers are clearly uncomfortable because they know that what they're doing is really not ethical and they don't want to be filmed and that type of thing. really in the film so there's a lot of different types of issues with shown within this if you break it down quite apart from whether or not they the police are handing out drugs as the president said that they were well yeah he wanted to. credibly expensive forty year long war on drugs that most people would describe as a failure you know just this film is one way to start but definitely things iran from an epic standpoint to me dan thanks so much for joining us tonight thank you very much good to be with you. car we have one more break but coming up next is a fireside friday and that it's time for happy hour we're going to talk about the
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u.k. wanting to wanting people to opt into porn as well as commemorate the beastie boys . you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so. you think you understand it and then you know some other part of it and realize everything. you don't know. is a big. blow
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to the counseling i'm laura mr. perry good. luck in the aloneness so you'll get a real headline with none of them are the problem with the mainstream media today is that they're completely disconnected from the viewers and what actually matters to those viewers and so that's why young people just don't watch t.v. anymore if they want news they go online and read it but we're trying to take those stories that people actually care about and transfer them back in t.v. . marti is the state run english speaking russian channel it's kind of like.
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russia today has an extremely confrontational stance when it comes to us. to tonight's fireside your host cops. say secretary leon panetta gave a speech to troops at fort benning the focus of this speech was discipline after the numerous incidents this year in afghanistan the military has launched a new campaign to remind u.s. forces there representing the american people need to behave to military standards now what incidents my talking about well there was the video of troops here in aiding on taliban corpses the photos the release to the l a times of troops posing with an insurgent corpse the burning of korans at parwan led to protests all across afghanistan and of course the massacre of seventeen civilians allegedly by staff
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sergeant robert bales not only these incidents affected public perception of the war here at home but they clearly affect the perception of the war in afghanistan itself and some of these events are horrifying the massacre of women and children is an excusable and nobody would argue otherwise and the young soldier that gave photos over the l a times well he claimed that his reason for putting them out into the open was a breakdown of leadership in his unit that he felt contributed to these kinds of actions but the thing is it's about so much more than that if you want to target mid-level commanders i think you also have to speak about those at the top the generals that testify before congress and speak to the press and give false evaluations of how well the war's going and we've documented time and time again on the show how the facts and the figures don't add up to what the leadership tells us not only that we have to realize what over ten years of war can do to people multiple deployed. it's fatigue a crisis of conscience and confidence the broader question of what exactly are
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these men and women fighting for and that is a question that president obama left broadly and answered this week when he flew into kabul for a surprise visit to sign a strategic agreement with hamid karzai to mark the one year anniversary of the death of osama bin laden and the president trying to sell it is the beginning of the end of this war he said that the war began in afghanistan and would end there this decade of war he said that of course without acknowledging that we have multiple shadow wars going on that will remain ongoing in pakistan yemen and somalia and he said all that despite the fact that this strategic an agreement involves a commitment of ten more years past twenty four team a commitment of aid and assistance which no numbers have yet been given that he said the troops will continue to fight and risk to lose their lives until two thousand and fourteen and some will beyond and he said it's because we have to end this war responsibly what does that even mean how do you end the longest conflict in u.s. history which has been a series of failures responsibly and more importantly how do you remind troops that
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they have an image and standards to uphold when the commander in chief has not responsibly laid out why they're still going to be there to what end the waltzer and out of this is to say that there isn't a talk to be had with the commanders with the troops that a breakdown in leadership and discipline is not is a contributing factor to what's been going on but it's not brush over the obvious let's not ignore the fact that these troops have been overstretched over deployed all the command of the president and the military leadership who have not made their case for why. ok it's for a happy hour enjoyed a busy evening ardsley web producer andrew blake and jim hansen retired special operations master sergeant and military blogger black by dot net. thanks for
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joining me gentlemen my pleasure to. do this yeah. oh yes that is some really sad news today for music fans we lost a beastie boy take a look. reports just coming in that beastie boys band member adam yoke has died he had been battling cancer for years the beastie boys are widely considered one of the most influential pioneers in the hip hop world they were inducted into the rock n roll hall of fame just last month was forty seven years old. you just ruined. right here and off the ground i mean she said i'm going to start now i mean i remember that you were going to go who wouldn't want to be cry he was an awesome party animal himself so yeah we're said he's dead but if you see boys rock they party they want to greatest videos ever sabotage they actually fall so they're going to party they did you know i sang sabotage karaoke last week and i don't want
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to necessarily do a repeat this week but i feel like it's only happening did you are going to have exactly the kind of everything said at the time you have to come today and see we love ok. street d.c. see there are a lot of. parts a i can't make plans but not that i would love to partake in some karaoke with you but. not leaving notes on she's in the lead it's no fun no fun the ghost of adam is going to haunt you forever now my mother is visiting me in town where i didn't know you did my mother really showed you here i do think you did your mother your mother is alive your mother now the spirit of the beasties will have to live on without you. tell your mom it's about i was thinking. so in the u.k. they're doing crazy stuff right first they said the eye is peeved have to block with higher pay now they're toying with this idea prime minister david cameron
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expected to consult in the next few weeks as to whether or not p.s. are going to have to block porn and then force people to actually opt in to watching porn online and so as you can imagine you know there are some people out there that aren't so happy about it. the government needs to make clear from the outset that they would not consider the kind of great fire wall of britain system that would require or internet connections to be moments where a bureaucrat. where the site's connel cannot be seen in the u.k. . that guy was the wrong one spokesman for what a ponzi brit. no matter that part of a civil liberties group called big brother watching cares about the issue come on it's not just about porn jim there is no issue here you have to opt out you have to go ok so you do that anyway when i watch porn which is constantly i o. k. . ok i'm going to watch it. you have to do that you have to push ok i do want to do
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a lot of really weird sites you've pushed ok come on come to you don't have i don't know ok first. of all i'm not i don't sit around watching internet porn all the time like and part of my job actually the web department it's imperative that i do that you're fired here's the thing you can talk about things that you have to push ok there's two issues first of all he's absolutely right anybody who wants to watch porn will push ok the internet was born because people want to point so bad they give their credit card numbers online that's a fact but the bottom line is it's wrong to have the government deciding which sites or which i mean if there's a nip slip on n.b.c. is it suddenly a porn site no you don't want the bureaucrats doing that sort of poncy brit was right the porn guys they're going to click ok if not it's also not our government so why do we care because our government does every dumb thing the brits do three years later it's coming. on its way to porn let's talk about this story out of kentucky this is just so messed up so in liberty
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kentucky officials forced everybody to buy this ten dollars sticker and you had to put it on your car if you lived or if you worked in town then they would set up these roadblocks and so people that had the sticker they let him on through. people didn't have the steak or was it essentially just get interrogated about where they live where they work and one of the guys they ended up searching his car found a little pot so he ended up taking this to court and the supreme court in kentucky ruled with him that basically it was a violation of his fourth amendment and you can't just agree the pointing out that had checkpoints set up to stop vehicles individualize sides of suspicion on the random chance it's too great of a breach of a wall of protection that you're supposed to have just because you were on a sticker they're going to satisfy their problem it's like a fourth amendment thing like i mean i didn't feel i was blackmail issue no i'm no history buff believe it or not but i'm pretty sure that the last time the man said oh you have to pay money for this thing otherwise we're going to you got to put it
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places i think we started a war over that didn't we a little bit there are some cannons and some gun revolutionary war stand up until it could be somebody that. was awesome i mean it's true though that's what happened there is that in that the coffee or whatever. and you know you know you're losing it like you're going to have to buy your registration and put the sticker on your car but this is it's extortion it's blackmail it's worse than that i mean first of all they shouldn't be randomly stopping cars just because they need revenue and the bottom line you know you pay the fine to the cops beforehand so they don't stop you know keep in mind that you can get out of the t.s.a. these days pay them a little ahead of time and you can bring all the drugs through you why this is this is kentucky so with the exception of k.f.c. ingenue churchill we know that nothing good has ever come out of kentucky so it's not that surprising and jennings original are the. the only two k. . i'll go with ashley judd should from kentucky why do you know this. yeah she's
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ashley judd is hot so. let's move on to a little story shyly. there is a giant massive super moon that's going to be what i was going to say to us on display not like it's on display for a lot of what is it going to be one of them i'm going to see her move on saturday where in the sky would think deal all right next. to vanity but i don't think i will give it some to look at this clip of the way any wife right magazine who never seems to want. it is going to be a bell oh no that's for sure it's going to be the closest approach the earth of the year and it's a full moon so we call it the super moon and because of that there will be bigger and brighter than you would typically see up to twenty percent brighter in many spots. i think about
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a come on that's kind of creepy you know sometimes in the i feel like i was kind of creeped out when the moon looks. you know it's american werewolf in london or something along those lines will be just fine i think though that was really cool some advertising on it would not be kind of a rock n roll and i. guess i see all the great pictures out there. so i could plug ok you know i have a minute i'm not i think oh let's see how much you can ruin these two. go on there and they have to really brand of days we decide to put together today our scuse me tomorrow is naked gardening day for those of you who didn't know but today is star wars day here's some explaining what it is to. start or say they go for it is the clamor it's for the stars should i say may the force here so today instead of saying that for speed which you say may be the floor of feet with you i was. it's really just an excuse for her to put on now to shut up and make it garden that
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was cut off of the princess and then they could go to get. the rest of it now it's really depressing that that video is going to get way more hits on you tube than this video ever will. this is a kind of very rigorously cut off so just shot alone no i don't have the prince's leg get up quite going but will you be you to provence will be rocking them. but you know if you do do some make it gardening this weekend where you talk i will give you a clue that i've been through and posted on the internet because the thing to do because i can do that thanks for joining you guys are going to be here. tonight thank you for tuning in and. make sure you come back on monday also does joshua holland is going to be on the show to talk about new research that shows that republicans are more susceptible to fear and liberals are in the meantime don't forget to become a fan of the a lot of show on facebook and follow us on twitter if you missed any of tonight's or any other night's show it's all the you tube dot com a lot of show and coming up
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next is news. story. and the. other part of it and realize.
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mr. buck and they alone are so they'll get the real headline which none of them are the problem with the mainstream media today is that they're completely disconnected from the viewers and what actually matters are those that's why young people just don't watch t.v. anymore if they want news they go online and read it but we're trying to take those stories that people actually care about and transfer them back in t.v. . is the state run english speaking russian channel it's kind of like. russia today has an extra.


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